People tend to go for personalities they like within what they find hot body-wise. If they don't find short/skinny types attractive, chances are personality won't make a difference though they might become friends with that guy. I like guys who are shorter and skinnier than me, but I'll only date them if I like their personality. I would never date my current boyfriend, for example, if he were douche. Me too i like men shorter and skinnier than me i think the small guys are cuter MayaJul 29 2012 7:31pm Jaime: Just wondering, what is it about shorter skinnier guys that attracts you? MarkJul 29 2012 9:11pm Mark, I guess it's the size and shape of them that I like. You know, the thin rectangular frame, the narrow shoulders, the small boyish chest and waist. They're all very delicate and full of bony angles. It's cute and amazing and I never really get over it. I can just spend hours holding my boyfriend and enjoying how small he feels in my arms. I just really like it. JaimeJul 29 2012 10:03pm Jaime: How does your boyfriend feel about being skinnier/shorter than you? MarkJul 30 2012 3:24pm From what he's told me, Mark, he's pretty used to being the smaller one so I don't think it bothers him too much. Pretty much the only thing is he's a little insecure at times and apologizes for not being able to do "manly things" for me like carry me to bed or have me sit on his lap, but that's about it. It's not surprising, I think, cause he's only five foot four and that's like the normal height of a girl or something. Usually it's the girl that's bothered by something like his height. JaimeJul 30 2012 7:42pm Jaime: I understand how he feels. Is he weaker than you also? Or is he just skinnier/shorter? If he's weaker: Do you act protective of him? It seems like when the man is stronger, women want the man to make them feel protected. But since it's the other way around, how to you treat him? MarkJul 30 2012 8:05pm I think it is cute when the guy is smaller than his girlfriend , even if he is weaker than her there is nothing wrong about it a lot of girls like small guys and like to protect them i am one of them and i love my boyfriend very much MayaJul 30 2012 8:23pm Maya: I think it's sweet that you're protective of your boyfriend. What is it about small/weak guys that attracts you? MarkJul 30 2012 8:27pm I like small men i think they are cute pretty they always funny i like being the stronger one in the realtionship i like to lift them i like every thing about them MayaJul 30 2012 8:32pm Maya: How old are both of you? Or, how much shorter is he than you? MarkJul 30 2012 8:35pm Mark, I'm quite a bit stronger than him but I don't really act protective. I feel it, but pretty much the only thing that shows it is that I'm the one who holds him and not the other way around. He's got a good group of friends who don't really get into a lot of trouble, you know? If I needed to do more than feel protective, though, I could do it. So you understand how he feels? Are you a bit on the smaller side as well? JaimeJul 30 2012 8:36pm Mark we are both 24 i am 178 cm he is 171 cm MayaJul 30 2012 8:39pm Jaime: Wow, your boyfriend is lucky to have a girlfriend stronger than him xD And yea, I'm REEEAALLLY skinny. Like, as skinny as the average girl. And I'm not that short, but I's short enough that I have to look up to most girls. :P I've always wondered if there were girls that actually wanted a small guy they could cuddle. Looks like you are one :D MarkJul 30 2012 8:39pm Mark: the average girl isn't exactly skinny these days =). And yeah, there are girls out there who like smaller guys. They're not super-common, but they're out there. So how tall are you? I'm five foot nine. JaimeJul 30 2012 8:54pm So Jaime and Maya: Do you ever play-wrestle your boyfriends and pin them down? It seems that if they enjoy being smaller than you, they might enjoy you taking control of them xD MarkJul 30 2012 8:55pm @Jaime: Woah, you're 5 foot 9? How old are you? I'm 15 and I'm 5 ft 2. I feel like a little kid compared to you :P MarkJul 30 2012 8:56pm Mark i play wrestle with my boyfriend of course i win but it is only for fun , but 5.2 i think you will be taller when you will be 18 MayaJul 30 2012 9:00pm Mark, that's actually shorter than my boyfriend! I'm surprised cause you said you weren't that short :P. I just turned eighteen, but I'm sure