
Are we attracted to members of the opposite sex who look like ourselves?

Question: Are we attracted to members of the opposite sex who look like ourselves? Not talking about height weight or hair color, but similar facial structures. I am attracted to faces similar to talk show host Leeza Gibbons and ex CNN anchor Paula Zahn. And not suprisingly, they are attracted to my facial structure because they are similar. Now thats not the end all and only the beginning. She maybe genetically atrracted to my face structure, but is turned off by my acne scars.Maybe she thinks I have too much hair or too little. Maybe I am too skinny or too fat or too short or tall. In the end, despite this genetically programmed initial attraction, she may conclude I am the ugliest dog around. So are we initially attracted to members of the opposite sex who has similar facial structure?
Created by: Seriousq at 10:05:28 AM, Tuesday, November 10, 2009 EST


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