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Why dont we ever hearr of big strong women beating up smaller men?Question: There are plenty of women who are bigger and stronger than some men. And there are some small weak guys who are weaker than alot of women. But it is very rare that a bigger stronger woman beats up a smaller weaker male. Ive heard of smaller weaker women beating up larger men, who hold back.Why is that? Created by: alwayscurious at 05:35:21 AM, Sunday, July 05, 2009 EDT Comments
There could be many reasons why we don't hear of big strong women beating up smaller men including reasons not included here. Although I have not yet seen it myself, I believe there are many instances where a big strong woman (OR GIRL!!!) has beaten up a small, weak guy. I am a small, weak guy but I am VERY TALL!!! I am just over six feet tall but I weigh considerably less than MOST WOMEN!!! I had girlfriends way bigger and stronger than I am weighing a whole lot more than I do. I am TALLER than every one of them. In fact, I am WAY TALLER than MOST of those girls but that doesn't matter when ALL of those girls are way bigger, heavier and stronger than I am. Thank goodness for me that none of those girls ever beat me up. It is for sure that any one of those females, ALL BY HERSELF, could easily have wiped the floor with me!!! I had one big strong girlfriend in particular who is way bigger, heavier and stronger than I am even though she is very short. In fact, I am well over a foot taller than she is but that did not stop her from easily proving to me one day that she is far stronger than I am in both her upper body and her lower body. I have to admit that I would have been awfully embarrassed if she beat me up and then people found out about it. Why? Here's why: SHE IS A FEMALE WHO IS VERY SHORT WHILE I AM A MALE WHO IS VERY TALL!!! People would be LAUGHING, not at her, BUT AT ME!!! It doesn't matter that she weighs over 50 pounds more than I do or that her muscles (especially her biceps!!!) are way bigger than mine. I still would have been too embarrassed to tell anyone, especially the police, if she beat me up. Imagine a police officer looking at her and me standing next to each other inside the police station. The officer would immediately notice that I am way taller than she is. The officer would easily see that her entire body, from head to toe, rises only up to my armpits!!! Because MOST men are TALLER than most women, I would have to believe that, in the majority of cases, when a big woman beats up a small man, he is TALLER than she is, NOT shorter than she is. Therefore, it is quite understandable that a TALLER man would be too embarrassed to report being beaten up by a SHORTER woman!!! However, a small, weak man does not have to be beaten up at all. I believe that a small, weak guy who is beaten up by a big strong lady is getting his ass kicked because he is doing something wrong. He is probably not giving the lady what she wants and what she needs. I believe a small, weak guy will never get beaten up by a big strong lady if he gives her what she wants and what she needs, ESPECIALLY IN BED!!! I never got beaten up by any big strong female because I have always given a big strong lady what she wants and what she needs, ESPECIALLY IN BED!!! I remember the family next door when I was a young teenager. The woman was big as a brick poohouse, her husband considerably smaller. We often heard them fight and sometimes him crying. He often was bruised, had a black eye, split lip and sometimes worse. My mother felt pity for him while my father said that the this man had to fight back. My mother said something that this monster of a woman could beat the poo ouf of both her husband and my father at the same time and she was probably right. My father didn's say anything then, he probably realized that my mother was right. Nodbody did anything to help this poor man, if the woman had been the victim I am sure my father hade tried to interfere. My mother wanted to stop the abuse and told my father several times to do something about it but I guess he was frightened of this woman or he just didn't know how to deal with th is sitution. Back memory laneJul 09 2009 12:20am For every couple that fits the role reversal criteria, I always hear stories of the woman beating up her man. AnonymousJul 09 2009 6:59am That why I love the little ladies, from 4-6" to about 5-7"...95 to 125lbs.they are more even tempered calm and gentle, they let their brains fight for them, OK, I know...sometime they might have a bit of a mouth on them, I'll grant you that! But there still a lot more lovable and a lot nicer to look at. BenJul 09 2009 2:02pm #0005 - (Thu.) * 7/9/09 UpdateJul 09 2009 2:04pm As a small man myself, I believe that a small man has to do something really annoying or offensive or threatening to a big woman for her to beat him up although I realize that this is not always the case. I never start trouble with a woman who is bigger and stronger than I am and when I was a boy, I never started trouble with a girl who was bigger and stronger than I was. I was very tall and very skinny as a boy. One day, a very short, really fat girl picked a fight with me. I LOST!!! I thought I could beat her because I was way taller than she was but I found out the hard way that I was no match for her. She outweighed me by plenty and, as I found out during the fight, she was far stronger than I was. That is why, as a tall skinny a.k.a. SMALL!!!) man, I do not mess with a short big lady who is bigger and stronger than I am because I know she would beat me up!!! Because I am so tall, I am way taller than ALL short big ladies but I have no trouble at all accepting the fact that they are bigger and stronger than I am. If a small man provokes a big woman, she is very likely to beat him up. I am a tall small man. That is why I would never mess with a short big woman who is obviously bigger and stronger than I am because I know she would whip the crap out of me!!! And so far, as I already mentioned, I have never been beaten up by ANY big lady of ANY height!!! Small, weak (but VERY TALL!!!) guy never beaten up by big lady!!Jul 09 2009 2:39pm I would not want to be there to see what I am sure would happen if an argument suddenly erupted and then a small weak man gives his big strong woman ONE GREAT BIG SLAP right across her face!!! Anonymous (Wowwee. Holy Cow. YIKES!!!)Jul 10 2009 2:16am ONCE AGAIN, GOOD TRIUMPHS OVER EVIL!!!!!!! COMMANDER CASH!!!Jul 10 2009 10:41am And once again it shows a big woman is a STRONG woman. Wish all women were as big as her,except they might have a prettier face! AnonymousJul 10 2009 1:05pm PICKY, PICKY, PICKY, I just bet your no prize to look at youself KarenJul 11 2009 12:57pm Here is a message that will boost the self-esteem of so-called "lesser attractive" ladies who need to build confidence within themselves (and this is also for the heartless guys who ridicule them): I am a guy who has had quite a few really attractive girlfriends, small and average sized as well as big and strong. However, even though that nurse is not considered attractive in the public eye, I would still go out with her and make her my girlfriend IN A NEW YORK MINUTE!!! When I first learned of this story, I said to myself: WOW. She is definitely MY KIND OF LADY!!! I would