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A POLL FOR SHORT FAT GIRLS WHO ARE PHYSICALLY STRONG:Question: I have already read lots of polls (and accompanying comments) on this site about girls who are proud of being larger and stronger than guys including their boyfriends, their husbands and other guys they know. As a tall, very skinny guy in the 6-foot range, I had one girlfriend in particular, awhile back, who was very short and fat. She was also physically strong!!! One day, while she and I were horsing around, she grabbed me and then she suddenly picked me up. I was surprised. I was just a bit skinnier back then. I towered over her by plenty but she weighed much more than I did. I am just a bit over six feet tall but I weighed only 127 pounds at the time. She and I were continuing our horseplay when she suddenly grabbed me again and this time, she picked me up and then she easily lifted me over her head. I was STUNNED!!! She proved right then and there that her physical strength was superior to mine because there was no way that I could lift my own weight over my head. My question to you is: Did you ever lift a tall skinny guy (like me) over your head who towered over you by more than a foot but who weighed much less than you did? And how did it make you feel that you managed to lift a guy over your head who is so much taller than you are? You can also comment if you wish.Created by: TALL SKINNY GUY at 01:43:28 PM, Friday, March 13, 2009 EDT Comments
Ferkin idiot. Ferkin idiot. AnonymousMar 18 2009 9:01am Sven,i hope you read this? DonnaJun 13 2012 11:27am Donna, Yes I read it. Have you seen those two girls recently, do you know what has become of them? svenJun 14 2012 4:59am Sven,you found me!and i have seen those two girls recently and its amazing to what they have become!so,how things at home with your mother and father? anymore display of your mother over powering or manhandling your father? and what about your sisters? especially your younger sister?and has her beating you in arm-wrestling twice changed her? DonnaJun 14 2012 3:56pm Donna, I might be able to tell you more this weekend because I haven't been at home that much the last couple of days. svenJun 15 2012 7:47am Donna, I saw my mom use my dad as barbell again in the garden. She benched him at least 10 times. svenJun 17 2012 11:39am Sven,so you finally asked your mother about using your father as a barbbell?and whats happening with your sisters? especially your younger sister? she interested using you as a barbell like your mother does your father? DonnaJun 17 2012 12:26pm Donna, My youngest sister is sleeping with a friend this weekend so she isn't home. My oldest sister didn't use me or my dad as a barbell but she defeated us both with armwrestling. How about you, did you workout lately or did you, or your mom manhandle the guys in your family. svenJun 17 2012 12:39pm Sven,i have been working out a lot and i have been training a younger girl like your sister and has an older brother just like you! I have been training her the last two years! She is 5'7 and 165 pounds of muscle now to which we started she was skinny and no muscle.She is has 14 inch arms,19 inch legs and has 35 chest and is amazing what she is lifting.She told me she goes home and manhandles her older brother.She told me she lifts him over head with out any problems.She even picked up her brother took him into the bathroom that had a big mirror and lifted him over head looking at herself in a mirror and put him down a second and cradled him and pushed his knees into his chest like a human accordian! sh started laughing at him an almost dropped him but didn't! Maybe one of your sisters is going to do that to you? DonnaJun 17 2012 2:30pm Sven,whats happen to you? you lose interest? if so tell me and i won't waste my time with this! DonnaJun 20 2012 9:14am Donna, No I definitly didn't lose interest, it's just that with exams at school I don't have that much free time for the next couple of weeks. Amazing what you wrote about that girl you are training. Lifting her older brother over her head and pushing his knees into his chest like a human accordian. I heard my older sister say against my mother that she used her boyfriend as a barbell as well and that she really liked doing that. She could understand how my mom felt when she does the same. svenJun 21 2012 3:39am Sven,sorry!when i didn't see you comment for awhile i wasn't sure what happened to you! and good luck on your school exams! WoW about your older sister using her boyfriend as a barbell! how big is your older sisters boyfriend and how much does he weigh? and i wonder whats going through