I didn't vote for boys being raised as servants but they should be raised differently. The current system doesn't seem to be working. Girls are a grade and a half ahead of boys academically and too many males drop out of school and turn to crime. Young males cause a disproportionate amount of traffic fatalities, they simply shouldn't be allowed to drive until a later age than girls. Trying to raise the sexes the same ends up frustrating boys who then act out those frustrations in negative ways. Boys need sterner discipline than girls do too. Without a doubt, girls should be educated to the highest possible standards, ensuring positions of responsibility, organising, controlling, owning and running everything. Boys however, should be, not so much educated, but rather trained to work on menial, manual labour, so as to be of as much use as possible in a matriarchal society. The future is femaleOct 13 2007 9:44am Here are my two cents: I believe that any violence done by boys against girl ought to be punished severely -- say, with a good caning/whipping. As for a verbal violence and cursing -- I haven't come to a dicision yet... Maybe our dear Ladies could help me? NickOct 13 2007 9:56pm Here are my two cents: I believe that any violence done by boys against girl ought to be punished severely -- say, with a good caning/whipping. As for a verbal violence and cursing -- I haven't come to a dicision yet... Maybe our dear Ladies could help me? NickOct 14 2007 8:28am I am a strong beleiver that boys should not be beaten.But men should be. It is inevitable that Womyn will need a different education from males as they are destined to run society and males to follow. Lou RollsOct 14 2007 9:14pm Raised as servants was not one of the choices. AnonymousOct 15 2007 6:23pm Yes it was, it's right in the question,"...does it mean that they will be brought up as servants...". So my post mentioned that I voted for males and females to be raised differently but I think it is wasteful to raise males as servants. Males having fewer rights makes sense but servants is too extreme IMO. AnonymousOct 17 2007 5:31pm No. It is not. AnonymousOct 17 2007 8:49pm Well, actually my initial options did not contain the words "...as servants", but surely they were assumed. So I expect that some readers will like to discuss it. As for myself, I believe that men still can save their leadership in some areas, like science, technics and heavy manual labour. The latter is surelt their (i.e. our) must, as for about the first two -- that depends... NixonOct 18 2007 11:25am I thought women already had all the power and since the creeps are telling us how wonderfully well they are doing thanks to a perversely organised media,don't you think it is time the boys are helped out a little now.For a start I think girls,not boys should be called up to fight wars now,they're bound to win aren't they? and this would help boys play catch up at school.I'm sure there will be plenty of work for girls to come home to,like digging ditches and graves,that is of course if they still have all their limbs,the pay and conditions won't be good,but why should they worry,their patriotic duties will be fulfilled.If you want all the power girls,take the responsibility as well.Playing master isn't all it's cracked up to be. mike sOct 19 2007 4:32am 2 mike s Well, if in previous centuries it was barons and landlords and other noble people who had power, do you suppose that it was they who dug ditches? In short, my opinion is that all dirty and heavy work (except pregnancy and childbirth, of course) ought to be done by us, men. It's we who have muscular power uncreative imagination for it to do! NixonOct 19 2007 11:30am #0012 - (Fri.) * 10/19/07/ UpdateOct 19 2007 7:05pm 2 mike s Well, if in previous centuries it was barons and landlords and other noble people who had power, do you suppose that it was they who dug ditches? In short, my opinion is that all dirty and heavy work (except pregnancy and childbirth, of course) ought to be done by us, men. It's we who have muscular power uncreative imagination for it to do! NixonOct 19 2007 10:39pm Ugh!! ANOTHER poll about female domination!! Just what this web site needs -- NOT!! If this web site had 50 polls about how great it would be for whites to dominate blacks, it would be quickly shut down. I want to see all of www.likelike.com permanently shut down and removed from the internet. If that is not possible, then I would like to see all polls on this web site erased and all new polls. AnonymousOct 21 2007 2:56pm #0015 - (Sun.) * 10/21/07 UpdateOct 21 2007 3:05pm Actually there is a poll by a reputed "Black man" about black men serving "White Queens". Nobody shut his poll down. About five or six people have answered it as is their right and the rest of the world has ignored it as is their right. If you scroll down near the bottom with the unpopular polls you will find it. There is also a poll about how white women should be maids to black women. That one also is not overwhelmingly popular but the people have right to their opinions. It amazes me how the people who do not like Femdom insist on posting on Femdom oriented polls. That would be like me posting on the Taken in Hand sites. If you absolutely have nothing in common with the poll premsises, saying so is somewhat counter productive. However, consistent with my philosophy I concede you have a right to do it. I just do not see what it proves. obedient husbandOct 21 2007 4:33pm Men are not stupid. Anyone who doesn't realize that this entire issue stems from the introduction of the "Whole Language" method of teaching literacy about 15 years ago is the cause of the "Boy Crisis" IS stupid. The idea is predicated on the ridiculous assumption that learning to read and write should come as naturally as speech. Not only does this fly in the face of ALL legitimate research on the subject, it is also an affront to common sense: human beings probably spoke almost from the dawn of our species