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husband v/s wifeQuestion: who do u think will win u or u r husband ? Share ur experience when u have humilated ur husband or any other men .Created by: johny at 11:44:46 PM, Saturday, August 18, 2012 EDT Comments
I always won from my girlfriend, but one time when she was angry and it was for real, i did not stand a chance She wins all the time she is bigger stronger than me ManAug 19 2012 11:11am I am stronger than my husband when i wrestle him he has no chance TAug 19 2012 4:04pm het T PLZZZ share ur experience tell us d scene when u n ur husbnd wrestle AnonymousAug 19 2012 8:45pm Well i am 5.8wiegh 190 pounds he is 5.7 wiegh 152 pounds so when i wrestle him its like training for me i am more musclar and stronger than him . At first he liked it as a somthing new but now he doesnt since i am much stronger than him and it become daily thing i force him to do it for me its the best thing to do it in my day makes feel my power TAug 20 2012 8:34pm u r sch a liar .....T AnonymousAug 21 2012 6:53am my aunt is large felixAug 23 2012 9:07am I can kick my boyfriends ass, we're almost equal strength but I can outlast him endurance and stamina-wise. Its awsome! I love being stronger, I love flexin my biceps and my other muscles and having hom admire my physique and strength. Any guys or girls wanna share experiences, email me christelleharrison@gmail.com or add me on yahoo messenger - christellesgotsexyabs. ChristelleAug 25 2012 5:11am My wife is stronger than me she is taller and muscler there is nothing i can do about it i try to gain muscles but it was so embarrissing that she lift more than i do also her muscles was getting bigger and mine wasnt so i stopped MouayadAug 25 2012 7:16am u r sch a looser mouyad AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:16am Anonymous , you think i am looser who cares you have nothing to say only looser liar for other people find somthing to do it MouayadAug 25 2012 7:24am let u r wife face me then i wll show u who i am AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:27am Haha she will kick your ass MouayadAug 25 2012 7:29am lets see AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:35am i always win in a wrestling match whether it is a women or a man AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:35am n plzz say u r wife 2 cmmnt on dis poll AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:36am then i wll talk directly 2 u r wife AnonymousAug 25 2012 7:36am Ok if you are so strong so why you do not post your story here or leave MoayadAug 25 2012 7:36am u tell u r wife 2 cmmnt on dis post AnonymousAug 25 2012 8:11am i wnt 2 face her AnonymousAug 25 2012 8:16am Many men can't compete with women once both start to workout. Her Bicep: http://media.picfor.me/0011546BF2/cathrine-henriksen-woman--muscular--biceps--flexing_large.jpg Vs His bicep: http://images.t-nation.com/forum_images/b/b/bba94_ORIG-0619122224.jpg Comparing musclesAug 26 2012 3:02pm The girl's bicep is twice as big! Girl: http://krivstudiosblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/jessica_flex2.jpg Male bicep: http://images.t-nation.com/forum_images/b/b/bba94_ORIG-0619122224.jpg Female bicep twice the sizeAug 26 2012 3:06pm u r such a keen observor AnonymousAug 27 2012 8:44am Actually I would estimate that the female bicep in the comparison is 3 times the size of the male. I mean the bicep alone as a muscle and not comparing the whole arm. It goes to show you what a man can be up against when his wife starts pumping iron! It's no wonder so many bloggs and forums have men talking about their own wives having bigger muscles and more strength than they have. Now you can see that a woman can have a bicep 2-3 times the size of a man and of course the strength that goes with it! How does a man feel when he is facing this? when it comes to body types, how many men are Ectomorphs (small muscles) and are married to women who are Mesomorphs (large muscles) and have stronger frames that go with the larger musculature? When the two exercise together the woman can pass up the man in muscles size and strength with little ability for the man to match his own wife. At that point of realizing what has happened, how many women take advantage of the situation and workout even harder because of the advantage they are gaining and turn the tables so to speak in the woman's favor? You can't argue with the facts or a direct comparison of muscle. In the example pictures, the man would most likely never be able to catch up to the woman while her muscles get so much bigger and stronger than his. Of course it would be natural for the wife to want to compare her muscles with his and test her strength against his. So it's no joke or fantacy for a woman to have a bicep twice as big or even three times as big as her husband from good genetics and exercise. The husband would not have the strength to beat his wife in a test of strength when the wife has such an advantage. Strange but true. This can happen in a matter of months when a woman works out. DanAug 27 2012 11:25am thnx for sharing dis dan AnonymousAug 28 2012 6:53am i wanna meet sch women AnonymousAug 28 2012 6:53am How much bigger is this teenage girl's bicep compared to that man's bicep? Girl... http://www.girlsbiceps.net/albums/photos/ATgAAADmSuXmGTskvsRXOEpnHx9E16O-avgLwSB0SOEpo6uLYnXRuH4UlHlG20zqM7gW7WokwJIrNC3fSaKhauSWgkY8AJtU9VCLcv0_53vSEUQOkQtL2dBCpuxdoA.jpg MAN! http://images.t-nation.com/forum_images/b/b/bba94_ORIG-0619122224.jpg AnonymousAug 28 2012 9:38am Just watch the clip on this page ... http://myinnermonoblog.tumblr.com/post/29866508035/kcvmh-clip-of-the-comparison-between-mckayla ... the Female gymnast was far superior to the male gold medal gymnast dong the same event. Even the announcer is blown away by her superior ability. We will see more Females outperforming males in the years to come. AnonymousAug 28 2012 11:00am Yes the teen