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GabbyJan 19 2014 11:21am {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\listtable{\list\listtemplateid1\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{none\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid1\'00;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listname ;}\listid1}} {\*\listoverridetable{\listoverride\listid1\listoverridecount0\ls1}} \deftab720 \pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\sl320\qc\partightenfactor0 \ls1\ilvl0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8232 \ \ls1\ilvl0\kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8232 \ } XDJan 19 2014 11:22am Ummm ok... GabJan 19 2014 11:24am I'm bored... GabbyJan 19 2014 11:24am Well I guess no one wants to chat... 😔 I miss Brian!!!😪😱😩😫 GabbyJan 19 2014 11:27am Ugh he knew I loved him but I guess it's pay back for leaving him for like four months : / GabbyJan 19 2014 11:28am That awkward moment when you watch a music video and the video is actually better than the music lol ðŸ˜ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜„😜 GabbyJan 19 2014 11:32am Anyways even doe I'm talkin to myself it's ok I'm FINE like WHATEVER!!!...😜😬 GabbyJan 19 2014 11:34am LANA DEL REY!!!! #Beautiful #Flawless 😎😋😆😂😘ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜œðŸ˜ðŸ˜œ Gas byJan 19 2014 11:37am Stupid phone!!!! Meh!^^^^ GabbyJan 19 2014 11:38am Well I'm bored!.-. >_> GabJan 19 2014 11:42am Someone!!anyone!!!!Talk to me!!!!!!!! GabbyJan 19 2014 11:45am <_< GabyJan 19 2014 11:46am Ppl wtf I'm not gunna bite you.....you know!?!?!?!?!?!!!!... I just might kisses/hug/lick you but that's it!!! Like fr. -.- GabbyJan 19 2014 11:50am Hey, what's up KiritoJan 19 2014 11:51am No!! what's up??? Really????? I'm pregnant n!gga!!! Jk jk jk Nm.. GabbyJan 19 2014 12:02pm Sup with you...;) GabbyJan 19 2014 12:02pm Damn dat ass doe!!😗😘😚ðŸ˜ðŸ˜³ðŸ˜œðŸ˜œðŸ˜œ Gabby Jan 19 2014 12:03pm No what? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:03pm ;$ GabJan 19 2014 12:03pm Idk! GabbyJan 19 2014 12:04pm Cookies!!! GabbyJan 19 2014 12:04pm Sup with me? I'm not really doing anything KiritoJan 19 2014 12:04pm Omg omg omg I just noticed I don't like being single.-. GabbyJan 19 2014 12:05pm 😘 GabbyJan 19 2014 12:06pm I don't think anyone likes it KiritoJan 19 2014 12:06pm Ha yea GabbyJan 19 2014 12:07pm How do you type so fast? You respond really fast KiritoJan 19 2014 12:08pm *licks your lips* mmmm! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜œðŸ˜ðŸ˜œðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜œ GabbyJan 19 2014 12:08pm Why are you licking my lips? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:09pm Hahaha idk I guess I'm just really good at typing fast...;) GabbyJan 19 2014 12:09pm Mmmm idk cuz I like you!;P GabJan 19 2014 12:09pm Are you using a laptop, or phone, or what? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:10pm *pokes your cheek*Awwww your cute!!;)) GabbyJan 19 2014 12:10pm Thanks? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:11pm I'm using my phone!xD GabbyJan 19 2014 12:11pm Your Welcome! GabbyJan 19 2014 12:12pm Omg bear!! Gabby Jan 19 2014 12:12pm Oh, okay KiritoJan 19 2014 12:12pm Bear? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:12pm Lmfao Gab Jan 19 2014 12:13pm Why are you laughing? KiritoJan 19 2014 12:14pm I love you!!!ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ GabbyJan 19 2014 12:14pm I know you love me, you told me before KiritoJan 19 2014 12:14pm I gtg to dance so I'll be on tomorrow!;) Gabby Jan 19 2014 12:17pm Alright, see ya KiritoJan 19 2014 12:18pm Omg gabby like lilgaby where have u been TritentJan 19 2014 12:54pm Ummm...I'm bored GabbyJan 19 2014 6:41pm 😠GabJan 19 2014 6:43pm I think ppl think belly dancers are weird! Idk I guess cuz I'm like a belly dancer!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 6:46pm Ugh I'm bored!!! GabbyJan 19 2014 6:47pm hey AaronJan 19 2014 6:49pm I want to get pregnant!!!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 6:50pm XD lmfao hey Aaron!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 6:50pm thts.....nice :P AaonJan 19 2014 6:50pm hey how've u been bestie ;) AaronJan 19 2014 6:51pm Lol I like belly dancing I've already won like 23 competitions!:) GabbyJan 19 2014 6:52pm I've been good!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 6:52pm How have you been!;$ GabbyJan 19 2014 6:53pm ðŸ˜ðŸ˜˜ GabbyJan 19 2014 6:54pm nice!!! I am our star Basketball player ;) hahah..and my Hockey team i am also....we won every game for basketball this year..an the championhip AaonJan 19 2014 6:54pm XD GabJan 19 2014 6:54pm i have been great... AaronJan 19 2014 6:55pm i missed my GabbyGab AaronJan 19 2014 6:55pm ;) lots of guys think that belly dancers are sexy but ha nahhh...I ain't sexy;p GabbyJan 19 2014 6:56pm Hahaha Elmo scares me!.-. GabbyJan 19 2014 6:56pm no u r not sexy -_- AaronJan 19 2014 6:57pm Awwww I missed you too😘😜 GabbyJan 19 2014 6:57pm Thanks I know I'm not sexy! :D GabbyJan 19 2014 6:58pm Ur beautiful ;) AaonJan 19 2014 6:58pm Aaron↑↑ AaronJan 19 2014 6:58pm hello u there AaronJan 19 2014 7:01pm h.e.l.l.o. o.o jack the jackass :D Jan 19 2014 7:03pm o.o i guess nobody's home maybe i should watch pewdiepie throw a kid off a bike in happy wheels xD jackJan 19 2014 7:08pm omg i love tht guy :D AaronJan 19 2014 7:08pm xD ikr jackJan 19 2014 7:19pm Hey KiritoJan 19 2014 8:33pm Ok I just like idk I guess I got in to a fight with a "friend" f*ck man she cut my arm .-. GabbyJan 19 2014 8:34pm What? KiritoJan 19 2014 8:35pm No one f*cks with me cuz they will end up being dead or in the hospital... Dat bitch got lucky dat she in da hospital and not dead but when she gets out she will never ever see anyone! She will be dead.-. GabbyJan 19 2014 8:37pm Who? KiritoJan 19 2014 8:38pm So anyway...what ya doing?;p GabbyJan 19 2014 8:38pm Oh just a friend. GabbyJan 19 2014 8:38pm Watching TV, you KiritoJan 19 2014 8:38pm I may be small and skinny but I'm strong and smart I will kill somebody if needed. :) GabbyJan 19 2014 8:40pm Alright KiritoJan 19 2014 8:41pm I'm just laying on my bed. What ya watching?;) GabbyJan 19 2014 8:41pm What do you think? SAO KiritoJan 19 2014 8:42pm .-. I'm bored again! *kisses you on the lips* mmmm did you know I sleep naked.;) GabbyJan 19 2014 8:43pm Ehehehe #^_^# I wuv you!!!!;$ GabbyJan 19 2014 8:45pm Why did you kiss me? And, no, I didn't know that KiritoJan 19 2014 8:45pm I like grapes GabbyJan 19 2014 8:45pm show me show me how you work. drop dat ass and twerk twerk twerk ShreveJan 19 2014 8:46pm *whispers in your ear well sweetheart now you do* I love.......my teddybear GabbyJan 19 2014 8:47pm Jeremy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜œðŸ˜ðŸ˜šðŸ˜˜ omg omg omg I love you sooooooooo much *sits on Jeremy's lap and kisses him deeply* GabbyJan 19 2014 8:49pm I'm kinda tired.