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women who beat up menQuestion: CAN YOU BEAT UP YOUR HUSBAND?Created by: lelgt at 02:21:24 AM, Wednesday, July 06, 2005 EDT Comments
I KNOW SELF DEFENSE AND WORKOUT A LOT. MY HUSBAND IS DEFENSELESS NOW. I'M FITTER AND STRONGER NOW! Hi Sandy. Why did you feel the need to get self defence? Was hubbie being abusive to you? Daniel.Jul 06 2005 9:16am daniel, no never..but at one time he was stronger and could play wrestle me..now i can play wrestle him and he just gets winded. sandyJul 06 2005 7:50pm sandy, you sound like a self centered jerk. while you were getting fit and learning self defense..ole hubby was probably supporting you. regular maleJul 07 2005 4:57am regular male? what is up? this is a poll. you must be a wimp. sandyJul 07 2005 11:30am many women have used self defense or even stronger muscles on husbands who get drunk or try to get abusive. now women can fight back! we are no longer defenseless. nancy p.Jul 08 2005 3:18am i am 15 years younger than my husband. i dont beat him up..but he knows if i got violent his only option would be to run. i'm younger than him and much faster on my feet. i do yoga and jog. nancy p.Jul 08 2005 4:52am Sandy.......great to hear that the 2 of you can enjoy that sort of relationship. Bet you are from usa as not many women in uk are like that unfortunately..... Daniel.Jul 09 2005 3:19am I cant beat up my husband.He is 6.7 and 220 plus and my judoteacher.But I can crush average man like I want.I am 6.3 and not far 200.In school I always challenged the boys to blame them.I was the bettest in track at school and loved to wrestle dad at home.Also I did lot to train muscles;I always tried to train with the boys to show them who is in charge.I never lost a strenght test to any boy and at 18 lots of men got blamed by me in the weightroom.Once I watched three boys my age doing 400 meter races.I gave them a start of 100 and followed.In the middle of finish line I got them and won with ease.There was a few air left in their lungs and they were finished.But I had been fit again after a short while.It was a great feeling seeing those guys beeing castrated by me.I had been very agressive at my youth.Now I am 28 and more peacefull but do also lot sports.But still I dont have respect of smaller men.Because I dont like puny bodys who are weaker than me.When my husband and I fight at judo he has to struggle but always wins.The other men are no match for me.I dont fight against women because it would be a choke also men at 5.8 or less. louJul 19 2005 7:46am lou, i am 5'4" male. i think i could handle you. johnJul 19 2005 8:50pm Sorry hubby but your 90 pound frame is not worth one punch.Better for you to fight your wife.Perhaps you stay alive then. louJul 20 2005 5:12am lou, its easy for you to claim you can handle me.you are not that strong. johnJul 21 2005 4:55am lou - where are you from? Daniel (uk)Jul 28 2005 3:15am I THINK LOU IS A FAKE... JOHNJul 28 2005 1:29pm i have had to use self defense training on my first husband. he would get drunk and mean. once he realized that i could flip him to the floor easily..he would not try anything.that was a few years back. my new husband knows i could handle him..but he is older and more frail than me. karenAug 02 2005 8:01am Karen - how old are you if you dont mind me asking? How old is your hubby? Daniel (uk)Aug 02 2005 8:28am i'm 46 he is 55. i am in much better shape physically..i work out and do strength training. he works in an office. karenAug 02 2005 11:35am women cant beat up men! they might become strong..but they would shiver in fear around any man!! robert jenkinsAug 02 2005 1:37pm robert...you are badly mistaken..many women are quicker on thier feet than the men in thier lives.. susanAug 02 2005 4:23pm ROBERT. THIS IS MODERN TIMES..WOMEN ARE STRONG AND PROUD NOW. MODERN BABEAug 04 2005 1:52pm i have witnessed a few women beating up men..and as a woman it looked great. older men who drink have no chance against a younger sober woman who is athletic. marthaAug 05 2005 1:12pm my wife can make me say give my straddling my legs. she has never became violent..but if she did i would be in trouble. paulAug 08 2005 8:48am this site is cool! i am a brown belt in karate. my husband knows that i know karate and supports me..but he thinks he can handle me. i know better but would never hurt him. cindyAug 09 2005 11:30am karate or no karate..a woman might get the best of me once..second time she would get wooped badly! regular manAug 10 2005 2:04pm regular man..a trained woman could easily woop you 2..3..even 50 times in a row. cindyAug 11 2005 6:43pm some women are taller and stronger than the males in thier lives. i'm surethey could handle them easily. tonyaAug 12 2005 1:22pm i had an abusive boyfriend years ago..he stopping hitting me once i started hitting back!i found out i could handle him, i shoved him onto a table and he could not get up. i was always athletic and we were about the same size. jenniferAug 15 2005 7:18pm only dyke women can beat up a man. jr.Aug 16 2005 9:17pm "only dyke women can beat up a man." Hey Einstein. The topic is if woman can beat up their husbands, and Dyke woman doesn't have husbands.... BTW My girlfriend is stronger than me, she's 29 and workout, i'm 21 and don't JonasAug 20 2005 5:44am Oh, sorry, i'm 31 y.o. BTW her sister is stonger than her husband also JonasAug 20 2005 5:45am jonas, how can you allow this? does she know you are stronger? jimAug 22 2005 3:26am most men wont fight back..so this is a stupid poll! kerryAug 22 2005 8:42am I think it is great for wives to be stronger than husbands. they are generally smarter to begin with, so they should have physical superiority. My wife is alsmot as strong as me - training hard DennisAug 23 2005 6:55am women should obey they husband..my wife is as strong as me or maybe stronger..but she listens to me..thats how we live. john roscoAug 23 2005 9:06am IF I LOST TO A BROAD..I WOULD START LIFTING WTS. RONALDAug 23 2005 11:00am ronald...you better start lifting..there is a lot of strong women now. cindyAug 23 2005 12:31pm dennis, you are full of it. women are great at many things. but you are generalizing. rogerAug 23 2005 4:56pm I can beat my husband at armwrestling and pin his body with a wrestling hold. After just under two years of weight training I'm stronger than he is and now I have larger muscles. He just stairs at my muscles when I pin him and I can tell that he just can't believe what has happened. About a year and a half in the gim! ElaineAug 23 2005 5:30pm elaine..how tall are the 2 of you? could you beat him up if he became violent? do you know a lot of wrestling holds?..please tell us more lanceAug 23 2005 7:32pm Elaine..i bet your man is very happy..and i bet you look awesome! roger from ohioAug 24 2005 7:42am MY SISTER IN LAW STARTED TO WT. TRAIN AND DO AEROBICS.SHE HAD AN ABUSIVE HUSBAND.AFTER SHE STARTED TO WORK OUT SHE COULD PUT HIM ON THE GROUND RATHER EASILY WHEN HE SWUNG AT HER. HE NO LONGER SWINGS AT HER. SHE IS NOW MUCH STRONGER AND QUICKER THAN HIM. PAUL ZILOAug 24 2005 1:19pm paul, good for her! ronertAug 24 2005 6:10pm i know many women wish they could beat up the hubby at times.but lets face it they are bigger and stronger. cynthiaAug 24 2005 8:00pm I took a swing once at my wife. Big misstake! She caught my arm and then I got the beating of my life. She is 10 years younger than me, taller and heavier. She works out and have taken self defence classes. How could I be so stupid! As many males I thought I was stronger than any woman. She has never beaten me after that but our relationship has changed. If we don't agree about anything important she just smiles at me, flexing her arms and say, we?ll do it my way, right darling? What can I say? The beating she gave me was the most humiliating kind, I got slapped, spanked, punched in the stomach and then have to beg her to forgive me. We have most of the time a normal life and love each other but as I said, I have to take that she is the boss in our relationship. abused?Aug 26 2005 12:52am abused..it sounds like you live with a good woman. you should never have swung at her. maybe you need a self defence class now. roger from ohioAug 26 2005 1:45am abused..please tell us more. your woman has every advantage going for her..size/strength/skill/age. how old are you? how long have you been marries? paulAug 26 2005 6:01am any man who lets his woman beat him up must be lazy! a man can over power any woman with a little effort. abused you must be a very lazy person. sam rutigAug 26 2005 6:21am elaine...we miss you lanceAug 26 2005 7:14am i think many women could kick the old mans ass. when couples age..the woman stay young and strong longer. i know my step mother could easily handle my dad. kennyAug 26 2005 9:05am i have beat my husband in wrestling and jodo practice. i train hard, he does not. we are about the same size but my legs are much stronger and he knows this.but i could never hurt him he is to weak for me now..it would not be close. judo teacher at the yAug 26 2005 12:25pm judo teacher--what are your respective ages? Just CuriousAug 26 2005 12:41pm i am 51 he is 54.he has not worked out in years though..but sometimes we spare for fun. judo teacher at the yAug 26 2005 1:06pm Sorry to keep bothering you, judo teacher; just one more question. I am in a similar situation to your husband's; wife is in great shape and at this point is probably stronger and tougher than I am. Does your superior strength and physical prowess translate into your being less attracted to him physically than you otherwise would be? If he were your physical superior, would you find him more desirable? Just Curious (again)Aug 26 2005 1:35pm curious, that means nothing! you men always were about that junk..like you have to prove something. my husband is still the man of the house and makes the major decisions. i would never attempt to dominate him in any way. when we make love its great! he enjoys my athletic figure very much. does your wife teach judo? judu instructorAug 26 2005 2:19pm judo instructor--thanks for the response. Some of us men are a bit insecure, I guess; it's part of our charm. To answer your question; no she does not, but she teaches pilates, and does spinning, lifts weights, etc.