girl's muscle is about 50% bigger! Men are in trouble. LOL! CarlaAug 28 2012 11:10am well, we all know that men has a size advantage and therefor a strength advantage. Average! But that doesn't help my husband one bit since I am 3 inches and 45 lbs heavier than him. I have been physically active all my life and I am working in a stable, I train horses, a physically demanding job. My husband is a small, almost delicate man. When we met he actually thought he would be stronger than me because he was a man! Well I proved him wrong. We armwrestled and he couldn't even beat me with two of his arms against my weakest right arm. We wrestled and I could easily pin him just by throwing one of my big legs over his thin body, he was so frustrated that way I woman handled him. But he was also turned on, and so was I. Having him totally hepless in my arms was a fantastic feeling and he was, despite his big embarrassement, turned on by the body contact. And this has been going on ever since. He often tries to wrestle one of my legs but he hasn't got a chance. My legs are very big, very muscular and of course very strong. All my female friends are stronger than my husband and I can actually beat most of our male friends when it comes to armwrestling. Working out with weights for 25 years and with horses for 35 years has made me a very strong woman. BrigitteAug 28 2012 10:34pm i wanna face u brigette in a wrestling match AnonymousAug 29 2012 7:07am Look at this 2 girls!They could destroy a grown man with ease. What muscles. http://i39.tinypic.com/whz5kx.jpg AnonymousAug 31 2012 8:46am My wife and her 2 girl friends started to work out togetjer about 2 years ago. They instantly fell in love with pumping iron. Today they are very muscular and strong. I cant compare to any of them. One day me and my wife went to her co-workers party. Along the way I've picked her two friends. They were dressed to kill for. Their muscles were easily visible, all back muscles, biceps, triceps, thighs, calves... They caught a lot of looks in that evening. One guy wanted to try his strength against them. So we had an armwrestling competition. My wife, Ana and Tina easily beat all the men. AnonymousAug 31 2012 10:34am is your wife so strong ????? AnonymousSep 01 2012 6:59am I was actually kind of amused when me and my husband discovered that I was much stronger than him. I really didn't think much about who was stronger when we met, we shared a lot of interests and neither of us were into sports. I have good genes, all my relatives are big and strong and I was born with a good bone structure and muscles. My (first boyfriend then) husband also had good genes since there were just no fat people in his family. We actually never playwrestled when we met, it seems many couples have done that reading the posts in polls like this. I all the way suspected that I might be stronger than my boyfriend, I was heavier, more powerfully built and you could as a matter of fact see that I had bigger muscles but like I wrote, I didn't care one bit and my boyfriend never thought about it. Until recently that is. He surprised me one evening when I was laying in bed readin, like I very often do. He took the book out of my hand and sat down rather high on my chest and told me he had just pinned me and that I was too weak to do anything about it. He took hold of my hands and pinned them above my head and looked like a small boy that won his first wrestling match. I of course pointed out that I was already on my back when he started but also surprised myself when I said that it really doesn't matter if we started with him on top or not since I was strong enough to beat him anyway. He pressed down with his light body and then I just pushed my hands up and bucked my body and he flew off me! This really surprised both of us, he crawled back on top of me and tried again. Now I slowly pushed his arms up and I could see him fighting to stop me. I then moved first his left and then his raight arm behind his back, I freed my legs from his and wrapped them around him and then I started to press his arms up and at the same time squeezed my big legs. He screamed out that he gave! And I really hadn't tried. I told him that this was fun and asked him if we should have a real wrestling match. He was still shocked but nodded. We cleared space in our living room and then he came at me quick and he tried to take me down with a head lock. He hang around my neck when I wrapped my arms around his body and squeezed him so he had to leg to with his arms around my neck. I then lifted him up in what I now know was a bear hug. I threw him on the floor where I quickly pinned him. I started to enjoy my total dominance over him, I was obiously not only stronger but a hell of a lot stronger. He had to give when I sat down hard on his chest a few times and winded him. We then wrestled until he couldn't put up anymore resistance and then we had the best sex ever. We have wrestled a lot after that and I always win. I now also work out with weights and that suits my already strong body well. My husband is rather cool about it and I love it. BritaMay 31 2013 6:24am Great story there Brita. Keep it up. deepAug 02 2013 6:36am i am a strong woman i am 187 cm and 94 kg, i was always attracted to small weak men and i married much weaker and smaller and thinner man than me he is 166 cm and 57 kg, we always wrestle and ofcourse i win every time very easy by using half my strength, also i am very dominated woman and i control every thing our marriage, but a few days ago my husband asked me if i can wrestle other men and if he can watch it, he said this is the most exciting happened to him in his life when i wrestled one of his friends in front of him. What do you think should i do it or it is very odd and unusual. evraAug 25 2013 7:25pm 60SH6H Im obliged for the article post. Great. VmOGONIlUzTvYSep 05 2013 11:12am vvICPx Really enjoyed this blog article.Much thanks