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GIRLS: What do you think of skinny weak feminine boys that crossdress?Question:Created by: Girlyboy1234 at 09:12:56 AM, Saturday, May 26, 2012 EDT Comments
This one Dave, James, facesitfan stop acting strong i can beat you up AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:26am found it.. and anon why not go try it out and beat her? davNov 07 2013 5:28am Dave, i like it when you call me goddess this is the best nickname for me i think. Woman Nov 07 2013 5:32am woman you are nothing AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:33am Hahaha stop acting stupid and accept being the weaker sex. Woman Nov 07 2013 5:33am want a fight? AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:35am Anonymous, why you hate strong women you can talk, have you ever been beaten by a strong woman Woman Nov 07 2013 5:35am no you just act so strong! to scared to accept a fight? AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:37am Shut up, i challenged you and you escape i do not have time for men like you. Woman Nov 07 2013 5:39am ok i accept your challenge AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:40am and dont tell me to shutup bitch AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:40am Ok tonight 8:30 o'clock Woman Nov 07 2013 5:41am And i will show you who is the bitch Woman Nov 07 2013 5:41am where? AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:43am anon you must know she has beaten 2 men like your size easily. and you called her a bitch.. well nice knowing you but you are a dead man :D davNov 07 2013 5:46am Sirkeci - Halkal station, be there Woman Nov 07 2013 5:53am dav you shutup. you are a pussy. scared of a woman? you are a loser. after i am done with woman the bitch you are next AnonymousNov 07 2013 5:58am i preffer you came to me first as woman will kill you and we wont be able to fight davNov 07 2013 6:04am anonymous, why you speak like that, any way i got to go now i need a final confirmation 8:30 there. Woman Nov 07 2013 6:04am woman please dont go davNov 07 2013 6:05am shut up bitch. i will also rape you AnonymousNov 07 2013 6:14am hey dav want to come and help me beat her? AnonymousNov 07 2013 6:16am hahahah no thanks.. get killed yourself. you are not scared of her now are you? please go so i can know what happened to you AnonymousNov 07 2013 6:18am ^me davNov 07 2013 6:19am are you scared? hahah AnonymousNov 07 2013 6:31am ofcourse.. and why shouldnt I be? she is much stronger then me and you combined and you know that.. no shame in admitting it.. its the new future davNov 07 2013 6:35am Where are you anonymous? Woman Nov 07 2013 10:07am Anonymous, i am waiting and i do not have all the day Woman Nov 07 2013 10:36am WTF has been going on? I been busy the last week or so and come back all hell has broken loose!!! JamesNov 07 2013 10:51am I feel so disappointed, i thought i will back to my home with a weak man he will be my slave after i beat him but that did not happened, it looks like my husband will pay the price tonight. Woman Nov 07 2013 10:51am Dont you see he is scared of you woman? DavNov 07 2013 10:59am I guess Anonymous was not man enough. That the trouble with some guys they are all talk, but no action. JamesNov 07 2013 11:01am So you are man enough to call "woman" a bitch and then go fight her? DavNov 07 2013 11:06am Welcome back James, yes you are both right he is scared and he is not man enough to challenge me, but i really feel so disappointed i was so excited about it, and now i do not know what to do. Woman Nov 07 2013 11:08am You could always try beat me :p davNov 07 2013 11:11am Hahaha, what do you want to try it. Woman Nov 07 2013 11:13am yes, why not? do not cry after i start hurting you though davNov 07 2013 11:17am Ok Dave why i feel that you will cry from the first minute. Woman Nov 07 2013 11:20am im joking. I do not want a fight with you. you are like a goddess compared to me davNov 07 2013 11:22am woman i have arrived. come for a fist fight AnonymousNov 07 2013 11:23am Oh really now you too late. I do not have time for a lair like you. Woman Nov 07 2013 11:26am Dave keep saying Goddess, i like it very much i will make my husband say it to me WomanNov 07 2013 11:27am Are you scared bitch? AnonymousNov 07 2013 11:27am No woman I would like if only I could call you that DavNov 07 2013 11:28am Anonymous i will just ignore you, you are such weak lair guy. Dave i like the nickname and it shows my superior over my hubby do you have any suggestions like this i can make my husband call me with it. Woman Nov 07 2013 11:31am woman you are scared of me after all? AnonymousNov 07 2013 11:34am i dont know goddess. by the way sorry for asking but what is your breast size? davNov 07 2013 11:35am No problem but can i know why you are asking? Woman Nov 07 2013 11:38am because i really love breast smothering davNov 07 2013 11:43am Ok it is around 40 - 42 depends on the brand WomanNov 07 2013 11:44am wow.. cant we meet someday? :( davNov 07 2013 11:45am Do you like beasts of size like this because many men do not Woman Nov 07 2013 11:47am the bigger the better davNov 07 2013 11:47am After my disappointment because the Mistry man who wants to wrestle me did not show up, and i was so excited to wrestle and squeeze a man my husband was my only choice so he paid the price, i wrestled squeezed scissored smothered sit on his face for two hours, i must say i was a little rough with him, and he suffered a lot and was not very happy, but at the end he is my husband and he should pleasured me. Woman Nov 07 2013 2:10pm True. Men should obey woman like you davNov 07 2013 10:36pm Yes, sure i think every man should obey his woman ( wife, girlfriend) because woman always are better leader and better decision maker. Woman Nov 08 2013 11:57am woman you're the greatest goddess i cant believe how strong you are ur husband is the luckiest man on earth Tim Nov 08 2013 1:39pm Thank you Tim, but trust me he does not feel like that right now, after last night. Woman Nov 08 2013 2:01pm I would enjoy every moment of your wonderful body my goddess DavNov 08 2013 3:06pm Dav, are you sure you may suffer a lot if we