whereas writing arose independently only three times in human history (Iraq [or possibly Egpyt], China, and the Yucatan) and the earliest of these was a mere 5000 years ago! This idiocy isn't doing girls any favors but since they are generally much better at 'global' learning they haven't suffered as much as boys who generally require a much more methodical approach to learning. Both genders actually learn better with the old, methodical "phonetic" approach but many more girls than boys can learn by the asinine new method. Since standards have been collapsing, girls, whose actual literacy rate has remained fairly stable, have appeared to skyrocket while boys, whose actual literacy rate has been in steep decline since the introduction of the new methodology, have appeared to have actually improved slightly. I know that some of the butch women and feeble men who like to post here would love a world of illerate males, but most of us, men and women (I hope), would prefer soldiers who can actually read the "point this end at enemy" sticker on the rocket-launcher to a huge mob of frustrated, stupid and underemployed young men! That's always been the demographic right before any massive social upheaval in modern history. (Nazis, Bolsheviks, Islamic Radicals, etc, etc.) Of course, America being what it is, instead of admitting we were wrong and reinstating the tried-and-true method that spawned mass literacy in the first place, I'm sure we're going to try all kinds of retarded NEW ideas, such as segrating classes by gender or letting boys do book reports on X-Men comics while they get up from their desks to do back flips every ten minutes or whatever other kind of feel-good nonsense the feminists use to keep from admitting that men and women are actually DIFFERENT including in the ways their brains function! This will probably go on until a gang of drooling jack-booted and steroid pumped fascist morons kicks in the White House door and gang rape the Presidents Clinton! After that, we'll probably get 'hooked on phonics' again. A good dose of "SIT DOWN, SHUT UP and STUDY!!" would probably do them some good too. - A literate, tri-lingual Male with a 159 IQ who, thankfully, graduated high-school before they decided to stop teaching boys how to read and write. The above AnonymousOct 22 2007 5:52am You poo-heads who want to take away male rights should talk to a veteran! WendyOct 22 2007 5:56am I was gonna give you ... uh ... poo, I guess, about the Presidents Clinton but then I realized you we're talking about both! Nicely done, grammar nerd! WendyOct 22 2007 6:04am Really I've never had such a thought that guys (even brought up differently than girls) should remain illiterate! I only meant that girls should be brought up as leaders and guys as their servants, and that the earlier it will be imprinted in them both the better. But of course, any guy must be able to read the instruction for a home device or a lathe! NixonOct 23 2007 4:53am The trilingal gentleman is right! I am a teacher at an 'alternative' school for kids with severe discipline problems and I have seen first hand the way boys are getting the shaft in schools. Typically, 90% of my students are male. Some of them are just plain criminals, but others are obviously suffering from mental health issues. Of the 19 kids I am teaching this year, 3 are boys with test IQs over 130 but the school system has just given up on them (another seems incredibly intelligent, but he can barely read so his IQ tests quite low). No attempt at discipline is made and the school is run like the 'Lord of the Flies' island. This is an incredible waste of human potential. Hopefully these young men will 'wake up' on their own and use the wits they were born with, but they will probably end up being drug addicts or criminals. It is really sad and, like my boyfriend pointed out recently, China has a huge surfeit of young men and this will probably cause lots of trouble in Asia in the near future, but our overly-feminized culture will probably be unable to cope with an ultra-aggressive China driven (at some level) by the collective sex-drive of a 100 million or so frustrated young Chinese men who can't find women. He says we should preemptively dump a bunch of 'Queer Eye' and 'Will and Grace' videos on Chinese markets in an effort to gay-up some of these guys, but it probably won't work. WendyOct 24 2007 1:35am A lot of this depends on what one means by 'matriarchy'. If one means a liberal, progressive and democratic society where women have gained most of the economic power and thus political influence, we are almost certainly heading towards a period of matriarchy that will last a least 15 years even if we take sensible measures to redress today the gender bias in the literacy education because much of the damage is already done as regards the generation of boys currently being disadvantaged by the idiotic methodology I cited in my last post. In any case, women have generally have better multi-tasking and people skills, so they will probably end up dominating much of the business world one way or another. If by 'matriarchy', however, one means a society wherein men are treated like a labor class or chattel, in don't think that is even possible for several reasons: 1) The relative sucess of women in our society is highly dependant on the nature of that society itself. Our society is heavily legalized and non-violent compared to anything that has come before it. Many male traits that may have provided benefits to our more primative ancestors are disadvantageous in this world, while many female traits that were long suppressed or subordinated have been allowed to thrive in a relatively non-violent and legalistic world. This society is also very heavily dependant on sensitive technology and fragile global economics, however, and there is no guarentee that some chaotic event in the future (a natural disaster or political upheaval) won't bring the edifice crashing down and hurl us back to an age where the ability to throw big rocks quite far was more pertinant to daily life than the ability to talk on the phone, email, listen to the radio and do one's make-up at the same time. Trying to make a bunch of poorly educated and aggressive young men into the slaves of their sisters and girlfriends will probably precipitate exactly the kind of social disaster that could lead to the collaspe of our 'woman-friendly' culture. 