I was five foot nine by the time I was 15. So you're that short and skinny? How much do you weigh? My boyfriend's about 110 or 115. I'm a bit over 170. JaimeJul 30 2012 9:04pm Jaime my boyfriend also weigh 110 what is your boyfriend tall MayaJul 30 2012 9:12pm Jaime: Well, I guess I meant I'm short, but not shorter than like, a 12 year old haha. I mean, even most girls my age look down at me and have bigger arms than me. I weigh about 110 pounds. Even a really skinny girl picked me up easily xD MarkJul 30 2012 9:12pm So Jaime: How old is your boyfriend? MarkJul 30 2012 9:13pm Mark is all your family same size or it is just you? MayaJul 30 2012 9:14pm Maya: My family is generally short and skinny. So it makes sense that I am also short and weak Mark.Jul 30 2012 9:15pm Mark being short does not mean you should be weak , also i know a lot of girls who are looking for thin short guys just like me hope that someone willfind you MayaJul 30 2012 9:20pm I think I was taller than you at 12, Mark :). If you're 110, then you're probably built something like my boyfriend. He's got very small arms too. I can actually almost wrap my hand around his bicep. There's just this little space between my fingers. For your other question that I forgot to answer earlier: My boyfriend and I play-wrestle on occasion. I think most couples do. I win =P. Maya: my boyfriend's five foot four. Yours is...171cm? Is that 5 foot 7? That's really skinny! JaimeJul 30 2012 9:21pm My boyfriend's 19. JaimeJul 30 2012 9:22pm Maya: Yeah, but I'm really skinny and have really little muscle, so that's why I'm weak lol. My past girlfriends didn't mind my skinnyness/weakness, but they were still weaker/skinnier than me so that's probably why they didn't mind. But I'd rather have a girl that is stronger/taller than me. It's more exciting xD MarkJul 30 2012 9:23pm Jaime yes it is exactly 5.65 he is vey skinny guy specialy i wiegh 182 so i am much heavier than him MayaJul 30 2012 9:25pm Jaime: Well, a lot of girls, even girls three years younger than me, are taller than me :P It's humiliating but if they were to be my girlfriend, I'd feel more protected knowing that they're taller than me, (since I probably can't even protect myself) so it's actually a good thing. MarkJul 30 2012 9:26pm Yes you are my boyfriend is a weak man he says it is much excited when he is with strong woman like me MayaJul 30 2012 9:27pm So Jaime/Maya: In your relationship, are you and your boyfriend equals? Or do you get to make the decisions since you're the stronger/bigger one? I've seen that happen a few times, and I wonder what you both think about that.... MarkJul 30 2012 9:32pm We're equals, Mark. I wouldn't have it any other way. He's small, not stupid =P. Pretty much the only thing I decide all the time are his clothes. My boyfriend's got no sense of style. JaimeJul 30 2012 9:39pm Jaime: Haha I see xD Does anyone ever make fun of you guys? Like, do people tease your boyfriend about being scrawny and weak? How do you deal with it? MarkJul 30 2012 9:47pm Mark: Of us? No. At least, not to our face. We get stared at in public regularly enough, but that's about all I've noticed. I'm sure some people talk, though, and that he's likely the brunt of the jokes. Within our group of friends he gets teased on occasion, but it's good natured. New people generally end up lifting him up at some point, as well as comparing their hands or feet to his. Sometimes they want me to do it with him as well. The only time we(his friends and I) had to do something was when a drunk guy was getting a little too physical with my boyfriend, pushing him around..etc. JaimeJul 30 2012 10:02pm Jaime: It's good to see that you look out for him :) So, how did he come to accept that he was weaker than his girlfriend? It seems like most guys would feel less manly if a girl had bigger biceps and was taller than him :P MarkJul 30 2012 10:08pm Once i was walking with my boyfriend a man said who is the man and he laughed with his friend then he said get a real man so i was so angry my boyfriend told do not be angry it is always happened but i did not listen i went to the man have a fight with him and make him said sorry for my boyfriend MayaJul 30 2012 10:09pm Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. It's just fascinating to hear about a small weak guy (like me) being with a stronger, taller