again. rNvlrqNAkYSep 11 2013 5:18pm tOSSek I truly appreciate this post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... UUPfrWaJgtQZQHzMQUSep 13 2013 2:09pm 9ksNLx Thanks again for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great. ZzMcqYMsepHSep 24 2013 4:08am ufvbkV Awesome article post. Awesome. NbHZaHzzdNgeXTunOCOct 15 2013 12:39pm Y3mxfL Very informative blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... hivEpSzVWvxQMRhPXrOct 15 2013 2:22pm P6vd9S Really appreciate you sharing this blog.Much thanks again. Really Great. EDJGPEVnNpkgVCmCDJOct 25 2013 10:20am GUYS, I HAVE AN ADVICE FOR YOU having a girlfiend stronger heavier taller than you does not matter, but don't never married some one stronger than you from my own experience women getting stronger when they getting older reversed men when we getting older we become weaker. I married a very strong musclar dominated woman i used to adore strong woman when i married her the first few years it was like a dream become true i lived the life i want i was so submissive to her i was weaker than her she controlled my life as i always wanted, but after ten years if marriage she became much stronger, heavier, more dominated the problem is i don't want this kind of life any more i want a regular life like other people but she will never accept this she used to live as a boss and me as a slave to her now she forces me to stay at home, cook, clean, kiss her feet, wash, wear women clothes she beats and wrestle me. What i want to say i used to find these things very excitement but not any more i did this to my self MARRIED MAN Oct 26 2013 2:35pm cAtJrv I really liked your blog article. Really Great. BciUlfBYbYsRKFWOct 31 2013 2:23pm muvkhV Thanks for the post. Awesome. XtXXbltnfMKRgJMPTDec 15 2013 4:00am E8zWfD Im grateful for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... zsJgAJBTorJan 15 2014 8:15pm 8WeyJT I am so grateful for your blog.Thanks Again. Cool. lExEYLTNfpoZOFeb 28 2014 7:09am my gf has 16 inch biceps she loves me very much one day we vere having sexher muscle felt sa had she is stronger do any and to make me my bf i love muscle girl andrewMar 19 2014 2:36am ICypVX I appreciate you sharing this blog post.Thanks Again. CFmNRUmnYjMar 22 2014 11:11am mWY7QN Very good blog.Thanks Again. Fantastic. dtYbTgdBjiqRjovJsPpApr 01 2014 4:18am Thanks for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. BMFizvDLfFuBdSVXMMay 06 2014 4:00am Major thanks for the blog article.Thanks Again. aROQelnMvJMay 06 2014 10:34am ioiUl3 Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog post.Much thanks again. Fantastic. DezBVqZoPoMay 11 2014 8:59pm FTkm8w Enjoyed every bit of your article post.Really looking forward to read more. KlkzKkgAhWhdVLhyNJun 04 2014 8:54am k8MB7H Muchos Gracias for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic. twtbTrQCJun 17 2014 8:52pm 3lO2Nq Enjoyed every bit of your blog post.Really thank you! navNYTQVupddSSJul 04 2014 5:48am E6viW2 Im grateful for the post.Thanks Again. Awesome. jzSjNDmPwEKscoZEJul 18 2014 6:35am BcpD7y Looking forward to reading more. Great article.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged. nVZQamYfAug 01 2014 5:19pm 1JTr3e A big thank you for your post.Much thanks again. Really Great. ZhpslkwbAZCJAug 03 2014 11:29pm qWt7Xy A round of applause for your article post.Really thank you! Will read on... RLfdnneEFAug 05 2014 1:06am There are so many polls and comments about “wife stronger than husband†well some people stereotype things that women cannot be stronger than men come what may, others fanaticise this and glorify this as this turn them on To be honest most of the time an average man is stronger than average women but there are always exceptions and there are many many exception regarding this particular topic and you can observe by yourself too every day. Let’s start from apparent look at first place, you go out to any public place and in many cases let’s say 70 % cases a man is taller and looks stronger than woman accompanying him but at least in 30 % cases by built women are larger than their counterpart s and such couples easily get attention. I have seen many couples where women are like 175-185 cm and looks like 80-90 kgs and males shorter and smaller than them , first impression you get in this case is that woman is powerful and dominant ,towering her male , massive lower bodies as compared to him. Now naturally men are much stronger in upper body areas and generally women have their strength in lower body (even a smaller sized woman can match lower body strength with a bigger male) . Now if women start training, sports and lifting weights then at some stage they can match upper body strength with the men who don’t train. So yes in couples wife can be stronger than husband by virtue of her natural build like I wrote above and also if she is training , doing sports and husband is lazy. I am an average male 175 cm and 80 kg , do not go to gym very often and my wife is like 165 cm and 60 kg , smaller than me ofcourse . she doesn’t train too and she tried to armwrestle with me on some occasions and I easily won but when comes to leg strength she has naturally much power there , we tried sometimes if she pins me strongly, I can’t release myself easily from her pin . Had she doing some weight training, she could have given tough time to me in arm-wrestling as well. When comes to lifting heavy weight , I can still manage to life more than her due to my built but she is not far behind , we do many things together like lifting heavy objects in house, moving furniture here and there and she helps me equally My conclusion is yes woman can be stronger than man , like couples where woman is like 80-85 Kg with massive things and arms and husband is like 65-70 kg with chicken legs and skinny arms and in cases where women train and go to gym and men are not into fitness. An only thing is that most women do not know how strong they