Merv Hughes is the best! Screw cricket, damn that sport Jimmy McJackassDec 02 2004 10:56pm www.likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2550 AnonymousMay 25 2006 7:30pm Nyfb……………………… Hey. MadduDec 26 2013 4:13pm *Maddy MaddyDec 26 2013 4:13pm T.T I was never mad, I wasn't even on on Christmas eve,christmas,and yesterday SlitherDec 26 2013 8:59pm HEY!=0 GabbyDec 27 2013 7:40am Hi BrendonDec 27 2013 7:41am Hi TigerEyez c:Dec 27 2013 7:43am hewwo!=) GabbyDec 27 2013 7:43am BOO! Boogey Man!Dec 27 2013 7:44am u ok GabbyGab :) BrendonDec 27 2013 7:45am ehehe =) i wuv the boogeyman!;P GabbyDec 27 2013 7:45am o,O: Gwen StefaniDec 27 2013 7:45am Hey boo bubbaDec 27 2013 7:45am I will kill you! Boogey ManDec 27 2013 7:46am Yea logan asked me out!=D GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 7:46am lol i cal Gabby at my school GabbyGab BrendonDec 27 2013 7:46am I wuv Brendon BadAssBitchDec 27 2013 7:46am Thats Great ;) happy 4 u :) BrendonDec 27 2013 7:47am Hey Aphrodite:3Dec 27 2013 7:47am who are u ???0_e @Badassbitch BrendonDec 27 2013 7:48am Hehe nahhh you won't kill meh i'm too cute!;D n hey bubba!;P GabbyDec 27 2013 7:48am Im ur worst nightmare! BadAssBitchDec 27 2013 7:48am Have any of u seen Tobby :( Kenzie:DDec 27 2013 7:48am great so ok are ya blade :P BrendonDec 27 2013 7:49am No@Kenzie Aphrodite:3Dec 27 2013 7:49am no i haven't seen tobby sowwy :( GabbyDec 27 2013 7:49am lo cuz we r dating and i love her BrendonDec 27 2013 7:49am No BadAssBitchDec 27 2013 7:49am u caught me BladeDec 27 2013 7:50am i wanna cry..i think he likes someone else while we r dating..he hasnt talked to me since the begining of december Kenzie:DDec 27 2013 7:50am BadAssBÃtch are you lilliana? GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 7:51am -hugs u- hahah BrendonDec 27 2013 7:51am O.o yeah. I'm just bored & i do love Brendon LilliDec 27 2013 7:51am Wyd sis. Hugs and kisses ur cheek bubbaDec 27 2013 7:52am oh wait blade doesnt say Love or wuv..she says like :( BrendonDec 27 2013 7:52am Lickin my cats cat! GabbyDec 27 2013 7:52am ahaha o well BATMAN GET OFF MY DÃCK I'M SOWWY IF IM RANDOM USE YOUR WORDS ROSE IS A FUKIN BÃtch dÃck from titanic!XDDDDD GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 7:53am Y do u love me...and no she doesnt put tht as her name BrendonDec 27 2013 7:53am LMFAO! WATER PROOF YO FUKIN MAKEUP UR HAIR LOOKS LIKE SHÃt!XDDDDD GabbyDec 27 2013 7:54am Okay? i love u cuz ur my ex. I regret hurting u Brendon, please dont yell at me LillianaDec 27 2013 7:55am Nice try she puts something else as her name... BrendonDec 27 2013 7:56am It's my name, Lilliana. I shorten it to Lilli sometimes Lilli/LillianaDec 27 2013 7:57am I'M WATCHING JENNA MARBLE VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE SAY GOOD BYE NINJA TURTLES YEA THEY SOOO SEXY THEY GOT LIKE CHEST PLATES N SHÃT MMMMM LMFAO!XDDD GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 7:58am IK THT BUT SHE HAS A DIFF NAME ON HERE SMART ONE!!!..tel me if ur the real Lilliana then tell me when is my bday....and my prized posestion BrendonDec 27 2013 7:58am ur prized possession, hmm.. the navy coat ur gpa gave u. B-day Is like in between January 1 & December 31. I dont have good memory Lilli/Lilliana/Artemis:3Dec 27 2013 8:01am he didnt give me a navy coat :/ he gave me his navy UNIFORM big diff...and i dont love u..... BrendonDec 27 2013 8:02am ok well no one talkin