EVOLUTION ALL THE WAY anyone who doesnt believe we evolved from apes should take a close look at one sometime. Who ever believs in the theory of creation is kidding themselves or just plain stupid. DMBryJul 24 2000 7:21pm If you wanna believe you came from an ape....that's your perogative. But to BERATE someone with UGLY comments like that is un-called for. God created you. We are the mirrored image of God and I have to say I am VERY proud of that. MEJul 24 2000 7:21pm Your proud of something that people made up. The lie has been passed down from generation to generation and I feel sorry for all you people who are to weak to question it. DMBryJul 24 2000 7:21pm feel as sorry as you want...i am in straight with my King and thats all I need. a child of ChristJul 24 2000 7:21pm An ape cannot promise eternal life. m.Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Amen "ME" Praise God! AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:21pm one name JESUS He is altogether lovely. AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:21pm umm...you dont have enough choices, and it should more correctly be labeled creationism vs evolution...one can believe(and in fact many do) that God created everything through evolution _1919Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Creationism being the theory that God created everthing exactly as it says in Genesis...word for word, literally. Creation being that god created everything. Theistic evolution being that evolution was guided by God. _1919Jul 24 2000 7:21pm really? thank you..you are right..i should've noticed /thought of that..you have just solved a HUGE confusion to me....hmm.Theistic....im gonna check that out... mellieJul 24 2000 7:21pm HEY YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT? SPEAKING OF STORIES THAT HAVE BEEN PASSED DOWN..DID U KNOW THAT DARWIN RECANTED BEFORE HE DIED???? TRY THAT ON FOR SIZE! MY CREATOR NEVER CHANGES UNLIKE THE SCIENTISTS AND THEOLOGIANS OF THIS WORLD WHO CAN'T MAKE UP THEIR MINDS! me's friendJul 24 2000 7:21pm CHEER to "me's friend" double CHEER to Christ Jesus THE KING another friend of "me"Jul 24 2000 7:21pm down with apes Up with Jesus..... a.p.Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Hehehe, you guys are funny! I like funny people! The Dancing Panda won't stop!Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Um....can I just say I believe in both, evolution and creation?? Is that right?? I totally believe in God, but there is proof of evolution, so, I believe in both. ShannonJul 24 2000 7:21pm Dude!!!! I just now read all of your comments, some of you guys really confused me...like _1919. And...I have something else for those of you who don't believe God is the creator, We are on earth, we are within the universe...which is huge...nobody even knows half the stuff that is up there, and I don't believe the universe just comes to one great big haulting stop...so what is beyond the universe we know....perhaps the place we go after death?? and what's beyond that....etc., etc..... Shannon(again)Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Looks like a few ppl in here may be "Darwin's missing link"...I think neither, if any should be taught in school, however, if you must teach one it should be EVOLUTION. I'll recant if you can find me Adam and Eve's dried up, fossilized corpses. Until then, I move that everyone just forgets about GOD and JESUS and start looking for some kinda inner peace & believe in themselves instead of some story written by some bored monks. (Shannon) I agree with the believing in both for that reason. I still say Evolution tho =) StaindgirLJul 24 2000 7:21pm saved by the KING mellieJul 24 2000 7:21pm pick up a copy of "Evidence that demands a Verdict" Josh McDowell...read and then come back and vote again...are we repeating what our parents told us to say? or have we researched the facts? Yes, facts. MellieJul 24 2000 7:21pm Oh please. "King"?! You people are crazy. We evolved from apes and it has been proven repeatedly. God did not create you. You came from ape. Be proud of your baboonish roots! Ooo-ooo-eee-eee-ooo-ooo-ahh! God bless Darwin ;-P and Ave Satanas! LaDiosaJul 24 2000 7:21pm Darwin did not recant, you bozos. Quit making up stories. ~Jul 24 2000 7:21pm Jesus is our all in all... mellieJul 24 2000 7:21pm YOU PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE YOU WERE CREATED FROM A GOD ARE GOING TO BE SO SORELY DISAPPOINTED WHEN YOU DIE AND THAT'S IT. THERE'S NOTHING ELSE AFTER THAT. