You are lucky she did not decide to use that leg lock to hold you under water. Her legs are really strong from squats. I should do them too. She likes my muscular upper body and does not mind having stronger legs. In fact i think she likes it. She can take most guys she has leg press wrestled in the hot tub. Big BicepsApr 04 2011 12:40am i lost at armwrestling to a girl when i was 7, she was 9 and really tall for her age. of course i stood no chance i wish i could meet her again to have a rematch. im sure i would own her AnonymousJul 02 2011 9:48pm I'm 20yearold guy and recently lost to a 16yearold girl at armwrestling. kiethMay 13 2012 12:52pm Oh haha Keith! What was that like? Or if ya keen to share experiences email me christelleharrison@gmail or add me on yahoo chat christellesgotsexyabs ChristelleAug 25 2012 12:31am I was 26 and a pretty good athlete. But one girl was a very well developed 14 year old, at 5'5 and maybe 135, and she came out way ahead at legwrestling the first time she ever went at it. I would say she had maybe 23 1/2-inch thighs. Once she got the range, she really started turning it on, and was downing me faster and faster. I gave up after she windmilled me in the 7th battle in two seconds. I had won the first, then we tied, and she took the last five. Stronger and stronger each time ........... I got a little satisfaction when she said "the next day, my legs were soooo sore." Maybe I should have asked for a rematch with her again right there, :- ) But that one really had some horsepower from her navel to her toes, and once she had gotten the knack of it, apparently she really "put out". Against the tremendous shape and size of those HS sophomore coed legs, this male athlete was really out of his league. And I emphasize that she got all of that size, shape and coordination into decisive triumph within maybe two minutes. Every time we'd arrange to lock legs, her thighs seemed to get bigger and bigger. WaynieDAug 31 2012 6:25am Check out this: www.flickr.com/photos/muscular_girls_love_slender_boys JohnSep 04 2012 3:48am I may be misspeaking here, but I go for the average girls in these cases, not the gym members. I say that because I'm an average guy and always have been. The girls at those "massage spa" places are very fit without the veiny look because they must encounter a lot of men into the same form of horsing around, and they keep in shape that way, fending off some men for money and tips. At one such place I was bested at armwrestling by a young lady 5-2 and maybe 160 lbs, by a black girl 5-6 and maybe 155, and by a 5-6 155 gal. Now, granted I'm not in the best shape of my life anymore. At a younger age I may have been able to out-muscle those same girls at armwrestling. But even if I was 27 again, though, I would have been snapped like a wishbone legwrestling any these same "night-owl" girls. Their flanks have way too much thrust for me to compete against ......... My point is that the "average" girls who don't do the gym scene are built well enough to flatten me at leg stuff, and are very competitive at armwrestling. So I believe these stories about the gym chicks whipping guys at various events. Females have it naturally below the navel. Many of them naturally "have it" from the navel up, too. It is great to find one from time to time who is willing to be competitive. Those massage spa chicks make their living knowing when to push the limits. WaynieDSep 05 2012 6:48am If a girl would lift me high over her head I would be in heaven. gethewil82Mar 13 2013 4:43am This is not a hot tub summary, so it might not address the poll question ...... I'm neither ashamed nor proud about my legwrestling record against females of all shapes and sizes, because it has always been a turn-on. It is the adolescent 14-year old boy intrigued by the maturing 14-year old girl's development ....... I have managed to record the measurements of 90% of the females I've legwrestled. I even have the dimensions ex post facto of four girls girls I dated ......... The bottom line is that any girl whose thighs are about 1 1/2 inches bigger around than mine, I lose, pure and simple. I've legwrestled girls ranging in age from 14 to maybe (?) 45 for over 30 years. They went from a thick 4-11 to a slender 6-1 and every height in between. I've won exactly three encounters. I have been out-legged in over thirty encounters ...... I have found that the older gals with "the good legs" can be as ferocious about it as their younger sisters. Some of these 35-plus women have legwrestled (and armwrestled) more GUYS than I ever will, so they know the routine, and how much to turn on. It's all in the upper-back thighs and butt, with a lot also coming from the hips (pulling to the side) and the terrific natural arcs of the thigh-fronts. Many guys don't have anywhere near that weaponry. Girls acquire it naturally. WaynieDOct 09 2013 5:03pm Damn...you guys idiots i don't think there is any girl out there who can beat me i'm 20 yo 5,6 ft and 170 pounds A little bit afraid guyJan 13 2014 9:05am hvYrjp Awesome article.Really thank you! oInxqvuDJul 18 2014 2:00pm Just today I had one of those great battle-of-the-sexes encounters. I'll add more of what happened under another title heading. But at 5'8 and 145, against a 5'10 gal who was around 200 hourglass pounds, I lost at legwrestling. That's the kind where you lie on your backs opposite each other and clutch each other's shoulders for leverage ......... Okay, no big deal you say. The thing is, she downed me using ONE of her legs against BOTH of mine! Not just that, but she WINDMILLED me over in like two seconds. Her thighs were softish and a bit loose, but she still went just a fraction of an inch less that 28 inches at the top. Mine go 20 inches (and always did). So of course the times we had gone at it one-leg-against-one-leg, I stood no chance at downing her. But BOTH my legs losing to one of hers? And in two seconds? At no time was it a "battle". I am still astonished. WaynieDAug 14 2014 1:44am NBFlo4 Hello there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be okay. I'm absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates. lpwAfzcxJRKDYmfZkCiDec 21 2014 9:00am t AnonymousNov 06 2015 8:50am My experience armwrestling a tiny woman went like this: Arrogance and assuming I'd win easily because men are the stronger sex, panic that I couldn't move her arm, trying even harder and getting nowhere, panic in the realization that I was going to lose, running out of energy and being easily beaten, realizing that women are the stronger sex while the tiny woman who completely overpowered me teased me. AnonymousNov 06 2015 8:55am One time I challenged my ex-wife to an armwrestling match. I had been working out and she hadn't. She was 5'6, 140, but a former athlete with toned muscles. She said she'd indulge me, knowing she'd lose. She stripped to her thong and bra too. We started, and I was surprised to see I couldn't move her arm. We both grimaced, as I tried to move her, and she held firm. After 5 minutes or so, my arm was trembling. Then, I felt a surge, as she pulled hard. My wrist slowly went down and hit the coffee table. We tried left-handed, and I lost again. It was humiliating, but my wife told me it was ok, straddled me, and we made love. It blew my mind, how little, but how strong and sexy she was. CYFeb 05 2016 10:06am Ein Mädchen aus der Nachbarschaft war damals auch sehr, sehr stark. Ich war 15, fast 16, und sie war 14, als wir uns kennengelernt haben. Sie ist mit Ihren Eltern und ihrer kleinen Schwester in unsere Siedlung gezogen. Wir haben uns, mit den anderen Kindern aus der Siedlung, immer am Spielplatz getroffen. Mir ist als erstes ihre Größe aufgefallen. Ich war etwa 1,75m und sie war bestimmt 1,80m groß. Zu ihrer Figur konnte ich da noch nichts sagen, weil es Winter war als sie eingezogen sind, und wie wir alle sehr dick angezogen war. Wir haben aber immer viel rumgealbert und etwas rumgerangelt. Da viel mir schon auf, dass sie für ein Mädchen, dass auch noch jünger war als ich, sehr viel Kraft hatte. Als es dann wärmer wurde und wir endlich wieder Sommerkleidung tragen konnten, habe ich erst ihre Figur gesehen. Wir waren diesmal alleine am Spielplatz, weil die anderen da unterwegs waren oder andere Sachen zu tun hatten. Sie hatte ein ärmelloses Oberteil an und eine kurze Hose. Sie hatte extrem breite Schultern und dicke Arme, an denen ich die Adern am Bizeps und Unterarm sehen konnte. Ihre Beine waren auch sehr durchtrainiert. Sie hatte auf jeden Fall viel mehr Muskeln als ich. Zu der Zeit wog ich gerade mal 62kg, war also eher schmächtig, aber ich hatte auch einen recht guten Bizeps. Ihr ist aber auch mein Blick auf ihren Körper aufgefallen, sie hat dazu aber nichts gesagt. Wir haben dann wir immer etwas gequatscht und waren wie immer. Dann fragte sie mich, wie viele Klimmzüge ich schaffe. Da hatte sie mich, ich konnte gerade mal einen. Ich sagte ihr, ich kann 5, und versuchte dann das Thema zu wechseln. Darauf ließ sie sich aber nicht ein und wollte dass wir das hier ausprobieren. Also musste ich ja doch ran. Ich stellte mich an die Stange am Spielplatz und habe versucht alles zu geben. Mit Mühe habe ich gerade mal einen Klimmzug geschafft. Sie lachte mich aus und sagte, ich zeige dir mal wie das geht. Sie ist an die Stange gegangen und hat 10 Klimmzüge gemacht. Ihr Bizeps war so aufgepumpt, das habe ich noch nicht mal bei den sportlichen Jungs aus meiner Klasse gesehen. So wie das aussah, hätte sie locker noch weitere 10 geschafft. Dann kam sie zu mir und sagte, wusste ich doch, dass ich viel stärke bin als du kleiner. Ich konnte darauf gar nichts sagen, so schockiert war ich. Dann wollte sie mit mir wrestlen und zeigen wie viel stärker sie ist. Ich habe versucht von ihr weg zu gehen und gesagt ich muss nach Hause, aber sie hat mich aufgehalten. Ich hatte nun doch etwas Angst vor ihr. Als ich gehen wollte, kam sie von hinten bei mir an und griff um meinen Bauch. Dann hob sie mich hoch und trug mich zum Sandkasten. Auf dem Weg sagte sie noch, du bist ja noch leichter als ich dachte und wollte wissen wie viel ich wiege. Als ich ihr dann mein Gewicht sagte, lachte sie nur und sagt, das sind ja über 10kg weniger als ich wiege und schmiss mich in den Sand. Dann stand Sie mit den Händen in den Hüften über mir und sagte, dass ich aufstehen soll. Nun standen wir uns gegenüber, sie größer, schwerer und bedeutend muskulöser. Sie meinte, darauf habe ich schon seit unserer ersten Begegnung drauf gewartet. Ich hatte zwar schon im Fernsehen Wrestling gesehen, aber ich wusste nicht was ich machen soll und vor allem bei dem Gegner. Sie kam auf mich zu und wir packten uns an den Händen. Ich war sofort auf meinen Knien und hatte den Kräftevergleich verloren. Sie ließ mich wieder hoch und nahm mich in einen bearhug. Ich konnte meine Arme nicht befreien und meine Beine baumelten in der Luft. Ich habe kaum noch Luft bekommen und mir tat alles weh. Wie konnte sie nur so stark sein? Sie ließ mich wieder in den Sand fallen und ich konnte mich kurz erholen. Ich versuchte wieder aufzustehen, aber da griff sie mir schon am Bauch und hob mich kopfüber hoch und trug mich durch die Gegend. Sie ließ sogar einen Arm los und trug mich dann so weiter. Sie hob mich mit einem Arm noch höher und fasste mit dem anderen Arm an meine Schulter und schmiss mich so in den Sandhaufen. Ich war jetzt schon k.o., aber sie hatte gerade erst angefangen. Ich sag zu ihr hoch und sie spannte ihren Bizeps an. Oh mein Gott, ist der groß, dachte ich nur. Ich hatte ja auch einen Bizeps, aber im Vergleich zu ihr war der mickrig. Ich hatte 31cm Oberarmumfang, aber sie musste mindestens 36 oder 37cm haben. Sie hat mir wieder hochgeholfen und dann mit einem Arm zwischen meine Beine gegriffen und mit dem anderen an meine Schulter und mich hochgehoben und ist mit wieder eine runde gelaufen, als wenn wir Zuschauer haben, und hat mich wieder zu Boden geworfen. Das macht solchen Spaß, sagte sie dann zu mir. Ich wollte eigentlich nur noch weg und hatte Angst, was sie mit mir anstellen will. Ich hatte gegen ihre Kraft null Chance. So was habe ich noch nie erlebt, noch nicht mal die starken Jungs aus meiner Schule haben so viel Kraft wie dieses Mädchen. Sie hat mich wieder hochgezogen und mich dann mit dem Rücken nach unten auf ihre Schultern gelegt. Das tat so weh, aber ich konnte mich nicht wehren. Zum Glück hat sie mich dann wieder in den Sand geschmissen. Ich habe die ganze Zeit gebettelt, dass sie aufhört