ta meh=( if ima hooker everything gunna b fine some rich dude is just gunna come n buy meh n say i want yo babies!XDDDD LMFAO ITS OK TO BE A HOOKER CUZ EVERYTHING IS GUNNA BE JUST FINE FOR YOU!lmfao xD GabbyDec 27 2013 8:02am i'm sorry u can't let bygones be bygones Lilli/Artemis:3Dec 27 2013 8:03am XDDDDD I SPEAK MY MIND BÃTCH! GabbyDec 27 2013 8:03am NO I DONT LOVE U!!!!!! NEVER WILL AGAIN U HURT ,E DEEP..I DROPED IT,.. I HAVE A GF NOW AND I WONT LOVE U!!! i refuse to..dont vome here and start drama ok BrendonDec 27 2013 8:04am lol Gabby ur no hooker ur a great person :3 BrendonDec 27 2013 8:05am DIRTYDANCING TOUGHT ME IF A GUY REALLY LOVES YA HE'LL LIFT YA OVER HIS HEAD LMFAO!xDDD GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 8:06am Please calm down. and why dd u hurt if u dont love me? LilliDec 27 2013 8:07am SEXYTIME!!!!=D GabbyDec 27 2013 8:07am I guess i'm pretty useless. TigerzEye c: has been ignored :/Dec 27 2013 8:08am lmfao this bÃtch jenna marble rocks!XD MMMM CHEST!XDD DAFUQ!? GabbyDec 27 2013 8:09am no plz talk to me anyone!FFFUUUUUKKKIN TALK TO MEEHHHH!!!!>=D GabbyDec 27 2013 8:10am I WANT LOGAN! Gabby misses her boo!Dec 27 2013 8:11am Hey@Gabby TigerzEye c: aka Karen c:Dec 27 2013 8:11am Hey!;) wyd? how are ya?@TigerzEyec: GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 8:13am it hurt cuz i used to love u untill u did wT ya did Brendon--out--Dec 27 2013 8:14am Artemis..u have a bf CarterDec 27 2013 8:14am nnnooo brendon stay n talk to me = 'C GabbyDec 27 2013 8:15am I'm listening to music full blast and taking selfies. And I'm good, I jus miss Edgar, you? TigerzEye c: misses LionHeartDec 27 2013 8:16am FUKKKK! Gabby lol love storiesDec 27 2013 8:16am fine BrendonDec 27 2013 8:16am Do it look like i'm flirtin'? No. I'm trying to be FRIENDS with Brendon.@Carter Artemis:3 name is LillianaDec 27 2013 8:18am Lol im w/ my ex n jose(he still trys ta get with meh) looking at youtube videos! Gabby <3's LoganDec 27 2013 8:18am no i am askng if you have a bf...i like u :/ CarterDec 27 2013 8:20am Yea brendon YA STAYED FOR MEEH!!!! mmmm ninja turtles! =DDD Gabbywabby Dec 27 2013 8:20am you like my lil sis..can i be ur big bro on here..i will protect u from mean ppl ......i think ur a great friend BrendonDec 27 2013 8:21am Cry me a river! GabbyDec 27 2013 8:21am Awe. Not permanately bc he's thinking about it. And awe, ur sweet@Carter LillianaDec 27 2013 8:21am Wait are ya talkin to me brendon if ya are yea you can!=D GabbyGabDec 27 2013 8:23am Gabby is like a sis to me! *Hugs Gabby* :)@Gabby LillianaDec 27 2013 8:23am *hugs lilli n licks her face n giggles* ehehe yea i wuv lilliana like a sista!=P GabbyDec 27 2013 8:25am Yeah. I never knew what it was like to have a sister, i'm an only child on my mom's side, on my dad's side i have 3 siblings(One has cancer ): i'm praying for him) Lilliana wants Carter to talk to herDec 27 2013 8:28am :( CarterDec 27 2013 8:28am :( awe Gabby is always here!Dec 27 2013 8:29am UGH I HATE SPORT BRAS THEY FUKIN SQUISH MY TÃTTIES!>=0 GabbyDec 27 2013 8:32am What's wrong? *Hugs you*@Carter ik ur here!