
Are here the women who can make a man kneel before themselves to ask their pardon?

Question: I believe that a first weak matriarchy begins when a woman can make her man kneel before herself to beg for pardon. How many women here have done it? And how many males here have had to do it?
Created by: nixxx at 06:47:17 AM, Thursday, November 15, 2007 EST


(223 votes)

I'm a Woman and I have made my hubby/bf kneel before me whenever I want (in private)
I'm a male and I'll never do such a dishonorable thing
I'm a male and I have to kneel before my wife/gf whenever she orderes me (in private)
I'm a male and I have had to kneel before my wife/gf to beg her pardon for a wrong-doing
I'm a Woman and I believe than my man should never do such a dishonorable thing
I'm a Woman and I have made my hubby/bf kneel before me whenever I want (in public)
I'm a male and I have to kneel before my wife/gf whenever she orderes me (in public)
I'm a Woman and I have made my hubby/bf kneel before me to beg my pardon for a wrong-doing

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