--just loves all that stuff. She's developed one damn strong body. (We wrestled last week, and it did NOT end well!) I must say though, she looks great, and am most proud of her. I just want her to feel the same way about me. Despite what you say, I think i'm upping my gym time, just in case! Thanks, judo instructor. Sounds like you've got a lucky husband. CuriousAug 26 2005 2:51pm curious, just be yourself and show her love. i know my husband could handle me if he worked out all the time, but he does not because he works a lot. judo teacherAug 27 2005 9:33am Judo instr..OK. I have the "works a lot" problem too. In my next life, maybe I'll marry a girl with lots of money rather than lots of muscles; it would solve two problems...(!) Nice talking to you. less curiousAug 28 2005 8:28am curious..it sounds like she beat you up or humiliated you..talk to her. judo teacher ( cynthia from chardon)Aug 28 2005 10:46am my first wife broke my heart..so i broke her jaw! just kidding. but not too many women can beat up a man. clarence m.Aug 29 2005 3:12pm many women would kick the crap out of you. jerryAug 30 2005 10:23am a knee to a my husbands balls..shows him who is the boss! after doing that i can throw him around real easy, and have done so a few times when he is drunk. aliceSep 01 2005 10:35am nice alice not impressedSep 01 2005 11:00am alice, if you kneed me there i would punch you out the next day! rossiSep 01 2005 11:22am i could beat up my husband easily. i'm fitter.younger and in better health. he knows this so he no longer bullies me. tonya gulioSep 01 2005 5:00pm i have seen a few women beat up men easily. if a woman is faster..she will win. most women fear men..once they learn to stop flinching and strike first..the male will lose. my wife never thought about such a subject before..once i pulled a hamstring muscle..i asked her to squeeze my leg and make it feel better. after that she started to grapevine my legs regularly. at that point she learned she had much strong pelvis and upper leg strength.she now knows she could defeat me if push came to shove. salsburySep 02 2005 8:21am MANY WOMEN THINK THEY CAN HANDLE A GUY UNTIL THE GUY FIGHTS FULL GO..THEN ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE! ROBERTSep 02 2005 10:14am robert...you would be surprised at just how wrong you are. salsburySep 02 2005 12:13pm Ladies who work out with weights and take self defence classes are probably capable of beating up a man. I guess that if a man knows his wife is trained in self defence and capable of beating him up, it may well act as a deterrent so that he would not even think of assaulting her. MikeSep 03 2005 2:47pm My wife once had my legs pinned in a grapevine and I found out how strong her muscles really are. After 3 weeks of pain I found out that she had tore some of the tendons and cartilage it required surgery to repair both legs. We would workout together and within about two years she had developed larger muscles compared to my own. Her thighs are 25 inches in the middle and calves 18 inches. Several inches larger than my own. When we began workouts together we were about even. AnonymousSep 04 2005 9:30am mike..if a man knows that momma knows self defense..he will not even argue with her..women learn so fast! salsburySep 05 2005 10:21am sorry guys but i'm 6'4" male and also a sportive guy and a few months ago I met a woman in the gym who was so unbelievable muscular,I never thought I was attracted by that kind of ladies, I want to know her better and started talking with her.After a few weeks I want to know what her strength is and asked her if we could armwrestle together.From the first moment we start to armwrestle I know I was the loser,because when I looked at her flexing biceps I saw they were much bigger than mine so I tried real hard to beat her, but she played with me and I couldn't move her arm.To make a long story short we are real good friends now and we train the most of the times together and she is still training with heavier weights for all bodyparts than I do but I enjoy see her training and hope that in the future we can train on same level. arnoldSep 06 2005 1:14pm arnold..are you a toothpick? bob silionSep 06 2005 3:47pm arnold is probably a geek AnonymousSep 07 2005 8:50am elaine..we miss you. lelgtSep 07 2005 9:36am hello, I am very much in hearing from indian/pakistani woman who believe they are physically capable of dominating their partners.... azlanSep 10 2005 6:40pm many women beat up men. its just not in the news as much. men being beaten up is usually laughed at. jennySep 20 2005 10:23am She could beat me up and I would not be able to do a thing about it. This does not disturb me. I am so proud of her. I am just to timid to broach this particular topic with her becaue I don't want her to think less of me. Her power, her abilities, especially her ability to thoroughly dominate me through strength is a sexual turn on that is very powerful. Rocks In My HeadSep 20 2005 3:33pm rocks in my head...i agree with you. jim s.Sep 20 2005 4:42pm Rocks In My Head and jim s., I agree with the sexual turn on that is very powerful. WowserSep 21 2005 4:52am any woman ever tried to beat me up would get knocked on her ass. red dawgSep 21 2005 8:18am I know a few women who just might knock you on your ass! LELGTSep 21 2005 9:27am I SEE ATHLETIC YOUNG WOMEN ALL THE TIME..AND THINK LIKE WOW..THESE BABES WOULD WOOP 2/3 OF THE GUYS ON BARSTOOLS! JERRYSep 22 2005 4:24pm I SEE ATHLETIC YOUNG WOMEN ALL THE TIME..AND THINK LIKE WOW..THESE BABES WOULD WOOP 2/3 OF THE GUYS ON BARSTOOLS! JERRYSep 22 2005 4:24pm some women must beat up men in self defense.in this day and age the number of women who have that ability is amazing. johnSep 26 2005 6:04am Most women probably have no desire to beat up a man, but learning self defence skills is something every woman should consider. She might one day be in the position of having to beat up a man to defend herself. MikeSep 26 2005 7:17am mike, the thing that amazes me is..women who are real strong and have fighting abilities are not bullies like so many men are. aliceSep 26 2005 7:51am alice...thats because they are so few!! red dawgSep 26 2005 1:19pm has any women you know ko a man with one punch? AnonymousSep 29 2005 5:04am where are the women at? there must be a few women out there who had to woop the old man. lelgtOct 04 2005 11:20am I expect that the women don't really want to respond; they are too busy rolling their eyes when they read the latest, silly entries on this thread. AllenOct 06 2005 12:37pm i have seen several women woop men in bars. women now can be strong as much faster on thier feet. pool shooterOct 07 2005 11:22am AMy girlfriend used to work as a prison guard in a male facility. She is an attractive woman, long Blond hair blue eyed about 5`10 and an athletic 165 pounds. The reason they let her go is that she had to restrain an inmate. And things just got out of hand, since he was still in a drug induced psychosis. Being that he was a drug addict he was only down to 110 lbs in weight on his 5`3 frame. And when she restrained him she ended up using to much force as broke his ribs and crushed some internal organs. He died in the hospital. You bet there are women who can and have beaten up men. And in some cases fatal! PaulOct 08 2005 12:04pm Paul that woman should have known she could have severely hurt the guy.You shouldnt use any force on someone that size. In fact I would be restraining myself. Geeze! She was a full head taller and 55 lbs heavier and here she was probably restraining him with 80 to 90 percent of her physical power. Theres no suprise there. No wonder they let her go. I`m suprised no charges were filed? AnthonyOct 08 2005 3:08pm Paul that woman should have known she could have severely hurt the guy.You shouldnt use any force on someone that size. In fact I would be restraining myself. Geeze! She was a full head taller and 55 lbs heavier and here she was probably restraining him with 80 to 90 percent of her physical power. Theres no suprise there. No wonder they let her go. I`m suprised no charges were filed? AnthonyOct 08 2005 3:27pm PAUL, DOES SHE HAVE A NICE BODY? DID SHE USE KARATE? PLEASE TELL US MORE. LELGTOct 09 2005 6:12am We live down the road from a 56 year old single lady. She runs a 120 acre horse farm all by her self. She is 5'11", and solid muscle. I have never seen a women with such bulging forearms, and rippling veins. The day she stopped by to introduce herself, I about fell over. She said people were always talking behind her back, about how she might be a man, or at least a dyke. She recently stopped by to tell us she was going to serve two weekends in the county jail, for severely beating a man that kept harping on her in our local tavern. It seems as soon as he saw her, he began to tease and belittle her. After 20 minutes of abuse, she got up to leave and he jumped in front of her and challenged her to a fight. In just a couple of seconds, she had knocked him down, picked him back up, and threw into a table against a block wall. She pulled him back up, and got him in a chokehold. The bartender tried to break her grip, but he could not. She was proudly telling us this part! Nobody could get her to break her bicep loose after it was wrapped around his throat. She left him unconscious, and went home. She was arrested the next morning, and was convicted of aggravated assault. She was not the least bit unhappy about having to serve four days in jail. I hope the other women in that lockup give her plenty of room, and watch what they say! Can a woman beat a man? Just listen to this woman's tale, and look at her arms... it's all you'll need to become a believer! DavidOct 11 2005 10:54pm david - good story. where was this? 13/10/05 Daniel (uk)Oct 13 2005 4:23am david, she sounds like my kind of woman johnOct 13 2005 7:54pm i would have just punched her in the head.. archie bunkerOct 14 2005 5:42am archie, she would have beat you to death...you sound like a redneck. johnOct 14 2005 5:43am It`s ususally the little guys with a napoleon complex who ends up getting beaten to death. And archie is right in that category AnonymousOct 16 2005 10:33pm Most of this is fantasy, we understand this right? Its very rare when a woman can physically beat a man, very rare. And the circumstances have to be a bit of extremes, such as a fit woman and a very weak, wimpy guy. grizzlyOct 23 2005 5:32pm grizzly..or a fit man