2) Any political system that hopes to oppress even a small minority of its citizens (let alone the 52% or so of women trying to hold down the 48% or so of men) needs to have very effective secret-police and other repressive organs. In order to function properly these institutions need to be staffed by a certain kind of individual: extremely emotionally calloused or simply sociopathic. Not that it speaks well of my gender, but the vast majority (97% or so) of these personality types are male. A matriarchal dictatorship would have a great deal of trouble finding enough women to staff its concentration camps and reeducation centers if they planned on widescale repressive measures against nearly half the population. 3) The average women is, in my opinion, better equipped than the average man to suceed in today's society. Men, however, are three times more likely to have IQs over 140 (Genius) and will therefore probably continue to be over-represented at the highest levels of business, politics and the bureaucracy. One of the reasons for the continuing perception of a 'glass ceiling' is that above-average women generally outperform men in the business world and advance steadily until a certain point when they suddenly find themselves competing against the truly brilliant men who've made to the same level. 4) If (when?) women are smart enough to run the show, they're too smart to waste the intellectual potential of men by treating them like animals. Most women are concerned about the welfare of their sons, brothers, husbands and boyfriends and probably wouldn't go in for this kind of crap in any case. Of course, genetic engineering or another technology may well render the historical precedents that I'm using here to predict the future utterly meaningless, but barring the coming of the 'uber-woman', I'm more concerned about domination by insects or Muslims. Guy who bragged about his IQOct 24 2007 6:12am Good comment about the vets Wendy! AnonymousOct 24 2007 6:17am you think to much guy women will not be incharge ever becuase there stupider and weaker than men usually are and that is why men well always be in charge! bob is boss of his wifeOct 24 2007 8:39am Nixon,men are so unimaginative that they invented nearly everything which makes life worth living.My point is that whilst men are always likely to do the dirty ,heavy jobs that should mean more pay,not less. Where I live the men who collect all the garbage etc are allowed to earn only as much as the part time women in a canteen pouring cups of tea.That's equality? and means people would far rather pour tea than get their hands dirty. Anonymous,don't take it so seriously, this is all fantasy.Sure you can't talk about whites being superior to blacks or men to women,this is the whole irony of these blogs so you have to put it the other way round to get any input. miike.sOct 24 2007 3:39pm #0026 - (Thu.) * 10/25/07 UpdateOct 24 2007 10:46pm 2 mike s: Yes, I agree that on the whole men usually are smarter in technics and science. I've already said (or maybe I forgot this) that technics and science should be left mostly to men (as long as they show much better results than women). 2 Guy with a good IQ: No, I don't suppose that it will be a type of opperesive regime. The fact is that even now the number of submissive men who wish to be ruled by dominant women exceeds several times the number of dominant women. So what we ought to do is to advocate the FemDom lifestyle through mass media -- and a huge number of zealous and ardent men will willingly do all dirty work. And I suppose that ordinary policemen and jailors to deal with male criminals will be males, too, because this job is too heavy and too dirty for women. But top officer will surely be females. No, I don't suppose that all heavy and dirty jobs must be paid higher. Higher must be paid the job which demands a higher education (thus a top manager must have a much better salary than a loader). And since in future an avarage women will be more educated than an average men, she will surely have a better salary as well. NixonOct 25 2007 6:16am Nixon,the point I was making is that,if all us guys need dominant women,and I'm certainly not arguing that we don't and if we end up doing all the rubbish jobs then the least the govt should do is to make those jobs worthwhile economically because we will not all have wives to support us.My main argument is that women do not want to be dominant,that they have been given rights far in excess of that which is good for an equal society and anyway,if one is so dominant,gets paid the most,has better education,why should that person then need to have accorded to them all the criminal and civil rights that the other party doesn't have? mike sNov 02 2007 9:23am Guy who bragges about his IQ your psot is the most brilliant yet.The future Matriarchy will be based on a tolerant peaceful society the flowering of which is from an advanced one today and not from some backward catastrophe hit one.But males in the minority of the population have managed to oppress Womyn for so long so if any recalcitrant males try to hinder progress it will be eeasy to control. On the subject of re education centres these would not be to primarily punish males but to do as it says teach them how to behave properly in a civilized society. Big BrendaNov 21 2007 11:44pm To mike s: Giving to Women much more rights than to males is absolutely Logical: if a pendulum was pushed to one side for a long time (and we used to oppress Wemen for millennia), then it had to pass the balance