That's right on the money. It is hard to respect a co-worker when you know they were placed ahead of more qualified applicants just because of race. On one hand, minorities complain about being treated differently, but on the other hand they demand to be treated differently. If minorities are opressed, it is their own fault. BobJul 11 2007 4:04am Don't you think that is kind of a biggoted point of view? AnonymousJul 11 2007 9:05pm No, it is an observation of reality. Political correctness sucks the honesty of dialog. People like you call people racist as a knee jerk reaction to anything which challenges your white guilt. I want people to be equal. You are the true racist. BobSep 05 2008 5:37pm Does affirmative action undermine the credibility of minorities? ABSOLUTELY!!! That is especially true today when everyone has unlimited opportunities to advance him or herself INCLUDING THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!! Obama accomplished that highest of all achievements which means THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR A LAZY ATTITUDE!!! A caucasian male STATING THE TRUTH!!!Oct 08 2009 11:11pm i look like a good ole boy maybe because i lived in the country as a youth.and because of that i get too here what good ole boys really think of blacks or any other minority.im really sad most of the time its really hard for me too believe that so many whites really believe such things against minorities.the truth is many whites are so biggitied that they really believe blacks are somehow different from them.someday maybe conservatives will wake up but i have a real hard time believeing anything they say. AnonymousApr 26 2011 8:38pm this is a stupid question its not the fault of the minority that whites are biggots.you call about an appartment in just about any white area and say your name is yaqinta and you will find it was just taken.but have your friend mary call the next day and she can come over and look at it.same thing with jobs.if whites had to deal with that everyday they would wine to. AnonymousOct 11 2011 6:00am yeah they need to put whites in jail for at least a couple of years.every time they lie and say job or appartment is taken.i think the country would be better to get these racist biggots off the street and into prison where they belong. AnonymousOct 11 2011 6:04am T8Ncd0 http://pills2sale.com/ viagra cialis buy XtovcNCyVsIPyNov 01 2020 12:36pm hbkBh7 https://www.quora.com/What-the-top-SEO-keywords-for-essay-you-know/answer/Alan-Smith-1772 write my essay tyhilRlREJWPnHfIBDec 03 2020 5:48pm SpwvPU http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos VWwonDUXMPruYbuqoDec 12 2020 4:12pm RMdKJp https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/ uCbczKIaTqDec 12 2020 9:48pm W9BOpf https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/#writemyessay xXgMyuLRTbdapfsrXhrDec 14 2020 10:48pm 97A9un https://writemyessayforme.web.fc2.com/octavio-paz-essay-day-of-the-dead.html LXmYHBIRRiNQOGrcoZJan 09 2021 12:36am gUXQxD http://waldorfdollshop.us/ waldorf doll BYfJYfGifOmmQhJan 09 2021 4:51am hTRx5I http://nexus.cct.lsu.edu:8000/nexus_uis/930 HMBecMxqlqlXJan 17 2021 1:51am 9vQKNV https://beeg.x.fc2.com/ HQUCNxhBcgZSZHPFbToJan 26 2021 5:24am p2yXpz https://buyzudena.web.fc2.com/ twXiyhNiZZXjTwSMmJan 27 2021 4:21am Add a comment: Vote Results |