met some day Woman Nov 08 2013 3:12pm I know but I do not mind. Its a price I am willing to pay DavNov 08 2013 3:19pm Ok, you should see my husband now, today he forces me to beat me him another time, because he was so upset about the last night and he did not said a word all the day and when i ask him about something he just answered shortly, and when i told him to give me my daily foot massage he refused and said something about this is not a normal like and we had a big fight and it ended with me beating him Woman Nov 08 2013 3:24pm He deserves is. He should be grateful you are married to him DavNov 08 2013 3:26pm Yes you are right but sometimes i feel sorry for him i do not think that strong person should beat the weaker one, but he forces me to do it and he knows how much it is important the foot massage for me. Woman Nov 08 2013 3:29pm Its his rightful place. I am a man and i admit woman are now above men. I am sure you are stronger then nearly all men DavNov 08 2013 3:31pm So do you think i should keep handling him like that? Do you really think that men right place is women's feet because i also think that Woman Nov 08 2013 3:34pm if its to woman like you yes. strong woman is to control their man in all way. You are stronger, smarter and make more money than him dont you? DavNov 08 2013 3:37pm Yes, of course i am stronger smarter have better education and make much more money than he does, i am also in much higher position than him Woman Nov 08 2013 3:39pm Then why shouldnt he serve you? He should beg you to massage you. I think he should get a beating of his life from you DavNov 08 2013 3:41pm Well you are right, but i am just do not want to build my relationship with him only on physical matters, but at the last few months he started to complain a lot about my dominating behaviour so i think i should punish him. Woman Nov 08 2013 3:43pm True. You are to kind with him. Its your fault he is talking back to you. I wouldnt do that mostly out of respect to my superior DavNov 08 2013 3:46pm Yes maybe i am to kind to him, but can i ask you a question if you have a wife like me would you be happy to do these things to you ( wrestle you even if you do not want, bring other men to wrestle while she is wearing underwear or a thong, force you to massage her feet every day ) these are the things that makes my husband upset. Woman Nov 08 2013 3:49pm Seriously I would be scared of wrestling someone as strong as you but would have to agree as you would be my mistress. I would love watching you beat up others or would even enjoy joining in and getting beaten up with them. I would beg to massage you everywhere and not only feet. You are a goddess and you should be treated like one. It would be a honor to massage you DavNov 08 2013 3:53pm Really, thank you Dav so i think i should be more strict to him any way now i make him now sleep beside my feet as a punishment, by the way you are a great man and all men should be like you Woman Nov 08 2013 3:57pm And all woman like you DavNov 08 2013 3:59pm Thank you ok starting from tomorrow i want change my behaviour with him, any suggestions Woman Nov 08 2013 4:00pm Thats up to you. no wrestling though.. proper beat up with punching and kicks DavNov 08 2013 4:04pm I did not mean about how i should beat him this is a thing i can handle it easily, i meant if you have any suggestions how our relationship should be in the future but thanks any way Woman Nov 08 2013 4:07pm Like I explained. He accepts any rule you want DavNov 08 2013 4:11pm I do not know i am thinking of making him have a long vacation from his job and take care of the house ( cooking, cleaning, washing ), he is not allowed to sleep in the bed with me he should sleep on the floor or by my feet, also he is not allowed to sit on the couch next to me he has to sit on the floor, he will massage my feet every day, he is only allowed to call me mistress or goddess or boss, i will beat him daily, and sex life between us is only for my pleasure not him, he is not allowed to go out only if i give him the permission. Do you think this is enough to make him obedient? Woman Nov 08 2013 4:18pm That sounds perfect.. And not daily.. 3-4 times a day. In a week he will be a changed man. And obey you as all men should. Even I would obey you from over the internet. You were born a woman and a strong one to so you are in charge and should be obeyed by us weaker sex DavNov 08 2013 4:23pm Dav you are very good and obedient boy, but what did you mean i should do to him 3-4 times a day beating him or making him massage my feet? Woman Nov 08 2013 4:27pm beating him.. and woman yes. why shouldnt I be? look at how everyone acknoledges your power. Anon was terrified of you. He probably saw you from far and got scared and he is not to blame. You did beat up 2 men at once with ease DavNov 08 2013 4:28pm Yes you are right all men should be good boys to me i am stronger and more successful than most of them, i really like this sites very much people here give me great ideas and show somethings i did not notice before i know them. Woman Nov 08 2013 4:33pm I really wish I could meet up with you someday. You are a goddess to me. You know if turkey was invaded by you. I am sure we would be gonners. Are there more woman like you there? As you are stronger then all men in cyprus DavNov 08 2013 4:37pm Ya me too i really hope we can meet someday, of course there are women like me in Turkey but not much, but in these days there are a lot of women who are bigger and stronger than their husbands and this is not only in Turkey it is also happened i. Japan India Swidden Africa and other places, where women are bigger and stronger than their men Woman Nov 08 2013 4:43pm thats how it should be.. woman should be stronger. woman well trained can beat 3+ well trained men. as woman are superior now DavNov 08 2013 4:45pm I hope in the next few years all women will know their strength and men will be only to serve the stronger sex, by the way your wife will be extremely happy with man like you. Woman Nov 08 2013 4:48pm Yes thats the problem. most woman dont know they can surpass men easy. I wish my wife could be someone half your power DavNov 08 2013 