his mind to what your older sister is doing to him! Is she lifting him over head or bench pressing him? and you should ask her what it feels like to her to be doing these things seeing you can't talk to your mother? DonnaJun 21 2012 10:18am Donna, I don't dare talking to my sister about that because I know for sure that she'll use it against me, tease me with it. Her boyfriend is my height and weight maybe he is a bit stronger as he is a couple of years older than me. I only heard my older sister say that she also benchpressed him and that it was a wonderfull feeling. My mom asked me today how I felt about her using my dad as a weight to benchpress. She wanted to know what impact it had on me. I said it was cool. svenJun 21 2012 11:59am Sven,did your mother said anything about lifting your father over head? and about your sister? are you worried that she would bench press you instead of her boyfriend? DonnaJun 21 2012 12:08pm Donna, My mom was a bit worried how so much female superiority would affect me. She said that she loved showing how much stronger she is than my dad, by using him as weight, to lift him over her head but that she didn't know what impact it would have on me. she was glad that I find it cool and that she didn't have to be so secret about it anymore. I'm a bit worried that my sister will use me as weight to benchpress because her boyfriend is not always around and she might get it into her head to use me instead. My mom doesn't verbally taunt us, at least not much, but my sister will certainly make sure we won't forget. svenJun 21 2012 12:52pm Sven,what about your younger sister? i can see her trying to follow in your mother's shoes or your older sister? and how big is your older sister these days? how big are her biceps and thighs and the rest of her body? I also think its cool your mother has asked you how you feel about this female superiority would affect you! maybe you should find your self a girlfriend and have your mother train her so she could do to you what your mother is doing to your father or older sister is doing to her boyfriend? i wonder what your father is going to feel like once he knows your mother has talked to you about benching your father or lifting him over head? DonnaJun 21 2012 1:02pm Donna, My youngest sister swims 2-3 times a week and is very athletic and strong. I lost another armwrestling match against her. I'm pretty sure my mom would love to train another girl. My father has excepted my mothers strength long ago and we all know my mom is way stronger than him so he doesn't mind that my mom talked to me about the things that she does. My father saw us too the other day when he was used as a barbell, so he already knew. You would fit right in, in our family svenJun 21 2012 1:24pm Sven,has your mother ever gone to far with your father using her strength on him? because some times like me i can forget how much stronger i am to men especially when using my thighs in scissor holds or bear hugs! DonnaJun 21 2012 2:14pm Donna, As they have kept it from us in the past, I can't really answer that. What pops up is something that happened a few years ago when they were having an argument. I heard a heated discusstion downstairs when I heard my dad suddenly ran upstairs with my mom in pursuit. The argument continued in their bedroom but suddenly I heard a bit of whimpering so I wanted to check it out. I saw my dad on his knees in front of my mom. She had him by his hair and had yanked his head backwards. I think she could have really hurt my dad if she didn't see me standing there. She let go of him and she relaxed. svenJun 22 2012 4:57am Whatever happened to Donna and Sven? AnonJul 13 2014 12:58am 7wtWjz Very informative blog article.Really thank you! Great. bsuyvcgyuAug 05 2014 4:52pm I am a tall skinny man. I always become SEXUALLY AROUSED whenever I am being physically overpowered by a short fat woman, especially when I tower way over her while she far outweighs me. One day, I wrestled my 4-foot-9, 200 pound girlfriend. She was very short. She was very fat. And she was VERY STRONG!!! I stood 6-foot-1 weighing 125 pounds at the time. She made short work of me. I didn't stand a chance. I went down in only a few seconds. While she had me pinned beneath her, I WAS GETTING A HUGE, MASSIVE ERECTION!!! TALL SKINNY MANOct 25 2017 3:40pm Because of her being so big and so incredibly strong, and because of his being so shockingly skinny, a 4-foot-9, 200-pound short fat woman, during an official wrestling match at the arena, grabbed (SEIZED!!!) a 6-foot-1, 125-pound tall skinny man and then she lifted him right up over her head whereupon she threw