und ihr gesagt, dass sie gewonnen hat und viel stärker ist als ich. Sie lachte nur und zog mich wieder hoch. Sie packte mich mit beiden Armen unter den Achseln und hob mich mit ausgestreckten Armen hoch und hielt mich da. Dann sagte sie zu mir, das machen wir jetzt öfter mein kleiner und ließ mich wieder ein Stück runter, um mich dann wieder hoch zu heben. Sie machte das ein paar Mal, um ihre Kraft zu beweisen. Dann setzte sie mich wieder ab und hob mich wieder auf ihre Schultern. Sie sagte, jetzt will ich mal was ausprobieren und fasste zwischen meine Beine und an meinen Brustkorb. Dann hob sie mich noch höher, bis sie ihre Arme durchgestreckt hatte und ich nun über ihrem Kopf hing. Panisch griff ich nach ihrem Arm, der sich unglaublich muskulös anfühlte. Sie lachte und ließ mich wieder zu Boden. Dann sagte sie, spann deinen Bizeps an und ich tat was sie wollte. Sie lachte über meine Muskeln und sagte, so sehen Muskeln aus und spannte ihren Arm an. Ein dicker Bizeps füllte ihren Armen und dicke Adern kamen zum Vorschein. Wir verglichen unsere Arme und ich kam mir wie ein kleiner Junge vor. Ihr Arm war so viel muskulöser und größer als meiner. Ich konnte es nicht glauben, ich wurde so gedemütigt von einem Mädchen, einem so starken Mädchen. Zum Schluss zog sie mich noch einmal hoch und fasste mit einer Hand an meine Kehle und mit der anderen unter meine Achsel. Und dann hing ich schon wieder in der Luft, sie hielt mich nur mit einem Arm am Hals fest und lachte. Dann schmiss sie mich in den Sand und sagte, ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Mal. Dann spannte sie zuletzt ihren Bizeps an und ging dann los. GeorgMay 07 2016 5:48am We keep reading the accounts here of men losing in battles involving female legs, as well as the automatic dismissal by some who claim they'd never lose but who haven't gone against a female at it! .... Breaking it down another way, consider the weight distribution in the lower bodies. Men tend to gave bigger knees, calves and feet. So a 170 pound male of average physique will weigh about 85 pounds below the waist. For an average-built female to weigh 85 below the waist, she'd likely have to weigh just 140. When you consider that a lot of the man's weight and size there is in the lower legs, what parts are left? The top of the knees to the hips. Plain math says that the 140-pound female is going to have more of a weight advantage in those places (and very often a size advantage) over the 170-pound man. Believe me, as someone who has battled dozens of girls at legwrestling, I can't fathom the skepticism and outright "pshaw" dismissals by some guys here about female prowess with the upper legs. The math says that 140-pound females weigh more in the "power" parts of the legs at legwrestling -- hips, thighs, butt -- than the 170-pound male does. Why should anyone be surprised at or disbelieve that girls can be very, very competitive at it? .... Although I'm no scientist or phys ed major, I suspect two things. One, the vividly arced fronts of female thighs supply a lot of the thrust. Men don't have that to the degree women do. Two, girls who legwrestle don't like the idea one bit of losing one of those floor jousts and having their fanny sticking up in the air in defeat, lol. WaynieDOct 18 2016 6:17am Today it’s not easy for a guy to defeat a girl. Many girls today a very fit and often involved in strength training. Therefore girls become often stronger than guys. Henni May 19 2019 2:32am nAuIVy http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara TOQUJawgWtCfXOct 18 2020 7:40am kUwHHf http://pills2sale.com/ viagra cialis buy fKUKIDPmPNov 01 2020 12:38pm 1rokxV http://pills2sale.com/ viagra online fRQqnQYuANov 14 2020 12:25am HEAR I AM BILL !!!!! SHOULD I WEAR STOCKINGS IN THIS MATCH? OR GO BARE FOOT !!!! THONG, OR SHEER PANTIES, I KNOW I HAVE A BIG STRONG BODY, AND EVEN AT 243#S, @ 5'11", SIZE 11 FEET, I WANT TO GET YOU READY AFTER WE DEFEAT MY HUSBAND !!!!! LIKE YOU SAID... I AM STILL A HANDFUL !!!!!! SUENov 18 2020 4:51pm Sue, at #243 I'd say more like 2 handfuls! Lol. Husband will tire quickly with the constant pressure of a woman tag team. Then he will get overpowered and pinned. And some sore muscles. Those big thighs can probably hurt a man! BillNov 19 2020 12:49pm I think stockings on those big thighs of yours wrapped around husband will slide around husband when he doesn't expect it and then husband may be in trouble. Women can have some powerful legs! BillNov 19 2020 3:38pm I asked the head secretary to have the head custodian put down all the wrestling mats for sat. night after 9 pm. SHE said no problem, as she and I are real good friends. ALSO.. she said good luck, and make him suffer like you did your father in law. THE story still is being heard even after all theses years BILL. SUENov 20 2020 8:17am Sue, did you whip your father in law at the gym also? Did the head Secretary watch the match? I think women enjoy watching a woman overpower and defeat a man wishing they could too. BillNov 20 2020 8:24am YES! I DID, with GLORIA. THE head secretary did not watch the match, she was not in charge at the time years back, I was ! MY husband watched, and was begging for his life as GLORIA a true FEMALE WRESTLER, did a trio of leg drops on his chest putting him down so I could have my fun with him. I wish you was there to watch my husband get on his knees yelling for us to stop. JUST wait, his turn is coming very soon ! SUENov 20 2020 4:47pm WE are off to the middle school to check it out. SYLIVIA said she will meet me there, still thinking on those STOCKINGS, maybe light brown with reinforcement style, it seems to get men excited when I wear them. BUT, NOT MY HUSBAND... OTHER MEN LOVE STRONG LEGS, AND FEET ! TO BAD YOU ARE NOT HERE BILL ! SUENov 21 2020 2:11pm Wish i was! Husband will last only 10 or 15 minutes and be exhausted. Then he's in trouble I think. Let me know if husband and Becky show up and what happens Sue. BillNov 21 2020 4:39pm I WILL !! SUENov 21 2020 8:07pm WHAT a mess, BILL, the so called match, was nothing more than a bust !!!! BECKY, has a ankle problem, we know that for a fact, SYLIVIA, knows nothing about wrestling. SHE no longer is the SLIM JIM from years back... in fact as we get older, all of us, we GAIN WEIGHT, AND LOOK OLD !!! RIGHT !!! I would say, she gained at least 70#s, and has pure white hair, and is flabby. I know, I am not a beauty, but I look a hell of a lot better than her. HUSBAND was a joke, not even a match for anyone. ANSWER... A PURE WASTE OF MY TIME !!!!! SYLIVIA, tried, I am the one that pinned my husband, and had him in a head scissors hold till he tapped out . SYLIVIA did do a body scissors hold, then tried a camel clutch, but wearing stockings, she kept sliding on the mat, and my husband flipped her over and pinned her arms on the mat. SHE tried to get free, but didn't, and husband won that round. BY the third round, I was pissed off being there, so I kicked him in the balls with my stocking toes putting him on his knees, then tagged his face with another kick, putting him on his back, then I brought up his legs, and kept nailing his nuts with my stocking toes till he couldn't take it. THEN with my both knees to his chest, then a mighty big leg head scissors till he tapped out. YOU could of gave more of a fight then him. SYLIVIA, the bitch wants me to go and wrestle her big husband next week, with my husband watching. I looked at her and said are you crazy girl, I don't want to wrestle anymore . I was screwed into this match by my niece BECKY, and no more. SYLIVIA then said, well this will be more in line what I like to do ! I know, I am not the wrestler that you are, but, I am good at things like BONDAGE,TRAMPLING, and the likes. I said, go and see my friend GLORIA, you two will hit it off just fine. BILL, HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING BE SAFE, WISH I HAD MORE EXCITEMENT ON THE MAT for you to read, but it wasn't even a match. 3 old people trying to be 30 years old again, and flopped. THE stockings I will keep for another time. MAYBE, trampling my husband in heels might not be bad after all !!!! I might have to think on this one !!! SUENov 23 2020 7:42pm OH come on SUE ! trampling your husband? GET REAL WOMAN ! AnonymousNov 24 2020 2:52pm Sue, Too bad things didn't go as planned. At least husband didn't defeat the two of you. That would have been worse! I was looking forward to hearing how Becky did on the mats. Husband might have better chance against a smaller woman but she is a lot younger and probably faster at her age. Maybe when her ankle is better. BillNov 25 2020 7:40am YOU might be right on BECKY, but what about this SYLIVIA, and her BONDAGE, TRAMPLING on her husband the 2 of us ? she I think is crazy ! GLORIA, my other friend does this stuff, on her big husband, and other men. GLORIA, as you know, is 6'3", 253#s, of woman... no lie!!!! I don't know about this one, BILL. SUENov 25 2020 8:51am You and Gloria make for 500 lbs of woman. Wow! At over 240#'s you will be tough match for most men no mater what age. You will always have those powerful legs that carry that weight all day every day. BillNov 29 2020 8:01am RIGHT AGAIN !!! you should of been their when we wrestled his dad. IT was fun to tag team him with our methods of wrestling. ABOUT SYLIVIA, she still wants me and her to trample her husband ! THIS would be something different to do with heels and stockings. THIS woman is into something than wrestling ! SHOULD I DO IT ? SUENov 29 2020 12:11pm Sounds painful. Bare feet would be a lot for me. Heels no way. Ouch! BillNov 30 2020 5:38am Hey SUE IN KANSAS! This is Lisa in Texas. Long time since we texted. Site been quiet. Thought in would get busy with everyone staying at home. What's new? Work and not much else here. LisaNov 30 2020 6:14am HI LISA IN TEXAS ! it has been a long time.. yes! the site has been quite. I have been staying home a lot, except, I wrestled my husband with another woman in a so called tag team match, that was not worth my trouble to be on the mat. THIS woman , SYLVIA, no's nothing about wrestling men. I beat my husband with no problems, but this woman .. CRAZY,SHE IS CRAZY ! SHE said that wrestling wasn't her cup of tea, TRAMPLING MEN WAS !!! she wants me, with her, to TRAMPLE her husband with heels ! like I said, she is nuts! other wise, I just being safe like everybody, staying in shape, but it seems that some people want me to wrestle men again, I just don't know. GLAD to hear from you, take care and will be watching for new messages from you. BILL, writes sometime also, he is from MO. HE is a great person to talk to also. SUENov 30 2020 4:53pm BILL ! okay bare feet it is, I will tell SYLVIA , NO HEELS !!! SUENov 30 2020 4:54pm SYLIVIA said, no!! HEELS for her husband ! flat out !!!! SUEDec 01 2020 4:38pm Sounds like her husband likes pain. I wouldn't want 250 on my back in heels might crack a rib or two. BillDec 03 2020 2:23pm SYLIVIA, is not 250#s, more like 190-200. GLORIA, is the one at 253#s. AND yes.. her husband loves when women abuse him any way they can. I have an invite, to do my thing against this husky dude. THIS is so real true.... SUEDec 03 2020 4:55pm dRDAkH https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay IbhPjbRXCdceWDec 03 2020 5:00pm You go Big Sue! I love how you can "Woman Handle" your husband! When did you first discover you could overpower him and beat him wrestling? He must have been surprised. Lol. LisaDec 04 2020 11:00am LISA! a very long time ago. HE is nothing but a wimp. YOU could even take him. THANK YOU for the nice comment. SUEDec 04 2020 4:42pm Husband must have lost many times over the years Sue. Lol. Did he win wrestling very many times? BillDec 05 2020 10:32am HE HAS ! he just doesn't have it like the other men I have wrestled. POOR guy, he just is a wimp ! he can't stand to watch me and my old boyfriend play wrestle. IT just blows his mind when I am in charge ! POOR GUY !!! NO ! he never won.... close, but couldn't pin me, or my girlfriend GLORIA!!! JUST LIKE HIS DAD !!!!!! WEAKLING. SUEDec 05 2020 2:38pm Lil bitch husband can't handle his woman. But u r a BIG woman Sue! BillDec 05 2020 5:49pm Hey Sue. Is this same Bill we never heard the whole story from of his experience with a woman wrestling? I can't remember the sire or her name. LisaDec 05 2020 5:59pm BILL! you are right! HE can't handle me !!! once my legs are around him, and I just squeeze the wind out of him... it's leg drop time !!!! OH ! if only you could be here watching GLORIA do leg drops, and dropping her knees on his balls!!!! not only him, but his dad!!! THE pleasure we get BILL wish you were here to watch. SUEDec 06 2020 11:43am LISA ! IT MIGHT BE ! I would love to squeeze his brains out between my husky tights and have him fight his way out, if he can !!!!! MEN LOVE HUSKY BIG WOMEN !!! EVEN DOMINANT ONE'S !!! RIGHT ? SUEDec 06 2020 11:49am Good idea Sue. Show him the power of a woman's husky thighs. Although I think he may have found that out already. Lol! Get those legs around him Sue and make him submit! Make him tell us what he said he would on other site. Kansas close to Missouri Sue. Squeeze him. Lol LisaDec 07 2020 11:20am LISA! thank you for the nice comments. WHEN wrestling my father in law, I think everybody on theses sites knows the story on how we beat him bad. MY husband just couldn't take watching the female domination we were giving him. NOW BILL, he knows that I am a big woman, and a dominant one. I think he would love to get me on the mat, and see how strong my thighs, and husky legs are. MY husband said that his dad said that when I was squeezing his head, my legs was like a vise. WE had him yelling UNCLE !!!! SUE Dec 07 2020 4:54pm Oh poo Sue! You trapped his head in a scissors hold! Was his face turning red? LisaDec 07 2020 5:42pm I don't think his arms could pry those thighs apart. LisaDec 07 2020 5:45pm NEVER IN 100 YEARS !!!! SUEDec 08 2020 1:04pm Sue, he must realize the match is OVER once you get them wrapped around him! Lol. Wish i had seen it! LisaDec 09 2020 8:28am I wish you was there to! SYLIVIA, WANTS me to trample her big husband with heels !!!! I sticky on this one. SHE is into trampling and that kind of stuff. I asked bill, but no reply from him, what do you think ? SUEDec 09 2020 12:01pm If he will let you do it. Gonna hurt. BillDec 09 2020 12:29pm THANK YOU !!! I will call her , and go for it !!!! SUEDec 09 2020 2:04pm YES! heels and stockings, what a combo.... I hope his chest is ready for me, and his wife. SYLIVIA, a different style of beating on your husband. I saw on you tube about trampling on men, bbw, and other size ladies, yes! it will hurt. SYLIVIA told me... he loves other women walking on his chest ! SUEDec 10 2020 1:05pm OMG SUE! Has he had a big girl like you walk on him? LisaDec 11 2020 7:56am Well Bill is still around but hasn't fessed up. Scissor it out of him Sue! Lol. LisaDec 11 2020 9:26am YOU would love it if I scissor men don't you ? yes ! as far as walking and trampling on this guy, he did say I will be the heaviest he has had. NOW, hi wife, who beg me to do this act, is about 200 #s, 5'10". SHE is known for her trampling, bondage, acts of torture. YES ! she is from MISSOURI ! I will keep you posted, as my husband will be coming with me. SUEDec 11 2020 12:31pm Husband will be glad it's not him this time. And walking on a man isn't like wrestling with them with all the body contact. LisaDec 11 2020 12:55pm LISA! HEELS AND STOCKINGS!!! , AND OUR WEIGHT!!!! SUEDec 11 2020 4:40pm I don't think he can take it Sue. You beast. LisaDec 11 2020 6:33pm I JUST LOVE WHAT YOU SAY, LISA!!! I can't wait to get him on the floor and work over his CHEST !!!!!!! BEAST SUEDec 12 2020 7:59am NEVER a dull moment with sue. BEATS on her husband, father in law, other men, now TRAMPLING ! SUE is a regular on theses sites for years, her stories are true, and some are NASTY. I have been checking up on them, and yes, they are TRUE. LISA, she is some WOMAN of EXCITMENT . AND, yes, SUE has been in LEG SHOW MAGAZINE, about wrestling her FATHER IN LAW, years back. SHE is a BEAST FROM THE DEVIL... AnonymousDec 12 2020 10:40am w6zIU8 http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos KhKowMskXQnqTxDec 12 2020 12:51pm I see someone loves my stories of mat action! SUEDec 12 2020 2:51pm azrPrU https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ QZdFLPACzCDqzpqYDec 12 2020 8:07pm Big women like Sue will have very strong legs guys. If you wrestle with a woman stay away from those legs. They carry a lot of weight every day! BillDec 14 2020 11:59am YOU! are right BILL ! I hope to see PAIN on SYLIVIAS HUSBANDS FACE WHEN I TRAMPLE ON HIM REAL SOON !!!! SUEDec 14 2020 12:40pm ShCPhv https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/#writemyessay UxKLXutSvkvOhDec 14 2020 9:07pm QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ 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MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT 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DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX 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NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH 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QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX 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AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ 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AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC 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MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ 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MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ 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KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC 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SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TI $.ALSKEITD 351Dec 15 2020 6:31am What the heck is all that? BillDec 15 2020 9:42am I sure do not no !!! someone is reading my mail ! MAYBE they like big women wrestling ? SUEDec 15 2020 11:12am Maybe they would like to try it? Watch out for those legs boys. And their arms might be stronger than you think! BillDec 16 2020 6:40am THANK YOU BILL !! READY to TRAMPLE THIS WEEKEND !!!! SUEDec 16 2020 4:39pm Sounds like someone knows first hand about it. Lol! What do you think Sue? LisaDec 17 2020 5:08am Are you gonna wear heels Sue? LisaDec 17 2020 5:14am WELL, you are right LISA ! THIS has been a planning on trampling SYLIVIAS HUSBAND for some time. SHE asked me , along with my husband to come along and watch her, and me us our heels on him. YES! I will be in stockings, and heels ! this guy LOVES when women abuse him, TRAMPLING, BONDAGE HOLDS, AND THE LIKES. MY husband better watch out, SYLIVIA , will make advance moves on him for her own PLEASURE . SHE is a bitch of torture, I know that for a fact. WE will see. SUEDec 17 2020 1:23pm Can Sylivia out wrestle your husband? Pin him and make him give up! LisaDec 18 2020 5:29am OH YEA!!!! SUEDec 18 2020 8:32am Lol. Sue that must be hard on that MALE ego and humiliating to lose to his wife and to another woman with his wife watching! Lol. Two strong girls. LisaDec 18 2020 8:40am Yes, it is humiliating for a man to be wrestled down from his girlfriend or also other girls of course. I had some girlfriends who workout seriousely and most of them loved to be stronger than me. There was this girl i had a relationship with her and she loved to make me submissive. After years of training she was clearly stronger than me and she loved itthat i was weaker than her and often she showed it also in public that she can overpower me without much effort. Henni Dec 18 2020 10:18am IT is !!! my husband and dad had a big ego about beating us big ladies. WELL! they tried, and lost. SUEDec 18 2020 11:44am I bet they were surprised? Were you surprised SUE or did you think you were stronger than hubby? LisaDec 18 2020 1:57pm NOT SURPRISED, as I am taller, and bigger then him, but he knew that, but, he LOVES BIG WOMEN... EVEN HIS DAD !!! I had his DAD, prisoner between my legs, that even gave my husband an exciting moment. SUEDec 18 2020 4:34pm I would think his old dad was sorry for messing with you once you got those big thighs around him! Lol. Did you make him submit and give in to you? LisaDec 19 2020 8:58am WELL ! the old man, never had it soooo good !! HE was loving it !!! NO LIE !!! it was like he wasn't getting enough of me, in front of his son, my husband. SUBMIT... he was begging for more torture, and crushing his head !!!! SUE Dec 19 2020 11:15am ALSO, he wanted me to give him as much pain, and torture I know how!!!! my husband kept saying no sue ! no sue! he had enough!!! I kept saying... he wants more !!!! OH ! I gave him more alright.... from nipple torture, to grabbing his nuts, to using my big toes on his nipples... he got every bit, then even 243#s of face sitting !!!! then he SUBMITTED !!! BUT WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE !!!! THIS WAS THE BEGINING OF HAVING A FATHER IN LAW AS A SLAVE !!!!! BITCH SUEDec 19 2020 11:24am ALSO ! AS I BECAME MORE OF A BITCH, I added my girlfriend to help me TORTURE him in the days to come..... oh! he got TORTURED !!! GLORIA a BIG BITCH HERSELF, has a basement dungeon, talk about evil.... you would be surprise on her style !!!!! poor husband, and his dad !!!! want to know more, JUST ASK ABOUT IT !!!!! BITCH SUEDec 19 2020 11:31am I read about it on another site sue, she is a bitch. SO are you ! if I was your husband, I would be super afraid of you two. AnonymousDec 19 2020 12:47pm Sue, how old was your father in law when you were kicking his butt? Did it start out as wrestling match? BillDec 22 2020 5:52am HE was about 63 yrs. old, yes! it was a wrestling match BILL. SUEDec 22 2020 12:49pm ONE more thing, I was 40 at the time, it seem like he enjoyed me on the mat, stockings and all. SUEDec 22 2020 1:03pm Who won your 1st match with him Sue. Did you pin him? Those big thighs in those nylon stockings? Sexy feel then the squeeze. BillDec 23 2020 6:43am I DID!!! YES! STOCKINGS AND FEET !!!! VICTORY POSE WITH MY RIGHT FOOT ON HIS FACE. YEARS LATER... HE WAS MY FOOT STOOL !!! SUEDec 23 2020 7:00am Was he surprised that you won? Most men would expect to win easily. Did anyone see it? BillDec 23 2020 7:16am I think men who don’t do sport think that men always stronger. Men who do sometimes sport together with women who regularly workout, these men know that this women can be stronger than men. In my first sport club i had a girlfriend who workout really seriously and she was stronger than me. She loved to make me submissive and often i was her foot slave. My current girlfriend is also stronger than me. Luckely she doesn’t prefer i’m submissive but sometimes she enjoys to have a weaker boyfriend she can boss around. Henni Dec 23 2020 7:49am YES BILL !!! MY HUSBAND. HE was some what surprised, but submitted. NO only then, for the next 12 years, I used him, along with GLORIA !!!! HUSBAND JUST CRIED !!!! SUEDec 23 2020 12:03pm Sue you must have felt amazing after beating him in strength and wrestling. That would be so cool to do to a man. LisaDec 23 2020 5:15pm Sue, i see Bill is on here again. But I did find old thread with him and a Sherri but he never told the rest of story. Unfair he said I think. Really? Lol. LisaDec 23 2020 5:19pm IT was cool... BILL is here again, on SHERRI, he will tell us on what happen when he wants to ! SUEDec 23 2020 6:33pm LISA! it was fun to trample SYLIVIA'S HUSBAND the other night. WITH my husband watching, you talk about a CHRISTMAS GIFT, well this was just the gift to get excited about. STANDING on this guy in stockings, and heels, having my husband watch, with the help of SYLINIA , who asked for me to trample her husband was something. HER husband never got trampled like what I did. WALKING all over his chest, all 243#'s , and heels, and stockings to boot. HE yelled and tried to break loose the bondage straps that SYLIVIA had him tied to, that was bolted to the floor. WITH that a plus, now it was time to have some fun of punishment, my style. SYLINIA said SUE.. make him "SUFFER "... SUFFER he did. WHEN done walking on him, I got a chair sat on hit, as it straddled his chest, and planted my heels on his NIPPLES... you talk about yelling... it was starting to get my husband scared. JUST twisting my heels had his arms, and legs fighting to get free. SYLIVIA said now that is what I am looking for! A BIG BITCH that has power in her FEET. SUE ! she said... I want you to TORTURE HIM as many times as you want in the coming weeks !!!! I said what about you, SHE said... I want your husband to play with !!!!! when done with working on poor larry, I had him kiss my stocking feet in front of his wife. SYLIVIA SAID , when do I get your husband ? NOW ! IF YOU WANT TO !!! I will take care of