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Question: Is boybandbum the biggest fucking homo loser on likelike?
Created by: screwedup at 01:25:45 PM, Saturday, August 05, 2000 EDT


I have got to start putting up haredr questions. You both got it it's an alarm. When an external circuit is energized, the relay closes sending 3 volts to the little buzzer at left. The external circuit is AC so there's a diode to make sure the relay gets pulled in the right direction. The pot trims volume of the buzzer. Circuit in question is a doorbell; as my hearing got worse I couldn't hear the doorbell upstairs.Snapped the picture before throwing the thing away because I thought the battery corrosion was rather pretty.

TkkhOLUNfdYSfpJvNov 30 2012 11:43pm

That's mean, this should be deleted.

AnonymousJul 12 2013 6:20pm

-1'May 25 2015 1:09pm
This one sissy man

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:58am
I mean there is no woman enjoying becoming stronger than husband, especially so strong that she can actually lift hima nd a charirwhere he is sleeping

manlymanNov 15 2016 5:58am
she is 180 like me an around 75 kilos

manlymanNov 15 2016 5:59am
Don't be so sure, sylvia might like it😂😂 why are you so scared of her going to the gym?!

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:59am
have you ever met some woman who become lot stronger than husband from weaker?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:00am
Good 34, 180, 75kg. She's perfect to build muscles. So when she wears high heels she's taller than you 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:00am
Yes lots of them. I'm an expert with such thing

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:01am
yes but she rarely does wear hills, lots of them become stronger? or lot strongr ehehe there is a difference

Manlyman#Nov 15 2016 6:02am
Lool she should start wear heels more. It depends what the woman really want. Women have too much strength on their bodies so they can become as strong as they want

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:04am
but depends how strong the man is and howmuch is the dirrefence in strength at beginning and at the end of the transformation

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:05am
I don t think your friends become so strong to lift theyr husband on a chair for example

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:06am
Actually not true because when a woman decides nothing can really stop her except herself. 2 months ago I was chatting with girl here, her biceps was 9 now it's 13 same size as her bf, now she wants to surprise him when she reaches 15 can you imagine 4 inches in less than 2 months

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:07am
Some of them become that strong, it also depends on the woman size, but Sylvia has a decent size she might be able to do it if she wants

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:09am
is impossible if someone is like 50 years old to become stronger I guess

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:11am
yes but this women who surpassed the husband how big and strong are they now?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:11am
No it's not especially for women because they start having more male hormones after 40. Why are you discussing people on 50s I'm 30 and Sylvia is 34 we can be so so strong

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:12am
One of them is really really strong. She's 180 and weight 93 kg pure muscles while him 78 slim man

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:13am
she can beat him in fight? or armwrestling?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:14am
Come on invite Sylvia to this chat

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:14am
Yes easily both of them and wrestling and lift and carry. She also pin him always during sex

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:15am
how big are her muscles now? does she enjoy being stronger now?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:17am
I'm not sure of her size I have many wife students to guide. But yes she's so so so happy

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:18am
dos she can beat him armwrestling with 2 arms vs one as well? why you teach to woman this?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:19am
They come to me. Women have great strength they should discover it. Yes she can now

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:20am
So what about Sylvia. What does she work??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:21am
wtf you make a weaker woman so much stronger than him, he is very upset i guess now

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:21am
she is an housewife i wrote you :)

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:21am
Not upset surprised and scared of her 😂😂💪🏻Wife rule

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:22am
Sorry didn't notice great so she has lots of time to work out attend wrestling classes etc...

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:22am

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:23am
Yes go to the gym. Why are you scared?? Probably you know inside yourself that she's stronger than this why you're scared that she might know her real strength

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:24am
i cannot imagine my wife lifting me ovehead for fun or loughing at my attempt to win armwrestling

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:26am
Why it's great

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:28am
If she can why not to enjoy it!! Tell me the truth aren't you suspicious that she's strong but never showed it to you before?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:29am
enjoy waht

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:30am
Her being stronger. Let me chat with her. I have feelings that she's already strong wife

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:31am
why an houswife need muscles? tell me 3 examples where her life will be easier with strength like gym monster woman

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:32am
Why you need such an argument anyway. Lifting benches of the garden. Changing the car wheels. Lifting couches to clean under it. Lifting beds

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:34am
Say the truth isn't she strong 💪🏻already??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:35am
if whe gets so strong she can lift part ofthe coush tolean it whil i am sleeping on it!