and fitter woman. sallyOct 24 2005 4:45am Grizzly maybe I am one of those extremes. I am 5`3 122 lbs. I do know for a fact that atleast 30 percent of the adult female population is stronger than I. I know it because I have experienced it throughout my adulthood. It`s just a fact of life for me, and I`m not bothered by it.In fact I find myself drawn more to stronger women, and many are drawn to me.If you are 6ft 200 lbs, you probably wont find a woman who can overpower you. So, in your case it is fantasy. But there alot of guys my size out there. Whether we like it or not,the concept of woman beating the crap out of us, is not fantasy, but reality! WilliamOct 24 2005 8:08am william..you hit it on the head. i'm 5'4 140 lbs. i have dated a few women who can over power me during sex easily. i could only imagine what they could do if they became violent. johnOct 24 2005 8:16am william and john, although i am tall at 5'6 i only weigh 120 lbs. most women are stronger than i am too. with more and more working out with weights, there will me more and more that will be stronger than i am. i have not dated a woman who wasn't stronger than i was GeordieNov 06 2005 11:24am my name is mohammed and i was born in iran where women controlled society. my parents decided to move to canada with us kids (one girl who is 15), me / boy 16 and brother 17. in iran my father was a champion runner. although he is tall, he is also very thin so he carries less weight when he runs. my brother and i take after my father in genes. my mother and sister are curvy but definitely not fat. last summer we were in the country at a cottage alone, the whole family. i heard my parents arguing in the woods and went to look. to my horror my mother was beating up my father. they grabbed each other and she threw him to the ground and immobilized him. from where i was hiding i could see them. the look on his face was pure humiliation - being beaten by his wife. that does not happen in our culture. she told him to say sorry. instead, he called her names. she grabbed his balls thru the wide leg in his shorts and began to squeeze them. All of us have big c*cks and balls (also normal for iranian men). my father screamed out in pain so my mom ordered him to apologise and she would let go. he refused so she squeezed them very hard. at that point he began to cry. she let him go and all he did was curl up in a ball, cupping his balls and cry like a baby. i still did not know what caused everything but was horrified. why did my mom do this? how could she have overpowered a man, especially my father. my dad always said that there were no strong women - that was just hollywood fantasy. now my mom just emasculated him and sort of did the same to me with me seeing all of this. it seems that she had been taking judo lessons and lifting weights during the day for the past six years. my sister wanted to do that but my dad forbade it. she then said that mom had been doing it for years and was a black belt in judo. that made my dad explode and he tried to forbid my mom from continuing with this. now both my mom and sister do it. mohammedNov 13 2005 10:15am that is a very good story. a woman with judo skills can handle a male easily. he is lucky she did not put him in the hospital. jennyNov 13 2005 5:08pm mohammed, how tall is your mother? when she imobilized him..did she use strength or a judo hold? have they argued since then? can your sister beat you up? paulNov 14 2005 6:32am Thanks Mohammed. It's really nice to know you have a big c*ck and balls which is normal for Iranian men. Geez AnonymousNov 16 2005 2:55pm A man who abuses his wife physically can really have few complaints if his wife decides to learn self defence and/or martial arts skills and turns the tables on him. MikeNov 17 2005 2:10am my mother is about 5'11 and my sister is too. my father, brother and i are 6'2 but all very thin. she used some throw and hold to hold him down. i remember that much. my sister lifts weights but i have never tried to compete with or vice versa. mohammedNov 20 2005 9:51am mohammed, is your mom more aggressive now? it sounds like she is a very determined woman! jennyNov 20 2005 11:48am yes, she has become more assertive at home. recently i overheard her say to my father that she was squeeze his balls if he didn't be quiet. He did not make a sound after that. They did not know I was listening. mohammedNov 21 2005 3:36am mohammed, it sounds like she is the boss 100% now. is your home happier now? paul janosNov 21 2005 9:09am my brother and i have only noticed that my sister is really getting into weightlifting, which we find odd because she was never all that active before. she and my mom go together to do it. my father does not say much any more. I will note any other changes that i see. mohammedNov 22 2005 3:34am mohammed, does your mom dress more western like now? i bet your dad is rather scared she will over power him in public. timNov 22 2005 3:04pm yes, she dresses western and won't dress persian. my sister is the same. i think is he scared of being overpowered by her in public. i can tell that it scares him that she will say she will squeeze his balls or hold him still while she toys with his equipment. In our culture there is no bigger form of emasculation than a man being helpless while someone, especially a woman, has her way with him. mohammedNov 23 2005 7:40pm mohammed, i bet deep down in him..he loves the fact she can handle him. my wife is pretty strong..she never worked out or did anything athletic..but she loves when she over powers my legs..and i love it also lelgtNov 24 2005 3:50pm i don't think that he loves it but he must accept it. this hurts his pride immensely. mohammedNov 25 2005 2:56am mohammed, it sure sounds like you mother is a sexy strong woman with the ability to over power the average male. your dad should treat her like a prize...because she is a prize. when he gets old and worn out she will take care of him. he has no clue how fortunate he is. as far as culture stuff? i think he will adapt. lelgtNov 25 2005 6:28am dumb dumb observerNov 27 2005 4:14am dumb, why even waste your time? lelgtNov 27 2005 4:43pm the only way a woman can beat up a man is if he is drunk or crippled. johnDec 01 2005 6:46pm john, you are in denile, many women can beat up the spouse. my sister in law has man handled her husband right in front of me. she is just plain stronger and faster than him. susanDec 02 2005 1:54pm Though you make a good point, Susan, your argument loses some of its punch when your spelling and sentence structure is so bad. (I.E. it's denial, not denile.) a partial admirerDec 03 2005 3:39pm a partial admirer, This is not english class and a lot of us do not have your mastery of the written word. If you do not agree with someone, please say that but at least try not to look down on them or otherwise insult the way they say something. By the way, I don't remember ever seeing "i.e." capitalized unless you meant it to be shouted, in which case, you still used poor judgement. A Complete AdmirerDec 03 2005 4:45pm Judgment: There is only one "E" in judgment. Look it up! If you would spend more time educating yourselves instead on writing about your fantasies, you could do yourselves a big favour! LuciferDec 04 2005 7:02am Lucifer, thanks for the correction. You must be in the UK. I figure that from your spelling of "favour" which in the US we normally see as "favor". Isn't the english language interesting? 'Course, I suppose you could be in the east, like new england, maybe? At any rate, as I said before, this is not english class. By the way, I believe you meant to use the word "of" as in "...instead [of] writing about...." Oh, and one more thing, I looked up "judgement" and "judgment" and both spellings are accepted. Thanks. A Complete AdmirerDec 04 2005 9:34am lucifer(satan wannabee)this board is about women who have had to beat up a male in self defense. not an english quiz. sallyDec 05 2005 10:47am mohammed, when your mom and dad first grabbed each other, i bet you were scared that mom might get hurt. i bet that was a real shocker when she threw him down and changed his point of view. in the arab world a man can usually over power several women at once. abishDec 09 2005 6:32am yes, i had never known something like this! i was first afraid for my mother, then for my father. it was very distressing. mohammedDec 10 2005 10:55pm i bet your mom is a very sexy woman! lelgtDec 11 2005 1:19pm i just think of my parents as parents mohammedDec 11 2005 9:37pm mohammed, could your mother out physical you? lelgtDec 12 2005 8:59am I AM SURPIZED THAT WE DONT HAVE MORE BABES ON THIS BOARD. THIGHMANDec 13 2005 4:05pm yes, i think that my mom could out physical me. i always thought of my father as strong and she can do it to him. mohammedDec 13 2005 8:48pm i bet he likes it!! thighmanDec 14 2005 1:58pm I was a high school football star many years ago. As a running back I weighed nearly 200 lbs. My girlfriend's mother who was just an averaged sized woman took my arm down in an armwrestling match with little trouble. As I remember, she beat me rather easily. In those days we did not have the equipment and weights that they have today so I was not trained. Still, I was totally shocked by her strength and I feel she could have manhandled me if she had so disired. CharlieDec 15 2005 6:44pm charlie, was she good looking? did it cause you to get a woody? johnDec 15 2005 7:40pm WOMEN DONT BEAT UP MEN..THEY JUST DONT HAVE THAT ABILITY. SUSANDec 19 2005 8:22am many of us women have beat up men in self defense..1 knee to a mans groin and he is helpless!!! janDec 20 2005 7:47pm JAN, I WOULD BEAT THE POOP OUT OF YOU. PAULDec 21 2005 10:55am paul..you sound like a hillbilly.women are just as capable as men and you know it. we are different yes,...but if you reverse things and teach a girl to be strong and fight..teach a boy to do no physical training..the grown up girl would crush the untrained male. sallyDec 22 2005 8:12am sally..you are so right! most women have had little training. when a woman does train..or even fights back the male gets his fragile ego crushed! the percentage of women that can beat up men is more like 20-40%. not the 1 out of 100..that men dream up. this is being proved more and more everyday. tonya...from atlantic cityDec 23 2005 7:28am TONYA, YOU ARE IN MAKE BELIEVE