@Gabby LillianaDec 27 2013 8:32am well my mom died of breat/lung cancer...when i was 5..im 14. i have shaggy but kinda short Dirty blonde hair....i have blue eyes, and i play football, basketball, and i swim...i sed to play tennis... um i have 2 dogs, a black and white spotted great dane named Herculeles however u spell it, and a huskey named Shasta :)...i have 1 older bro he is 17 he is named Carson....ok soo yeah ilive in Sandusky Ohio..... CarterDec 27 2013 8:35am Breast cancer not breat lol BrendonDec 27 2013 8:35am u spelled it wrong..ok im sorry i will leave Bye :P Brendon-Gone-Dec 27 2013 8:36am lol GabbyDec 27 2013 8:37am i really like u Lilliana CarterDec 27 2013 8:38am Awe now i really want logan!='C Gabby is cryingDec 27 2013 8:40am - sighs hangs head, walks over sits on a couh all sad- Carter, is depressedDec 27 2013 8:41am LOGAN IS MY SUN HE MAKES ME SHINE!!! GabbyDec 27 2013 8:42am Logan will love me when im no longer young and beautiful! GabbyDec 27 2013 8:44am My mom has blood clots in her lungs, she found out she has a Hernia, & my dog ran away 9/11/13, & this other dog, he died of Parvo, i have 3 puppies, one is full Beshone Frazae & the other one is Beshone Frazae & Chihauha mix & the older puppy is Chihauha, Yorkie, & Jack Russell Terrior mix. I'm mexican & cherokee indian, i'm a brunette, i have dark brown hair & a birthmark on my forehead bc i'm Indian LillianaDec 27 2013 8:44am lol logan lives in bakersfield so he live like an hour away from here. GabbyDec 27 2013 8:47am Ok well i see you guys don't wanna talk to meh! =/ GabbyDec 27 2013 8:48am And i'm in Louisville, Kentucky@Carter LillianaDec 27 2013 8:48am I'll talk to u! Hey!! LillianaDec 27 2013 8:49am i have a birthmark on my head tht makes tht circular area of my hair bleach blonde..when the rest is dark blonde CarterDec 27 2013 8:49am =// GabbyDec 27 2013 8:50am who is ur bf:/Lilliana' Carter is depressedDec 27 2013 8:51am Meph/Viper. i'll brb g2g lunch time LillianaDec 27 2013 8:52am I REALLY WANT TO ASK LOGAN IF HE WILL STILL LOVE ME WHEN I GOT NOTHING BUT MY ACEING SOUL! GabbyDec 27 2013 8:52am well..forget about me :/ Carter,is sad now heartbrokenDec 27 2013 8:53am Gabby :) LoganDec 27 2013 8:54am THS WORLD IS FULL OF GODS AND MONDTERS IN THIS WORLD IM ONE OF THE ANGLES LIVING IN THE GARDEN OF MONSTERS!=/ GabbyDec 27 2013 8:54am ^forget bout that logan hey!;P GabbyDec 27 2013 8:55am -hugs you- I love You No Matter what GabbyWabby LoganDec 27 2013 8:56am Wyd babe Gabby #^_^#Dec 27 2013 8:56am Eh Nothing Watching TV You Baby :) LoganDec 27 2013 8:57am Awe!^_^ ehehe -hugs u back n kisses u on the lips- i love you logan! you are my everything! You are the sun that makes me shine!=) GabbyDec 27 2013 8:59am Ha just here with jose (ugh i hate it when he touches my hips) lol he got bÃtchslapped by meh!;PP XD GabbyDec 27 2013 9:01am -puts hand on ur upper leg- :) dont worry i love u more LoganDec 27 2013 9:02am GabbyCan u make a post for me in love telling Artemis to come here and talk... CarterDec 27 2013 9:03am eheh yea ik logan!:) carter just make it urself GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 9:06am i cant it wont let me log in :/ Carter is very upset, wonders atdid he do wrongDec 27 2013 9:07am I have a secret i have been keeping from you:) LogamDec 27 2013 9:08am trust me lilliana will come back! GabbyDec 27 2013 9:09am What is it logan? GabbyDec 27 2013 9:09am If I were with you I would make love with you..i love you that muh :) @Gabby LoganDec 27 2013 9:11am Awww;p :) Idk but this song is my fav. song of Lana Del Rey its Gods and Monsters i guess i can relate 2 this song in a way. GabbyDec 27 2013 9:14am -kisses u deeply - LoganDec 27 2013 9:15am mmm-kisses you- I LOVE YOU