are, once a woman realize her strength she can match a man in strength. AnonymousAug 07 2014 4:15am I am 6 feet my wife is 5 feet she started lifting weights and working out hard . In the last year and a half she has gotten so strong and muscular even though she absent been dedicated. If she continues her strength training she will be stronger than me AnonymousDec 14 2014 9:06pm I am the 5 ft woman he is talking about...I am totally into wrestling with my husband... my stamina is much longer than his I outmanuver him by far and it an awesome feeling to overpower him..I honestly would love to make him my sexslave (I would put him in a cage and beat him and just let him out whenever I was horny, or maybe I would just beat him if i was just having a bad day...or just wanted to have a good workout take out all my aggressions on him..) but if he was unwilling I guess I would have to workout harder and get way stronger than I am already then I would use my strength to overpower him and then make him my sex slave.... but now if I was lazy I would just drug him put him in cage and tell everyone he just took off for awhile to visit his family......lol 5 foot muscular wifeDec 14 2014 9:27pm My 5 foot muscular wife is not joking about her strength , she is so very powerful with rock hard powerful arms and shoulders . She can pin my arms way to easy . Her muscles pop as she holds me down. I am always in awe of the fact that I am unable to escape her hold. I have to admit that when she is in control of me it is so erotic and I am powerless to do anything. My wife has extreme muscles through she doesn't know, if she actually knew I would be in trouble. love my muscular wifeDec 15 2014 12:51am UNuAhv I value the post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool. uXEHaCvLKdhDec 17 2014 8:19am My wife has started taking muscle building supplements and lifting weights hard to get big muscular ripped and powerful.She has lifted weights for 2 years but not consistently but now has decided to really go for it and it shows. She is now starting to see her physique and likes what she sees. So do I . Mortgage to come... love my muscular wifeDec 18 2014 12:13pm sWCMMN Hello. Great job. I did not anticipate this. This is a great story. Thanks! fGVhyVNplDec 21 2014 5:59am Tie7ur My partner and I stumbled over here by a different page and thought I might check things out. I like what I see so i am just following you. Look forward to looking over your web page yet again. WfflMboAbDec 21 2014 9:57am xMCneo Wow! This could be one particular of the most useful blogs We have ever arrive across on this subject. Actually Great. I am also a specialist in this topic so I can understand your effort. gChVupWLlmvZmGMDTwdJan 15 2015 4:57pm 5LHg6u whoah this blog is fantastic i love studying your posts. Keep up the great work! You know, a lot of people are searching round for this information, you can aid them greatly. txfzJXXgFeb 04 2015 5:40pm Vk3Gvp Hi there, You have done a fantastic job. I'll definitely digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I'm sure they'll be benefited from this web site. uqwAJWSwfuIXUMar 07 2015 1:03am gjrbYX I've learn some excellent stuff here. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how a lot effort you set to make any such magnificent informative website. qocMtKmnMar 07 2015 5:39am OxWZy3 It's really a nice and useful piece of info. I'm glad that you shared this useful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing. siKJMoXftKjxkApr 07 2015 10:49am My wife started lifting weights, and now a year later she forces me to go down on her, most every day. Helpless HusbandApr 12 2015 2:29pm Weightlifting hasn't just made my wife stronger, it has made her bolder. She walks around the house naked, wears a skimpy bikini to the town pool, and she initiates sex, and if I'm too tired or not interested she takes what she wants anyway. Not Strong EnoughApr 17 2015 8:52pm helpless husband and Not Strong enough, how big are your wife muscles? is she stronger than you? curious87May 20 2015 8:51am UjDs8m It's hard to seek out educated folks on this topic, however you sound like you recognize what you're talking about! Thanks fyFkhEqWOKsYVoRYMay 29 2015 2:05pm HAvgF6 excellent publish, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector don't notice this. You must continue your writing. I'm confident, you have a huge readers' base already! biezzkZmozGRErRiLMay 31 2015 4:11am @curious87 - My wife's biceps are 16" now, mine only 14.5". I'm afraid to measure her thighs! Helpless HusbandJun 15 2015 4:43pm @helpless husband....whatttt?!?!?! 16 inches?! is bigger than mine as well i have 14! and i thought to be a big guy! curious87Jun 24 2015 10:14am z4dwU3 Muchos Gracias for your post. Keep writing. BehMnLjGGqsoHOmOEJun 30 2015 3:11am eRq0XF Normally I do not learn post on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to take a look at and do so! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thanks, very nice post. owuUPOpdAug 03 2015 10:07am My wife and I both workout, but I'm bigger and stronger than her. She can beat me in wrestling, but first she blows me, after which I obviously a tad weaker. Losing GracefullyAug 13 2015 9:16pm BoOMz4 Really informative post.Thanks Again. Want more. ZmIOxVOyHYWqLSep 27 2015 11:27am t AnonymousOct 12 2015 10:10am 8fAYwl I really liked your article post. Great. gIsfYjEDoLZstcZfOct 15 2015 2:02pm fjrfoF Innovative watch Book Shows Strategy To Rule The watch Market ZWvlIlAsBhoNov 08 2015 2:32pm Just an update, my wife has gotten much stronger in the last six months. She spends 2 hours a day at the gym, 5 times a week. At 5'2", 140lbs she's bench pressing 188lbs, and can deadlift 342lbs. I've gotten so much practice going down on her that she's been getting multiple orgasms. If she gets 3 or more, she "rewards" me with a blow job, or by mounting me and doing double biceps flexes as she rides me. Helpless