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT HUMANS WOULD BE SO SPECIAL AS TO HAVE AN AFTERLIFE AND NOT AMEOBAS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT EVERYONE THAT HAS EVER LIVED IS EITHER IN HEAVEN OR HELL, ALL THE BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS. "RELIGION IS THE OPIUM OF THE MASSES" YOU PEOPLE ARE f*ckING RETARDED IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOUR SUFFERING WILL BE REWARDED IN THE AFTERLIFE...IT WAS A LIE MADE UP TO KEEP PEOPLE SUBSERVIENT. I'M GONNA DO WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT, AND IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAME FROM AN APE THEN GO f*ck YOURSELF CAUSE YOUR A f*ckING RETARD. BOOM SHACKA LACKAJul 24 2000 7:21pm that from our super intellegent congenial evolutionist....that'll sell it to the Christians...that'll change thier mind...you must be from the neandertal group... Saved by His graceJul 24 2000 7:21pm ferf! AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:21pm It would be hard to be disappointed after you die if there's nothing after you die. I don't know, it just seems to me that disappointment is a sign of existence. The Dancing Panda: Correcting Random People!Jul 24 2000 7:21pm ok i am not a christian but have any of you unbelievers ever read the bible? why can't you just let people believe what they want to? i mean what is the worst that can happened? you will be surprised when you die and find out they were right and there is a God and you are going to hell for bashing him in this poll. why does it matter?Jul 24 2000 7:21pm I love Jesus!! mellieJul 24 2000 7:21pm "I've found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time." The Dancing Panda got that quote from coolsig.com!Jul 24 2000 7:21pm I don't worship "God", He worships me. StaindgirLAug 15 2000 8:02pm nature is the only thing that I will consider "god". Who gives a shit who I amAug 24 2000 6:50am I created humans in 83823BC. My brother Enki helped, but I did all the work. In fact, I'll soon be releasing the Human II, under the GPL as part of the IPN's (Iridium Pyramid Network) new range of bioproducts. See www.fjear-nation.net for more. That is all. cwalkenFeb 04 2001 6:24am Ummm, Darwin did not recant. His family were with him during his death. This is one of those myths that get circulated without anyone checking the facts. The fact that evolution occurred and continues to occur stands the test of time. Creation so to speak is one of many myths with no scientific basis. And as far as rather believing one way or another doesn't change the fact that evolution is why we are here. Actually, we didn't evolve from the ape. We evolved from the same type of ancestor and split off. StoneAug 12 2001 6:33am Umm - whre does this poll leave God then ? JudasAug 30 2001 6:22am The meek shall inherit the earth? Yeh... after the strong have finished with it! All organized religion and therefore institutionalized notions of god should die! Never trust anyone who says 'I think what god meant to say', its so arrogant (I've never been that confident - thanks bill). Spirituality should be, and is, intensely personal, don't you ever tell me what, or how to believe. Creationism is ridiculous every one knows it, deep down. Eternal life is a worm, why are Christians afraid of death? If they know there going to heaven surely they would look forward to it? Its because deep down every one knows there going to die at least going into the unknown. Its like the cleverest thing 'man' has ever done is convince the people he was the son of god. Ill get off my soapbox now, Als going home. AlMay 08 2002 5:11am ++ evolution doesnt explain certain things, like consciousness for example. Its reductionist, consciousness simply isnt essential in evolution so why do we have it? its like when you start thinking about the immateriality of your thoughts (where exactly is an idea? spatialy etc.) and consciousness, you start to come to something like a soul, at least similar. Frank Black sang where is my mind? and thats exactly it. I think consciousness and a soul are the same. Some people have said they believe in both (creationism and evolutionism) well I dont believe in either (fully). Al really is going home now. Bye AlMay 08 2002 5:26am there is no god, only a vision high ppl saw. and jesus was just the son of some guy who f*cked the "virgin" mary and she called it "the son of god" some dumbass old guys that wanted 2 rule created this gay ass book so that ppl would think that there was this divine 'thing'. do y'all hav ne proof that there actually is a god? im sure as hell not gonna warship sumthing that probly duznt exist!!! athiestJun 30 2002 3:32am one word answers are fine for people that can't contemplate complexity, but dangerous when looking to understand complex beings or situations. There is more to life and love than can be written in any one book (biology or bible). Ed UcatedSep 05 2002 8:13pm You fools! Anyone who says that we evolved from apes is really misinformed! Even is i was an atheist (which i'm not) i most certainly could conclude that from scientific facts that we are not evolved from primates! christianDec 10 2002 5:30pm If you ever want to discuss evolution intellectually, don't say we came from apes or didn't come from apes. Darwin hypothesised we came from a common ancestor as apes, not from apes as we now know them. The bible is true, however, stop reading it as though a 21 century american wrote it. Genesis was written by a 3rd century bedouin and he's speaking figurativly about god's use of evolution to create the earth. The bible and the earth tell the same story if you study both together your momJan 21 2003 12:16pm Evolution is possibly a much more beautiful and intricate process than just "picking up a handful of dirt", and there is