Puffed Kashi is nasty! Frosted Flakes are Grrrrrrrrrrrreat! Igor D. PressleyJul 24 2000 7:20pm Blueberry Morning... mmmm.... AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:20pm Dude, dump these cereals on the floor and pick up a box of ICE COLD CHILLI. haiku ZoomJul 24 2000 7:20pm haiku zoom, first of all what kinda f*cking retarded name is that and second of all, do you actually think that comment was funny? i certainly hope not cause that would classify you as a genuine moron. pray to god that i never meet you cause if i do, i will show no mercy. SWC in the hizzouseJul 24 2000 7:20pm COLON BLOW!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! The only thing that would beat colon blow is NEW SUPER COLON BLOW!!!!! YAY! iluvsnlJul 29 2000 12:08pm Personally I like Queerios or Prostitooties horny slutFeb 22 2001 2:03pm i get sick of cereal easily. but i havent tried queerios...... uhuhOct 04 2002 11:20pm reeses....unhealthy yet good. HYPER_GC_FANApr 17 2003 3:14pm HAHAH omg i luv gcMay 15 2003 12:58pm love ohs!!! reeses & lucky charms r good 2 though. my sn is nikkiskrazy4ever IM me nikkiJul 04 2003 1:08pm power to the kix baby! i love cereal. did you know that corn flakes were the first ever cereal invented? man, corn flakes get no respect. it makes me sad. FonGJul 21 2003 9:28pm p.s. puffed kashi is DISGUSTING!! whoever invented that should die. it's a disgrace to the name of cereal FonGJul 21 2003 9:29pm I LUV LUCKY CHARMS!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky LadieJan 15 2004 3:26pm wutzup homies lucky charms kick ass malili and shananaDec 31 2004 10:23pm Fruit Loops rock!! twinkyMar 28 2005 11:18am Good old english Ricicles!!! true brit!!Apr 02 2005 12:29pm Its all about Cinnimin Toast Crunch ilovkyleNov 14 2005 6:54pm www.likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2550 AnonymousJun 06 2006 3:02pm New Poll: THE WAR AGAINST BOYS www.likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2603 AnonymousSep 19 2006 6:20pm iuyg87hiy uytfuyFeb 03 2013 2:31pm 8bDTr4 I value the article.Really thank you! Much obliged. xcQocxEUOct 24 2013 6:46pm ALL HAIL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! AnonymousNov 22 2013 6:27am hey Kelly -Winks- MephNov 30 2013 10:44pm Hey meph KellyNov 30 2013 10:46pm -walks up to you and kisses you- MephNov 30 2013 10:47pm -kisses u back- KellyNov 30 2013 10:49pm its offical your now my gf again mephNov 30 2013 10:51pm yay but did u break up with maddy KellyNov 30 2013 10:52pm no but We are in an affare MephNov 30 2013 10:53pm oh ok i'm fine with that -kisses u- KellyNov 30 2013 10:55pm -takes off my jacket- mephNov 30 2013 10:56pm -takes off my shirt- KellyNov 30 2013 10:57pm -takes off my skirt and pants- So glad you thought of this MephNov 30 2013 11:00pm *Shirt not skirt* MephNov 30 2013 11:02pm kelly ya there? MephNov 30 2013 11:05pm walks away angrily KellyNov 30 2013 11:05pm Whats Wrong? MephNov 30 2013 11:07pm have u ever sexted another girl or called me a bitçh jw KellyNov 30 2013 11:09pm No not recently (The Sext Part) And I Never called you a bitch MephNov 30 2013 11:12pm what about maddy KellyNov 30 2013 11:15pm nope And Nope MephNov 30 2013 11:15pm -sighs- okay KellyNov 30 2013 11:19pm -kisses your neck- mephNov 30 2013 11:21pm -kisses u- this is so private i love it now i can say anything i want. -sits on your lap and kisses you- KellyNov 30 2013 11:24pm yeah -helps you out your pants- MephNov 30 2013 11:26pm -takes off my panties- the nerve of crim to have pics of me with only a bra and undies on. do u love me KellyNov 30 2013 11:31pm Yeah i do... (Click) He still have dirty pics of you? MephNov 30 2013 11:34pm yeah he brought them out as a way to get me to u know with him...how much do u love me KellyNov 30 2013 11:36pm Love you Enough to kidnap you MephNov 30 2013 11:37pm did you just take a pic of me with only a bra on KellyNov 30 2013 11:37pm awe -kisses u- i will love u even if u tryed to murder me KellyNov 30 2013 11:39pm No my Mind Clicked When i do it as -Takes A Photo of you- then i did... wich it did >.< MephNov 30 2013 11:39pm meph i luv u so much -slides my tounge in your mouth- KellyNov 30 2013 11:42pm Mmm <3 -Places my hands on your back and starts to rub it MephNov 30 2013 11:43pm i gonna tell u the truth. i really don't like that bitchy maddy girl cuz she taking away my S.G.B from me. she is a pain in my ass. she stalks u like crazy. now she making me crazy cuz now i stalk u. i go crazy when or when your not around. i love you more than the world and the sluts gonna have to deal with the fact that you were mine first and still is KeLlYNov 30 2013 11:46pm -grabs your hands and places them on my butt- KellyNov 30 2013 11:47pm Glad you feel this way about me kel ;) MephNov 30 2013 11:48pm -squeezes you Cheeks- MephNov 30 2013 11:49pm Me ToO. i ChAnGeD jUsT fOr YoU cUz I lOvE u. -takes off my bra- kElLyNov 30 2013 11:50pm -takes off my boxers- oh kelly! -kisses you pationetly- crazy turns me on ;) mephNov 30 2013 11:53pm WeLl MaYbE i ShOuLd AcT lIkE tHiS aLl ThE tImE. -kisses you back pationatly- KeLlYNov 30 2013 11:55pm -rubs your pùssy with my dìck- mephNov 30 2013 11:58pm Aw BaBy ThAt FeElS gOoD, -lAyS u DoWn On ThE cOuCh AnD kIsSeS u- K.t.PDec 01 2013 12:01am -sets you onto my dìck- ride this pony my hòrny psychopathic baby <3 mephDec 01 2013 12:04am -StArTs To HuMp U- K.T.PDec 01 2013 12:05am -Moans- this feels good mephDec 01 2013 12:07am -mOaNs- WhY dOnT yOu TaKe OvEr K•t•PDec 01 2013 12:09am ok -lays you down on the couch and slowly sticks my dìck in you and thust hard mephDec 01 2013 12:11am MoAnS a LiTtLe K.T.PDec 01 2013 12:13am -thrust harder and faster mephDec 01 2013 12:15am MoAns TuRnS BaCk To OlD Me. -moans louder KellyDec 01 2013 12:20am -Thrust Deeper And Super Hard and Super fast MephDec 01 2013 12:23am -starts to cry as i moan louder- KellyDec 01 2013 12:27am --Thrust Harder- MephDec 01 2013 12:28am -crys- -kisses u to calm down- KellyDec 01 2013 12:33am i miss your body <3 -Trust Faster and harder- Meph (DragonFang)Dec 01 2013 3:40am um kinda akward KellyDec 01 2013 3:44am Oh sorry -kisses- mephDec 01 2013 3:47am don't kiss me KellyDec 01 2013 3:48am so it went from love to hate? -steps back- mephDec 01 2013 3:50am i was looking at coment polls in entertaiment and i saw these 2 with u and maddy so i read them and now im mad KellyDec 01 2013 3:52am Kelly whats wrong? MephDec 01 2013 3:53am Oh MephDec 01 2013 3:54am Im sorry, as i said I promase that i didnt sext resently , I never got into her panties MephDec 01 2013 3:55am just idk meph i trusted u KellyDec 01 2013 3:57am But Kelly Isnt this how an affare works? MephDec 01 2013 3:59am i don't wanna be apart of this "affair" KellyDec 01 2013 4:01am :o i thought you love me... GoInG cRaZy FoR mE? MePhDec 01 2013 4:05am if u wanna kiss me etc then u have to be with me KellyDec 01 2013 4:06am i was till i saw that post where u