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:35am
sheis but not more than me

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:36am
if she gets so strong she could lift part of the couch with me lying on it!!

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:37am
Yes of course she can

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:37am
So she's stronger than you. Right? But not big difference. How big is her biceps??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:38am
yes but with 17/18 inches biceps

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:38am
no i am stronger than her like 10% more i suppose

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:39am
Okay that's really good. So her biceps is bigger than yours right? What about her thighs probably big as well

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:39am
no no i think she is smaller,imean she can easily lift couch if she will have 17 inches and is too much for me , the difference would be so big

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:40am
How do you know? Have you wrestled? Nothing wrong with being weaker than your wife. It's so normal just admit it

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:40am
because i lift heavier groceries and work in to the garden i told u

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:41am
How big is her biceps now?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:41am
i don t know mine relaxed are 12 and 13 flexed

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:41am
how about yours relaxed?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:41am
Yes but maybe she can do better if she wants. I have feelings that she's strong woman

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:41am
she was sporty and fit in highschool so she is not a weakeling for sure

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:42am
So hers are Same size. Mine 22 relaxed

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:43am
22 invhes relaxed?! and when you flex?!

mnankymanNov 15 2016 6:43am
What type of sport??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:43am
24 I suppose

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:43am
no she isn t same size I think, she use to be a fast trak and swimmer

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:44am
I asked for your bicep not yur leg sorry

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:44am
Good swimmers have great bodies. So hers are like 11/12

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:44am
I will ask her the emasurements

mnlymanNov 15 2016 6:45am
Yes that's my biceps. My calves are 26 my thighs are 31

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:45am
Okay ask her biceps, calves and thighs

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:46am
31 relaxed thighs?!

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:46am
you can ask her when she is back hime if u like

mnlumanNov 15 2016 6:46am
Yes, this's why I can't wear anything except really short shorts 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:47am
sorry and flexed?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:47am
So will she start chatting here

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:47am

manlyNov 15 2016 6:47am
33 I think

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:48am
Cool. Tell to start now

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:48am
i think i can litterally sit acrss your biceps and ride it is sooo big it can hold me up and if you flex and relax and flex it will be like a muscle rodeo

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:49am
Hahaha yes you can see muscular women are amazing.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:50am
yes mena tat you can really do it?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:50am
and how can i her on your bicep? i can t jump that high

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:51am
If you have small ass, yes why not?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:51am
is not about my ass but my weight

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:52am
You climb on my body or I can lift you. Which you prefer?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:52am
lift me for sure but how?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:52am
Your weight isn't a problem. So it's only your ass size now.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:53am
my ass is average for a guy

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:53am
From under your armpit, then place you at my biceps

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:53am
can you put one arm between my legs and just stand up with me sit on the bicep?

mnalymanNov 15 2016 6:54am
Maybe you should make it little smaller. So you need diet 😂 Where's your wife? 😡

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:54am
she will be home in 30 nub she said

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:54am
Yes sure that's a good idea

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:55am
no problem to perform this lift?

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:55am
You said she'd house wife. Was she seeing someone else ?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:56am
no was buying groceies

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:56am
No not at all you''re only 80 kg. Piece of cake

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:56am
I'm sure she's carrying groceries better than you 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:57am
i am shy to tell you but i just had a orgasm thinking about you able to lift me with just one arm between my legs

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:57am
I m thinkung yu would carry groceries and me ahah

manlymanNov 15 2016 6:58am
Really cool now Sylvia will read this 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:58am
It's so easy to make you horny Sylvia is lucky wife

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 6:59am
yes very easy you just need to be able to lift 80 kg in the air with one arm

manlymaNov 15 2016 6:59am
Ya that's like carrying a baby for me 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:00am
you are making me feel like one

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:00am
Hahaha, for me you're. Hope Sylvia someday will become your mother 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:01am
yeah a babyhaving orgasm riding your massive arm

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:02am
you may have a dirty bicep

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:03am
Lool that's weird.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:04am
You'll clean me at the bath later. It's your duty

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:04am
i may orgasm also when you let me ty armwrestling

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:04am
You orgasem all the time 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:05am
only when i see your strenght or size

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:05am
oh yes i will clean in the bath, can you flex while i cean?

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:06am

AnonymousNov 15 2016 7:07am
Sure, but you have to clean every cm ofy body even my ass

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:08am
is my dream

AnonymousNov 15 2016 7:09am
Really!!! My dirty ass!!

