
Do you think a very large, incredibly strong lady who is very, very short (4-ft-10 or shorter) is stronger than most men?

Question: I have to admit that over the years, I have seen, and I have also physically encountered, some really big, incredibly strong ladies as short as 4-ft-10 (and even shorter!!!). Judging from what I have witnessed, I think such a big strong lady, despite her very short stature (4-ft-10 or shorter), is stronger than 80% of all men (MOST MEN!!!). I also think such a big strong woman (or girl), despite her very short stature, is stronger than ALL SKINNY MEN (100%!!!). What do you think? And if you are that very, very short, big strong woman (or girl), what do you think?
Created by: MIDTOWNGUY at 12:09:51 PM, Thursday, June 18, 2009 EDT


(17 votes)

I think she is stronger than all skinny men but most men are stronger than she is.
I think she is stronger than most men and she is certainly stronger than all skinny men.
I think she is not as strong as men because she is too short.
I am that strong lady. I am stronger than most men and I am certainly stronger than all skinny men.
I am that strong lady. I am stronger than all skinny men but most men are stronger than I am.
I am that strong lady. I am not as strong as men because I am too short.

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