I could not fix this to accept two votes, one for part 1 and another for part 2 so please comment here such as personally I would save the woman and if I had to chose who would die, it would be the male as they are more expendable. I tried to answer once in each section and it would only take one but I would let the male die and save the female or in the other case, it would be the male that would die as I would not know if the woman was pregnant so for that reason, the male would be the best choice to let die in either situation. MikeMay 28 2010 7:58am Save the man because they are more worth than a woman. A man is doing all work and is paying taxes. The women is lazy and costs money. AnonymousMay 28 2010 11:38am LOL If so not for long. Women have won the battle of the sexes Males have lost. Becareful you don't lose your balls too KimberlyMay 29 2010 6:28am Kimberly , most of us have already. Yes they are still hanging between our legs, but its the females that control them. Someday castration will be as common place as circumcision. Women will soon pass a law where castration will be performed as a law. Besides what good are they. I would gladly give up mine. DaveMay 29 2010 3:02pm I agree Dave, one day castration will be common practice. It will be one of the final stages of the battle of the sexes. NicolaMay 29 2010 11:44pm I have seen other polls such as this and one in a college course. The results were always the same. In each case, it would be a live woman and a dead male. Usually over 90% of both men and women would allow the male to die to save the woman or they would risk killing several males to save one woman. If ya got balls, sorry about your luck. It ran out when you grew those balls. KathyMay 30 2010 8:39am Kathy, I love your style. AnonymousMay 30 2010 5:49pm Nicola I also love your style. You both are todays women. I hope someday you are the majority with your ideas. AnonymousMay 30 2010 5:51pm I have noticed similar things too. I work in an office with several women and a couple of men when a news report said 5 men were killed in an auto accident. One woman said she was glad that at least they were ALL males and actually everyone agreed that it was good that they were all male. When that one cult had 38 kill themself it was reported that they were all males but a later report said that several of them were women. I heard a couple of women and even another man say they should have been all males too and one man even said he would not care if twice as many did this if they were all males rather than having any women do it. The question is how many males is each woman worth? RonMay 30 2010 8:30pm i would gona leave the woman,or if there would be a chance,most stupid female population die in car-crashes,by the way car-crash is 99percent caused by stupid female drivers who just cant drive cant park,cant see the green or red light,mistakely hits accelerator instead of breaks-etc etc etc.woman just lets the steering wheel go wherever in case dangerous road situation arise.=let them be killed and safe the king of the human kind,the most skilled-most appreciated,most clever.fittest and the strongest-simply the man!!!man is always number one!what is woman doing other than eats nerves and lazy walking spending man's money!?f*ck all AnonymousMay 31 2010 2:42pm let all females die,let all males enjoy that! AnonymousMay 31 2010 2:44pm Anonymous, males are far more likely to die in an accident so why waste time to save a male when we can save several women in the same time? Besides, a woman could be pregnate thus we would be saving two instead of one and this will never happen with any male. A college course I took showed that 90% of the males and women would save the woman even if it let the males die. In fact it was a male instructor that told us all why after the poll why saving the woman would always be the best choice and also it would be the best choice to pick the male if you had to choice one or the other to die. Sorry but in both cases, it would always be the male who died 90% of the time. After all, males are more expendable. Did you know that society thinks this too? There were about 60 women who died during the civil war while over 600,000 males died. In Viet Nam, 8 women were killed while 58,000 males died and in each case, I do think there were too many women that died. KimberlyMay 31 2010 5:08pm Oh one more thing, males die earlier than women anyway so if we save a woman, she would have a half dozen MORE years than the male anyway so it only makes sense to save the women in any situation rather than the males KimberlyMay 31 2010 5:10pm women are getting stronger at 15 my daughter is the the strongest and most muscular person i know she made me and my