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:10am
all of you

AnonymousNov 15 2016 7:10am
Okay it's my favourite as well to have a man cleaning my ass for sn hours

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:12am
Where's Sylvia??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:12am
please use me gfor your weifght training i know you can

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:12am
no idea she said 3o so she will be here close

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:13am
haveyou ever used somenoe as a weight to train?

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:13am
Yes sure I can. For biceps and squads

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:15am
biceps??? squatt i suppose i am very light

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:16am
Haha yes you're

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:17am
biceps you can yse 2 guys smaller than me one each arm can you try?

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:20am
I might but how can I lift them from their asses? Your wife is so slow

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:24am
omg could you ? i was joking

manlymanNov 15 2016 7:26am
hallo I am silvye, sorry my english, how are you my husband want to talk me with you

syNov 15 2016 7:27am
The weight I can lift it, but there's no weight to lift one in one arm and train at the same time

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:27am
Hi Sy very nice to talk with you. I met with your husband on this website and you're very lucky to have this husband. I have few questions want to ask about your relationship with your husband.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:28am
why lucky? yes you may ask please

syNov 15 2016 7:30am
He's lucky to have you as wife. How did you meet? And he told me you have open relationship so I want to know more about that

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:31am
we met in highschool, but we are both very horny and we like to keep fire up with open relationship

syNov 15 2016 7:33am
So you met in high school and you're 5 years older than him, cool. Great I love open relationship. Did you have sex with many other guys during your marriage how many ? Who suggested the open relationship?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:36am
In my relationship with my husband I'm only allowed to have sex with others not him

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:36am
Sorry if you don't want to chat that's absolutely just let me go

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 7:46am
Anyway darling Sylvia, I just want to tell you, that I'm very big muscles strong independent and liberal married woman. While I was chatting with your husband here I've noticed that he's not really strong masculine guy, and he has secret crush to strong woman with big muscles who can humiliate him. So I was wonder why you don't start lifting weights, and taking wrestling classes. I've noticed you're not small lady, 180 and 75 kg. And of course you're looking for something to spice up your sexual life with your husband and dominating him can really be the trigger. However if you need help in lifting weights or wrestling or if you have any questions how strong muscular women treating their husbands please ask me.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 1:32pm
yes I use to do repetitions for him, we both decided this type of relationship, how do you know all theese things about my hsband and me?

syNov 15 2016 3:35pm
I know few things. I also helped lots of wives in developing their sex life snd relationship by being stronger and muscular and take control over their husbands

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 3:41pm
Your husband told me few things. Hope you don't mind.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 3:46pm
but what you mean he has muscle fetish?

syNov 15 2016 3:47pm
Yes he has. He loves women with big 💪🏻, he loves strong woman, and dominanted woman

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 3:51pm
You know these days more and more love big muscular women, not only your husband. This is why I advise all married women to hit the gym and starts lifting weights

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 3:53pm
Do you know someone like that

syNov 15 2016 3:55pm
Yes lots of men. But unfortunately my husband not one of them. But many men come to me beg me to let them touch my biceps or thighs or calves. It gives you great feeling

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 3:57pm
They beg you to let them touch your muscles?

syNov 15 2016 3:59pm
Yes literally begging me. Lots of men love to be beated, humiliated by us strong women

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:00pm
And honestly I think your husband is one of them. So you can start pumping muscles both of you will be happy

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:01pm
You think he likes muscular woman? You allow them to touch you?

syNov 15 2016 4:02pm
Sure i let them. Why not? It gives me great feeling. Yes absolutely he likes muscular and strong women

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:03pm
Wha appened when they ask

syNov 15 2016 4:04pm
He never told me that

syNov 15 2016 4:05pm
Nothing, they come to me, probably they'll ask me to touch my thighs. Usually I'm wearing always short shorts, so i let them. They start touching my thighs and saying nice things about it. Sometimes they kiss it as well

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:06pm
In public?

syNov 15 2016 4:06pm
Maybe he's shy. I think you should start doing it by yourself

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:07pm
Start being muscular?

syNov 15 2016 4:07pm
Yes in public, but many many times. I took them back to my place so we can wrestle and compare muscles

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:08pm
Yes and not only muscular but strong as well

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:08pm
Really? In public bus they approach you touch and kiss legs?