LOGAN THERES NO WORDS THAT COULD EXPRESS HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU! GabbyDec 27 2013 9:17am I WILL DO WHATEVER FOR YOU LOGAN! I just wish i could be right beside you right now babe! Gabby Dec 27 2013 9:21am HHey Lilliana... is backDec 27 2013 9:25am Hey lilliana GabbyDec 27 2013 9:28am Logan babe are you still there? GabbyDec 27 2013 9:29am Logan text me back dude. I'm bored af! AH BLOODY(Bloody means fu ck in britain) HELL!xD Lilliana got free pizza from people in da United Kingdom!Dec 27 2013 9:32am F*ck yeah,give it to me,this is heaven, what i truly want GabbyDec 27 2013 9:35am Put ur hands on my waist,do it softly,me nd god don't get along....so now i sing no one gunna take my soul away! GabbyDec 27 2013 9:39am No it doesnt :/ i used to live in England....we r moving bck there nxt week CarterDec 27 2013 9:46am No! U know u live the state next to me right? LillianaDec 27 2013 9:47am Yeah :/ im sory CarterDec 27 2013 9:48am do u find British guys attractive CarterDec 27 2013 9:50am Lilli is logan ok? GabbyDec 27 2013 9:50am It's okay:) I dated Beni & he lives in Sweden, he's originally from Hungary(That's in Europe, right?) So ur not going to be REALLY far. Email me at scar.my.name@gmail.com @Carter LillianaDec 27 2013 9:51am he wants to sext ya:/ LillianaDec 27 2013 9:51am im on a ds i can email srry CarterDec 27 2013 9:52am Depends@Carter He probably fell asleep again@Gabby LillianaDec 27 2013 9:52am That Lilliana that said "he wants to sext ya :/" wasnt me LillianaDec 27 2013 9:53am Okay, phone?@Carter LillianaDec 27 2013 9:54am Wtf!?! i don't like fakes aww its fukin 10 in da morning dat nìgga can't be asleep! GabbyDec 27 2013 9:55am yeah but i dont know weere it is but i can honestly say..i love u CarterDec 27 2013 9:57am He fell asleep at 3pm he can be sleeping, it happens LillianaDec 27 2013 9:58am Awe... ur sweet *Blushes* LillianaDec 27 2013 9:58am Carter I lost my fluffin phone too!-_- it sucks ass!XD Gabby Dec 27 2013 9:59am -turns walks to my bedroom shuts door lays on my bed- But u have a bf CarterDec 27 2013 10:00am O well i guess i'll wait till he comes back....actually ima go to the pool with danny n jose tell him when he come on that i'll be on at 5 or 6ish bye guys!:) GabbyDec 27 2013 10:02am Ik. I actually would blush irl that's why i said that i did that LillianaDec 27 2013 10:02am so you'll be back when it's 7pm her??? LillianaDec 27 2013 10:03am here** LillianaDec 27 2013 10:04am im sadddd CarterDec 27 2013 10:04am Yea GabbyDec 27 2013 10:05am don't be sad carter your a sweet guy i would go out with you if i didn't already have a bf.. GabbyDec 27 2013 10:07am Awe, why? *Reaches my arms out for a hug, if u need it*@Carter LillianaDec 27 2013 10:08am Me too. I would go out with u, but i got a bf LillianaDec 27 2013 10:08am bb.bbbut ii am sad CarterDec 27 2013 10:09am *Holds u in my arms* why? *Smiles* how could anyone love me? I mean i'm ugly, mean, sommetimes friendly, but i know if me & him dont work out, i'll go out with u:) but dont give up. LillianaDec 27 2013 10:13am Sometimes** LillianaDec 27 2013 10:13am Awe trust me you'll find that one person for you carter you got a sweetheart,you sound very handsome, and you are caring. GabbyDec 27 2013 10:13am -hugs u, u lay ur head n my chest- can we at least do this :/ CarterDec 27 2013 10:13am Yeah :) LillianaDec 27 2013 10:17am nvm CarterDec 27 2013 10:17am What? :/ LillianaDec 27 2013 10:18am ok CarterDec 27 2013 10:18am IN A LAND FULL OF GODS AND MONSTERS I WAS A ANGLE LOOKIN TO GET F*CKED HARD LIKE A GROUPIE INCOGNVITO POSIN AS A REAL SINGER LIFE IS IMITATES ART. GabbyDec 27 2013 10:18am You're sweet, u know that? Have u heard anything from Meph/Viper? LillianaDec 27 2013 10:20am no:/ CarterDec 27 2013 10:21am Ha am i random?