son pass out by squeeezing us...she put my my nephew in hospital in a wrestling match and she also beat a room full of men in armwrestling she has 17" ARMS father of beastJun 01 2010 8:36am father of beast It is true that women are becoming stronger but this is but the tip of the iceburg as women are much smarter than most males and I am sure if you were to tell us, your daughter is smarter than her brothers or her male cousins. In fact she may just show you that she as a girl is superior to most all the males in your family in almost every way. Have you considered letting her take charge over her brothers and perhaps even you since you are....a male and therefore we all know you do need correction esp. when you are thinking with the head in your c0ck instead of the one in your head. If you do, would you set any limits on what she can do (although males should not set limits on women in any way) KathyJun 01 2010 9:26am Anonymous why are you calling the superior gender mere females? We are women and for males to use female when talking about us shows us that males are usually pricks. Every male should only use respectful terms for women and girls and it is males like you that just because you have a pair of balls and prick, women should drop at your feet that give the few good MEN out there a bad name. Mike,Dave, Ron above have shown they are MEN even though they do have balls between their legs. Too bad you are just a PRICK. KathyJun 01 2010 9:31am Kathy, You are so right. Unfortunately for males, the natural order of things is for them to be expendable, while Women are naturally more valuable to society. men who are able to see past their gonads recognize the superiority of Women over males. ymanJun 01 2010 6:58pm @father of the beast. I wont question your daughters strength. But from what you have said. If she were a man, she`d be in jail. AnonymousJun 02 2010 1:05am If she were a man, she`d be in jail. Anonymous Why>? It is a girls fault that a tough male could not beat a girl.. I guess he did not have the balls to do it did he? If you noticed a lot of pro wrestlers may end up putting someone in the hospital but they are usually t he weak MALES KathyJun 02 2010 6:10am Bitches superior "Haha" AnonymousJun 02 2010 10:58am It's impossible to say just how many men one woman is worth, but i guess we are talking thousands. A Superior BitchJun 03 2010 8:46am During the Civil War in the US, there were 60 women killed comparted to 625,000 mlaes so I guess than one woman was worth 0ver ten thounsand males. They should have done more to protect those 60 women even if it meant another 50 thousand males would die. Women and girls should always be left out of the wars males have. KathyJun 04 2010 10:47am Of course, one could do nothing to help either person in order to allow natural selection to take it's course, thus allowing one to die. Once there is only one person to attend to, save her/him. (If the situation were to be approached clinically) an intelligent life formJun 04 2010 3:14pm Of course, one could do nothing to help either person in order to allow natural selection to take it's course, thus allowing one to die If we were to do this, it would be the male that died if they both had the same degree of injuries as males can not survive as well as women can so the result would still be the same as in the poll, one dead male but it would also mean the woman would have less a chance to survive too so we may as well start with the woman anyway. KimberlyJun 04 2010 7:35pm Women are regarded as valuable because they can bear children to replace killed males. It was for this reason that in Germany during the war women were not conscripted. Whilst in Britain they were and in Russia they were put into the firing line and killed. wwJun 05 2010 3:27am That would depend on where on their bodies the injuries were situated. What a man may survive may kill a woman and vice-versa. an intelligent life formJun 05 2010 4:02pm science showed clearly many times that if woman and man suffer same life treatening injuries-woman body will always survive and cope with same injuries which would be deadly for man,because man body cant withstand that much as woman body can.woman body is just great powerfull and extremly strong organism.they must be strong,they bear whole world on their wide strong hips! AnonymousJun 05 2010 4:05pm As I said, it depends on the location of said L.T.I.s on the body. For example, there are some types of brain trauma that men could weather better because their brain functions tend to be more compartmentalised, whereas womens tend to be spread throughout the entire mass of their brains. Having said that, there are some injuries that women would better cope with, The male brain