and to rush to the opposite side. Nick N (former Nixon)Dec 05 2007 12:16pm Brenda, they already have 'reeducation centers' for violent, stupid men: they're called 'prison'. Unfortunately, the vast majority of 'reeducation' they recieve in this day and age involves pumping iron, joining gangs and generally becoming more effective criminals. I couldn't agree with you more that these people need to be reeducated (or disposed of) and the current system isn't getting the job done, but most men are not particularly violent and I don't think it's acceptible to assume that men (or any other citizen) needs 'reeducation' until they've demonstrated an inability to function in regular society. For instance, most women have no problem raising their kids but a few go off the deep end and drown them in the bath-tub: this doesn't mean we should preemptively pump pregnant women full of anti-depressants on the off chance they might become post-partum depressive infanticides. I personally have no problem taking orders from women (I did in the military and I still do from my girlfriend), but I believe everyone should be judged as individual regardless of the general traits of whatever group one chooses to place them in (gender, race, nationality, etc). Nick N- It is profoundly illogical to take rights from modern males based on historic misogyny, real or supposed. How are the men and boys of today responsible for the behavior of their distant forefathers? I think it also bears pointing out that the idea of 'patriarchy' is blown way out of proportion. Different societies have always treated gender relations in different ways and women have often had a great deal of power even in supposed patriarchal societies (Eleanor of Aquitane in Medieval Europe, for example). Women have almost always been excluded from politics in pre-modern democratic societies (they've often weilded absolute power in autocratic societies) but this has to be viewed in context: in societies like classical Athens and Repulican Rome, the electorate was one and the same with the citizen-militia (army) and politics and warfare were even more intrinsically linked than today. Likewise, in the pre-gunpowder ages warfare was even more a 'man's business' than it is today. Because the citizen body and the military were one and the same, and nearly every political decision involved whom to fight with and when, it would have been profoundly stupid to allow women, who had no serious military role or experience, to participate in the democratic process. Exclusion from politics in these primitive democracies, however, didn't mean women were powerless or oppressed, simply that their power took different forms. In Athens, for instance, women had a great deal of religious power and Roman Matrons were famous (infamous) for using their wealth, sons and husbands to dominate society. I'm glad to see women thriving in modern society but I certainly don't think they need to artificially fetter men in order to continue to succeed and that it would be a disaster if it were tried. Braggart GuyDec 10 2007 2:46pm women are not getting better, men are getting weaker and dumber. all through the animal kingdom, males are being born deformed and in fewer numbers because male biology is more suseptible to genetic mutation because they only have one x chromosome and women have 2 and that give them redundancy. i think because human beings are so complicated that the mutations that are hurting male human today are as obvious as in frogs and stuff but this is why so many of them are doing so bad at school and stuff. i think that this from pollution and toxins in cheap food and you can tell this is true because the boycrisis is so much worse in poor communities that are most exposed to poullution etc. i dont think we should be gloating and celebrating girls beacuse sooneer or later well start to get sick too if we keep posioning the planet and we still need men to insure the survival of the species. GwenDec 12 2007 4:11am I know that most of the people who post here are simply expressing their sexual fantasies and that not everyone writes internet posts to the best of their abilities but I think it's ironic that in a forum about Female Supremacy, the "IQ Guy" definittly has the best posts both for quality of writng and clarity of thought. Obviously, not all males are stupid or inferior! I also think that the anonymous guy who keep complaining about the polls should calm down a litte. LIke I said most of the people here are simply expressing fantasies anyways and even if they really are violent man-haters it's their right to do so and people who think like you are a far bigger threat to our free society than any radical fringe group. If you don't like the polls, don't participate or post comments mokcing the stupidtiy of the others that post here. WendyDec 12 2007 4:45am Wendy he might be smart but hes emotionally retarded and lacks impulse control just like all men. Being smart just makes that type more dangerous because they can convince other men and stupid womyn to due what they want them to but if you take away the logic and eloquence hes just a retarded half-ape like all men. If womyn want to keep men around at all we should breed them to be big, stupid so that they are good at digging ditches and oversexed so that we can control them more easily. Womyn dont need men for thinking because we are better at that anyway even if some of them are really smart they are the ones that become dictartors and stuff and end up killing millions of people. They need to be controlled or eliminated as soon as the matriarchy comes and we will bring up boys in the future to serve womyn and we will make sure they don't know anymore than they need to be effective servants. GIRLPOWERDec 13 2007 2:41am #0035 - (Tue.) * 12/25/07 UpdateDec 25 2007 11:53am nixon,women as a gender have never been treated badly,not for the last 150 years anyway,in fact they have always been the dominant force,the ones who ran the