
Does being fat USUALLY increase physical strength while being skinny USUALLY decreases physical strength?

Question: Because there are exceptions to just about every rule, the key word here is: USUALLY!!! It is assumed that fat people are USUALLY stronger than skinny people. Is that really true? I believe it is actually true. I am over six feet tall but I am very skinny. I am not malnourished or anorexic. I am simply VERY SKINNY!!! I am actually in good health. I am not physically strong because I am very skinny with only a small amount of muscle. I don't engage in physical tests of strength against fat guys so my guess is that just about all fat guys are stronger than I am. However, as a skinny guy, I enjoy engaging in physical tests of strength against fat girls. I engaged in many physical tests of strength with many fat girls, all of whom weigh more than I do (many weigh far more than I do) and all of whom are shorter than I am (many are far shorter than I am). Most of the time THOSE GIRLS WON!!! That is how I was able to determine that most fat girls are stronger than I am. So, is it really true? Does being fat USUALLY increase a guy's or a girl's physical strength while being skinny USUALLY decreases a guy's or a girl's physical strength?
Created by: THE THIN ONE at 11:43:28 AM, Thursday, April 16, 2009 EDT


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