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Are conservatives week?

Question: conservatives always seem too fear just about everything.yeah i know they like big trucks and guns or just about anything too hide behind.but if you were a black man in the south 100 years ago you know no conservative man had the balls too help you.or just a few years ago newt promised many things and really wanted too do them,but the conservatives had no balls to stand up too clinton.countless southern conservatives bent over when lyndon johnson told them too,so much for all their tough talk.
Created by: red654321 at 12:05:21 PM, Sunday, April 24, 2011 EDT


democrates and unions up north had a long hard fight too get anything,but southern conservative republicans or dixiecrates never gave a damm about the people they reprsented(unless they were rich business owners).at some point almost every southern conservative has too come crawling and begging because he has bad pay and bad medical benies ect...from his news can keep telling you how bad things will happen if the democrates win,but i will tell you conservatives will keep you crawling and begging forever.if you worked in a democratic union factory you would never have too worry that your child would be taken care of you would know it as a right.

AnonymousApr 27 2011 9:28pm

It's weak. WEAK! not week. Week :A period of seven days Weak: Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy Learn to use the proper words. Know the meaning of the words you use!!

AnonymousApr 30 2011 10:45am
sorry im just a dumb factory worker.not very good with words.

AnonymousApr 30 2011 8:34pm
Or lazy, how hard is it to look up a words definition. On the internt even? Jeeeeeeez!

AnonymousMay 01 2011 6:42am
ty for clearing that up i didnt even not really a union guy,i hate the idea of having too join them.i just thought someone should help those liberals out.all the comments from the conservatives just seam crazy pointless too me.

AnonymousMay 01 2011 1:31pm
They are not week.... they are day!

AnonymousMay 02 2011 1:40pm
Just because they spelled the word wrong doesnt mean they aren't right. If it wasnt for the conservatives we wouldnt have to pay a fortune for gas, we would have more jobs opportunities, we would have more money, and people love one wouldnt of been going over to the middle east to get killed.

AnomynousMay 02 2011 8:25pm
obama will never get those oil companys off welfare.conservative like welfare just as long as its given too big business.yeah i know those oil companys are makeing 3 or4 billion a month but thats not enough for conservatives.ohh look whos paying for those conservatives-big oil and other big business.

AnonymousMay 03 2011 6:35am
now that ronald reagons plan to make the rich supper rich has long before that trickle down gets too me? im still waiting!! i remember lifestiles of the rich and famous those poor millionaires back in the days of reagon had too live in only 30-40 room houses.things sure have changed for the better if your rich now thats the cottage too the 100 room plus house.and its good too see those former air traffic controllers and many other former union members in 100 plus trailer parks.i know reagon must be smileing in his grave seeing all those empty houses that union members lived 30 years ago empty.conservatives like trailor parks because thats all their lower taxes on the rich plan will ever produce.

AnonymousMay 03 2011 6:58am
conservatives say that if you lower taxes on the rich the economy will grow.what those conservatives never say is that only the super rich benefit.what good is a better economy if only 1% benefit?if you work 20 years in a conservative plant,wherehouse,or whatever at 12 dollars an hour.and no or poor health care.what happens when your child gets sick or something else bad. get ready i have the answer-you get on your knees and beg!!who knows maybe some liberal program will help you,but its a safe bet no conservative program will.

AnonymousMay 08 2011 2:09pm
the gov of wisconsin is saying your work is worthless.yeah i know rush limbough and many other conservatives have truth detectors that say other things.but my truth detector says things like conservatives for the last hundred years have a pattern.its lower the taxes on the rich and everyone can have a great economy like mississippi has enjoyed the last 100 years.yes its better than some third world contries or is it only the liberal national programs that keep it ahead of those third world countries.third world countries have rich folks and poor folks only they dont have too worry about liberal programs like min their conservatives can really have a great economy that makes are conservatives jealous.