offers better redundancy, whereas the female offers better holistic support in such cases. an intelligent life formJun 05 2010 5:19pm OK, so males will survive SOME trama better tha women can but it will be perhpas one tow males for each 100 women who survive so it is still best to save the woman. Also since women are superior, it is always best to at least try to save the woman because we do know males are more expendable. Pricks are a dime a dozen, Women are not. KathyJun 05 2010 7:39pm For the males here who do not like the result of this polls I have noticed some interesting things at my office where we have about 50 people. Half are women and half are males. Anytime we read of an accident that has killed someone, if it was a woman, almost everyone will say too bad it was a woman or others say it should have been a male. This is true for everyone except one or two of the males so in life, the results are pretty much the same. If a male was killed, the same people often say "At least it was a male" Recently when the boat that was fired upon going into the Garza strip where 9 people were killed, one of the males read a story and than loudly proclaimed to all those around him saying that he had some good news regarding that and than said that at least ALL nine people where MALE. There were a few dozen sighs of relieve hearing that no women were killed. Funny how most of the males even know that if you have balls, you are more expendable. KathyJun 06 2010 8:40am Men are not exspendable, But Muslims are. Just ask any Jew, male and female, and they will say that they all deserve to die! (Muslims, that is). an intelligent life formJun 06 2010 2:59pm Furthermore, if those Muslim men refrained from violent action they would not have been fired upon. an intelligent life formJun 06 2010 3:01pm Men are not exspendable, But Muslims are Maybe but only if they are MALE but than we are not saying males are expendable, just that males are much more expendable than women are. Pricks are a dime a dozen, Women are not. KathyJun 06 2010 9:25pm #0035 - (Tue.) * 6/8/10 UpdateJun 07 2010 10:20pm For once, we are in agreement, Ms Kathy. When I said Muslims are expendable, I meant ONLY the males. In Islam, there are no such things as female Muslims because women are denied even the most basic of rights. Oh, by the way, Thanks for pointing out the typo. AnonymousJun 08 2010 3:17pm an intelligent life form AnonymousJun 08 2010 3:18pm For once, we are in agreement, Ms Kathy. When I said Muslims are expendable, I meant ONLY the males Of course, we all know that if anyone was expendable, it would be a male. Like I said, pricks are a dime a dozen. KathyJun 09 2010 6:56am Why are Muslims (and men) expendable? I see a racist tendency here. altanJun 09 2010 3:01pm To Ms Misandronystic Female Chauvanist Sow Bitch, Your hatred of men alone Lowers you to the Muslim's level. To altan, Islam is not a race, it is a demented, perverted, mutated carbuncle of a cult. an intelligent life formJun 09 2010 3:36pm an intelligent life form, I am sure that you have no idea about Islam. I met many people who think same as you but knows nothing about what they are speaking... altanJun 10 2010 1:25pm www.waronjihad.org. The founder of this site sure knows what he's talking about, for he was once one himself. an intelligent life formJun 10 2010 2:23pm I am correcting my lost post: This site represents nothing and nobody in the world, it is just built to make people believe in lies. An intelligent life form; if you are believing in what they say, then I have nothing to do with you. If you want to learn what Islam is then read Quran (but not from this site, because all translations about Quran are wrong!). If you want to learn what Muslims want or think then visit a Muslim country and live with them as a tourist. altanJun 12 2010 5:00pm His name is Yousef Islam. He came from a Muslim background, he was surrounded by it's barbarity and injustice all his life. You are obviously a Muslim yourself, Mr altan, were you ever given a Goat kid to play with as a chld, several weeks before the festival of Eid Ul Zuha? Were you upset on the day of the festival, when your father slit the poor thing's throat before your young, innocent eyes, only for your father to tell you, "It is tradition, it is a Qurbani, it is our 'holy' duty to kill"? How many Eids did it take of this "hot and cold" treatment before you became desensitized to the slaughter? When did your father hand you the knife, thus shaming you into doing the deed yourself? And when you did, did you enjoy the killing, the act of drawing the knife across the poor beast's throat, did you derive a perverse thrill from watching the life liquid spatter and spurt? For this is what