give her anything she wants. Her wish would be MY COMMAND!!! First of all, she is BIG AND STRONG. She is exactly the way I like my women: BIG AND STRONG!!! I know for sure that she is FAR STRONGER than I am even though she is six inches shorter than I am. Second of all, SHE IS NOT AFRAID OF ANYONE!!! What guy in his right mind would not want to have a lady like her around to protect him, especially from danger? Of course, I have the common sense not to start a fight with her if I don't want to end up ON THE FLOOR -- OR FAR WORSE!!! After I learned what she did to that intruder, I quickly realized that she would make short work of me because I AM A REALLY SKINNY GUY!!! She weighs over a hundred pounds more than I do. It is true that she is not up there on the female pulchritude (physical attractiveness) scale but SO WHAT!!! She is A NURSE!!! What better lady is there for a guy to be in bed with than A NURSE???!!! There isn't anything I would not do or get for her. I've had sex plenty of times with different ladies of different sizes, shapes and appearances but if I were in bed with that big lady, I am absolutely certain that a big strong fearless nurse like her would give me, by far, THE BEST SEX I EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! A guy who has A REAL WEAKNESS for BIG STRONG FEARLESS LADIES!!!Jul 11 2009 3:53pm I read that the "intruder" was actually A HIT MAN hired by the nurse's estranged husband to kill her. The HIT MAN, in addition to having a long criminal history and a long prison record, worked for the estranged husband who deactivated the home's alarm system; hence no sign of forced entry (by THE HIT MAN). He (the attacker) was charging at the nurse with his weapon. He stood taller than his intended victim but because of her much larger size, weight and strength over him, she overpowered him and then she sent him on a one-way journey to THE GREAT BEYOND!!! To all small, weak, skinny guys out there: WATCH OUT!!! Against a big strong lady like her, you wouldn't stand a chance!!! AnonymousJul 11 2009 4:31pm #0015 - (Sun.) * 7/12/09 UpdateJul 12 2009 1:00am FOXNEWS.COM HOME > U.S. > CRIME Police: Hit Man Strangled by Intended Victim Saturday, September 16, 2006 PORTLAND, Ore. ? When Susan Kuhnhausen returned home from work one day earlier this month, she encountered an intruder wielding a claw hammer. After a struggle, the 51-year-old nurse fended off her attacker by strangling him with her bare hands. Neighbors praised the woman for her bravery, and investigators said they believed the dead man -- Edward Dalton Haffey -- was burglarizing Kuhnhausen's home. But after an investigation, police now say the intruder Kuhnhausen strangled was apparently a hit man hired by her estranged husband -- Michael James Kuhnhausen Sr. -- to kill her. The 58-year-old husband was taken into custody Thursday and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder. He was ordered held on $500,000 bail. Haffey had worked as a custodian under Kuhnhausen at an adult video store, according an affidavit filed by the Multnomah County District Attorney's office. Kuhnhausen and his wife were in the process of getting a divorce, and she told officers "her husband was distraught about the divorce and wanting to reconcile but that she was insisting on the divorce," the affidavit states. A background check showed Haffey had served lengthy prison terms for conspiracy to commit aggravated murder and convictions for robbery and burglary. Inside a backpack Haffey left at the scene was a day planner with "Call Mike, Get letter," scribbled on the week of Sept. 4, the affidavit said. Michael Kuhnhausen's cell phone number was jotted on the inside of a folder, it said. An emergency room nurse who lives in a southeast Portland neighborhood, Susan Kuhnhausen arrived home on the evening of Sept. 6 to find Haffey coming at her with a claw hammer. She was struck in the head and wrested the weapon away, but the struggle continued and Haffey bit the nurse, according to police. A large woman, she was eventually able to get the slight Haffey into a chokehold and police later found him dead in a hallway. An autopsy revealed the cause of death as strangulation. Police say she acted in self-defense. There was no sign of forced entry into the home, but according to the affidavit, Susan Kuhnhausen offered an explanation for the lack of evidence of a break-in: Her estranged husband had the security codes for the home's alarm system, and would have been able to disarm it. Michael Kuhnhausen denies any involvement, the affidavit states. Susan Kuhnhausen was out of town attending a nursing conference and did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment. She left this message on her voicemail: "I'm not able to answer all the calls that I've received in the past few days. I'm being comforted by your concern and your support. I want you to know that our lives are all at risk for random acts, but more likely random acts of love will come your way than random acts of violence." JoeJul 12 2009 1:11am He hit her over the head with a hammer and it didnt even phase her, except maybe a minor cut. Anad then when sheswent at him, she decimated him within seconds. she was so much stronger, he couldnt put up a fight as she went in for the kill. I also remember seeing on the news of an incident where a 125 lb man was beaten and strangled to death by a 200 lb black woman for stealing her cigarettes. It all happened in front of onlookers as they watched in horror. the bottom line is no small weak man should mess with anyone bigger and stronger than he. And that includes bigger and stronger women. Small weak men shouldnt be pushovers, but they have to be nice. Have to learn to follow the rules and get along with people. Otherwise some bigger stronger woman or man might do the grim reaper on you! AnonymousJul 12 2009 1:35pm I just dont understand what her husband was thinking. If there was anyone that knew how strong she was, it would be her husband. Maybe this ws all a setup to get Haffy murdered. And he knew that the best person to do the job was his big strong wife. If things had as they planned. Haffy would have been seen as a burglarer who happened to steal security code information from the husband. But it didnt go that way AnonymousJul 12 2009 1:53pm WOWWEE!!! That 5-foot-7, 260-lb woman actually overpowered and then strangled a 5-foot-9, 180-lb man. HOLY COW!!! He is (or, rather, WAS!!!) a whole lot bigger than any small, weak guy. I don't even want to think about what she would do to a small, weak guy like me who is barely half her weight even though I am a few inches taller than her. She would pick me up by my neck and then she would proceed to strangle me with her thick, strong bare hands while she is holding me by my neck in mid-air. Then she would drop my lifeless body to the floor. I wouldn't be standing taller than her any more!!! If I ever come face to face with that big lady, I WILL QUICKLY RUN AWAY!!! A small, weak guy who would RUN AWAY from that big strong ladyJul 12 2009 2:26pm #0020 - (Mon.) * 7/13/09 UpdateJul 12 2009 10:39pm Im so much smaller than the guy myself. I wouldnt want to know what she could do to me at 120 lbs. But I will say if I faced her wrath, it would be a matter of seconds before I hear the bells of St Peter. This lady was not