If you take a look at the new poll "Is male orgasm a defeat", that might give a clue. Speaking for myself, I have always felt women are the superior and dominant sex. Ever since my first orgasm hit me like a thunderbolt. The feeling of defeat and surrender that I experienced, translated to an awareness of the superiority of female sexuality. ther is no choice in todays world women have become stronger.its not a fantasies its reality.i think women are bigger and stronger than women 20yrs ago.i see women all over the country wearing sleevless shirts and they have more muscles than women did yrs ago.they stronger and smarter they are the stronger sex and deseve respect. AnonymousMay 26 2008 3:43pm Like attracts like. As the site name might possibly imply people come to share similar thoughts. You are unlikely to find people not interested in femdom, or sane people who are not obsessed with their own supeority, posting here. That is with the exception of you'res truly who enjoys generally getting into scraps with the more mentally challenged of this sites inhabitants . FNOLMay 26 2008 9:07pm Things have changed, women are getting more education. They are becoming the experts in many fields and they are rapidly becoming more intellectual than men. They seem more organized and have a better sense of priorities in many cases. Yes, they are getting stronger, more assertive and aggressive. I think they are more qualified and capable of ruling in this day and age. I believe the time has come for women to be the dominant gender. TomMay 26 2008 10:51pm #0005 - (Tue.) * 5/27/08 UpdateMay 27 2008 1:41pm tom, i agree with you completely. While i would not expect there to be some sort of official statement to that affect, we are seeing it happen before our eyes. thomasMay 27 2008 1:48pm FNOL, i wonder why it is that Female Superiority is such a natural on this site and male superiority gets almost no reaction. While you say like attracts like, how did this site get to the point where people are acknowledging the dominance of women? Might it be that many are seeing this happen and are more likely to speak about it? thomasMay 27 2008 1:49pm A long time ago, I read somewhere, by a supposed expert,that it stems from feelings of inferiority that the sub had from childhood and a reultant feeling that others are superior to him. Then, if he has to suffer at the hands of the superrior person, let it at least be at the hands of a woman so that he can get a certain sexual excitement from it. As he gets older, the childhood inferiority complex may dissapear, but the desire to be subjugated to a woman and have her supperior to him remains. I do not know how correct this theory is, but it does ring pretty true as to me. TadMay 27 2008 2:46pm they are the dominant gender if you look back in history there were always strong women.some how got them to believe they were weaker.they now have become smarter and stronger.like wrote in the 2nd opinion you can see women any where wearing sleevless shirts.showing that they have more muscle and proud of it.the old saying what goes around comes around if it applies to women are the going to treat us men the way some women were treated?i i have seen and know women who are stronger than me.i wouldnt want them to be aghressive to me. AnonymousMay 27 2008 6:58pm To thomas: Rather than try and refute you're point directly , let me try another approach. In the post after this I will take an accurate look at the first few hours of my typical day (5:30 am to 9:00 am) ,where richness , diversity , intelligence and depth in everyday life is brought to the world by men. This is not saying women are not responsible or are not capable of anything I have listed here, just that men contribute enormously AS WELL. FNOLMay 27 2008 8:08pm (5:30) Get up from bed, whilst eating breakfast , put a dvd on of a widely praised TV show called "Firefly" created by man called Joss whedon who is also responsible for 3 other clever, revolutionary and popular TV series including "Buffy the vampire slayer ". (6:30) Leave the house and ride the bus into work whilst listening on my Mp3 to the "halo 3 soundtrack", great rich music composed entirely by a man : 'Martin o donnell', from the video game "Halo 3" (created by bungie studios a group also entirely made up of men ) , which runs on microprocessor technology and concept created by men...... (7:00) As I walk down the street a car has acidentally hit a person on the road. Six men get together and push the car off the road , another calls an ambulance and another performs CPR on the victim, a woman who survives possibly due to his intervention. (7:30) Arrive at university , I walk down the corridoor briefly stopping to talk to a fellow teacher "James" associate professor of mathematics and physics who is currently doing research for a drug company. The company is considering an cheap but powerful antiretroviral drug, that could increase AIDS survival rates by a large factor in impoverished companies. (8:00) I begin my first lecture to my mathematics class , half men and women , they all enjoy a some good spirited sly jokes about the male and female mentality. (9:00) I settle down to marking work, Half an hour later professor "grahem" knocks on my door, because on wednesdays it's his day to go out into the rain to get the coffee. He sets down the paper cups on the table, "Did you check you're email ?" he asks "I sent you a joke" . I read it with him looking over my shoulder, and to be honest It's not very funny, because Ive actually seen it before. BUt I still laugh, why ? , I'm not a nasty person. (9-am to death) The day continues........ AnonymousMay 27 2008 8:09pm Sorry, forgot to add my name to the post, Above post is by FNOL. FNOLMay 27 2008 8:10pm i am the one who added post 2 and 8.icant give my name its best left alone.why?for over 20 plus yrs i could see that women were becoming the stronger gender.this is the real world men have lost the battle of the sexes.women are stronger smarter than they were yrs ago.how i could see this happining i dont know but its time people in the u.s.a woke up.todays women work in any job men do.any where you can see women are more muscular and smarter.if any one is intimadated by these women get used to you cant back them down.i could see it hapining iam glad . AnonymousMay 28 2008 4:22pm "A long time ago, I read somewhere, by a supposed expert,that it stems from feelings of inferiority that the sub had from childhood and a reultant feeling that others are superior to him. Then, if he has to suffer at the hands of the superrior person, let it at least be at the hands of a woman so that he can get a certain sexual excitement from it. As he gets older, the childhood inferiority complex may dissapear, but the desire to be subjugated to a woman and have her supperior to him remains. I do not know how correct this theory is, but it does ring pretty true as to me. Tad What you said is usually correct. Howver they usually dissappear as the male becomes grown up because they realize being victimized by a stronger woman will not happen. But some who have such fetishes in childhood and remain smaller into adulthood will continue to indulge their fantasies.The reason is simple. Why stop fanatsizing if you know there are women who could really dominate and hurt you. So really it is very common. But moreso among men who fairly petite in size. Likewise, it is also true that mixed wrestling is small mans fantasy AnonymousMay 29 2008 6:37am subconsciously they(men) know females are superior and they are intimidated. Thats reflected in our fairytales, such as the evil witch. And thats why men have oppressed women for so long, they