4:51pm You know when you said that my husband should massage my whole body you really make me laugh, you know one if the reasons why my husbands does not want to massage my feet despite it is humiliation is that my feet are big and hard this is what he said, when he massage only one muscle of my body he will get exhausted and he said his hands are hurting him, he is so loser and weak to do it, this is why i have a private massager every week. Woman Nov 08 2013 4:52pm Most women are stronger than men even if they do not work out, i wish your will be strong as me and stringer Woman Nov 08 2013 4:53pm I hope you dont pay this massager.. is he a man or woman? DavNov 08 2013 4:54pm I know they are stronger. Even normal woman are stronger than athletic men davNov 08 2013 4:55pm I pay him, and he is a man Woman Nov 08 2013 4:56pm why would you pay him? he should do it for free.. its his dutie? is he stronger then you? DavNov 08 2013 4:56pm At the end it is his job and he is very good one, hahaha he is not stronger than me at all he is Chinese man he is like my half size ( tall weigh ) but when he massages me his hands are strong and talented, but even with that i arm wrestle him and beat him very badly Woman Nov 08 2013 5:00pm I am going to sleep now goddess. Goodnight DavNov 08 2013 5:03pm So what happened goddess? DavNov 09 2013 12:05am When i woke up, i woke him up by kicking him on the face, he was surprised and he did not know what is this about he said " what? Why? What happened? " i told him to wash his face and made a cup of coffee for me and follow me to the living room, when he came to the living room he put the coffee on the table he wanted to sit on the couch, but i shouted on him to sit on the floor, and i started to talk how he was Indocile in the last few months and i told him the new regulations i make it for him, at first he did not agree and said that he has rights i should respect it for him, i grabbed him from his T shirt and slapped him and told him this is not an option this is an order and he does not have any choice about, then he started to ask for forgiveness in a crying tone and said that he will back a good boy as i always knew him but without this punishment, but i refused and ordered him to sit by my feet and kiss them, then i told him to swap the floor because it is dirty, now i am out of my home and i locked him in the house, the house should be clean and he should c*cked me a nice meal when i come back. Woman Nov 09 2013 2:48am good.. thats what you should do. I am pleased you are being treated the way you should DavNov 09 2013 2:53am Thank you Dav, you are right this the way how should woman like me be treated by men Woman Nov 09 2013 3:58am You should go beat him again for a reminder. keep this up for a week he will learn his place. Sorry but your husband is ungrateful. Men should be pleased to be doing this to you and most men want woman like you. but your husband does not know how lucky he is. You were kind to him and he didnt obey you so now you should teach him to respect and obey you the hard way DavNov 09 2013 4:05am Yes i know when i come back home, he bring the meal he c*cked it for me, it was good but i told him it is not good enough for me so i beat him another time, but do you really think that most men want a wife like me? Because i heard a lot of them said that they are sorry about my husband because he married someone like me. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:10am They are jealous. I would love to have a wife like you. I feel honored even talking to you. You are talking to someone who is your slave. I respect that you take opinions by inferior people to you DavNov 09 2013 4:13am Be back in 10 minutes my goddess DavNov 09 2013 4:14am You think, i really hope that, do you like being slave to someone? Sometimes i think i should hire a slave or a male maid with my husband so i can have two men to serve me since my husband is so weak to serve me by him self. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:17am no but its my rightful place to serve woman like you.. all men should serve woman like you DavidNov 09 2013 4:25am So you are saying that you do not like to be treated as a slave, but this is your place in front big strong woman Woman Nov 09 2013 4:30am I would love being your slave. and woman like you DavidNov 09 2013 4:33am Good this is how i like men Woman Nov 09 2013 4:36am would you accept me as your slave? please? DavidNov 09 2013 4:37am Ok, i can try you, but you live in another country and you can not come to my country, how could you be useful for me? Woman Nov 09 2013 4:38am someday we might meet. I hope. I would do anything you want DavidNov 09 2013 4:39am Ok, if we meet someday i may let you worship my muscles of course with other duties, because you are very obedient man Woman Nov 09 2013 4:41am Thank you very much. I would be honored to DavNov 09 2013 4:51am Have you ever worship muscles, what are you good at ( worship, massage, cleaning, c*cking ) Woman Nov 09 2013 4:54am No never. woman here do not have muscles like you. I will still do whatever you want me to DavNov 09 2013 4:54am Ok, but i need skilled and loyal men to serve me, i wish if you were experienced in any of these things. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:56am Was your husband experienced? I will learn fast. Please let me be one of your slaves DavNov 09 2013 4:59am No, he was not, and as i said if we meet someday i will give you a try, i do not know why but right now i feel like all men are only losers. Try to worship my muscles now only by talking to see what do you got? If you know what is it mean to worship muscles Woman Nov 09 2013 5:04am But all men are useless compared to women. No man can beat you ever. You are a goddess. If you would ever accept me I would do whatever I can to please you. DavNov 09 2013 5:06am Yes i know totally useless, and i am so board from my stupid husband, he is just repeating him self from the morning until now which cause him a lot of damages and bruises, i want something creative and new. Woman Nov 09 2013 5:10am Theres nothing to do.. No man can match your strength. We are to weak and useless