only stronger than a small weak guy like myself, but probably most men AnonymousJul 13 2009 12:19am Any guy, including a small, weak guy like me, who is into CUNNILINGUS (sucking away at a woman's clitoris and also her vagina), can easily take control of a big strong woman including the big strong lady who did that guy in. Any small, weak guy can take control of a big strong woman if he knows what he's doing. If a small, weak guy starts sucking a big strong woman's clitoris (this is CUNNILINGUS) and also probes her vagina with his tongue (this is also CUNNILINGUS), she will become PUTTY IN HIS HANDS!!! Cunnilingus drives women of all sizes ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THEIR MINDS!!! Any guy who is not into CUNNILINGUS doesn't know what he is missing. Ask any woman. She will tell you that I AM ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! If a guy, including a small, weak guy, wants to render his big strong woman weak as a kitten, CUNNILINGUS IS THE WAY TO GO!!! A cunnilingus FANATIC!!!Jul 13 2009 2:12am A cunnilingus FANATIC!!! You are right and prove my point. the key is to please and to be nice. AnonymousJul 13 2009 8:09am And I get back to what the hell was her husband thinking? If anyone would know how strong she was, it would be her husband? I dunno maybe he was a male version of this woman and forgot that this "hitman" was just average in size and strength. but the fact is, this guy didnt stand a chance in hell AnonymousJul 13 2009 8:18am Former NFL Quarterback Steve McNair allegedly murdered by his girlfriend, former Boxing Champion Arturo Ghati (sp?) allegedly murdered by his wife. 7/13/09 AnonymousJul 13 2009 8:37am I know she strangled him with her purse strap. In the end, despite his boxing skills,at 5`8 134 lbs he was still a small weak man AnonymousJul 13 2009 9:26am The advantage of being bigger and stronger is that you can solve a dispute using physical force. The disadvantage to being small and weak is that a bigger stronger person can get what they want and/or resolve a dispute using physical force. Thats the animal kingdom.The smaller weaker man therefore has to be nice.If he is with a much bigger stronger woman, he neeeds to treat her like a lady and give her respect. Please her by satisfying her sexual pleasures. But you must never make her mad,Because in the end she is alot stronger than you and could crush you like a bug. AnonymousJul 13 2009 10:56am I admit that I always have been attracted to big women. Never understood why but being a rather small and skinny man it could be that the opposite atracts. Was on a business trip and stayed at a hotel. Saw a beutiful woman in the bar, she was probably 4 inches taller and perhaps 30-40 lbs heavier than me, wide shoulders, big breasts, wide hips and big muscular thighs on display as she had a short skirt. I sat beside her at the bar and she started to talk to me. We had a nice hour or two at the bar and then when the bar closes she asked me if we could continue drinking in my room. I was now very turned on, this lady was fantastic. When we came to my room she changed witin a few minutes. She told me to strip in a very stern voice. I said let's drink first, she then slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. I understood that this lady could whip my ass but I didn't want to show her I was afraid of her so I took her by the shoulders and tried to throw her out of my room. It was like trying to move a big marble statue. She was firm and muscular. She took hold of me lifted me up and threw me to my bed where she pinned me. She ripped the shirt of my body, took off my trousers and underwear and I was naked in a few minutes. I struggled all the way but to no use. She then took of her skirt and then dragged me over her thighs in a spanking position. She said that from now on I should do as I was told or she would beat me to a pulp. I was now very afraid and had to take a spanking as an adult. It hurt like hell and I promised to do as she told me. She then forced me to go down on her, to lick her feet, etc. She slapped me now and then and than spanked me again. At the end I was crying like a small child, she was abusing me, hurting me but mainly I was hurt being so manhandled my this strong woman. When she left my room after a couple of hours I had a swollen face (had to call in sick the day after), I couldn't sit since my bum was extremely red and hurted like hell. I have never ever been with a big woman after this. I wanted to report her but who would believe me? I think she picked up small guys like me now and then to get the pleasure of beating him up and then let the man be her slave. Looking at the famous clip where this big black woman is beating up her man gives you an idea of the size difference between me and the abustive woman. I can tell you that it is no fun att all being abused, even if the abuser is a beatiful woman. Abused business manJul 13 2009 11:53pm A bar is the last place for a small weak guy. AnonymousJul 14 2009 6:26am If you survive, getting beaten by a large woman is cuts, bruises, broken bones, internal injuries and a huge medical bill. Admist all that, the last thing u r going to get is a hardon. Get realJul 14 2009 12:34pm totally agree Get Real Abused business manJul 14 2009 11:49pm Unfortunately, u think u want it, but u dont. The real beating by a "bigger stronger woman" is not erotic at all! It's no different than getting beaten by a male bouncer. Get realJul 15 2009 3:55am Unfortunately, u think u want it, but u dont. The real beating by a "bigger stronger woman" is not erotic at all! It's no different than getting beaten by a male bouncer. Get realJul 15 2009 4:02am When a small, weak guy lusts for a big strong lady, he could easily get more than what he bargained for in the worst way possible but that's the chance he takes when he is thinking with the little head instead of with the big head. I am a very tall guy but my great height would be of no defense against a big strong lady because I am very small and I am very weak. I once dated a really short woman who was HUGE AND STRONG!!! She wasn't even five feet while I am over six feet. However, just one good look at her large body size compared to my tiny body size convinced me that she could easily have picked me up and then taken me apart, limb from limb!!! She was at least twice my girth, plus she had huge muscles (much larger than my small ones) and she weighed a whole lot more than I did. She could easily have done to me what that female nurse did to that hit-man but I was lucky because she didn't. She was busy loving me when she could just as easily have finished me off. That is what gave me the devil of an erection!!! That was the chance I took thinking with the little head instead of with the big head. This could be the reason why we don't ever hear of big strong women beating up smaller men. Those big strong women could be just like her: Too busy LOVING their smaller, weaker men!!! But there is always that one big strong woman somewhere out there big enough and mean enough to tear a smaller man apart, limb from limb!!! I had wonderful big strong women but who knows what lies up ahead for me? That's the chance we small, weak guys take when we think with the little head instead of with the big head!!! Small, weak guy thinking with little