If you are small enuf,join a coven. Just note you may be used as a human sacrifice in rituals LOL WHAT KINDA SPELL WOD THAT BE...FRY BACON AT THE ALTER???? ATTRACT A BBW SPELL! HILARIOUS!Mar 08 2009 4:49pm Wicca is stupid. AnonymousMar 08 2009 6:52pm Wicca does work, but becareful. Its the threefold theory -- youll get 3 times qhat you bargained for. You`ll get a much stronger woman than you anticapated. and I assume you want to rassle with her. Shes not just going to rassle with ya. Word of advice. DO NOT MIX sexual fetishes with wicca!!!! Your much safer to do try a spell to attract money .Mar 09 2009 8:00am #0005 - (Mon.) * 3/9/09 UpdateMar 09 2009 2:00pm The vast majority of women in the world adhere to one of the mainstream religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. Perhaps they also adhere to Atheism because whether the religious want to accept it as fact or not, there are lots and lots of Atheists in the world who the religious are always tring to "save." I'm not sure about Wicca. I assume most people in the world know nothing at all about Wicca. There are other methods for a small guy or a big guy to draw a bigger stronger woman to him. Try this very effective proven method which works like a charm: MONEY!!! A VERY REALISTIC GUYMar 10 2009 2:18am Thats not the way do it son. Believe me, if you want a strong dominant woman you dont want to use a wiccan spell. Youre just going to invite trouble.Because alot of the big strong women you speak of are also somewhat crazy. And I dont think you are suicidal. The best way is to try femdom societies;bbw dating sites. And like the poster above me, just go out and make something of yourself. Unless you want to get pulverized to death by some gigantic demented woman, stay away from wicca at all costs. The truthMar 10 2009 10:06am Strong Dominant Women are more likely to embrace a religion that embraces the Female Aspect and would be more interested in keeping male slaves than followers of the patriarchal religions. However, they are also more likely to embrace Female Dominance as a lifestyle rather than as a sexual fetish. If you are willing to vow to "Love, Honor and Obey" outside of the bedroom and submit to a caning and a dildo on your wedding night and upon returning from your honeymoon, do the laundry and the housework, then perhaps a follower of the Goddess will permit you to serve as Her 24/7 personal slave for the rest of your life. obedient husbandMar 10 2009 5:14pm Stay away from the Witches, they can be dangerous. I am also a small guy that appreciates bigger stronger women. I went for a big, not muscular, but rather fat girl. She had until I met her had difficulties finding men attracted to her and her self esteem was very low. I chatted this 5'9 and 200+ lbs girl up (I am 5'8 and 125 lbs), took her to the movies, to dinner and she got more and more confident. A girl that much bigger should be stronger was my thought and boy I was right. When we started to playwrestle the first time she threw me around like I was a rag doll. Wrestling became our little foreplay, I was never close to beat her even if we started with me on top. We fell in loved and are married with children today. A small guy like me would have had diffculties finding a big, strong and fit girl, and a big, round girl like my wife surely had a lot of problems finding men that could appreciate a big girl. So we are happy. She can easily lift me over her head, an advantage of being small like me. YoMar 10 2009 11:25pm I have studied Wicca for years and have practiced it. 3 fold law is the essense of all spells. So using a spell to attract and rassle with a bigger and stronger woman wont work, unless of course you want to get beaten to death by a woman The TruthMar 11 2009 10:47am no need to use wicca. If you are really small guy, you shouldnt have a problem getting a fairly big powerful woman. Because a 5`2 120 lb man and a 6ft 220 lb woman are on the same level of attractiveness. they either agree to be with each other or live a life of loneliness. AnonymousMar 12 2009 8:10am Perhaps he (the creator of the poll) should also try looking for SHORTER women who are large and strong. Because the average woman is SHORT (5'4"), there are far more SHORTER women who are large and strong than there are TALLER women who are large and strong. TALLER women who are large and strong, especially approaching the six-foot range (of the Amazon type), are relatively few and far between. SHORTER women who are large and strong are bigger and stronger THAN LOTS OF GUYS!!! I am a tall, very skinny guy and I have had few TALL big strong women but I have had many SHORT big strong women. They all