
For very strong, very stocky women and girls: Are you stronger in the arms AND upper body than the average man?

Question: Well, ladies? Are you stronger than he is??? Are you stronger in the arms AND in the upper body than the average man (5-ft-9 and 175 lbs)? A man's arm strength and his upper body strength are what makes him a man!!! We already know how strong many women's legs are. Many women's legs are SUPERSTRONG!!! However, the arms and the upper body are an entirely different matter. If you are stronger than he is in the arms and in the upper body, which height category do you fall into? Medium (5-ft-2 to 5-ft-7)? Short (under 5-ft-2)? or tall (over 5-ft-7)?
Created by: AVG MAN at 10:44:50 AM, Monday, June 22, 2009 EDT


(15 votes)

I have more arm and upper body strength than he does and I am tall.
I have more arm and upper body strength than he does and I am short.
I have less arm and upper body strength than he does.
I have more arm and upper body strength than he does and I am medium height.

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