head, not big head!!!Jul 15 2009 6:08pm Just use your common sense and keep that safety radar on 24.7. Now if I were in some bar, and some bigger stronger woman suddenly starts talking up to me without knowing me, I would be wary. Women who love me, growq to love me thru my intellect, personality and humor. Once some much bigger stronger woman, who really didnt know me,asked me out. But insisted that she picked me up in her car and go to her house 50 miles out of town. She wasnt bad looking. But she is 5'10 and around 170 lbs and I was at the time 5'2 and 100lbs. What did she see in me without knowing me? There was some alterior motive.. AnonymousJul 16 2009 7:07am You men have a big strong sex drive and very horny. Just get laid!!!Jul 17 2009 8:24am WOWWEE!!! A shorter, bigger woman (the nurse) strangled a taller, thinner man (the hitman) WITH HER BARE HANDS!!! That is perhaps the biggest reason of all why a taller, thinner man should never mess with a shorter, bigger woman!!! Taller thinner man who never messes with shorter bigger woman!!!Jul 17 2009 3:26pm I'm just amazed at the changes in my lifetime. Women used to be weak and passive but times have moved on. Unless you are a large guy then you have to beware. There are some strong women out there. Thre are no guarantees these days. AnonymousJul 17 2009 9:51pm IMO that is why men have opressed the female gender. Because we innately know they are the superior sex. Ever since they got equal rights, they are taking over the work place. And since they now particapate in the same physical activities with men, they are becoming bigger and stronger than men. If you look at other species, it is the female who is the stronger sex. So all those years of oppression was simply postponing the inevitable. AnonymousJul 18 2009 5:44am IMO that is why men have opressed the female gender. Because we innately know they are the superior sex. Ever since they got equal rights, they are taking over the work place. And since they now particapate in the same physical activities with men, they are becoming bigger and stronger than men. If you look at other species, it is the female who is the stronger sex. So all those years of oppression was simply postponing the inevitable. AnonymousJul 18 2009 5:45am #0042 - (Sat.) * 7/18/09 UpdateJul 18 2009 9:20pm I was at a club some months ago. This EMO guy came up to the bar and ordered a drink. He was standing beside this big punk girl that obviously didn't like EMO people. She was around 5'10 and I guess 180 lbs, short skirt, huge legs in fishnet tights, a muscle shirt that showed that she must visit a gym now and then. She pushed him a bit so his drink was all over him. He told her to f*ck off, big misstake! This was just what she wanted to hear. She asked him, what did you say creep? He looked at her, nervous since he now realized that even if this was a girl she was very big and strong looking. The EMO boy was perhaps 5'9 and skinnier than most. She suddenly slapped him and then took hold of his arm and dragged him to the back of the club, very few people noticed but I couldn't take my eyes of the girl and boy. She found a sofa where she threw him down, she than sat on him and started to hit him. I now realized that I had to do something, she was beating him badly. I first thought that I should go there and stop her but I realized that this girl was a lot bigger than me as well and I am not a fighter. I told one of the bouncers about what was happening. He first didn't see what was going on since the girl now was sitting on the EMO kids face. She put up a fight when the guard tried to stop her, another guard had to come and help. True story. eye witnessSep 20 2009 11:55pm eye witness, you should have helped the EMO kid with this monster of a girl. Coward! LizOct 05 2009 11:50pm I was about to help him but as I wrote, I have never been in a fight and I am not much bigger than the guy she abused. I am sure she could whip my ass at the same time as she sat on the other guy. She was scary as hell I can tell you. eye witnessOct 05 2009 11:52pm A big chick beat the sh*t ouf of me and my brother when we were 18 and 20. She was 24, big as a brick sh*thouse and used to fight. She started to beat my brother to the ground and then sat on him, I jumped on her broad back and tried to get her off. She easily transferred me into her right arm where she held my head in a vice. She started to squeeze me and at the same time she hit my brother with her fist. His arms were looked under this big girl and my weight, I tried to pry her arm open but one of her arms were stronger than my two. She now and then hit me in the face as well so me and my brothere were soon bleeding. She then let go of me so I was lying between my brother. She sat down on both of us and told us to stay away from her and that she could beat us both up whenever she wanted to. Unfortunately several other kids couls see us getting beaten up by ONE girl. So I know what you are talking about eye witness. Back to the 70'sNov 03 2009 7:34am She should have thrown you over Her shoulder, carried you home, and kept you as Her slave. obedient husbandNov 09 2009 7:54pm Eye witness that is a good example why very small weak men need to be vigalent! Plenty of monsters out there! AnonymousNov 13 2009 1:14pm girls today are into many more fights than they uses to. I saw this big girl beeting the crap out of her boyfriend, nobody interfered me included. He was bleeding and crying. At the end a woman of about 50 walked up to the abusive girl and told her to stop or she would call the police. The girl stopped hitting her boyfriend and started to realize she was hurting him badly. She helped the poor boy to his feet and took him away. It was scary to see. I felt ashamed for not interfering. AnonymousFeb 25 2010 5:41am Because when a woman does beat up a smaller guy, its premeditated, and will finish the job. That's means she takes the 5th by keeping her mouth shut and the man won't live to tell about it. AnonymousSep 08 2010 2:23pm Back to memory lane was this in a city or suburbs? Also did they have kids? Because if they didn't he was nuts for letting that b-tch abuse him like that. coastie2Apr 26 2011 1:45pm First of let me say this hey seem to be demonizing big strong women here. There are shorter to medium height women who are athletically Inclined that flip out on there husbands or boyfriends or skinny but wirery women just like meningitis those sizes. And yes some big fat strong women are Poobag bitches who have no selfdicisipline nd can't control their anger sociopaths! But sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes. There are sweethearts that are big strong and dominant women who are not sadisticduesche bags who other than some rough play wresting sometimes would never hurt their weaker man but would be protective of them. A oral woman with a maternal instinct. These pieces of white trash that memory lane is talking about belong in f-cking prison or a mental health facility. And yes women abuse at about the same rate ad men but most men wont report it and when they do they get in trouble or the pigs laugh. They are macho buying tell you what if a cop got his ass kickedby his wife or girlfriend do you think he would Bragg about it? Hypocrites they are! And just because the relationship is reversed does not