no reason to suppose that it is not in God's design. some one agreeing with "your mom"Feb 25 2003 6:16pm some religions were made to control the people uhApr 27 2003 10:15am both AnonymousJun 29 2003 8:49pm Well, isn't it lovely that so many people are displaying thier 3rd grade education and doing a disservice to both sides of this debate. "your mom" made two excellent points. i would like to add that blindly following everything the bible tells you results in religion, but not true spirituality. "an unexamined life is not worth living" and likewise an unexamined belief system is not worth the energy you're expending mindlessly parroting dogma. MagicPandaDanceJun 30 2003 10:47pm budha is the answer strange manSep 20 2003 10:07am Jehovah God bless you all! BelieverFeb 09 2004 1:05pm For all of you confused Jehovah is the Christian name for God (read the Bible next time) A Christian believerFeb 09 2004 1:11pm A short, subtle, poll that makes you think, thanx mellie. why bother?Mar 03 2004 2:33pm Oh my God!!!(sorry theists) The Dancing Pandas won't stop is some kind of amazing super-prophet!!!!!! He is second only to .........The Evil Panda Emporor he who must not be named! TDPWS's friend(why bother?)Mar 03 2004 2:36pm Exept from dissing evolution, boom shacka lacka has said my opinion clearly, the Great Lie was made to placate the masses, make us docile and willing to DONATE TO THE CHURCH! Is it coincidence that we were the centre of the universe...Oh wait no we're not! But the world is flat, sorry ,the churches mistake, it's actually round, we apologize,hmm?Who sais their god has never changed? LIARS!!! devoutly bhuddist why bother?Mar 03 2004 2:42pm PS Al conciousness is the resulting experience of electrical impulses stimulating nerves. why bother?Mar 03 2004 2:45pm God created you all. Star152Mar 26 2004 3:46pm Atheist!!! If you believe that after millions of years that you have become, from a pool of organic goo that had a 1 in a almost infinite chance, then you need to take a hard look at probability. There?s a singular answer for the most complex organism on the planet. God. There is a reason why three of the major world Religions all shares the same. Please stop this argument of pride. Christians, Muslims, and Jews all share the Old Testament, ?Brothers of the Book?; Jesus is the Question for most . But to deny the existence of a creator? Why else but pride. Who is right? No one knows, read the holy books and decide for yourself which you choose. Bottom line, they share the same teachings but man and his churches of interpretation will corrupt and bend God?s guidance towards his own will. Read the transcript of God?s word, be of independent thought, follow the interpreted meaning less outside influence. Take a Biology class and ask how and you will have your catalyst. Eric P.Apr 03 2004 11:14pm People can believe what they want to -- but there is a difference between science and religion. The problem is that proponents of "creationism" are confusing the two. It is wrong to teach religion as if it were science. The reason this seems to be happening is an attempt to undercut the reality that true science is defining life in terms that religious zealots find offensive. If creationists can attain some level of credibility, they can further their religious agenda to outlaw abortion - homosexuality - and anything they find blasphemous. The fact is that in order for science to progress it must be objective and unfettered by the dictates of religious doctrine. The mechanism of evolution neither confirms nor contradicts the idea that there is a God, even though it does mean that the story of Genesis cannot be taken literally. There are many religious scientists who have no problem with the idea that God is responsible for Darwinian evolution. someguyMay 20 2004 5:49pm Whether you accept creation or evolution, both involve a step of faith. To suggest that creation is a 'religious' explanation for our origins and that evolution is a 'scientific' explanation is grossly misleading - anyone who is prepared to take an objective look at the issue must concede that the evidence squares at least equally well with creation as it does with evolution. In fact, I would even go as far as to call evolution anti-scientific in that it contradicts some of the clearly proven facts of science (eg. second law of thermodynamics). People will usually opt for creation or evolution on the basis of their own presuppositions (or prejudices?). However, anyone prepared to examine the facts honestly will never dismiss creation as lightly and flippantly as many seem to do. MikeJun 02 2004 6:41am what are the "facts" that support creationism? The Genesis story in the Bible? That's not science, it's mythology. And please explain how evolution contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. guyJun 03 2004 1:11am Hello Guy, Here are just a few brief observations (although the subject really deserves a more thorough treatment!). What are the 'facts'? A fact is anything whatsoever which is true (eg. 2 + 2 = 4). A scientific fact is something which has been observed, tested, and proved over a period of time (eg. water