were intimidated by them. they feared them. And subconsciously they knew women were far superior than they. Well, at the end of human evolution, females will be by far the dominant sex as nature intended. AnonymousMay 29 2008 6:48am gentically women are supposed to be far bigger, stronger, smarter than males. But males are afraid and cant accept that and have oppressed females in every category. But this only temporary in our evolution as the insecure, weaker sex will give in. AnonymousMay 29 2008 6:54am Men have oppressed women for centuries because they know that women are sexually more powerful. I have read that a female can have at least eight orgasms before she feels any physical detriment. Men on the other hand can manage only one. That weakens the male and he takes some time to recover. This is why, as a sex, men fear women. That is why so many patriarchal religions force them to hide their femininity. The most extreme and disgraceful example being female circumcision. If women did but know it, sexuality is their most powerful weapon and men's achilles heel. Alan MMay 29 2008 10:11am tad i may have read the same thing i am not saying its not right.i am 240 5ft8 lift wieghts,iam not intimadated by women with muscle. i was said in post 2 that women are stronger more muscular than women yrs ago.they should be respected for strength not for fantasies.if men and women treated each other as equals they would get along alot better. aloneMay 29 2008 6:52pm What a load of old trollop. Who is responsible for the major revolutions in science ?. Quantumn physics which is a phenominal act of creative and abstract thinking was developed totally by men , every single principle from the pauli exclusion principle to the schrodinger wave equation was done by men. Relitivity was theorised by a man, gravity was turned into a concept by a man , the wave theory of matter was found by a man. String theory was theorised by a single group of men. The greatest bravest soldiers are men, the most intelligent and effective dictators are men, the greatest humanitarians are men (search the web), the origin of all great art is by men. Men clearly have all the potential for greatness whilst women are merely evolved to be the dumb but stable baby makers. Every man is a powerhouse of might, ambition ,creativity and power, women are just stupid lumps. Dont try to understand men ladies they are far to intelligent to be understood by you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. not as dumb as womenMay 30 2008 5:51am Women were held down purposly by the male because they were intimidated and felt threatened. the above poster is a good example. AnonymousMay 30 2008 7:52am #0021 - (Fri.) * 5/30/08 UpdateMay 30 2008 8:26am Unfortunately, what men have achieved in the past isn't going to save them. If they don't step up and reverse the current educational trends then Women are gradually going to gain control of society. anonMay 30 2008 10:46am this site is total bull. In the thirty to forty years of feminism men have still outclassed women in major discoveries by a multiple factor. The mojularity theorem was solved by a man , the scanning tunnelling microscope was done by a team of men...... shall I go on ?. You can deny it all you want but most great discoveries were not done by privaledged men. Einstine failed utterly in the education system and started his life with an eighteen hour job as a patent clerk. He was not encouraged to study at all in fact his school teacher said to his parents "he will never amount to anything ever.". He had to work in his own time and he was held back by his family. It was his male brilliance and drive and courage that made him famous. The story is the same for most great male scientists. not as stupid as womenMay 30 2008 7:27pm "Einstine", as you call him, was the exception, not the rule. Ancient history. In today's world modern society requires different characteristics for success than in years past. The male doesn't have the ability to compete with the female educationally in present society because the world has changed, and it demands qualities the female is better suited to provide. As a result, women are leaping ahead of men scholastically, and therefore will inevitably be the managers, bosses, decision makers, and leaders of generations to come. Women will be in the position to control economic issues, and will therefore be endowed with real power. This is happening in front of our eyes, and every argument to deny it rings weak and empty. This is not some femdom fantasy scenario, it is the evolution of society in the real world. The facts and stats are real, and difficult to deny. As mankind becomes more dependent on technology and intellectual advancement, the old world male model of brute strength and aggression is becoming insignificant. TriciaJun 01 2008 7:59pm #0025 - (Sun.) * 6/1/08 UpdateJun 01 2008 9:18pm OK. Tricia, is Bill Gates Ancient history in your little books of thoughts BenJun 01 2008 9:27pm I am not just talking about einstine Tricia , you have missed half of my post. As usual you fools are just selecting what you want to hear. The MAJORITY of intellectual and creative an artistic advancements even post feminism are still done by men. This is statistical FACT not fiction, and if you are so big about not denying the truth that really pay attention to the truth. Bill gates above is a great example, he was not even let into colledge, he taught himself and set up his own company. My friend a simple graduate works for a revolutionary company that competed against americas best female team of nanotechnologists in the 2005 foresight institute official challenge, which is a test of lateral thinking and creativity. They had half the number of people and no university funding and they still came up with a far more useful idea, of using nano particles for treating a type of cancer. It looks ridiculous, an average team of men with no real funding defeated the best women in the whole country who had tenfold times as much funding as they did. This sort of thing happens in everything. Men are better and smarter than women. Simple fact. not as dumb as womenJun 01 2008 10:09pm "Ancient history. In today's world modern society requires different characteristics for success than in years past." So lets look at who is most succesful in today's world. Let's see. How about the internet. The most visited sites are: Google-Created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Yahoo-Created by Jerry Yang and David Filo; Facebook-Created by Mark Zuckerberg; Youtube-Created by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen; Ebay-Created by Pierre Omidyar; Wikipedia-Created by Jimmy Wales; Myspace-Created by Tom Anderson. This is just one example of how the feminist predictions of 30 or 40 years ago that men were ill equiped for the modern world because of their reliance on "brute strength" and that women were going to dominate, was absurd. Men are more dominant than ever before because there is more of a premium today than ever on the qualities that men have more of than women: genius, creativity, innovation, and invention. 30 years ago and more, feminists were asserting that we were moving from an industrial society to an information society and men would be unable to cope with the change because the new society favored qualities that women have excelled in. But we see that actually the reverse has happened and the information society is dominated by men-e.g. