
younger better endowed guys

Question: Hey I am an 39 year old married man. We have no kids and I am no way interested in abusing children or shit like that. But one thing is on my mind since I turned 18 or so: The size of my genital ;) I am somewhat average with 5.25\
Created by: mhurtz at 11:59:58 PM, Friday, July 10, 2009 EDT


(536 votes)

I am a male with a small/average penis and I am fascinated by younger with big ones
I am a male with a small/average penis and I am embarrassed by younger with big ones
I am a male with a big penis and I am fascinated by younger with big ones
I am a female with and I am fascinated by younger with big ones
I am a male with a big penis and I am embarrassed by younger with big ones

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