boils at 100?C). There is no way that evolution (or creation, for that matter!) can be classed as scientific on this basis because no human being was there in the beginning to witness or observe the origins of man. Evolution is merely a theory which is put forward to explain human origins (but it is often misleadingly presented as though it were a fact). It contradicts proven laws of science, including the second law of thermodynamics. How can this be? Well, for example, the second law of thermo dynamics teaches us that all things move from order to chaos (eg. if a house remains empty for a long period, it becomes dusty/dirty and starts to decay); evolution, on the other hand, asks us to believe that things move from chaos to order (eg. one theory relates a 'big bang' which has somehow led to the orderly laws of science which now prevail on this earth). This is a clear contradiction. This is by no means the only scientific objection to the theory of evolution (and I can supply names of university science lecturers who reject the theory of evolution on scientific grounds). Bible-believing Christians like myself accept the Genesis account, but we have to admit we cannot prove it on scientific grounds in black and white. However, I do dare to suggest that there is nothing whatsoever anywhere in the Bible which is in conflict with any proven scientific fact. MikeJun 05 2004 9:14am The second law of thermodynamics says that things go from order to chaos in an isolated system with no outside influence. It's called entropy. In evolution this priciple does not apply because there are outside influences. It is well established that changes in the environment are caused by fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic fields and orbit around the Sun. These changes are factors in evolution. I'm glad that you recognize that Genesis is not science. Biblical scholars mostly accept that the Bible is not a literal explanation of all things, but open to interpretation. At any rate, entropy is something that can happen over billions of years. The brief span of time we've been able to make scientific observations don't really give us much perspective. However, there is ample evidence that there is some form of biological evolution going on. Yes, it is theory, but that's how science works. Theories are science. Evolution is accepted as the best theory. Creationism, which is based on the Bible, does not provide a scientific alternative, only a religious one. Science cannot accept religious beliefs in lieu of real science, nor should it. guyJun 05 2004 11:45pm Guy, you are correct in saying that I recognise that 'Genesis is not science'. However, I accept the historicity of the early chapters of Genesis on the basis of studies made in other disciplines, and, as I have already said, I would dare to suggest that there is nothing anywhere in the Bible which is in conflict with any proven scientific fact. I make a distinction here between what I would call 'true science' or 'knowledge' (and, after all, the Latin word 'scientia' which is the root of our word 'science' means knowledge) and 'popular scientific theory,' which deals largely in suppositions which are actually unproven. There is little doubt in my mind that evolution (at least, up to the present time) belongs firmly in the latter category. Whether someone opts for creation or evolution, there is a step of 'faith' involved with both choices. MikeJun 08 2004 9:37am That there are unproven aspects of the theory of evolution is not in dispute. And other scientific theories are also based on unproven suppositions. But the methodolgy employed in attempting to explore the unanswered questions raised by the theory differ from the ways creationists make use of the Bible in opposing evolution. - - - - - Creationists state that the Earth is around 7,000 years old and that man was created just after the Earth itself. This figure is based entirely scripture. They discount carbon dating seriously flawed. But there is no science whatsoever behind the 7,000 year figure and no scientific method involved in trying to prove it. Only faith. They state that dinosaurs and humans coexisted, but once again, there is no science whatsoever to support this. Only their interpretation of a few select passsages in the Bible. This is not science. - - - - Mike, you say that there is a "step of 'faith' involved with [evolution and creation]" - - - - I would say that there is a little faith involved is believing in the theory of evolution, but that creationism is entirely based on faith and really no science at all. guyJun 11 2004 10:10am If evolution was true why are there still monkeys and apes still on earth??? The theory of evolution is as one evolves the prior becomes extinct. I believe in creation and the God created the heavens and the earth and every living thing on earth and in the sky. AnonymousJun 25 2004 12:43pm Hello again, Guy. It's been several weeks since I looked at this web site, but here are just a few points in response to your last message. I certainly stand by my point that the 'evolutionist' needs a lot more faith than the 'creationist.' Creationism means that