LAND! ROGERDec 23 2005 10:59am I responded by voting that my wife can't beat me up, but I am not sure. Once, when I was lying on the couch on my stomache, she sat on my back and I couldn't get up. She was a little mad at me for something and stayed on me for a few minutes, even after I asked her to get off, to purposely cause me to suffer under her weight. I was really uncomfortable and unhappy, but I must say I get so excited when I think back at what happened then. I don't know if she could throw me down and sit on me that way from an even start. I would like to think she could, but I have a feeling she couldn't. TadDec 25 2005 3:16am tad, how big is she compared to you? does she workout? lelgtDec 25 2005 3:08pm Lelgt, she is about as heavy and as big as me, but she doesn't work out. When we were younger I was definitely stronger, but I am not sure now who is stronger. TadDec 25 2005 7:25pm women dont beat up men because they are gentler...has nothing to do with strength. my wife has no aggression in her at all..if she did she could woop me with limited training. when you see an athletic woman..lookout..she could and would mop the floor with you if you put her in a self defense situation. bryceDec 26 2005 9:35am bryce, you are a wimp! women dont beat up men because they are soft and weak...period! dawgDec 29 2005 10:45am When I was growing up I remember my mother telling my father that the woman next door had been beaten by her husband. From the angle at the back of our home, I could see into the neighbor's backyard and garage. The husband had a weight set in the garage but I never saw him using it. Just drinking beer in the garage sometimes. I did however notice the the wife was working out when he was gone. During the summer when it was hot she wore a bathing top and did workout every day. That same summer I heard some yelling going on next door so I looked over the fence and watched him push her twice. She came at him and pushed him across the yard until she wrestled him to the ground. In a few minutes of struggling she had him pinned down and began punching him. I remember that she looked very muscular compared to her husband and that she was beating him with alot of strength. When she finished and got up she stood over him breathing so hard she sounded like a horse and still had her fists clenched. He didn't get up until long after she left and stooped over slowly went inside. After that I never under estimate a woman and find their physical strength a lure. Women can at times beat men up. ZackJan 01 2006 8:35pm zack, do you think he was drunk? that is a great story...happy new years to all.... lelgtJan 02 2006 5:14am Sober or drunk, I don't think the outcome would differ at all. I know this effected me as a young boy because I was like any young boy in that girls weren't very interesting. How ever I became fasinated with seeing this woman weight lifting and I'll admitt that this was my first sexual arousal and since that time I've been attracted to physically strong women. This woman so long ago would workout hard and heavy and then feel and look at her muscles. I remember after months went by seeing that she was bigger and I remember thinking that she now had bigger muscles than my dad. She would sometimes spend hours pumping iron and I found a place to watch from. I never told anyone about watching her either. I also didn't like her husband who thought he was a real tough guy. She would face an old mirror in the garage and flex her biceps after a workout and from the back I could see the muscles push up from her arms. She was very strong by anyone's measure by the amount of weight she would use at times. ZackJan 02 2006 2:31pm zack, does this mean the husband used to beat her..but then she was able to out physical him? or was that a typo? it said that your mom claimed the husband beat the wife. allenJan 03 2006 4:41am From my recolection, he beat her up. How many times I don't know. She later beat him up. That's what I saw, about a year after I began to notice her workouts. Even as a kid I put two & two together. I had noticed her physical change after awhile. She was buffed and I enjoyed seeing her. ZackJan 03 2006 6:23pm ZACK, DID SHE MAKE YOU HORNY? AllenJan 03 2006 7:00pm Allen, yes for the first time. I was mesmerized by her workout, her muscles, and that she was a girl, older but still a girl. I had wondered how strong she was becoming. Could she lift me overhead? Could she beat my father at armwrestling? How big were her muscles? They started looking big, but how big. All that ran through my mind. Yes it did and the whole thing was way outside of what I thought I knew about GIRLS. ZackJan 04 2006 7:01pm Zack, please dont tell us that you never talked to your neighbor and asked her those questions. You were a kid and she would have answered them and told you everything. How many years ago was this? Maybe she is still around and I could ask her. WowserJan 08 2006 10:24am you folks are so silly. the only way a woman can beat up a man is if the man is drunk or horny.lol. you folks are in make believe land..lol. a woman can train..be bigger..younger..it does not matter..a man can always handle a woman. why do you think men rape women? because they are stronger. why do you think old men marry young women?..because they are stronger. why do we have abused women? because men are stronger. it might not be fair..but it is the facts. johnJan 08 2006 11:08am I agree with John. Generally women, even if they know how to fight they cannot win against a man. For example, even if she knows how to throw a punch, usually it would not do much to a regular man, even in the face. KevinJan 13 2006 9:20pm some women are forced to beat up males. and of these women..they can do damage! take a woman of equal size..give her a small amount of training and she will clean your clock. kenJan 14 2006 7:12pm my wife is a policewoman,she is a blackbelt in karate and worksout 3 times per week. we have never actually fought in anger. but she can and has restrained me against my will playing around many times. no doubt she could beat me up if push came to shove. ron winstonJan 15 2006 5:48am ron, how tall are you and her? does she wear the pants?..lol johnJan 15 2006 10:47am this board here caught my eye. early in our marriage..my husband had been drinking and became very violent with me. he had been shoving me and yelling. i became scared and used the hand to hand combat training i learned in the army. i flipped him onto the ground and held him in a simple judo shoulder lock..until he became submissive (about 10 minutes). i'm a little taller and very fit. i was so surprised that i could do this. after this incident he never shoved me again. we get along fine now. i'm not sure if i could do this as easily with him sober. but i do know he has not tried to use his male strength advantage on me since! so i would think this is a common thing now. many of us gals know self defense moves. most men just try to use brute force. when thats the case ..the woman will win. vicky kyleJan 21 2006 12:27pm vicky..thats a great story.was he all sad the next day? lelgtJan 21 2006 12:29pm Don?t want to offend anybody. But I cant understand what you are talking about. At the age of 40 I have never seen a woman beating a man in armwrestling or overpowering a man in a physical way. At 1.73 I am not the biggest man on earth and I know a lot woman being taller than me, but they are not stronger than me. I think any story at this page of a woman defeating a man is fantasy. Sure, a bodybuilding woman can be stronger than a weak male. But anything like this is unusual. In normal live the woman has about 60% of male body-strength. non-fictionJan 22 2006 10:06am i'm not sure if i'm stronger than you..but i know i could defeat you in a fight. my self defense training would allow me to pounce on you and make you submit in seconds. vickie kyleJan 22 2006 11:19am That was not my comment. If you are in self defence, it could be. But in general a woman is not able to overpower a man. non-fictionJan 23 2006 1:10am NON-FICTION..it looks like you are in denial.probably 35% of women are stronger than 35% of men..all things being equal..age/size..etc. just because you have not seen it..means nothing. lelgt..1-27-06Jan 28 2006 11:53am I had been working out with weights with my x-husband for about three years and he has weight trained for 5 years. At 5 ft nine inches, I'm only an inch shorter than him. After two years my legs were larger, more muscular, and stronger. My upper body was at about 90 percent of his strength and my upper arm was an inch smaller around. Within one more year my legs were about 50 percent stronger than his and my biceps and upper body were the same size. We would lift the same in upper body but I would do stronger leg workouts. By then in a comparison of strength, I was stronger and I could out-work him using the same weights and I started to notice that he was jealous. I enjoyed pushing harder than him for more sets and finding how much stronger I was. One day we just had a fight and he became physical pushing me. When it turned into a wrestling match I soon realized that I was stronger than my husband, this gave me a rush of strength and I had him under my control. I could also feel my muscles and noticed that he was watching my shoulders and arms. This was one of the most exiting feelings I have ever experienced because I was now overpowering him and I could see that he was scared. I was a competitive swimmer for five years and I had developed wide shoulders and in those three years of marrage I added muscle. My husband's eyes were fixed on my shoulders as I pinned his arms. I was able to pin his legs and arms and wear him down until I could start to try something. When his struggling became weak I moved him into another hold with my legs wrapped around his middle and his arms pinned up behind his head. I had him from behind now and I had plenty of strength left. I rolled on my back and held him there to take several breaths and than started to pull his upper arms tighter into the center of his back and found that I was so much stronger than he was that I could feel his strength just giving out. Now I had his arms pulled so tight that my hands were inching closer to my shoulders. I could now start squeezing with my legs. I would grind my muscles