-. Should I go to sleep? GabbyJan 19 2014 8:49pm <_< you said you hated me and called me a spoon ShreveJan 19 2014 8:50pm No, I still want to talk to you KiritoJan 19 2014 8:50pm Ok. :D@kirito hahaha you know I love you Jeremy even tho you are a spoon!;P GabbyJan 19 2014 8:51pm -_- mhmm *rolls my neck* ShreveJan 19 2014 8:52pm I'm not gunna lie but like I really am tired. GabbyJan 19 2014 8:53pm But I still want to talk Gabby KiritoJan 19 2014 8:53pm http://youtu.be/dfNWfnzUl4U Gab Idk what video this is sooo yea:DJan 19 2014 8:54pm You want me to watch it Gabby? KiritoJan 19 2014 8:55pm <_< why else would she put it up man? come on now ShreveJan 19 2014 8:57pm Okay, brb KiritoJan 19 2014 8:57pm I hate it when girls say "you wouldn't imagine what I can handle not just sexually but emotionally!" It like bitch stfu and do it look like I f*ckin care!?!?!?!? No!! XD lol GabbyJan 19 2014 8:57pm Lmfao but anyways I like sharks!!!!c: GabbyJan 19 2014 8:59pm Yeah KiritoJan 19 2014 8:59pm mhmm *writing in a notebook* ShreveJan 19 2014 9:00pm http://youtu.be/XXZONeYOLNk Gab lmfaoJan 19 2014 9:00pm and i like sharkiesha <_< shes kinda like a shark ShreveJan 19 2014 9:00pm Lol GabJan 19 2014 9:01pm I like Jeremy!ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ GabbyJan 19 2014 9:02pm I like pie!😋 GabbyJan 19 2014 9:03pm Pie! Grapes! Apples! Cream! Cum! Jeremy's cum! Jeremy's c*ck! Mmmmmm!!!!...;) lmfao GabbyJan 19 2014 9:04pm I watched the video, it look like the kind of party you would see at a bar KiritoJan 19 2014 9:06pm I want to have Jeremy's babies! GabbyJan 19 2014 9:06pm Lol nahhh it just a party lol GabbyJan 19 2014 9:07pm Just a party huh, lol KiritoJan 19 2014 9:08pm Yeah baby!;) xD lol Gabby Jan 19 2014 9:08pm Well you have to get in line Gab <_< ShreveJan 19 2014 9:09pm That is not an ordinary party Gabby KiritoJan 19 2014 9:09pm http://youtu.be/1z8TKKhBTrY Gabby loves this song;)Jan 19 2014 9:10pm I'll look at that too KiritoJan 19 2014 9:11pm Well all the party's I go to look like dat!xD GabbyJan 19 2014 9:11pm What dont you do Gabby KiritoJan 19 2014 9:12pm I don't go in to random cars! Lmfao XD GabbyJan 19 2014 9:13pm but i do ;p ShreveJan 19 2014 9:14pm Okay then, also, that blonde is pretty good at singing KiritoJan 19 2014 9:15pm Lol I go in to random houses doe ;p I love bad guys they're sooo sexy and like omg just perfection!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 9:16pm Well then that's why you like me then Gabby KiritoJan 19 2014 9:17pm Ik she's good I hate her lol I'm the one that showed her how to hit the right notes in the song! ;p GabbyJan 19 2014 9:18pm Did you now KiritoJan 19 2014 9:18pm Emo guys doe ;) they're just beyond perfection!!!!!;p GabbyJan 19 2014 9:20pm XD GabbyJan 19 2014 9:20pm Again, me, my friends say I'm goth because I like black, darkness, and other things like that KiritoJan 19 2014 9:21pm Exactly my point your beyond perfect!!!o.o Gabby Jan 19 2014 9:23pm everyone says i act emo and im like <_< what you been smoking ShreveJan 19 2014 9:23pm Gabby, how did you know those things about me anyway KiritoJan 19 2014 9:25pm http://youtu.be/ql1zjv5fEok GabbyJan 19 2014 9:26pm Ha I have my ways of knowing a lot bout ppl!;$ GabbyJan 19 2014 9:27pm aint pretty in the face but she super thhhiicckk.....im just thinking with my d*ck xD ShreveJan 19 2014 9:27pm you dont know sh¡t about me <_< ShreveJan 19 2014 9:28pm Lmfao wow! GabbyJan 19 2014 9:29pm So you're psychic Gabby! KiritoJan 19 2014 9:29pm You don't know what I know about you Jeremy.