I believe this has nothing at all to do with the fact that Obama is an African American. Oh, by the way, OBAMA IS ALSO A CAUCASIAN!!! It is very easy for many people (especially the politically correct among us) to conveniently forget that Obama was born to a Caucasian (White) woman. Obama is also the biological son of an African (Black) man from Africa. Obama is NOT the biological son of an African American. So I believe it is not about race at all. TEMPERS ARE FLARING because of the crippling economy. Many are LOSING THEIR JOBS!!! Many are LOSING THEIR HOMES!!! If the media is "unfairly" watching Obama like a hawk, it is because of the current crises and NOT because of his African (and, yes, also his Caucasian) heritage. One more note: I believe the reason why there is a difference in skin color and hair color is because those among us who are closer to the Equator need more pigment (melanin) in the skin and in the hair to guard against the more direct rays of the Sun. Those among us who are further from the Equator (Scandinavians in particular) need less pigment in the skin and in the hair. No one is superior or inferior to anyone due to the differences in skin color or hair color. That is not just my opinion. THAT IS A FACT!!! So much for the now very much dead madman, Adolf Schicklgruber (a.k.a. Adolf Hitler), and his idea of a so-called "master race." AND HE WASN'T EVEN A BLONDE!!! AND HE WASN'T EVEN GERMAN!!! If Mr. Schicklgruber, who was actually an Austrian, was as superior as he claimed his so-called "master race" to be, he and his so-called "master race" would have been immortal. END OF STORY!!! ARE YOU KIDDING??? From the time he first took office on January 20, 2001 right up to the time Obama first took office on January 20, 2009, W has been accused of being involved in, or even causing, just about everything under the Sun including (actually, ESPECIALLY!!!) the September 11th 2001 DASTARDLY ATTACKS!!! Although none of W's supposed "involvement" or supposed "causation" has ever been proven (NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE!!!), just about everyone has already seen signs all over the place declaring that "BUSH DID IT!!!" or "BUSH KNEW" or "BUSH PLANNED 9/11". C'mon, now. WHO'S KIDDING WHOM??? I am not taking sides here. In fact, I am not even a fan of W. I am simply calling it as I see it. AnonymousFeb 05 2010 1:33am You are a racist republican. All republicans are racists, hurry up now or you will be late for your klan meeting. AnonymousFeb 05 2010 5:05am Republicans (FATSOS WITH A TRUNK!!!) and Democrats (JACKASSES WITH FUNNY LOOKING EARS!!!) are always pointing fingers at one another in blatant accusations of racism. ONE IS EVERY BIT AS PHONY AS THE OTHER!!! I am way out in the middle of the road, as far away as I can get from both annoying sides -- WITHOUT BECOMING ROADKILL!!! Anonymous (Comment 2) NEITHER A REPUBLICAN NOR A DEMOCRAT!!!Feb 06 2010 3:24am It is false to say the mainstream media unfaily scrutinizes Obama This is a leading question. Parts of this question are false and require challenging. Answering this question in any form plays into a false assumption .. It is false to say the mainstream media unfaily scrutinizes Obama SteveFeb 06 2010 2:18pm As someone who is politically INcorrect (but NOT political in any way), I wonder how one could call another "a racist Republican" simply because it was clearly pointed out that there is no hard evidence (a.k.a. NO PROOF!!!) of what George Bush (#43) is accused of. I suppose I would be considered offensive by that very same person if I refer to someone confined to a wheelchair as being crippled (politically INcorrect) vs being disabled (politically correct). I was hit by a car last year but I survived and I am now fully recovered (except for a ghastly-looking lower right leg which was CRUSHED LIKE A BUG!!!). The doctors had to align the six shattered bone fragments so they could heal properly. Security is going to love me at the airport because a big long rod remains in my leg. It's amazing how I can once again walk normal without a limp because I was rendered crippled (CRIPPLED!!!) in a wheelchair for six months. I was not "disabled." I was not "physically challenged." I was CRIPPLED!!! I spent sixteen days flat on my back in the hospital requiring three blood transfusions. This means I EARNED the right to call myself A CRIPPLE!!! I don't tell people I was "disabled" or "physically challenged." I