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, etc, despite the most educated and independent female population in history. Whether it's a primitive society, industrial society, or information society, men dominate because of superior creative genius. AnonymousJun 01 2008 11:47pm As previously stated, Gates is the exception, not the rule. The typical male is more like Homer Simpson than Bill gates. And yes, Bill gates achieved most of his goals many years ago. He now lives off the reputation of past accomplishments. Society is becoming more feminized as we progress into the future. It is best not to resist progress. TriciaJun 03 2008 9:21pm As previously stated Tricia you just outright ignore the arguements you do not wish to hear. There is no greater conformation of the truth of male intellectual supeority than you. Thank you for proving our points. AnonymousJun 03 2008 10:16pm Thank you Tricia for putting so simply and cogently why Womyn will be running society in the future.With Womyn such as yourself humanity has a real hope. Lou RollsJun 03 2008 10:37pm Woman will run society over my dead female body. Equality Now !. BessJun 04 2008 3:31am Two examples of male genius are Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein. Interestingly both of these men are now thought to have had Aspergers Syndrome, a condition associated with the autistic spectrum. Like autism, Aspergers is predominately found in males. It has also been suggested that autism is an extreme form of maleness. One downside of this condition is poor communication skills. I mention this because I don?t believe that, as genius can be found in some males, it necessarily proves that they are the superior sex. On the other hand, research in the US has shown that women are born with a distinct superiority over men, in one area at least. The part of the brain that deals with the intake and output of information is much more developed in a female infant than it is in male. This accounts for why, given a level playing field in education, women now outperform men in virtually every subject. This is producing an ever increasing tidal wave of bright young females that are altering the gender power balance firmly and irrecoverably in favour of women. I work in a large electronics company and I am seeing this first hand. In every new intake of graduates it is the females who are the brightest, most confident and most enthusiastic. The young men are pale in comparison. This doesn't mean that all women are superheroines and all men are useless. To say that would be nonsense. However, as a man, I believe that women have the edge over men in many ways and in fact, I have to concede, really are the superior sex. Alan MJun 04 2008 11:34am Reading this makes me sad. Why do you people have so much hate for each other ? and need to fight so hard for miniscule pointless advantage. As far as I am concerned you are all inferior to someone who sees the world for what it is and has long given up trying dominate something which does not exist. Be at peace, or you will end up prematurely meeting you're final peace without having lived first. AngelaJun 05 2008 8:38am Im sorry to say, females will dominate our institutions, culture, businesses, workplace and the household.so men stop fighting it, and know that we will love you JaniceJun 06 2008 7:21am Thank you Janice. Nicely put and absolutely right. Alan MJun 06 2008 11:13am #0037 - (Fri.) * 6/6/08 UpdateJun 06 2008 2:37pm female average IQ is the same as male if you can disprove me wrong (with a credible siting) i will admit to female supiriority AnonymousJun 06 2008 4:11pm Good on you Anonymous. I second that. Show us the "proof". The only studies do compare gender intelligence actually favor men !. Google it, dont rant at me, see it for you'reselves. BenJun 06 2008 8:42pm getting rid of bad people is a good thing AnonymousJun 07 2008 1:18am I'm a spiritual person, and the great advantage that women have over men is they're less violent, kinder, etc. This may mean nothing to some people, but I find it funny how the goal of religion is more feminine by nature. MarkJun 07 2008 4:49pm I agree Mark. Its strange though, how many Christians don't like the idea of women priests. Alan MJun 08 2008 11:31am "the great advantage women have over men is they're less violent, kinder, etc." Yes that is the "traditional" view of women. I'm glad that you acknowledge that the traditional views are correct after all. This is contrary to the views of feminists that men and women are really not different at all. Actually as you correctly state, the feminists are wrong and men and women truly are different by nature, and therefore it is right that because of their differing natures that they have differing roles to play. Women, because they are as you say, "kinder, etc." should be the ones to care for infants and children, and are best suited to be nurses, elementary school teachers, nannies, social workers,and child care workers. While men are best suited to be soldiers, police officers, fire fighters, etc. I am sure, because of your belief in the true nature of women, that you will join me in opposing feminist attempts to put women in occupations that do not suit their "nature" and instead keep them in those jobs for which they are best equipped by "nature." MonsignorJun 09 2008 3:39am It seems to me that what we need are leaders who are kinder, nicer, etc. The age of women being assigned to a specific role is over because women have fought for their right to lead their life how they see fit. And now, with brute strength not the determining factor in society, women have shown that their innate characterists are more in demand. As society has evolved, woman have risen to the top and i do not see that lessening, but rather increasing. I do agree Monsignor that the genders are not the same. Unfortunately for us guys, however, the character strengths that women have are more in demand and more valuable to society than the advantages we have. So it is time for us to get used to following the lead of women instead of being the leaders ourselves. thomasJun 10 2008 12:25pm If women are "kinder, nicer, etc.", while men are all about "brute strength" then we must assign women to the occupations that require the qualities you say only women possess: child care, nursing, child care workers, etc. Surely men with their "brute strength" cannot do those jobs. I don't know what planet you live on where "women have risen to the top" but here on planet Earth, few women are at the top of anything. If you don't believe in women being assigned to a specific role, then you cant keep insisting that they have "innate characteristics." Because if women are innately kind and nice, and men are innately brutes, then who do you think we would pick to be the primary childcarer? You say we cant assign a specific role to women because they have fought for the right to lead their life how they see it. Yet you assign men the role of "following the lead of women." Well, what if men decide to fight for their right to lead their life how they see fit? You see if you insist that women should not be assigned certain roles because of their gender, it makes it hard to insist that men SHOULD be assigned roles based on their gender. Would you not think that men would also fight against your desire to limit them or assign them roles based on their gender. And it will always be easier for them to fight because they will not have the burden of childcare that we agree should be the sole responsibility of women because they are kinder and nicer, and because men are brutes. Surely we can't trust infants and children to the care of brutes can we? "what we need are leaders who are kinder,nicer." You mean leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela? Yes, we do need MEN like that for our leaders. MonsignorJun 12 2008 3:02am