your husband, while you play with mine. MY husband kept yelling , no! no! let me go, as she dragged him to the other room and locked the door. I kept larrys face busy, along with his sore nipples using my feet and toe nails, still with my stockings on. THIS was a MERRY CHRITMAS FOR ME, AS FAR AS LARRY.... HE JUST KEPT INHALING MY STOCKING FEET. POOR HUSBAND, SYLIVIA HAD HIM IN A BONDAGE MODE, TIED TO A KING SIZE BED.... YOU SHOULD SEE HOW RED LARRYS NIPPLES ARE... LIKE CHERRYS. SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT FEET, AND TOES RIGHT LISA !!!!!!! SUEDec 25 2020 12:36pm LISA, this was done to my father in law also years back, with the help of my husbands aunt, who had her stocking feet on his face while I work on his NIPPLES in my bare feet !!! my husband never forgave me. BUT, as years past, my father in law looked forward to some foot play !!!!! SUEDec 25 2020 2:49pm HOPE ALL HAD A SAFE CHRISTMAS!!! SUEDec 26 2020 2:59pm Also for you and the other ones. Henni Dec 26 2020 7:16pm DURING my trampling time with SLYIVIA, AGAINST her husband, I performed a WRESTLING HOLD ON HIM . THIS was the first time I did a FISH HOOK HOLD !!!! WOW !!!!! CHECK IT OUT ON LINE GUY'S !!!! SUEDec 27 2020 6:58am I have seen that hold. I bet, he didn't care for it! AnonymousDec 27 2020 12:33pm Ms. Sue, above you wrote you strated working out when you are 40. I think a lot women started with 40 working out, isn‘t it? I think a nowadays young women have their mother as their idol and start working out earlier. What did you have seen in your gym? Henni Dec 28 2020 3:14pm HENNI, weights, ropes, bike, and punching bags! SUEDec 28 2020 4:35pm Im pretty sure youre the punching bag sue! Surprised to find you still on here old woman.hope you had a good christmas. CelineDec 29 2020 3:56am YES I DID CELINE !!! NOT A punching bag, still DOMINANT !!!! AS you get old, you SLOW DOWN, NOT YOU... YOU need to have a man wrestle against you. I WILL ALWAYS BE ON THESES SITES. I also saw that some other young woman want's you on the mat ! SHE is real young, not BECKY... HOPE YOU HAD A SAFE CHRISTMAS TO, HAVE A SAFE NEW YEAR, AND I WILL BE RIGHT HERE DEAR !!!!!! SUEDec 29 2020 8:28am IT is sure good to see that CELINE is back on theses sites. WE will see if she looks for someone new to wrestle, man or woman. SHE has been called out by a new comer on another site. HER name is not in the wrestling sites, but as a DANCER . WHO is she, and we hear, that she is long legged, and tall. SHE wears black nail polish, and has red hair. THAT is all we know. WRESTLING NEWSDec 29 2020 1:56pm HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ON THESES SITES !!! STAY SAFE... CELINE, ARE YOU STILL ON THE MAT THESES DAYS ? YOU CAN HAVE MY FATHER IN LAW TO WRESTLE IF YOU WANT ! OR EVEN MAYBE, MY HUSBAND !! SUEDec 31 2020 12:09pm Happy new year Henni Jan 01 2021 4:07am HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU HENNI!!! SUEJan 01 2021 7:20am Sue, Celine vs hubby or his dad? Is Celine a big woman like you? What age is she? I think husband would know better if she is bigger than him. BillJan 01 2021 9:03am NO ! SHE is a skinny bitch, and has been a thorn in my side for years ! SHE won't wrestle men, as I think she is not powerful enough. SHE like to beat on women only... to bad, as I think it would be fun to see her against my husband, or his dad. I beat both of them, even my niece BECKY ! MAYBE CELINE might get on the mat again, seeing she has been on theses sites, bragging about beating on women ! WE will see BILL ! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! SUEJan 01 2021 10:40am Bill, for her size she‘s not light but no fat. Because of her training she‘s pretty muscular and strong. She told me some of her stats and i‘m sure only few men have chance against her because she is clearly over the average male strength level. I‘m sure you or me we both would not stand a chance against her. Henni Jan 02 2021 9:10am YOU are right HENNI, she is still on top of her game when it comes to wrestling women. AS far as men... I am one of the best on theses sites! I know that there are some ladies out there that can beat men better than me, but.. I am semi retired, I don't mind a match here and there, but not to many. I have been beaten at least more than a dozen of times, but.. that's life. I would love to see CELINE handle my husband. GLORIA.. ripped him, and my father in law apart with nooo problem! SUEJan 02 2021 1:55pm I have baten SUE,BECKY AND GLORIA.i dont fight men unless theyre young fit and good lookin CelineJan 03 2021 4:37am Sue, is this true? Have you been beaten on the mats by Celine? How did she beat you if she is a " Skinny Bitch" as I see you called her. BillJan 03 2021 7:04am SHE has never beaten me... it was a draw. BECKY, has beaten her, GLORIA, never was on the mat with her. IN fact, GLORIA , didn't want to hurt her. CELINE... you are all washed up, I will find a good lookin guy , and a real fit young one at that to take you on. I won't wrestle you. LIKE I said, you are still one of the best! DOMINATION OF MEN, IT'S ME !!!! SUEJan 03 2021 11:25am Oh my Sue! Celine fought you to a draw? Is she younger than you? Some women are stronger than people think. She must be. Don't think husband should mess with her! Lol! BillJan 03 2021 2:52pm YES! younger. husband wants to wrestle her, but she won't do it, why? she said he is to old ! WELL, she is right! SUEJan 03 2021 5:18pm Bill, you‘re right. Women are often much stronger than many people think. After i heard first times from her i couldn‘t imagine how strong she is but she told it to me. She‘s around twice as strong as me and i‘m not weak but average for a male. I can imagine that she don‘t want wrestle Sue‘s husband because of his age. He‘s most likely not that fit anymore like a young man. This means he‘s much weaker than her and she could hurt him accidetially. Henni Jan 04 2021 6:37am TRUE HENNI!! BUT to watch him get defeated by her would be something to see, and to have it on theses sites. BECKY, my niece, beat him good with a bunch of holds, and foot action. SHE is way younger than CELINE. SUEJan 04 2021 7:43am Well, i can imagine that Becky is doing martial arts and also lifting weights to get strong. A female friend of mine is also doing martial arts and lift weights. She‘s not that thick and strong like a bull but nevertheless she‘s superior to me and this not only because of her martial arts experience. Because of her weight training she has far more endurance and also more power than me because she regulary workout with heavier weights than i could lift. Henni Jan 04 2021 10:12am HENNI you should of seen her wrestle my niece beat my husband. WITH holds and flying kicks, her running toward my husband ,then doing a hand stand, and tagging his face with her bear feet, put him down good. SHE then face sat him in front of me. YEA! the little red head is a handle, thats for sure! SUEJan 05 2021 11:37am POOR husband staggered on the mat not knowing what hit him. BECKY, even took my father in law apart when he said he could beat the little bitch. BOY.. the red headed bitch put it to him with a few holds that had him submitting in minutes. I am so proud of her talents of dominating men on the mat ! SHE also needs to cover up her body, not to dress skimpy on the mat. SUEJan 05 2021 1:37pm Sue, I think these women dressing so skimpy is a big distraction to the guys. Couple seconds distraction could mean losing to these strong women. Unfair advantage for the girls I know. BillJan 05 2021 4:11pm WELL.. you are right, but tell that to my NEICE BECKY.. one look, and the men are on there knees. EVEN.. my father in law ! not to mention MY HUSBAND. ALTHOUGH, I have seen big women on the mat, dressed SKIMPY. ON sneeze, and off they come. SUEJan 05 2021 4:42pm How Bill it already mentioned. A lot of such strong women wear skimpy. On the one point they want to look sexy on the other hand they want to show that they are muscular. When i have a look into a gym almost all women are dressed skimpy and i have to admit it excites me. When i imagine myself working out as well between all this women but i‘m not the strongest even though i‘m a man. Henni Jan 05 2021 11:53pm Well Sue, if they lose their skimpy clothes that's even MORE of a distrction!!! BillJan 06 2021 9:40am TELL me about it! THAT BECKY, her build well, she needs to be a model, not a wrestler. EVEN the young lady at church, wants to wrestle. THESES days are crazy ! IN my time, well okay.. but, I got hurt a few times, that shows that I not need to listen to my husband. SUEJan 06 2021 10:11am Sue, that would be even worse for a man to lose to a pretty girly woman. She's probably tall with long legs. Dangerous! BillJan 06 2021 10:48am WELL! AROUND 5'7",135#s size 8 feet. semi long legs, but strong. SUEJan 06 2021 11:23am Holy cow Sue! You have over a 100 lb weight advantage and she still wrestled you to a draw? Amazing. Sounds like she could beat an old guy rather easily. BillJan 06 2021 3:11pm Yes, she really pretty light but nevertheless she can be very strong. Nowadays it’s more accepted if women want to bulk up also if they are bigger than men. Sometimes when i’m i the gym and i stand in the dumbbell corner, around me are some women who are bigger than me but i think the majority of women don’t want to bulk up very much. Some of them want to stay slim but nevertheless they use very heavy weights for their workout. Henni Jan 07 2021 3:38am BILL ! THAT wasn't BECKY. IT WAS CELINE THAT I WRESTLED TO A DRAW ! CELINE has a little weight on her, and a lot of WRINKLES!!!! SUEJan 07 2021 4:55pm Sue, don't want the skimpy outfits with those wrinkles! LOL. Was that a long time ago Sue? Did hubby or anyone watch it? BillJan 08 2021 8:02am Excuse me bitch.i have not got wrinkles.youre waaaay oldern me.yeah i fought you to a draw.and i fought becky too an beat her.she took me last time tho i admit. CelinrJan 08 2021 8:16am Bill.dont you believe her.i guarantee your tongued be hanging out if you saw my loong legs in one of my skimpy li'l dresses. AnonymousJan 08 2021 8:20am IT seems that even CELINE, is upset... okay! CELINE... GAIN A LITTLE WEIGHT HONEY... YES! you do have long legs, and wear short dresses, but , really... CELINE, YOU AND I ARE FRIENDS... I remember when we wrestled men together, then I got GLORIA THE BIG AMAZON AS my tagging partner because you wanted to wrestle women only. YES! YOU are QUEEN OF THE MAT, and MISS BECKY IS STATING TO SHINE on the mat, as you know. REMEMBER... IF it wasn't for me, BECKY would be wrestling somewhere else! SUEJan 08 2021 11:14am Me and becky been rivals for years! Specially since she started copying my skimpy skirts look.but ive beaten her two wins to her one in the ring.weve had someome memorable brawls outside the ring too. CelineJan 09 2021 2:54am uXtfNW https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html kbfybvGddZbKcJan 09 2021 4:11am Reckon i could still whup that young bitch too.the guys would enjoy seeing two good lookin leggy women wrestle.especially in the kinda sexy skimpy little outfits me an becky wear! CelineJan 09 2021 4:15am hw0bnU http://waldorfdollshop.us/ waldorf doll gDauQStXukKdZOlXgLJan 09 2021 8:32am CELINE..maybe, but BECKY is a lot faster that before. I still remember when you and I wrestled... there was more comments for both of us to answer. I was even asked to go to NEW YORK, and CALIFORNIA to wrestle. NO LIE! that made my husband get upset. YOU, WAS something else when we tagged team my father in law.. YOU gave him a thumb thrust, then a foot to the face, that put him down, and then you reversed face sat him into submission. YOU ARE A BITCH FROM HELL CELINE. HE never was the same... THEN GLORIA had fun with him a week later. THE big strong amazon, now has him for her own pleasure. SUEJan 09 2021 4:34pm Becky is very strong.maybe shed kick my pretty ass now,maybe not. CelineJan 11 2021 11:05am BETWEEN my wife, SUE.. BECKY, AND GLORIA, the most violent one was GLORIA . AFTER a round on the mat with, then SUE,(MY WIFE), THEN BECKY... GLORIA KILLED ME. SUE'S HUSBANDJan 11 2021 11:52am CELINE.. she might, but you might have more mat time then her. BUT, it's GLORIA, that is the toughest, meanest, and more brutal. THE big women, even at her age, still wrestles with her big husband in couples matches in KANSAS CITY. THEY are the best I heard. LIKE I said... I got killed by her, and my DAD also did, now he is a servant to her and her husband. THEY use