into him far into the evening and just worked out on him until he was beaten. He was verbally abusive and even tried to fight me and he had this comming. AmberJan 29 2006 1:47am amber, how badly was he weakened? did he try for a rematch? sueJan 29 2006 8:29am amber..good for you. more women should do that. annaJan 29 2006 8:48am Amber, I HAD THE SAME FEELING WHEN I USED SELF DEFENSE TRAINING ON MY HUSBAND. NOW THOUGH HE DOES NOT TRY TO USE THAT MALE MACHO CRAP ON ME ANY MORE..BECAUSE HE KNOWS I CAN PUT A HURTING ON HIM. VickieJan 29 2006 8:50am amber, it sounds like you really enjoyed wooping him. have you beat up any more men that you are with? johnJan 30 2006 4:51am I had to beat up my first husband on several occasions. at first he would get drunk and violent. after a while i became stronger than him from exercise and hard work. i could defeat him when he was drunk and after a few years defeat him when he was sober. now he thinks he can handle me..but he knows better that to confront the subject. the last time we fought i really weakened him to the point where he could barely walk. janeFeb 01 2006 12:37pm Amber...I have been surprised by former girlfriends who to the eye were apparently no match for me, but beat me fair and square in wrestling. If I didn't get an advantage in the beginning a womans greater stamina and surprising strength would eventually wear me down and have me begging for mercy on several occasions. frank p.s. I outweighed all of them by at least 40 lbs.?!?! AnonymousFeb 02 2006 11:36pm many of us women have this ability..but, we are not like that. aliceFeb 04 2006 5:53am I am a good lie detector. *Most* of the stories on this topic are fake. People only want to believe them, to be turned on by them, so they'll defend them. And most of those defending them may be double posters themselves (posting as a guy and girl). Of course not all of it is BS, but this is more BS on this topic, than most of the topics on this board. And that... is saying alot. SeerFeb 05 2006 1:15am seer..this is a board about women who had to beat up the husband. your comment is about childesh. lelgtFeb 05 2006 7:07pm Seer, some women are forced to fight back and even win. this board seems to be ok. janetFeb 06 2006 6:44am One of these days I'm going to find out what is causing these double post. Sorry folks. WaltFeb 06 2006 11:35am A couple of years ago a co worker friend of mine was beaten by his wife. They were married for five years and more than three of those she spent hours in a gym strength training when he was at work. she was only about an inch shorter than him at about 5'10" but she was very big and muscular when I saw her. They had a fight at home and she cornered him. Although she never hit him in the face she drove punches into his midsection while he was in a corner of their bedroom. He told me this only lasted a few minutes at the most but she had broken seven ribs along with cracking several more. He also had a broken sternum. He told the doctor it was a gang that beat him. The doctor told him that any more and they would have killed him by crushing his heart and lungs. They were soon divorced. I was told that she could lift more than 300 lbs and workout with such heavy weights. AnonymousFeb 06 2006 9:08pm i know my ex wife could grapevine my legs until i begged in pain..REAL pain. she was very strong in the legs from ice skating.she never beat me up..but she probbably could even in a fist fight. she had muscles. johnFeb 06 2006 9:22pm most of us women have had times in our lives that we wanted to beat the heck out of our husbands. but truth beknown..most of us cant. sallyFeb 06 2006 9:27pm you women here are nuts.the men in your lives just dont hit women. AnonymousFeb 07 2006 8:44am My wife is 5ft 8 and about 150lbs. I'm 6ft and 185lbs. She has worked out pretty hard for the past 3 or 4 yrs, while I don't get any meaningful excercise at all. It's still no contest - she's not even close to as strong as me. Too bad, I would like a little more competition for the bedroom wrestling. DaveFeb 09 2006 6:54am My wife is much stronger than me. Once I did something to anger my wife. In a rage, she pinned me down and almost smothered me with a pillow. I couldn't fight her off. She stopped when she realized what she was doing. Since then, I have been really careful about getting her mad. Guess I know who's the boss now. MikeFeb 11 2006 10:54pm mike, how big is she? does she know self defense? paulFeb 12 2006 4:59am This incident happened years ago, Paul. At that time she was about 5'7 and 160 lbs. She grew up with two brothers who wrestled with her and could always take me. But, in this incident she just lost control. MikeFeb 12 2006 7:58am MIKE, I BET YOU DONT TRY TO SLAP HER AROUND..LOL LELGTFeb 12 2006 10:11am No, Paul, my wife has never taken formal self defense lessons. She can handle herself pretty well without it. No, I wouldn't dare to slap her around. MikeFeb 12 2006 4:39pm THIS BOARD IS ABOUT NUTS. IF A WOMAN TRIED TO BEAT ME UP I WOULD CLOCK HER. RED DAWGFeb 13 2006 5:43am Red Dawg, yeah, yeah, y WaltFeb 14 2006 7:36am amber,janet, and the rest of the women here...you are in make believe land. your husbands allow you to win. red dawgFeb 14 2006 11:18am There are plenty of women now days that could make you really look just like a RED DOG! HAHAHAHA! What an idiot... By the way there is little difference in the number of beatings by either gender, check your facts corndog. AnonymousFeb 15 2006 7:38pm Sorry, Red Dawg. Amber and Janet are not in a make believe world. My wife can definitely kick my ass. I don't stand a chance. And, there are plenty of other women who could too. Wise up. Today's women are no longer the weaker sex. MikeFeb 15 2006 9:54pm mike, are you a wimp? if your woman can woop you..start being a man and fight back. red dawgFeb 16 2006 5:00am Red Dawg, You don't get it. I love my wife and I wouldn't beat her, even if I could. She is a wonderful person, and I enjoy being the more submissive person in our relationship. MikeFeb 19 2006 9:14am i just cant see a woman beating up a man. if the man is drunk or crippled yes.but not if he is healthy. lets get real. johnFeb 20 2006 9:50pm i agree with john kevinFeb 23 2006 9:54am john and keven, i'm 3 inches taller than my wife and 20 lbs heavier. i'm about average in strength and fitness. i'm stronger than my wife. but my wife has had formal self defense training. she could restrain me or render me defenseless in seconds. we have played around..as in wrestling for the remote..1 wrist lock or shoulder lock and i must say give..and say give fast. she usually smiles and asks me if i'm ok. but if push came to shove she could beat me up easily. johnFeb 24 2006 10:14am john, you sound like a wuss. you should be able to handle her. red dawgFeb 25 2006 10:00am Red Dawg,if you think that there is no way a women can beat a man and you think all of the guys a wusses, then why are you on all these boards. I see your commets on everyone of the boards that deal with men losing to women.If you dislike us so much, then why do you come to these boards other than to show your ass. WaltFeb 27 2006 9:08pm walt, i think the guy is a fake. lelgtFeb 28 2006 1:52pm My girlfriend and I started a wrestling match. I am bigger then her. To my surprise she beat me. Women are stronger then thougt I now realize. To her it was all fun but I liked it a lot less. She often teases me about it. JakeMar 07 2006 4:10pm jake, does she lift wts? lelgtMar 08 2006 11:15am I have a friend who was beat up by his girlfriend. She works out and has built her body up and has shown me her muscles. I had figured this would happen because they weren't getting along as well as they used too. They are both into horses and she beat him up in a barn. When I saw him the next day I thought he was thrown from a horse but without thinking I made a joke about her punching him. I felt bad because it was true! He was so beat up that I didn't think it could have been her. AnonymousMar 11 2006 9:00am tell us more..ages/sizes etc.do you think he fought back? lelgtMar 12 2006 7:48am Yes, but not very heavy. Just to stay in shape. She also runs and plays volleyball. JakeMar 19 2006 6:09pm women dont beat up men! this must be a bdsm type board. robertMar 22 2006 6:07am robert, I wish you were right. I am married to a woman that have beat me up a few times, she says she needed to do that since I was out of line. Once because I talked to much to a pretty woman at a party, once when I came home drunk and woke her up and a few more times. She is about 25 lbs heavier than me and a lot stronger, she always has been stronger. She can beat me both at wrestling and in a fist fight, I don't particularly like to threw punches at my wife but I need to defend myself, but to no use at all. When it comes to wrestling we do wrestle for fun, she hurts me a bit but not always. I am not a wimp, I have been in figths with other men and won some/lost some. Some women are really strong and not scared of fightging, a lethal combination. Stay away from these women robert and you can keep your ideas about women as non violent. HenryMar 28 2006 2:37am henty ..you need to apply some upper body strength on her. this can be a few punches or even a good shove. men have more upper body strength. red dawgMar 28 2006 7:25am UNFAIR DOUBLE-STANDARD AGAINST MEN: If a man beats up a woman, he is condemned. If a woman beats up a man, she is congradulated. If a man beats up a woman, she receives sympathy. If a woman beats up a man, he receives ridicule. Feminism was supposed to create a more fair society. Where is the fairness in the double-standard against men? Anonymous101Mar 31 2006 2:10pm Anonymous, I guess the double standard exisits because it is still thought to be unusual for a woman to be able to beat up the guy so when it happens the woman is looked upon as being a super woman and held in awe to a degree. Moreover, there are so many men (including myself) who have a fetish about being overpowered by a woman that when it happens our the fetish tends to prevail making us admire the woman and get turned by the fact that she beat the guy and therefore don't condemn her for it. When a woman, without justification and not by mutual consent beats a guy, the woman should be condemned as much as a guy is when he beats a woman, but for the reasons I stated