
Do you believe it is wrong for society to dump on obese women while obese men are too often excused from criticism?

Question: The word 'obese' should never be taken as a derogatory term. It should simply be just another term to describe the human anatomy. I will write here only about obese women and not about obese men because obese men, as a rule, are not subject to the same harsh treatment by society. Obese women do not deserve the harsh treatment they are getting from society. In fact, recent studies have shown that there are actually benefits to being obese as long as health is not an issue. The fact is, not all obese women develop heart disease or cancer as we are being misled to believe. Many obese women go on to live long, healthy lives. A woman who chooses to be obese has every right to do so and she should never feel ashamed or embarrassed about her body, no matter how much criticism comes her way. And, as I already pointed out above, there are benefits (and also advantages) for women who are obese. For example: Obese women are less likely to develop osteoporosis (and a number of other serious diseases) than their slimmer female counterparts. That is because (and studies have also shown this) that obese women have larger, thicker bones than their slimmer female counterparts. Also, many, if not most, obese women are physically very strong (they are stronger, in fact, than many men are!!!). Dr. Dean Edell (he's an M.D.) pointed this out on his national radio talk program by stating (in his own words) that there's 'An Arnold Schwarzenegger' inside there, meaning that they have large muscles underneath their extra adipose tissue (commonly called 'fat'). As a man who has had obese girlfriends as well as thinner girlfriends, I know from firsthand experience that an obese woman is every bit as warm, loving and tender as any other woman is. I must admit that I have always felt (and I still feel) loved and protected while being held in the strong arms of a loyal obese woman. So now, back to my question: Do you believe it is wrong for society to dump on obese women (or obese girls)?
Created by: defndrofobeswom at 10:46:55 PM, Friday, September 11, 2009 EDT


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