mean that they all get beat on by the woman some do not all. I like a woman that could beat y ass not one that actually does! their a difference. And I apologize to all the big strong women who are good women for this negative stereotype about you. So hold your hardship up high. To the ones who do abuse your men one day you will stand before the man Jesus and make an accredited of how you livedlike anyone else and he is one male that can definately kick your ass! And you end who brutualize your women same thing I hope he destroys all of you who do such acts to people. coastie2Apr 26 2011 9:53pm Sorry make an acct. Not accreddited and men who brutualize their waves the same fate hopefully because you slime are garbage! Coastie2Apr 26 2011 10:03pm we do hear of it but men are afraid to tell in 90% of the time. I am 15 i have a family friend who is 12 nrly 13 the age differance is 2and a half years she id 4 inches taller 15lbs heavier and a lot lot stronger i will never tell my family or friends she threw me in her swimming pool oce (proper piicked me up over her shoulder then threw me in) i told everyone i fell in. she has overpowerd me many times i have felt very embarsed she had done it in public . when we were arguing in front of our friend she picked me up over her shoulder then walked to a chair put me over her knee and started spanking me she said she will never do it again IN PUBLIC!!!! i am trangly turned on by dominant women jak3May 11 2011 7:01am Most men are too shamed to say they got a beating from a woman. It happened to me when I came home very late and drunk. After a verbal fight my gf attacked me and gave me the beating of my life. Her fists swung into my face and my stomach and sent me knocxked out cold to floor. My left eye was closed and I was bleeding like a pig. When I came by she lifted me up from the floor to her shoulders and dropped on the couch and wishes me a good night and left to our bedroom. Our relationship changed, she is on top of me while having sex, she introduced lift and carry in many different ways as foreplay and I just love it. I am very tamed now and never wants to get her mad on me again as I know was happened. Tamed boyJul 14 2011 9:54am It's a problem of this new feminism... cause now it's "cool"... Everyone is trying to make males look mean and bad, and if you talk badly of a female she says "rapist". Even when she is the one... it's sad... ThATGUYoVeRthereJul 16 2011 5:52pm American and western women are poo bags!!!!!!!!!!! AnnonymusAug 08 2011 1:51pm Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger women etc. Think most are very bogus myself. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at sjsh99@lycos.com and put likelike challenge in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 2500 dollars. Will make a nice Christmas if any really tough or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk. sjsh99@lycos.com sjsh99Dec 01 2011 7:45am tamed boy, you should leave this monster, never except being beaten up AnonymousJan 04 2012 4:39am I would really LIKE to find a big-boned powerful heavy women TO beat me up!! every week larryJan 27 2012 10:28am i am telling story of my father and step mother : it started when my mother was good woman die due to cancer and i was only 12 year boy get alone with my father after six month every one force my father for marriage then for me i agreed he marry but woman was an amazon woman 6'8 and 210 kg i think i can't see in india my father is small man 5'2 and 46 kg he marry because she was also widow and no children ,she stay happily with us ,i see when she knee down to talk my father she look much taller and my father reach at breast i see her biceps look more than my father body but after 3 month she change, she beat my him and dominates she pinned him with her single hand and rapes several times and my father cry, i don't know why she beat him? and she is only boss of our family we my father never dare to oppose her she bear hug my father and he cry i see him always touch her feet she beat at when she want and she laugh at his physic she hold his jaw at lift with single hand and i she always mark of her hand on my father face buntyFeb 12 2013 8:54am bunty like your step mother wife i have my wife i am from Bangladesh and live in Netherlands their woman are look more taller than most of than man our country i name is irfan and i am samll man 5'1 and 39 kg and i live alone in my house since i she one girl notice me in market i have not she such big woman here she look more 6 '5 and i can't guess her weight and one day i get accident with her car she took me hospital and home my home to care me she say sorry for that i say ok talk long time i ask her measurement she say i am 6'10 and 230 kg i feel shy and she ask i tell she laugh and she daily come to see me and i get beeter on day i stand in fornt i could hardly rech her breast and look like child she say let us go to she movie i say no she asked why? i reply because your such amazon woman if go out everu one will make fun off me, she say you are just wimp you dont have manner to talk woman i say get out to her she come near you curage than you out me i started pushing her i could not push her 1mm and try lift her leg but i can't move she laugh and say you so weak as born baby and o get tried she hold my wrist i feel pain and say leave me she is profeesional fashoin desiner to talk tap and mesure me my chest is 24",waist is 21" and thig are 12" and biceps is 5 " and she laugh say by my bra you can make full sleeves shirt which will bigger for you and she order me to meauser her 65",54",75 and her bicep 26" and thigh 52" she say you try to lift my leg to lift my hand i will use no power she put her big hand on table i try max but i could not move a inch she say you are small rat i say sorry to her and she say it no use now you pay i get sacred she spanked me and put ubder her armpit and i can't breath she slap me and i started cry she rapes me and say i will marry you teach lesson whole life she marry me i am helpless she alway rape me beat me and she one day put her thigh on me i can't speak put large preesure i alway sacred of her she never put on ground in but i can't do toilet without her permission one day he go market without her permission she beat my so hard i get fever and she say you are my servant irfanFeb 13 2013 2:37am A6RuUP I really enjoy the article.Really thank you! Awesome. vBWyvCUOMWSep 05 2013 1:21pm MLJlEE A round of applause for your blog.Much thanks again. Great. WASBSkBIHmSFbuSep 13 2013 1:17am AeVKX6 wow, awesome blog post.Really thank you! Really Great. WzjrnOsjXQaSysAYSep 24 2013 3:46pm NzZ9Qt I value the article post. Fantastic. dhzslRUQFerXllyikkOct 24 2013 6:48am EKF7kY Really informative post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. TPgpOBDEQYpNov 01 2013 5:43am KzUvxV I really liked your article.Much thanks again. Fantastic. XndcyfGlyCjOBbvVNov 18 2013 8:34pm 6pmG5l Hey, thanks for the blog post.Much thanks again. Cool. VkYUZYXPWRlYhDec 15 2013 9:01am AusYh6 Say, you got a nice article post.Much thanks again. Cool. sAwmkwAPiIDPYzgVqRHJan 08 2014 11:20am xWdYG8 Major thanks for the blog.Much thanks again. Want more. PVRafmSwDseQBUGNNnBJan 15 2014 2:45pm Jqg6ZQ Really appreciate you sharing this post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. YcBbqAPGKUmARJan 