family,controlled the finances,gave most of the orders,bought the kids up,most were idolised.If you mean in the workplace then I think most men will tell you that working for some Bastard for 50 years is not dominance,women will find that out for themselves. Oh,by the way I'm not a noble or a baron,are you? mike sJan 03 2008 3:35pm Nixon, if the fact that women have been oppressed in various places and various times in history makes it "absolutely logical" to have modern women oppress modern men in order to redress the balance than it would follow by your "perfect logic" that all the Europeans, Asians and Africans should leave the Americas and go back to their homelands and the Indians should follow them over, give everyone AIDS and then force them onto reservations. It would also follow that every white American should sign his or herself and all their descendants into African slavery for at least 6 or 7 generations. Maybe the Japanese should have a free shot a nuking a couple US cities or Israel should round up every German it can lay its hands on and throw them into death camps. Why stop there? How about we let our dogs keep us as pets for a few thousand years or fatten cattle on soilent green? In summary, your "logic" is not logic. It is, in fact, one of the stupidest single statements I've ever encountered. EVER. And I spend a good deal of time on the internet! IQ-Guy is right: each INDIVIDUAL human-being is accountable for his or herself and only his or herself ... trying to hold modern people accountible for the actions of others, especially people long-dead and so beyond any possible influence of the living, will lead to nothing but utter chaos as one seeks justice for an inexhaustible catalog and a retarded-monkey could see that. I'm truly curious: do you actually believe that what you're saying is logical or are you simply so aware of the utter bankruptcy of your opinion that you'll simply make any kind of ridiculous claim to back it up? WendyJan 18 2008 4:17am Iqguy is a chauvinist moron and Wendy is either really a fagit man who loves him or the grossest collaborate with the patriarchy ever in the history of womyn and niether one is going be tolerated in the FEMALE DOMINATED FUTURE! GIRLPOWERJan 18 2008 4:21am no there is definitly something wrong with men. i am 24 and i can se it everywhere ... im no smarter than my dad and my older brother and his boy friends are at least as smart as my older sister and her girl friend on average but there are a lot fewer boys on campus than girls and most of them are OK but in highschool most of the boys were buffoons! it wasnt just that they were immature or lazy, either, they were just plain stupid for the most part. even the ones who were smart seemed kind of sick in the head and even physically girls are bigger and stronger and much healthier relative with the boys in my age group than even a few years before but im the exsact same height as my sister and only a little taller than my mom. part of this is probably socail like someof you are saying but that cant explain the sickliness and phusical decline. i think their is something in the enviroment that is poisoning men and we need to find it and stop it because even if id like a world with women in charge (and i dont think its impossible like bragged about iq guy says!) i just think whatevers causing this is just affecting men first and is going to start hurting women in a generation or two at because of the whole XX superiority thing bys us some time compared to men. GwenJan 18 2008 4:39am Girlpower - You are insane. I can't understand women that complain about male oppression and then want to turn around and oppress men. It's like George Carlin said in reference to feminism: "The only thing they could think to do was put on pants-suits with shoulder pads, go to work and do their best imitation of the typical businessmen. Wendy - Thanks for the comments. Gwen - I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say matriarchal society was impossible (it has existed in the past, still exists in some areas and may well make a comeback) simply that such a society would have to be democratic and free because any serious attempt to oppress men would result in chaotic violence and probably the overthrow of the matriarchal government. I think matriarchy's not only possible but likely in democratic, liberal countries but that it would be more of a situation arising out of women controlling most of the money and thus political influence rather than a society that actively tries to keep men down. That said, I think your theory about somekind of enviromental factor hurting the male of species is interesting, especially in the context of the very real mutations, etc, in the animal kingdom that do seem to affect mostly the males. I don't think you're right (I still believe the 'power-shift' between men and women in western societies to be mostly social: a result of women's liberation and subsequent blossoming juxtaposed against a West that considers a lot of traditional male behavior to be untoward or even criminal and combined with an education system run by women and designed for girls.) I think it's important to remember that plenty of us guys are doing just fine. I know that you pointed out the greater prevalence of power male performance in poorer communities but I think this too can be explained social factors. Still, assuming that you're on to something (and it could be a combination of factors), have you any idea what, specifically, might be poisoning us? GuyJan 23 2008 9:58am guy you are just afriad of womyn and our power and that is why you call me crazy. weak men always call powerful womyn crazy because they can not handle a strong female because they know they dont stand a chance against her and that is why men have tried so hard for so long to keep the sisters down but now we are strong and free and getting stronger everydday and men jsut cant keep up with us but it doesnt matter because soon you