called me a bitch u broke my heart KellyDec 01 2013 4:07am KeL... dOnT yOu LoVe Me? MePhDec 01 2013 4:09am yeah i do love u KellyDec 01 2013 4:10am I dIdNt MeAn To. I wAs MaD sTiLl MePhDec 01 2013 4:11am -Sits on a chair looking at the wall- MaYbE iTs My TiMe To JoIn ThE KeShIn Of MaDnEsS MePhDec 01 2013 4:13am -sighs- it hurts me to let u go, but i have no choice KellyDec 01 2013 4:14am if u loved me u wouldn't have said any of that KellyDec 01 2013 4:15am KeLlY iM SoRrY -gets on my knees- pLeAsE rEcOnSiDeR tAkInG mE bAcK pLeAsE {Am i having a taist of InSaNiTy?} MePhDec 01 2013 4:20am ur dating maddy it just doesn't feel right no more KellyDec 01 2013 4:21am -Hold the locket close to my heart- mephDec 01 2013 4:23am look it hurts me too but i am not your back up/second choice ok KellyDec 01 2013 4:24am but i still love you kel mephDec 01 2013 4:25am im either ur first choice or no choice at all KellyDec 01 2013 4:27am u.u i guess MaDnEsS over ♪Lover♪ Sorry kel but i cant bread her heart twice i promosed her i would save myself for her when she came back v.v mephDec 01 2013 4:31am u promised me too, but i guess it didn't mean alot too u KellyDec 01 2013 4:37am As I Said In The Past You Are a wonderful Gf But Some promases you cant keep MephDec 01 2013 4:39am FiNe I gUeSs NoT. dont ever talk to me again KellyDec 01 2013 4:41am But One i attend on keeping... is our Memory, Bunny boo MephDec 01 2013 4:42am this is a promise can keep KellyDec 01 2013 4:43am im not ur bb KellyDec 01 2013 4:44am I Will Not change...Promise that i can keep MephDec 01 2013 4:46am When we talk i wont leave you... Promise i can keep MephDec 01 2013 4:48am i will, i already have, and i will continue to. i no longer gonna talk to any of my ex-bfs. i am a wolf now KellyDec 01 2013 4:49am i don't look back KellyDec 01 2013 4:50am sad,you are my favorite gf mephDec 01 2013 4:51am im sorry but now u have maddy and by tommorrow i will be apart of your past KellyDec 01 2013 4:52am never... FoRgEt :'( -turns aroundand walks slowly, looking at the locket MephDec 01 2013 4:54am (two weeks later) -throws the locket in my drawer MephDec 10 2013 8:04pm Hey:P GabbyDec 28 2013 12:12pm IZAAC IM HERE!!!!=PP GabbyDec 28 2013 12:20pm hey ShreveDec 28 2013 12:37pm Hey jj!;P GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 12:38pm jj?? ShreveDec 28 2013 12:39pm XDDDD LMFAO SOOOO ANYWAYS WOULD YOU EVER GO OUT WITH ME???o.o ;P GabbyDec 28 2013 12:42pm yeah ShreveDec 28 2013 12:44pm Why??? Gabbywabbylittlems.awsomenessDec 28 2013 12:45pm because your sweet cute and funny ShreveDec 28 2013 12:46pm Really awww!;PPP Gabby was just asking!o.o =PDec 28 2013 12:47pm Soo....wyd?=) GabbyDec 28 2013 12:49pm yes ShreveDec 28 2013 12:49pm I'm not asking you out!...o.o :D Gabby just wanted to know.=PDec 28 2013 12:50pm laying down ShreveDec 28 2013 12:50pm ik ShreveDec 28 2013 12:52pm me too im laying down and im watching SPONGEBOB!!!;P =) #^_^# GabbyDec 28 2013 12:52pm Lol ha I wuv ya!!!;P GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 12:53pm lol ShreveDec 28 2013 12:54pm lol my dad keeps buying me fukin food!-_- i rearly eat......I don't wanna be fat!=D GabbyDec 28 2013 12:56pm lol i wish i had food here. its a struggle with 2 two grown men competing with you for food. plus my sister eats alot ShreveDec 28 2013 12:59pm Wow! You know my biggest fear is......to weigh more than 120lbs.......im 94lbs right now!