him out of the ring where he crashed into a bunch of vacant tables and empty chairs before landing on the arena floor. The match was officially over in seconds!!! But the short fat woman had other plans. The short fat woman went out onto the floor where she grabbed the tall skinny man, lifted him over her head once again, and then she threw him right back into the ring. She waited until everyone left, including arena security. The short fat woman ripped off her outfit and then, standing there naked, she ordered the tall skinny man to remove his shorts whereupon she demanded that he have sex with her right there in the ring!!! The short fat woman became shocked over the huge size of the tall skinny man's erection. The short fat woman must have wondered if she would be able to withstand his powerful thrusts despite his being so skinny. The short fat woman obviously became sexually aroused, especially over having defeated the tall skinny man so easily in the ring but she didn't realize, until she marveled at the size of his huge erection, that the tall skinny man also became sexually aroused after being so easily defeated by her because while the short fat woman was holding the tall skinny man over her head, getting ready to throw him out of the ring, THE TALL SKINNY MAN WAS ALREADY GETTING A HUGE, MASSIVE ERECTION!!! She didn't have to order him to do anything. They stood directly in front of each other. The short fat woman was looking way up at the tall skinny man while the tall skinny man was looking way down at the short fat woman. The short fat woman then told the tall skinny man that she wanted him to dominate her sexually. They both suddenly lost their heads at the height of passion. While the short fat woman lay there on the mat, the tall skinny man mounted her and then they both engaged in one-on-one, steamy, hardcore sex.(the short fat woman screamed in ecstasy with each one of the tall skinny man's POWERFUL THRUSTS!!!). AnonymousDec 22 2019 10:34am SHE RULED HIM IN THE RING while HE RULED HER ON THE MAT!!! AnonymousDec 23 2019 1:53pm It is obvious that the tall skinny man, knowing full well that he was way too skinny to lift his own bodyweight over his head, became sexually aroused after he himself was grabbed, easily lifted overhead, and then just as easily thrown out of the ring, by the short fat woman who far outweighed him (outweighing him by DOZENS OF POUNDS!!!) even though he towered way over her (he stood WELL OVER A FOOT TALLER than she did!!!) but then "the tables turned" in favor of the tall skinny man. During the insertion of his very large penis deep into the fully lubricated vagina of the short fat woman, the walls of her vagina were being PUSHED WIDE OPEN while her fully engorged clitoris was being continuously titillated with each "in-and-out" motion of the tall skinny man's hugely erect penis. BOTH are what caused the short fat woman to continue SCREAMING IN ECSTASY!!! Yes indeed, sexually speaking, the tall skinny man had TOTAL CONTROL over the short fat woman. Under the tall skinny man's complete sexual control over the short fat woman, the short fat woman was rendered AS WEAK AS A KITTEN!!! AnonymousDec 24 2019 9:38pm I am a tall skinny man. I encountered a short, massively obese woman who stood a mere 4-foot-10 but she equaled the weight of a towering, massive NFL football player. SHE WEIGHED A MONSTROUS 257 POUNDS!!! I stood a tall, towering 6-foot-1 but I weighed a measly 125 pounds (LESS THAN HALF HER WEIGHT!!!). She was with two female friends of hers in a snack shop that I had just walked into. She had HUGE BREASTS THAT STUCK WAY OUT!!! She placed a can of soda upon her breasts to impress her friends. THAT CAN STAYED RIGHT THERE UPON THOSE HUGE BREASTS!!! Being the tall skinny man that I am, I was getting really turned on watching a massively huge lady of such short stature who I could tell, just by looking at her, was of Herculean proportions (she was INCREDIBLY STRONG!!!). I approached her. I asked her if she lifts weights. She told me she bench presses 175 pounds fifteen times (15 reps). Just listening to her describing her incredible strength was giving me A HUGE, MASSIVE ERECTION!!! I asked her to flex her upper arms for me. She did. They were like HUGE BOULDERS!!! My long skinny upper arms were JUST LIKE TWIGS in comparison. I felt both of those massive upper arms. Underneath all of her fat, those huge muscles of hers were ROCK SOLID!!! I knew that the 175 pounds she bench presses was nowhere near her max. She and I stood in front of each other. It was almost unbelievable how such a skinny man like me could tower way over such a big strong woman