girl that holds him in her arms and lets him sit on her lap xD . MarkJul 30 2012 10:10pm Mark I was about your height, always shortest in class, then at about 15 somehow I grew about 4 or 5 inches very fast. Even if you don't grow, you should work out alot. Being small doesn't have to mean being weaker than all girls. JKJul 30 2012 10:15pm JK: Well, it's just that my body type seems to just, well, work for who I am. I mean, if I worked out, and gained muscle and stuff, I wouldn't really feel myself. I don't mind being weaker than girls (in fact I sort of like it). MarkJul 30 2012 10:18pm Mark, I don't think there was ever a time he didn't accept it =P. I mean, it was pretty clear from the beginning that I was stronger than he was. There's just no way to get around the size difference between us. I'm sure I make him feel less manly than he'd like to be at times, but I tell him he doesn't need to be big to be manly. Just like I don't need to be petite to be womanly. And don't worry about the questions: he's out of town and I'm really quite bored, so these pass the time. Besides, it's fun thinking about him. And I love picking him up and sitting him on my lap. It was a little weird at first since I felt like I was picking up a kid(he's the smallest I've been with), but I'm used to it now. JaimeJul 30 2012 10:28pm You are so right lifting small guys and let them sitting on your i think it is great MayaJul 30 2012 10:33pm Jaime: That seems like the perfect relationship xD Since he's comfortable with being weaker than you, does he ask you for help with things that he's too weak to do? Like, if he can't pick up something because it's too heavy for him, would he ask you to do it for him? Or is he still not that confident in his non-manly-ness xD MarkJul 30 2012 10:37pm It seems really humiliating for a guy to ask a girl for help because he's too scrawny/weak to do it himself xD MarkJul 30 2012 10:38pm No mark it is not any person need help so why he should not ask his wife or girlfriend to do it for him , also sometimes she needs help in other things and he helped her with MayaJul 30 2012 10:42pm Mark: He does ask me to help him with things he can't or shouldn't lift by himself. Heavy furniture, for example. I think most guys would feel humiliated asking a girl for help, but that's because they have higher expectations to begin with. My boyfriend's told me that he's been asking other people for help with physical stuff since he was a kid so he's pretty used to it. Besides, it's not like he should be able to do it but can't. He's got these tiny little bones and unless he does some serious weight lifting those things aren't going to have a lot of muscle on them. JaimeJul 31 2012 5:47am Jaime: That's cool. How would you feel about your boyfriend wanting to work out? Would you like him to gain muscle and get stronger and bigger, or would you want to keep him little, skinny and weak? MarkJul 31 2012 6:48am Mark: He's a gamer. He doesn't want to work out, trust me. :) If he wanted to work out though and be fit, say put on 10 pounds of muscle or something, I would be fine with that. I like him as he is, mind you, and he'd still be smaller than me even if he put on some muscle. We measured his bicep once, and it was 9 inches while mine were 14.5 so he would have lot of work cut out for him :) JaimeJul 31 2012 7:02am Jaime: ohh I see. How would you feel if he (by some chance) ended up getting stronger and bigger than you? Would you prefer his small skinny version or his tall strong version? MarkJul 31 2012 7:06am Mark: the small skinny version, obviously :) JaimeJul 31 2012 7:07am Jaime: Wow, I never knew girls like you existed xD I mean, girls that actually prefer a small skinny guy to a tall, muscular guy. What about you? What do you look like, physically? It seems like the majority of girls that like small skinny guys are tall and usually curvy. Just curious :P MarkJul 31 2012 7:10am Oh, and you said that your biceps are 14.5 inches compared to his 9 inch biceps: Do you work out? Or are your muscles just naturally that big? MarkJul 31 2012 7:18am Mark: Well, as I've said before, I'm five foot nine and a bit over 170 pounds so I'm pretty big for a girl. Part of it is genetics, nobody in my family is small, and the other part is working out and doing sports(I play hockey). I'm fairly broad