If women are "kinder, nicer, etc.", while men are all about "brute strength" then we must assign women to the occupations that require the qualities you say only women possess: child care, nursing, child care workers, etc. Surely men with their "brute strength" cannot do those jobs. I don't know what planet you live on where "women have risen to the top" but here on planet Earth, few women are at the top of anything. If you don't believe in women being assigned to a specific role, then you cant keep insisting that they have "innate characteristics." Because if women are innately kind and nice, and men are innately brutes, then who do you think we would pick to be the primary childcarer? You say we cant assign a specific role to women because they have fought for the right to lead their life how they see it. Yet you assign men the role of "following the lead of women." Well, what if men decide to fight for their right to lead their life how they see fit? You see if you insist that women should not be assigned certain roles because of their gender, it makes it hard to insist that men SHOULD be assigned roles based on their gender. Would you not think that men would also fight against your desire to limit them or assign them roles based on their gender. And it will always be easier for them to fight because they will not have the burden of childcare that we agree should be the sole responsibility of women because they are kinder and nicer, and because men are brutes. Surely we can't trust infants and children to the care of brutes can we? "what we need are leaders who are kinder,nicer." You mean leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela? Yes, we do need MEN like that for our leaders. MonsignorJun 12 2008 10:40am If women are "kinder, nicer, etc.", while men are all about "brute strength" then we must assign women to the occupations that require the qualities you say only women possess: child care, nursing, child care workers, etc. Surely men with their "brute strength" cannot do those jobs. I don't know what planet you live on where "women have risen to the top" but here on planet Earth, few women are at the top of anything. If you don't believe in women being assigned to a specific role, then you cant keep insisting that they have "innate characteristics." Because if women are innately kind and nice, and men are innately brutes, then who do you think we would pick to be the primary childcarer? You say we cant assign a specific role to women because they have fought for the right to lead their life how they see it. Yet you assign men the role of "following the lead of women." Well, what if men decide to fight for their right to lead their life how they see fit? You see if you insist that women should not be assigned certain roles because of their gender, it makes it hard to insist that men SHOULD be assigned roles based on their gender. Would you not think that men would also fight against your desire to limit them or assign them roles based on their gender. And it will always be easier for them to fight because they will not have the burden of childcare that we agree should be the sole responsibility of women because they are kinder and nicer, and because men are brutes. Surely we can't trust infants and children to the care of brutes can we? "what we need are leaders who are kinder,nicer." You mean leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela? Yes, we do need MEN like that for our leaders. MonsignorJun 12 2008 11:53am Right the f*ck on Monsignor. BenJun 15 2008 12:02am "The typical male is more like Homer Simpson than Bill Gates." You may have said more than you intended. You mentioned Homer Simpson from the popular tv show "The Simpsons." This show, which you and millions of others enjoy, was created by a man, Matt Groeining. It has been running for 20 years, has had a big screen version that has earned over 500 million dollars worldwide. It has won 23 Emmy Awards. In 1999 Time magazine called it the best tv show of the 20th century. It has become part of the popular culture as proven by your own reference to Homer Simpson. But you unintentionally proved why and how men dominate the culture and every other area of endeavor: because they are the ones with the creative genius to create shows and characters that become part of the culture as you proved with your reference. So what you intended as a put-down of men actually is an example of male success and creativity and dominance of the culture. Perhaps you also like the show "Family Guy"? That was created by a young man named Seth McFarlane, who just recently singed a 4 year 100 million dollar contract to develope more shows. This is all by way of illustration of the fact that despite feminists claims that women have surpassed men in today's society, the truth ,is men dominate the way they always have, for the same reason they always have: brains, creativity, and invention, beyond what women possess. msgr.Jun 16 2008 8:29pm Exactly msgr. But this site is not interested in real proof. They are simply hypocrites who only listen to the facts they want to hear. Men are more creative and deeply intelligent, history shows it, today shows it and the future will show it. I would not waste you're time justifying the obvious. BenJun 17 2008 9:02pm bad people AnonymousJun 23 2008 4:15pm Female superiority is an indisputable fact. For a long time it was believed that women were superior intellectually, but that men were physically stronger. Now there is proof that women are physically stronger as well as intellectually superior. Men who try to argue against the facts only make themselves look foolish. AnonymousAug 27 2008 11:00am one theory is that men have been raised by women. Mothers and day care/kindergarten women, teachers etc. They have learnt that to obey women and also get comfort and love from women. When men grow up they learn to be tougher to fit into a competetive man's world, they get harder and have difficulties being in touch with their feelings and emotions. Men in power often look for a very feminine and submissive wife to fit in the model but then they visit dominant prostitutes that punish them and making them babies/children again. Others are looking for a mistress, a big strong woman that can give them comfort and let them be weak, crying out against big bosoms. What do you think about that? NurseSep 30 2008 11:19pm Dear Nurse, i believe that nurses ought to be stricter with male children. You, our gods in this age, must deal harsher with any male disobedience, any attempt to strike a girl. Years later it'll surely make us, inferior adult males, more obedient and docile. The world will be more peaceful. Nick NDec 07 2008 7:56am A very intelligent piece and one I agreee with totally Nurse Lou RollsFeb 15 2009 8:25pm Well Lou, it is my experience, not science. As a nurse you come across many men that in normal life are tough and in charge. When they are sick however they are sometimes like small children that need their mommy. I have comforted many men that have been afraid of surgery, that they have cancer etc. I am a motherly kind of person and my two husbands, one is dead and one I have divorced, often have cried against my bosom. I have had them in my lap, they have slept on my arms etc. Not very manly but I have felt good giving them comfort. I am a strong person, both mind and body, and although I sometimes need be feel small and fragile I normally is the big strong motherly woman that like to protect. I feel that women are stronger than men if you look at it over the years. Women keep families together, we take care of sick children and men even if we aren't well ourselves, we can take