Just because some hypocrites want to pontificate and drive a hummer it doesn't mean the enviro issue isn't real. Also, there is nothing wrong with somebody devising a new and cleaner technology and getting rich off of it. You shouldn't need a celebrity to tell you what to do in any event, just use your own judgement. Don't keep the AC on all day if you're at work. Don't leave the computer running all day. And if you come up with a cleaner way to burn and/or extract fossil fuels, then patent it and get filthy rich. Notice that all the alarmists pushing this agenda are not changing their own behavior at all. They have the largest carbon footprints of anyone. If they truely believed in the issue, they would actively sacrifice some of the airplanes & SUVs. But they do not. This indicates they are not really sincere about climate change awareness. They are just lecturing people because they think it makes them appear to be noble in their "concern" for the envirnment. They are all a bunch of phonies, and the global warming is part of nature. It will happen no matter what we do, unless we find a way to turn off the sun. NellySep 10 2007 10:35am Notice that all the alarmists pushing this agenda are not changing their own behavior at all. They have the largest carbon footprints of anyone. If they truely believed in the issue, they would actively sacrifice some of the airplanes & SUVs. But they do not. This indicates they are not really sincere about climate change awareness. They are just lecturing people because they think it makes them appear to be noble in their "concern" for the envirnment. They are all a bunch of phonies, and the global warming is part of nature. It will happen no matter what we do, unless we find a way to turn off the sun. NellySep 10 2007 10:36am Gore has gained popularity because of this. Maybe he should run for office again. TimSep 10 2007 10:37am Nelly, are you pissed off at people who are captilaizing on environmental issues or are you in denial that humans are indeed contributing to the output of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? AnonymousSep 13 2007 4:51pm Environmental fluctuations do occur but global warming isn't necessarily unavoidable unless we turn off the sun. Perhaps some of the warming trend would be occuring whether humans existed or not but there is zero question that it wouldn't be occuring at such a rapid rate without our industrial output. There is also no question that technology can reduce our emmissions enormously. So instead of pissing and moaning about a minority of people using a real issue to promote their own private agendas, why don't you try to design a cleaner engine or something? There is a lot of money to be made in the enviro industry. A LOT of money. It will make some people as much money as the founders of Google or ebay have made. AnonymousSep 13 2007 5:01pm Hogwash. The nutcases have gone off the deep end. We are talking less than a degree in over a century. This is panic over nothing. A few years ago they were busting our chops about global cooling. It is all nonsense, and the loonies are so far into it they can't let it go. Dr. SmithSep 14 2007 10:29am Plants need carbon dioxide to survive. Humans need plants to survive. It is a good thing to create carbon dioxide. It surprises me that so many people are ignorant of thr facts of science, yet thet buy everything one guy says because of his political affiliation. I am not p[issed off at anyone, just telling it like it is. The human contribution to global warming is insignificant. We couldn't shut down nature even if we wanted to. Get real. NellySep 14 2007 10:36am We are expelling carbon dioxide at a far greater rate than plants can absorb it. We are also destroying much of the worlds rain forests and biodiversity which further reduces the effectiveness of plants osmosis. There is a factory I read about in England which is pumping it's emmissions into a greenhouse instead of out a smoke stack into the atmosphere. That's a simple but effective solution. In the Canadian oilpatch industry, they are aggressively planning on directing the CO2 emmissions from refineries back into the ground instead of just letting it belch into the atmosphere. These are two effective and lucrative ways to reduce our polutants. As for being ignorant of science, even the Bush administration now acknowledges that we are contributing to rapid climate change. And I might add that the every single scientific community in the world is on board regarding climate change, The discussion is to what extent and what can we do about it. AnonymousSep 17 2007 7:02pm By the way are you aware of algae blooms? They are caused by suffocation due to too much CO2 and what they create is a ecology that is inhospitable to more complex organisms to thrive in. You obviously are correct when you say we can't ruin the environment. We can't. It will rebound and flourish with or without us. Look at the Permian extinction, 90% of all species disappeared but some 10 million years later there was a plethora of life on earth and a diversity that seems to never have existed at any point prior in earths history. Great! Do you want us to wait 10 million years for a richly diverse earth or would you rather try to preserve most of our biodiversity in the forst place? AnonymousSep 17 2007 7:12pm Nelly is correct. All of this hysteria is over nothing. If this was real, the pundants would not be trying to avoid debating over the issue. Instead, they cut off a scientist;s research funding if he refuses to go along with the party line. It is more political than anything else. Tim JohnsonSep 18 2007 10:41am What about killer bees? or the fact that cell phones cause cancer? or trans fats? or agent orange? or steroids? Mad cow disease? Or terrorism? If you choose to live in fear, global warming is the last thing you need to worry about. MikeSep 18 2007 10:45am Where is the hysteria? I don't get it? The message is "we're contributing to climate change and we should address the issue before it becomes a problem." That is not alarmist, it's like getting regular car maintenance. Do it or you may lose your transmission and then you'll have an expensive problem. Nobody is trying to tell people to alter their lives, their not telling us we can't fly. Certainly Richard Branson isn't about to shut down Virgin Airlines but he has okayed Virgin to taxi differently etc and he has found that it not only saves the atmosphere from tens on millions of tons of CO2's annually it also saves his company tens of millions of dollars each year. So who is panicking? It isn't progressive entrepreneurs, they're discovering that they can make money by conserving energy etc. I think it may only be people like Nelly or Tim Johnson. Or maybe it's nobody at all. Maybe they're just pulling my leg, having a little fun. AnonymousSep 18 2007 7:47pm Evidently you have not seen Al Gore bellowing about how the world is coming to an end. And that the solution is to dismantle the US economy.. Yep. Just like getting your car fixed. AnonymousDec 17 2007 11:31am You're going to get bent out of shape because Al Gore put out a popular movie? Rush Limbaugh or however his name is spelt, says some equally ridiculous things but he's an entertainer. He isn't somebody who can be taken seriously. Remember in the 80's when certain aerosols were banned because we discovered that they were directly responsible for the destruction of the ozone. in only 20 years, 80% of the depletion has returned. Was our economy ruined in the process? Was there a tumultuous upheavel in our standards of living? Cars contribute only 3% of our emmissions and airplanes another 3%. It's the power grid and factories that need to burn more efficiently. Too many people are worried about China