like her. While she was looking way up at me, I looked way down at her and then, as a skinny male of such great height, I simply said to this short, massive, big strong female (while imagining if I were ever foolish enough to pick a fight with her): "I know you can take me!!!" In fact I knew right then and there that if she wanted to, she could easily have grabbed me, lifted me right up over her head, and then thrown me clear across that snack shop. After she and her friends left, I was totally unable to control my lust. I was so turned on that I could no longer function. I went straight home and then I immediately went into the bathroom where I proceeded to masturbate. I jerked off continuously, all the way through to orgasm, obviously setting personal records for distance of ejaculation and volume of discharge!!! A VERY TALL, VERY SKINNY MALE!!!Jan 10 2020 10:18am Qmrvgk http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara ixMZgYZzWvpJqZKGjOct 18 2020 8:43am mwaBYl https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay TmDbXKKPujNURSIlHDec 03 2020 3:27pm Uoyfir http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos yfDEoagjBpInDec 12 2020 4:08pm H8dUd8 https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ CdWGtQdfFygenmZDec 12 2020 9:21pm IwHER9 https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/#writemyessay hSEdnTfMtJOMIDec 14 2020 10:21pm AS8r57 https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html dFoEFIMwvJnDjyQhNoJan 09 2021 2:56am LdlVVF http://waldorfdollshop.us/ waldorf doll wgupONNzCikrxUydJan 09 2021 7:12am 5n6J3g https://beeg.x.fc2.com/ RPUJYjCOJXrOQRimFWJan 26 2021 8:03am 7UMugx https://buyzudena.web.fc2.com/ hnNrkwwqFeZmvGlJan 27 2021 6:11am G GFeb 14 2021 4:29pm Though I’m not sure this counts, I am actually not super tall, and am a little short for my age, but I was overpowered and lifted by a shorter girl who was substantially younger than me as well. We were also approximately the same weight. This happened early in my senior year of highschool as I had agreed to watch my mother’s coworker’s daughter. Her name was Tessa and she had just turned 11 while I was 17. I had to watch her for a 12 hour period on a Saturday from 10 am-10 pm and I would earn $150 which I considered an excellent deal. Instead of having friends to gang out with I looked for small odd jobs like this to earn money, as I was seen as kind of the weird runt of my class. I wasn’t cool or popular and was pretty tiny. I was only 5’5†and only weighed 116lbs. So I found some solace in earning money instead of hanging out as it made me feel accomplished. But as arrived at the house, and my mom and her colleague introduced me to her colleague’s daughter and left, I learned a few things about Tessa. Her mother called her Tessa the titan, she was in advanced education (I was too, so we were both smart), she was competitive, loved to eat, and was quite into CrossFit, cheerleading, and swimming. I noticed why they called her Tessa the Titan immediately, because at age 11 she stood at 5’4†and looked remarkably meaty. By that I mean, she wasn’t particularly skinny or particularly fat, and was just quite stocky. She was quite huge for her age, but she also had long hair and wore fairly loose fitting long clothes , and only noticed she had to be stock as she had pretty broad shoulders. Anyways I introduced myself and told her I’d be in the living room if she needed anything. By 11 am she asked for breakfast so I fixed scramble eggs, ham, and a pancake with a single piece of toast as a side. We sat at her dining room table and began eating at the same time and she devoured her food very quickly. She had finished all her food except for the toast by the time I had eaten my eggs and half my ham portioning. She then asked me “hey John, can we have some marmalade for our toast?†I agreed and went to her cupboard and took out some orange marmalade, but I couldn’t open it. I struggled for a moment, but I couldn’t get the lid off, so I told her “the lid is on way too tight, probably a packaging error, I’ll go get a towel and open it up.†I left to go to the bathroom and grab a small hand towel, and as I was about to turn into the kitchen I headed a pop. I rounded the corner and saw Tessa sit down. I walked up to the counter and was quite surprised to see the marmalade jar open. Tessa returned a butter knife to the kitchen covered in orange marmalade and said “you had it loosened up quite a bit.