@Carter GabbywabbyDec 27 2013 10:22am *Sits in ur lap* wassup? LillianaDec 27 2013 10:23am If i get a little bit prettier can i be ur baby?;P GabbyDec 27 2013 10:24am Who u talking to?@Gabby LillianaDec 27 2013 10:25am Yes and i love tht!!!! Hha -smiles puts hands around your waist- nm you just drawing...for christmas i got a 28 pckg of rare limited edition of all the sharpie markers..many colors lol CarterDec 27 2013 10:26am Cool:) *Giggles & blushez* LillianaDec 27 2013 10:28am wat should i draw..and um ur name kinda doodled itself onto my paper :P...wit u wanna be my baby????@gabbywabby CarterDec 27 2013 10:29am Id even fukin know who im talking to but im talking to you lilli you got that medicane i need,fame,liquor,love,give it to me slowly.put ur hands on my waist,do it softly me n god don't get along so i say...f*ck yeah,give it to me,this is heaven,what i truely want.!:) GabbyDec 27 2013 10:29am Ummm...;p yea i kinda do carter!;) GabbyDec 27 2013 10:32am 0_e CarterDec 27 2013 10:32am wat kinda baby like WAAAA CHANGE ME, IM HUNGRY GOOGOOO baby, or Ilove you, me and u 4ever 2gether...dating Baby Xd CarterDec 27 2013 10:33am Mmmmhhhmm.Awe! How sweet:) You doodled my name *Hugs u & smiles* LillianaDec 27 2013 10:33am Ahaha never mind its ok =) i see you would not want me like that n i ment the 2nd one!XD But yea....:/ GabbyDec 27 2013 10:37am i would loves to have u as my gf....@Gabby CarterDec 27 2013 10:46am both of a perfect CarterDec 27 2013 10:49am u guys there CarterDec 27 2013 10:49am He said yes! LillianaDec 27 2013 10:50am -_- CarterDec 27 2013 10:51am yea sorry my FRIEND pushed me in to the pool! GabbyDec 27 2013 10:51am ok CarteDec 27 2013 10:53am HA I WAS ALREADY IN MY BIKINI SO I DIDN'T GET MY CLOTHES WET!;P Well i need to talk to logan. n i gotta bf already so we f*cked!XDD GabbyDec 27 2013 10:54am i guess im n0 longer wanted :/ CarterDec 27 2013 10:55am no we can be friends carter! GabbyDec 27 2013 10:56am no..i dont wanna be friends with a gal i like CarterDec 27 2013 11:01am Wow that sucks carter need a hug BunnyDec 27 2013 11:02am yeas CarterDec 27 2013 11:02am *gives u a hug* BunnyDec 27 2013 11:04am oh...:( you like me? why do you like me? GabbyDec 27 2013 11:06am -Hugsu bck- i liked u guy soo much CarterDec 27 2013 11:07am Cuz you are ah-mazing...and fnny, and u r just like me :/ CarterDec 27 2013 11:08am Well ill leave u two alone unless u want me to stay BunnyDec 27 2013 11:09am wellidc CarterDec 27 2013 11:11am Bye then BunnyDec 27 2013 11:11am :) awww well why can't we be friends? You know i like you a lot but i have a bf.....im sowwy that it makes you feel bad..:( *hugs carter n kisses his cheek* GabbyDec 27 2013 11:13am Gabby tell me...do you have feelings for Cater :P LoganDec 27 2013 11:14am -hugs u kisses ur cheek CarterDec 27 2013 11:14am Carter, it was a fake, i'll go out with u if ur okay with that LillianaDec 27 2013 11:16am no it is not u CarterDec 27 2013 11:17am yea but im with you logan;P n WTF NÃGGA NOW YOU SHOW UP!?!? XDDD Anyway i missed you baby!:///3 GabbyDec 27 2013 11:17am -sighs...i want him and u to be happy tho LoganDec 27 2013 11:18am I'll leave... :,( LillianaDec 27 2013 11:18am Prove that it is rlly u lilli CarteDec 27 2013 11:20am I am happy you are the sun that makes me shine logan if i lose you ima lose myself!