^_^ GabbyDec 28 2013 1:03pm Well im supose to be 130lbs but nahhhh.....i think thats insane! GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 1:05pm lol im 162 but i use to be 185 before football ShreveDec 28 2013 1:06pm Ha im rilly light than! I think my dad is gunna end up making me not eat no more!-_- cuz he fources me to eat n i say no than i don't eat for like a week!;PPP GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 1:08pm that aint healthy : | but im too small and need to get to atleast 190 ShreveDec 28 2013 1:11pm OK WTF IS THE POINT OF FOOTBALL!!ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU THROUGH A f*ckIN BALL AROUND N RUN N SHÃT!!:DDD GabbyDec 28 2013 1:12pm FOOTBALL IS f*ckIN STUPID!!!={) GabbyDec 28 2013 1:16pm knock the sh¡t out of people mainly ShreveDec 28 2013 1:16pm lmfao well i just run track n workout sooo yea! GabbyDec 28 2013 1:17pm why track?? ShreveDec 28 2013 1:18pm Omg when i go back to school ima go around and ask cute boys if they wanna touch my abs n if they say no ima put their hand on my abs n say now ya like em!C: i am that crazy to go and do that!;D GabbyDec 28 2013 1:21pm Cuz idk.....track is awsome....Im the fastest girl runner at my school!! GabbyDec 28 2013 1:22pm okay *shrug* ShreveDec 28 2013 1:22pm Lol sowwy im just like that i remember in 6 grade i went up to people n licked their face!={) GabbyDec 28 2013 1:25pm XDDD GabbyDec 28 2013 1:28pm but football is very complex if you played it. most people dont because it blows their mind. i got to remember like 20 blitzs, 20 formations ShreveDec 28 2013 1:29pm licked their faces??? ShreveDec 28 2013 1:32pm Ehehe!=D Baby im no flinstone but I can rock yo bed! d;) GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 1:32pm Yea i would randomly lick their faces!C: GabbyDec 28 2013 1:34pm okay ShreveDec 28 2013 1:35pm i guess its no different then when girls kept grabbing my ass *shrug* or asked if i was gay -_- ShreveDec 28 2013 1:36pm ;PPP lol GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 1:36pm Lmfao this one time i got caught in math class messing around with this new kid lol I gave him a bj right in class!;PPP GabbyDec 28 2013 1:39pm its bad enough my mom and sis call me Big Booty Judy T.T but i really dont need random girls grabbing it ShreveDec 28 2013 1:40pm Lol jeremy thats funny!;D GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 1:41pm O_o and you told me that because ShreveDec 28 2013 1:42pm Ahaha lol XDDDDD GabbyDec 28 2013 1:43pm i guess it share and tell today ShreveDec 28 2013 1:47pm Idk i wish i could suck on ur cóck jeremy!!!;) GabbyDec 28 2013 1:47pm ;* GabbyDec 28 2013 1:54pm okay AnonymousDec 28 2013 2:01pm ;D GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:02pm ^shreve AnonymousDec 28 2013 2:02pm smh Quel(jeremy)Dec 28 2013 2:03pm Lol i like making comments like that!!!;P GabbyDec 28 2013 2:04pm Gabby im sorry o tell u but if ur gonna be sexting all he time again we no longer r friends. I can't handle it, u know I love u and idk y u can just be with the one guy who loves u instead of people who want u for sex bubbaDec 28 2013 2:05pm Ugh fine than V want to go out?!? @Bubba GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:07pm Yes I do! But only if u want to bubbaDec 28 2013 2:07pm N im flirting not sexting!-.- GabbyDec 28 2013 2:08pm :S ShreveDec 28 2013 2:09pm YAY I DO V!!!!