30 2014 10:53am ieh3iX Very neat post.Thanks Again. Want more. xEeSHqyenltgaUNZfFeb 28 2014 7:17am OlZ1kJ Thanks a lot for the article.Thanks Again. Fantastic. raiSkKxdOMar 22 2014 12:48pm 2yIuCn Very neat article.Really looking forward to read more. UELqSRozoQJTJbaHPNRApr 01 2014 7:24am dAEVlO Thanks again for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged. gTKMcMVPfXGcwZaVFWZApr 17 2014 6:27am VpX5Nt Very good blog.Thanks Again. Really Great. rcBJmuTRhboQaOKMay 12 2014 2:37am WcmAw6 Im obliged for the blog.Really thank you! Cool. iTYiQLuTvYGDTOrJun 04 2014 9:19am MXeJ1B Fantastic article.Much thanks again. SJUbhbjLGoOInOkkYaJun 18 2014 5:02am oEhDA4 Im grateful for the blog.Thanks Again. Much obliged. mGFETGRmFgohqJul 04 2014 1:10am yqrf69 I value the blog. Want more. zwwNYHwmMxJul 16 2014 11:10pm Rf47sM Major thanks for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... jURsifBznAOGjcYEvIyJul 18 2014 2:42am yed i can beat my husband easily because he is so small in fromt of me i am 6 2 and 120 kg and he is 4'11 42 kg because in indai we never she each other before marriage , he afraid of me but i beat in side room and tight up his mouth wifeJul 26 2014 5:30am I1gRBn I appreciate you sharing this post.Much thanks again. Cool. PtsJgtioqaRTqxtAug 04 2014 12:17am gCCjZF Thanks so much for the blog post.Much thanks again. Keep writing. sUXqxXBXAug 05 2014 1:52am HmhptZ Im thankful for the blog article.Much thanks again. Will read on... ZCUQjxxsrwdCaSAug 05 2014 9:43pm g797os Generally I do not read article on blogs, however I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to take a look at and do it! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thank you, very great post. IjPrvuBvUDec 21 2014 1:30am my astha my bf is small in front of me he is 4'10 and 44 kg and i am big in front of him 6'2 nd 122 kg he boy toy AnonymousDec 21 2014 5:37am pgQcpr I am often to blogging and i really recognize your content. The article has really peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your website and keep checking for brand spanking new information. AintOpwXhDvJan 15 2015 10:02am FQfTb1 Howdy! Would you mind if I share your blog with my zynga group? There's a lot of people that I think would really enjoy your content. Please let me know. Thanks JikemOBtoLrmbqOvCApr 07 2015 10:18am 18eIKB Hi there, You've done an incredible job. I will definitely digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I'm confident they will be benefited from this website. mxlKxuyoMurVnCUjMay 29 2015 4:16pm Ex spice girl mel.c a judo expert AnonymousJun 19 2015 5:55pm jt7Aud simple tweeks would really make my blog stand out. Please let me know xFAbMtGTuqxAug 04 2015 9:09am 4zp1JK Really enjoyed this article post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on zUcxJIkNKyxgSep 02 2015 5:16pm Abb0WR Really appreciate you sharing this blog.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool. sKgYctOCICawtOct 15 2015 5:20pm l5EgdN This particular blog is obviously entertaining as well as informative. I have found a lot of interesting things out of this blog. I ad love to go back every once in a while. Cheers! diRWhmnkRPSLOct 17 2015 2:53am LnaXfD Normally I do not read post on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do so! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thanks, very nice post. rlFpwwsCrXNov 09 2015 9:02am bTMZbm Wohh precisely what I was searching for, thankyou for putting up. Talent develops in tranquillity, character in the full current of human life. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. isMEQsgUvZHUALkgJzNov 28 2015 12:31pm My girlfriend is also a very big Domme, much taller and stronger than I am - and for me it's business as usual when I get my daily spanking from her in the morning. Then she takes her breakfast while I'm ordered to crawl under her table and to lick her big feet - for a good submissive behaviour! We both work in a Office - and after work in the evening I first have to remove her pumps from her feet and then I give her an another intensive foot service by licking her sweaty toes in between. I know there are many couples like us - and it's the normalest thing for them that the inferior and weaker male must humbly lick the stinky feet of his superior and stronger Female. It's naturally humiliating for weaker males like me - but I think it is ok so and compliant to the nature of a domineering Female. My place is under her feet and feet stink - and therefore I'm forced to lick them clean! stanley doggishDec 30 2015 5:49pm nSkNQV ysbyxBHboFKhPgKvPljDec 31 2015 6:58pm 63aCnr uqxOEJNffwvmTotaJan 01 2016 6:23am HFpP6s Thanks for the article.Really thank you! Fantastic. DcnDrhuXxjIurFeb 29 2016 6:55pm miLNrI What as Happening i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I ave discovered It positively helpful and it has aided me out loads. I hope to contribute & help other customers like its helped me. Good job. XRmhkWuuFjRhApr 05 2016 7:28pm Ein Mädchen aus der Nachbarschaft war damals auch sehr, sehr stark. Ich war 15, fast 16, und sie war 14, als wir uns kennengelernt haben. Sie ist mit Ihren Eltern und ihrer kleinen Schwester in unsere Siedlung gezogen. Wir haben uns, mit den anderen Kindern aus der Siedlung, immer am Spielplatz getroffen. Mir ist als erstes ihre Größe aufgefallen. Ich war etwa 1,75m und sie war bestimmt 1,80m groß. Zu ihrer Figur konnte ich da noch nichts sagen, weil es Winter war als sie eingezogen sind, und wie wir alle sehr dick angezogen war. Wir haben aber immer viel rumgealbert und etwas rumgerangelt. Da viel mir schon auf, dass sie für ein Mädchen, dass auch noch jünger war als ich, sehr viel Kraft hatte. Als es dann wärmer wurde und wir endlich wieder Sommerkleidung tragen konnten, habe ich erst ihre Figur gesehen. Wir waren diesmal alleine am Spielplatz, weil die anderen da unterwegs waren oder andere Sachen zu tun hatten. Sie hatte ein ärmelloses Oberteil an und eine kurze Hose. Sie hatte extrem breite Schultern und dicke Arme, an denen ich die Adern am Bizeps und Unterarm sehen konnte. Ihre Beine waren auch sehr durchtrainiert. Sie hatte auf jeden Fall viel mehr Muskeln als ich. Zu der Zeit wog ich gerade mal 62kg, war also eher schmächtig, aber ich hatte auch einen recht guten Bizeps. Ihr ist aber auch mein Blick auf ihren Körper aufgefallen, sie hat dazu aber nichts gesagt. Wir haben dann wir immer etwas gequatscht und waren wie immer. Dann fragte sie mich, wie viele Klimmzüge ich schaffe. Da hatte sie mich, ich konnte gerade mal einen. Ich sagte ihr, ich kann 5, und versuchte dann das Thema zu wechseln. Darauf ließ sie sich aber nicht ein und wollte dass wir das hier ausprobieren. Also musste ich ja doch ran. Ich stellte mich an die Stange am Spielplatz und habe versucht alles zu geben. Mit Mühe habe ich gerade mal einen Klimmzug geschafft. Sie lachte mich aus und sagte, ich zeige dir mal wie das geht. Sie ist an die Stange gegangen und hat 10 Klimmzüge gemacht. Ihr Bizeps war so aufgepumpt, das habe ich noch nicht mal bei den sportlichen Jungs aus meiner Klasse gesehen. So wie das aussah, hätte sie locker noch weitere 10 geschafft. Dann kam sie zu mir und sagte, wusste ich doch, dass ich viel stärke bin als du kleiner. Ich konnte darauf gar nichts sagen, so schockiert war ich. Dann wollte