†We then ate without any further incidents, but that comment got under my skin a little for some reason. By 11:45 she called my name and I joined her in her room where she requested my help. She wanted a box down from the top shelf of her closet, but couldn’t reach it and neither of us could access a ladder, so she asked me to lift her so she could reach it. I agreed and grabbed her legs and was surprised at how hard they felt under those baggy sweatpants. They were extremely firm and hard, and almost felt like they were nicely toned and shaped, but I was even more surprised when I started lifting. She felt ridiculously heavy for her age and even a bit for her size. I struggled to remove her from the ground and had to grunt and huff wildly to remove her feet from the ground, and I heard my bones and joints popping as I lifted her her just barely high enough so she could grab onto the shelf and pull the box down. Tessa felt like she weighed as much as me, but I tried not to look shocked or say anything and she just thanked me for my help. I said “no problem†and returned to TV in the living room, but come noon I realized I’d have to help her feed her cats by getting a new bag of cat food from the top shelf of her supply cabinet. As she and I gathered around the cabinet it became obvious we’d need a chair, as this shelf was at least and inch or so higher than the other shelf I could barely lift Tessa to, so I told her I’d get a chair, but she said “hold on, I think there is a way without moving a chair.†And with that she walked behind me and I though she left, but she squatted down, and suddenly grabbed my lower quads and then stood up and straightened herself, to my great shock. She said “you should be able to reach now John†and she was correct, I reached the cat food, but as I pulled it I said with very audible shock in my voice “however you’re doing this, this cat food is 20lbs of dry food, and is waayyy too heavy†she assured me “it’s not I got you, just great the cat food already.†As I slowly picked it up, noticing it’s weight, I was absolutely astounded out of my mind when we didn’t fall backwards and she didn’t drop me, she just squared back down and released my legs. She then took the cat food and began feeding the cats. At around 12:30 pm she joined me in the living room, and began suspiciously and inquisitively prodding me with her eyes. I had to use the restroom soon after this, and so I walked towards the restroom down the hall, I started hearing muffled footsteps and was about to turn around, only to feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground and spin with me. Tessa giggled, put me down and returned to the living room. After finishing my business, I noticed the bathroom door was locked, and after searching the bathroom for a few minutes I found a key and unlocked the door, as I marched back into the living room I noticed Tessa in my spot on the couch wearing form fitting stretchy pants, and a sleeveless “girl power†shirt. This seemed apt, as she was very feminine looking for a girl of her age, and had a surprisingly thick and toned body to embody the power. I could clearly see the shape of her leg muscles, and could see why they felt so firm and hard before, because her leg muscles were huge. I regained my thoughts and sat next to her and saw she had changed the channel. I looked at her and said “can I please have the remote and my spot back?†She smiled innocently and said “sure†and extended the remote, but when I grabbed and pulled, she didn’t let go. She held on tight to the remote, and I found myself struggling against her to pull the remote out of her hands, and she didn’t move either. She looked at me innocently and asked “what’s wrong?†I told her she hasn’t released the remote and I don’t want to hurt her. She then loosens her grip and let’s me reclaim the remote before moving over. She had returned to her room by 1:00 pm, and I wondered how strong she was. I knew she was crazy strong and was probably nearly as strong as I was. She was a little shorter than me and had pretty muscular legs, but since she was younger and shorter I knew she was weaker than me. Nothing really happened until she came back at 2:30 and began really challenging me. She walked up to me and placed her arm on the table in front of me and asked If I wanted to arm wrestle her. I declined and she seemed a bit mad. She asked “why, afraid to lose?†I said “no, it’s just a lose-lose situation where I don’t win.†She then relented and said “okay fine, but if you don’t arm wrestle than at some point I’ll kidnap you and see what you can do.