I think you know such questions are rhetorical so the poster can exhalt Female Supremacy. It may be sexist in the sense that the posters want the Females to conform to the posters' fantasies but generally the goal is to promote Female Chauvinism rather than the inverse. You dont question a womans strength. I see threads about a 120 man questioning whether a woman is stronger than him, while you know 3/4 of us could rip him apart. You do not question our physical superiority, you accept it as the norm! AnonymousDec 10 2011 8:44am Women are the weaker sex. Always have been, always will be. The underlying theme in all these polls reinforces female inferiority. AnonymousDec 11 2011 1:49am men are superior on average, but this site is about physically small men, who find themsleves physically smaller and weaker than the average girl next door. there arent too many men who bench less than 100 lbs, and weigh less than 130 lbs. They are a small portion of the adult male population, but they do exist; and they meet here. my ten centsDec 11 2011 4:04pm These polls make me laugh even more. Most 120 lb men are still a lot stronger than most 150 lb women. A 150 lb woman doing huge damage to his body? Give me a break! Most 150 lb women would get ragdolled even by most much lighter males. Most 200+ lb woman would still be no match for most 120 lb males. Question the strength of a 180 lb woman? Uh huh. Sure dude. Maybe if the man really is a tiny midget, sure. But your average 120 lb man is still going to be a lot stronger than most 180 lb women, as almost all women who weigh 180+ lbs are mostly just fat. AnonymousDec 14 2011 11:25pm Yeah, I only weigh 135 lbs and I've wrestled many women who weighed over 200 lbs and I was still easily able to overpower & control them. Even before I started working out, I was still a lot stronger than most much heavier women. I know a lot of women who weigh over 200 lbs and every single one of them is significantly weaker than me. I know a lot of guys my size too, and all of them are still much much stronger than most much heavier women. Maybe the guys on this site are just extra weak... maybe they just have weak genetics, IDK. 135 lb maleDec 14 2011 11:33pm I've noticed that too because my brother only weighs around 120 lbs or so and he can easily churn out 10 pull ups in a row, and he does nothing but sit around on his butt all day. My sister, who is about the same age and weight, can't even do 1 pull up. So yeah, lighter males are still usually much stronger. Most 180 or 200 lb women are still going to be really weak. AnonymousDec 14 2011 11:37pm I think aome of you fetishists want a mommy. Maybe u need a big lady for that reason. Dont kid ur self though, u will be stronger physically AnonymousDec 16 2011 3:50pm Try the situp test. Lets say you are 120 and she is 180. IF she can do as many as you, she is stronger.If you do 20 and she can`t manage 5,she is too weak for her weight =transalation= she is fat strength testDec 16 2011 3:59pm "Now she wont land a hand on this guy because women do not resolve their disputes with physical aggression." - Funniest thing yet! You apparently don't know that many women. AnonymousDec 22 2011 1:39pm Women use physical violence to try to resolve disputes all the time. It just usually doesn't work all that well since the hits from a woman are usually quite weak and pathetic. Many women have used physical violence on me before. I usually just laugh it off since getting hit from a woman is like nothing. Or sometimes I grab their arm before they hit me and then quickly subdue them. Anyone who thinks women don't use physical violence that much obviously hasn't been around that many women. But the person who posted that message probably hasn't been around or seen that many women, except for all the female bodybuilders he probably spends all day wanking off to, so it's understandable that he would say (and think) something like that. AnonymousDec 22 2011 6:59pm The person who posted this poll is a moron. Your average 120 lb man would kill most 150 lb women in seconds if he was enraged and seriously intend on doing so. Seriously damage to his body? With a weapon, yes, but in a hand to hand combat situation, the man is going to win 99% of the time. AnonymousDec 22 2011 8:06pm i think the person who posted this topic was just being facetious. If not, then yes, he is definitely a moron and probably suffering from some type of mental retardation. AnonymousDec 22 2011 8:08pm Women get just as physically agressive as the average male YGJan 12 2012 1:36pm 6"3 247lbs male master race checking in Your jimmies be rustlingNov 13 2013 1:18am XeopOf http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara EvJJaOCSkKTbgJDZGFTOct 18 2020 9:23am f2rODk https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay sBgzGIfkMxnFiilHDec 03 2020 6:25pm 3TERpw http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos SSCEhyEvDmZaLTauHZoDec 12 2020 1:35pm q4I2nm https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ KpZwiANFUybCGUHTxYDec 12 2020 9:28pm 7SjviQ https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/#writemyessay YbMnqwsYVCDGYWWhGETDec 14 2020 10:28pm qpLmeV https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html nTUkeVGIMWaBLJan 09 2021 2:55am NY1DKA http://waldorfdollshop.us/ waldorf doll EgmZdNgAOJan 09 2021 7:11am 9IXAiH https://beeg.x.fc2.com/ vJKKIOkxZKCwRGGWTzZJan 26 2021 8:02am pPUAyj https://buyzudena.web.fc2.com/ mlFejrbRRxWoptiNSEJan 27 2021 6:25am Add a comment: Vote Results |