will be my slave and i will be your mistress and then i will dispose of you as i see fit! GIRLPOWERJan 23 2008 10:20am Girlpower - Not only are you insane, but you are also apparently an semi-literate incapible of reading my posts. Far from fearing them, I respect strong women and would like to see more of them. My girlfried is a lot stronger than me physically: I'm 6', only 145 lbs and kind of sickly from things that happened to me in the military and she's 5' 8', weighs as much as I do and has a black-belt. She has a better formal education and a better job that I do. She pretty much runs the show in our relationship and, far from having a problem with that, I appreciate the fact that I don't have to think about petty-crap provided I do what she tells me to when she tells me to do it. Part of this, no doubt, is a result of having spent most of my adult life in the service, so I'm used to taking orders and I'm kind of lost without someone ordering me about. I'd be lost without her! She pretty much runs the household and is superior to me in everyway except two: I am smarter than she is, at least as far as raw intelligence and analytical power is concerned, so I more or less dictate her opinion about anything of wider import (politics, science, history, etc) and I have a MUCH higher pain threshold which is my only chance when we play-fight (she is a huge wimp when it comes to pain). She is physically stronger than me, much more emotionally stable (though, again, this may well have to do with some of the things I've done for my country and that weigh on my conscience), she definitely has better social and multi-tasking skills, despite the fact that I am an excellent multi-tasker for a male. On the other hand, she loves and respects me and doesn't treat me like an animal or a servant and, as much as I love her myself, I wouldn't tolerate if she did. I think the situation is generally similar (if not in the specifics) in most relationships that aren't "sick", such as those wherein the boy-friend/husband uses physical coercion to intimidate the woman or wherein the man isn't totally dominant because he's with a very inferior woman (ie. Rocket Scientist marries stripper). I think in most 'normal' relationships, even long before women's lib, the female tends or has tended to be the dominant partner. Biologically men are designed to defend and serve (and service, ha, ha) women, so that doesn't suprise me at all. So you see, GIRLPOWER, I'm not afraid of strong women but I am afraid of idiotic, neo-fascist bimbos such as yourself, more because you examplify just how incredibly stupid people can be rather than because I percieve any threat coming my way from you and your ilk. Like I said, parthengenesis or genetic engineering may change this, but until that day you, and all the other western women who 'think' (I use the term loosely) like you would do well to remember that your freedom and success is very heavily predicated on the nature of the society in which we live, a society largely created and almost wholely defended by men without whom you're simply another potential girl for some shiek's harem. "Never forget for even one moment that you sleep soundly at night only because somewhere rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf." -George Orwell GuyJan 23 2008 10:49am Guy, I am sure that if you are currently in servitude to a Woman, Girlpower would recognize the right of your owner to treat you as She sees fit. At least I think that's what She would say. As a mere male, I cannot comment with certainty as to minds of our Superiors. obedient husbandJan 26 2008 7:48am Obedient Husband - I am a free citizen of a free nation. I do not have an owner. I will die before I am enslaved and I would give my own life rather than forbear the enslavement of others. My girlfriend does not 'own' me. Ours is a relationship of mutual respect. She would not want, nor would I tolerate, anything else. BTW, since you obviously know how to write, you're superior to probably 85% of the women on Earth who don't. The statistical variation within genders (genius to imbecile) is far greater than that between the sexes (a few IQ points and life expectancy at most) so terms like 'mere male' and 'superior' are sort of silly unless you count, say, da Vinci as a 'mere male' and Paris Hilton as one of your superiors. If you really do, I suggest you consult a psychologist post haste. If it's just sexual fantasy, have at it but I still don't understand the whole castration thing. (I don't understand Furries, Homosexuals or Foot-Fetishists either so no big deal: there's no accounting for taste!) GuyApr 24 2008 9:28pm I do not know that it is 85%. Social custom has denied formal education to many classes of people over the last 10,000 years. Certainly 1,000 years ago in say India, Brahmins could write and untouchables were not permitted to learn. Did that make the Brahmins superior to the untouchables? I generally do come on these sites to relax and do not engage in detached intellectual thought. However, from a sexual point of view if I encountered Paris Hilton in a social club at 2 am and She wanted to beat me, I would probably submit. I would not submit to Da Vinci(or Einstein or Newton) so yes, from the standpoint of a sexually submissive male looking to serve, Paris Hilton is my Superior while Da Vinci is not. obedient husbandApr 25 2008 7:25pm 6/10/08 annonymousJun 10 2008 12:28pm Boys should undergo castration of their balls at the age of 10. Castration of their dicks at age 15. TerryOct 28 2008 5:52am Ms. Terry, most respectfully Ma'am, how would Women breed? obedient husbandOct 28 2008 4:44pm Ms Terry, Your idea is quite reasonable. But before starting doing it i dare recommend to make sure that the Girl babies conceiving using that analogue of male sperm made of Women's marrow (or wharever else) - that these Gils have no defects and problems with their health. Or are you going to freeze boys' spems in liquid nitrogen? Nick NDec 30 2008 5:09am And now for a breif experiment. Poo, Poo. 1Nov 28 2009 5:44pm Just as I thought! Red poo, Black poo. 2Nov 28 2009 5:45pm Now to circumvent the language filter, S.H.I.T. THERE, TRY CENSORING THAT, FOOLS!!! 