happens in the average muslim home across the world, this is how unrepentant murderers are made, this is how muslims are made! The Koran commands Muslims to death-threat convert or kill ALL non-Muslims. And as for your accusation against W.O.J. Making people believe lies, this is akin to the pot calling the kettle black, Islam comes up with some champion whoppers itself. for example, who really would beleive that when the Sun sets, it dissapears into a murky, muddy pool of water, or that your twisted moon-bat god created women defficient! Oh and don't get me started on Islam's treatment of women!!! When I See on television and read about the atrocities heaped upon women in muslim "societies", it almost makes me hope for female dominance to take over the World. So watch out, for the shoe may end up on the other foot! an intelligent life formJun 13 2010 5:45pm Oh, by the way, The above were a few of the many reasons why Yousef left Islam and founded waronjihad.org. an intelligent life formJun 13 2010 5:47pm Do you know how many tons of meat are being consumed in a Muslim country and in a western country? You think that killing a goat for your believes and needs is brutal. But killing hundreds of goats or any other animal in a huge meat plant (like in Mcdonalds) is no problem. As long as you do not see how animal are killed, is it no problem? People feed and hunt (as many animal species do) for their need and survival from the begining. Do you think that all these species enjoy killing? I have been watching things about the huge meat plants in Western countries. For Qurbani, you take a goat, sheep, etc.; then you must(!) feed it in an open area and make everything for it to feel comfortable and then kill it without pain as much as possible (These are the strict rules that Islam possess, if you do not do these your Qurbani is not accepted. These what we are told about Islam and if some people does not obey this ypu can not relate it with Islam dreictly). Now tell me: which one is brutal? Killing a goat as Qurbani, or feeding many animals with synthtetic feedings between walls without showing them the green grass or the sky and then killing them. The other point is that in Islam the rule is that you do not show Qurbani to children. A mature person can join the Qurbani. I understand your humanist perspective, but you are only worried about waht is seen. The things happening beyond our eyes are the most dangerous things. Also what about this: "when the Sun sets, it dissapears into a murky, muddy pool of water". Are you kidding me? Where did you hear it? For women; Quran does not say that women are defficient. Some Muslims think as what you say, but many Muslims dont believe this. This is just a part of segregation against women which is seen in whole world. In some places of the world people say that "women are weak or defficient" because of their ""nature"", and some people say it because of ""god"". I am also disturbed with it, and believe (and definitly see) that women are not weak. By the way, dont be afraid of Jihad too much. This term was used lastly by taliban who represent a very small proportion of Muslims, and formerly trained by US governement! to be used against Soviet nation, and became an enemy of western countries after collapse of Soviets with a great support of guns and money that US provided to them. But "crusade" was used by the president of the most powerful country of the world ! So as a Muslim I am in more danger then you are! altanJun 14 2010 12:22pm I can appreciate and understand a lot of what you say, Mr altan, and as disagreeable as the meat plants are, the Qurbani and halal methods are just as cruel but in different ways. After all, would you like to have your throat slit then hung upon a bar with your feet tied together, and left to bleed out? No? Neither would I. Yet I understand that the meat plants wich you refer to offer no natural life for the poor animals, thus for them, death must come as a welcome release. As for the goat, to have it's throat slit so suddenly after living such a good life, it must come as a very rude shock indeed! You also try to reassure me to not be afraid of Jihad too much, but bear in mind that at the time when the Russians were in Afghanistan, the "Ummah" having a worse enemy to deal with, had a vested interest in cosying up to the U.S. government in order to receive their training. Nooow fast-forward a few years, the fall of the Soviet Union leaves the U.S. the world's only remaining superpower. After the fall of the Soviets, This left America as the "Ummah"'s greatest enemy, thus negating the Hudna they formerly had with the U.S. When Bush reffered to a "crusade", please bear in mind that the original was instigated