HusbandNov 11 2015 9:59am 9RH1fT I truly appreciate this article post.Really thank you! Awesome. BTHJKLMoAfzdGXMNov 28 2015 5:16am M2mVKy aGFtRnzMDZTbNDec 31 2015 10:44am My wife has was a gymnast and Karate/Judo student since she was 8 years old. She can beat me at Wrestling with no difficulty at all. At least twice, drunk guys (plural) tried to start bar fights with me. She let me take care of one guy while she finishes off the rest. Safe when my Wife is with meJan 01 2016 2:04pm xcg7Vr that as equally educative and engaging, and let zRxEmJXRfpXMar 01 2016 8:30am NKhayO That is a great tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. LTkMTCJdAyMar 31 2016 11:06am 23vHia Thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Will read on... RlfovsGUWeplcApr 06 2016 2:12am 41oVA0 Such clever work and reporting! Keep up the superb works guys I ave incorporated you guys to my blogroll. pxijFvsTrApr 06 2016 4:04am Whoa! This blog looks just like my old one! It as on a entirely different subject but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Great choice of colors! ytKxXHUNRPfwMay 13 2016 3:18pm MKe1zn I truly appreciate this article post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. jsQzXedAnHKXsulQirLMay 16 2016 1:33am jmXIik Wow! This could be one particular of the most useful blogs We ave ever arrive across on this subject. Basically Fantastic. I am also a specialist in this topic therefore I can understand your effort. fMKNtzamCrYxJul 05 2016 9:53pm My wife and I wrestle, and sometimes she wins. The only good thing is, winner gets to "be ontop" so it's not all bad. ;-) Overpowered by a FemaleJul 30 2016 11:51am I'm a married woman 195 cm, 105 kg, full of muscles. I wrestle my husband all the time 170 cm and 68 kg no muscles. I always win there's no competition at all. So you can't call it wrestling basically it's me kicking his ass. So now because he can't take it anymore and full of, I wrestle other men every few days Woman Jul 30 2016 2:40pm ZoHUuk Some truly nice stuff on this website , I like it. itzKTueNBwUIoAug 03 2016 6:45am I can barely beat my wife at wrestling, and I lift weights . . . she doesn't. If she ever starts weightlifting, or if I stop then I *know* she will eventually be able to bet me. Married to a Naturally Strong WomanSep 04 2016 8:35am You look scared from her being stronger than you ? Woman Sep 05 2016 3:34pm Yes. And my dick gets scared stiff too! Married to a Naturally Strong WomanSep 18 2016 2:23pm My husband lost his erection since I kick his a lot 😂 Wife Woman Sep 18 2016 2:27pm Woman do you cyber wrestle boxSep 23 2016 9:40am @Wife Woman - Lucky for me my wife doesn't do that. Married to a Naturally Strong WomanSep 24 2016 3:29pm What cyber wrestling is?? Wife Woman Sep 24 2016 4:41pm You're lucky because I'm sure that she can kick your ass if she wants Wife Woman Sep 24 2016 4:41pm It's where you have a wrestle but on hear you take it in turns trying to out wrestle each other boxSep 25 2016 1:04am @Wife Woman - She could. I paid for her TaeKwonDo lessons when we were first married so now she's trained. Married to a Naturally Strong WomanSep 25 2016 1:40pm I'm 6' 230 she is 5' 130 and when she found out that I like female bodybuilders she hit the weights about 5 years ago she was already muscular and strong and very skilled at wrestling and fighting. I haven't worked out at all and even being 100#s lighter she can physically dominate me and pins my arms above my head at will. I thought maybe I could take her by surprise and submit her. But when I get her and think I can prevail she always can find a way to get free by skill or just by her strength. I'm in awe of her strength and huge muscles that she has built. I know if she wanted she could dominate me until I was worn out and beat me up with her super quick punches to my soft body. It's kinda weird knowing that!! AnonymousSep 25 2016 2:07pm My current girlfriend beat me at wrestling a few months ago. I got so aroused by that happening, I tried to make love to her . . . and she let me . . . PWNed by my g/wSep 26 2016 8:35pm Wow, that's terrific I love that so many men are weaker than their women. Do you love watching your wives and girlfriends wrestling other men? Wife Woman Oct 07 2016 4:51pm E5baYI Wow, amazing weblog structure! How long have you ever been blogging for? you made blogging look easy. The total look of your web site is great, let alone the content! YZTKdGIQrdcOct 11 2016 12:39am My wife started weightlifting and 2 years later when she flexes her arms, she gets a nice bicep peek and I get a raging erection. The other SwoleOct 28 2016 10:50am How big are your wife muscles? manlymanNov 01 2016 12:38pm @manleyman - They are only 13", but very nicely defined. The other SwoleNov 06 2016 2:23pm Ghf AnonymousNov 11 2016 9:37am @The other Swole, is she much stronger than you? Wife Woman Nov 12 2016 6:21am mine are bigger around 14 so I still am stronger than a woman, and even with equality of measurements I think a guy may still win manlymanNov 14 2016 5:26am By the way my biceps 22 inches, thighs 30 Wife Woman Nov 14 2016 5:42am sorry to ask is it muscles or also fat? manlymanNov 14 2016 5:49am Pure muscles Wife Woman Nov 14 2016 6:31am fwGxGJ Very good article post.Much thanks again. Want more. NszVedUMNReNov 26 2016 7:12pm Is this measures true? Such woman exist? AntonyDec 23 2016 2:16pm gQdRuF IaаÐа’б‚Т€ТšаЂаŒаÐа’б‚Т€ТžаБТžm a extended time watcher and I just believed IaаÐа’б‚Т€ТšаЂаŒаÐа’б‚Т€ТžаБТžd drop by and say hi there there for your extremely initially time. ubIYMtRgCsCQsMQFKOKJan 31 2017 7:41am I wrestled my daughter's boyfriend once and he was very surprised and very embarrassed when i had him pinned and he couldn't get up. It made it even worse that I was 42 and he was 21. My girlfriend was also there to witness it and she was teasing him the whole time. We were only dressed in swim suits and she was teasing him about having a erection