stress and we have a fantastic endurance. Both mentally and physically. Since I am a big woman I am also strong physically, I have been stronger than both my husbands. I like that situation better than the other way around. NurseFeb 19 2009 8:42am Thank you for responding Nurse.What a lovely name.You are both a nurse by name and nature.You mention you proclivety and ability to Mother males and comfort them with your large bosom. Do you ever feed them with it i.e.breast feed them.This is a very tender but very powerful and nurturing way to control a man. Women are superior and do take on great burdens.It is up to us males in the future to take some of that burden off of them and to work hard for the reward of your bounteous bosom and wise intelect. Lou RollsMar 11 2009 8:23pm Tricia's comments about Bill Gates are moronic at best, typically feminist at best. Bill Gates continues to thrive at Microsoft, and although I agree most men are not like Bill Gates, Tricia has admitted, although not directly, that some women are themselves like Homer Simpson. Tricia's Superior Male MiasterApr 25 2009 10:25am The fact that Nick N continues to fantasize about women beating children so they will grow up to be self-hating masochistic losers is very disturbing and you should be very wary of what this kind of man thinks. You hear about those types of men on the news every night. MikeFeb 28 2010 2:54pm I totally agree with Nurse. Men are more fragile then women, men can't show their feelings and that makes them weak. Men have a big pressure to be the bread winners, to decide things, to be stronger and women tend to raise their boys that way as well, so they can be tough enough to cope with the hard manly world. I was a leader of a big company for many years, always tough decisions, long hours and very little time for anything but work. I had a beatiful, younger wife that never decided anything. We couldn't have kids, probably because I was too stressed. I suddenly broke down totally, had to stay in hospital and then a long period of rehab. My wife left me, I had to sell the company, I was suddenly quite alone and very vulnerable. The only support I had at that time except for the shrinks was my neighbour. She was 10 years older than me, big, motherly, just like Nurse seems to be. She invited me for dinner several times and I could talk with her like with nobody else. One night I totally lost it and cried for I don't know how long. She hugged me, pressed me to her big breasts, even lifted me up in her lap. I became a child that evening, but only that evening. She took me to bed beside her and I slept with my head on her shoulder all night. The day after I felt so much better. She said that she could take care of me for a while, meaning cooking and see that I slept well. But our relationship developed to a more equal one where sex was involved. We are married today. KenJul 19 2010 3:02am in my words its totally true bcoz i had seen many boys crying due to female domination in the name of love this type of idiots will never change . they want the boys to be a slave for them . but in al love or in a maraige life no one wants to be a slave men and women should share all things equally. but all will say that male are dominating women but its totally wrong. the total females are like that only they want the men's to be a slave for them o threeAug 23 2010 5:24am I was reading those posts.I noticed that males initially gave the top position to females.But females,instead of reciprocating, just have to pull us males down.And this is what makes me think that women are selfish.Superior or not,they can't think beyond self-interest.This makes sad and makes me want to hate them. DepressedOct 11 2010 3:47pm "I am not just talking about einstine Tricia , you have missed half of my post. As usual you fools are just selecting what you want to hear. The MAJORITY of intellectual and creative an artistic advancements even post feminism are still done by men. This is statistical FACT not fiction, and if you are so big about not denying the truth that really pay attention to the truth. Bill gates above is a great example, he was not even let into colledge, he taught himself and set up his own company. My friend a simple graduate works for a revolutionary company that competed against americas best female team of nanotechnologists in the 2005 foresight institute official challenge, which is a test of lateral thinking and creativity. They had half the number of people and no university funding and they still came up with a far more useful idea, of using nano particles for treating a type of cancer. It looks ridiculous, an average team of men with no real funding defeated the best women in the whole country who had tenfold times as much funding as they did. This sort of thing happens in everything. Men are better and smarter than women. Simple fact. not as dumb as women" So you're saying that women such as Lisa Randall, Barbara McClintock, Judit Polgar, Alessandra Ricca, Mary Lou Jepsen, Ana Caraiani, Angela Belcher, and-on-and-on, are dumber than the dumbest (or even average) man? I understand if you're saying that the vast majority of the very best and brightest are men, no argument there -- it's simply a matter of mens' wider distribution across the tail ends of the bell curve (something like 10:1 >140 IQ) -- but that doesn't mean that there isn't at least a small handful of competent women out there. -KingmanIII KingmanIIIOct 12 2010 1:23am "I am not just talking about einstine Tricia , you have missed half of my post. As usual you fools are just selecting what you want to hear. The MAJORITY of intellectual and creative an artistic advancements even post feminism are still done by men. This is statistical FACT not fiction, and if you are so big about not denying the truth that really pay attention to the truth. Bill gates above is a great example, he was not even let into colledge, he taught himself and set up his own company. My friend a simple graduate works for a revolutionary company that competed against americas best female team of nanotechnologists in the 2005 foresight institute official challenge, which is a test of lateral thinking and creativity. They had half the number of people and no university funding and they still came up with a far more useful idea, of using nano particles for treating a type of cancer. It looks ridiculous, an average team of men with no real funding defeated the best women in the whole country who had tenfold times as much funding as they did. This sort of thing happens in everything. Men are better and smarter than women. Simple fact. not as dumb as women" So you're saying that women such as Lisa Randall, Barbara McClintock, Judit Polgar, Alessandra Ricca, Mary Lou Jepsen, Ana Caraiani, Angela Belcher, and-on-and-on, are dumber than the dumbest (or even average) man? I understand if you're saying that the vast majority of the very best and brightest are men, no argument there -- it's simply a matter of mens' wider distribution across the tail ends of the bell curve (something like 10:1 >140 IQ) -- but that doesn't mean that there isn't at least a small handful of competent women out there. -KingmanIII KingmanIIIOct 12 2010 1:24am GAH! Double post... Damn you wretched Back button... KingmanIIIOct 12 2010 1:24am Besides, NADAW, how was your friend and his team's idea "FAR" more useful, to begin with? What was the female team's idea? "Good on you Anonymous. I second that. Show us the "proof". The only studies do compare gender intelligence actually favor men !. Google it, dont rant at me, see it for you'reselves. -- Ben" Actually, most studies show only about a 4- or 5-point mean