-pushes u against the wall n kisses u deeply- GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:10pm If u are wanting a daddy and I saw wat was going on last night, that's y I left. So do u wanna go out or not bubbaDec 28 2013 2:10pm Kisses u back and hugs u tight, I love u bubbaDec 28 2013 2:11pm Yes i do bubba!:) GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:12pm OK good, love u gabby bubbaDec 28 2013 2:13pm *shrug* ~Shreve gone~Dec 28 2013 2:14pm -hugs u back- ehehe!:) i wuv you too!!!!!={) -eye twitches- I would kill anybody who takes you away from meh! Mwahahahaha!!>=D GabbyDec 28 2013 2:16pm No one can take me from u. Hugs u tight and kisses u bubbaDec 28 2013 2:17pm -kisses u back n hugs u back tighter- I love you!!! GabbyDec 28 2013 2:20pm Mmm!!!Bubba you make my pussy wet!!;) GabbyDec 28 2013 2:24pm I love u to. Ur the love of my life and always have been, shiiiiit baby I gtg for awhile going to town and have to get a shower, if any guys try flirting or touching on u kick the nuts bubbaDec 28 2013 2:25pm Ok love ya too i'll wait for you on here come to this poll when ya come back! GabbyDec 28 2013 2:27pm Hey gabby DylanDec 28 2013 2:30pm Hey dylan!;P Gabbywabby still thinks ur hott!;PPPDec 28 2013 2:31pm hey Gabby :) BrookeDec 28 2013 2:31pm Wats up DylanDec 28 2013 2:33pm Hey brooke!*kisses brooke on the lips*;P Gabby is wearing a fukin mini skirt n it cold!Dec 28 2013 2:33pm Sup lil sis @Gabby BrendonDec 28 2013 2:34pm Nm just chillin by da pool!;P GabbyDec 28 2013 2:35pm *kisses gabby bck on the lips* Brooke, is wearing ridding jeans and a cutoff shirt with a sporsDec 28 2013 2:35pm *kisses gabby bck on the lips* Brooke, is wearing ridding jeans and a cutoff shirt with a sporsDec 28 2013 2:35pm *kisses gabby bck on the lips* Brooke, is wearing ridding jeans and a cutoff shirt with a sporsDec 28 2013 2:35pm Sounds fun DylanDec 28 2013 2:36pm y did it post tht many times 0_e BrookeDec 28 2013 2:36pm Lol yea dylan but one thing i lost my bikini top soo yea!;D n i got like all my friends over!;P GabbyDec 28 2013 2:38pm lol who knows brooke!XD GabbyDec 28 2013 2:39pm -sucks on dylans cheek- Ehehe #^_^# GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:41pm hahaha..i wish i was there...;) Brooke-is jk-Dec 28 2013 2:46pm Lol if you can smell ur balls from all the way from here don't tell me to suck on them cuz i will not!!!XD LMAO GabbyDec 28 2013 2:46pm lets go 69!!! GabbyDec 28 2013 2:48pm *falls through the roof* goddammit i gotta fix dat again >_< jackDec 28 2013 2:49pm Lmfao jack i thought you would go through the window!C: XD GabbyDec 28 2013 2:51pm its a good thing i developed tht really fast fixing thing in the gym of doom a year ago o.O xD *fixes the roof* jackDec 28 2013 2:52pm *goes outside to sit down* :/ jack *im sad D:* Dec 28 2013 2:53pm lol jack!:P GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 2:53pm Why ya sad? GabbyDec 28 2013 2:55pm :/ i wish my bro didn't have to go back to the u.s.a. D: i miss him since i wont see him until im like 14 :/ jack *crying a bit*Dec 28 2013 2:56pm Awe its ok jackmeoff!!XDDDDD GabbyDec 28 2013 2:58pm :/ *goes to my room and locks the door then lays on my bed* i even fudging forgot to watch star wars cuz i was listening to my friends play the troll song and call ppl gay on xbox game lobbys ò_ó but i did make some ppl leave by playing justin bieber xD jackDec 28 2013 3:00pm XD HAHA JACK!Wanna f*ck??