him for there PLEASURE OF FUN !!! IT'S not fun to watch them tag team against him, they are to mean to him. MY BIG WIFE SUE, LOVES IT , AS SHE WATCHES THEM TORTURE, AND BEAT ON HIM !!! SUE is just as bad as they are. SUE'S HUSBANDJan 11 2021 3:01pm Glorias a pussycat.i challenged her and she wouldnt fight.how come you guys let her bully you? Shes weak and useless CelineJan 12 2021 11:43am YOU did challenge her, I remember CELINE... I sometimes think she is more after dominating men, then wrestling women. SUEJan 12 2021 4:35pm Has becky still got that big buck boyfriend? Me n her had some memorable fights over him.he loved us brawling over him thats for sure.i should never have encouraged the young bitch to try wearing little miniskirts like me.she looked too damn sexy in them.she took the man back then gave me a hiding too when i tried to take him back. CelineJan 13 2021 4:08am YES! she still has him. SUEJan 13 2021 7:54am WHAT A GUY..ALSO!!!! HE KEEPS HER HAPPY.. THATS FOR SURE!!!! SUEJan 13 2021 1:44pm CELINE!, talk about the little miniskirts, she now has graduated to a one piece string style outfit. THE young lady has her boyfriend always watching her wrestle men on the edge. AFTER a couple of rounds with my father in law, she used his face for her own pleasure making her boyfriend get real upset. THEN she foot gagged the old guy for more evil pleasure. YOU should of been there to get into the action. ALL I did, was watch. DARN!!!! SUEJan 13 2021 4:53pm 1 -1Jan 15 2021 6:13pm I can imagine why Celine mostly wrestle women. Men be are often no match for her. I know she‘s much stronger than many men so she would easily defeat a man in a wrestling match. This weekend i was a spectator by a mixed wrestling match. I have seen how she had pinned him down again and again and he was not able to move any part of his body when he was pinned. The wrestling match took almost 1 hour and she pinned him 20 times within seconds. At the end it stands 20:0 for her. He was totaly defeated and humiliated. Henni Jan 17 2021 2:29pm YES! you are right HENNI, CELINE is strong, but refuses to wrestle men. I on the other hand, will still do it, but I need to watch myself so I don't get hurt again. SUEJan 17 2021 5:34pm I did say that i enjoy wrestling guys,but only under 30 ys old.doesnt turn me on fighting old guys.young with a good body and ill fight happily.and yes henni wrestling other females is far rougher.we are so competitive CelineJan 18 2021 7:35am ONLY under 30!!! that is a child CELINE... there are NO, NO ! SPOT LIGHT STORIES about YOU wrestling any men, only when YOU and I wrestled my FATHER IN LAW years back. YOU had fun , as you beat, and tortured the old bastard into submission. WITH your long legs, and FRENCH flying bare feet to his face... HIS FACE WAS YOUR PLEASURE RIDE. REMEMBER.... NOW don't say that old men's faces are not a good ride. ALL I got to do was watch you have fun, I still remember the match. MY husband was begging you to stop torturing him by kicking him in the balls, and twisting his nipples. YEA! YOU HAD FUN !!!!! MY husband said...I WISH SHE WOULD WRESTLE ME !!!! IN RESULT... HE GOT GLORIA !!! 6'3", 253#'S SIZE 12 FEET, AND A STRONG BODY,AND ASS !!!!!! SUEJan 18 2021 8:01am Yes, you are right Celine. Women are more rough in a fight. In my circle some women workout and some do wrestling also against men. I don‘t see it rarely that such a women can force down a man and pin him. During the wrestling matches i had spectated last weekend, mostly the men where pinned within the first minute. Sometimes even within a few secs. I have also some times wrestled against women who workout and they are much stronger than me. Celine i ou already wrote to me how much you can lift you know? So i‘m sure i would not stand a chance against you. Henni Jan 18 2021 2:06pm I think you would not last very long henni CelineJan 18 2021 3:30pm CELINE! as I watch you and my big husky wife SUE tag team my DAD years back, it was a match that was more of punishment to old mature men. IT was a time for women to take control of the mat, and men , like my DAD, that begged for mercy. MY WIFES big leg drop across his chest, then a knee drop on his forehead, left nothing much for the old guy to fight for. BUT, like SUE SAID... I watched her grab him by his hair, and throw him toward you CELINE... you with your long legs, and size 10 bare feet tagged his face with a running handstand that caught him off guard .MY dad staggered on the mat with a surprise look on his face, falling to his knees, then you swept a right foot to his face again, that put him on his back. SUE did this years later to him, when she and GLORIA wrestled him again at the middle school gym. SUE tagged his face wearing stockings, and sandals. BUT never the less, you showed your talents of being DOMINANT.AS for my DAD, you dropped your ass on his face, and had him give you pleasure right in front of me, and my wife SUE. SUE, also took notes, as she attacked him for years of pleasure for herself. WITH GLORIA, they both would share him, from time to time, making me watch there ways of women domination. SO! CELINE, YOU TAUGHT my wife a thing or to in FEMALE WRESTLING, and domination. AS for me, I just can't get away from GLORIA!!!!! THE woman is BRUTAL, I am tired off being under her stocking feet !!!! SUE, JUST SMILES !!!!!! SUE'S HUSBANDJan 18 2021 5:08pm That‘s most likely Celine! I already had a wrestle match against a women who was similar strong as you and she brought me down to the floor within maybe 10 secs and pinned me. Henni Jan 19 2021 10:15am WELL! GLORIA, is brutal... no lie henni!! SUE'S HUSBANDJan 19 2021 7:19pm I guess you would very much enjoy wresling me henni! However im thinking id like to fight gloria CelineJan 20 2021 2:07am It depends on what do you would do with me. Would you be considerate on me because i‘m weaker or would you show all your strength anyway also if it hurts me? I think Gloria is of course a bigger challenge than me. She’s not only taller than me she‘s also stronger do i think she’s much more a challenge for Celine. Between Gloria and Celine maybe it’s a tie. Me each of this both women are clear superior. Henni Jan 20 2021 8:53am CELINE! I think that GLORIA might be to much for you. SHE is a brutal big bitch, after the way she takes on men , even her big husband struggles when they play wrestle. REMEMBER, she is 6'3", 253#'s, and strong. my huaband is her play thing, along with his dad. just watching her leg drops come across there chest, and there legs bouncing up off the mat, it's something to see. I DON'T KNOW CELINE, it's your call. SUEJan 20 2021 12:11pm I remember reading about her on other sites. SHE is a big woman, that has no mercy. THERE is somewhere that there is a picture of her, I think I saw it on you tube years back. SHE might be with SUE, as they were talking about wrestling men and wanted to take on new men on the mat. THIS is true, because SUE, was in LEG SHOW MAGAZINE, POSING IN A VICTORY POSE OVER HER FATHER IN LAW. CELINE, like SUE said, it is your call to wrestle her (GLORIA ). AnonymousJan 20 2021 2:58pm Ill wrestle gloria if the guys want it.she dont frighten me CelineJan 23 2021 4:43am THE GUY'S would love to see it. but they don't want the LEGGY CELINE, ALL BUSTED UP. I have see HER, NO LIE... THE BEAUTY SALOON OWNER, is BRUTAL, AND A FEMALE KILLER against WOMEN, AND MEN. GLORIA, is a real big AMAZON, like theses other big ladies. AnonymousJan 23 2021 11:54am HAVING to go on the mat against this woman , I don't know. CELINE, it's not the frighten , it's the BEATING YOU WILL TAKE. THIS woman, a friend of SUE, is something else. SUE knew that if she got her to wrestle with her, that the two of them would go somewhere in the world of female DOMINATION OF WRESTLING. AND, it did. JUST read the old sites, the bitches, where even on YOU TUBE, with rumors of X-HAMSTER when they abused SUE'S FATHER IN LAW, IN A BRUTAL, DOMINATING WAY. ALL in GLORIA'S BASEMENT DUNGEON OF PAIN. YOU right, the sites are quite of mat action, but, you don't back down from a match, but this one, I don't know. THE woman is 6'3",@ 253#s, and she wrestles with her big husband in couples matches in K.C. AnonymousJan 23 2021 4:47pm I watched her do a reverse head scissors hold on my dad, the poor guy struggled against her from the get go, then it was over. SHE just about snapped his head off with those husky thighs. TO make things even worst, she face sat him into submission, dropping her full weight on his face. MY wife was snapping pictures left and right on her dominant ways of beating on men. ALL this stuff on line, IS SO TRUE, HER BIG HUSBAND, EVEN HELPS HER FROM TIME TO TIME. THEY wrestle couples, and the loser PAYS!!!! SUE'S HUSBANDJan 24 2021 11:01am Poor celine.the woman is twice her weight nearly! And she really doesnt like the miniskirters that walk around wearing skirts up round their ass like missy celine AnonymousJan 25 2021 3:40am YEA! poor CELINE, GLORIA is twice her weight, and a killer of a woman, it would be CELINE'S best interest , NOT TO WRESTLE GLORIA. ONE more thing, SUE, and GLORIA were tag team partners, now, GLORIA has her big husband in her corner. THE guy, is BIG ED, 6'4",263#s. HE would just LOVE TO GET A HOLD OF THE MINISKIRT CELINE !!! HIS dominant wrestling like his wife, are KANSAS CITY BEST IN THE MIDWEST. I did some snooping on theses two, THERE FOR REAL !!!!!!! AnonymousJan 25 2021 10:29am THE MONEY IS ON GLORIA!!!! CELINE NEEDS A MALE PARTNER IN HER CORNER !!!! AnonymousJan 25 2021 12:12pm Heh heh the miniskirt girl should run for the hills! She is a tough broad for sure,and loves a fight,but at just 135lbs? Gloria will kick her sexy li'l ass! Mind itd be well worth watching AnonymousJan 26 2021 2:50am SD68x1 https://beeg.x.fc2.com/ SlEBjzfRIOJan 26 2021 9:25am ANONYMOUS! IF it wasn't for my wife SUE, GLORIA wouldn't be wrestling. SUE became friends with her years back, in fact, my dad, said he would love to pin my big wife, and give her something she never had. IT took a few years, then it happened, with my wife siting on the sofa, and my dad siting right across from her viewing her stocking feet, she said that SO... you want to wrestle me do you.... HIS answer .. yea! and I am going to nail your big ass right in front of your husband!!!! SUE , laughed and said... well, you call it DADDY..... she then pointed her stocking big toes at him and said winner take all. DAD said any thing goes bitch!!! that was it, as she called GLORIA, and the two of them wrestled him into submission. FROM there on, GLORIA has my dad for her enjoyment, along with her big husband ...BIG ED !!! SO, SUE, my wife has a very interesting life style that men love. AS far as CELINE, GLORIA, WILL KICK HER ASS, AND.. THE TWO LADIES ARE REAL DOMINANT KANSAS BITCHES. MY POOR DAD, IS ALWAYS UNDER THERE STOCKING FEET WAITING TO GIVE THEM PLEASURE. AS for me... MY WIFE SAYS... I am not a man she thought I was, so all I get to do is WATCH. GLORIA, even has her husband help her when she wants him to . SUE'S HUSBANDJan 26 2021 6:46pm Husband.....id beat the crap out of gloria,fat bitch would beg me to let her go CelineJan 27 2021 2:33am I notice gloria hasnt dared to comment.shes scared AnonymousJan 27 2021 2:36am 2HSM09 https://buyzudena.web.fc2.com/ KciMvrJaGoBfbQzzxvIJan 27 2021 6:53am YOU think so CELINE ? IF a strong guy can't win against her, YOU sure can't. SHE is twice your weight, and way taller than you. I have been a victim of her and my wife , not to mention my DAD, who has been a sissy slave to both of them , and GLORIA'S HUSBAND. THE big bitches are just that, in fact... BIG ED, would love to take you on and show you some DOMINANT MOVES AGAINST THE FAMOUS CELINE. HE SAID WINNER TAKE ALL !!!! BIG ED has never lost to a guy, or women. WE WILL SEE! THIS COULD MAKE GLORIA GET UPSET TO WATCH HER MAN TAKE ON THIS FAMOUS CELINE. SUE GOT TO TRY, BUT HE OVER POWERED MY BIG WIFE, AND BEFORE LONG, HE HAD HER BIG HUSKY LEGS IN THE AIR HOLDING ON TO HER ANKLES AND READY TO GIVE HER YOU KNOW WHAT IN A WINNER TAKES ALL MATCH. SUE LOST, I ENDED UP BEING A FOOT STOOL WITH MY DAD UNDER GLORIA'S STOCKING FEET. WHILE, BIG ED TOOK CARE OF MY BIG WIFE. ARE YOU READY CELINE FOR WINNER TAKE ALL... ? SUE'S HUSBANDJan 27 2021 4:49pm If he got to handle the miniskirt girl,he wouldnt want that fat bitch GLORIA no more thats for sure CelineJan 28 2021 1:22am THEN, lets do something about it CELINE... BIG EDJan 28 2021 7:35am BIG ED calling out