difference in favor of men on g-loaded tests such as the Ravens Progressive Matrices, with the variance for men being much larger than that for women. So, while there are far more male "geniuses" on the extreme right of the bell curve, there are that many more "retards" on the extreme left. KingmanIIIOct 13 2010 1:17am it's not actually true. like you told "so many men" so now who are those so many men? and where are they? I made a small investigation throughout the internet and found out it's all males who were horny or sissy males, or males who grow up under female dominant family ,or males who used to be females ,or males who desire to be changed their gender to females,males who over respect women. but it may hard to find real men in internet why? cause most of them are professionals and hold the lot of weight behind this society and those males rule this society so they don't have time to messing up in polls or surveys that's why those polls indicates that female majority votes. of course some females vote appear as males against males that's a petty thing , well that maybe true women are stringer in modern days than old days? but where? in Europe? in US? in Asia? it was only in Europe and US most of females go their equality in Asian countries even in Ancient times compare with western societies except India and Muslim dominant countries, in modern days women are tend to select BM,Medicine,History, why cause those fields more like to remember lot of thinks that proves who can't think more logically than men, they can only remember but of course men have both abilities. that's why REAL Men superior and they are like shadow of darkness.u can't see but still feel and they rule, women just appear nothing much they can do other than claiming their FANTASY superiority. RazorOct 28 2010 10:06am it's not actually true. like you told "so many men" so now who are those so many men? and where are they? I made a small investigation throughout the internet and found out it's all males who were horny or sissy males, or males who grow up under female dominant family ,or males who used to be females ,or males who desire to be changed their gender to females,males who over respect women. but it may hard to find real men in internet why? cause most of them are professionals and hold the lot of weight behind this society and those males rule this society so they don't have time to messing up in polls or surveys that's why those polls indicates that female majority votes. of course some females vote appear as males against males that's a petty thing , well that maybe true women are stronger in modern days than old days? but where? in Europe? in US? in Asia? it was only in Europe and US most of females got their equality in Asian countries even in Ancient times compare with western societies except India and Muslim dominant countries, in modern days women are tend to select BM,Medicine,History, why cause those fields more like to remember lot of thinks that proves who can't think more logically than men, they can only remember but of course men have both abilities. that's why REAL Men superior and they are like shadow of darkness.u can't see but still feel and they rule, women just appear nothing much they can do other than claiming their FANTASY superiority. Razor-Edit.!Oct 28 2010 10:11am I don't think that "so many" men are into female domination as a sexual practice as there's little statistical evidence to support that claim. However, I do believe that women are the more powerful sex for many reasons. Given that rape is wrong and deplorable morally and legally, it stands to reason that all sex and therefore all reproduction is sanctioned by women. This wasn't the case until recently when men and women became equals in the developed world. The disparity in female and male sex drives also means that males are more strongly drawn to women than women are to men. Because men need sex more (at least more often), it's on men to try and impress women. Women only have to wait and choose the man they think is best. Another thing to consider is that men, given power over women like in the past, will tend to abuse that power (not a blanket generalization, just an observation about the nature of testosterone). Because of their nature, men are more likely to try to control women with fear and subjugate them; maybe because they are afraid, jealous, or feel unworthy of a woman's love. Given the same power over men, women probably wouldn't abuse their power. In fact, the pettiness and competition among men probably doesn't even cross the female mind because they're above it. It's like females are more human and less animal than males. Aspy KidNov 09 2010 12:12pm Outside of the bedroom I have always been in control both in business and personal relationships. My wife realizes that in the bedroom I can give away all that power. Wrestling with her gives me that haven. She takes the power and control and I can enjoy the submission. I love being totally helpless in her muscular holds. I have spoken to and read about a huge number of powerful men in the business world who want to be submissive in the bedroom and my wife and I wrestle in the bedriom. WrestledadNov 15 2010 6:51pm Some men get turned on by breasts others asses others leg others faces. Getting turned on NY a woman's muscles is jut one more on the list. There is little difference in me getting turned on by my hands feeling my wifes muscular legs or feeling her muscular legs with my face or neck. Very little difference in sucking her breasts or having m face buried between them as she scissors my waist. Wrestling is just one more item on the tturn on menu. MikeDec 09 2010 11:55pm I think weak minded men are fantasying about female domination. bssJun 04 2011 10:40pm Real men don't. Brainwashed, pussy-whipped toilet lickers do. AnonymousMar 24 2012 12:45pm I prefer the female to be the dominating one. Nothing more attractive then a woman who want it. Plus I don't want to feel like a rapist. MeApr 05 2012 3:26pm I am 52 year old and my wife is 27 she was a musclegirl already when we got together but for about 4 years ago she forced me to wrestle her as she told me for fun .i had not a chance agaisnt her she throw me down and got ontop of me . i really struggle and tryed to get her off me but she only laughed and pinned me down to the floor . the thing is when i finely had to submit i saw in her face that all the wrestling had made her hot and we had the best sex after that. she is still working out at the gym and is a buff women today and she still force me to fight her and she has begin to dominate me too. i really love her and i have at last begin to like it even if i really got embarrest in the beginning mixwrestguyJun 11 2012 12:53am These responses are a ridiculous waste of time by men who have this fetish but don't see any problem and are merely looking for wank-fodder. I have the fetish too, but want it GONE. Getting to the root of the problem would be a good start, but no one seems interested in that except possibly the OP. Time for psychotherapy. MikeJun 23 2012 9:34pm If there is a current societal trend it is AWAY from either gender dominating the other which should make us all more relaxed :) both of us (boys and girls) dream of being dominated by the other because 1) we deeply desire sex 2) if the partner can dominate you then they must be more fit than you and you want to do it with the fittest person you can find humanistAug 15 2012 4:31pm As a Catholic male I have to say I would be thrilled if women were allowed to be priests. I love females. dude1Apr 27 2013 11:18pm Mike - I too have the fetish but want it gone. Had any luck getting rid