†I didn’t really take her seriously and just giggled, but at 3:30 I went to the bathroom again, and as I flushed the toilet she opened the door. I was looking at my crazy hair in the mirror when she came up from behind and wrapped and arm around my neck in a headlock position and tapped the back of my knee with her foot, driving me down about an inch before she flexed, revealing the largest bicep I had ever seen on a child, and it even had some veins. She then placed her hand on my lower back and dragged me to her room. There she shoved me on her bed and locked me in. I saw she had a huge mirror and a few dumbbells in her room. She then walked over and challenged me to leave her room . I told her I would, and she said “good, in order for that to happen you only need to make it past me.†She then said we should share information. She told me that she was 5’4 and that she weighed 130 lbs. I managed to get out that I was 5’5 and weighed 116. She then told me to flexed her bicep and told me to feel if. Her bicep looked kind of like an oval at the bottom, but rounded up a lot almost into a ball at the top, but she had quite a big bicep. It looked like her bicep was almost softball sized, and felt very hard. She then told me to follow suit, I did, and I looked in the mirror, she stood behind me and her bicep was clearly bigger than mine, humorously so. Her bicep was almost 2 or 3 inches bigger than mine. She then felt mine and made them squish and move with her free hand. She smiled and said “all right John, just get past me, arm wrestle, or say I’m stronger.†I said “Tessa this is ridiculous, I’m gonna-“ as I was talking I went to grab the lock, and Tessa grabbed my torso and lifted me off my feet stepping forward a few inches and dropping me onto the floor before she moved back and blocked the doorway. I thought to myself “alright, I just gotta get to the door faster than she can†and I made a mad dash to the door, the only problem was she was crazy fast too. She intercepted me, and pinned me to the wall before grabbing my shirt and pushing me onto her bed. I stood up and in an admittedly embarrassing moment decided to use my full force against her. I grabbed her shoulders and heaved at them towards the wall, but was surprised by how solid her shoulders were, I could feel muscles writhing underneath her skin, and she grabbed my forearms and spun me into the wall without me even displacing her. I then pushed her with some real force and knocked her back a bit. This triggered some actual response from her because as I reached for the door knob, she took two fistfuls of my shirt and lifted me off the ground a bit, before she rammed me into a tall cabinet in the corner of her room. This hurt quite a bit, and as she lowered me she had her arms pin my shoulders against the cabinet. I put my hands on her shoulders for leverage and began applying force while trying to stand while she pushed me down and against the cabinet. I was actually gaining elevation and was holding myself up on her shoulders to my surprise. She then gripped my shoulders with the full vice like grips of her hands, turned around and slammed my body onto her bed. She then sat on me and pinned my arms to her bed before coiling her legs around mine pinning them to. After about four minutes of this she pulled me up, and flipped me over her shoulder. I stood to grab her and she grabbed my waist, tackled me to the floor and pulled me back on my feet by my arm pits. She then grabbed my shirt color and tossed me back towards her bed. I stood upright and grabbed her waist and tried to lift her but struggled quite a bit, so she pushed on my inner elbow joint and caused me to release my grip. She then went down grabbed my legs at my shins, lifted me all the way up and threw me onto her bed at full force. I bounced off the bed on landing and as I stood up she bolted over the me and put me in a full Nelson. She then leaned back lifting my legs off the ground and slammed forward, thrusting my body on her bed. She then grabbed me in a neck lock and leaned back with her legs arm and back flexing with all their might and pulled me off the ground in a choke hold, sending me into an extreme coughing fit, blurring my vision, and making me feel like my throat had collapsed. I smacked her thigh to tell her I submit and she released her grip. I hunched over the floor coughing for a minute before she lied on all fours and crawled under me saying “you’re fine drama queen.†She then grabbed my arms and stood up. Wearing me on her back. She hunch back a little so I was on the ground and dragged me to a table where she said we’d arm wrestle. We started and within five seconds of her flexing her bicep, my arm was hopelessly pinned. She laughed and called me a real weakling. And she then told me I shouldn’t baby sit anyone, as they wouldn’t be safe. I asked her what she meant and she said “I’m going to pretend I’m someone breaking in. Don’t worry about me, but stop me from doing whatever I want.