my goddess DavNov 09 2013 5:12am I do not want a man matches my power ( if he exists , i want a man who will be very submissive to me in a new creative way. Woman Nov 09 2013 5:15am Ohhh, my god my husband is so stupid i was so patient with him, buy now he wakes up the monster inside me and he will pay the price. Woman Nov 09 2013 5:19am I will be submissive. Anything you want. and no such man exists davNov 09 2013 5:29am Say something good about me and my muscles and worship them, even through internet flatter on each muscles, body ( shoulders, breasts, ass, hips, thighs, calves, feet ) i want hear something new, if you really like me and want to be my salve someday do it. Woman Nov 09 2013 5:34am Its quite hard as i cannot see your muscles and I have been talking about your power all this time. I only know of your breast, ass, thighs feet and biceps size. Breats are amazing big and wonderful. Ass huge and muscle. a dream to be facesat by you. your thighs are amazing with strengh no man can withstand. I would love to massage them even though it would be impossible to massage such power. your calves are amazing to with huge power in them as I would kiss them all day if you would allow me and for your feet? they are so strong that men get aches by massaging them. there is not one part of your body that isnt perfect and wouldnt kiss and massage for you my goddess DavNov 09 2013 5:40am Ok, that is good whenever you haves ideas like this you will be allowed to speak like that my internet slave Woman Nov 09 2013 5:45am thank you my goddess. whatever you want ask DavNov 09 2013 5:47am Keep going like this Woman Nov 09 2013 5:49am flattering you my goddess? DavNov 09 2013 5:50am this is stupid stop being an idiot.this woman is not that strong Markus the greatNov 09 2013 5:51am Yes, flattering with my muscles, feet and breast, when ever you have good ideas. Woman Nov 09 2013 5:52am Woman can i flatter you? Please Tim Nov 09 2013 5:53am Ok my goddess. whatever you desire. and Markus do not mess with something you cant beat. she is stronger then all men. A woman with muscle and trained in kick boxing is stronger then all man DavNov 09 2013 5:56am i do whatever i want and you are all pussies being scared of a whore Markus the greatNov 09 2013 5:59am Tim, yes you can but you should be as good ad Dave, Dave if you keep doing good job when i will meet with you, i will sit on your head and cover it all by my ass, i will chock you between my huge breasts scissored you between my powerful thighs, crush you under my big feet, and makes you kissing them, and massage my feet and my calves. Woman Nov 09 2013 6:01am I would love for that to happen my goddess. Anything you want as you are superior to all men DavNov 09 2013 6:03am I will bear hug you, that will make you scream like a little boy, i will lift in a cradle way so i will feel motherly and protective, and you will feel like a baby between my arms, then i may take you to the hospital, :)) Woman Nov 09 2013 6:07am I accept anything you want. I have no right to say no to you. You are allowed to do anything you want. It is law of nature. Men were born to serve you DavidNov 09 2013 6:11am I know, and this law my husband learn it now, i am just telling you what i will do to you Slave. Woman Nov 09 2013 6:14am woman you are a coward whore who is scared of real men and not weaklings. am much more muscular then you will ever be Markus the greatNov 09 2013 6:14am It would be an honor to be destroyed by you. Please tell me more of what you would do to a useless man like me my goddess DavidNov 09 2013 6:16am I can use them as bars for my workout, and a dummies also to kick them, you can be my servant and i will divide the duties between you and my husband, of course you will be a massager for me, and you will spend hours worship my muscles and my feet, i like to hug things or people when i sleep i can put every one of you in a side and i will hug you both, and i will enjoy it to see you both struggling for breath. Woman Nov 09 2013 6:22am Goddess please tell that loser markus to get lost, he is annoying and I do not like people talking like that to you. You are superior to him. this is a disgrace DavNov 09 2013 6:25am superior? you should know that i am a black belt in aikido and my muscles are 13.5 inches rock hard. i am 5.10 feet and weight 160 pounds so what chance does a woman have? woman are weak you idiot Markus the greatNov 09 2013 6:30am He is a loser stupid man, i will not replay probably he is the same old Anonymous Woman Nov 09 2013 6:30am True my goddess. and thats your size Markus? If my Goddess would want she could tell her about her size and power. You idiot. 10 of you cannot beat her. She is stronger then all men. No one can survive a kick from her DavidNov 09 2013 6:34am Yes thats my size. whats your size woman? please make us laugh Markus the greatNov 09 2013 6:37am My goddess where have you gone? Please return my goddess and ignore this idiot who knows nothing about you. He is just scared of you. DavNov 09 2013 6:45am I do not have time for him right now, i have a husband to make him obedient. Woman Nov 09 2013 6:55am ok my goddess.. please tell me what you did to your other slave DavNov 09 2013 6:58am Today I took from my husband his phone, laptop, keys, and locked him in the room when i went out, i beat him many times today once when we woke up and informed him about the new rules, and second time when we had lunch, and time after that because the bathroom was not clean as i told him to be, and another time after that because he did not satisfy me well in the massage, and the last time before we went to bed just to remind him in his place, now he is laying on the end of the bed kissing my feet, any way he spend his first day from the punishment doing housework, kissing and massaging my feet, beating by me, apologizing for me and promising that he will be a good boy and he will never argue with me or criticize my life style any more, actually i really feel sorry for him he is just too small weak, but i forgive him many times before this time and every time he just return to his old behaviour, i do not know guys should i forgive him this time or i