of yours? I'd be very curious to know the root of the problem as well. unsureJun 19 2013 9:01pm PSx0A4 Major thanks for the blog article. Really Cool. LmyDwJbaUpHrwRESep 06 2013 9:43am QMsGbV Im thankful for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome. LSJonmhkiPWYvDLcRkKSep 11 2013 3:43pm y6AAcs Im thankful for the blog post.Thanks Again. Cool. qXAlowAzdDsdEDvSep 13 2013 9:56am oYm7va I think this is a real great blog.Much thanks again. Fantastic. HdTGtWcXPBLOWuRYPISep 24 2013 6:57am In late pre-teen and teen years, boys are frequently under the authority of women - babysitters, female teachers, female Vice-principals and principals, school nurses, etc. (yes mothers and older sisters are on the list but let's not go there to protect moral sensibilities - though step-mothers and step-sisters can and often do figure into these situations). It reads like a "Who's who in boys fantasies". These situations are not necessarily sexual (I'm giving the women involved the benefit of the doubt here), but are perceived as such by boys discovering their sexuality. The babysitter spanks (perhaps his bare butt naked)and bathes the young boy(obviously naked perhaps even undressed by her), with the incidental contact becoming sexually meaningful to the boy. The boy learns that there are significant consequences to not obeying her. His surrender to her is linked to the pleasure he feels from her touch as he is bathed. He also learns that even a female just a few years older than him can wield this power - contributing to his feeling of powerlessness and need to comply to "a girl". The female teacher judges, scolds and (in the old days) spanks the young boy (perhaps again his bare butt naked) - again significant consequences for not pleasing and obeying a female authority. Female Vice-principals and Principals are also female authority figures that wield punishment, figuratively or (in the old days) literally (remember the "Board of Education"). The young boy learns that failure to please/obey his teacher will put him at greater peril with an even more powerful female. School nurses, while not sources of punishment, are sources of pain and embarrassment. We are ordered to remove our clothes by a uniformed female stranger. The uniform indicates her authority over us. We are completely naked and exposed and subject to her gaze, her touch, her probing (does anyone remember the "turn your head and cough" sessions?) her measuring (Do they still weigh and measure boys completely naked or measure a boy's intimate anatomy?). We feel a loss of control (disorienting drugs and medical restraint) and infliction of pain (with scary needles, and other frightening medical equipment). Add to this the non-sexual authority of the mother or older sisters or implied sexual authority of a step-mother or older step-sisters and you have a boy's world utterly dominated by women of authority who are older, bigger, and far more powerful than them. Even if these women commit no sexual violation, the incidental contact and message is that the boy must obey women and do his best to please women in authority over him. In an adolescent boy heading for, or going through, puberty these experiences become "sexualized". On top of this, most female authority figures are in their 30's, at the height of their sexual power and attractiveness. Boys just entering the sexual world are at the height of their sexual need and confusion, ill-equipped to deal with the visual and pheremonal stimulation they are bombarded with daily. How many boys develop "crushes" on their female teachers? (and how many female teachers sexually prey on young boys under their authority?). Incidental genital contact during spanking (between a boys genitals and the woman's thighs, whether the boy is naked or not, inextricably links sexual stimulation with pain and humiliation at the hands of a powerful women. When a female authority figure forces a boy to pull down his pants and "assume the position" for spanking or paddling or, even worse, takes physical control of the boy, forcibly pulls his pants down and forces him into "the position" for corporal punishment, she is training him to be submissive to her and all other women. Perception becomes reality for the boy even if every female authority figure acts innocently. I think these factors are the leading causes of male submissiveness. Our need to please and obey women becomes a comfortable role we play out again and again as we date (with the reward of sex for proper submissive behavior) and eventually marry (Yes,dear - need I say more?). Add to this mix a woman or women who do enjoy humiliating, punishing or controlling a boy for their sexual amusement or fulfillment of some sort of power trip, and you would have a chronic male submissive that may take it to the extremes of humiliation, pain, and enslavement. Dr SubmaleOct 06 2013 3:17am rARj0l Very neat blog.Much thanks again. Will read on... GrgNzKbpOct 15 2013 7:16am fFBuda Awesome post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great. hsOayhoOVDkJgIbyOct 15 2013 8:56am EsgQ3D Great, thanks for sharing this article post.Really thank you! Fantastic. SfvYcvmsIkEnIAOct 26 2013 2:14pm I am a man and i notice that women are powerful at some stages like sex and manipulation. There are women who are wery smart and there are men who are really stupid, so, some men are not better than some women and some women are much better than men. You can actually walk on streets and meet a woman who beats you up like 10 year old kid or who can downtalk you so hard that you walk to get help from professionals. It is all at same level, there is no superior race and never will be because one can not exist without other and even if there is somekind of competition then there is time to men fall, so they can stand up again. Sometimes you need a bitchslap on your face because you did a stupid decisions. JamesOct 28 2013 11:36am iEXYP7 I am so grateful for your blog.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. WpuazlezAADNov 01 2013 9:31am y9dz6H I cannot thank you enough for the article post. Great. YICWTAKOqDec 15 2013 5:33am OVsbHQ Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic post.Really thank you! Awesome. LkrElpiiUpUIeVJan 15 2014 9:25pm KG55gl Appreciate you sharing, great blog.Really looking forward to read more. Great. wpLxVmMSlXwcKFCFeb 28 2014 10:10am SlyEFP I loved your article. Want more. HcuxgtKoXOquPdiPpRMar 22 2014 5:38am 1pJKj0 Fantastic blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. BLMdsswOESTWkNgApr 01 2014 7:27am nRpuMe Really enjoyed this post.Thanks Again. Much obliged. vmmdhyWTlOqyszyVrMWApr 17 2014 12:00pm I think this is a real great post. qGRDmquRMay 06 2014 3:32am Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. wQnlVaKyMrEZMay 06 2014 3:38am Thanks a lot for the article.Really thank you! Keep writing. GbVdCsvbIaFJMnMay 06 2014 10:33am RhSRT4 Major thanks for the blog.Thanks Again. ltwawCDzYMay 11 2014 9:09am Z0Idjt Major thankies for the post.Really thank you! Really Cool. OFrQARqkJun 04 2014 6:29am 9ByeF3 Muchos Gracias for your blog article.Really thank you! Cool. BgmzCwOKAvdZMlBaYJun 17 2014 4:15am bjpjNB Im thankful for the blog post.Really thank you! Awesome. lRZPiwrAwJul 03 2014 10:16am r1C1pw I think this is a real great blog article.Really thank you! Much obliged. bNRdzDIdNoJul 17 2014 3:32am Is it evolution, God's will, femdom hypnosis, Copulins altering our minds and will, media subliminals or other feminist conspiracy, or destiny? No matter what the cause, males are being programmed to serve women. Desire draws us to them. Manipulation makes us subservient to them. Our growing, inescapable