Question: Pick what you feel about GAY or Bi people!
Created by: JJgirl at
02:14:01 PM, Saturday, June 24, 2000 EDT
Why would it matter?
AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:23pm Who put other?
AmandaJul 24 2000 7:23pm This is a VERY stupid poll-
KatieAug 12 2000 7:30pm i dont care about gays their like anyother human bein just atrated to the same sex as them i think alot of them are kool to hang out with except if they hit on me ummmmmm no!
acid-bitchAug 21 2000 10:28am who put gays make them sick no one should get on your nerves because of sexual preference its stupid to think that way. I really dont care what you like just as long as you know i'm straight
blehAug 22 2000 9:27am I think being gay is soooo nasty! Its not the way it is supposed to be! Guys are supposed to be with girls and girls with guys. Its so wrong to be gay!
AnonymousFeb 05 2001 2:16pm I think being gay is soooo nasty! Its not the way it is supposed to be! Guys are supposed to be with girls and girls with guys. Its so wrong to be gay! They dont make me sick (only Brittany Spears makes me sick) but I dont think they are right. Its not like I hate them!
AnonymousFeb 05 2001 2:18pm God hates puffs
JesusAug 30 2001 6:19am hmmmmm how does that thing go again? O yeah:
Thou shalt not judge.
It aint up to u to decide that type of stuff. Personally i think there's nothin wrong wit it. It's their choice; not yours. Grow up!
Sum1 with too much free timeSep 03 2001 9:10am Men were not designed to have sex with men, thats why we have women. Thou shalt not judge ? - that is the problem with todays society - we dont judge enough. So, you think thewir is nothing wrong with poo stabbing eh, so you must be a wooly woofter yourself !.
Grow up! - I'd say to you 'grow into a man' - why have 2 sexes, we might just as well be worms
jesusSep 10 2001 9:36am Hey, we shouldn't argue! Because these nameless people on these message boards can interpret God's word, and we gays can't! (Note the sarcasm)
The 'Right' OneSep 19 2001 9:32pm how can you say that being gay is nasty?????? thats so *ssholeish. they just love each other. ok, but gay sex is nasty. im sorry, it just is. this is a stupid poll!!!
dont believe in godJun 24 2002 9:09am Maybe gays are nice people, but they a personality deviant! it's a very sick thing.There is a reason why men and men or women and women are not anatomically engineered for each other. Hello!
AnonymousDec 10 2002 5:33pm grow up , pussies
AnonymousJun 01 2003 5:19pm yeah... like none of you never used a tool in a way it wasn't designed for. like, oh, perhaps masterbation? that argument holds no weight. never does the "god hates gays" theory. perhaps you should brush up on your theology and then tell me wheather jesus, who spread god's message of love, would have been prone to hating anyone.
cristians, on the other hand, are entirely different matter... *sigh*
MagicPandaDanceJun 30 2003 11:10pm becauseimawsomeibringonmonsoonsandibloomandblossom
BiffJul 28 2003 12:33am Hypocrites - look hot many guys would get off on watching 2 girls have sex, but when it comes to gays and lesbians in general, they think it's SOOOO wrong.
And you hypocrites who cite God as the reason to hate homosexuality need to look at yourselves, cuz I bet you aren't much better off in your lifestyle.
SexOnTheBrainSep 15 2003 8:35am The Bible is not the enemy of lesbians & gays.John 3:16 God loved the world and gave His son Jesus so all may have eternal life. Jesus never commended romantic love or relationships betgween people of the same sex.
delOct 10 2003 1:50pm The Bible is not the enemy of lesbians & gays.John 3:16 God loved the world and gave His son Jesus so all may have eternal life. Jesus never commended romantic love or relationships between people of the same sex.
delOct 10 2003 1:52pm I was really suprised by the result of the poll - I guess that the world is not quite as liberal as I thought (or perhaps someone is sitting at their computer all day, voting negatively).
Excuse me for being graphic, but it seems that most anti-gay people would agree with the vote, base on their abhorrance of men having anal sex. Anal sex is not the perogative of the gay world by any means. How about a poll for straight men, asking if they have considered or actual had anal sex with a woman. Anal sex can be as clean as vaginal sex, providing you douch of course.
MikeDec 02 2003 7:19am Gay people are the exact same as everyone else except for the very small detail: they are attracted to the same sex. why should it matter? for all you religious people who think gays are sick, just remember that they cannot help their feelings, and consider this: can you picture jesus hating anyone because they were gay? follow in his footsteps then, if you believe in him so. if you continue to hate this world will never be peaceful.
AngryJan 19 2004 1:38pm 80% of male suicide in highschool is by gay guys who have been literally harassed to death at school.
Open your eyesJan 19 2004 1:39pm f*ckin faggets deserve to f*ckin Die. n-----s too
GothicKatanaGurlchickAug 12 2004 7:35pm Someone here give me one valid moral reason why homosexuality is sin.
Gothich Ktana Gurl Chick, you make me sick.
A.S., tmu!Feb 11 2006 11:06am Being gay isn't f*cking WRONG, okay? It's not like they're harming anyone by being gay. I know a lesbian woman, and she's probrably the smartest, funniest, holiest person i know. i have a gay brother, and his being gay doesn't mean anything to anyone who cares about him. He's the same person he's always been, even before he came out. What you *ssholes don't understand is how hard it is for gays & lesbians. every day they have to hear critcism on their lifes and feelings. They hear rude ass comments and have to put up with all these obstacles. If anything , they're stronger than straight people.So you all really need to shut the hell up. If you really don't like homosexuals, keep it to yourselves.
iHATEyouALLAug 08 2006 3:02pm I think homosexuality is fine- It isn't hurting anyone. just you homophobes. God hates hate!
Kurai-GakaOct 27 2006 11:40am "Someone here give me one valid moral reason why homosexuality is sin. Gothich Ktana Gurl Chick, you make me sick."
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