`? GabbyDec 28 2013 3:03pm *throws random stuff at my wall* jack votez single suckz xD Dec 28 2013 3:03pm i thought bubba was ur boyfriend or something now o.o jackDec 28 2013 3:04pm lolz Gabby wanna fuck jack!Dec 28 2013 3:05pm but.. my answer would be yes.. jackDec 28 2013 3:05pm Yea he is my bf!o.o but i wanna f*ck you jack!mmmmmm;P GabbyDec 28 2013 3:06pm xD jack â†*he says ok xD* Dec 28 2013 3:07pm XDD *pushes you on to the bed n climbs on top of you n kisses you deeply-mmmm jack!;) GabbyDec 28 2013 3:09pm *kisses you back* jackDec 28 2013 3:11pm Really I get to get on here right before I go to town and I c this. Wtf bubbaDec 28 2013 3:13pm -takes off my shirt n ur shirt n kisses you on ur neck- GabbyDec 28 2013 3:13pm o.o sowwy V im just really hòrny and I need you! GabbyDec 28 2013 3:15pm Then don't fukin cheat on me, wait till I get home. Jack get the fuk off my gf, if u have any respect for her or me. Wtf bubbaDec 28 2013 3:15pm hay GAbby HOT BOY21Dec 28 2013 3:16pm no, your a slut. AnonymousDec 28 2013 3:16pm i think i smell my other bro making cookies o.o ill brb jackDec 28 2013 3:16pm Lol ha yea you said it anon i really am!!!!C;D GabbyDec 28 2013 3:18pm Ok babe sowwy!I'll wait for you V! and hey@hot boy21 GabbyDec 28 2013 3:19pm well he was making cookies but they had oatmeal in them o.O jackDec 28 2013 3:20pm gabby do you have a boy f HOT BOY21Dec 28 2013 3:21pm *goes to put my darth vader shirt on* jackDec 28 2013 3:21pm I WANT A COOKIE!!!!!lol i have a bigbox full of boxes of cookies!My dad buys me a lot of cookies and sweets!C: GabbyDec 28 2013 3:22pm Good, and ur not a fuking slut and hot boy yes she does its me. I gtg now, bye I love u, don't sext with anyone bubbaDec 28 2013 3:23pm i hate chocolate o.o i eat chicken and drink milk and eat bread xD thts like all jackDec 28 2013 3:23pm Yea im going out with V a.k.a bubba! GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 3:24pm since an hour ago xD jackDec 28 2013 3:25pm hay country boyDec 28 2013 3:25pm hey Country Boy :P Jaden♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:26pm thats sucks hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:27pm Ok bye i love you too!@bubba Gabby will not sext with anyone till ya come back!Dec 28 2013 3:27pm hey Gabbbby :P BrookeDec 28 2013 3:27pm Lol why does that suck @hotboy GabbyDec 28 2013 3:28pm jaden are you still my gf hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:28pm o.o why are there so many ppl in my house now i came in to my bed and now everyones here o.o xD *goes to my pool* jackDec 28 2013 3:29pm Hey brooke!;P GabbyDec 28 2013 3:29pm I thought i was :/.....but u went and sexted......i want to be tho Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:30pm *jumps off my diving board and dives under* jack *i gots a real snorkeling mask xD from spain* Dec 28 2013 3:31pm Wazzup Gabby!!!!@Gabby my best friend...wait ok u r now my bestie ;) BrookeDec 28 2013 3:31pm he will not treat you as good as i will whold hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:32pm Lol jaden♪♪♪ "ya want to tho" you just wanna use him!XDDDD LETS f*ck JADEN!!!!!!!!!jk but lets be friends!;P GabbyDec 28 2013 3:32pm my best friends name is tyler xD we hang out all the time but i kick his ass on xbox XD jackDec 28 2013 3:32pm Nahh how do i use him...i have never sexted b4 :/ lol ok yea lets be friends hahah Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:33pm Ha brooke ya my bestie!;PPPP lol ooohh so ya wanna go out with me?......