by Saracens attacking non Muslim pilgrims in the Holy Land, on their way to Jurusalem. The European nations appealed to the pope for help with this problem, thus sparking off the Crusades, a most bloody and unfortunate chapter in history. If it is so that as a Muslim you are in more danger than I, if you research Islamic history, warts and all, then you will understand why. an intelligent life formJun 15 2010 4:17pm Hi again, I also understand what you want to say about killing animals. We are looking from different points of view. But I still think in a different way about what is cruel nor not. Being cruel is not just about how something is killed, it is mainly related to approach to animals. Anyway, I can not accept that "Ummah" has enemies. I (and many Muslims) was not an enemy of Soviet Union, and neither U.S. Soviet Union was an enemy of "Taliban", and then as you said U.S. is the new enemy. But think about the source, if U.S. had not supported "Taliban" the world will not be troubled by such a threat. A similar thing happened in Iraq. Saddam was supported by U.S. and killed thousands of Kurdish people with the chemical weapons given by U.S!. But then he became an enemy of U.S. This always happens. You may be afraid of Jihad or some Muslim dictators, but when you look inside you always see a U.S. support. Believe me, many Muslims suffered and (still suffers) from the dictators like Saddam, Taliban, etc... They just try to survive and do not deal anything like Jihad or something, and when U.S. step in Muslim nations things become worse in the future. Finally Muslims have to deal both with those dictators (and again many of them were and are supported by U.S.) and U.S.' wrong interruption (I mean interruption by weapons resulting in thousands of deaths of civilians). This is why I am in more danger. altanJun 17 2010 2:14pm I see what you mean about U.S. intervention. But in the case of muslim countries, America, Britain and others have and do bend over backwards to help them, but all too often end up getting stabbed in the back. This is because of the jihad mentality, in Islam, jihad is not an event, it is an institution. The Koran calls upon all muslims to kill the infidel, to preach dawa to embrace Islam and be "safe". Safe from what? Not safe from the fires of Johanam, Gehenna, Hell or whatever name you may assign to your sin bin, but from being done to death by the Abdallah brigade, who spread Islam by death threat and threaten death upon all who would dare leave the cult. Please don't be offended Mr Altan, but that is exactly what Islam is, it is a death cult. This is why muslims(present company excepted, hopefully) tend to be belligerant, confrontational and warlike. They have difficulty getting along with non-Muslims, who they regard as dirty, filthy kuffar infidel scum, (such rhetoric from people who use the back-of-the-hand method and forgoe soap when washing, among other things) besides having similar difficulty coexisting with their own ilk. Muslim relations, from the familial to the global, are all too often marred by aggression, violence and conflict. This is the result of an ultra-macho mindset where violence is venerated as the universal panecaea for all problems. In reality, all this does is make matters worse, thus the reason why so many Muslim countries are somewhat akin to a post apocolyptic landscape. AnonymousJun 17 2010 4:33pm Sorry, I forgot to name my post. an intelligent life formJun 17 2010 4:35pm I totally disagree with you about why interventions end up like these. This is nothing to do with Islam and Islam. What Koran says is about the era when Islam started to spread. It was when Muslims were being killed for their believes. Many few Muslims today try to do same thing. I am trying to give some real life examples, but you are in a position that you are telling Muslims what Islam is. What I am saying is not about believes, but about what is happening in the real life. You think that agression, violence and conflict comes together with Islam. You are saying this, because you are thinking about the past eras, like Islamic empire, Ottoman empire, etc... But consider all big wars of the twentieth century. How many of them were started by Muslims? None. Now we are not living in a world where Muslims are in Jihad. Please, let's talk about the real life. There are many facts(!?) about Islam in your posts, but none of them fits me (and many Msulims). It is funny, because you are telling me who and what I am. But I am not the guy you are saying. So please dont tell me what I believe, just tell what you think. altanJun 17 2010 6:11pm The only reason why Muslims were being killed is because Mo and his cronies were spreading Islam by threat of death. It