3Nov 28 2009 5:48pm Here ends the esperiment. an intelligent life formNov 28 2009 5:50pm What would this hypothetical future matriarchy do about muslims? A.I.M.Jan 08 2010 6:32pm think that girls and boys should know the truth that girls are better students than boys and that because of this the future belongs to the women. Women should be and will be the leaders in the professions and business (after they bust the glass ceiling along with some other things) and in government. Boys should be educated to accept that since women are smarter and better educated than men, they can make better decisions and should be the leaders and that men should accept this and be the followers. Boys should be educated to accept the leadership of women not just in business and government but also in the home. The other side of the coin is that girls should be educated to want to take leadership, especially in government where now you see too many men. Women are superior to men intellectually and morally and society will be much better off if they ruled it just as much as men used to. In particular women need to find solutions to male violence in general and especially toward women. The place to begin is in the schools with improved socialization of boys not just to know their places in future matriarchy but to feel inside that that is the way things should be. This means educating boys to have a deep down and thorough acceptance of female superiority, which means socialilizing boys to feel submissive to girls. Feeling submissive does not mean groveling but simply accepting that a girl is more likely to be smarter and better educated than you and that you are better off if you do what she says. On the other hand, girls should be educated to accept that along with the power that their superiority brings, it also brings responsibility. Women's power should not be used to subjugate men--that would make women no better than men. But women are better than men. Women's power should be used to help men become as good as they can be. That would be the best thing for society. A society in which everyone is the best that she or he can be will always be better than one in which one half of the population is prevented from being the best that they can be. Believer in a future matriarchyMay 06 2011 5:01pm Beleive me, Beleiver, women WILL use that power to subjugate men just as men did to women before them. an intelligent life formMay 12 2011 5:20pm I'm a 40 year old man, I'm only 2'8" (I have some hormone problems) and very scrawny. I am a single father of 3 girls. The oldest is 10, and she's already 6'2". The middle daughter is 6, and she's 5'0". The youngest is 3, and she is 4'2". I am completely at their mercy. If you are in somehow similar situation, e-mail me: weaksmall@yahoo.com AnonymousAug 23 2011 8:43am All boys should have their dirty little dicks cut off at the first sign of masturbation, and castrated at puberty after providing several semen samples. Both should be done without anesthetic. TeresaApr 14 2012 8:50am Women will not be able to set up a matriarchal society. Men will rebel and put women in their place. Men will re-establish patriarchy. No matriarchyMay 25 2012 10:11am I made the provacative argument that "Women will not be able to set up a matriarchal society. Men will rebel and put women in their place. Men will re-establish patriarchy." In the comments of the the poll "Future Matriarchy: How Will Men React?" (Category: Society and Culture), I debate and comment on this at length. Anyone interested in this topic should go to that poll. No MatriarchyJun 14 2012 10:08am VzszKF Awesome blog article. MPSWezmQrmSep 13 2013 8:59am Alright, out of every person, both women and men, that have said ANYTHING whatsoever about this and polls like this, I would REALLY REALLY like to say to you all what the reality of the future will ACTUALLY be, and this is NOT how I feel or my opinion on this, what I am about to say IS FACT and there are MANY sites and sources where you all can find that support that this is indeed 100% TRUE and unavoidable!! And for the people that keep posting on here, especially to men, no matter what you say, think, argue, or basically anything you do will NOT change a thing in the world or anybody!! So here is the future reality of the world!! There are many people who think matriarchy will come very soon and there are people who hate matriarchy and say that men rule and matriarchy is stupid and just a form of jealous fake government from all women, but let me tell all of you that the future WILL DEFINTLY be run by a matriarchal form of government, and there is nothing any boy or man can do about it!! The person filed under no matriarchy, everything you have said is a complete fantasy and will NEVER EVER happen!! All females rule and all men MUST serve them at all costs!! Your statement is COMPLETELY wrong and that poll where it says that men rule or something like that does NOT, SO NOT have nearly as many likes and support as this one does!! It is men or boys like you who keep our world at disaster and are WAY TOO STUPID AND IMMATURE TO ADMIT IT!! The whole world today is still in much need of help, and a lot of men claim it's due to women, but that is TOTAL NONSENSE!! The only good things happening in our world are due to women, NOT MEN, and if men keep continuing to do what they are, there WILL BE NO FUTURE, the world will fall into a horrible depression and it will collapse on itself!! In order for our world to become a much better place, matriarchy NEEDS to take into effect or else there will be no world to live in because of all the horrible, disgusting things all men have done to our world!! Just look at sexist men, THEY ARE THE WORST!!!! In the future when all women rule, these men