syNov 15 2016 4:08pm
Muscular mean strong;-)

syNov 15 2016 4:09pm
Yes, because my thighs are so muscular and big 30 inches pure muscles. It's great feeling to make a strange man kiss your thighs or calves in public because you're so strong

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:10pm
Yes you're right but I think it's useful to have lessons in wrestling or boxing

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:11pm
30? You can make him sit in your leg

syNov 15 2016 4:11pm
Yes, basically after I beat men in wrestling when we're home i let them sit on my legs

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:12pm
I meant in the bus

syNov 15 2016 4:12pm
You like to see you bigger than other?

syNov 15 2016 4:13pm
Haha, no never put on my lap in public. Only at my house. But they touch kiss my muscles and feet in public

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:14pm
Ohh SY it's the best for a woman to see her self much bigger than men

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:14pm
You dominated them just by the presence of your body mass?

syNov 15 2016 4:14pm
Harder bigger muscle than man

syNov 15 2016 4:15pm
What do you mean? I dominate my men in every possible way

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:16pm
Yes I love it. When I stand with a man infront a mirror and my body is much bigger, muscular and harder

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:17pm
I mean if in bus they start kiss you is because even if you are not using your strength they recognised immediately who's the stronger

syNov 15 2016 4:17pm
How you can measure size strength and hardness?

syNov 15 2016 4:17pm
Yes sure. So when he starts kissing my thighs for example all what I have to do is moving my feet so they immediately understand that I want them to kiss my feet. So they start kissing even it's so humiliating in my culture for a man to kiss woman's feet

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:19pm
The man will measure me, and we flex to each other. Plus we'll be almost naked so it's so easy to know who's bigger 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:20pm
But also you arm generly are bigger?

syNov 15 2016 4:20pm
Sure my biceps is 22 inches it's much bigger than your weak husband thighs

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:21pm
How about Ho can you measure strength and hardness of muscle

syNov 15 2016 4:22pm
22 inches is very big, I don't know how big my hubby is

syNov 15 2016 4:23pm
You mean the man muscles? I don't I just squeeze his muscles until he scream from pain

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:23pm
Of both his and yours, how can man check your hardness

syNov 15 2016 4:24pm
Your husband biceps is 12. Smaller than mine in 10 inches I told you he's not strong. I'm sure you know that better than me

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:24pm
He can touch all my body muscles, and try to squeeze it. Of course he'll be exhausted and can't squeeze anything

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:25pm
Just 12 inches? ! Are you sure? My hubby isn't very strong but not weak he is average

byNov 15 2016 4:26pm
He said so 12 or 13. I think you can never know maybe you should wrestle with him after few training sessions

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:26pm
So what I understand he squeeze your arm with 2hands and no results and vice versa you can squeeze his

syNov 15 2016 4:27pm
You try to convince to become muscular to?

syNov 15 2016 4:28pm
Exactly but I use only one hand and maybe two fingers and men will be screaming

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:28pm
Yes I think it's the right decision for you. You'll be great at sex, you'll have much more men than now. You can beat any man you want. You can control your husband life. And he loves it why not

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:30pm
What do they usually do when they see squeezing isn't possible even when they use more stheghn

syNov 15 2016 4:30pm
Also you have good size. So you'll become in short time, and as your husband said you were swimmer so I'm assuming you the base of muscles

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:31pm
How strong my hubby wants me to become?

syNov 15 2016 4:31pm
Maybe stronger than him but not with big difference but I think it's your decision if you want to become much stronger go for it girl

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:32pm
So will you start tomorrow? Sy

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:33pm
I'm sure he challenge you in something

syNov 15 2016 4:33pm
I need to know more about this before i decide if you don't mind

syNov 15 2016 4:34pm
Not challenge because he's like baby to me 😂. He asked me to lift him, and give him arm wrestle, etc...