AnonymousMay 08 2011 2:47pm
the only way the economy will be great again is another great wave of liberalism.conservatives you can check it out.the richest areas are the ones liberals run and the poorest areas are the ones conservatives control.its because all those great liberal areas have people who can get a bank loan(or a liberal laws forcing banks too loan to lower middle class people)its stupid too think lower taxes on the rich and belt tightning will bring economic need a large class(union members)of people who can get a bank loan for true properity.and beleave it or not that rich guy with only 400 million(instead of 800 million with conservative republicans)will still join in.

AnonymousMay 19 2011 9:28pm
the gov. of wisconsin is just getting rid of extra persons.that way wisconsin will be as poor as those conservative states.might as well downgrade their borrowing grade to f right now.or whatever grade they give those poor conservative states.where only rich people or a business can get a loan.all dollars are borrowed so getting rid of bank customers is what the gov. is doing.

AnonymousMay 30 2011 10:02am
the country with the most borrowers wins.that was the USA since 1890,but china will soon have more.all money is borrowed into the economy every dollar was borrowed from a bank somewhere.and with the gov.of wisconsin trying to get rid of borrowers(union members)he is just killing his economy long term.

AnonymousJun 01 2011 6:12am
at some point people should wake up and see the conservative republicans are up to.its just a big party for rich people for poor poeple they like to rename things like social security to a better name(for them)like welfare for old people.maybe the old people on welfare(social security)are stupid and let them or maybe they will remember that they paid for social security all there life and fight back.if the republicans win again im sure they will dump social secuity.after all its not a job creater like the rich.

AnonymousJun 29 2011 6:02am
sometimes i just feel sorry for conservatives.they stand up and say bad things about unions (unions are bad they produce things like weeks of vacation,better pay,job security,health care ect...)i guess those good folks in kentucky or florida just like working an extra 6 or 7 years to buy a house.and i think they like to get on there knees and begging someone to help them if they or there child gets sick.hmm i wonder if thier boss (who is telling them unions are bad)has to work a few extra years or has holes in hisa knees.not to mention those conservative leaders in washington no holes in there knees only in the pants of who they represent.

AnonymousJul 18 2011 11:06am
yeah conservatives also like to get to work at least 60-90 minutes early because they got no jub security show up late and your fired.not to mention all the extra years they will have to work to put any kids through college(wouldnt want to tax some rich guy and make him help).gee must be nice for those rich guys since most college jobs lead to employment for them haha boy conservatives are smart just scare your workers of all the bad unions and reap all the rewards almost tax free yippie!!

AnonymousJul 20 2011 5:47am
Reagan was the greatest thing ever for china.lowering taxes on the rich(job creators).way back in 1980 china not have so much,but then the rich got a great tax break.and did they creat jobs yup tons of jobs only problem was that all those jobs were in china.all that tax money was being spent in the usa but now thanks to reagon its all spent in china.

AnonymousAug 13 2011 10:47pm
you spelled weak wrong.

AnonymousOct 23 2011 7:29pm
Do all you union haters really no how much it cost to make a $100 pair of shoes.In china about $2 and a dollar to ship to USA,in florida with no union maybe $3-$5,in a union state maybe $4-$6.Union haters are liars who only want to hurt the USA.

AnonymousMay 01 2012 11:12pm
Ted Nugent was a great guitar player,maybe better than clapton and page and other greats. The only thing missing was the head Ted could not write great songs,he could maybe out play page, but he could not write Stairway To Heavan. And now he has joined the teaparty (scared old man party). So sad he was a great great player. You guys in the teaparty better keep an eye on him he was a coward draft dodger as a young man when most men arnt scared of anthing and now wants to lead your party.

AnonymousMay 01 2012 11:25pm
No Republicans are the tough ones because they are mostly blue collar working men and women. But this question helps prove the notion that the Democrats are the party of ignorance! HAHHAHAHAA "week" That is hilarious.

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