proved to be stronger than I am, some of them FAR STRONGER than I am!!! And I towered over every one of them considerably. Make no mistake about it, SHORT women who are large and strong ARE VERY STRONG!!! Big strong women, short or tall, come in all shapes and builds: Stocky, fat, husky. It doesn't matter which type. As long as they are healthy and active, THEY ARE ALL VERY STRONG!!! I had one very short girlfriend under five feet who was incredibly big and incredibly strong and, of course, she greatly outweighed me. And, just like her tall counterparts, she could easily lift me over her head. If he (the poll creator) cannot find a TALLER girl who is large and strong, what's wrong with having a SHORTER girl who is large and strong? And, as I can attest, they are incredible in bed and they can physically and sexually dominate a man every bit as effectively as TALLER girls who are large and strong. I don't go to clubs now like I used to but back then when I did go, clubs were full of short big strong girls but relatively few tall big strong girls. In one club, I already had my tongue halfway down the throat of a short, very strong, muscular fat girl within minutes after meeting her. Even with her platform heels, the top of her head barely rose up to my shoulders. She looked up at me and she said: "Watch this!!!" Then she took off her platforms and I couldn't believe it. She was only 4-foot-8!!! She didn't have the appearance of "dwarfism" even though she was of dwarf stature. And, because she outweighed me considerably and had much larger muscles, I knew she could easily wipe the floor wth me if I ever messed with her even though I stood sixteen inches taller than her!!! Big strong girls don't have to be tall. They can be big, strong and sexy at any height. So perhaps guys who are sexually attracted to large, strong girls should not be so picky and choosy about the height of large, strong girls. Whether short or tall, THEY ARE VERY BIG AND VERY STRONG -- AND OFTEN VERY SEXY!!! AnonymousMar 14 2009 12:52pm I did a wiccan spell to magnet to money. Well I just bought a foreclosed home in good condition for $35,000 in cash. Being thats in a good area in southern california, it will be worth alot of money. Thats the power of wicca. Before you know it, it will be sitting right on your lap. And it will be lots of it. But money spells are ok, but use it on something like this. Very dangerous! AnonymousMar 15 2009 1:02pm #0015 - (Tue.) * 3/17/09 UpdateMar 17 2009 9:31am Well, get all the money you can get, if you're going to get it with help of wiccan, cause at the end you pay for it with your soul...for eternity!!! AnonymousMar 17 2009 9:44am It is obvious that 99% of the polls on this web site about strong or muscular women are created by just 1 or 2 people, which is frightening if you consider how many polls have been created about those topics. The people who create those polls must be very sick people with no life an no girlfriend so they just fantasize all day long on this web site. AnonymousMar 17 2009 6:53pm I'll bet you're looking at one guy, who try to get his rock off! AnonymousMar 18 2009 12:46pm One insecure selfish little man obsessed with himself. For the sake of this site, I hope he meets that much dreaded woman. I really hope he gets her big time!! luvembig, if you chiken out on your spell, we will cast the spell for you! We really want you to get that girl....... AnonymousMar 18 2009 1:03pm Practicing wicca might draw bigger women to you, although I'm not sure about the stronger part... AnonymousMar 18 2009 8:12pm Maybe he should do a spell for just getting into an argument with a big woman, and then the Three-fold Law might turn it into a rasslin' match. AnonymousMar 18 2009 8:16pm Simply cast a spell to get into physical confrontation with a much bigger and stronger woman. With the three fold law, he wont be posting here anymore......Some of us can cast it for him if he is too chikenpoo to do it for himself AnonymousMar 19 2009 6:27am Question, Can women be brought forth though wicca and be strong without being 160lbs. plus 5'4" or under jello wambling PIGS, Don't seem to me like wicca has much power behind it, if it can't make a 110lbs. 5'-7" young woman who knows all the good fight moves, to allow her to kick ass and stomp the h.e.l.l. out of the average older...beer gut guys out there (which is most of us)??? AnonymousMar 20 2009 12:32am Not likely, wicca is a lot of bull crap. AnonymousMar 20 2009 12:36am #0025 - (Fri.) * 3/20/09 UpdateMar 20 2009 12:37am To anonymous, Not to Wiccans. A religion serves its purpose if those who embrace it get something out of it. By comparison, I get the impression