sie mit mir wrestlen und zeigen wie viel stärker sie ist. Ich habe versucht von ihr weg zu gehen und gesagt ich muss nach Hause, aber sie hat mich aufgehalten. Ich hatte nun doch etwas Angst vor ihr. Als ich gehen wollte, kam sie von hinten bei mir an und griff um meinen Bauch. Dann hob sie mich hoch und trug mich zum Sandkasten. Auf dem Weg sagte sie noch, du bist ja noch leichter als ich dachte und wollte wissen wie viel ich wiege. Als ich ihr dann mein Gewicht sagte, lachte sie nur und sagt, das sind ja über 10kg weniger als ich wiege und schmiss mich in den Sand. Dann stand Sie mit den Händen in den Hüften über mir und sagte, dass ich aufstehen soll. Nun standen wir uns gegenüber, sie größer, schwerer und bedeutend muskulöser. Sie meinte, darauf habe ich schon seit unserer ersten Begegnung drauf gewartet. Ich hatte zwar schon im Fernsehen Wrestling gesehen, aber ich wusste nicht was ich machen soll und vor allem bei dem Gegner. Sie kam auf mich zu und wir packten uns an den Händen. Ich war sofort auf meinen Knien und hatte den Kräftevergleich verloren. Sie ließ mich wieder hoch und nahm mich in einen bearhug. Ich konnte meine Arme nicht befreien und meine Beine baumelten in der Luft. Ich habe kaum noch Luft bekommen und mir tat alles weh. Wie konnte sie nur so stark sein? Sie ließ mich wieder in den Sand fallen und ich konnte mich kurz erholen. Ich versuchte wieder aufzustehen, aber da griff sie mir schon am Bauch und hob mich kopfüber hoch und trug mich durch die Gegend. Sie ließ sogar einen Arm los und trug mich dann so weiter. Sie hob mich mit einem Arm noch höher und fasste mit dem anderen Arm an meine Schulter und schmiss mich so in den Sandhaufen. Ich war jetzt schon k.o., aber sie hatte gerade erst angefangen. Ich sag zu ihr hoch und sie spannte ihren Bizeps an. Oh mein Gott, ist der groß, dachte ich nur. Ich hatte ja auch einen Bizeps, aber im Vergleich zu ihr war der mickrig. Ich hatte 31cm Oberarmumfang, aber sie musste mindestens 36 oder 37cm haben. Sie hat mir wieder hochgeholfen und dann mit einem Arm zwischen meine Beine gegriffen und mit dem anderen an meine Schulter und mich hochgehoben und ist mit wieder eine runde gelaufen, als wenn wir Zuschauer haben, und hat mich wieder zu Boden geworfen. Das macht solchen Spaß, sagte sie dann zu mir. Ich wollte eigentlich nur noch weg und hatte Angst, was sie mit mir anstellen will. Ich hatte gegen ihre Kraft null Chance. So was habe ich noch nie erlebt, noch nicht mal die starken Jungs aus meiner Schule haben so viel Kraft wie dieses Mädchen. Sie hat mich wieder hochgezogen und mich dann mit dem Rücken nach unten auf ihre Schultern gelegt. Das tat so weh, aber ich konnte mich nicht wehren. Zum Glück hat sie mich dann wieder in den Sand geschmissen. Ich habe die ganze Zeit gebettelt, dass sie aufhört und ihr gesagt, dass sie gewonnen hat und viel stärker ist als ich. Sie lachte nur und zog mich wieder hoch. Sie packte mich mit beiden Armen unter den Achseln und hob mich mit ausgestreckten Armen hoch und hielt mich da. Dann sagte sie zu mir, das machen wir jetzt öfter mein kleiner und ließ mich wieder ein Stück runter, um mich dann wieder hoch zu heben. Sie machte das ein paar Mal, um ihre Kraft zu beweisen. Dann setzte sie mich wieder ab und hob mich wieder auf ihre Schultern. Sie sagte, jetzt will ich mal was ausprobieren und fasste zwischen meine Beine und an meinen Brustkorb. Dann hob sie mich noch höher, bis sie ihre Arme durchgestreckt hatte und ich nun über ihrem Kopf hing. Panisch griff ich nach ihrem Arm, der sich unglaublich muskulös anfühlte. Sie lachte und ließ mich wieder zu Boden. Dann sagte sie, spann deinen Bizeps an und ich tat was sie wollte. Sie lachte über meine Muskeln und sagte, so sehen Muskeln aus und spannte ihren Arm an. Ein dicker Bizeps füllte ihren Armen und dicke Adern kamen zum Vorschein. Wir verglichen unsere Arme und ich kam mir wie ein kleiner Junge vor. Ihr Arm war so viel muskulöser und größer als meiner. Ich konnte es nicht glauben, ich wurde so gedemütigt von einem Mädchen, einem so starken Mädchen. Zum Schluss zog sie mich noch einmal hoch und fasste mit einer Hand an meine Kehle und mit der anderen unter meine Achsel. Und dann hing ich schon wieder in der Luft, sie hielt mich nur mit einem Arm am Hals fest und lachte. Dann schmiss sie mich in den Sand und sagte, ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Mal. Dann spannte sie zuletzt ihren Bizeps an und ging dann los. GeorgMay 02 2016 10:47am Lukas KaiMay 08 2016 8:07am Thank you ever so for you post.Thanks Again. Cool. ynoaKFWpqMay 13 2016 9:15am vKb1GI Very informative blog post.Thanks Again. KRXmSEctmBPrxHMay 15 2016 1:59pm MY GIRL FRIEND AND ME BEAT UP MY FATHER-IN-LAW IN A TAG TEAM WRESTLING MATCH IN 1989. WE BOTH ARE 5'11" 238-243#S HE WAS 5'6" 160#S!!! EVERY THING FROM LEG DROPS TO BALL BUSTING DROPS USING OUR BIG KNEES!!! DONNA DID A REVERSE FACE SITTING ON HIM AND BOY WAS HIS LEGS KICKING !!!! MY HUSBAND COULDN'T TAKE IT AND BEGGED FOR MERCY!!!! SUEJun 21 2016 1:59pm Xk6zqA The Silent Shard This could almost certainly be quite useful for a few of the employment I decide to you should not only with my blog site but MFUqlmPWelyJul 06 2016 1:26am gL16PH I think this is a real great article post. Great. FYfSzhufLTdcxuAug 04 2016 12:27am cc AnonymousAug 23 2016 4:21am This is a real story of middle aged Punjabi aunty and uncle, who were our tenants. Uncle was 36 year old and shy guy type fair, 5'4"and skinny type 55 kg, Aunty very fast talkative 6'3", well-built 140 kg and sexy looking lady, her voice was also very husky(manly) and she is a dominant type, she used to dominate uncle by making him all the house work, poor uncle as he was shy type and much less in height and weight compared to aunty. Aunty was exhibitionist, she used to wear saree very tight and her blouse was also very tight. One day nobody was there in my house everybody went to marriage and will not be returning till 2 days. As i was alone aunty and uncle came to sleep in my house to give company. I was sleeping in my room and uncle and aunty in the hall, as there was some noise, I suddenly woke up and heard some talking was going there in the hall between uncle and aunty. When I went slowly to the door of my room which was half open I was able to see aunty and uncle both were not sleeping they sitting, that sight was very romantic, as uncle was only in his lungi and auntie’s pallu dropped and deep cleavage between her big firm boobs(38DD) was clearly visible, I was shocked and bit hesitant at first to see as it was dim light they were not able to see me, i got interested when aunty suddenly started kissing uncle on his lips, She held uncle’s head tightly with her strong hands and kissing very passionately, uncle was trying get away from her, but her hold was so tight uncle was not able to get away from her. After10 minutes of passionate kiss aunty broke the kiss, immediately uncle said that was what is this there is teenage guy sleeping in the room, what if suddenly he come here ?Aunty taking it easily and not caring for uncle’s words, she started removing uncle’s lungi, within seconds uncle’s lungi got separated from his body, his body was very fair and soft, and he was wearing long boxer type underwear. Then aunty also started removing here saree, and then she removed her blouse and petticoat too. I was