and India getting off easy with Kyoto and other international treaties. I disagree. If China and India are too f*cking stupid to implement their own aggressive R&D; If they aren't creative enough to create their own solutions BEFORE they develop extensive infrastructures, they will eventually pay the price far more than we will. AnonymousDec 30 2007 7:18pm Incidentally, I have implored casual audiences in Beijing and Kowloon (just speaking on business trips not in auditoriums) to accept the practicality of developing efficient technologies for themselves prior to investing trillions of dollars on their power grid etc. I don't think most of them get it at all which is why we have nothing to fear from them economically or otherwise. Their attitude seem to be to wait for us to develop a more efficient way of fuelling our economies. In the meantime they will contribute unnecessarily to climate change which isn't good for anybody but we'll survive of that there is no doubt. AnonymousDec 30 2007 7:25pm One final point. Fossil fuels will run out eventually. The proper strategy is not to wake up one day and announce to the world, "Oh yeah, by the way, yesterday we ran out of oil and gas." That would be crippling to all economies, especially ours. It is much wiser to gradually faze in newer and better technologies. The blacksmith slowly gave way to the mechanic, coal slowly gave way to oil. A nice, manageable, transition is the correct way to move ahead. Not to piss and moan because Leonardo diCaprio may or may not be a bit of a hypocrite. As I said before, you shouldn't resent people for having the gumption to exploit something, What you should do, if it bothers you is to capitalize on a very real issue yourself. There's a lot of money to be made in the world but not if you choose to wet your pants over other people's success. Who has the time for such pettiness? AnonymousDec 30 2007 7:33pm Has anyone ever stopped to think about the fact that Gore refuses to debate the issue? He is only willing to lecture people on how the debate is over. But he is afraid to openly debate because he knows he can't actually back up his claims. And even the most radical left winger can't honestly deny that Gore is making an easy fortune off of this whole thing. It is astonishing how many easy marks there are out there. Professor Of Natural SciencesDec 31 2007 4:21pm I have no interest in seeing his movie and apparently many of his claims are doomsday predictions. The worst case scenario which can be as irresponsible as the people who try to argue that climate change is a hoax - similar to man walking on the moon - But can you seriously be upset because Gore or Limbaugh make money? Neither of them debate but that isn't their MO. Go make your own money if it bothers you that much. AnonymousJan 05 2008 1:27pm #0020 - (Wed.) * 2/20/08 UpdateFeb 19 2008 11:41pm It the government way of getting more tax dollars out of us. And all it would take is one good sizes eruption from a volcano, and we would loose any ground we may have gained by more than thousand times. That being said we doing need too find alternative ways too getting energy from new technologys for health reasons, and the fact many of us, can't afford the cost of gas and oil. AnonymousFeb 20 2008 1:47pm It's all about being GREEN are right. But what they don't tell you is the GREEN is your MONEY, from your account to there account. PamFeb 27 2008 1:37pm global warming is real. it's nott just warming it's messed up weather like hurricans and blizaards in summer, heat waves in winter. It's occuring rapedly in a month it raises about half a degree in 8 years the world will be doomed not exagerating AnonymousMay 11 2008 2:19pm Just when you think the democrates are completly out of touch. Some rich republicans can come up with a question like this. AnonymousJun 28 2008 3:50pm #0025 - (Thu.) * 7/3/08 UpdateJul 02 2008 11:17pm In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former vice president?s home energy use surged more than 10 percent, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?A man?s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,? said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.? In the past year, Gore?s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month. In February 2007, "An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore?s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore?s massive home energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home?s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the ?green? overhaul. Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month ?1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations ? at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration. In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming. ?Actions speak louder than words, and Gore?s actions prove that he views climate change as a money-making opportunity not as a serious problem,? Johnson said. ?Gore is exploiting the public?s concern about the environment to line his pockets and enhance his profile.? The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore?s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service. In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former vice president?s home energy use surged more than 10 percent, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?A man?s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,? said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.? In the past year, Gore?s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month. In February 2007, "An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore?s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore?s massive home energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home?s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the ?green? overhaul. Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month ?1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations ? at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration. In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming. ?Actions speak louder than words, and Gore?s actions prove that he views climate change as a money-making opportunity not as a serious problem,? Johnson said. ?Gore is exploiting the public?s concern about the environment to line his pockets and enhance his profile.? The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore?s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service. In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former vice president?s home energy use surged more than 10 percent, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?A man?s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,? said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.? In the past year, Gore?s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month. In February 2007, "An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore?s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore?s massive home energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home?s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the ?green? overhaul. Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month ?1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations ? at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration. In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming. ?Actions speak louder than words, and Gore?s actions prove that he views climate change as a money-making opportunity not as a serious problem,? Johnson said. ?Gore is exploiting the public?s concern about the environment to line his pockets and enhance his profile.? The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore?s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service. He's so concernedJul 02 2008 11:33pm Global warming is a scheme being used by extreme leftists who want to de-industrialize the western world. AnonymousSep 05 2008 5:20pm It all about the money and bringing down the USA and her people PS. Our own goverment in on the plan while they line there own pockets (basically there selling us down the river) and we the people will pay dearly in the next few years or even sooner JackSep 20 2008 7:17am September 24, 2008 Corrupted science revealed Jerome J. Schmitt Outsiders familiar with the proper workings of science have long known that modern Climate Science is dysfunctional. Now a prominent insider, MIT Meteorology Professor Richard S. Lindzen, confirms how Al Gore and his minions used Stalinist tactics to subvert, suborn and corrupt a whole branch of science, citing chapter and verse in his report entitled "Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?" His answer: A resounding "NO!" Detailing the corruption, he names a series of names. Until reading this I did not know that "For example, the primary spokesman for the American Meteorological Society in Washington is Anthony Socci who is neither an elected official of the AMS nor a contributor to climate science. Rather, he is a former staffer for Al Gore." Page 5 Although a bit lengthy, this very important report is highly readable and revealing. While some of the paragraphs are a bit technical, I encourage AT readers to wade through them because their purpose is to provide specific examples of how a radical cabal is forcing scientists to ignore or amend measurements that undermine the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming. Scientists are literally forced to include sentences in their papers that indicate their support of AGW, even if these sentences are non-sequiturs, or even if they conflict with the overall thrust of the paper. In this way, Al Gore's uneducated political commissars are able to deliver the "consensus" he so craves. How is this possible you might ask? Prof. Lindzen gives considerable background history. However, having been an undergraduate and graduate student in the hard sciences, and later a research collaborator with dozens of industrial scientists and university professors, perhaps I can shed some further light. Today's scientists get to the top of their field by extreme dedication to their specialty involving inordinate focus and concentration that cannot tolerate distractions. The best scientists are constantly "at home" at their lab bench, with their instruments, analyzing data, teaching a few promising students and preparing publications. Most scientists interact intensively only with other specialists in allied fields ("geeks"). Many scientists are naturalized citizens from Asia and Eastern Europe, unfamiliar and intimidated by American politics and government, to which they are dependent upon for visas and grant support. Although all stereotypes are unfair to individuals, there is some truth to the one of the shy, retiring, absent-minded professor. His or her absent-mindedness is most likely due to intense cogitation on a difficult scientific problem. Their dealings with one another are only possible by maintaining extreme standards of honesty, integrity and open-mindedness to scholarly debate in search of the truth. The very qualities that make them good scientists and scholars thus leave them ill-equipped to deal with the raucous, underhanded, disrespectful, politically-motivated radicals unleashed upon them by Al Gore and his fifth column for a "hostile takeover" of their scientific institutions. I naively thought that the National Academy of Sciences could impose some quality-control on an errant discipline. Prof. Lindzen notes that event this august body has been penetrated by eco-activists by exploiting loopholes in its nominating procedures. Fortunately, in science "truth will out". The long term faith of the American public in science, a trust built up since WWI is at stake. Next it will be important to see whether a prominent scientific journal publishes this revelation. As an aside, for those who have wondered how leftist cabals were able in the 60's and 70's to take over our universities' humanity departments, the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Endowment of the Humanities, Prof Lindzen's report lays bare the template for radicalization. We want your MONEYDec 23 2008 1:06pm #0030 - (Tue.) * 12/23/08 UpdateDec 23 2008 1:09pm Are there any celebrities on this board? It's okay, I'll believe you if you admit to being a celebrity, I really will. Tom JeffersonApr 25 2009 11:19am Kill all the liberals Leonardo DiCrapioApr 25 2009 11:20am You need not worry about killing anyone. We are all about to die in a sea of fire as the earth burns and melts. Pay no attention to the fact that the average temperature has actually become lower over the last decade. It is true because Al Gore says it's true. And it's a consensus. So nobody should be allowed to express an opposing point of view. Because it is un-American to disagree with the popular political point of view. What's wrong with you people? We need to tax the carbon dioxide. Never mind that plants consume it, and we need plants to survive. Whatever Al Gore says is true, and the fact he refuses to debate it proves he is right. AnonymousMay 07 2009 3:56pm evidently you don't know what plants do after they've consumed co2. They store it, just like they did millions of years ago when they sank into bogs and the co2 became trapped and pressurized into oil, coal and natural gas. Today not as much plant matter sinks into the earth because we make furniture etc and eventually we burn the wood, thus releasing the co2 into the atmosphere so relying on plants to consume all the excess co2 emmissions is a bit ridiculous. Another point worth mentioning is that we emit it at a far faster rate than nature does; plants can't keep up with our rate of emissions. AnonymousSep 16 2009 6:47pm #0035 - (Thu.) * 9/17/09 UpdateSep 17 2009 2:49pm Yes I do, they breath it in and they grow on it and become strong health trees and then they give off their waist product which is oxygen which allows us to live and become strong and healthy and we in turn give off carbin dioxide. it kind of a WIN, WIN situation for us and the trees. It all about GREEN moneySep 26 2009 3:27pm No they don't entirely give off oxygen any more than we breath out everything we take into our bodies. You don't know what a carbon sink is do you. But I suppose there is no point in discussing anything with somebody who is jealous of other peoples success. Your real complaint is that people become successful and if that's how feeble you are then I'm afraid it's you who has to live with your own petty envy. As I mentioned once before, your entire crusade is moot anyway, even those of you who deny climate change admit that fossil fuels are a finite source of energy.Why would you want us to wait until it is all gone before R&D for a viable alternative? AnonymousOct 16 2009 7:03pm Plants make their own food. They take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. They turn water and carbon dioxide into food and oxygen. Oxygen is a gas in the air that we need to breathe. Plants make their food using sunlight and something called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color. Winter days are short and dry. Many plants stop making food in the fall. The chlorophyll goes away. Then we can see orange and yellow colors. These colors were in the leaves all summer, but the green covered them up. Some leaves turn red. This color is made in the fall, from food trapped in the leaves. Brown colors are also made in the fall. They come from wastes left in the