@hotboy21 GabbyDec 28 2013 3:35pm *gets in my car(arial atom 500) and drives at 170 mph to the beach xD* jackDec 28 2013 3:35pm jade i love you you are my evry thing hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:35pm I mean I would sext with the right person..or if i tried it and liked it....i'd probs sext my bf lol but yeaupp Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:35pm oh...urg awww...i love u to..... Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:36pm i would try to be ur bf if you were single xD @ gabby jackDec 28 2013 3:36pm i do not sextext people hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:37pm Lmfao I ain't no flinstone but i can make yo bed rock!;PPP Gabby is friends with jaden n brooke my bÃtch!!!Dec 28 2013 3:37pm neither do i..i have never tried it b4....lol...so u really love me @HB Jaden♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:38pm Is Brooke even here still :P Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:39pm jade so are we still going out hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:40pm Lol -sits on jadens lap- mmmmm you make my pussy wet -kisses jadens cheek- haha!;P GabbywabbyDec 28 2013 3:40pm I want to if u want to :)@HotBoy21 Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:41pm Yeah i am here...lol I sext..i like it..its so much fun ;) BrookeDec 28 2013 3:41pm yes i love you hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:42pm i love u to -sits next to u- @HotBoy21 Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:42pm lol my friend said he was gunna f*ck my brains out!XDDDD GabbyDec 28 2013 3:43pm thats i love you gos to jade hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:44pm Nice Gabby:) BrookeDec 28 2013 3:44pm im nothing but a speck in this world ._. but my friends say im awesome and caring i help as much as i can... jackDec 28 2013 3:45pm puts my arm arond you and kiss you jade hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:45pm haha :P Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:46pm BRB hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:46pm -hugs u and kisses u back- @HotBoy21 Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:47pm his c*ck is huge its 11inches!XD GabbyDec 28 2013 3:47pm thts literally impossible to fudge someones brains out xD @ gabby jackDec 28 2013 3:47pm -sits on gabby- :3 haha Brookeie;)Dec 28 2013 3:47pm if u f*ck their ear hahaa@jack :) Brookie;)Dec 28 2013 3:48pm iam back hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:49pm which is impossible because the ear is to small and also WHERE DO THE BRAINS GO OUT? xD jackDec 28 2013 3:49pm :) Jaden♪♪♪Dec 28 2013 3:50pm lol jack!=P he just basically told me he was gunna f*ck me long and hard!!!=) -wraps my arms around brookes waist n sucks n kisses her neck- GabbyDec 28 2013 3:50pm they go out the other ear..and if u have a small c*ck BrookeDec 28 2013 3:50pm jabe go to the poll under this one hot boy21Dec 28 2013 3:51pm say why am i still at the beach o.o *drives back* jackDec 28 2013 3:51pm mmmmmm-runs fingers through Gabby's hair- BrookeDec 28 2013 3:52pm the brains are too big and if it was tht small how does it even have enough power to push it xD jackDec 28 2013 3:52pm '''''''' HOT BOY21Dec 28 2013 3:52pm ''''''''''''''''' HOT BOY21Dec 28 2013 3:54pm *opens the door to my house to see a party in my house* o.o jackDec 28 2013 3:55pm '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛•••••••……………′′′′′′′′′′˜˜˜˜˜˜˜″″″″′ jackDec 28 2013 3:55pm Add a comment: Vote Results |