that the purpose of going to most mainstream Protestant churches is to see if Clara Edwards has a better hat than Bee Taylor. obedient husbandMar 20 2009 7:26pm obedient husband, boy you can tell you don't go to church. If you had a service with a 150 women attending, you could count on your one hand the number of women wearing a hat of any kind. This goes for women, young and old alike, for at least the last 30 years. AnonymousMar 20 2009 9:52pm Get off the computer and get out in the real world AnonymousMar 21 2009 3:39am Look who talking!!! AnonymousMar 22 2009 12:10am #0030 - 3/22/09 UpdateMar 22 2009 12:11am The last time I went to "Church" in the traditional establishment sense was December 25, 1973 so it was 36 years ago. These days I am a Goddess worshipper and Wife occasionally loans me to Priestesses of the Goddess for Their amusement. obedient husbandMar 23 2009 4:33pm Whoever you are,I honestly hope and pray that some 250 lb woman will pulverize you to death! Really and truly You want this bad, then you certainly deserve it. If you are a mere 110 lbs...I am certain plenty of women could do the job! --------------- PLEASE SOMEONE CAST A SPELL ON THIS GUY SO HE CAN GET WHAT HE DESERVES!! LoriMar 25 2009 7:27am Loni, I have a funny idea obedient husband is more than 110 lbs. I'd bet his righr arm weight more than that! AnonymousMar 28 2009 9:46am In the last month or so someone has gotten on this web site and show us all how mentally disturbed a male can be. This A.S.S thinks the female are designed a be a pack mule, he seem to get a kick out of riding them, around or for some s.h.i.t.t.y a.s.s.h.o.l.e male, to punch around and use as cheap work out equipment. I for one have to much respect for the ladies to vote in this kind of B.S. poll. A pervert as he is should be lock up for LIFE...who knows maybe he is? We can only hope!!! AnonymousMar 31 2009 9:04pm I believe in the power of wicca.For the good of society, someone should cast a spell so that he gets what he wants and deserves. With the law of 3, that woman will be much bigger than he anticapated.The good thing though...she wont come just to rassle. That powerful courageous woman will whisk that 110 lb swine off his feet. carry him into the other room and beat the livin daylight out of him. LoriApr 01 2009 10:59am Ms. Lori I am more than 110 lbs. but I have certainly had to submit to heavy beatings from powerfully built Women in my time including being kept as a weekend slave to Priestesses of the Goddess on several occasions. Wife occasionally loans me to a Priestess who is 5'10" 200 lbs. and most of it is solid muscle and She is a great believer in severe corporal discipline. Wife likes to inspect the marks on my behind when She gets me back from the Priestess. It is a pity You do not know Wife because if You did She would probably loan me to You and You could punish me as You see fit. obedient husbandApr 04 2009 2:44pm PS to Ms. Lori, I should mention Wife did loan me to a Woman who was 5'7" 250 on one occasion and She blistered me but Her stroke was not as severe as the Priestess's stroke. obedient husbandApr 04 2009 2:46pm #0038 - (Wed.) * 4/15/09 UpdateApr 14 2009 10:29pm Happy summer solstice to all Goddesses and Their obedient male slaves. obedient husbandJun 20 2009 3:09pm #0040 - (Tue.) * 9/1/09 UpdateSep 01 2009 1:31pm All in positive thinking! First in a quiet place visualize yourself smaller and weaker and know this will be you. Second visualize this big woman. Detail her description, hair color and weight. Make her very big and powerful. Finally let you run into this woman where she will savagely attack you and beat you. Visualize all of it in a quiet place and know this will happen. Send your desire out into the universe knowing that it will return to you multiplied. Not sure why you would want that? And make sure you do want that because it will come back to you multilpied, which could mean your death. We are all part of that universal power. which means we can harness that power to bring to us our desires. the problem is most of us dont know what we desire. And some of our desires are self destructive. We always get what we desire, not what we want. Think clear and hard whether you want to be physically assaulted by some big lady. know the possible outcome. But after all that, if this is your desire, then use that technique and it will happen! We always get what we desire AnonymousFeb 19 2011 8:33am Z0KgDL Thanks a lot for the article post.Thanks Again. Really Great. JZIxHjePOct 24 2013 4:33pm EkSnG7 Im thankful for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool. 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