will pay so bad for what they have done to all superior women and all women will enjoy punishing them severely because these men DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!! I'm not in favor or against anything, i'm just stating the facts here and what needs to take into place!!Luckily, there are lots of both women and men out there like me who agree 100% that matriarchy must happen!! We just need to stop all men who are against this once and for all before they destroy the world as we know it!!!! Reed, A TRUE MANSep 14 2013 3:48pm It's so awful how men can be such repulsive, degrading people!! No wonder our world in is chaos, immature, stupid men are still running it and making it even worse!! No offense men, but IT'S THE TRUTH!! I cannot stress enough how important and critical it is for matriarchy to start in our world!! Women have ALWAYS been much more wiser, smarter, and just basically superior to all men, and there are so many true statistics that support it!! Reed, A TRUE MANSep 14 2013 3:53pm I SERIOUSLY acknowledge all of those out there who are like me and are fighting to make matriarchy finally take it's place into the world, as it should of been long ago, and the sad truth is that these sexist men, or just any boy or man who are like no matriarchy will never change!! They will always believe that man must rule and women should not, no matter what we do or say!! Once immature men, always immature man!! BUT, the GOOD NEWS is that they will not, NOT stop matriarchy though!! They can think or believe what they may, but IT WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!! The future is only female and run by all women and girls, so all men will have to live in it or face severe punishment, as they should for what man has done to our world!! Reed, A TRUE MANSep 14 2013 3:58pm Oh, and if any girl or women out there wants to join a group on female supremacy, there is actually a real living group called the female supremacist party that has been going on for a few years now!! It's on Facebook under female supremacy now 2, and you can find LOTS AND LOTS of great videos and picks of how women will take over the world, as they should, and why!! NEVER EVER GIVE UP WOMEN AND GIRLS!! KEP ON FIGHTING UNDER MATRIARCHY IS IN PLACE!! NO MATTER HOW BAD IT SEEMS, YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN THE END, AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES AND DON'T LET ANY MAN AGAINST MATRIARCHY PUT YOU DOWN!!!! AnonymousSep 14 2013 4:01pm That last comment was by me!!!! Sorry I forgot to put who it was by!! LOL!! again all women and girls are SUPERIOR AND REIGN SUPREME FOREVER AND EVER!!!! Reed, A TRUE MANSep 14 2013 4:03pm At age 15 my stepmother caught me masterbating and took me to her Doctor to be fitted with a chastity device for my own good. Her doctor actually prescribed it as a course of treatment for my self abuse. She scheduled "maintenance visits" during which she medically restrained me and gave me sexual release only to re-secure the device before she would release the restraints. On my 18th birthday, she removed the device and ended my torment. Has anyone had this happen to them? Medically ordered chastity??? Doctor's OrdersSep 16 2013 7:12am Doctor's Orders - My wife and I went as a couple to a marriage counselor at some month long "save your marriage" seminar at a private retreat. After brief verbal counselling she insisted that I go into temporary chastity to heighten my desire to sexually please my wife. The device was like none I've seen before - chrome and fully enclosed with a barrel key lock. "Temporary" became two days, then four, then six. When I threatened to go back to civilization and have a locksmith remove it, the counselor informed me that, in the course of my registering for the counselling, I had signed papers committing me to her psychiatric care for sexual addiction to masturbation. She said I thereby consented to remain in chastity until she saw fit to release me. She told me that if I wanted to be released any time soon that I had better get with the program. That included cunnilingus training administered by her and enjoyed by her and my wife for the duration of our stay. When I tried to leave, she had me seized by two orderlies and locked in a cell for my own good and ongoing "treatment". At the end of the month, they finally bored of their games and released me. The counselor assured me that she had faked medical records and those records along with my wife's sworn statement would only embarrass me if I tried to bring charges. I knew I probably would not be believed, so I just divorced my wife and let the incident go. Ganged Up OnSep 23 2013 1:14am I live in a family ruled by women my mother in law and her two daughters (my wife and my sister in law). All women in that family are staunchest believers and practitioners of female supremacy and as you might figure out they keep their husbands under a severe regime of female tyranny. My brother in law was forced to marry a woman who usually give him beatings and treats her husband as her domestic servant. My mother in law has a motto "A well domesticated husband should tremble in fear when on realizing that his wife is angry" so you can imagine the kind of treatment that she often gives her husband. Such is the life who have to endure the men of this family, including me of course. But after all it is not as bad as it seems, we have finally learned that women are superior, that we are being educated as good husbands and that they have every right to treat us as they please. If you live a similar situation, you might want to share experiences: tamedhusband68@gmail.com Tamed husbandOct 22 2013 1:44pm gZxNeP Major thanks for the blog post. Much obliged. NWdckfXwlpgTWyOct 26 2013 11:06am good lord you people are messed up!! i'm always rightFeb 22 2014 6:25pm 5iySSE Im obliged for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. 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