†Before I could really respond to this she left and re-entered the room. As she entered the door way she suddenly grabbed my two wrists, spread my arms apart and rammed her shoulder into my side before lifting me in the air and throwing me on her bed. I got up and decided I’d show her. I ran and grabbed her, and pushed her back towards the door and asked if I could punch. She said “do whatever it takes, pretend my life is in your hands, just know, I’ll match, and if I can, exceeds your intensity.†I then punched her in the shoulder, it made hard contact with her upper arm and shoulder and kinda hurt my hand, but in turn she really gave me a thrashing. She puked a heavy handed right hand punch into my arm that sent me staggering into a wall and made me Yelp out in pain. She then struck my left arm with the same force and my eyes began tearing up. She then grabbed fistfuls of my shirt and slammed me quite hard into a wall. At this point I was in more pain than I’d comfortably experienced before and my body was buckling under the pressure and turning to jelly. Tessa looked at me with a devilish look and grabbed my neck with each arm and lifted my an inch or so off the ground by sliding me up the wall, hurting my head a little, and she really tightened her grip around my neck, I actually let loose some tears and my vision started blurring really bad. She released some pressure and I slid back down the wall. She then punched me with a lot of force in the stomach. I felt a shockwave course through my body and the wall behind me before I completely buckled over. I was now lightly crying with tears running down my face, and she grabbed my neck and pulled me to my feat before grabbing me in a rear bear hug and squeezing with everything she had. My whole body went really sore, and I couldn’t breathe at all. Everything started blurring and I blacked out for a second. I woke up really sore and she said “see, I like you, but I can’t have you as a babysitter again. I’m not safe either you. I didn’t use all of my strength and I still could have killed you. Any real threat would’ve easily stopped you and got me.†I stood up reeling in pain, and for the rest of the day she treated me, carrying me from room to from and getting me stuff, but embarrassingly told my mom and her mom I was too weak to protect her since she could easily beat me up, and I never got to watch her again. But she was terrifyingly strong. She could easily rag doll me and hurt me pretty bad as well as outspeed me without her full effort. If she wanted, she could have killed me easily that day. So I kind of fear her, even to this day. AnonymousFeb 14 2021 10:38pm In fifth grade a girl named Erica used to bully me, as she had never liked me throughout school as in her eyes I was a little boy who thought he was too smart and didn’t pay her respect. She constantly was rude to me and would somewhat push me around, but in fifth grade she got in trouble for bullying and really went after me. I was an inch or two taller than her and was under ninety pounds while she was over 100. But I was standing at the corners of a play area when Erica grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the nearby chain link fence. I struggled against her, but for the first time she must have been really trying because there was a fairly huge gap in our strength. I was trying quite hard to get out of her grip, and she was quite casually pinning my wrists. She eventually let go after telling me she was going to kill me for tattling. She then bent down and picked up my legs before walking a few steps and dropping me onto the grass. Being a fifth grader that alone nearly made me cry in pain, but just as I was recovering she grabbed me and slapped me hard across the face. The sting and mark combined made me cry. She snuck a round me and at the last second squeezed my stomach and made me Yelp and gasp at the same time. I was so scared for a second I urinated a little. She then grabbed me wrestled me to the ground and punched me in the gut, making me really cry now. She grabbed my neck and pulled me up to a standing position again before bragging about how easily she could beat me up then she left. 5th grade bully.Feb 28 2021 12:40am Especially girls who workout can be physically very strong. As average boy in around the same age it’s not unusual that a girl can overpower you. During my time at school i was beaten up by girls two times. Both were really fit and stronger than most boys at the school. Henni May 22 2022 4:06pm Add a comment: Vote Results |