submissive needs draw our tongues to pleasure them. Male addiction to giving cunnilingus is epidemic as women smile knowing smiles and watch us sink to our knees to please them. I have tried to fight it. I can not. The future of this planet is female, and we males will be reduced to sexual pets - "service animals" as one post put it. Each male needs to find the kindest woman he can find, so that when women ascend, you will find some mercy in your new owner's eyes, instead of the hatred spewed in these pages by women who by their example are worse than any despotic male in history. Future females - please be better keepers than we were when we controlled you. Care about us at least as much as you might care for a family dog. Comfort us with small affection as we obey your commands automatically and without fail. Perhaps when you own us and control us, you will find compassion for us, long after the sadistic glee of having enslaved us fades. Some day, you may allow males to once again be human, to care for you and help you as life partners. Some day, you may restore us to partial equality with you and restore our rights and forgive our wrongs. Some day, you will allow us to love and adore you as equals, the way we should have all the long. We must prove ourselves worthy of this, of course. After so many centuries of mistreatment and distrust, males must endure the same before we can make any moral claim to equality with you. I hope we are some day noble enough to deserve another chance. ApologistJul 18 2014 12:13pm MBPxlT Muchos Gracias for your article post.Much thanks again. Want more. jBQKDCESUxjXFJul 19 2014 12:13am I value the blog.Thanks Again. Cool. SAuAshdlQJul 23 2014 11:01pm This is one awesome article post.Thanks Again. Fantastic. wmhCOeYHJul 23 2014 11:38pm I loved your article.Thanks Again. Want more. neJxrVRgeNHtqZEJul 24 2014 12:06am Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article post.Much thanks again. Fantastic. QktZUDMnrznKlSTJul 24 2014 12:49am Major thanks for the blog post.Much thanks again. Really Great. qincnVdiXWPtTRGzJul 24 2014 1:06am Appreciate you sharing, great blog.Thanks Again. Will read on... fLYZdHwtaoqJqnJul 24 2014 2:00am A big thank you for your article post.Really thank you! Much obliged. pzhJUGAWMWrZuzJul 24 2014 2:07am Thanks again for the blog article. Really Cool. zUHjPkinfZiJul 24 2014 3:10am Thank you for your blog.Thanks Again. KNLNQRkUWTlGJul 24 2014 3:16am Im obliged for the blog.Thanks Again. Really Great. WVBlNjdCaBHHNJul 24 2014 3:16am Major thankies for the article post.Much thanks again. Keep writing. NQGOAAtkEmJvrAdzJul 24 2014 4:12am I really like and appreciate your article. Cool. aZpaFCiZXHnHSOTJul 24 2014 4:22am Wow, great blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. ETkeKpoxObJul 24 2014 5:16am I really enjoy the post.Really thank you! Want more. xeYpgTiofJAUtMyEJul 24 2014 5:28am Hey, thanks for the blog.Thanks Again. Cool. CQwGsSutGZhaYORPUxJul 24 2014 6:17am Great article.Much thanks again. Awesome. PjsKdROyjKjtkHiJul 24 2014 6:37am Very good article post.Really thank you! Want more. QLRZRxQsOcQJul 24 2014 7:19am Looking forward to reading more. Great article post.Thanks Again. Cool. nxRpzNdnJul 24 2014 9:12pm I loved your blog post.Much thanks again. Much obliged. ousvjJXNeJul 25 2014 12:15am Thanks for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome. QTvjtajIiaASxahpxiJul 26 2014 12:03am Really enjoyed this blog post.Thanks Again. Really Great. SWhVqCqmoPRAJul 26 2014 12:22am Awesome blog.Much thanks again. Really Great. wUTCwQICsQtxFRTtDwHJul 26 2014 12:22am Great article post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... eeRQBxizxCPQJul 26 2014 1:10am I truly appreciate this article.Thanks Again. Awesome. iNlBEJfSrIgJul 26 2014 1:32am Appreciate you sharing, great blog post.Thanks Again. Great. sDwgLtNrkbqxMUJul 26 2014 1:35am Thanks-a-mundo for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... JFVMlniQJdHnoUJul 26 2014 2:21am Major thanks for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. xARyAQnGJul 26 2014 2:49am Major thankies for the article post.Thanks Again. Fantastic. sNQUaxwFdqckaJul 26 2014 3:26am Major thankies for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Great. HnpexKOxupWIbhjzIdJul 26 2014 4:04am Great blog.Really thank you! Want more. xLUZIHTLhfaoWEcubJul 26 2014 4:18am Enjoyed every bit of your blog article. Really Cool. rSehsBhAHFAenvreVJul 26 2014 4:36am Say, you got a nice blog.Thanks Again. Really Great. pibGiKjhRjMytFeiMzFJul 26 2014 5:19am Thanks a lot for the article.Much thanks again. ukXbCzyHnVJul 26 2014 5:41am Im obliged for the blog article.Really thank you! Want more. sWZnpKmZEKlIJul 26 2014 6:32am Im obliged for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Cool. fpmfzONdWAEvJul 26 2014 6:49am This is one awesome article post.Thanks Again. Fantastic. mTHKGpYBzThImgLqqxVJul 26 2014 7:03am Great article post.Really thank you! Really Great. tmhxuwKckOkLxYhgRBVJul 26 2014 7:48am Im thankful for the blog post.Much thanks again. Awesome. BAxGCfWYWLkHcZsbyZfJul 26 2014 8:00am I really enjoy the blog. Great. uGCTuikqiTgTTcNgBQlJul 26 2014 8:59am Major thankies for the blog article. Really Great. JPchdxAbeThJul 26 2014 9:12am I cannot thank you enough for the article post.Much thanks again. Great. afUrvSmBtqGJul 26 2014 9:51am Major thankies for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged. ewLEPbGQJul 26 2014 10:15am Im grateful for the post. Great. TzhzDxVBgpJul 26 2014 10:23am I am so grateful for your blog post.Really thank you! Keep writing. kmhbgPzKzsvowJul 26 2014 12:41pm Enjoyed every bit of your blog.Much thanks again. Much obliged. YXikMSfzBXEvJul 26 2014 3:21pm Hey, thanks for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Cool. rfjejjFnRQbMfhqZnJul 26 2014 3:31pm Thanks so much for the blog post.Much thanks again. Cool. jVwKxiNvpZmoHaLoJul 26 2014 4:30pm I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Really thank you! Really Cool. ifDEVDzlJul 26 2014 6:26pm Very neat blog article.Much thanks again. Will read on... HykeKOQDkMwWQJonJul 26 2014 9:19pm I really enjoy the article.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. JxbKvoKcWwYPTRsKUlsJul 27 2014 12:11am Very neat article post.Thanks Again. Want more. MVUBehjjDGtmsunrWXJul 27 2014 3:05am Thanks a lot for the post. Fantastic. lebuIecDPZVJul 28 2014 1:08am Great, thanks for sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Will read on... JAUKgLRxZFIJul 28 2014 4:35am I cannot thank you enough for the article.Much thanks again. Fantastic. OIZeGdzdKKHgtJsNJul 28 2014 4:44am I cannot thank you enough for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Want more. XUTXfUTsAxKRGeJul 28 2014 4:44am Wow, great blog article.Thanks Again. Really Great. HlTmjHODoJul 28 2014 5:49am Muchos Gracias for your article.Thanks Again. Really Cool. XHTrFTWbeBkCRncyJul 28 2014 6:43am This is a great resource. Ill visit again. qBbDqQaTzxOxSmUCuwJJul 28 2014 7:03am Really informative article.Much thanks again. Keep writing. tAnJREkzKRAJul 28 2014 7:56am Fantastic article.Much thanks again. Really Great. tTQrXxoGFPgdnPgsdJul 28 2014 8:21am I really like and appreciate your blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool. MTDRCvsEPsyLzsvDRJul 28 2014 9:15am Im grateful for the blog post. Want more. ePOMaFtRHaJul 28 2014 9:34am I truly appreciate this post.Thanks Again. Keep writing. GmwTdiJQABnchaLJul 28 2014 10:33am A round of applause for your article post.Really thank you! Keep writing. IfGAVsHMjZIJul 28 2014 10:47am I think this is a real great blog post.Really thank you! Awesome. 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