CELINE... GLORIA, IS STEAMING MAD ABOUT THIS !!!! AnonymousJan 28 2021 3:13pm IF she beats you ED.. I don't want to hear about it !!!!! GLORIAJan 29 2021 7:38am WRESTLE ME ED... I am just as mean, meaner than miss miniskirt! SUEJan 29 2021 12:46pm I think think Big Ed would not stand a chance against celine if the stats she told me are true. I think i‘m not weak and i could defeat many of my male friends but i don‘t stand a chance against her. Henni Jan 29 2021 11:54pm Thank you henni.youre right.women are far more dangerous than men when they fight.thats why big old Gloria wont face me.she knows shed get hurt bad fighting me.dont know how ed can have any respect for his wife knowing she wont face a woman half her size CelineJan 30 2021 1:27am Well, I know how strong women can become by working out. Of course i have no idea about Gloria except she‘s taller and bigger than me but i remember your stats celine and they‘re on pretty high level. In any case higher than most men who do not working out. Henni Jan 30 2021 2:30am TAKE ME ON CELINE !!!! FORGET MY WIFE !! BIG EDJan 30 2021 2:28pm CELINE, has said nothing about taking on GLORIA'S HUSBAND. NOW, SUE, has said she will take on ED again. LAST time, SUE was being DOMINATED BY BIG ED so the story says. AnonymousJan 30 2021 2:51pm So, i can‘t say anything about Big Ed except it seems he‘s very fit and because of this he’s maybe also strong. For most average men it should be clear that a women who workout with heavy weights is pretty way stronger than these men. I made this experience withe Celine. At first i also thought she‘s a little shorter and lighter than me, therefore she must be weaker than i’m as untrained man. We shared our stats and it was obvious i‘m only half as strong as she is. I know that i‘m stronger than most of my male friends or slightly weaker than some of my male friends who workout sometimes. I‘m sure none of men in my circle is able to beat her. Henni Jan 31 2021 7:42am OKAY HENNI , your point is that CELINE is stronger than BIG ED, @ 6'5",265#s ! this big GORILLA, WOULD MAUL AT CELINE. SUE had him for a couple of minutes.... but ED took her down, and used her personal body parts as his MALE ENJOYMENT !!!! YHE STORY IS TRUE. IT WAS a match that the looser pays. ALL IN FRONT OF ME, AND GLORIA!!!! HIS WIFE. SUE still wants to wrestle him again even at her age. IT'S CELINES CALL. I know she wants GLORIA. MAYBE A TAG TEAM EVENT ANYTHING GOES STYLE ? CELINE'S CALL. IF she backs out... SUE will mat against BIG ED !!!! SUE'S HUSBANDJan 31 2021 11:03am WHO is SAYLOR ST. CLARE ? SHE is on another site bashing CELINE. I saw a you tube video of her, and WOW !!! IS she into WRESTLING ? SHE looks brutal! SUE'S HUSBANDJan 31 2021 12:04pm ONE more thing, SHE looks to be a dancer, or, an exotic one at that. SHE looks tall, and has some weight, but those legs, feet, and thighs, they look trouble for anyone. I also think she might be FRENCH, OR ENGLISH. SHE would kill me for sure. THIS might be a test for BIG ED? OR CELINE ? SUE'S HUSBANDJan 31 2021 12:32pm I have seen this woman dancer. SHE might give anybody on the mat some trouble, if she wrestles. AnonymousJan 31 2021 4:44pm Well it seem Big Ed is really a very big man and if he is well trained he‘s mostlikely stronger than most women. But most of my male friends don‘t workout and some who do it don‘t workout very serious or only to stay fit. On the other hand most of my girlfriend i had over the years, working out and most of them were stronger than me and because i know that i‘m stronger or at least equal strong than the majority of my male friends, i also know, there are women who are stronger than most men. When i‘m in the gym i often see women who lift weights twice as heavy i could lift. Celine told me how much she can lift. None of my male friends can lift that much. Henni Jan 31 2021 10:25pm WELL, you may be right, but CELINE, is no spring chicken! she hasn't reply to wrestling big ED, or the likes of this SAYLOR ST. CLAIRE YET! WE will see if she comes out of hiding. SUE'S HUSBANDFeb 01 2021 9:30am If this 'dancer' woman challenges me ill fight her.if she thinks she can take me ,it would im sure give the guys a hardon to see us fight each other.same goes for Gloria.Ed must be so disappointed and embarrased that his huge strong wife doesnt dare face the miniskirt girl CelineFeb 02 2021 3:54am P.s.henni.thank you for your support,youre very sweet.youre right too,i would beat your male friends.wish i could wrestle them in front of you.i know youd love that.its very sexy for me wrestling a fit strong young guy CelineFeb 02 2021 4:13am LOKES like CELINE wants to take on BIG ED, or this DANCER SAYLOR ST. CLAIRE. CELINE thinks that BIG ED is EMBARRASED BY HIS WIFE GLORIA, but the truth of the matter is he is not! SUE'S HUSBANDFeb 02 2021 10:57am IS that all you want to do CELINE ? FIGHT, FIGHT, AND FIGHT !!! YOU should just relax and go DOMINANT , LIKE ME !!! YOU GET MOTR ENJOYMENT HEARING MEN YELL FOR MERCY !!!! I do, but my sissy husband, as he is being forced to watch me, can't handle the enjoyment I get !!!! SUEFeb 02 2021 11:39am THAT'S because your and OLD BITCH THAT LIKE BEATING ON HELPLESS OLD MEN STILL !!! AnonymousFeb 02 2021 1:46pm You‘re welcome Celine, it would be for sure very sexy if you wrestle one of my stronger friends who i have no chance against, if you show that you are even stronger than this guy. I can imagine how it would be, you are the only woman in a company of 8 men. While 6 men are a little shy, two will be showing of that they stronger than the other ones. It comes to an armwrestling match beween some of the present men and each match needs a few minutes and these 2 stronger guys. Than you step in to this match and offer that they can show you how strong they are. They accept and you take your hand and after the match has started you need only a few second to press the hand of the first guy down to the table. A trial with the other hand finished similary and also the second guy was beaten pretty quickly by you without you have to invest much effort. Some of the men challange you several times but after none of them could defeat you they became more silence also the two stronger guys. They know they can‘t keep up to the only woman at the table. How does it feel for you if you are at a table with several men and you know all these men are weaker than you? I can inagine this happen to you more often, isn‘t it? Celine Feb 02 2021 2:31pm Oh! Sorry Celine! I was focused that deep, I wrote accidentally your name in the ‚by‘ field. Henni Feb 02 2021 2:33pm SO CELINE... YOU INTO ARM WRESTLING NOW ? SOME ONE said that I was an old BITCH and like beating on old men. WELL ! HE IS RIGHT!!!1 SUEFeb 02 2021 4:40pm I think you were getting aroused writing that henni! When i go to the gym it turns me on to know the guys are checking me out as i exercise! I always wear one of my skimpy outfits,sports bra and briefs and a tiny nike exercise skirt.it turns me on to know theyre watching me. CelineFeb 03 2021 3:00am With those guys i would stare them in the eyes as we armwrestle and i would call them weak.i enjoy winding up my opponents and making them real mad!! I would challenge the strongest to wrestle me in front of his friends to submission after CelineFeb 03 2021 3:11am JUST ARM WRESTLING CELINE ? SUEFeb 03 2021 8:26am Yes, you‘re right Celine! I believe it‘s not that extraordinary that men are aroused if they realize that they‘re next to a woman who is stronger than they‘re. I remeber the story with my first serious girlfriend again and again. After she started working out she became stronger pretty quickly. Sometimes when we were gone out with some of her training mates, the girls took notice of it very fast that i‘m as only man are the weakest one between them. These girls also loved that i‘m stand next to them and admire them how strong they are. On the other hand the girls used any point to winding up me by calling me weakling. But they were right. Many average men are weaklings compared to a strong woman who workout. Celine, when you are in the gym, do you think that there are men who are weaker than you in the gym? Henni Feb 03 2021 10:42am Sue, the topic with the arm-wrestling was my idea because after she gave me her stats i knew that she is twice as strong as me. Because no of my male friends is twice as strong as me i can imagine she can easily beat all of us in arm wrestling. And that she loves to winding up her opponents i also got to feel it when she called me ‚her little weakling‘ Henni Feb 03 2021 10:05pm Henni,of course a lot of the guys at any gym will be weaker than me.it is the women it pays to be wary of i can tell you.strong women are very competitive,and two equally tough females in one place has ended in arguments,and a bloody fight outside for me! CelineFeb 04 2021 3:41am I still think that BIG ED, would be a challenge for her, as my wife SUE gave him a run for the money, but he out performed her. TO watch another guy take advantage of you wife, is not the best scene in the world. SHE, said ...she had a good time! GO FIGURE !!! SUE'S HUSBANDFeb 04 2021 11:30am I can imagine that a lot guys are weaker than you. I see this again and again if i‘m in my local gym sometimes. But alse if there are equal strong women workout next to eachother they don‘t have an arguement. Some made fun over weaker men sometimes but mostly there is peace in the gym. But i have also experienced an arguement between two strong women and later they had a fight. It was better for the men around them to dtay away from them. I believe that other men who workout seriousely are not so many and therefore they are not that often one of them is in a gym. On the other hand there are more often average men in the gym who not workout that hard like many women do. Because of this in a gym you can see average men who workout a little and mostly they are a little stronger than average women. But there are also some women in the gym who workout more heavy and they are pretty often this women are stronger and sometimes much stronger than average men. In my gym i see often no men who workout that seriousely. In the result, often i see that the women who workout next to the men are the stronger ones. For some years ago this would be strange but nowadays it‘s not rarely that a man is weaker than a woman. Celine for you i think it‘s normal that most men are weaker than you, right? Henni Feb 04 2021 12:26pm @Sue‘s husband, it can be that Big Ed is stronger but look at this poll from start until here. A lot women and men wrote here. Again and again the men couldn‘t imagine that the woman are stronger but all men here stated that they lost to a woman. Maybe Big Ed is that kind of strong man i mentioned in my recent post. But i think you can see it here pretty clear. We both are often in touch with women who workout hard. We both are weaker than these women. You told about a man who‘s maybe stronger. It shows pretty clear what Celine said. Also in a gym she see men who workout but nevertheless these men are weaker than her and if i see this poll there are a lot women who are also stronger than many men. And i also realized this around me. Henni Feb 04 2021 1:04pm AFTER what BIG ED did to my wife, I think that even my big wife gave him a good match. BUT watching how he mistreated her on the mat in front of me, ED was just into torturing me by showing that he was going to take my wife in front of me, and his wife GLORIA, as using SUE, for his SEX TOY ! WHAT could I do ? if you saw the outfit SUE had on, even YOU, would give it all you had!!! SUE, has been called a mat whore at times !!!!! sue's husbandFeb 04 2021 1:52pm EVEN CELINE, has called SUE, A SLUT. SUE, wrestling into couples matches, has me always on edge. MY big wife, just won't stop torturing me. HUSBANDFeb 04 2021 4:55pm Henni.yes its best to keep well out of the way if two strong women fight AnonymousFeb 05 2021 2:25am I see more often men who have doubts that a woman can be stronger and then i see women who prove that they‘re stronger than men. It‘s not rarely anymore that this happens. How i already wrote, if i‘m in the gym and there is no well trained strong man there but only average men, men are not the stronger sex but women who are well trained are clear stronger than the men in this gym. Henni Feb 05 2021 10:32am WELL ! YOU ARE RIGHT, BOTH OF YOU. BUT to watch my wife SUE, walk on a mat to prove herself in wrestling, or dominant wrestling, in