shocked to see her in this state, she was wearing only tiny thong type bikini and strapped bra and has very hairy muscular legs and arms in comparison to uncle.she was looking more manly than her husband.This was very unreal situation where wife looks more masculine than her husband but quite erotic to me as i am a fan of masculine muscular and hairy woman. She was looking much taller than uncle in this dress, and she was having a very well built body, broad shoulders, long toned hands, her belly got bit flesh, which was covered to her height, and very big and strong thighs and round firm big buttocks. Aunty jumped on to uncle like a tigress and easily lifted him in the air and started kissing and sucking his lips, poor uncle was pleading aunty to leave, but aunty was not in a mood to listen, uncle was not able to do anything as aunty was much stronger than uncle. She thrown him on the Deewan and jumped on him, now she was on top of uncle, pressing him tightly with her strong body.She start squeezing uncle’s chest and sucking his small nipples very hard. uncle was crying to stop. After ten min of this rape, She took him near the big mirror and both were seeing each other in the mirror, aunty laughed at uncle by looking in the mirror, "my sweet hubby, see my body how big and strong it is than yours, so don’t miss behave and do what i say, otherwise you will be in trouble". She again took him to Deewan and made him lie on it. and lay on top of him once again kissing and sucking his lips she came down little bit on his chest and was slowly sucking his nipples, uncle was unable to bear this pleasure and his c*ck stood like a pole, by seeing this aunty told uncle oooooh my darling see your c*ck like me, like my strong body, She how it stood up and dancing, se slowly sucked his nipples and then went to his tummy and kissed around his belly and sucked it with her tongue and she went further down and took his c*ck in her mouth and started sucking and liking it first slowly and then started to lick fast, after some time aunty sensed uncle might ejaculate she removed his c*ck from her mouth and once again kissed all his body including his thighs, then she removed her tiny thong and bra, now i was able to clearly see her thickly hair covered pussy. Went straight on uncle’s body, took his shaft in her hairy and scary pussy and started grinding her pussy on uncle’s shaft, first she was doing it slowly, uncle was trying to push her away, but in vain, after some time slowly grinding her pussy on uncle’s c*ck, she started to rotate her big from buttocks fast, and her humping become faster and faster, it was very painful to uncle to tolerate her f*cking, she f*cking him very badly and she was showing no mercy towards his body, his body was no match to her strong body, she held him in between her thick strong thighs an f*cking him like a bitch,I was shock to see the scene, wondered how strong aunty was than uncle, I was seeing first time wife is almost raping her husband, and he was helplessly getting f*cking by his hairy masculine wife, after f*cking him very hard for 30 mins uncle again unloaded all his cum into auntie’s big pussy and aunty also after some time hugged him very tightly and she was also very close to her orgasm, then she held uncle in between her big thighs and slept, and she f*cked him many time that night in various positions, poor uncle could not able to walk in the morning. AnonymousAug 23 2016 4:24am vTcKOy Wow! This can be one particular of the most useful blogs We have ever arrive across on this subject. Basically Fantastic. I am also a specialist in this topic so I can understand your hard work. PlUpKBzLwBAcOct 10 2016 4:33am ucTWCF I truly appreciate this post. I ave been looking everywhere for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You have made my day! Thanks again.. uuQOXEtEekmiTYNov 26 2016 10:41pm TO ANONYMOUS SHE WOULD BE ON MY TEAM FOR SURE!!!!! SUEDec 02 2016 11:38am 50syrv http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7ojQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.com EZfhpFDpRFCVDec 31 2016 6:10am F7kSMN http://www.y7YwKx7Pm6OnyJvolbcwrWdoEnRF29pb.com bygbCZTjIwmfJan 29 2017 7:09am bUSniX http://www.y7YwKx7Pm6OnyJvolbcwrWdoEnRF29pb.com cyWEyxuMpRCqItpqCcJan 29 2017 7:11am xN0q7m http://www.y7YwKx7Pm6OnyJvolbcwrWdoEnRF29pb.com WqCkVAkWzJan 31 2017 9:31am NUo3TK Say, you got a nice blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. arNLPjBZvYbLZGSJan 31 2017 3:29pm Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger and Amazon women etc. Think most are very bogus myself and are women who jus love to run their mouth. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, No limits, no restrictions on you to unleash ALL your power size and strength. will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at sjsh99@lycos.com and put CHALLENGE in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 7500 dollars. Will make a nice cash prize if any really tough, big, strong or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk and are really sissies in real life. And NO I will not fight back or anything else if any woman interested.Pass this on if you know any big tall or bad ass women sjsh99@lycos.com AnonymousApr 06 2017 12:43pm 2jf75o Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article. Thanks for supplying this info.| lAFwdzdOpeCMay 09 2017 6:10am NO BIG TOUGH BAD WOMEN ON HERE OR JUST TALK TALK TALK? See my post above, 7500 dollars challenge sjsh99@lycos.com Anyone reading this know of any strong big bad or tough muscular woman? send this to them. sjsh99@Lycos.comMay 18 2017 11:17am J8sK0z Wohh exactly what I was looking for, regards for putting up. BUExSuDcrUlRPJul 10 2017 10:33am BbfJXu Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this post and also the rest of the site is extremely good. NCKUuIbVHtSep 20 2017 4:54am u54TC9 I wouldn at mind composing a post or elaborating on most HYOkhdhUGqNov 08 2017 9:10am r4cKPU This is one awesome blog post.Really thank you! LgwbEhIEXoxKtBIJan 28 2018 6:02pm does anyone know of ANY big strong tall or muscular woman who want to accept this challenge below? ANY? "Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger and Amazon women etc. Think most are very bogus myself and are women who jus love to run their mouth. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. 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Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk and are really sissies in real life. And NO I will not fight back or anything else if any woman interested." sjsh99@Lycos.com sjsh99@lycos.comJan 29 2018 11:32am WI94pH Really appreciate you sharing this article.Much thanks again. Much obliged. hepgzLlDRPsSUAug 12 2018 7:54am Je32oa I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?. WFSdiAbwmsAug 12 2018 9:34am I2obWa It as hard to seek out knowledgeable folks on this matter, however you sound like you realize what you are speaking about! Thanks SjgcTiXwwOct 11 2018 11:51am yCgjiG There as noticeably a bundle to find out about this. I assume you made sure nice points in features also. ytRUZTPQaJDec 16 2018 6:19pm ZGYbLO wow, awesome post.Thanks Again. Really Great. URkHedeFxVngDec 19 2018 10:27am b27VMT When I saw this page was like wow. 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