
Do you think a girl becomes sexually aroused after she proves to a guy that she is stronger than he is?

Question: This poll is FOR GIRLS AND GUYS!!! As we all know, many girls like to flaunt their physical strength, not just in their lower body but in their upper body as well. Do you think a girl becomes sexually aroused after she proves to a guy that she is stronger than he is either by beating him at armwrestling, by outlifting him in weightlifting or by winning a wrestling match after she takes him down and then she pins him to the canvas? Your comments or stories (or both) ARE WELCOME!!!
Created by: WANTS TO KNOW at 10:14:30 AM, Tuesday, June 09, 2009 EDT


(191 votes)

Yes. She becomes sexually aroused
Yes. She becomes so sexually aroused that she masturbates uncontrollably right in front of him!!!

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