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:34pm
Yes sure please ask me anything. I'm very strong libral independant woman. I wrestle men a lot. I have husband and boyfriend

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:36pm
To lift him?weird. ..and can you? How about armrest? Your arm is bigger than him

syNov 15 2016 4:36pm
Arm wrestling him and my husband using 2 so 4 hands against 1 of me. Lift sure I can with one arm

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:37pm
You can lift my hubby with one hand? 1!!

syNov 15 2016 4:38pm
Yes absolutely I can use him as a weight for my training 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:38pm
Really? Isn't him heavy?

syNov 15 2016 4:39pm
Regarding arm we rest i don't understand

syNov 15 2016 4:40pm
No not at all in my biceps training i use the weights 150 kg for 10 reps. So 80 kg is a joke

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:40pm
Woooow very powerful if you can do 10/150 kg than with hubby at least 30

syNov 15 2016 4:41pm
I meant. They will be 2 men. Each man will be using his both arms. They'll be trying to beat me in arm wrestling. I'll be using 1 arm

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:41pm
Exactly I told your husband is a baby to me 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:42pm
I thought he wanted to cheat using 2arm but it was you asking for it?

syNov 15 2016 4:43pm
Yes, I think they should bring third man with them so at least they can move my hand.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:43pm
Move to win?

syNov 15 2016 4:44pm
No just move it. Even three men like my husband can't win against me. But 2 men definitely can't move my arm

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:45pm
So you are basically a beast of hard muscle and strength

syNov 15 2016 4:45pm
Haha, yes you can say that. But at the end I'm a woman 💪🏻

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:46pm
I guess he would start to cry if he sees he can't win

syNov 15 2016 4:47pm
Yeah a woman sorry I didn't mean to be rude

syNov 15 2016 4:47pm
Really your husband cry. I make lots of men cry by spanking them on their naked asses. 😂💪🏻

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:48pm
Do you love watching him lose to me? Or cry between my arms?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:48pm
Nobody cried when he could see was useless and too weak?

syNov 15 2016 4:48pm
No,but they cry when I wrestle them or spank them

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:49pm
Cry between your arms what would be the reason for him to be crying

syNov 15 2016 4:49pm
You spank men uuuuh sounds exciting

syNov 15 2016 4:50pm
I'll be spanking his naked ass with my slipper.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:50pm
Really we can do it together when you start hitting the gym 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:51pm
He would look so smal close to you

syNov 15 2016 4:51pm
I have extremely big feet 46 so I use my slippers in spanking men's asses😂💪🏻

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:52pm
Do it what

syNov 15 2016 4:52pm
Yes that's the point he'll be so humiliated 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:52pm
Spanking our men. Don't you want to try it once?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:53pm
But it requires a lot lot lot of strength to hold a man like that

syNov 15 2016 4:53pm
I can't imagine that my hubby likes this

syNov 15 2016 4:54pm
No worries I'll be spanking your husband, while you will be spanking my husband or boyfriend they both weak and thin. You can choose

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:54pm
He'll be like this. This's why you have to start gym ASAP

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:55pm
Oh but I am not so strong to hold them, you are very sure to manage to hold him long usually they resist before they cry from spanking

syNov 15 2016 4:56pm
Don't worry I know you can handle my husband and boyfriend. Usually 2 minutes then starts crying

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:58pm
But he is stronger and younger if I train i will loose weight not earned strength and size

syNov 15 2016 4:58pm
Who do you want to spank my husband or boyfriend it's too much fun😂😂 believe me

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 4:58pm
So 2min of spank

syNov 15 2016 4:58pm
Husbands exchange? For spanks

syNov 15 2016 4:59pm
No you don't have to lose weight. You should eat a lot during your training and I mean a lot, and you should start immediately with weights lifting ni running or anything else just lifting weights

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:00pm
I might organise a small home gym to begin with

syNov 15 2016 5:01pm
Okay cool 😎 I like that husband exchange for spank. Also how do you he's stronger? You should trust yourself believe me women are stronger

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:01pm
Well you definitely are super-stronger

syNov 15 2016 5:02pm
It depends which easier for you. Home gym let you train for long hours good ideas

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:02pm
I meant after they cry we stop so 2min of spank session

syNov 15 2016 5:03pm
Thank you I'm sure you will be so strong very soon. And your husband will suffer under you 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:03pm
No we don't have to stop you can continue until you want. In my house men are women toys 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:04pm
Ii have a question you are an enormous woman and crazy strong, you weren't always that big and strong of course, on the gym when you started sone guys were bigger and stronger isn't it?

syNov 15 2016 5:04pm
And you usually stop if they cry?

syNov 15 2016 5:05pm
Yes only when I was teenager men were bigger than me. Then I become much stronger and bigger like 12 years ago now I'm 30

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:06pm
It depends if the spanking is after wrestling yes i stop, but if it's punishment no I don't

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:07pm
Have you ever met someone from that gym that looked very strong at the beginning but compared to you now is very weak?