-. And I'm sure not going to tell you wtf I know! GabbyJan 19 2014 9:30pm Let's just say I know where half of the ppl on LL live .-. GabbyJan 19 2014 9:31pm mhmm -_- ShreveJan 19 2014 9:32pm So you are psychic KiritoJan 19 2014 9:32pm well that easy for you the guess where i live -_- i already said it on here ShreveJan 19 2014 9:33pm I know a lot about you Jeremy .-. Even doe you haven't told me sh!t about you! GabbyJan 19 2014 9:33pm give me an example ShreveJan 19 2014 9:34pm I know your address so yea Jeremy.-. GabJan 19 2014 9:35pm what is it -_- ShreveJan 19 2014 9:35pm HA like I would tell you what I do and do not know about you.-. GabbyJan 19 2014 9:36pm I know a lot now I literally cant find my teddybear... GabbyJan 19 2014 9:37pm You tell me you love me, and you know that KiritoJan 19 2014 9:37pm mhmm ShreveJan 19 2014 9:37pm What does it look like Gabby KiritoJan 19 2014 9:38pm Lol yea Ima slut how dafuq would I know what actual love is ;D GabbyJan 19 2014 9:38pm *shrug* Shreve mad at his girl Jan 19 2014 9:39pm your not a slut Gab <_< just sexually hyper ShreveJan 19 2014 9:40pm I don't know. You actually call yourself a slut Gabby? KiritoJan 19 2014 9:40pm Nahh...but im not a slut just sexually hyper!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 9:44pm told you ^_^ heheheh ShreveJan 19 2014 9:44pm Yeah, I kind of know that, you have licked my lips, kissed my lips, sucked on my cheek, and probably other things I can't remember. Also, why did you do those things anyway KiritoJan 19 2014 9:45pm Haha yea!#^_^# Jeremy I love you! Why cuz your a f*ckin carrot!xD GabJan 19 2014 9:46pm You really wanna know daddy?;) @kirito GabbyJan 19 2014 9:47pm What do you mean when you call me a carrot Gabby? KiritoJan 19 2014 9:47pm Yes, I really want to know! KiritoJan 19 2014 9:48pm no. im just a nappy headed black guy with a goatee ^_^ and a eight pack ShreveJan 19 2014 9:48pm Daddy? KiritoJan 19 2014 9:49pm thats not right screwing around with the poor guy Gab <_< ShreveJan 19 2014 9:51pm Ok one direction fans call ppl carrot, spoon, or fork cuz like they hate those ppl but I love both of you!;) and I did those things cuz your soooo sexy and like hot!!!! Mmmm!...;) @kirito GabbyJan 19 2014 9:53pm Oh, well, thank you KiritoJan 19 2014 9:54pm Hehehe!;) Gabbywabby Jan 19 2014 9:55pm I meant thank you about the I'm sexy part KiritoJan 19 2014 9:55pm we know ShreveJan 19 2014 9:56pm Also the hot thing. Why you laughing KiritoJan 19 2014 9:56pm I know daddy!;P GabbyJan 19 2014 9:56pm Lmfao my dad just walk in and I'm not wearing clothes!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 9:57pm Why are you calling me daddy? KiritoJan 19 2014 9:58pm <_< really man ShreveJan 19 2014 9:58pm Lol I think I'm going to sleep in my dad's bed with him!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 9:59pm Does he even care you were naked? Or is he one of those pare ts who don't care what their kids do KiritoJan 19 2014 9:59pm XD cuz your my daddy!;) GabbyJan 19 2014 10:00pm *parents KiritoJan 19 2014 10:00pm I am? KiritoJan 19 2014 10:00pm My dad f*ckin raped me so he don't care he still f*cks me!;P GabJan 19 2014 10:01pm i want cranium ;p ShreveJan 19 2014 10:02pm Really? KiritoJan 19 2014 10:02pm Go to the poll under this one c; AnonymousJan 19 2014 10:03pm Gabby^^^ AnonymousJan 19 2014 10:04pm Okay KiritoJan 19 2014 10:04pm tcb7mo wonderful issues altogether, you just gained a emblem new reader. What would you suggest about your post that you simply made a few days ago? 