
Sons better endowed than fathers

Question: From reading posts on other topics and discussions with other fathers it seems like a lot of sons are better endowed than their fathers - sometimes even at a very young age. I was curious to hear from fathers who are smaller than sons and sons who are larger than fathers to get their opinions.
Created by: jeff6_30 at 08:54:21 AM, Thursday, October 02, 2008 EDT


(983 votes)

I am a son whos penis is larger than my fathers - I am now the man of the house
I am a son whos penis is larger than my fathers - I could care less
I am a father who's penis is smaller than my son - I am ashamed.
I am a father whos penis is smaller than my sons - his big one turns me on
I am a father who's penis is smaller than my son's - I am proud of him
I am a son who's penis is larger than my fathers - I like to make fun of him
I am a son whos penis is bigger than my fathers - I am ashamed of his small size
I am a father who's penis is smaller than my sons - I could care less

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