the hand of a designer lies behind the universe, whereas evolution states that somehow it 'just happened by itself' (big bang? gases, cemicals?...)Which of these is more consistent with everyday life and reality (and science)? You also suggest that 'creationism' is not scientific. I think I understand your point, but I would like here to refer back to my first message - evolution cannot be described as true science either. However, creationists do make a serious attempt to follow a scientific method in their research, and, in closing, I just pass on three of their web sites for anyone to peruse: www.creationism.org www.icr.org www.creationscience.com MikeJul 12 2004 12:37am Scientifically, where did life come from? why did cells begin to divide? HuxleyJul 21 2004 1:31pm I certainly didnt f*ckin evolve from no f*ckin ape. maybe the n-----s did but i f*ckin didnt GothickatanagurlchickAug 12 2004 7:45pm Very soon all will Know God is the creator when Jesus returns to this earth in power and glory! JamesDec 21 2004 4:32am Probably this whole religion subject was the biggest hoax of all time....Some guy way back in the day made this book and told people it was true....and what did they do....believe him...I'm not sure I believe now and until I get some proof I will start believing.....but for right now I don't....and I think it's all just a big lie.....Some one prove me wrong with some actual proof..... MartyFeb 02 2005 3:27pm Marty, You may have read some of my earlier observations on this board about creation and evolution. As a committed Christian, I am an advocate of creation, and I believe there is plenty of scientific evidence for it, likewise for the Christian faith. On the other hand, I actually believe far more 'faith' is required to accept the theory of evolution, which, in essence, teaches that everything 'just happened by itself'. Of course, I respect your right not to believe, but have you seriously considered the evidence before arriving at that conclusion? MikeMar 18 2005 4:27am Why can't you believe in both Evolution and Creation? My personal belief is that we and other beings came about by means of Evolution, but that God set things uo to cause Evolution to take place. And that God can be of any form and tyoe one might believe in, whether it's the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or whatever form of God. In fact, even if one is an Atheist, and believes that purely natural and scientific forces set Evolution in motion, then those natural and scientific forces are their form of God. So you see, we all agree. Merry Christmas, Happy Holliday, and Happy New Year to all of you. TadDec 25 2005 3:01am Tad, to put the point briefly, creationism and evolution are not compatible. One has to make a choice. I believe the real problem is that many people make an uninformed choice without reference to any evidence. MikeJan 28 2006 12:35pm intelligent design justsomebunnyFeb 15 2006 7:15pm Evolution contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the tendency towards greater randomness. Kung Fu MasterApr 15 2006 9:54pm Evolution does not contradict the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. Theists often mount this argument but only demonstrate their ignorance of science. Life on this planet is not a closed system. It is constantly receiving energy from the sun. Skeptic SneererMay 04 2006 3:36am Skeptic Sneerer, I know that the Earth is not a closed system. Nevertheless, do you believe that decay and aging (results of the 2nd law of Thermodynamics) do not occur on Earth because Earthg is not a closed system? Most mutations die, the percentage of advantageous mutations is EXTREMELY small. the 2nd law of ThermodynamicsMay 25 2006 2:50pm Skeptic Sneerer, I know that the Earth is not a closed system. Nevertheless, do you believe that decay and aging (results of the 2nd law of Thermodynamics) do not occur on Earth because Earthg is not a closed system? Most mutations die, the percentage of advantageous mutations is EXTREMELY small. Kung Fu MasterMay 25 2006 2:50pm www.likelike.com/poll.elephant?poll_id=2550 AnonymousMay 25 2006 2:50pm The next stage of evolution will be when we have a Matriarchal society.When Womyn control and guide society there will be peace and harmony. Big BrendaJun 08 2006 12:14am Not if they spell like you, Brenda. :P Shit StirrerJun 21 2006 9:04am Sorry Kungfu aka 2 law of Thermodynamics, your last statement is totally incoherent and vague. Skeptic SneererSep 28 2006 6:25am Sat. 2/3/07 Date UpdateFeb 03 2007 8:23pm #082 Mon. 2/5/07 #Feb 05 2007 3:11pm None of the above CarlFeb 10 2007 11:48am I have religous views on creatoin. But I there is allot of unkowns in the creation mythology of any faith. Creation Science is almost a complete myth... most of these guys are creation philosophers... However I have yet to meet a layman who can give me a convincing argument for evolution either. I thought about getting a degree in evolutionairy biology so I would be in a better position to make a strong statement as to its accuracy. But As far as I see, science is the new center of faith. If you actually KNOW something about evolution and its