should keep with my punishment to him? Woman Nov 09 2013 1:32pm One week so he does not do it again. Why feel sorry? Its a mans rightful place to serve you. I also want to serve you DavidNov 09 2013 1:37pm Really, so i do not do any thing wrong Right? I told him the first period of the punishment will be for Ten days, then i will make my decision whether i will complete with it or forgive him Woman Nov 09 2013 1:45pm No forgiving my Goddess. You should not let him loose. We are here to obey you and pleasure you. With no resistance. Whoever resists should get a beating by you. Its law. Woman are superior DavNov 09 2013 1:49pm Well, this a great way to live, but i feel sorry for him because he is so weak comparing to me, even though i do not think i will forgive him i am so angry from him, i just want to understand why he refuses to admit that he likes it when i wrestle other men or when other men massaging me, why he does not want to admit it? You are a man maybe you can understand why he do it. Woman Nov 09 2013 1:55pm I do not know. Hiding his true feelings. And every man is weak compared to you. You know that woman are superior? DavNov 09 2013 1:58pm Yes, i think women are superior, look at me i am 26 years old a project manager on more than 250 workers most of them are men, got MBA, married and control my marriage, and a every strong athletic person, while my husband is older than me and he is only in assistant position in his company, he is responsible for nothing in our marriage, and very weak person his salary only covers his transportation and cigarets expenses i gave him money to buy clothes and i own every thing ( house, car ) i buy it all by my self, so of course women are superior to men Woman Nov 09 2013 2:05pm You see my point? You are 26 and you can beat any man in a fight. And you might not even be the strongest woman. Do you believe a man could take a kick from you? DavNov 09 2013 2:42pm If you want to be a good slave you should ask or at least inform before you leave Woman Nov 09 2013 2:43pm Sorry. Please forgive me DavidNov 09 2013 2:48pm A kick no way my legs muscles are very very strong, my thighs are 28 and my calves are 21 and i also have very big hard foot with size 12 Woman Nov 09 2013 2:48pm Ok, but do not do it again. Woman Nov 09 2013 2:49pm Ok.. I wont. That was wrong of me. :( I deserve punishment DavNov 09 2013 2:52pm And yes indeed. That makes your stronger than any man. We are pathetic compared to women like you DavNov 09 2013 2:53pm Yes in this you are right you are so pathetic comparing to me, if i want i can kill any one of you very easily but the problem that i am nice to men, which i now realised it is wrong Woman Nov 09 2013 2:57pm Indeed that is true. We are weak trash that should obey you my Goddess. Anything you want ask DavNov 09 2013 2:59pm Yes, i want to ask a lot of things since you look a very submissive man. Have you ever tried to lift weights or to learn how to fight? If No why? And if yes, what was the result? Woman Nov 09 2013 3:02pm I did kick boxing. for several years. it made a small difference. I can now beat most men. I rarely lifted weights DavNov 09 2013 3:03pm Where there any women at the kick boxing class? Or it was just men? Woman Nov 09 2013 3:04pm What? Your thighs are 28 inch and calves 21? OMG you are huge Markus the greatNov 09 2013 3:04pm Woman are in seperate classes davNov 09 2013 3:05pm Lool, why in separate classes? Is it fir social reasons? Markus yes they are Woman Nov 09 2013 3:06pm I dont know my goddess. Its just how they do it here. My goddess it is 1am here now. Can I please go to sleep? DavNov 09 2013 3:08pm wow woman thats much bigger than mine and how about your biceps? Marcus the greatNov 09 2013 3:09pm Ok, men are so lazy they just want to sleep, and i have more questions for you tomorrow. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:11pm Mrkus it is 16, i have been lifting weights my entire life. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:12pm Im sorry Goddess. I will answer more now for you. You will tell me when to go to sleep. I am really sorry DavNov 09 2013 3:12pm No, go to sleep i want answers when you are a wake not when you are half sleep, lazy slave. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:15pm My Goddess I can answer more for you. Please forgive me for saying I am tired. It was a mistake. DavNov 09 2013 3:16pm wow woman i am sorry about before as i didnt know you were that strong. whats your height and weight? Marcus the weakNov 09 2013 3:17pm Dave, i had questions about can women in your country go topless every where, and what do you think about it. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:21pm No they dont. I would like it to happen though DavNov 09 2013 3:22pm So Markus, you changed your name to a weak, hahaha, that is so funny you. Do not be afraid of me i am a nice person but you have to apologise about what did you say before. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:23pm woman please forgive me i didnt know you that strong and whats your height and weight? i might still stand a chance Markus theNov 09 2013 3:24pm Dave, even in beaches it is not allowed!!! Would you accept if your wife or girlfriend goes on topless or not, because this is also one of the problems between me and my husband. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:26pm I am 186 cm and 97 kg, do you think you have a chance. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:27pm Woman I will have to accept it if she is superior to me. Your husband should stop telling you what to do. He is a c*cky one DavNov 09 2013 3:28pm No i do not have a chance Markus the weakNov 09 2013 3:29pm I know, you should accept it, and i know that my husband is a c*cky, but what i meant is if you have the choice ( and i know that you will not have it ) will you let your wife goes on topless in front other men, for me i stay at my home topless so when we have close visitors i just stay topless, and i also swim topless, and go to my garden house, what would you think if your wife do yhese things? Woman Nov 09 2013 3:33pm ok you are right you are stronger than me MarkusNov 09 2013 3:34pm I wouldnt like it at all my goddess DavNov 09 2013 3:34pm Why you would not like it. Do you think women should cover their body while men allowed to expose it!!!! Woman Nov 09 2013 3:39pm You are right my goddess. never thought of it like that. But to be honest I dont think men should have an opinion like this. Its for the woman to decide. We men should just obey. DavNov 09 2013 3:42pm I am so surprised, just tell me why?? Will you be jealous, or do you think woman can not defend their selves?? Or do you think it is a slut thing?? I know you do not have any rights on this, but i want to know why you have this suck ideas, stupid men. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:48pm I would be jealous ofcourse. I am sorry my Goddess if I said something wrong. Please forgive me DavNov 09 2013 3:51pm woman i am sorry about before, you seem to be incharge around here so please i am sorry MarkusNov 09 2013 3:51pm No i want to hear the truth, this is why i am talking to you, by the way you should not be jealous, at the end it is only a part of the body, i think women should exposed their breasts whenever they want, here is me a lot of men saw my breasts and i even wrestle them topless and nothing happen to me, this is only a sick ideas from men. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:55pm Markus, you said about me Bitch, do you think i will forgive you this simple, no way bitch. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:56pm what will you do to me? :o MarkusNov 09 2013 3:57pm Yes you are right. Woman are allowed to expose their breasts as it seems normal. Sorry my Goddess for being such an idiot. DavNov 09 2013 3:59pm Markus, if we met i you will know what can i do to you. Woman Nov 09 2013 3:59pm woman please forgive me. i never knew your size and strength. i was being stupid /markusNov 09 2013 4:02pm You both make me so angry, and i think my husband will pay the price. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:10pm Why my Goddess? I am sorry. I did nothing wrong to upset you. DavNov 09 2013 4:10pm I do not know about the topless thing, i thought you are a modern open minded submissive man, but i was shocked. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:13pm I am sorry. please do not remove me as your slave. I really love being your slave DavNov 09 2013 4:15pm My Husband said that a lot of men around us think that i am slut because they can see me topless, but i told him they are sick stupid men and not all men think like that but now i am surprised it looks that all men think like that. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:17pm My goddess I said I was jealous only. please I am begging you show forgiveness. daviNov 09 2013 4:19pm Ok, i will believe you this time, but you have to promise me to support women rights if being topless every where. Woman Nov 09 2013 4:22pm Ok, whatever you desire I will do. And until now I deserve punishment from you DavNov 09 2013 4:25pm If i met with you, i will show you, you will be sorry for your thoughts, go to sleep now. Stupid Slave Woman Nov 09 2013 4:28pm Please my goddess. I will do whatever you want. anything so you may forgive me. I am just a weak useless junk to you DavNov 09 2013 4:30pm Goodnight DavNov 09 2013 4:34pm Dave, there is nothing you can do, just shut up and go to sleep, you are even very lose in worshiping women and their muscles, feet, and breasts have not i told you i want hear you worship me all the time, you can choose any part and worship it in more details, but i think you are loser at this too Woman Nov 09 2013 4:34pm Sorry my Goddess. Yes I am useless man. I would worship every muscle of yours by massaging them and adore them. I would massage your steel biceps, steel leg muscles. kiss your feet and massage them even though they are to strong for me to massage as you are superior to me. I would even massage your beautiful muscular ass and breasts. I would get dominated by you in wresting and fighting with ease because you are a woman and I am a useless man DavNov 10 2013 12:59am Not bad Dave, keep saying these things whenever you want and if you want more details about my body i can tell you, if you will flatter with me about it. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:40am Tell me more details my goddess. I will show you that I am a good slave of yours DavNov 10 2013 1:45am Choose a part of my body to flatter in it and i will give you the details. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:51am Your biceps are so huge and strong that is can kill me in an istant. I would kiss them all day and worship them all day as they are wonderful and powerful. i would massage your powerful hands too even though they will give my hands pain. As you are my Goddess and I am just the weaker useless sex DavNov 10 2013 1:55am yes, my biceps are very strong and huge it is 16 inches, i have tall strong biceps, it is hard all the time even if i do not flex it, and when i flex it a huge peak will show. womanNov 10 2013 1:59am More details my Goddess? DavNov 10 2013 2:03am if you have good things to add yes. womanNov 10 2013 2:04am I would massage those strong firm feet of yours all day straight. I would kiss them and worship them as I should do and all men should as your slaves. And I do something wrong in massaging you can stand on me and destroy me under your strong muscular body DavNov 10 2013 2:07am woman if we meet someday will you please not hurt me? MarkusNov 10 2013 2:07am Good one Dave, just to let you know about my foot massage, the man bring a bottle of hot water and with salt in it he takes off my shoes and puts my feet in this bottle and rub and massage them for 20 min then he takes my feet out of the bottle and makes them dry, and start the second stage by massaging them in a specific points, at the third stage he should kiss them and put them on his face. womanNov 10 2013 2:14am Markus, be a good boy like Dave, see he call me Goddess and worship my muscles and flatter with me, while you do nothing. womanNov 10 2013 2:16am My goddess I will do the same and I will worship them all day and kiss them all day. If I stop for even 1 second you are allowed to