was then, and is now, a one-way street. Those who leave the cult are branded murtads, to be killed on sight. Although you may be a genuinely peaceful person, as a Muslim, you cannot possibly deny your violent and blood soaked heritage. As to your referance to past eras, the Turks only set out upon their global Islamisation campaign because they themselves were Islamised by the Arabs. Yet this is happening today also, only not as much so because many N.M.C,s are too strong for them. Consider, for example, the situation in the Levant. The palestinians are always causing trouble for the Israelis, yet Israel is practically a superpower in it's own right, while Palestinians have far lesser resources to wage war with. I can say with the utmost certainty, my dear Mr altan, that if the situation were the reverse, Israel would have been blown off the map rears ago. an intelligent life formJun 19 2010 6:01pm Anyway, back on topic. As a Muslim, who would you save, him or her? an intelligent life formJun 19 2010 6:04pm As a Muslim, who would you save, him or her? This should be easy. Regardless of the relgion or race, the woman is still superior to the males so it should always be the woman who is saved. Remember, women are more essential in any group and males are always more expendable. KimberlyJul 09 2010 5:17pm On what do you base your Naziesque line of reasoning? There are two things you should know. First, that same lop-sided chromosome pair that is more likely to make him a lesser being than her is just as likely to make him greater, this is because he is more susceptible to the poor genes on his one X, yet just as likely to benefit from the rich genes. Second, man has the same right to life as woman, woman has the same right to life as man. Please let me know if there is any part of this explication you do not understand. AnonymousJul 11 2010 4:39pm an intelligent life form (above post) AnonymousJul 11 2010 4:40pm Stephen King wrote A Long Walk which is about 100 boys doing a walk for a huge prize but only one male can win. ALL the other males are shot if they stop the walk Would you all want to have these males do the walk naked? I can think of several reasons for this. No male would have an advantage over another and when they were killed, the millions of women watching would know they were all males If someone watching helps them, that person would be killed also but I contend that if a woman helps one of the walkers, the male she is helping should be killed alone with any male standing beside her. Of course, if another male is helping the walker, both the males would be killed. In this way, we can punish anyone trying to help but we would only kill males CindyJul 18 2010 9:36am Cindy, you seem to me to be an incurable sociopath, a prime candidate for my future Human vivisection laboratories. an intelligent life formJul 21 2010 3:22pm Sorry, I mean psychopath. an intelligent life formAug 16 2010 3:05pm My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the costs. But he's tryiong none the less. 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Efforts made by the U.S. State Department, USAID, the European Union, the African Union Mission in Somalia, as well as U.N. organizations were successful in propping up a new government, which in September 2012 conducted democratic elections. cgMZrqSwQzrApr 11 2022 10:39pm Could I have an application form? https://www.qnez.net/stmap_62vpkwfl.html?cialis.nimotop.ashwagandha levothyroxine bijwerkingen The finance ministry's data show that foreign investors'bond holdings have been rising steadily in the past months tohit a record high of 207 billion zlotys ($62.25 billion) at theend of April, a move that helped the zloty remain stable for anearly a year. cgMZrqSwQzrApr 11 2022 10:39pm Incorrect PIN https://www.goodworkint.com/stmap_94vqjxxy.html?albenza.cialis.renagel.ciprofloxacin naproxen et coumadin Have they done the decent thing? No. We have had generation after generation of politician promising to be “tough†on something that’s good for us. We’ve been roared at by the paper tiger of “uncontrolled immigration†(as if that has ever been in prospect). We’ve let the same innuendoes about “hard-pressed public services†and threats to the entitlements of native Britons frame the debate, and Exhibit A is pushed into an appendix marked “Some Advantagesâ€Â, along with chicken tikka and jolly Caribbean nurses in the NHS. FxgoGfZVCZmahoPHApr 11 2022 10:43pm How much does the job pay? https://4dretailtech.com/stmap_94gyirtx.html?himcocid.isosorbide.tricor.viagra how long does it take for valtrex to work for cold sores The U.S. space agency also is interested in other uses forthe mobile launch platforms, which served as bases to stack andassemble the shuttle and then transport it to the launch pad.The platforms provided power and umbilical connections and hadopen sections for flames and rocket exhaust to pass through. 