as i was giving him a breast smother to be sure he remembered it was definetly a woman who had beaten him. He could hardly breath as i pushed my 38 DD's in his face. It sure made the young man hard though. My friend was saying wait until I tell Lisa what happened {my daughter} he moved out of state a short time after that! What a wuss! Vt. girl nancyFeb 02 2017 12:24pm I wrestled with one of my sons friends last summer. We had been sunning out by the pool when my sun went to the store leaving his friend bobby here with me by the pool. He jumped into the pool and splashed me with the cold water which I didn't like at all. When he got out of the pool I jumped on him and we tumbled to the grass laughing. We rolled back and forth until I got on top of him he was tiring. I sat on his chest and fought with his arms until I forced them to the ground above his head. He struggle but could not get me off of him so I began to tease him about getting pinned by a woman and his face got very red from embarrassment. I finally let him go but as I got off I noticed he had gotten a erection that was very visable in his wet yellow trunks. I got a good good look at it before he could cover himself and I must say it was bigger than my husbands and I had to laugh at him. He didn't say a word he just jumped in the pool to hide it. LindaFeb 10 2017 12:24pm I'm going to wrestle with my teen sons friend tomorrow. We set it up last saturday when he challenged me. The part thats got me nervous now is that I seen him changing clothes yesterday after school at our house. He had left the bath door half open and as I walked by I just glanced in. What I seen was very surprising. Being only about 5'-5" you can imagine my surprise when I seen the biggest c*ck I have seen hanging from his crotch. I froze in my tracks starring into the bath and found myself wondering how much bigger it would be hard. It was already 6 or 7 inches and I thought how could he bigger than my husband soft than my husband is hard? And by a couple inched already. SherryFeb 10 2017 4:33pm I recently discovered that my husband is no match for me I am amazed by how much stronger I am than he is. I couldn't believe it when I had no problem getting the upper hand. I had him pinned down and he looked so amazed by how easily I was able to totally dominate him. He was trying as hard as he could to get free from my hold and couldn't. I couldn't believe how easy it had been. I held him down as he kept struggling until he was breathing heavily and he quit trying to fight me. He was staring at my arms and he looked so shocked when he looked at my muscles with veins popping out of my huge biceps. He looked so small and weak compared to me. I felt so good and I was thinking that he was the one that wanted me to be more muscular. I really never thought I would be stronger than him and I had never really wanted to become muscular but I was so happy that I had never quit. I now know that I am not going to quit building up my muscles and I am going to train harder than ever. AnonymousFeb 23 2017 12:06am N27s0Q Very good information. Lucky me I discovered your blog by chance (stumbleupon). I have bookmarked it for later! LRRJXknjosubjMar 04 2017 3:10am Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger and Amazon women etc. Think most are very bogus myself and are women who jus love to run their mouth. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, No limits, no restrictions on you to unleash ALL your power size and strength. will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at sjsh99@lycos.com and put CHALLENGE in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 7500 dollars. Will make a nice cash prize if any really tough, big, strong or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk and are really sissies in real life. And NO I will not fight back or anything else if any woman interested." Any one else knows any big muscular or tall amazons, pass this on! sjsh99 sjsh99Apr 06 2017 11:22am nE2Mc6 Wow! This could be one particular of the most beneficial blogs We have ever arrive across on this subject. Basically Wonderful. I am also a specialist in this topic so I can understand your effort. enVsUJGGgmjDSBfHkgQMay 09 2017 9:48am khbeUP Respect to website author , some good entropy. caTxOQrFjiqpsklQMay 10 2017 10:06am 6OEaWQ Im obliged for the blog post.Much thanks again. eZprOZfYwQaTzPJul 10 2017 5:16pm MY husband knows what I like to do to men... with my big girl friend and me, men SUFFER!!!!!! MEN! DO YOU DARE???? SUE FROM KANSASAug 13 2017 1:02pm SUE, Where are you now? Last I knew you ran off to Iowa! You wimped out on me. BillSep 09 2017 2:35pm HI BILL!!!! YES I DID GO TO IOWA!!!! WHAT FUN!!!! SUESep 11 2017 2:37pm ALSO!!! I DID NOT WIMP OUT ON YOU!!!! THE SITE CLOSED..., AND I WAS ON THE ROAD!!!! I AM IN KANSAS!!!!! YOU READY TO KISS MY STOCKING FEET YET???? HOW IS TINA??? TALK TO ME...MY HUSBAND SAYS HI ALSO!!!! THE SISSY!!!! SUESep 11 2017 4:52pm avvCSD Looking forward to reading more. Great post.Much thanks again. Much obliged. zsmNkRWDvowSep 20 2017 3:33am CAME across my wifes high school yearbook.. there was a picture of her and her girl friend GLORIA M. even then they both looked EVIL, MEAN, AND DOMINATE!!!!! HUSBANDSep 25 2017 11:31am HI SUE! What have you been doing. Time to tangle up with you? Tell hubby hi. Tina is ok I guess. Same ole TINA! She stays busy. I'm ready for a rematch I think. Talk to me SUE. BILLOct 10 2017 12:25pm When my wife and I were dating she told me she could beat me wrestling. I told her she was puffing smoke. One night she told me to get on the floor and I would find out that she can beat me wrestling. We jostled around for a few minutes and she got me in a reverse scissor hold with my face pressed to her rear and neck crushed between her thighs. I thought she would crush my skull her legs were so strong and the scissor pressure so intense. In a few seconds I couldn't