supports that are not allegorical I'd love to hear it. Actually if you know anything about creationism I wouldn't mind to hear that either. CarlFeb 10 2007 11:51am Panda, on the day God calls you, you will be a broken individual. There will be nothing and no one on this earth to turn to. If God chooses to redeem you, you will be most fortunate. Even the worst dawgs can have their lives turned around by turning away from your sins once and for all. Only Jesus can save you from being judged by God as unworthy. Everyone will one day fear God. It's either before or after it's too late. Aunt JemimaFeb 26 2007 5:33pm For those of you who want scientific evidence AGAINST evolution, and FOR Intelligent Design, or Creationism, I have a great example. Our DNA contains all the information necessary to make us who we are. If this molecule were uncoiled, it would extend 2 to 3 meters in length. That's between 6 and 10 feet long. Each and every one of our cells has this molecule. The length, the information held within (all the information that makes you who you are) and its compact storage points to brilliance in design, not randomness. The earth's ecosystems, its atmosphere, the distance from the sun, the climactic systems, the compexity of how it all interweaves goes far beyond random chance. This stuff didn't happen on its own, it was created through the brilliance of God. If you choose to believe the rantings of the biblically challenged, you're just being deceived by idiots - and that's pretty pathetic, and very dangerous. Beyond these idiots is the very capable deception of evil. If you can fall prey to idiots, how can you possibly stand up to a master of intentional deceipt? Read the Bible. It's a book of faith, not science. It has all you need to be concerned with. TDPFeb 26 2007 6:05pm Goddess created Woman in Her own image. She then created males so that Woman could have slaves. obedient husbandMar 27 2007 6:01pm Some males where real men other where real pansy asses, that where mentally challenge, there woman had to do every thing for them like write check, pay the bills, make decision, no driving, no voting, heck all he could do was lay on the floor and drool all over his wife feet. Heck his wife did all the work. Shoot maybe his wife is the true dumb ass? AnonymousApr 06 2007 12:48pm Sound right to me!!! PeggyApr 06 2007 12:50pm #0090 - (Fri.) 4/6/07 UpdateApr 06 2007 12:52pm Hmm, and here I was thinking that Creationists were the morons who couldn't understand evolution. The dopey ones think that evolutionists believe that complex living organisms arise through "random chance". Contrary to this idiotic idea evolutionists in fact state variation ( cumulative small changes in the DNA)and natural selection are responsible. Funny how the US courts uphold Evolution and toss out the Creationists. Look up the Dover District School case....bahahahahaha. Mr DarwinJun 07 2007 5:54am Evolution can't account for selfless love. Also the large % of preserved Mammoths found...may suggest Noah's flood. Also, ppl often suggest that evolution provides us /w the will & skill to live, but what insentive does evo have 2 provide us /w anything? Plus Evo isn't a moral authority. If it's true then there can be no true definition of right/wrong. So y do we even have laws? srry fr my spelling, Im on a mobileJun 20 2007 1:17pm It most certainly can. Read up on altruism and evolution. Evolution RevolutionJun 23 2007 4:08pm I have...& I am still not convinced. True...it explain how selfless love expanded beyond the family. But how'd it get there in the first place? Same question goes for the matter in the big bang. A very sad, very lost & lonely guyJun 23 2007 6:37pm #0095 - (Tue.) 7/17/07 UpdateJul 17 2007 12:59am Can anyone here explain the evolution of the eye on a biological level? Also note, that scientists have in fact been able to grow fruit flies that have legs growing where their eyes should be. The legs are perfectly normal fruit fly legs. Even though the change appears to be huge, the genetic change is actually very small. This means that even some of the smallest genetic changes can result in changes that we would consider to be very big. The smallest change to DNA can cause an extra body part to grow. Yet we are often told that evolution is very slight, happening over millions of years. Consider if you will an ordinary bicycle. Would you consider the bicycle to be a physical or a conceptual predecessor to the motorcycle? Or rather, could you, through a series of duplicating & re-arranging parts, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle? Even if you somehow through outside forces were given the engine (since there's no way you could get a motorcycle engine using only bicycle parts, where's the need for fuel going to come from?) how would you properly mount the engine. Now imagine that all the improvements & changes needed to turn the bicycle into a motorcycle occur in bits & pieces, randomly thought the years. In order for the bicycle to evolve into the motorcycle, several necessary changes would have to happen all at once. Now go & think about the human eye. A very sad, very lost & lonely guySep 