='C GabbyDec 27 2013 11:21am It is me! How do i prove it? You want me to tell u my birthday, 10-5-00 i'm in Louisville, Kentucky, i have 5 dogs 1 of them ran away on 9-11-13 & the other one died of Parvo, one is a full blood Beshone Frazae & the other little one is Beshone Frazae & chihauha mix, & the older puppy is Chihauhua, Yorkie & Jack Russell Terrier mix. There! LillianaDec 27 2013 11:24am LOGAN DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!=''C GabbyDec 27 2013 11:26am anyone can read tht and copy it down CarterDec 27 2013 11:31am FINE IDON'T WANT MY HEART TO BREAK IN TWO!ITS SO MUCH BETTER TO BE FAKE. I SHOULD HAVEN'T TOLD THE TRUTH. =''C GabbyDec 27 2013 11:32am WHY FALL IN LOVE IF LOVE SUCKS!=''CC GabbyDec 27 2013 11:34am 'would you go with me...would you go with me if we rolled down streets of fire, would you hold onto me tighter as the summer sun got higher, If we roll fm town to town and never sut ittt down, would you go with me if we were lost in a feild of clover, would we walk even closer until the trip was over...And would it be ok if I didn't know the wayyy:)' Carter..is in loveDec 27 2013 11:34am I aint leaving u LoganDec 27 2013 11:35am wait u were tht lilliana who re asked me out CarterDec 27 2013 11:36am NOW I KNOW NOT TO GET ATTACHED TO SOMEBODY YOU COULD LOSE!=''CC GabbyDec 27 2013 11:36am :( CartrDec 27 2013 11:40am HE ISNT LEAVING U..... CarterDec 27 2013 11:43am =''C *sits in a corner in a pitch black room crying* GabbyDec 27 2013 11:43am - walks in turns and slams into a wall and falls to the floor- Ow CarterDec 27 2013 11:44am I WANT HIM TO TELL ME HOW MUCH HE LOVES ME! GabbyDec 27 2013 11:44am *giggles* no carter don't make me laugh.;PP GabbyDec 27 2013 11:46am ummmmmmmmmmmmm...ok i will leave ima cry CarterDec 27 2013 11:46am -sits in the closet shuts the door CarterDec 27 2013 11:48am ok bye. =( Gabby is going to drown herself in the pool bye!Dec 27 2013 11:49am LOL DANNY MY FRIEND MIGHT SAVE ME AGAIN WHO KNOWS. *shrugs shoulders* GabbyDec 27 2013 11:52am I HATE MY LIFE I AM GOING TO KILL MY SELF..-runs to the kitchen grabs a knife put it to ky throat, a tear goes down my cheek, i fall to the floor leaning aginst the cabinats, knife held againt my throat- CarterDec 27 2013 11:53am Carter dnt AnonymousDec 27 2013 11:55am i guessu dont care about me CarterDec 27 2013 12:02pm wat CarterDec 27 2013 1:22pm Awe... Carter... you're so sweet:) rεαΙ Artemis/Lilliana/Lilli Dec 27 2013 1:24pm I wanted to chat, i do love u, i also love Mephiles, i don't want to hurt him... but i don't want to hurt u either. *Folds my arms & sits my arms on the floor & lies my head in my arms* LillianaDec 27 2013 1:28pm -sits with u- CarterDec 27 2013 1:49pm Why?… MaddyDec 27 2013 2:10pm y wat CarterDec 27 2013 2:28pm Poop AnonymousDec 29 2013 12:07pm 4PBShB Thank you for the auspicious writeup. It in fact was a amusement account it. Look advanced to far added agreeable from you! However, how could we communicate? oEXEIomONDec 21 2014 5:24am whoah this weblog is exelnlcet i like studying your articles. Stay up the great work! 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