kill me. DavNov 10 2013 2:18am i am apologising to you i never knew you were that strong. as you are a woman Markus the weakNov 10 2013 2:19am Dave,if you stop i will chock you with my feet, but very good job your wife will be so happy with you. Markus, and now you knew what you will do womanNov 10 2013 2:21am I dont want a wife. I will devote myself to being your slave my whole life. Please tell me how you will punish me daily davNov 10 2013 2:23am what should i do? Markus the weakNov 10 2013 2:23am ok, i got to go now, talk to you later. womanNov 10 2013 2:24am My goddess farewell. I will be leaving now to if you will allow me to DavNov 10 2013 2:25am OH MY GOD! If we did not have one idiot on here, we now have two! Come on guys seriously this is a joke. Saying stuff like.. "Oh my Goddess". "I'm sorry my Goddess please forgive me". "My goddess where have you gone? Come back my Goddess I cannot live with out you!". For the record I love big strong women, and also love strong athletic tall girls as well, but guys you are taking the piss now! I do not disagree that 'Woman' is very strong, but she is not the strongest person in the World, Galaxy or Universe. Man are generally stronger then women, but there are some women stronger then boys/man. I know that "Woman" could easily kill me if she wanted too, but I have seen some men out there that could kick the crap out of "Woman". There are men that are about 6'4" in height, weight 20stone (127kg / 280Ibs), Biceps = 20 inches and their thighs are about 30 inches. The DoctorNov 10 2013 7:44am the doctor get lost. if Goddess kicked anyman he would be a gonner so better respect the superior sex DavNov 10 2013 7:46am Why don't you get lost Dav. Some talking crap! Just because you are weak and small does not mean every other guy is. The DoctorNov 10 2013 7:48am I am stronger than you. no one cares about your opinion. it is lame. Women are superior to men in strength DavNov 10 2013 7:52am You do not even know me, So how can you say you are stronger then me. My opinion is lame is it? Well at least I do not talk out of my backside like you. The DoctorNov 10 2013 7:55am I will just ignore you like everyone else will. DavNov 10 2013 7:59am Oh is little Dave going to cry now? Did I touch a nerve with the truth? Maybe its time you wake up and stop dreaming! The DoctorNov 10 2013 8:08am The doctor must be that markus again so no one cares. Go suck your thumb. I will just wait for my Goddess to return DavNov 10 2013 9:01am Doctor, i have never said that i am strongest person in the world, but i can confirm that i am stronger than all men i know, and the guys think i am stronger than all men they are free how to think so you are, and they also want call me Goddess and i like it, you do not have to call any one special names if you do not want. Woman Nov 10 2013 9:45am my goddess ignore that idiot, he is just another useless male who is mad because woman are superior davNov 10 2013 9:56am Woman, I know that you have never said that you are the strongest person in the world. I apologise if I have offended you, my argument was not with you its was with Dav. I just wanted to point out that are a lot of strong men out there in the world. I do agree with you I bet you are stronger then all the men you have wrestled. I respect the fact that you are a strong woman you enjoy what you do. Its just pussy like Dav comes on here shouting his mouth off, but has never wrestled a strong woman before so he cannot really comment. I have, and some of the females were very strong, but where I live men are stronger and much bigger, but it might be different in your country. The DoctorNov 10 2013 10:13am Ok markus.. whatever you say DavNov 10 2013 10:17am Dav, I'm not markus. So shut up bitch!!! The DoctorNov 10 2013 10:21am Ok if you say so DavNov 10 2013 10:24am Goddess where are you? DavNov 10 2013 11:58am Doctor, Dave is not a pussy it is only a style of life, and you have to respect it, and how about you two stop your argument. Woman Nov 10 2013 12:11pm Woman maybe your right. I should have not called Dav a pussy. I guess I was just annoyed with what he was saying as I did not agree with him. We both love to be dominated by strong girls or women, but Dav is probably more like to be your slave and massage your feet. The DoctorNov 10 2013 12:20pm Ok my Goddess. I will do as you please DavNov 10 2013 12:20pm Sorry the doctor. DavNov 10 2013 12:27pm Doctor, as i said there is nothing wrong about what Dave like every body in this world like different things, if you do not like it it does not mean that it is wrong, Dave thank you for ending this argument. Woman Nov 10 2013 12:30pm Sorry to you too Dav. The DoctorNov 10 2013 12:31pm I will do whatever you want my Goddess. You know that DavNov 10 2013 12:34pm I know you will Dave. Woman Nov 10 2013 12:42pm So my goddess before worshiping what did you do to your husband? DavNov 10 2013 12:50pm Same thing what i did to him yesterday, i made him to clean the kitchen and the bathroom, massaging washing my feet, i beat him four times today, he spent the day apologising from me about his bad behaviour, and of course worshiping my muscles, but i will try not to forgive him before the ending of the ten days. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:02pm Wonderful my Goddess. Just to remind you. You owe me punishment for the stupid thing I said yesterday DavNov 10 2013 1:05pm woman what should i do? MarkusNov 10 2013 1:38pm I know do not worry if i met you, i will know what should i do to you. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:39pm Markus, you can worship my muscles and feet, and flatter with my body like Dave. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:40pm I will deserve it. I am a useless slave. davidNov 10 2013 1:40pm why will i do that woman? MarkusNov 10 2013 1:41pm Markus, you asked before what you should do and i will like if you do it, just like that if you do not want to do it do not. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:45pm I am not dave woman i am sorry for what i said if you were to kill/destroy me if i do not worship you then i will worship but i have no reason to MarkusNov 10 2013 1:47pm Woman I would worship your ass. while you facesit me I will massage it and kiss that steel ass of yours. as it covers my whole face DavNov 10 2013 1:48pm Ok, do not do it, i have other men they want to do it, but stop asking me what you should do. Woman Nov 10 2013 1:49pm woman do you have a problem with me? MarkusNov 10 2013 1:51pm Dave, that is great, but i do not know if you will be able to move when i sit on your face, my ass is much bigger than your whole head, and i think you will lost your breath with few seconds, so i think if you have to worship and kiss my ass it should not be while facesitting Woman Nov 10 2013 2:02pm No Markus, i do not know you and stop asking things are not related to our conversation Woman Nov 10 2013 2:04pm My goddess would you allow me to massage and worship your breasts? DavNov 10 2013 2:04pm Woman I only want to have a wrestle with you MarkusNov 10 2013 2:07pm If you were good boy and one i can trust why not. My massager do it any way. Woman Nov 10 2013 2:08pm Could I also massage those powerful abs of yours? DavNov 10 2013 2:10pm My goddess may I go to sleep? DavNov 10 2013 2:13pm Dave, if you proove that you are type from men who i can trust i will let you massage it. Woman Nov 10 2013 2:14pm As usual lazy salve, but yes you can Woman Nov 10 2013 2:15pm I have just read an article about a widow in Kenya who sign a marriage contract with two men to be her husbands, and the article says that this woman was having affair with this two men and she loves both and could not choose between them, so she decided to marry them both, and they said that the contract organise the relationship between the three of them and determine the days for every husband, and the two men committed not to fight any more and they will raise the widow children, and a Kenya lawyer says that there is nothing in the Kenya law prohibited this and all they have to do is to prove that an action like this is acceptable on the woman local society, even though in Kenya it is common for one man to marry more than one woman, but it is not common for a woman to marry more than one man, but if they prove that this is acceptable in the wife society the marriage will be official. OMG this is really weird one woman living with two husbands, loooool Woman Nov 10 2013 3:50pm Goodmorning davNov 10 2013 11:58pm Good morning Dave. Woman Nov 11 2013 12:17am How are you my Goddess? DavNov 11 2013 12:20am Very good and active, i have just entered my office coming from the site Woman Nov 11 2013 12:23am I am sorry for going to sleep last night. Please forgive me DavNov 11 2013 12:26am Dave, no problem ok, you go to early, no big deal. Woman Nov 11 2013 12:28am Thank you. Anything you want from me today? Anything you ask I will do DavNov 11 2013 12:34am As usual if you have good ideas to worship me, i am ready to hear, hey and have you read the story about the woman who will marry two men that is hilarious Woman Nov 11 2013 12:38am Yes. If that happens will you have a second husband. For me to worship I need more details my Goddess DavNov 11 2013 12:41am I do not think i will have a second husband, actually i do not know, in one hand i had enough responsibilities and stupid ideas from one husband, on the other hand it will be great to have two husbands to serve me and be able to control their life, also my husband has a medical problem he can not have kids, so it is an extra reason if i want to do it some day, about worship pick up a part of my body and i will give you every detail about it. Woman Nov 11 2013 12:48am My goddess. You have many slaves already. your husband your cousins, your massager, me. Everyone wants to serve you. Your thighs my Goddess davNov 11 2013 12:54am Dave, you think that all men want to be my slaves and worship me and my muscles, but the truth is totally different, for example i think from all the people you mentioned in your comment above my cousins are the only guys who will serve me and they are extremely happy, my husband now serves me because he is afraid of me and i have to punish him every few months to remind him on his duties, my massager is also not my slave i pay him to massage i even pay extra since he asks for extra fees from all the muscular people, and you are only existed in the internet, men in general around me and in my country do not want to marry from woman like me, of course they like to stare at my legs and body, and they want to touch it, and sometimes they ask me for wrestling match, but at the end when they want to get married or to have a relationship they will look for a woman in normal female size despite her strength, actually many men think that my body is not feminism at all and that i have ( body, muscles, feet, hands ) of a man not a woman, i know that because a lot of men when i wrestled with them they were not excited at all they did not have an erection also, that is mean they do not feel i am sexy at all. What i want to say of couse i can force any man arround me to serve me because i am much stronger than them, but if i did it i will be at jail at the end, i really wish if all men were like but they are not, most men fear me but do not love me. Woman Nov 11 2013 5:13pm My goddess I would love you. You are my Goddess DavNov 11 2013 11:48pm it has to be a person who loves ur figure longs for sex with you and knows that would be always a submissive man, he shall be fit to be your husband woman. facesitfanNov 12 2013 6:47am like if you are my wife and you playfully crush me in a reverse heasscissor or smother me under ur ass i would have an tremendous erection which proves that i love this. then lovemaking would be a bliss. though i would be hurt but it would be like coiled inside a python. facesitfanNov 12 2013 6:50am Hey guys this poll will close when we reach 300 comments if you want to continue chatting we can move to another one. Please go to title: "poll for Asian girls 5'2". Please see link……. http://www.likelike.com/poll/2909 JamesNov 12 2013 12:43pm Facesitfan, you are right but not all men like that, and if you want to continue chatting go to the poll mentioned by James. Woman Nov 12 2013 1:28pm Add a comment: Vote Results |