talk so I began tapping her thighs until she released my neck from the scissor hold. It told her I was wrong and that she proved to me that she can beat me wrestling. DonaldOct 26 2017 5:48pm Sue are you still around? BillNov 01 2017 11:40am qDPrcC Well I definitely liked reading it. This information offered by you is very constructive for proper planning. ZZhnrcpQvjWxBSatiJZNov 08 2017 7:58am DxvHoG I really liked your article.Much thanks again. Will read on vWIyRmqEaURLgtOaIFdJan 28 2018 10:49pm I am much stronger than my wife except for her legs. Even though I am 6'4" and she is 5'6" when we playfully wrestle and she gets my head, neck, or waist locked between her shapely strong legs in a scissor hold and begins applying pressure it is only a matter of time before she has rendered me helpless. If I don't submit or beg for mercy she will continue squeezing tighter until I have no choice but to give in as it is impossible for me to get loose KevinFeb 06 2018 5:54pm Thousands of mixed wrestling stories and pictures at http://mixedbattles.com - updating weekly! StephanieFeb 18 2018 6:13am HI BILL!!! YES I AM!!!! SO! DO YOU THINK YOU STILL CAN BEAT ME???? I HAVE BEEN ALL AROUND THE STATE.. HUSBAND IS FINE, AND IS UNDER MY STOCKING FEET!!!!! WISH YOUR FACE WAS THERE ALSO!!!!!! I WILL BE CHECKING BACK.... SUE FROM KANSASMay 02 2018 1:52pm THANK YOU STEPHANIE!!!! I HAVE BEEN THERE!!!! GREAT SITE!!!! I LIKE TO DOMINANTE WRESTLE.. THEN PUNISH MY MALE VICTIAMS INTO SUBMISSION!!!!! MY HUSBAND AND HIS DAD, ARE MY PLAY TOYS!!!! I ALSO HAVE MY OLD BOYFRIEND FROM 1970, ENJOY WHAT I DO TO THEM. THEN IT'S HIS TURN TO MAKE THEM SUFFER WHILE I SIT WITH MY STOCKING FEET ON THE COFFEE TABLE FLEXING MY FEET AND POINTING MY TOES AT THEM. I LOVE TO WATCH RANDY MAKE THEM SUFFER!!!! WHAT A MAN!!!!! YES!!!! EVEN IN KANSAS, WE WOMEN LIKE TO MAKE MEN SUFFER !!!!! ANY COMMENTS, WILL ANSWER!!!! SUE FROM KANSASMay 07 2018 6:58am HUSBAND V/S WIFE... ON WHAT I WILL POST, HUSBAND, AND HIS DAD, V/S WIFE, AND HER OLD BOYFRIEND IN WRESTLING AND SUBMISSION!!!!!! SUE FROM KANSASMay 08 2018 4:26pm MY old boy friend told me that my evil performance that I did to my father - in - law , with the aid of his help was more than what he expected. WITH my father in law tied to a bench, my old boy friend stuffs his c*ck in my father in laws mouth, as I give my father in law , a stocking foot job... seating in a chair above my father in law, I also put nipple clamps on his nipples with long chains, that way, I can control his nipple torture as I use my size 11 stocking feet!!!!! boy, did he groan in agony ... to make him suffer even more, I swung the chains like a jump rope, and used just my two big toes to finish him off!!!!!with my husband watching, I had my old boy friend exploding in his mouth, at the same time he came!!!! when over, off came my stockings, and into the mouth of my father in law!!!!! being a big DOMINANT WOMAN, men must like what a big woman does to other men... at 5'11", 243#s, size 11 feet, I love being in control, in fact, my old boy friend helps me punish my husband, and his dad.!!!!! I get turned on watching him TORTURE BOTH MEN!!!!! with my feet on the coffee table, and in heel, and toe reinforced stockings, pointing my big toes at RANDY...he gets total excited as he is a foot fetish guy!!!!! in KANSAS, it's more than just open land... it's being BIG AND DOMINANT!!!!! SUE FROM KANSASMay 15 2018 8:10pm SO far, it sounds like SUE FROM KANSAS, AND HER OLD BOY FRIEND.. HAS A COCKHOLD ON SUE'S HUSBAND, AND HER FATHER IN LAW!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR ANOTHER TRUE STORY FROM THE BIG EVIL BITCH FROM KANSAS.... I EVEN KNOW ABOUT HER OTHER LIFE STYLE BEING FROM KANSAS MYSELF!!!!! AnonymousMay 29 2018 2:07pm BILL!!!! ARE YOU AROUND???? WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MY TIME WITH MY OLD BOY FRIEND, AND MY GIRL FRIEND GLORIA!!!!!! MY POOR HUSAND GOT TO SEE THE FUN WE HAD DOING IN HIS DAD!!!! GLORIA HAD THE OLD GUY UNDER HER BARE FEET , WHILE I PLAYED WITH RANDY!!!!! AND MY HUSBAND , THE SISSY... COULDN'T EVEN GET IT UP!!! BOY IT WAS FUN!!!! HOPE TO WRITE MORE!!!! HOW IS TINA???? I THINK I CAN TEACH HER A THING OR TWO ON BEING DOMINANT!!!!! SUE FROM KANSASJun 07 2018 5:10pm TEACH WHO SUE??? YOU COULDN'T EVEN BEAT YOUR KEDYOUNG BOSS DEBBIE IN 1981!!!! REMEMBER????? SHE KICKED THE S--- OUT OF YOU!!!!!! QUESTION SUE!!! HOW DID THE YOUNG PUSSY TASTE TO YOU....OLD BITCH!!!!! BECKY FROM KANSASJun 12 2018 11:26am SUE has a new toy...SHE NOW HAS THE CLAW GRABBER WITH STEEL NEEDLE PRONGS.... SUE LIKES TO NIPPLE TORTURE MEN..... AnonymousJun 26 2018 12:57pm NOW SUE is in control of men. SHE has her new toy to REALLY PUT THE HURTS ON MEN!!!! BEING DOMINANT,SUE FROM KANSAS, is always being the QUEEN of pain in her new role..... AnonymousJun 29 2018 11:23am HER old boy friend also puts the pain on her HUSBAND AS SHE WATCHES!!!! AnonymousJun 29 2018 4:57pm Lol everyone saying him girlfriend, wife is stronger than he... It's unbelivable. Send pictures and it'll be belivable. thomasgolberg53@gmail.comJul 15 2018 5:46am DO I SEND THE PICTURES TO YOU??? SUEJul 16 2018 2:41pm eILvEx I will right away seize your rss feed as I can at to find your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Kindly let me know so that I could subscribe. Thanks. sqKJSKgeAug 12 2018 12:43pm Too many variables to answer the question. What height, weight, fitness/strength level and training do each of them have? Also, SUE is a wimp. Superior MaleSep 03 2018 11:09am I WILL WHIP YOUR ASS SUPERIOR MALE!!!!! WHEN DONE WITH YOU, YOUR FACE WILL BE BURIED IN MY ASS!!!!! SUESep 03 2018 4:54pm Take a look to this average male: http://i47.tinypic.com/2sbl7c3.jpg And now compare with this average young girl: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tg74jYbu1rrqnj7o1_400.jpg His muscles looks cute against hers. Her muscles are a littel bigger then his. This is the reason why she must