tell them I was CRIPPLED!!! As someone who has always been (and always will be) politically INcorrect, I don't give a damn who criticizes me. Again I state: I WAS CRIPPLED!!! A man who is (and who always will be) A FORMER CRIPPLE!!!Feb 06 2010 3:43pm Aww. Are we all supposed to feel sorry for you now? Get over it, crybaby. Maybe you shouldn't drink and drive, idiot. Anonymous (Comment 2) NEITHER A REPUBLICAN NOR A DEMOCRAT!!!Feb 06 2010 4:13pm I was a pedestrian STRUCK DOWN while I was walking on the sidewalk (where I had the right of way!!!) by a driver who was not looking where he was going which places every pedestrian everywhere IN GRAVE DANGER!!! Let's dispense with the baseless remarks. A man who is (and who will always be) A FORMER CRIPPLE!!!Feb 07 2010 3:17am Your condition has nothing to do with this poll, so the only reason you would bring it up is to look for pity. Blaming everyone else for your problems is a sure sign of a drunk. And since you are an alcoholic, nothing you say carries any weight. You probably were driving home stoned and drunk and ran down a little girl on a bicycle. No doubt a hit and run. And now you are trying to blame other people. Don't you ever try to dictate to me what I can and can't do. You are a reckless and irresponsible monster with an addiction which is out of control. You get no pity, crybaby, you deserve to be in prison. Anonymous (Comment 2) NEITHER A REPUBLICAN NOR A DEMOCRAT!!!Feb 07 2010 5:51am I brought up my condition in order to point out the difference between the insanity of political correctness (that is INFECTING OUR SOCIETY!!!) and the sensible political INcorrectness that we all need to bring back. In my humble opinion, STEVE IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!!! THE FORMER CRIPPLE (politically correct: "formerly disabledFeb 07 2010 2:12pm i'm a democrat who voted for obama...but the truth is...i would like to have bush back...obama has turned out to be a media darling...who knows nothing about leadership...he just does what the left tells him to do...at least bush had his own mind..and convictions. obama has to read everything from a teleprompt...what a joke. lelgtFeb 07 2010 6:27pm There seems to be a lot of people who feel that way, but we are stuck with him for 3 more years. The question is, what will be left of the country by the time 2012 comes around? SeanFeb 07 2010 7:33pm Crystalkleer, you statement that: "the mainstream media unfairly scrutinizes Obama's every move while G.W.Bush got a free ride for 8 years" is the OPPOSITE of the truth. Truth ManFeb 08 2010 7:24pm How so? CrystalkleerFeb 09 2010 7:09am i agree with 'truth man' Obama is the darling of the mainstream media. that same media hated Bush, sometimes to the point of being irrational and obsessed. In fact their still obsessed with their hatred of Bush. tdanielFeb 12 2010 5:56pm You are a racist, and so is truth man. Bush created all the problems in the country and the media treated him like the king of the world. Now we got a good prez, and all they do is tear him down. RonFeb 12 2010 11:19pm Are there other political parties in America other than Republican or Democrat? an intelligent life formFeb 13 2010 2:10pm Not any that can make a serious run at victory. 3rd party candidates only serve to divide the vote of the party closest to its own ideology. At the end of the day, all they really do is hand the office to either the Democrat or Republican, usually the Democrat. A prime example was Ross Perot who took enough votes away from HW Bush to put Clinton in office. It would be nice if that weren't true, but that is the way it is. Wishing WellFeb 13 2010 4:20pm The only reason he got elected in the first place is that he is half negro.He fooled the black community into thinking he grew up as a black man in poverty, while the truth is he grew up with a silver spoon. AnonymousFeb 16 2010 5:36am Is this "opposite day". The decidedly liberal media continues to ignore the most horrific policies and scandals coming out of the Obama administration and was downright SNIDE in their biased treatment of George W. Bush. Obama remains a "media darling" while his opponents are eviscerated in the press. Orwell was right. Apparently ignorance IS bliss. Incredulous Oct 05 2013 1:38am Ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! If you don't like your President, you can get rid of your President! 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