leaves. AnonymousOct 25 2009 8:47pm The useful idiots who promote the notion of man-caused global warming or "climate change" are not even aware of the permanent damage they are doing to the futures of generations to come. Limp wristed pseudo liberals who just feel the need to whine about something to make themselves feel important. Have you noticed the loudest and most outspoken of the global warming fanatics are super wealthy aristocrats who fly around in private jets? And all these suckers think they're making a difference with meaningless gestures like hybrid cars and re-useable shopping bags. Leaving Al Gore's jet parked for a day would do more than all the silly battery operated cars on the face of the earth. People won't wake up until they turn this into a 3rd world nation, and by then there won't be any going back. DeanNov 16 2009 7:37pm #0040 - (Tue.) * 11/17/09 UpdateNov 17 2009 1:46pm Now that there is solid evidence that there was a deliberate scheme to cook the global warming statistics, it is interesting that the leaders of this cause are choosing to ignore the facts. Why? Because they are making a fortune off of it. When something is exposed as a fraud, honest people try to find out what the truth really is. They open a subject up for debate. They welcome the challenge to defend their side of the issue. But they can't do that in this case, because all of the statistics they want to use as evidence are tainted by fraud. They can't admit there is no crisis because they thrive off of that crisis. They want there to be a crisis. They need that crisis. In fact, by publishing fake climate change reports, they invented the crisis. And they've turned it into a very lucrative industry. The question now is if the people are really ignorant enough to continue to tolerate and even support this nonsense. If cap & trade is passed into law, it will be the final blow to cripple the nation's economy forever. All over a false pretense artificially generated by con artists who are laughing all the way to the bank. BobNov 26 2009 1:35am If there is global warming and it is not just a normal phase the Earth goes through. Then it is only down to one thing the increase in plane and car travel which has occurred in the last fifty years. We solve that and we can dispense with all this nonsense about damaging our industrial and economic stability on which our wellbeing depends. Also get rid of the would be Green tyrants who want to impose this rycycling on us. wwNov 30 2009 3:44am This whole "green" movement is just a scheme to take people's money and freedom over a false premise, nothing more. BobDec 04 2009 10:50am Again I ask, What do you plan on replacing the fossil fuels with when we run out of fossil fuels? How long is it prudent to wait until we begin researching and developing alternative fuels? Do we wait until we are out of fuel? You don't think that might have a devestating impact on our economy? Do you think it is in our best interests to wait for China and India to develop a more modern infrastructure? That doesn't strike me as a traditional American approach. Fortunately there are enough progressive thinkers to successfully leave the Bob's and Dean's of the west behind. You dinosaurs should remember the fable of Paul Bunyan, he couldn't compete with progress. You'll be like the people who resisted the telephone or tractors instead relying on letters and oxen. We will leave you behind bewildered and intimidated by the rapidly advancing modern world. bDec 12 2009 1:06pm #0045 - (Sat.) * 12/12/09 UpdateDec 12 2009 9:25pm China and India to develop a more modern infrastructure? India, Maybe? but China! NO WAY. These A$$HOLES almost own the USA lock, stock and barrel (I know, Thanks to the US government) and yet they are the second largest polluters in the world behind the USA and yet there still classified as a third world nation. meaning they have a license to pollute with no penalty's. Also remember China develops nothing she let's others country's go out and spend their hard earned money in research and development on some really great projects and she (china) goes out and spy's on these country and steals the plains from them. ?What do you plan on replacing the fossil fuels with when we run out of fossil fuels? How long is it prudent to wait until we begin researching and developing alternative fuels?? Don?t kid yourself the research is been in the works for years and as the cost of fossil fuels increase the use of fossil fuels will decrease. (That right money talks) It all about GREEN moneyDec 12 2009 10:32pm Global warming, climate change, fossil fuels, etc... They keep changing the argument because they have no science to back up their point of view. In fact, they are now saying the scientists destroyed the data they were going to use in the debate. Why? Because there is now proof they cooked the books to create a crisis for profit. So their best defense is now to say it can't be debated because the data no longer exists. How long do people need to hear this stuff before they realize it is all a fraud? What is amazing is the supporters of this nonsense aren't even phased by finding out that there was an effort to create a false conclusion. They know the science has been compromised, but they are not even curious or skeptical. Not even open to discussion. Instead, they loyally and blindly defend a theory which has no credible support. It is not about wanting to know the truth. It is about promoting an ideology. It is not about science. It is about politics. It is not about saving the world. It is about making money. GeorgeDec 18 2009 10:51am True, once they have committed themselves to a cause, it no longer matters if they are right or wrong. They just blindly dig in at all costs. Amazed at how gullible the people areDec 22 2009 10:37am When corruption is revealed on the right, Republicans distance themselves from it and get rid of the wrong doers. What we see on the Democrat side is that winning in politics is everything, even when they know they are supporting corruption and dishonesty. That is the mentality upon which a 3rd world banana republic is built. We have a single party system which is comprised of the most corrupt elements ever to exist in federal government. And most people don't even really know what's going on. ShelleyDec 23 2009 3:39pm #0050 - (Thu.) * 12/24/09 UpdateDec 24 2009 1:09pm Either these global warming freaks have no children, or they are completely oblivious to the damage being done to the future of the economy. AnonymousJan 04 2010 10:44am Al Gore is a Genius! he managed to single handedly fool 90% of the scientific community into believing Global warming. He single handedly fooled the leader of every western democracy and through his magical powers made last January the hottest January on record and the last decade the hottest Decade ever. He even managed to fool scientist who believed global warming before he was born!! AnonymousFeb 14 2010 11:20am global warming is a joke. liberals were saying..we would not have fresh water 30 years ago..now they are saying thew sea levels are rising..big woop...God balances stuff out..thats why they called it..MOTHER NATURE... but again..liberals are a legend in thier own minds.. Gore.. ,.. MICHAEL MOORE... ETC. AnonymousFeb 15 2010 11:57am If global warming was a real phenomenon, the people publishing the statistics would not have gotten caught cooking the books to create a false illusion of the results. The amazing and revealing thing is that even when confronted by this fact, the believers of this farce defend their position even more enthusiastically. They do not want to open up the debate, just shut it down. It is kind of like telling kids Santa Claus isn't real, but they refuse to accept it. The tragic thing is that they are allowed to vote and hold office. I believe most of them know in their hearts that it is all a bunch of nonsense, but it doesn't matter to them because it has become a political agenda which has nothing to do with the environment at all. It is all just about money. DuaneFeb 15 2010 8:45pm #0055 - (Tue.) * 2/16/10 UpdateFeb 16 2010 8:06pm I am going to start an organization dedicated to expanding the effects of global warming. Why, mainly because I hate Al Gorey and Leonardo DiCrapio, but also I think it is good, unclean destructive fun and a great way to get people to socialize. Up yours liberalism. A dedicated liberalMar 22 2010 2:27am Lake Erie was dead 40 years ago. 50 years ago DDT had nearly eradicated the bald eagle among many many other species. The scientific community spent ~2 decades trying to convince society that we could do something to reverse the conditions and to stop using DDT. Lake Erie is now a vibrant healthy lake and hey , guess what, our economy remained strong!! Wow! How is that possible? 