syNov 15 2016 5:07pm

syNov 15 2016 5:08pm
So after wrestling you always spank men?

syNov 15 2016 5:08pm
Actually i made my own gym many years ago. But my previous trainer now fear me to death. So do you want to stopp when my husband start crying?😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:09pm
Why does he fear you

syNov 15 2016 5:10pm
Yes after wrestling it's always. Punishment for my husband and boyfriend. Or other men if they say something bad about my life style for example

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:10pm
Because I'm much stronger than him 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:10pm
So you destroy them in wrestling they are beaten than you lift put on your lap and spank?

syNov 15 2016 5:11pm
I have to tell you something hope you don't mind. I have rule in my house everyone should be either naked or topless. So we wrestle like that and spank like that is that alright??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:12pm
How does he know that? I didn't know if I continue spank maybe I like

syNov 15 2016 5:12pm
Yes I like to humiliate men after wrestling so I spank them and force them to kiss and worship my feet have you tried it before??

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:13pm
Never ever

syNov 15 2016 5:13pm
I'm sure you'll continue my poor husband. 😂 I beated him and destroyed him many years ago he spent a night in the hospital 😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:14pm
They are already humiliating by wrestling. Spank after is abuse eheh

syNov 15 2016 5:14pm
Never ever on what??!

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:14pm
I know but I'm stronger and it's my rule 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:15pm
I thought you showed him in his gym how much stronger you were in front of his mates

syNov 15 2016 5:15pm
Yes I beated him in the gym.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:16pm
I mean in lift competition

syNov 15 2016 5:16pm
Never ever had kissed feet

syNov 15 2016 5:17pm
So do you have problems being naked ir topless you or your husband? Have you tried before a man kissing and worshipping your feet?

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:17pm
No i am modern girl i can have naked around me

syNov 15 2016 5:18pm
Ohh poor girl your husband never kiss and worship your feet. After becoming strong you'll have lots of men to do it. No not lifting because he was wrestling trainer

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:18pm
Oooh so you destroy a were sling guy? Was it easy?

syNov 15 2016 5:19pm
Good girl. Don't worry you'll only be naked around my husband and boyfriend and they're hardly real men 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:19pm
Yes it was easier than I thought. Although he was big tough guy 2 meters 100 kg blackguy but I just destroyed him

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:20pm
Would be so funny in the gym some guy put his max on the leg press and then challenge you to do better, than you lift him and other 2friends over the leg press so to add their weight and start with leg press more repetition

syNov 15 2016 5:21pm
Haha that's funny I can do it when you visiting me

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:22pm
So was easy and he needed hospital? You definitely need just one arm to win my hubby

syNov 15 2016 5:22pm
Can you do it really?

syNov 15 2016 5:22pm
Maybe the guy is strong and can do 200 kg prese

syNov 15 2016 5:23pm
Yes because accidentally I kicked him in the face and his nose and teeth were smashed. Plus one of his rips was broken when i sit on him. Your husband maybe 2 fingers 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:23pm
Ah ah how can you beat him 2fingera

syNov 15 2016 5:24pm
Yes I can leg press at least 500 it's piece of cake

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:24pm
In arm wrestling i don't need more than 2 fingers against his 2 hands 😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:25pm
500 kg? So he is let's say lifting 200+3average guys of 80kg you may lift it too hard?

syNov 15 2016 5:26pm
I'm really angry 😡 of your husband that he never kissed or worship your feet he's so rude.

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:26pm
No it's not too hard it's my avarage weight in leg training

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:27pm
Really 2finger in armwres?

syNov 15 2016 5:27pm
Yes and he won't be able to move my hand believe me your husband is just a pussy

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:28pm
I want to show my husband you lifting so much plus 3guys, what would you say to him?

syNov 15 2016 5:28pm
You tried two fingers against your husband?

syNov 15 2016 5:29pm
Oh I really don't know how to talk I know how to beat. You can say whatever I want while I'm lifting😂😂. Just the idea of 2 ladies humiliating all these men make me wet

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:30pm
Yes not only my husband and other men and won it. Honey this post will close we should move to the exactly below this one

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:31pm
You can say hey little man jump on i need more weight. ..but maybe would be too much

syNov 15 2016 5:31pm
I would a man to jump but when I look at your husband I would say no not you, I need someone heavier😂😂

Wife Woman Nov 15 2016 5:32pm

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