shouldered, curvy, fairly low body fat..don't know what else to say, really. I've got brown hair, umm... JaimeJul 31 2012 7:20am Jaime: Yeah, that's what I thought xD I think it's great that a lot of tall, broad sholdered, curvy, strong girls like to be the dominant partner and make a small weak guy feel safe in her arms. Plus, a girl like you would be able to protect him, because guys like us can't protect ourselves with our skinny girly arms xD MarkJul 31 2012 7:29am Oh, and it turns out that your boyfriend is skinnier than me haha. My biceps are around 10-11 inches. MarkJul 31 2012 7:30am Mark: Well, believe it or not, most guys wouldn't want to be with a girl like me. They would say I'm too manly, too muscled, not feminine and stuff. I'd hurt their ego. You weigh about the same as him and you're a little shorter, so maybe you're a little more compact than him too? I know I was really surprised the first time I saw him in short-sleeves(he wears long-sleeves to hide how thin he is). 10 inches is nothing to brag about, though ;) JaimeJul 31 2012 7:38am Jaime: It goes the other way around too; most girls wouldn't want a guy like me. They would say I'm too feminine, too skinny, and not manly enough :P. And they'd feel unprotected by me :P And yeah, I know, 10 inches isn't big. But I can't help being small and weak. And I kind of like it actually MarkJul 31 2012 7:42am Can I ask you for advice? I've had girlfriends in the past but they were always weak and skinny too. However, I've always wanted a tall, strong girlfriend. Someone that would accept my skinniness and would be happy with it. I know a few tall strong girls but, how would I go about attracting them? What was it about your boyfriend that made you want to date him? MarkJul 31 2012 7:48am Mark: It's good that you're comfortable with yourself(as an aside, I got a measuring tape out and measured my forearms. They are 13 inches =P). And yeah, I kind of like it when my guys are small and weak too. My BF mostly feels the same way most of the time. I guess you have a small waist, legs and feet too? JaimeJul 31 2012 7:50am Jaime: Yeah, my waist, legs, and feet are small too. I guess I'm just an overall tiny guy. And don't worry, 13 inches is still huge compared to mine. My arms look like a 13 year old girl's arms xP MarkJul 31 2012 7:56am So what is it about your boyfriend that attracted you to him? Most girls of your size would find it strange to date a small, skinny guy. So what made both of you interested in each other? Besides his shortness and weakness of course :P MarkJul 31 2012 8:06am Mark: My BF's the same. He wears a size 6, has tiny little feet, and his waist isn't much bigger than my leg :). Well, what made me interested in him at first was his field of study, oddly enough. He's studying economics and I'm studying international development so we had a lot of fun conversations on the EU, Africa, food sustainability and stuff before we started dating. He's really smart, passionate and confident when he talks about economics and politics and I really liked that. I was also fond of the way he talked. He's got this funny speech pattern where he stops mid-sentence a few times as if thinking about what to say next before moving on. It's only like half or a quarter of a second each time and I found it cute. For him, I think it was IDS major I was doing and the fact that I game casually. It's not a major hobby for me like for him, but I know what Call of Duty is and I know how to kill people in it =P. JaimeJul 31 2012 8:43am For advice, Mark, I think the important thing to do is be honest. If girls know you like tall and stronger women, then those girls who are like that are more likely to approach you. That's especially true if they like smaller guys(they might have worried about something similar - finding a guy who's comfortable being weaker). Basically, if you make it known you're into big girls, then the big girls who are into you are going to come up to you. If they're not into small guys, though, then you're out of luck. Not much you can do about that. JaimeJul 31 2012 9:58am Jaime, good point about most guys not wanting to date someone larger, tho it might not be why you think. Over the years I wouldn't date a bigger girl because of how it looks, but I always secretly wanted to. There was a much larger woman in college, but very shapely. I