OMG wb Tall skinny guy lol Who knows unless you get every short fat girl and tall skinny guy, put them in a ring, and shout *FIGHT*! What I can say is there is a short 'stocky' (who knows if it's fat or not!) girl I've seen in the gym who can legpress the entire weight stack which must be well over 850/900 lbs. She'd kick my scrawny ass any day of the week. AnonymousOct 13 2011 9:34am Shes bigger, shes stronger! Why the big deal?? Get over it!!Oct 14 2011 10:52am I didn't have to get over it. I already accepted it!!! I had a short stocky girlfriend (more fat than stocky) who easily outlifted me. At the time she outlifted me, I was 6-foot-1 and 125 lbs while she was 4-foot-11 and 195 lbs. She and I challenged each other to a weightlifting contest (the clean-and-jerk) where a fully-loaded barbell is lifted from the floor, swung up over the shoulders and then lifted overhead. She went first. She succeeded to EASILY lift that big heavy barbell over her head not just once but TWICE. When she said: "Now let's see you do it", I tried BUT I FAILED!!! I couldn't lift it over my head the way she lifted it over her head. I felt funny being over a foot taller thana girl who outlifted me but she weighed a whole lot more than I did and her muscles were much larger than my muscles. She knew that I was turned on sexuslly by being outlifted by her -- and so was she!!! She and I broke up but not because of her being bigger and stronger than I am. OpOct 16 2011 4:52pm Oops!! I misspelled SEXUALLY. She knew that I was turned on SEXUALLY by her. Also, I believe that, as a rule, a short fat girl IS stronger than a tall skinny guy because although I also had tall thin girlfriends other than short fat girls most of my short fat girlfriends proved to be stronger than I am and the ones who were not were basically sedentary. On one occasion, during "playwrestling", one of my prior short fat girlfriends grabbed me and lifted me over her head!!! I was A TALL SKINNY GUY LIFTED OVERHEAD BY A SHORT FAT GIRL!!! Yes, they ARE stronger!!! OpOct 16 2011 5:06pm Well fat doesnt say much. If she is bigger than he(meaning tipping the scales a little farther)you bet she is. Fat weighs nothing, but muscle does. If she has 70 lbs on you, thats not fat! AnonymousOct 17 2011 9:36am I'm 5'2" and in gym class wrestled and pinned a skinny guy who was 5'8". we weighed the same though. GailOct 18 2011 10:43am I dont need to wrestle a woman to know she is stronger?? Heres the criteria: She weighs more than you; she has broader rounder shoulders. Larger limbs. Thicker, rounder back. Larger neck! Larger wrists and hands. You might be taller, but you still feel weak kneed wehen you stand toe to toe facing her. I am not going to put my life at risk. I just know it. AnonymousOct 20 2011 6:08am no exceptions-ok.girl would be stronger and her lower body would be a lot stronger than tall skinny guy. AnonymousOct 20 2011 9:53am I am with anonymous. You just know...its a gut feeling based on facts and logic. AnonymousOct 21 2011 8:51am I had quite a few short fat girlfriends who proved way stronger than I am in her arms, legs and overall. Many short fat girls become SEXUALLY AROUSED after they physically overpower a tall skinny guy. I know, having been physically overpowered by short fat girls. OpOct 21 2011 11:07am Op, doesnt that mean that short fat girl might be dangerous?? AnonymousOct 21 2011 2:03pm I think most girls would get turned on by pinning a guy in a "boys' sport" like wrestling. Gail G.Oct 24 2011 8:47am A 195 lb woman is going to be far stronger than a 125 pound guy regardless of height. She could do more than just overpower, she would kill you. AnonymousOct 25 2011 6:10am Yes, that's true about a 195-lb girl vs a 125-lb guy (her being way stronger than he is) but every time I had intimate moments with such a short fat girl or a short fat lady, once I took hold of her clitoris, SHE ALWAYS BECAME WEAK AS A KITTEN!!! OpDec 05 2011 11:32am 3nY3Tw http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara fgJqPotADzgBcOct 18 2020 12:40pm qJt0xf http://pills2sale.com/ viagra online dGqHAKsLNov 13 2020 7:43pm hAJ54a https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay bizhNOuPJdDec 03 2020 6:13pm E93JBB http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos mkHDgsdyBSlfzLDec 12 2020 12:19pm CeL3nA https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ MszwfkbKUycQzhDec 12 2020 8:57pm aCLaRE https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/#writemyessay ksdsElTLDiARAsDec 14 2020 9:57pm 5WGjXT https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html aiPtUaNpJan 09 2021 4:05am NbxZhu http://waldorfdollshop.us/ waldorf doll KttKmIByvywQJan 09 2021 8:24am zhhauO https://beeg.x.fc2.com/ aWKNadXOKJOJan 26 2021 9:18am tMPmLF https://buyzudena.web.fc2.com/ idYWlwBUiKMsJan 27 2021 7:00am Add a comment: Vote Results |