above it just isn't. TadApr 01 2006 3:57am Last year while water sking at a lake I watched a couple get in one awful fight. Maybe I should have tried to break it up but I just watched to see the outcome. The girl was really in great shape and had some muscle and the guy was no weakling. They rolled around in the sand and both landed punches and this girl got so mad that she was out of control and it turned to wrestling. The guy had his hands full and it became clear he was getting tired and at the same time the girl was starting to beat him. The thing is you could see this girl's muscles and the thought went through my mind that she would kick my ass if I tried to pull her off! As it went on she had him pinned down and put her legs on his arms and started punching his face several times. Someone yelled to stop it and she did, got off of him and when he got up, he came after her again! He got the crap beat out of him and she blasted him with her knee as he fell. The guy didn't get back up until she left and she even stood over him just waiting for him to get up. It was sort of arousing to watch her beat him and then stand over him and see him not move but just look up at her muscular body. She stood over him with her fists clenched and all pumped and sweaty while the guy was out of breath! Something I noticed was her breathing was deeper and slower than his was even though in the end he was on the recieving end as she worked during the fight. She was a great skier too! What an athletic body though! DuaneApr 02 2006 4:30pm Wow - it would be awesome to have a video of that one! She sounds incredible! AnonymousApr 04 2006 7:35am I would like to hear some true stories of women who were thrown in JAIL for beating up men. Angry ManApr 04 2006 8:46pm Angry man, I can't help it, but I would like to be the cell mate of those women.:) Have you had any experience with a woman beating you up or some guy you know? TadApr 05 2006 4:18am No, I have not. But the mere thought of it makes me depressed and wish that I had never been born. Now I have to worry about getting beat up by a woman, as if there were not already enough suffering in the world. Angry ManApr 05 2006 11:03am Aww Angry man, please don't be depressed about that. It's certainly nothing to worry about because there is no reason to think you will ever get beat up by a woman if you don't want to. I mean why go around worrying about being beat up by anyone? Besides, if you did for any reason get beat up by someone, wouldn't you rather get beat up by a woman who you might at least enjoy being in physical contact with than a guy who you don't want to be in contact with in any way? TadApr 06 2006 3:42am Question: I honestly can't remember ever having been in a real wrestling match with a girl or woman or having been overpowered by one (other than for one or two tussles as a kid where the girl had me down for too short a time before letting me up to amount to much. However I constantly fantasize of and yearn to be overpowered by a woman, preferably by a woman I am with often, like my wife, so as to maximize the humiliation I would feel and the probablility that she would beat me up in the future again and again. Yet I don't know how I would feel, if I would really hate it or love it, if I would be excited by it or purely miserable if it really happpened.So here is my question. Have any of you guys yearned for this, and then had it finally happen? If so, how did you feel when it did? Good or bad about it? And ladies who have overpowered your husbands,can you tell me how they react in terms of liking it or not? I honestly don't know how I would feel if my fantasy became real, and I would sure appreciate it if any of you could enlighten me. TadApr 07 2006 2:26pm Tad, you said (in your post shown above) that you want maximum "humiliation." No NORMAL person wants to be humiliated, regardless of their sex, age, marital status, religion or ethnicity. This refers to even a small amount of humiliation; concerning maximum humiliation, most NORMAL people will avoid it by any means possible, even risk their lives to avoid it. I suspect that you are a nice person, but NOT NORMAL. Angry ManApr 07 2006 3:07pm Furthermore, no normal person wants to get beat up, as you mentioned in your most recent message. Angry ManApr 07 2006 3:08pm Ok, so I am not normal. But what is normal? Angryman, while many like yourself do not want to be humiliated or beaten up under any conditions, many,many guys get a charge out of the idea of being physically overpowered, beaten and rendered helpless in wrestling by a woman, and and being humiliated by her in the process.It is tied into sexual fantasies, and regardless of whether you feel share those fantasies, others have them. You are free to call those fantasies "abnormal" if you wish, but then so many people are "abnormal" in that respect that saying so becomess meaningless. It's like saying people of the white race are normal because you are in say Sweeden and then saying people of the yellow race are normal because you are in say China. It's just a matter of what group you are with that create your perception of normalty, but it's not an absolute. What is normal for you, is abnormal for someone else. In any event, as I said, I have not really experienced this type of humiliation and beating by a girl or woman, and I do not know how I would react if I was in a relationship where it happened as a matter of course. I still would like someone to respond to my question as to how people feel about it when they are in that situation in reality. TadApr 08 2006 3:37am Ok, so I am not normal. But what is normal? Angryman, while many like yourself do not want to be humiliated or beaten up under any conditions, many,many guys get a charge out of the idea of being physically overpowered, beaten and rendered helpless in wrestling by a woman, and and being humiliated by her in the process.It is tied into sexual fantasies, and regardless of whether you feel share those fantasies, others have them. You are free to call those fantasies "abnormal" if you wish, but then so many people are "abnormal" in that respect that saying so becomess meaningless. It's like saying people of the white race are normal because you are in say Sweeden and then saying people of the yellow race are normal because you are in say China. It's just a matter of what group you are with that create your perception of normalty, but it's not an absolute. What is normal for you, is abnormal for someone else. In any event, as I said, I have not really experienced this type of humiliation and beating by a girl or woman, and I do not know how I would react if I was in a relationship where it happened as a matter of course. I still would like someone to respond to my question as to how people feel about it when they are in that situation in reality. TadApr 08 2006 4:09am IT IS VERY RARE FOR A WOMAN TO BE ABLE TO HANDLE A MAN. I THINK SOME TRUTH STRETCHING IS GOING ON HERE' AnonymousApr 14 2006 10:21am Since women are so superior, let THEM fight the wars while us weak and stupid men stay home and enjoy life without women. Contrary to popular belief, us men can be very happy without sex. Being away from women helps us males to focus our minds and find true meaning. And save lots of money. Kung Fu MasterApr 15 2006 9:57pm LOTS of money JPApr 16 2006 5:36pm Kung Fu Master, even if I could be happy without sex, which I can't, I could never be happy being away from women. If any of them happen to be stronger than me and can overpower me, that's fine as long as they are around. I love hearing from the women here and and everywhere. Sorry Kung Foo my friend, but that is the way I feel. TadApr 17 2006 6:55pm TAD AND KUNG FU..THIS BOARD IS NOT ABOUT YOUR LACK OF LOVE LIVES. ITS ABOUT WOMEN WHO HAD TO BEAT UP MEN. LELGTApr 19 2006 7:34am Gee, thanks for telling us that LELGT. I wouldn't have known that had you not mentioned it. And I also wouldn't have known I lack a love life scince I have been happily married for over 40 years if you had not let me know so politely. What a genius you are to be so perceptive. Thanks again oh wise one. TadApr 19 2006 1:32pm Tad grasshopper, as the years go by, you will slowly come realize that money is more valuable than any woman. Kung Fu MasterApr 19 2006 11:33pm kung fu...money is filth..get a life. paulApr 21 2006 6:52am I am making an open invitation to strong wives/girlfriends to tell their stories and for the husbands/boyfriends to respond. I am researching for a possible feature documentary on the way women are becoming physically stronger and fitter and being more the dominant partner. I need couples or singles to be honest and open about their relationships and possibly appear on film recounting their stories. Would be nice to hear from any interested parties. I and the film company are based in the UK but will look to source any stories or experiences in Europe, USA or elsewhere. My email address is dflexer01@hotmail.com - look forward to hearing from anyone with an interesting story. Thank you for your attention. Daniel uk (21/04/06)Apr 22 2006 12:05am Paul--Love of money is filth, not money itself. JPApr 22 2006 1:01am Best of luck to you Daniel in making the documentary. I hope to be among the first to see or buy it when it is done. I wish I could contribute with a story about my wife and I, but alas she is not dominant, does not try to over power me even if she could, and so I have no such story to tell. TadApr 23 2006 5:52am Tad - thanks for the reply. Also looking into the wrestling side of it as well as it is quite big business even to us reserved brits lol! Daniel uk (23/04/06)Apr 23 2006 10:39am Women should be wearing miniskirts as often as possible: At work, school, shopping, public events, etc. And get rid of those irritating SLEEVES! Women should be showing arms, shoulders and back. This business of women wearing sleeves and long pants that cover knees is GARBAGE !! He ManMay 01 2006 10:16pm Women should be wearing miniskirts as often as possible: At work, school, shopping, public events, etc. And get rid of those irritating SLEEVES! Women should be showing arms, shoulders and back. This business of women wearing sleeves and long pants that cover knees is GARBAGE !! He ManMay 01 2006 10:16pm my wife could defeat me in a fight if push comes to shove. we are about