13 2007 11:11pm no matter what you people think, and want to make up some bull poo lies to sound intelligent on here, you should respect other peoples beliefs no matter what they are. if that's what they want to believe then so be it, why waste your time and try to change them, just respect them and what they believe and dont worry about it, as long as your fine, you should be happy. and not get into fights of what's true and whats not. if you want to talk to poo about what i just said, go to myspace.com/blonde_nigga and talk your poo buddy. but anyway, im not going to say my beliefs for they may be mocked, but i have morals and i do whats right, and nobody is perfect. and it doesn't matter what you or them believe in. just be happy. thats all that truely matters. Lauren. im right your wrong.Dec 18 2007 11:32am the fist humans were born in california and they ate monkeys for lunch. This proves we didnt evolve. Their names where Lacrapi and Pocahontas bunch of dumbassesFeb 03 2008 10:28pm Mike is the stupidest person i have ever seen. the second law of thermodynamics say that heat will go form a warmer object to a cooler object. it has nothing to do with chaos and order. if you look at civilazations they brought order from chaos especially the renaisance(re-birth i am not a good speller). evolution doesn't say we come from apes it's that us and apes have common ancestors. which is very possible if you match the DNA of a human to one of an ape they are 98.7% the same. look at the skelatal and a lot of other PROVEN facts you will clearly see evolution is very possible. evolution is a science just because no one was there doesn't make it not a science. dinasuares clearly existed if you don't believe that go back to 7th grade morons just proven mike wrongMay 01 2008 12:51pm Also to mike the bible has million contradictions. I will just list a few 1) tower of babylon how high did god think they would go, today with rockets we can ten times anything they were ever hoping to get to. 2) jews wandered 40 years in the dessert 600,000 people (check the bible i just did) yet no bones or anything that could conclude there were people there. and how did they survive AnonymousMay 11 2008 1:45pm https://donate.barackobama.com AnonymousJun 19 2008 1:42pm democrats.org AnonymousJul 26 2008 11:39am where did god come from, suggesting he was always there is a blank argument creationism is a mythAug 13 2008 11:07am where did god come from, suggesting he was always there is a blank argument creationism is a mythAug 13 2008 11:08am Evolution contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that objects decay from greater order to less order and more chaos. Evolution also depends on mutations, which is difficult to believe because 99.999% of mutations either kill or maim their subjects. Even one beneficial mutation is very unlikely, and a long series of beneficial mutations (which is what the Theory of Evolution depends on) is extraordinarily unlikely. Simple FactsAug 23 2008 10:01pm #0107 - (Sun.) * 8/31/08 UpdateAug 31 2008 10:02am simple facts does not understand evolution at all, many evangelicals like to believe chance plays a bug roll in evolution, not true. natural selection says given different conditions living things would would adapt and given the right conditions life will form there is really no chance played in here AnonymousSep 01 2008 11:16am big not bug, sorry AnonymousDec 07 2008 10:52am I asked 0 pastors this question and none was able to answer it where did god come fom AnonymousDec 27 2008 1:38pm Actually both are right and both are wrong. Mankind may have evolved as the evolutionists say. However something happened to this animal creature which made him civilised man. You may call this intervention an act of God or it may be due to actions taken by beings so far advanced to us even today that they can only conceived by us as being gods. wwApr 07 2009 2:06pm Anonymous, evolution is'nt a streight line, it twists and curves. Besides, in a few previous posts, it was said that Humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor species, not the former from the latter. T-888Apr 25 2009 12:11pm Yeah, something happened to make men civilised, it's called social organisation. Hubris JoeFeb 25 2010 8:14am Evolution probably occurred on the earth. However, its beginnings as have been suggested by modern science are very sketchy, for lack of a better word. The idea the RNA and DNA originated from a pool of primeval soup is very dubious. As well as the idea that these molecules then out of the blue had the ability to replicate themselves and produce cells and complex reactions necessary for life without any proteins or organisms is almost implausible. As Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA, said "You have a better chance of running a tornado through a junkyard and coming out with a fully assembled and functional 747 jet than you do of creating DNA from any type of primordial soup." However, the staggering amount of evidence of later evolution suggests that it must have occurred. However, in my opinion, the process's sheer complexity and assumptions necessary in order to make