a , well not real skimpy outfit, BUT SOME WHAT even now, excites me, even though I am not the strong man I can be in her eyes. NOTHING like CELINE, in her style of wrestling. NOT even BIG ED, would never dislike her outfits. HE did enjoy SUE'S THOUGH !!! SUE'S HUSBANDFeb 06 2021 2:58pm CELINE... what is going on with you? are you still WRESTLING? I been on other sites talking about my younger days, nothing else. ALTHOUGH, some older men HAVE RESPONED TO MY E-MAILS.... AND WANT ME TO DO SOME MAT ACTION WITH THEM !!!!! SUEFeb 16 2021 8:07am Yeah sue,still wrestling.not much happens on here these days though.always ready to take on any woman tough enough to challenge me as always! CelineFeb 16 2021 8:14am GOOD to hear from you . I wish you could of met my husbands aunt on theses sites. TALK ABOUT A RED HEADED BITCH... BOY SHE WAS. THE bitch hated men, and was a brutal on the mat against , my husband, and even his DAD !!! as far as women , I got beaten bad, she was good ... no doubt. MORE ON HER LATER, ON HER MATCHES ON MY FATHER IN LAW. SUEFeb 16 2021 10:30am Oh my Sue. Hubby's aunt must be a big strong woman to whip your big body. How big is she? Did she make you submit in some painful holds. Did anyone watch it? BillFeb 16 2021 3:08pm YES BILL! WE played around on the mat when I was younger. PAINFUL HOLDS... THE CAMEL CLUTCH ! SHE WAS 5'6",225#S IN WEIGHT. SHE WAS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. AND, LOVED STOCKINGS... ONLY STOCKINGS... NO PANTYHOSE!!!! SHE WORE THE MOST HIGH DOLLAR ONES FOR SURE. SHE ATTRACTED THE MEN WITH HER RED HAIR. BUT SHE TAUGHT ME A FEW THINGS. SUEFeb 17 2021 9:18am EVEN at my age, I still remember her ways of DOMINATING WRESTLING. SHE used her body, and weight in ways I never knew. VIOLET, was something else. MY husband even said, that she was fast for her age, and beat his dad with no problems. IT was fun watching her grind his face with her stocking feet, then drop her ass on his face for a smother hold. SUEFeb 18 2021 12:37pm ONE more thing, I think I saw a smile on my father in laws face as she had him in a scissor hold. HE tried like hell to get away , but AUNT VIOLET made him pay. FOR a few years, she used him as she wanted in private meetings. THIS is real true, as I was asked by AUNT VIOLET TO HELP HER PUNISH him in a different way. SHE had me use my stocking feet on his manhood, while she face sat him into submission. THIS was all knew for me, as to do this to my father in law. I was in my late 20's, and learning more than DOMINANT WRESTLING from aunt violet. AS I worked my stocking feet up and down, his lower body shook like mad, and he groaned like crazy. UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN within minutes, he exploded on my STOCKING FEET. AUNT VIOLET SAID... NOW LET ME HAVE YOUR STOCKING SUE ! as I peeled them off, she stuffed them into his mouth, then she said, put your bare foot on his face ! DO IT SUE !!! IF YOU WANT TO BE A BITCH LIKE ME !!!! FROM THEN ON, MY LIFE HAS BEEN INTO NOTHING MORE THAN A BIG BITCH ON THE MAT AGAINST MEN. LIKE I SAID, MEN CALL ME ALL THE TIME, EVEN AT MT AGE! WHAT TO DO ? BUT, AUNT VIOLET... MAY SHE REST IN PEACE, AND GLORIA.... SHOWED ME THE LIGHT ! BIG NASTY SUEFeb 18 2021 1:30pm I see my big wife wrote on about the late AUNT VIOLET... WELL SUE, is RIGHT about my AUNT. SHE was evil, and mean !!!! NO LIE FOLKS. AND OH YES, SHE WORE STOCKINGS... NO LIE. HUSBANDFeb 19 2021 7:22am ANOTHER message about MY WIFE SUE, SHE DID, GIVE A STOCKING FOOT JOB TO MY DAD ! NOT JUST ONCE, BUT MORE THAN ONCE. SHE WAS PROUD OF IT ALSO ! HER ways of being DOMINANT, AND WRESTLING ALL THESES YEARS , has got the ATTENTION OF MEN STILL. NO LIE !!! HUSBANDFeb 19 2021 11:33am SHE can be a beast I hear. AnonymousFeb 21 2021 11:12am SHE also looks good on the mat, in bare feet ! AnonymousFeb 24 2021 7:05am I guess someone thinks I like to bare foot wrestle. WE will see. SUEMar 10 2021 12:56pm REAL QUITE ON THE SITE. NO ACTION ANYWHERE! BAREFOOT WRESTLE ? SUE Mar 15 2021 12:49pm Hey sue.nothing doing with the guys? Maybe a topless match between me and you would get their peckers up? Certainly keep us in shape,well might be a little too late for you,old bitch,but the miniskirt gals lookin good.you know ive been after fighting you for years.fair fight.no ref.woman on woman.ill kick your fat ass. CelineMar 17 2021 5:54am WELL NOW ! THAT does sound good CELINE. AS far as kicking my fat ass, you did it already.... REMEMBER? MAYBE something NASTY, AND DOMINANT !!!! SUEMar 17 2021 11:20am MY old boyfriend came by from OKLAHOMA, and we did have fun wrestling in front of my sissy husband. BIG, STRONG RANDY... had me down, and his strong body all over my body. THIS upset my husband, then it was DOMINANT TIME... RANDY LOVES TO BE DOMINANT BY BIG WOMEN. MAYBE, we could tag team against him ??? RANDY IS 6'3, 246#s, and from SWEDEN! SUEMar 17 2021 11:57am SOUNDS like the famous CELINE IS HUNGRY FOR ACTION ! 2 against 1 match, or will it be CELINE vs SUE ? REMEMBER... CELINE beat SUE a few years back, IT was a match, but now, the years are on SUE, as she now just DOMINATES MEN, coming on the mat to wrestle CELINE, could be another VICTORY POSE FOR CELINE. SUE, has truly wrestled RANDY awhile back, it was more DOMINANT STYLE, with the looser facing nothing but torture ! OF course.. SUE WON !!!! WE will see what CELINE SAYS, AS SUE WILL WRESTLE, BUT ONLY IF CELINE WILL BE HER TAG TEAM PARTNER AGAINST RANDY, OR SUE'S OLD FATHER IN LAW. THE old guy wants the pleasure of pinning CELINE!!!! NEWS DESKMar 17 2021 1:08pm Sorry sue,i only wrestle females or fit young attractive guys under 25. CelineMar 18 2021 4:03am WELL ! I guess I will wrestle this old guy, as a warm up for maybe you, but... my old boyfriend, is going to be on the mat with me against my old father in law. THEN, maybe then... we might wrestle. YOU all ready beat me twice, with once camel clutch, and the other face siting me. REMEMBER ? BUT, if you want me that bad.... it might be so... only after I have fun DOMINATING, AND PUNISHING THIS OLD GUY ONE MORE TIME... THIS TIME WITH A MALE PARTNER. SUEMar 18 2021 6:59am LOOKS like SUE is very ,very, serious about these matches. THE so call warm up against her old father in law, one more time.... like, she knows she can whip his old ass, then maybe a bout with her old foe..,CELINE. CAN'T wait for the the old woman to get on the mat !!!! AnonymousMar 18 2021 12:51pm SO! CELINE... TOPLESS? WELL! wait till my father in law see my open front top harnes with studs that cross my 38D'S he will go NUT'S!!!!! AND my grannie panties that are see through... and of course.. my light tan heel and toe just above my knees stockings... that will be ready to deliver a lot of foot and leg action. MY old boy friend.. said that he will be in just a males thong... this match will be XXXXRATED.WISH you was going to be my partner CELINE... as we know... that you being FRENCH.... YOU CAN BE A DOMINANT BITCH WHEN WANTING TO !!! OH! I forgot... my flat sandals on my size 11 feet !!!! GLADIATOR STYLE .. OF COURSE.... CELINE.. SEE YOU AT MAT SIDE DEAR !!!!! I WANT YOU TO WATCH ME HAVE FUN !!!!!! SUEMar 18 2021 4:51pm I might come and watch you old woman.hey why dont you invite the other miniskirter bitch your niece BECKY. shes always boastin bout how she beat me up real bad,and she sure did i admit it.hell she half my age! I want to set that right CelineMar 19 2021 11:08am I will ask her CELINE ! SUEMar 19 2021 1:35pm SHE said... sounds like a match, and she said, that beating you, and me, was more fun for her. THE little bitch, I just want to get my hands around her throat. IF it wasn't for me, she would be working on her back, and knees. THE BITCH ! SHE thinks a 4 way match !!! that would be you, myself, her, and maybe GLORIA. BUT, after this so call match yet to happen. SOON ! SUEMar 19 2021 7:43pm IT looks like SUE'S FATHER IN LAW is on the mat waiting for this NASTY ,BRUTAL BIG WOMAN TO SHOW, W/ HER BIG OLD BOYFRIEND. SOMEONE said that she was dressing like she said. PROUDLY going to show off her 38D'S IN a OPEN FRONT TOP. WE will be waiting for her to come out. news deskMar 20 2021 7:26am HERE comes the big women SUE, and her boyfriend RANDY. JUST like she said an eye popping outfit. BLACK OPEN FRONT TOP W/ CROSS FRONT STUDDED STRAPS THAT HOLD UP HER 38D'S JUST RIGHT, SHEER BLACK PANTIES, LIGHT BROWN TOE, AND HEEL REINFORCED STOCKINGS THAT COME UP OVER HER BIG KNEES, AND STRAPPY FLAT BROWN SANDALS . SUE being really ready to kick his ass , like she has done for years. SUE, with an impressive weight of 243#'s, and a tower of 5'11", with a size 11 feet, has her father in law at a small 5'5", and 155"s, will toy with him as she has done for years, before making him SUFFER IN SOME KIND OF TORTURING , BRUTAL WAY. HER boyfriend, a Swedish strong man, 6'3", 235, or so pounds, if gets on the mat, will beat her father in law with no problem. SUE is ready to wrestle, looks at the CELINE, and says... I am so glad you are hear! this makes me happy to have you watch me DO A LITTLE DOMINANT WRESTLING.... NEWS DESKMar 20 2021 7:05pm Dont see the bitch becky in the audience sur CelineMar 21 2021 12:59pm I NO ! SHE SAID NO, FOR RIGHT NOW. SORRY. SUEMar 21 2021 4:35pm SUE, is on the mat, and see's her old foe CELINE... SUE IS READY!!!! NEWS DESKMar 21 2021 4:36pm SUE grabs her father in law by the hand, a flips him over her shoulder. SUE, twisting his arm, then, putting her right sandal foot on his shoulder, and drops her right knee on it. THE old guy yells out you WHORE SUE... as he gets up SUE tags his face with a right foot, that snaps his head back, and puts him on his back. IT is easy work for this big woman... SUE doesn't hesitate as she gives him a leg drop across his chest. AS she gets up, she goes over and tags RANDY IN... the big guy is all excited that he picks up the old guy, and drops him over his knee.... SUE'S father in law, rolls around, and is in pain... time out is called.... RANDY, is still waiting as SUE puts her size 11 foot on his knee and pulls on her stocking tops. lets go old man... but he is on his knees still..... NEWS DESKMar 21 2021 4:55pm HE finally gets up, RANDY grabs him, and does a vertical SUPFLEX on the old guy that puts him down again. RANDY tags in SUE... the big bitch power drops her right knee on his fore head bouncing his head up, then down for good on the mat. SUE PUTS HER right foot on his face, and grinds away at it with her sandal foot looking at CELINE.... like the match CELINE ? THE old guys legs kick like mad as the big SUE shows her style of wrestling.... news deskMar 21 2021 5:18pm 20 MINUTES have about passed, and her father in law is getting brutally beaten. SUE picks up his legs ..he yells out no! no ! no ! not that... SUE spreads his legs and drops her right knee on his balls, and c*ck. SUE, CALLS THIS THE NUT BUSTER!!! RANDY puts his bare right foot on his throat and watches yet another nut buster by his old flame SUE. SUE walks around after dropping his legs looking down on him saying... you give old bastard... do you !!! he yells up at her.. you f----n bitch, whore ! SUE. SUE smiles and drops on his chest as he struggles to get her off, he fights knowing that she is about to give him a reverse head scissor hold. HE tries to pull her big legs off but they swing around, and clamp around his head, then she squeeze her big strong legs together then crosses her ankles. HER father in law is tapping out as SUE'S POWERFUL LEGS, AND THIGHS CRUSH HIS HEAD. SUE yells out... looks like the looser has to pay... AGAIN he taps the mat 4,5,6, times SUE spreads her legs, and drops a full 243#s on his face. HIS face is her target of pleasure. SUE again beating her father in law as she rotates her ass, and big hips in a circular motion on his face getting RANDY all turned on. THE guys legs kick, and hands tap the side of her hips. OH!! does this mean you give up !!!!! UP SUE goes, kicking off her right sandal and putting her stocking right foot on his face... kiss that foot you old bastard !!! CELINE gets up and pushes SUE off her father in law.. you bitch... beating him again you are nothing but a WHORE ! CELINE, slaps SUE in the face then grabs her tits, and pinches her big nipples... see how you like it c*nt... then CELINE tags RANDY IN THE NUTS with the point of her high heels. RANDY FALLS DOWN.. Celine drives her point of her shoes into his nuts. SUE grabs CELINE by the hair, and throws her back against the padded wall then