the same size.she works outs and has taken womens self defense training. though she still is very submissive to me. and to be honest..i dont think she even realizes she could woop me. she is not an agressive person. jimMay 03 2006 6:05am Jim, would you like to get into a match with her where she defeats you, or are you glad that she is not the type and doesn't realize she could win if she challanged you? TadMay 04 2006 3:44am tad, it has never really been a subject. she is great behind closed doors. though fighting just has never came up. she views me as head of the household. why would i want to alter that? jimMay 04 2006 10:20am Jim, there is no reason to alter an arrangement where you are both happy with you being the head of the household. It's just that I have always wanted to experience my wife ovepowering me, and I was wondering if you felt that way too. I too am the head of our house hold Sometimes I want the impossible, my wife to overpower me periodically and then somehow forget it ever happened so that things would go about as they were. Weird huh. TadMay 05 2006 6:20am Tad, I think if you said it just as you wrote it here, she would understand. Good luck with that. MikeMay 05 2006 6:57am tad...check out this site WB270 put that in your search engine. its good looking women who wrestle for cash. lelgtMay 05 2006 3:59pm Thanks Mike and leigt. if I get up enough courage I will try to tell my wife that I woudl like her to overpower me. Who Knows, maybe she will be so upset with me at learning it that she will beat the crap out of me :) (I wish). leigt, as much as I would love to have a session with a women who would wrestle me for cash, I wouldn't do it out of love and respect for my wife regardless of whether or not she ever wrestles me. Please understand that I am in no way saying married guys should not go to session wrestlers or that there is anything improper about that, its just the way I am in my particular relationship. Thanks anyhow leigt. TadMay 06 2006 5:11am let me tell you my story. my wife works out.she also reads and is a quick learner.one night i came home rather intoxicated ( xmas party)she told me i should have called. i became a little beligerant.she had me on the ground in like 5 seconds! i was winded and could not get her off me. the next day i told her she was lucky i was drunk. she told me she could have done that no matter what condition i was in. well..we wrestled around and yes..she is both faster and stronger than me. but the hard part for me is..she can fight better than i can. she knows several pressure points that made me say give over and over. she is not mean at all. but she will not take me bullying her. rossiMay 07 2006 4:02pm Rossi, since then, has your wife become more dominant in your relationship than you, deciding more things as to what you will do as a couple than you do? TadMay 08 2006 4:49am no not really. i guess i just pushed her too far that day. all in all everything is the same. rossiMay 08 2006 9:11am check out this poll: likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2532 AnonymousMay 10 2006 9:47am There is going to be a lot of surprised guys as women take over in the next few years. benMay 13 2006 4:18pm Yes those in denial will be surprised at the ability of women to take over. Personally I will not be surprised, I'll be overjoyed. AnonymousMay 16 2006 3:22pm women are not taking over anything. men are stronger and smarter.look in any public place. the women are smaller and weaker.even a small man can out muscle a larger athletic woman. if a woman tried to beat me up..i would have to woop her. jamesMay 18 2006 7:41am james..you are probably a maggot. robertMay 20 2006 5:14pm Women should not have to beat up a male to show Her superiority.Theses arguments seem to revolve around physical prowess as males the stronger sex muscle wise reduce everything to a trial of strength.Willpower is far stronger.Although I am six foot one and 18 stone a freind of mine is 4ft 8 and six stone and she dominates her husband no less than I.Males should be beaten regularly rather than beaten up.By this I mean a male should submit to his owner of his own free will to accept abeating for various reasons.This may be because he needs to be disciplined for 1.wrong doing 2.lazyness or innatentiveness 3.Slipshod or innefecientwork 4.Incompetance in a given task 5.Dissobedience 6.As a demonstration of power by the Woman7.to releive my anger 8. unpredictability because she can! My male is spanked daily though this is usually a mild affair.On Sundays however he is given a beating and a real good one on the last Sunday of the month if he warrants it.Apart from the occasional power demonstration or caprice he recognises my fairness in beating him for any faults,ommisions or misbehaviour. He accepts my right to beat him in order to further our beautiful and contented marriage and is greatfull when i correct him and guide him.All males need guidence from Women if they are to be usefull to individual Women and society.To just beat him instead of a usually thought out and ritualistic punishment would be irresponsible and a male (hopefully past male) act.After the beating we discuss his shortfalls and why he needed it and there is forgiveness and tenderness as I cuddle him and often sooth his tawse cane or paddle weals. If more Women were to beat their males rather than the crude method of beating them up a more balanced society will ensue. Big BrendaMay 28 2006 5:53am brenda, i would have to fight back against you. with my male strength i would end up showeing you who is the boss. i'm 5'4" 135 lbs. but because i'm a man i'm stronger than you. jimmyMay 28 2006 9:24pm Jimmy, you are not a wise man. I suspect you are under 30 years of age and you do not appreciate the totality of women: beauty inside and out, superiority and in many cases, impressive physical strength and stamina. STTGMay 29 2006 4:42pm Big Brenda, while it may well be right that males should be beaten regularly by their women regardless of their comparitive strength or fighting ability, to me it is so much more empahtic and humiliating if the owmne is stronger or a better fighter and overpowers the male in the beating so thathe has no choice but to accept the punishment she meets out to him. I take it Brenda that you are more powerful than your mail and are able to actually beat him up during the beating s you administer to him. Is that correct? TadMay 31 2006 5:06am i think brenda is a fake jimmyMay 31 2006 9:47am i think jimmy is a fake brendaMay 31 2006 8:35pm Yes, it is sad that there are men who do not yet know the joy of recognizing the superiority of women. I know for myself this realization has been the most joyful, liberating experience of my life. I not only accept female superiority and dominance, but I revel and exult in it. When the expression of female dominance takes the form of physically beating or punishing the male, it is the ultimate in joy and fulfillment. This is why the new "kick ass" action heroines are so popular in film and television today, because men love seeing a female kicking a male's ass. It is so appealing to men because it reflects their desire to be dominated by the superior gender. A. NewmanMay 31 2006 8:44pm Tad you keep coming back to this old fashioned mind set that because males on average are phsically stronger that a sort of rough house tumble can determine which sex is superior.True my boy is physically weaker than me but he is also weaker mentally and weaker in willpower and determination of which I have bags.he finds my height advantage and heavier buoild exciting but more exciting still the fact that My will is stronger and I a very dominant.Anyway once his penis is on a leash I could be 3ft7 and still control him. Big BrendaJun 01 2006 5:35am brenda..if he became violent..i'm sure he could woop you. jimmyJun 01 2006 7:03am Brenda,I don't think it takes a contest of physical strength to determine which sex is superior. I am sure you and many other women are superior to and could control me regardless of comparitive physical strength or wrestling ability. That is very exciting to me. I am merely saying that because you or another woman could also physically overpower me, the control over me is even more emphatic and exciting. It's not a mind set, it's just the way I feel and the way I am. I can not help feeling the way I do and being the way I am. TadJun 02 2006 12:37am I understand you Tad and you should not be ashamed for feeling the way you do.It is right for you and all males to be submissive to your Female partners.I am 6 stone and 1 inch taller than my boy which he tells me is very exciting but he says what turns him on most is my dominant willpower.It is refreshing that you find physically stronger Womyn attractive.The future of Womynkind will be better if males choose strong Womyn to be with and not as in the past weak. The current obsession with weight for Womyn is a clever ploy by the patriarchy and capitalism to keep Womyn physically weak.A fat womyn is usually stronger than a thin one and more we hope physically intimidating to the male.The future is Female and a fat Female at that. Big BrendaJun 02 2006 1:10am Thanks so much for your understanding Big Brenda. And I completely agree with your comments on Womynkind. TadJun 03 2006 9:03am Help! As a result of my messages with Big Brenda here, I tried to create a poll in Like Like about why guys want to be physically overpowered by a stronger woman.But after I got all finished framing the questions and description of the poll, and clicked on "create the poll", I got a message that I don't have enough points to create the poll, and the message even called me a "wimp", really. Now I may well be a wimp, but what do you need to create a poll here, and why call me a wimp because I tried to create one. This is particularly puzzling because I did create another poll here awhile ago about older sisters beating up their younger brothers and had no problem. How come now I got that creepy message in response to my attempt? Does anyone know? TadJun 05 2006 9:01am I am bigger and stronger than my partner Lucy and any tests with weights would prove this, but over the years she has learned that she can easily beat me up.I am not sure if I subconsciously want to be defeated but everytime we have wrestled, usually as part of foreplay