it work compels me to believe that there is some supreme being who guided the process, to which men bestow the appellation of "God". mynamemattersnotJun 14 2010 5:05pm I imagine most people posting here are from the USA. Its been pointed out religion supports evolution. Actually, at least two major world religions ie Buddhism and Hinduism are quite open to evolution. It also needs to be pointed out that that the the core conditions for evolution do not have to have first occured on earth. An important counter theory is that comets could have seeded the earth. SocratesAug 09 2010 8:36am Correction! Sorry I meant that its been suggested religion supports creationism! Pity there is no way to edit posts here. SocratesAug 09 2010 8:37am How could God have explained the complexities of astrophysics and atomic structure much less life to a bunch of camel jockies? God couldn't because man couldn't understand it. Thus God gave man his words in the bible in a way that a CAMEL JOCKY could understand. No if you with all your education as a modern human being thinks this universe just HAPPENED, you are as smart as a camel jocky 2,000 years ago! You have an advantage over them in that you have more understanding of what you see. I agree READ Show Me God! In the end for a non-believer they will wonder how they had not seen the truth that was so very obvious. The fool says in his heart, "there is no God." - Psalm 14:1a AnonymousAug 26 2010 9:46am Where did god come from? what existed before god? AnonymousAug 27 2010 3:15pm God, apparently, is a necessary being and the universe being contingent depends on him. The buck stops at God. YooooooooooohooooooooooooMay 05 2011 11:14pm OK right if god didnt exist how was the earth created? BIG BANG? how did the big bang happen? atoms reacting? or star crashing? how was that created? also how come we can see apes and humans noothing "inbetween" survived there are mising links IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN THAT IS WHY IT IS THE THEORY OF EVEOLUTION NOT THE LAW OF EVOLUTION how come we have a world that is 100% perfect all the right masses of gas by chance i dont think so. while i dont take the bible word for word jesus is my king scientists all admit jesus definatly existed he is the only profit to have been proved to exist what about all the people wh saw him cure forgive and banish demonds there are 1000s of account religion has survived for thousands upon thousands of yeaars christianity for 1979 years where as evolution for a mear 200 years religion is growing quicker than ever befor i use to be an atheist and since become christion almost everting makes sence ONE WAY JESUS THATS MY KING ! I wonder do you know him?May 16 2011 10:45am OK right if god didnt exist how was the earth created? BIG BANG? how did the big bang happen? atoms reacting? or star crashing? how was that created? also how come we can see apes and humans noothing "inbetween" survived there are mising links IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN THAT IS WHY IT IS THE THEORY OF EVEOLUTION NOT THE LAW OF EVOLUTION how come we have a world that is 100% perfect all the right masses of gas by chance i dont think so. while i dont take the bible word for word jesus is my king scientists all admit jesus definatly existed he is the only profit to have been proved to exist what about all the people wh saw him cure forgive and banish demonds there are 1000s of account religion has survived for thousands upon thousands of yeaars christianity for 1979 years where as evolution for a mear 200 years religion is growing quicker than ever befor i use to be an atheist and since become christion almost everting makes sence ONE WAY JESUS THATS MY KING ! I wonder do you know him?May 16 2011 10:49am ''Don't the unbelievers notice that the earth and the Heaven were mixed up pervasively? Then WE seperated them and created everything from liquid. Won't they believe yet?'' (Al Qur'an 21:30) ZulqarnaeenJun 04 2011 4:41pm What a stupid poll. We should be talking about how superior Womyn are instead. AnonymousJul 08 2011 3:41am The Great Goddess created Women in her image as the highest form of life to walk this planet. AnonymousJul 13 2011 4:10pm ^I disagree, I think Women have evolved over time into the superior creatures they are today. AnonymousAug 16 2011 3:42pm website creation dot com answers all questions at ph d level anonymousJul 07 2013 5:02am website gotquestions dot org answers 300,000 questions about life Patrick USAJul 09 2013 1:38am Creation is true. anonymousMar 29 2014 4:27am Evolution is clearly the way in which species adapt to change. The fossil record provides strong evidence of this. Natural selection is a logical and internally consistent theory. Many Christians even admit that this may have been how God did create us. While natural selection is clearly at work within species, where are the transitional forms in the fossil record that shows the links between species? Shouldn't there be a consistent record showing the progression from ape to man? I think they call that the "missing" link because it is MISSING. 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