tags her face with her stocking right foot. CELINE staggers around.. SUE picks up CELINE and gives her the power drop... CELINE'S legs crumble then she drops face down.. RANDY hold on to his nuts, rolls CELINE over on her back.. pulls her heels off, and then puts CELINE ON her chest, then with both her legs over his shoulder, he puts CELINE in the Boston crab.... CELINE yells out you bastard, you bastard... SUE.. yells back... you give CELINE... WELL!!!! DO YOU ??? CELINE fights and tries, to break off the hold... then SUE'S father in law crashes a chair on RANDY head and face freeing up CELINE. Celine rolls out of the way as SUE'S father in law tags SUE with a fist to the face, then another one... then a chop to the throat making SUE stagger around the mat as she staggers CELINE with a foot to SUE'S FACE drops the big bitch on her knees CELINE, then grabs her hair and smashes her big face to the mat. CELINE, now in sheer white panties, and bra, rolls the big woman over and picks up her big husky legs. NOW you bitch... take that.. CELINE.. working her big toe into SUE'S pussy... SUE'S father in law pounding on RANDYS face as CELINE big toe puts agony on Sue's face. GIVE TO HER GOOD CELINE.... AS he yells out... THE WHORE !!! CELINE has SUE twisting all around, but can't get free. CELINE drives her toes right into her pussy, and take that you bitch. SUE'S father in law picks up her big stocking legs, and then holding on to them, CELINE drops her ass right on SUE'S FACE..... CELINE starts to pinch her nipples and working her ass over SUE'S FACE her big legs try to break free, but can't as HER father in law has a good hold on them. CELINE has the big woman tapping out again with the aid of SUE'S beaten father in law. THE old guy got SUE back, in what is a crazy double match. RANDY crawls off CELINE, has SUE under her bare right foot, and SUE'S father in law saved CELINE from being beaten to death. ONCE again CELINE, WINS, BUT SUE... WILL BE BACK. WHERE IS THE RED HEAD BECKY..... SUE, the old woman showed some talent, but, needs to retire off theses sites. SHE still looks good in her DOMINANT GET UP, STILL WEARING STOCKINGS, AND WHAT HAVE YOU, BUT TIME TO LEAVE. NEWS DESK FINALEMar 21 2021 6:38pm IS BECKY GOING TO WRESTLE? AnonymousMar 22 2021 5:22am A good match, but SUE... SHOWED that she is what she is, and CELINE still TOUGH, but slipping a little due to her age. BECKY, still can beat up on both of them, with no help from any one. BECKY'S age is still in her prime, would beat, and dominate both ladies. BOTH CELINE,AND SUE, HAVE HAD THEIR DAY'S ON THE MAT. NEED SOME FRESH LADIES THAT WANT TO WRESTLE, AND TAKE CONTROL. ALL the women that had their time on the sites wrestling, a lot of them. AnonymousMar 22 2021 10:00am So anon,you think Becky can beat me up? She may have a good few years on me,but i still look hotter than her in a miniskirt im told,and id fight her anytime. CelineMar 23 2021 12:11pm BECKY.I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FAIR FIGHT IN THE RING IN FRONT OF THE GUYS.LAST TIME WE FOUGHT IT WAS JUST A PRIVATE BRAWL BETWEEN US GIRLS, AND YOU GOT LUCKY.THIS TIME ITS A RETIREMENT MATCH.NO REFEREE.LOSER FORCED TO RETIRE Leggy celineMar 23 2021 12:24pm YOU might be right, but SUE'S FATHER IN LAW SAVE YOU FROM GETTING YOUR HEAD SMASHED IN.THANKS TO HIM, YOU GET ANOTHER CHANCE ON THE MAT. AS far as BECKY, beating you up, a few good years on your old body... makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. SHE is still HOT, THE BITCH RED HEAD! THANKS to SUE, for bringing her to the sites of FEMALE WRESTLING! RIGHT ? AnonymousMar 23 2021 12:42pm Yeah shes hot since she copied my look.soon as she wore that damn micro short denim skirt everyone said...the new miniskirt gal! Hell im still here and thats MY title.f.ckin redhead bitch.retirement bout...her or me CelineMar 23 2021 1:01pm ANOTHER THING... it is not like YOU to get involved with a on going match like the one with SUE,AGAINST HER FATHER IN LAW. SUE was ready to take care of him for good, till you decide to interfere. IT just not like you!!!! NOW, SUE has to heal... and finish the job at a later time, men seem to enjoy her nasty , brutal ways on the mat. NOW... with RANDY.... he was just a fill in... seeing that SUE, wanted YOU as a tag team member. NOW that RANDY IS GONE, THE BIG BITCH AS SHE HEALS, IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE. SUE, will be back. SO she said. BUT... YOU HAD TO GET ON THE MAT , AND INTERFERE. YOU should give THANKS TO HER FATHER IN LAW, INSTEAD OF TAKING ON HOW GOOD YOU ARE, AND SEXY. STILL, RUMORS HAS IT THAT GLORIA MIGHT SEE SOME ACTION WITH SUE, AGAINST HER FATHER IN LAW AS A REMATCH. WE WILL SEE . SUE WILL NOT REST !!!!! AnonymousMar 23 2021 1:07pm WELL! I see that someone thinks that I should of won the match. CELINE... HONEY ... AS long as you keep interfering on my DOMANT MATCHES... WE WILL NEVER WRESTLE EACH OTHER... BITCH !!! SUEMar 23 2021 1:13pm WRESTLE CELINE... WHY,? I beat HER till she dropped. RETIREMENT MATCH.... I am toooo young... to RETIRE. I want SUE AGAIN... THE FAT AUNT OF A BITCH , WHORE !!!!!!! BECKYMar 23 2021 1:21pm Too scared youll get your butt kicked BECKY? By a better and hotter woman.im 20ys older but i aint afraid to fight you.i know my friend henni would love to see us tussle CelineMar 23 2021 1:38pm NO, not scared... match... so YOU want a match... how about a match like I did with my aunt SUE ! THIS finished her off good... the looser, sucks off a strong young man, while the winner uses a strap on, on the looser female ? ASK AUNT SUE ABOUT IT !!!!! BECKYMar 23 2021 1:53pm scared Celine ???? YOU WANT THE MEN REAL HARD... LIKE YOU SAID.... BECKYMar 23 2021 1:54pm THIS SOUNDS DOMINANT KINKY!! THIS MIGHT GO. FORGET WRESTLING... THIS DUNGEON STYLE WRESTLING. AnonymousMar 23 2021 1:58pm Ill accept that forfeit.but i wont be losing BITCH BECKY.NO RULES.LOCKED IN A CAGE TOGETHER.NO ESCAPE.LOSER RETIRES AND TAKES A HUMILIATING f*ckING FIRST. AnonymousMar 23 2021 2:25pm Thats ultimate humiliation becky.you scared now??? AnonymousMar 23 2021 2:28pm Ill be wearing my little black leather skirt and black briefs.no doubt youll wear that award winning far too short denim skirt of yours CelineMar 23 2021 2:36pm By the finish therell only be ONE famous miniskirt girl....me AnonymousMar 23 2021 2:38pm SOUNDS FUN.... AND, WHO'S GOING TO DO THE F-----? BECKYMar 23 2021 4:12pm Reckon thatll be the best wiman....me bitch CelineMar 23 2021 4:42pm Feel free to come get me.young bitch AnonymousMar 23 2021 4:46pm Ill fight you now.or give me a time and we will sort this out bitch AnonymousMar 23 2021 4:49pm Certainly looks like there will be a bloody showdown between the two warring miniskirt girls.leggy celine ,the original 'miniskirt gal',now in her early fifties,and still wearing skirts so short as to give a guy a nosebleed.challenged by a girl in her twenties who the younger guys find condiderably more exciting.a fight between young and old..... AnonymousMar 23 2021 5:36pm The very sexy miniskirt girl leggy celine is the first in the cage.wearing only a very short black leather skirt,just covering her black panties by maybe an inch.her opponent becky,much younger,wearing a denim skirt,showing every inch of her long young longs AnonymousMar 23 2021 5:50pm JUST as we thought... SUE, is at the edge of the outside of the cage. WHAT is she up to ! AnonymousMar 23 2021 7:35pm The cage is locked,the two women trapped inside until theres a winner.the rowdy audience chanting ...fight fight fight! Celine hasnt seen Becky for a few years,and is surprised at the change in her old enemy.shes still a big girl but gone is the puppy fat,replaced with obvious muscle,her stomach is flat and her legs,always a crowd pleaser,even better than she remembers,shown off by a real knicker flicker of a skirt in faded blue denim,her white silk panties showing as she walks. AnonymousMar 24 2021 5:14am The announcer describes the bout to come..a grudge match in the locked cage,there being no ref,no rules or interruptions.they will fight till one woman is unable to continue.as the announcer gets to the 'forfeits',the crowd go crazy,whistling and cheering.....the winner will humiliate the loserin a very personal way using a strapon.when shes had her fun,the loser must retire AnonymousMar 24 2021 5:32am The moment the announcer finishes, the two run at each other,grabbing for hair,kneeing and kicking ,then celine tripping becky to the mat,where they roll over and over like warring cats.the youngster is stronger,but celine is just plain vicious,and is getting the better of her rival.already there are hanks of hair,bloody at the roots,strewn around the fighting pair.both red and blonde. AnonymousMar 24 2021 5:57am Leggy celine sinks her sharp little teeth into beckys ear,tearing at it till her face is covered in blood.Sue is shouting to her niece from outside the cage....use your training,dont let her force you into a catfight you stupid bitch. Becky goes for celines eyes,and celine lets go of her ear. AnonymousMar 24 2021 6:08am SUE prancing around the outside of the cage.. some of the men try to contain the big bitch, but she grabs one of them and runs his face into the cage, then a swift right foot to the other guys face has him stun, and walking in a daze. SUE gets up on the edge of the mat, and unlocks the door... oh no ! no ! not her in the cage.... you bitch CELINE... interfering in my match, when I wanted to finish off my father in law.... SHE grabs CELINE by the top of her hair, while BECKY claws at her eyes. SUE, pushed BECKY to the side... CELINE AT the mercy of BIG, NASTY, SUE, SUE with a karate chop to CELINE throat, then another, SUE, with a kick to CELINES chest, with that stocking, and sandal right foot... take that bitch... SUE has CELINE ON HER KNEES...BIG NASTY SUE tags CELINES face once again, this time putting her on her back.. BECKY does a leg drop on the blonde wonder then starts to pound on her face, as BIG SUE WALKS OUT OF THE CAGE.... SUE, YELLS AT BOTH OF THEM... YOU TWO DESERVES EACH OTHER. CALLING ME A NASTY WHORE !!!!! HAVE FUN BITCHES.... MY FATHER IN LAW IS STILL GOING TO GET THE BEATING, AND TORTURING OF HIS LIFE ON ANOTHER SITE. AS sue walks off, BECKY is still pounding away at CELINE. SUE IN A ALL BLACK OUTFIT, BLACK GRANNY PANTIES, OPEN FRONT TOP, AND SUPER SHEER STOCKINGS GARTER BELT, AND FLAT BLACK SANDALS , DARK SILVER NAIL POLISH ON HER TOE NAILS. AS an older bitch, she still looks good, even at 243#s, and 5'11",WE can see why she is what she is! NOW... WHAT SITE IS SHE ON ???? AnonymousMar 24 2021 11:11am AS she was walking out, men were really watching the big woman carry her weight. FOR a big woman, she still looks GREAT!!! AnonymousMar 24 2021 12:21pm SUE has made herself famous, from LEG SHOW MAGAZINE, TO YOU TUBE, AND MEN FROM EAST TO WEAST COAST THAT WANT HER. EVEN THE EUROPEAN MARKETS ! THIS.. IS ALL TRUE FOLKS !!! AnonymousMar 24 2021 2:35pm Sue leaves the cage.you can be certain that celine will deal with sue later,and that sue will be unlikely to survive.as always sue has interfered in a fair fight,and its for the last time! The old bitch is lucky not to be given a severe kicking by members of the audience,incensed that she interfered with the fight between the two leggy beauties AnonymousMar 25 2021 4:28am LEGGY CELINE LETS IT BE KNOWN THAT SHE IS COMING FOR BIG SUE.HIGH TIME THE TWO FOUGHT IT OUT.THIS TIME NOT IN ANY RING AND WITHOUT AN AUDIENCE OR INTERFERENCE FROM ANYONE ELSE.CELINE WILL GET THE OLD WHORE ON HER OWN,AND THEY WILL FIGHT TO THE FINISH.SUE HAS DISRESPECTED THE MINISKIRT GIRL ONE TOO MANY TIMES AnonymousMar 25 2021 4:42am Hear that SUE.Im coming after you,and im gonna beat f.ck out of you.youre on borrowed time,fat old whore Leggy celineMar 25 2021 4:50am Fat c.nt AnonymousMar 25 2021 4:51am I THINK I WILL CELEBRATE CELINE... I KNOW THAT YOU... WANT ME TO LICK YOUR WET PUSSY .... THAT MAKES MEN REAL EXCITED SEEING YOU GET ON TOP. BUT... I AM GOING TO MAKE MY HUSBAND GET UPSET AS MY BIG WHORE BODY IS GOING TO ENJOY A YOUNG STUD. WISH YOU WERE HEAR TO WATCH .. CELINE... AS MY YELLS OF EXCITEMENT WILL MAKE MY OLD HUSBAND WISH IT WAS HIM AS HE GETS TO WATCH! JUST FOR YOU... I WILL LEAVE MY STOCKING ON, AND MAKE SURE MY TOES ARE POINTED FOR YOU! HOPE TO SEE YOU ON ANOTHER SITE AS WE BOTH STRUGGLE FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT !!!!!! BIG NASTY, STOCKING SUEMar 25 2021 7:17am Add a comment: Vote Results |