25 years ago the ozone was dangerously depleted and we banned CFC's. In only a generation or so the ozone is 80% healed. What? But our economy didn't implode, this can't be true! Currently the oceans are 30% more acidic than they were just 30 years ago. Well, if history is any barometer we can't do anything to remedy that because our economy will obviously fail if we act responsibly. You people whine as if environmental conciousness is something new, it isn't. We used to pollute much more heavily than we do now but technology has helped diminish that. Backward thinking non-Americans like yourselves obviously fear progress but fortunately, innovatiion is what truly propels our economy. Peolpe like yourselves don't really contribute much at the end of the day but you will end up using the products more progressivve thinkers create. AnonymousApr 29 2010 9:10pm What kind of childs joke is the petition you rigged up? Actually why would you bother expending energy doing it? Drill baby drill! I know we need oil at this point in our history but the accident in the gulf should illustrate even to the most obstinate that oil is inherently dirty. In time a cleaner fuel is more desirable. At this point in time, we don't have the technology to produce a more efficient energy source. Not even close and that should shed some light on the urgency to progress and research and develop new and better ways to run our global economy. Of course some of you people complaining about your fantastical global warming hoax are probably the very same people who complain about the great multinational car companies that prevent electrical cars or hydrogen cars. Again your petition - silly. AnonymousMay 01 2010 1:26pm Some of you people who are terrified of the cost of cleaning our environment should take a close look at the gulf oil spill and the subsequent clean up over the next 4 or 5 years. It may not even take that long and the cost, while definitely expensive, won't destroy our economy at all. In fact, the long term economic impact will probably be less than Katrina. The Ixtoc oil spill in 1979 took 10 months to cap not three so imagine the volume there and it only took 3 years to return to near normal conditions. You can piss and moan all you want about Leonardo diCaprio but the reality is developing preferred fuel sources will not ruin our economy. On the contrary doing so in a controlled measured pace is economically prudent. You don't just keep 10's of millions of people employed until suddenly one day, the oil is gone and they're out of work. It's a process that takes decades to complete. AnonymousJun 05 2010 8:56am Oil does not mix with water so it can't actually contaminate the water. The BP oils spill did contaminate 350 acres of wet lands in Louisiana. Thing is Louisiana loses 15,000 acres a year anyways. The U.S. is now run by socialists who are anti America and who are out to distroy and plunder America. The "green movement" is a joke with little to nothing to show for all the money thrown at it. What can replace oil? Batteries? There is far less battery elements to mine than oil to pump. The U.S. has 27 percent of the world's coal. The Co2 global warming is a scam. 97 percent of so called greenhouse gas is water vapor BUT it doesn't fit in global warming computer models SO they leave it out (to complex) and they end up playing with a model that is not Earth's atmosphere BECAUSE 97 percent of those greenhouse gases (water vapor) are missing. They have a fake model with fake results, that's why they had to lie about everything over at East Anglia Unv. But let us save the Earth from a fake problem and plunder the U.S. with a fake Co2 tax and srive the price of energy to the moon with crap tech expensive energy. You Americans take back your government before you're screwed AnonymousAug 02 2010 11:40am Again, you wacked out antic-capitalist pooheads can piss and moan about the reality cleaning up the environment is expensive but it isn't. You can keep your heads in the sand but watch, the gulf cleanup will not be a terrible burden. The fisheries etc is expensive but the cleanup itslef will not have a measurable effect on the economy. Two posts ago I said the cleanup wouldn't burden the economy and now that it is finally plugged, the reports are beginning to trickle in. The cleanup itself won't cost much. Your constant irrational arguments that focusing ion a clean environment will ruin the economy are wrong. As always. AnonymousAug 07 2010 7:31pm To add to the prior post, As I have put forth many times before, what is your economic solution when fossil fuels run out? You plan on just chugging along with no regard to a finite resource running low until it's gone? What do you think that will do to the economy? With the snap of a finger countless millions of people are out of work, the entire infrastructure is obsolete and there are zero alternatives because no R&D has been performed. Great thinking! There may be some merit, in fact a lot of merit to synthesizing fossil fuels. We can develop it to burn cleanly etc but at this point, we simply aren't there. So again, we need alternatives! We need R&D. AnonymousAug 07 2010 7:37pm Incidentally, if it weren't for a post here I would never have heard about DiCaprio being involved in some green movement. I never read anything about him anyway but to think somebody is bent out of shape over him...I don't know...maybe you have too much time on your hands. Try worrying about something other than your favourite actors celebrity causes disappointing you. AnonymousAug 07 2010 7:40pm Climate change change is a reality. The poor level of education of contributors here is really depressing. The cause of course is debateable and what share is due to human activity. Did any of you notice the first half of 2009 was the hottest in recorded history according Meterologists? Probably, not. Your too busy fiddling while Rome burns about Obama being the Anti-Christ or a Marxist. Reality check folks. This problem will require considerable state intervention. Leaving it to the market just will not cut it any more. Incidentally, why is it Obama's fault the financial system nearly collapsed? Wasn't that under the watch of GWB? Or did we conveniently forget that? What was he supposed to do? Allow another Wall Street Crash? You people are full of negativity but you have no answers. Of course we could follow Sarah Palin and drill some more offshore Oil rigs.. Green KnightAug 15 2010 1:15pm 96 percent of greenhouse gas is water vapor. Water vapor in Climatology is very complex as a result the computer models that IPCC uses LEAVES IT OUT. Thus the atmosphere in the computer is missing more than 90 percent of the major greenhouse gas