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Backpacks, an airplane propeller and passports were among the debris scattered on the riverbank where the Lao Airlines turboprop plane apparently hit hard before skidding into the water and sinking Wednesday, killing all 49 people onboard. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit) MwURwDQBgeaoApr 11 2022 11:58pm How do you know each other? https://orpheogroup.com/stmap_21wizxfu.html?nexium.levitra.lady-era naproxeno o ibuprofeno es lo mismo But there’s also a part of me that wants to see a world where actions don’t always have equal and opposite reactions. Even before the finale, Walter has paid a hefty price for his crimes; his family is destroyed, he’s lost his money and he’s on the lam. If Walter manages to pull it together and save his family, if he escapes with any shred of dignity or happiness, then he lives in a world without consequences, a place where people get away with things. 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Reserve Management Co, U.S. DistrictCourt, Southern District of New York, No. 09-04346; and In re:The Reserve Primary Fund Securities & Derivative Class ActionLitigation in the same court, No. 08-08060. vJCgpxlVZYNDiApr 12 2022 2:47am How much notice do you have to give? https://www.goodworkint.com/stmap_94vqjxxy.html?deltasone.viagra.asendin cloridrato de ciprofloxacino tomar de quantas horas The PAN's proposal also calls for an independent gridoperator that Foss says could better manage the country'shigher-voltage networks that serve industrial users by ensuringadequate investments and system reliability. vJCgpxlVZYNDiApr 12 2022 2:47am Did you go to university? https://www.qnez.net/stmap_94gyirtx.html?ovral.super.roxithromycin.levitra gabapentin 2700 mg daily these are just some of the bucket list of items on the far right conservative agenda. 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That's the mystery: If emitting CO2 into the atmosphere causes global warming, why hasn't the globe been warming? vBRGFtqpZfjIjApr 12 2022 3:25am I like watching football https://www.qnez.net/stmap_94gyirtx.html?levitra.bisacodyl.vermox.ciplox spironolactone 75 chevaux “Well, Egbert was Fabritius’s neighbour, he sort of lost his mind after the powder explosion, at least that’s how it looks to me, but Fabritius was killed and his studio was destroyed. Along with almost all his paintings, except this one.” She seemed to be waiting for me to say something, but when I didn’t, she continued: “He was one of the greatest painters of his day, in one of the greatest ages of painting. Very very famous in his time. It’s sad though, because maybe only five or six paintings survived, of all his work. 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The Daily News first reported the signing early Thursday. axXdgGrvdlVfscWyIPApr 12 2022 3:37am I stay at home and look after the children https://www.qnez.net/stmap_62vpkwfl.html?betnovate.budesonide.cytoxan.viagra ceclor sirop pentru copii pret Though many companies have tried to capitalize on the “Kate effect” marketing goods related to her pregnancy, only a handful have been able to market from the few public appearances of the royal family since the “royal birth.” HdQDAvFdApr 12 2022 3:47am I need to charge up my phone http://www.designcure.co.uk/stmap_21wizxfu.html?valsartan.revia.levitra cymbalta weight gain mayo clinic The scale of the job probably explains why some of his 400 staff describe the father of five as "grumpy". Another reason would be the continual criticism of HS2's costs, which include budget-busting consultancy fees that critics say the country can ill afford in a supposed age of austerity. 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As his experience with the disease continued to progress, Fox put his career on hold to spend more time with his family and focus on his health after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. But now five years later, with the kids busy growing up and Mike growing restless, it just might be time for him to get back to work. DwvfovaqBaMay 19 2022 4:28pm Nice to meet you https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_19xorppt.html?renagel.levitra.cytotec.flutamide posologia atarax nios More than 200 firefighters were working to contain the largest blaze in Utah, which has jumped at least 6 miles across the border into Idaho. The lightning-caused State Fire has charred almost 33 square miles in steep and rugged terrain. 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