
Is mixed wrestling real???

Question: I see a lot of videos on youtube nowadays where women dominate men in mixed wrestling matches. I also noticed that a lot of guys submit when girls apply headscissors or bodyscissors on them. I personally think it is fake cuz it's pleasing for both the guy being trapped in girls' legs and us who get to watch it. I mean what guy (unless you're gay) would resist a hot chick wrapping her legs around him? What are your opinions?
Created by: real or fake at 06:37:25 AM, Saturday, July 16, 2011 EDT


(131 votes)

Yes. Mixed wrestling is real. Some girls are strong enough to actually make a guy submit.
I think some are fake and some are real.
No, Mixed wrestling is fake and it is there to help guys jack off.
I bet it is fake up to the point where the guy lets a girl wrap her legs around him, but it is real that he can't get out of it once she has him trapped.

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