resulting in a model that isn't like earth. Now on top of that they had to manipulate everything until the results would fit the aganda. Of course this is what the computer files at East Anglia revealed. A BIG FAT LIE TOLD BY LIARS! It is all politics designed to take peoples money. AnonymousAug 28 2010 1:47pm It is the ultimate in human arrogance to believe man can destroy the climate. Wasn't it a mere 50 years ago scientists were warning of the coming ice age? Non BelieverNov 16 2010 6:11pm I believe the phrase "follow the money" is all that needs to be considered. The market created by a few individuals including Al Gore selling carbon offsets was the underlying basis of the entire global warming scam. The market emerged and once the entire global warming scam evaporated so did the market. But billions changed hands in the interim. A true environmentalist.Nov 30 2010 11:51pm Your idiots and will be cursed as narrow minded fools by the generation to come. Client change deniers like you morons know the price of everything and the value of nothing Gaia GuardianFeb 03 2011 2:31pm Your spelling is crap but I go along with you average dudeFeb 03 2011 2:33pm You know what else they say? Cigarettes are bad for your health and smoking puts a burden on our healthcare...and the liberal media tries to convince us that obesity is a problem too. I want evidence! Next they're going to try to convince us that alcohol is bad for the liver. AnonymousJun 21 2011 4:16pm Given that 97% of climatologist believe that AGW is real based on their investigations, I'd say this kind of harmony amongst the experts makes it a good bet that it's real. Gping with the odds.Sep 05 2011 10:31pm And that's worldwide and over time regardless of the political parties in office. So, wake the f*ck up!!! Going with the odds.Sep 05 2011 10:33pm A couple of years ago I said that the oil spill wouldn't cost the economy much to clean and that it would correct itself. The fisheries there are healthy and Wall Street plus the idiots who bought houses they couldn't afford did more damage than cleaning the oil spill. I don't expect people like Nelly to acknowledge they were wrong about the costs of cleaning some of our environmental mistakes but privately, they have to admit I was right. Still, I wonder what Nelly and company plan to do when fossil fuels run out. Is the prudent plan to ignore that they are a finite fuel source until it is too late to ignore any longer? AnonymousDec 15 2011 8:01pm It's BULL, that's why they got cought LYING. They lied to get all the research money from idiots in government. http://www.climategate.com/ AnonymousAug 28 2012 10:47am Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'? http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100017393/climategate-the-final-nail-in-the-coffin-of-anthropogenic-global-warming/ AnonymousAug 28 2012 10:48am http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/11/24/john-lott-climate-change-emails-copenhagen/ AnonymousAug 28 2012 10:49am The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg The global-warming scandal is bigger than one email leak. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704342404574576683216723794.html AnonymousAug 28 2012 10:51am The list is growing exposing the scam... http://www.akdart.com/warming17.html AnonymousAug 28 2012 10:55am nom nom nom gay bum!!!!!:P your dadJan 28 2013 12:23pm AMERICA DOWN THE SHITTER THANKS TO GREEDY FAT SLOBS LIKE LARRY LACERTE. EAT THE RICH. f*ck you larry lacerte you f*cking greedy fat piece of poo. John Portner SEOMay 20 2013 8:42am You got too fat and greedy larry lacerte. Did too many drugs and scammed too many people you fat slob.Hope you choke on a chunk of lard and die a slow death you greedy fat pile of Sh!T. John Portner SEOJun 07 2013 11:13am Fat greedy scumbags like larry lacerte in dallas texas! Greedy scammer scumbag that claims to be into jesus but is really just a fat bloated old washed up dirtbag pile of $hit Jim Portner Eat The RichAug 04 2014 11:04am there is no global warming it is a mith Almighty God controls everything read 2nd peter and see what Almighty God says he will destroy this world with a fervent heat 3/10/2014 the preacherOct 02 2014 1:27am there are some very ill educated people here. take the preacher (i am a methodist preacher by the way) There is no contradiction between 2nd Peter and Global Warming. Even if there were no climate change energy self sufficency (and not relying on the saudis) and efficenct use of resources would be economically sensible to all bar the big (and rich) oil companies that finance the astro turf organisations that oppose sensible political and economic actions. Only in America would the working classes be so opposed to their own interests as to oppose sensible energy (and healthcare policies) I blame your incredibly biased right wing media and dreadful school system. clive englishOct 25 2014 10:01am Anyone who actually knows any of the science behind climate change would know that the comments on this board are about as accurate in their denuncuiations as the birther movement. It is the concensus of 99 per cent of all scientists in the world that this (climate change) is happening. It is a establiashed fact that the so called scientific groups that oppose it are entirely funded by american oil companies. It was because of the lies these organisations engage in that Shell Oil and other European Oil companies with a higher standard of corporate morals left the main industry consortium several years ago. james willisOct 25 2014 10:09am -1' 1Apr 19 2015 9:06am The posts are very emphatic yet no experts here - just a bunch of opinions. No experts disagree about the existence of Climate Change. It exists. The disagreements are based around whether it has been caused by humans. Nobody has definitively proven that link... yet. this is the climate change myth you speak of. the following is fact: Sea levels are rising. Tundra landscapes and fauna are changing. Island communities will be wiped out slowly. Human activity is destroying the natural environment through bad planning and greedy development but perhaps not effecting climate change. Many kinds of mining does poison the land and cause cancers for the neighbors - it even happens in the US. Fracking only benefits the owners of the exploration company and screws over the neighbors. One way or the other, best to avoid purchasing land in flood plains and if you can get good hilly land 100 feet or higher above sea level your land should be fine for generations. Just because we can't say if human activity is the main cause doesn't mean we shouldn't reduce waste... waste costs money and governments are in debt. Reduce, reuse, recycle. It makes economic sense. NoAgendaJustLogicApr 07 2017 9:02am even if there were not certainty that climate change is happening and the liklihood that it is caused by humans Energy conservation makes sense in economic tems and in terms of energy security. regardless of green house effects internal combustion causes air pollution which is reduced by using electric cars for eg. In what world is this a bad thing in the opinion of anyone except an oil company or coal mine owner? james willisDec 03 2017 10:22am riC7Jw http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara vXBEVkySuLDKHCGQVjjOct 18 2020 6:59am 6BMEt2 http://pills2sale.com/ levitra nizagara geAdIKSWflEHtOct 18 2020 9:40am rtBC42 http://pills2sale.com/ viagra online kSNKGgqQJOSNov 14 2020 12:54am F9D1sT https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay QHDKFMPphzeuAWQDec 03 2020 3:47pm wXAJEf https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay rgYDPWTcFxxtjldfpCfDec 03 2020 4:40pm qRx4zZ http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos ZaGQeokpWkiSxNhVaDec 12 2020 2:59pm 3rCnHI http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos MzIIsEZwhmmJkpnDec 12 2020 4:20pm 9AjNZR https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ snuxPAejjpPcDec 12 2020 8:42pm Vba5Qh https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ PUrcljNeMNFaSfuVDec 12 2020 9:15pm Ayr9oz 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UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL 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RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS 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MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH 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QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX 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TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO 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MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF 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QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR 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MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM 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BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR 142598 DDGESVCNP TUDLB QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR SGDH QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ 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MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR NWME MEQR QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME 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DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR LCYV QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR MEQR EZRU QRWT WTWZ QRWT WTWZ EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR EZRU RUTI TIZO ZOUP UPIA IAOS OSPD PDAF AFSG SGDH DHFJ FJGK GKHL HLJY JYKX KXLC LCYV YVXB XBCN CNVM VMBQ BQNW NWME MEQR RUTI TI $.ALSKEITD 3ACDec 17 2020 12:57am 3wRcWl https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html HhvbmuZEuSJan 09 2021 2:00am AuSTat https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html wLfmVsABOyJan 09 2021 4:05am HZolOT 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In the Mediterranean there are already regions that have been affected by major drought. lybijltnexTTePwfbcLNov 16 2021 5:21am What sort of music do you listen to? http://kying.ptu.jp/diaryseac/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=200903&no=62 stromectol ivermectin "These are important changes and they are in fact helpful, but the NCAA has not been successful meeting the full cost of attendance for our student-athletes, whether it's through the so-called miscellaneous expense allowance or some other model that provides board access to additional funds," Slive said. lybijltnexTTePwfbcLNov 16 2021 5:22am I have my own business http://jiayi.eu/%e4%b8%80%e5%b1%8b%e4%b8%8d%e6%89%ab%ef%bc%8c%e4%bd%95%e4%bb%a5%e6%89%ab%e5%a4%a9%e4%b8%8b%ef%bc%9f stromectol ivermectin The Colts, ironically, have an almost identical point spread record in that same span. Indianapolis is 13-9-1 against the number since the beginning of 2012, good for 59.1 percent success. 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JILOgJyoPGSXRNov 16 2021 7:00am I'll put her on http://tseneg.mn/index.php/p/521 stromectol ivermectin Many of those subscribers are getting a fixed connection too, emphasising the global divergence. The ITU points out that the top 30 countries in the ICT Development Index of skills are all bracketed as "high income", which the ITU would like to see interpreted to show how connectivity leads to education, which in turn leads to income – but this sequence could equally be reversed. 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To this end, perhaps Mr. Morgan and his lesser-known ilk should be paying Pandora for advertising. hRECYOfkYglyoXMpNov 16 2021 7:55am Would you like to leave a message? http://medas.ne.jp/cgi-bin/webcal/schedule.cgi?form=2&year=2021&mon=3&day=12&repline=312256125674 stromectol ivermectin Anger on the streets was directed at army commander GeneralAbdel Fattah al-Sisi, who moved against Mursi last month aftermassive street rallies against his administration that had beendogged by accusations of incompetence and partisanship. hRECYOfkYglyoXMpNov 16 2021 7:55am Is it convenient to talk at the moment? stromectol ivermectin The report highlights growing headwinds in the region -- which has accounted for a huge chunk of economic and trade growth in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Large stimulus programs put in place after the crisis helped Asia recover more quickly than other regions, but the World Bank said slower growth should now be expected as those programs wind down. hRECYOfkYglyoXMpNov 16 2021 7:55am Would you like to leave a message? http://l-a-g.in/usr/inquiry.asp?otid=RAY8RJnIbt20200805193045&id=12337011&pass=2614&guid=ON stromectol ivermectin But for every minor disruption, this record offers 10 surprises. “Super Bon Bon” for instance, was equally omnipresent on alt-rock radio in 1996, but here it is given new life by a playful bit of scratching. hRECYOfkYglyoXMpNov 16 2021 7:55am I came here to study http://www.hullcentreandwest.org.uk/the-church-communities/ap-thumb/ stromectol ivermectin Industrial production also rose by 0.4 percent in August after an unimpressive July where it stagnated. Factory output is the main part of the industrial growth process. The gains registered this late summer suggest that the U.S. industrial sector is beginning to pick up some steam, after a less than impressive first semester in 2013.Data from a survey supplied by the Supply Management Institute, also confirms the growth trend and adds that manufacturing activity is rising at the fastest pace since the summer of 2011. hEPFDxUxMwswfbbiQlQNov 16 2021 11:22am Hello good day http://www.xz188.net/157.html stromectol ivermectin He says the hope is that the music will draw more attention to the century-old Queens club itself — where the membership has dropped from more than 1,000 to 750 in recent years — and help bring back professional tennis events. hEPFDxUxMwswfbbiQlQNov 16 2021 11:22am Insufficient funds http://fikp.umrah.ac.id/archives/1967 stromectol ivermectin The little girl and her mother were visiting friends there, but just what Meyer was doing in the apartment with the rifle was unclear. Court records say his fiancee had kicked him out of her place, getting a restraining order, and he listed his current residence as his sister's home. hEPFDxUxMwswfbbiQlQNov 16 2021 11:22am What qualifications have you got? http://karafan-mp.ir/portfolio/%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%BE-nicu-%D8%A8%D8%A7-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8-%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B2%DB%8C/ stromectol ivermectin Which brings me to the matter of accommodation; don’t opt for a chic hotel. Oh, it will be lovely, but not nearly challenging enough, and you’ll be short on laughs. Seek out a bed-and-breakfast. We used to call them “boarding houses”. Many of them will now describe themselves as “boutique hotels”. Don’t be fooled – the plumbing is as unpredictable as ever it was. A landlady in a hotel we stayed at as children instructed my father (a plumber) to sneak up on the lavatory chain and surprise it; that was the only way it could be guaranteed to flush. Much fun is to be had sharing a bathroom down the corridor (a far better prospect for singles than an internet dating site), and the people you can watch eating their breakfast are far more interesting than the dreary types you’ll find in a hotel, even if their conversation is just a notch too loud. hEPFDxUxMwswfbbiQlQNov 16 2021 11:22am Have you got any experience? http://sunilrion.co.kr/helpdesk/product/read.jsp?reqPageNo=1&no=44 stromectol ivermectin While some furloughed workers said they were going to treatthe time off as a vacation - planning to hit the gym, catch upon house chores or devote more time to hobbies - financialconcerns weighed on many. hEPFDxUxMwswfbbiQlQNov 16 2021 11:22am I work for a publishers https://www.fmuniv.edu/?s=Baikal%20Online%20Pharmacy%20%E2%AD%90%20www.Pills2Sale.com%20%E2%AD%90%20Buy%20Celexa%20Baikal%20Pharmacy%20-%20Buy%20Celexa%20Baikal-pharmacy buy celexa baikal-pharmacy Osborne had always been keen to kick off the sale before thenext general election, but the strong performance of Lloydsshares, which were the top performer on the FTSE 100 last year and hit a 2-1/2-year high this week, has made anearlier sale possible. 