pretty stronger then he is. But he looks stronger than the average male. She must be much stronger than the average male. MarcSep 03 2018 9:51pm I have seen this picture from Michelle Garvin: https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/full/623494.jpg You can see the difference between girls muscles and guys muscles. She is much bigger than the guy. Her biceps is 13,3“ and his 11,5“. MarcSep 03 2018 9:57pm MY best way to punish my HUSBAND... is to have him tied to a chair, as I work on his DAD!!!!! I AM 5'11", 243#S SIZE 11 FEET, RED HAIR, 38D, SUESep 05 2018 12:11pm WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT ...MARC???? SUE FROM KANSASSep 05 2018 12:19pm What do you mean what should i think? Do you mean the pictures? I think girls from today train more than most guys and therefore they get bigger muscles und become stronger. Or do you mean how you punish your husband? Why do you need to tied him? MarcSep 05 2018 1:24pm MARC... SO HE CAN SUFFER.... I WANT TO WATCH HIM SUFFER AS I TORTURE AND PUNISH HIS DAD!!!! I AM VERY, VERY DOMINANT!!!!!! SUESep 05 2018 1:32pm Can you beat your guy? Are you stronger than him or other men? MarcSep 05 2018 1:39pm MEN have told me that I can be a NUT DRAINER!!!!!! SUESep 05 2018 1:41pm YES!!!! I can beat my guy, I am stronger then him, my husband, or even his DAD!!!! SUESep 05 2018 1:42pm WHAT fancy you the most on BIG DOMANT WOMEN!!!! I do almost everything!!!! SOME even brutal... just to watch men beg for mercy!!!!!! SUESep 05 2018 1:45pm My girlfriend taught me to obey her. She‘s much stronger than me and her muscles are bigger than mine. Are your muscles bigger than most men? How big they are and how much weight can you lift with one arm? MarcSep 05 2018 1:46pm IN ONE ARM, AROUND 45#S, MAYBE!!! SOUNDS like she is into A DOMANT ROLE!!!!! ARMS... 11"!!!! OR SO!!! SUESep 05 2018 1:49pm DO YOU KISS HER FEET???? SUESep 05 2018 1:50pm I‘m an average men, not weak but not very strong too! I love to feel the superior of stronger women. It‘s impressive to compare my muscles with a women to see my muscles are smaller than hers and i‘m weaker. MarcSep 05 2018 1:51pm Yes, i kiss her feet if she wants! Your arms little smaller than mine but you are nevertheless stronger than me! Can you measure your arm flexed and relaxed? MarcSep 05 2018 1:56pm MARC.. I need to leave for now, I have a guy to service... he wants to be punished in front of his wife... go figure...when I get done with him, he will wish differently!!!! hold your thoughts... be back tomorrow !!! love your girl friend!!!! SUE FROM KANSASSep 05 2018 1:57pm Have a lot of fun! MarcSep 05 2018 2:01pm good morning ...MARC !!!! SUESep 06 2018 7:00am Good morning! How are you? MarcSep 06 2018 12:51pm DOING good.. thank you... ever get TRAMPLED BY A BIG WOMAN???? SUESep 06 2018 1:16pm No! Never! MarcSep 06 2018 1:33pm WELL that's what I did to this guy last night... my husband watched, along with his wife and by the end of our time, he was kissing and sucking my stocking feet. MY husband hates to watch me get dominant to other men... he said that I am a slut !!!! the guys wife said that her husband been wanting to get TRAMPLED for some time, but she didn't think that kissing, and sucking stocking feet was part of that!!!! I am here to please men, how ever.... my old boy friend told my husband, that I am a NUT DRAINER!!!!! SUESep 06 2018 1:41pm WHERE ARE YOU FROM MARC???? SUESep 06 2018 1:42pm I enjoy beating, and torturing my father in law in front of my husband!!! I use him as my SEX TOY, along with my girlfriends, and old boyfriend!!! sometimes, it's a tag team adventure against the old guy!!!! then the fun begins..see who can make him submit first!! YEA!!!! my type of fun!!!!! SUESep 06 2018 1:49pm I‘m from austria. I love to talk about strong girls with muscles. MarcSep 06 2018 2:02pm THATS GOOD!!! MY TYPE OF EXCITMENT DOESN'T INTEREST YOU?? SUESep 06 2018 2:05pm If i was beaten down by a stronger girl and she trampled on me i can’t do anything against her! MarcSep 06 2018 2:18pm Are your muscles bigger than other guys? MarcSep 06 2018 2:19pm YEA !! NOT TO MUCH MARC... MY EXCITEMENT ,IS BEING DOMINAINT... I WANT TO PUNISH MEN, ANYWAY I CAN, MY HUSBAND JUST HATES ME FOR WHAT I DO TO MEN...NO LIE!!!!! BUT, THATS WHAT I ENJOY..... 243#S, 5'11", SIZE 11 FEET, AND A HEALTY 38D!!!!! SOUND FUN, OR DANGEROUS ??? IF I TRAMPLED YOU, YOU WOULD BE AT MY MERCY!!!!! SUESep 06 2018 2:26pm ALMOST dinner time, be gone for a couple days. say Hi TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND FOR ME, AND LOVE HER!!!!! YOU WILL KNOW WHEN I AM BACK, I WILL BE ON LINE TO YOU!!!! SUESep 06 2018 2:33pm HI MARC!!! SUE'S HUSBANDSep 11 2018 4:50pm HI MARC!!!!! SUESep 11 2018 7:36pm Hey, how are you? MarcSep 11 2018 9:32pm Ma‘am do you beat up a men today? Sue‘s husband are you the poor guy who will be beat up? Can you fight back or is she to strong? MarcSep 11 2018 11:23pm SHE is real strong!!!! yes I do get beat up... a lot!!!SUE's favorite is grinding my face with her flat sandals and all of her 243#s!!!! then she tramples me!!!! husbandSep 12 2018 2:25pm I hate it when she, and her girl friend play with my DAD!!!! BOTH women are EVIL, AND ARE NOTHING MORE THAN BITCHES!!!! HUSBANDSep 18 2018 11:05am Fellas, i discovered that this girl has profile on popular dating site - sensualchicks.com/profile/secretgoddess AnonymousSep 21 2018 8:36am SHE IS A REAL NUT DRAINER THIS SUE!!!!! AnonymousSep 26 2018 2:35pm OqO6xO It as in reality a nice and useful piece of info. I am happy that you shared this useful tidbit with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing. kMrsizKwSoFNjOct 11 2018 9:17pm vEp2jU This is a really good tip particularly to those new to the blogosphere. Short but very precise information Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post! kGuFlGcqUGzMjMqoDec 16 2018 4:42pm AvITvn Nice Post. 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