think she sometimes caught me looking at her body. I always wondered what if. tmAug 01 2012 12:25am The men you women beat are half your size. Do you ever pick on somebody your own size? What's that like? Always win? rightAug 01 2012 12:33am Jaime: Thanks for the advice! I'll try it someday :) If you have any questions, you can ask :P MarkAug 01 2012 1:04pm Right, nobody here's really talked about women beating men have their size. It's also not about picking or beating. As a woman who's posted on this poll, I have to say I don't want a man my own size. I like them smaller. I also won't say, unlike what you see in other polls, that women are superior and stronger than men. Most men are, on average, way stronger than girls. They're taller and more muscled. Mark: So what's the closest experience you've had with a larger girl? JaimeAug 01 2012 4:51pm Jaime, glad to hear one woman make sense on this site! All you guys who vote women are stronger, listen to this strong woman. You guys are wrong! "Most men are, on average, way stronger than girls." Thanks for making that clear, Jaime! rightAug 01 2012 10:24pm I am a singer, a big woman with a big voice. I fell in loved with a keyboard player, 60 lbs lighter than me and 6 inches. He is very thin and short and I can do whatever I want to do with him but we mainly make music or have a go in the bed. My size doesn't bother him one bit. I feel protective when we are out touring, some girls want to take him from me, they are in trouble if they do, I know how to fight. SheilaAug 02 2012 2:10pm Jaime: The most I've ever done with a tall strong girl was talk to her LOL. But while we were talking, I noticed that I had look up at her, and I noticed her thick arms, tall legs, and powerful body. I've always liked girls like her xD MarkAug 03 2012 11:07am Sheila: What is it about boys like him that attracts you? MarkAug 03 2012 11:09am Mark, you need to get out there and find a strong girl. Have you tried plenty of fish? That's a great website. Another way if you know any larger girls(which shouldn't be a problem since you're such a little guy) is to make an innocuous comment about yours or someone's size. It can be something as simple about how hard it is to find shoes, clothes, assuming you have that problem, and so on. If the girl pursues that topic in greater depth then you'd expect, then you know she might be interested. That's how my boyfriend figured out I was into him. He casually mentioned that he kept a pocket watch because wrist watches nearly always looked too big on him and I just seized on that to do a wrist comparison and how small his arms were. Oops =) Sheila: I know the feeling. When you're man is smaller than you it's so empowering to be able to do whatever you want with him. I mean, I respect him, but my own BF really is powerless to stop me from doing whatever. JaimeAug 03 2012 4:54pm Jaime: Yeah, I did that once. I told her that she was way taller than me and she just said "nah it's just that you're so short!" I should do it more often. Thanks for the tip xD MarkAug 03 2012 6:32pm That's too bad. I would have probably walked right up to you or would have asked you stand next to me. You'd be about eye level with my chin or neck, I think. =) JaimeAug 03 2012 6:43pm i'm uday mo.9998889201 plz sexy beby udayAug 07 2012 11:02am Jaime: Well, I'm only 15 xD It was fun talking with you. It's really interesting getting to know a tall strong girl lol. If you wanna ask me anything, feel free to ask :P MarkAug 07 2012 7:00pm I'm 166 cm. and weight 54-55 kg!!!!! I'like tall and strong woman!!! hi all!!!!!!!!! mick73Aug 27 2012 4:10pm Depends on the size of his dick WhoreSep 01 2013 7:07pm WXTnJQ Major thanks for the article post.Really thank you! Keep writing. GuYvcoUFstoMPSep 06 2013 7:04pm so there is a guy I like he is a twin and he is 5'4 and maybe just hit 100 pounds. I am taller than him but he is a lot skinner than me too.. I feel a little unsure about it FaithSep 07 2013 6:21am SBqbVc Hey, thanks for the blog post. Fantastic. wZFYfzMxfpjOGuatvuSep 13 2013 1:35am gdJwSs Thanks-a-mundo for the blog article. Will read on... RWcFMVRnxWFaSSep 24 2013 6:42pm 6lC2vd I really enjoy the blog post.Thanks Again. Much obliged. MNSRFwsajUKUsbvJWpvOct 15 2013 1:37pm RXaGKX Very good blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. OBSXRaftcCIPGnnOct 