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BBqWWSqUnNFtWApr 04 2022 4:45am Hello good day http://www.engineering.iastate.edu/?s=Baikal%20Online%20Pharmacy%20%E2%AD%90%20www.Pills2Sale.com%20%E2%AD%90%20Buy%20Celexa%20Baikal%20Pharmacy%20Com%20-%20Buy%20Celexa%20Baikal-pharmacy buy celexa baikal pharmacy com "That's why Tracy [Martin] and I have launched The Trayvon Martin Foundation to try and take something very painful and negative and turn it into something positive as a legacy to our son," Fulton added. BBqWWSqUnNFtWApr 04 2022 4:45am I'm a trainee http://cambiotec.org.mx/site/carlos-maynor-salinas-santano-jueves-10-de-diciembre-2020/ buy celexa baikal pharmacy “ ‘Make Lemonade’ is an award-winning novel that captures the story of a high school girl living in public housing who sets her sights on college and whose perseverance and grit help her overcome life’s obstacles,†she said. 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I am not sure, but I don’t think it is anything serious.†Detroit also was without standout defensive tackle Nick Fairley with a sore shoulder. Arizona’s defense, which held the Lions’ offense scoreless in the second half, forced Detroit to punt from its 8 late. ekvifWzavApr 23 2022 4:23am Where are you calling from? https://www.burleighbears.com.au/stmap_37iydmeb.html?alli.prograf.viagra.aldara norfloxacino corta o efeito do anticoncepcional The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. 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Its"freemium model", in which games are free but players can payfor add-ons or extra lives, has been particularly effectivebecause of the success of Candy Crush, described by someanalysts as a global phenomenon. oeFgbFxoAApr 23 2022 12:00pm Until August https://www.lynnesilver.com/stmap_37iydmeb.html?viagra.saw.persantine claritine pastile In addition, one of the H7N9 samples was spread through the air among ferrets, whose response to the flu is thought to mimic that of humans. 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Tom Coughlin had said he expects Jacobs to practice on Thursday, but if not Hillis could be in line for significant role if he can pick up the Giants' offense fast. wbxVBWWtgdTMdAeFkWApr 23 2022 4:46pm The National Gallery https://endydaniyanto.net/stmap_24wriwom.html?ezetimibe.acetate.levitra.cataflam voltaren supposte opinioni The FCC voted to propose various changes to how schools apply for and spend funds from the E-Rate program; for instance ensuring that the program would prioritize investments in faster broadband connections over some older technologies it also supports. wbxVBWWtgdTMdAeFkWApr 23 2022 4:46pm How much will it cost to send this letter to ? http://photosintesi.com/stmap_18qnetae.html?cefaclor.nimodipine.anaprox.cialis claritin d high heart rate The supreme irony of Churchill’s life as an imperialist is this. After successfully seeing off successive attempts to destroy the Empire launched by Britain’s open enemies – the Kaiser, Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler and Japan – in the end he was forced to watch the final, fatal blow against it struck by the one power he had always believed to be a friend: the US. It was no end of a lesson. wbxVBWWtgdTMdAeFkWApr 23 2022 4:46pm magic story very thanks https://altreluci.com/stmap_24wriwom.html?cialis.avandamet.adalat cytoxan davis pdf Unlike cuddly sea lions and sleek dolphins, oarfish sightings are rare. When they have been spotted, they tend to be much smaller specimens. Generally, the serpent-like fish keeps to itself thousands of feet deep in the ocean. wbxVBWWtgdTMdAeFkWApr 23 2022 4:46pm Yes, I love it! https://www.canadabusinessdirectorylistings.com/stmap_37iydmeb.html?apcalis.desogestrel.levitra aspirina protect precio bodega aurrera With this Roku partnership, M-Go is embedded in the set-top box's firmware. Klarke said Roku chose to work with M-Go because of M-Go's selection of content and its integrated billing engine, which doesn't require viewers to enter a credit card number for rentals and purchases (a PIN is still needed). The partnership lets Roku serve viewers looking for the latest releases, giving the hardware maker an edge over pay TV--at least with theatrical releases. The integration also gives Roku footing against the likes of iTunes and Amazon, both of which sell shows and movies a la carte (though Amazon also uses a subscription model). wbxVBWWtgdTMdAeFkWApr 23 2022 4:46pm The manager https://www.canadabusinessdirectorylistings.com/stmap_24pkcjjq.html?viagra.terazosin.levaquin.minocin ivermectina fica no corpo quanto tempo While Timberlake works well with Hova, his collaborations with Beyonce and Frank Ocean on "Part II (On the Run)" and "Ocean" rely too much on the R&B singers. There are other big names on the album, like Rick Ross, Pharrell and Nas, but "Magna Carta," it isn't designed like albums in the past. There are no catchy hooks to grab you in. The most excitement about the album hasn't been generated from the music, but it's promotion plan – Jay-Z announced the album in a commercial during the NBA Finals and launched a series of videos explaining the recording process and songs. He's continuing to create new blueprints to debut his music. That should be congratulated, but the songs on "Magna Carta" don't boom like his business plan. tuDiJPksxcaahApr 23 2022 6:30pm Best Site Good Work https://evilpigeon.dk/stmap_37iydmeb.html?cilostazol.microzide.viagra permethrin cream 5 percent for lice Analysts were surprised by the move in part because TokyoElectron has a solid balance sheet and didn't need a deal tosurvive. 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Under the alias "Carlos Danger," Weiner continued to send sexts to at least three other women. Despite calls for him to drop out, Weiner continues his campaign. OphpOoPpDoNZApr 23 2022 6:38pm Just over two years https://www.canadabusinessdirectorylistings.com/stmap_37iydmeb.html?cialis.mofetil.apcalis.acetate nexium beipackzettel The Securities and Exchange Commission may also file civil charges for one of those bonds, the bank said. Both cases relate to mortgages that were too big to be guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, but were packaged into "jumbo" mortgage bonds. OphpOoPpDoNZApr 23 2022 6:38pm Incorrect PIN https://pjreporters.com/stmap_37whvkrr.html?allopurinol.perindopril.emulgel.viagra finalop finasterida 1mg The company, which made its stock market debut on April 25,said it now saw 2013 sales at the year-earlier level andoperating income down. It had previously forecast higher salesand flat operating earnings. 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It denies wrongdoing but has launched an independent inquiry into its sporting programmes "to ensure that there are no areas of concern". zfsFViedApr 23 2022 10:29pm Add a comment: Vote Results |