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These references may be selective, may reference only a portion of an article or recommendation, and are likely not to be current. As markets change continuously, previously published information and data may not be current and should not be relied upon. UQbNYPpLTJdikcPApr 12 2022 3:32am I'd like to send this letter by https://45so.org/stmap_21snbbax.html?viagra.actos.combivir.isosorbide rogaine minoxidil after hair transplant Reporters who have been in San Francisco covering the America's Cup for the past few weeks had trouble on Sunday and Monday extending their hotel stays because rooms have been sold out to tends of thousands of Oracle OpenWorld visitors. 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They hadn’t expected to be so affected by Malala’s on-stage interview, but she had stunned them all into a respectful silence, and one of the boys assured me: “We weren’t even bored, Miss.” UQbNYPpLTJdikcPApr 12 2022 3:33am I stay at home and look after the children https://butiaonline.com.br/stmap_21snbbax.html?viramune.cialis.klaricid.urso lasix fiale 20 mg Many companies have already adopted Apple TVs for this scenario, but connecting from PCs or smartphones is not always straight forward and the Apple TV is somewhat stationary. With the small, $35 Chromecast someone is likely to have one in their pocket soon. gPbFCMRxApr 12 2022 6:04am I want to make a withdrawal https://www.enlightenedtraining.com/stmap_94gyirtx.html?metoclopramide.bactroban.levitra side effects of diclofenac suppository So the Prime Minister of Canada has signaled he wants Verizon in Canada. The door is wide open and Verizon can cut some good cheap deals. 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A casual fan for years, I'd perused his "Wall and Piece" book and taken the odd snap whenever I stumbled across his work. gPbFCMRxApr 12 2022 6:04am I'm a partner in https://www.enlightenedtraining.com/stmap_94gyirtx.html?metoclopramide.bactroban.levitra ivermectin wurmpaste pferd "As we progress into spring, it is unlikely that we will gettemperatures as low as they were over recent days. It ispossible, but not likely," said Liliana Nunez, chiefagro-meteorologist at the government's SMN weather institute. gPbFCMRxApr 12 2022 6:04am I saw your advert in the paper https://45so.org/stmap_94vqjxxy.html?keftab.paxil.cialis.potassium apo-olanzapine 20 mg Still, the flies are expected to increase in number as the monthlong harvest progresses. 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Following Morsi's ouster, some Arab countries have been forthcoming with good intentions and prompt economic aid, especially the United Arab Emirates, which is hosting several members of the Mubarak regime, and Saudi Arabia, which has also requested to host Mubarak since the day he was removed. YOxzRtAIfFjNApr 12 2022 6:28am perfect design thanks https://krplas.com/stmap_94vqjxxy.html?erectosil.sulfasalazine.atacand.levitra ivermectina con praziquantel para perros inyectable Current treatment involves a combination of antipsychotic drugs, psychological therapies and social support. But many patients do not respond to the initial medicines prescribed by their doctor, putting them at risk of further psychotic episodes and deteriorating mental health. 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