15 2013 7:39pm SLeEzE Im thankful for the post.Much thanks again. Awesome. muUyfDHBUGNQNGBREkvOct 26 2013 11:01am 71CYbN Thanks-a-mundo for the article post. Fantastic. uFpiDfgEYwYEGyeDnNov 01 2013 7:23am RXHv8S Hey, thanks for the blog post.Much thanks again. Cool. SyfWNsXwIDec 14 2013 7:18pm GR36kC Really enjoyed this blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged. ELMiPCIftRkeamOFAXyJan 15 2014 11:27pm JXeSqt Major thanks for the blog article.Thanks Again. Cool. yhDbJNqyaoHoveqFeb 28 2014 1:26pm xNNPoy This is one awesome blog.Thanks Again. Great. IzSdvbNKNMar 22 2014 9:54am GFlBut Muchos Gracias for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great. vNiPjAytIoJBOApr 01 2014 4:15am l5cGpT Thank you ever so for you article post.Really thank you! Cool. eroNUSSlFJKMELRfHMay 12 2014 4:14am -1' 1May 24 2014 8:50am Cx0zd1 I think this is a real great article post.Much thanks again. Really Great. WmJFwkGepLCUJun 04 2014 8:10am uciYPZ I am so grateful for your article.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. eWXgIznbplnzFtJun 18 2014 1:15pm 1 -1'Jun 30 2014 10:02am jZIb57 I cannot thank you enough for the post.Really thank you! Keep writing. htCakIXLKlqbjpHDJul 03 2014 12:58pm HCUZVH Say, you got a nice article post.Much thanks again. Will read on... kGaRAOOFJul 17 2014 7:57am Obtgyi I am so grateful for your blog article.Really thank you! Cool. HHUuYwNQycJul 18 2014 7:08pm zupRDL A big thank you for your blog article.Thanks Again. Will read on... DjVIWSMNoAINXcAug 04 2014 3:21am tcgctd Very informative article. Keep writing. HozAZMhZCSDAug 05 2014 4:50am y1YPrn Great article.Thanks Again. Want more. vCcFPHzVzAug 05 2014 11:45am me and my husband married very early when we were 20. We are the same height and I was then a bit heavier then him. When we play wrestled and arm wrestled he always won but really had to fight to do so. I am not sure I gave 100% in those matches. I got pregnant when I was 22, then again when I was 24 and again at 26. I grew with each child, I did gain some fat but my muscles actually grew and my hips and shoulders got wider. When we were about 30 me and my husband started to wrestle for fun. I was now quite a bit heavier than him, he was still thin and not very strong but we were anyway surprised when I could easily pin him to our thick rug. He wanted to have another match and again it was now obvious who was stronger. I loved being on top and after that evening our sex life improved a lot (still tough when you have three kids). Another evening when the kids were in bed we arm wrestled and even if I am very bad at that, or was I should say, I could easily muscle his thin arms to the kitchen table. He was embarrassed but also sort of proud and turned on having a strong wife. I started to work out to git rid of some of the fat and did so fore many years. We are today in our 50's and I have been bigger and stronger than my husband for many years now. When I started to work out I quickly added muscle and got really strong. I joined am arm wrestling club and soon learnt how to use my strong arms. I adore my still thin husband that I can lift up in my arms as easy as that. I never look at a man bigger and I do come across some big strong men. My husband falls asleep in my arms almost every night and that is the way we like it. LeahNov 22 2014 5:50am Wow! I didn't think any guy was as skinny as me. Like a few others here, my arms are real skinny, bicep is 8 3/4". And yes I did have a girl once put her hand almost all the way around it. Usually go around 105-108 lbs.Never had a GF who was lighter than me. AlanDec 04 2014 10:59pm vm51Zs F*ckin' amazing things here. I'm very satisfied to see your post. Thank you a lot and i am taking a look ahead to contact you. Will you kindly drop me a mail? XvFlLAYKcEHDec 21 2014 6:16am kJebSD Excellent weblog right here! Also your site a lot up very fast! What host are you using? Can I am getting your affiliate link on your host? I desire my website loaded up as quickly as yours lol wpguUGdBqjFcJan 15 2015 8:25pm Hey does a 5 feet 4 guy with a 6 pack sound attractive to any of you? Btw I'm 15 ChrisFeb 26 2015 6:38pm ng4pbR Hello. magnificent job. I did not imagine this. This is a remarkable story. Thanks! lFJhlQYieiHccLoMar 06 2015 12:57pm PBqotq Wow! 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