she has weakened me and easily overpowered me ,I know it turns her on and she has powerful sex when pinning me down I always feel drained and confused ......I wonder if others have experienced the same erotic experience? MikeJun 12 2006 11:53pm mke, you are very lucky. lelgtJun 13 2006 5:36am where are the women at? we should have more stories by women. lelgtJun 13 2006 9:07am very few women can beat up a man. paulJun 20 2006 12:05pm Regarding the fat... (sorry off topic but life or death importance): whilst women should not feel the need to be super thin, anyone who is morbidly obese should realize there are no older fat people (80+) because you either lose the excess weight or die young. I urge everyone, female or male, who is 100lbs (7 stone or 40 Kg) overweight to get fit and live a longer, better life. Sorry for the obvious offence this will give to some. KellyJun 24 2006 9:19am my wife is my size almost. she has taken karate and judo training. she could beat me up. but she does not even think like that...kind of odd. glenJun 26 2006 11:12am Glen, female karate and judo practitioners rarely beat up their husbands while they are happily married. But if your marriage ever ends in divorce, run for your life; many female black belts will not hesitate to break the bones of their soon-to-be-ex-husbands. That is my conclusion, based on my personal research into this subject. Super GeniusJul 02 2006 2:19pm super genius, where did you find such research? normally a woman will not be the aggressor in any situation. glenJul 03 2006 3:28am Glen, I did the research talking to women on AOL who confessed to beating up men. A significant percentage of the female black-belts confessed to breaking the bones of their ex-husbands. Super GeniusJul 11 2006 6:43pm wow! those sound like women who mean business. i would love to talk to them. lelgtJul 13 2006 6:43am super genius, it sounds like you are telling us baloney.a woman who has a blackbelt would not injure her ex. 1st of all he would know her skill,2nd she would know better,3rd he could probably still take her because she is not surprising him with her skill. paulJul 13 2006 2:43pm Paul I find your points weak and vague. Just because I know someone is the ultimate fighting champion and that doesn't surprise me, doesn't mean that now we're on equal ground.Your first and 3rd point are the same. The second is neither here nor there. MikeJul 14 2006 6:35am mike..you lost us..what is your point or story? paulJul 14 2006 7:41pm female-led-relationships.com/forum/index.php AnonymousJul 16 2006 6:28pm "normally a woman will not be the aggressor in any situation" - Glen. This is simply not true at all Glen. Do some research and you will find that statistics often show the woman is the aggressor. Many research results show that women even take the lead in violence. Often when a woman knows she can beat the man in a fight through skill or training, she will indeed go for it. Again check the stats, you'll be surprised at what you find. AnonymousJul 17 2006 5:03pm anonymous, where do you find such info? please share this with us. lelgtJul 18 2006 4:21am Around 1993, I was a consultant at JP Morgan on Wall Street. A female brown belt in karate who worked there told me: "I wish that somebody would start a fight with me, so I would have an excuse to beat up somebody." One day she started shouting at me that I was not fixing her computer quickly enough, so I just immediately ran away and never came back. Super GeniusJul 19 2006 7:54pm In 1999, a 28-year-old female brown belt in karate literally BEGGED me to marry her! I was 39 years old at the time, and making excellent money as a computer consultant. She never discovered that the REAL reason I rejected her was because of her martial arts. You would never suspect just from looking at her that she could break a brick with her punch, but I am sure she could. Call me a coward if you want to, but I go to the dentist 4 or 5 times each year to avoid losing my teeth, so the last thing I need is a wife who could knock my teeth out with a single lightning-fast punch. She would feel sorry afterwards, but that would not help me. In my opinion, any man who marries a female martial artist is either insane or stupid. Super GeniusJul 19 2006 8:02pm In 2003, a very pretty 29-year-old female black belt begged me to marry her, even though we never dated (it's amazing how women behave when they find out you have lots of money). I was about 14 years older than her and not good-looking. I rejected her in a nice way, and she never knew it was because of martial arts. I have no regrets. So far as I know, she is still single. Super GeniusJul 19 2006 9:51pm In 2004, a 30 year-old female black belt proposed marriage to me. I rejected her in a nice way. I never told her that the real reason I rejected her was because of martial arts. Super Duper GeniusJul 21 2006 8:31pm i'm a man..a female blackbelt could woop me maybe 3 times..by then i would adjust and just use my male advantages. you must be a wimp. paulJul 22 2006 8:35am Dear Paul, I understand what you are trying to say, but you fail to appreciate that a female black belt could bring her foot (or fist) to you face so quickly that you would never see it coming, and when her fist meets your face, it hits with enough force to break bricks. By the way, I am not the same person as "Super Duper Genius", I don't even know who he is. Super GeniusJul 22 2006 7:57pm where do you find such info? In 1976, a critique of the Curtis report (which found women less likely to assault, but as likely as men to murder), it was stated that, "nonfatal violence committed by women against men is less likely to be reported to the police than is violence by men against women; thus, women assaulters who come to the attention of the police are likely to be those who have produced a fatal result." In 1977, Suzanne Steinmetz released results from several studies showing that the percentage of wives who have used physical violence is higher than the percentage of husbands, and that the wives' average violence score tended to be higher. She also found that women were as likely as men to initiate physical violence, and that they had similar motives for their violent acts. Steinmetz concluded that "the most unreported crime is not wife beating--it's husband beating." In 1980, a team of researchers, including Steinmetz, addressed some concerns about the earlier surveys. They created a nationally representative study of family violence and found that the total scores seemed to be fairly even between husbands and wives. In fact, wives tended to be more abusive in almost all categories except pushing and shoving. Straus & Gelles did a follow-up survey in 1985, comparing their data to a 1975 survey. They found that in that decade, domestic violence against women dropped from 12.1% of women to 11.3%, while domestic violence against men rose from 11.6% to 12.1%. The rate of severe violence dropped for both groups: From 3.8% to 3.0% of women victimized and from 4.6% to 4.4% for men. AnonymousJul 23 2006 4:12pm Samios, M., & O'Leary, K. D. (1987). Prevalence and correlates of physical aggression during courtship. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2, 82-90. (Used Conflict Tactics Scale with a sample of 270 undergraduates <95 men, 175 women> and found 30% of men and 49% of women reported using some form of aggression in their dating histories with a greater percentage of women engaging in severe physical aggression.) Bernard, M. L., & Bernard, J. L. (1983). Violent intimacy: The family as a model for love relationships. Family Relations, 32, 283-286. (Surveyed 461 college students, 168 men, 293 women, with regard to dating violence. Found that 15% of the men admitted to physically abusing their partners, while 21% of women admitted to physically abusing their partners.) Billingham, R. E., & Sack, A. R. (1986). Courtship violence and the interactive status of the relationship. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1, 315-325. (Using CTS with 526 university students <167 men, 359 women> found Similar rates of mutual violence but with women reporting higher rates of violence initiation when partner had not--9% vs 3%.) Bland, R., & Orne, H. (1986). Family violence and psychiatric disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 31, 129-137. (In interviews with 1,200 randomly selected Canadians <489 men, 711 women> found that women both engaged in and initiated violence at higher rates than their male partners.) Bohannon, J. R., Dosser Jr., D. A., & Lindley, S. E. (1995). Using couple data to determine domestic violence rates: An attempt to replicate previous work. Violence and Victims, 10, 133-41. (Authors report that in a sample of 94 military couples 11% of wives and 7% of husbands were physically aggressive, as reported by the wives.) AnonymousJul 23 2006 4:14pm I personally know of a man who was held against the wall in his house and beaten by his wife, who had been weight training in their home gym for a couple of years. She had been working out every day when he was at work. An argument turned nasty and she beat him up. Like I said she held him to the wall and gut punched him until he collapsed. I know cause they are my neighbors! They are still together and she is really buffed now, he just does what he is told and the weight room in their house is hers alone! I think it's very interesting and I just love to see her muscles. BillJul 23 2006 4:25pm Bill, if a husband did those things to his wife, that would be considered severe wife-abuse, and the husband could go to jail. So now your neighbor has to do EVERYTHING his wife tells him to do!?!? You don't seem to be offended by the fact that a man was beat up by his wife, nor do you seem troubled by the fact that your neighbor's wife has created a miniature totalitatian dictatorship, with her husband's basic human rights being trampled. Where is your loyalty to the basic American principles of democracy and human rights? Or are men not entitled to those things anymore? Curious1Jul 23 2006 7:43pm hello everyone. i recently wrestled a woman from the wb270 site. she was my size. this lady was stronger and faster than i was. she also never got tired. if push came to shove she could beat me up in any type of fight. rogerJul 27 2006 7:53pm July 28, 2006 AnonymousJul 28 2006 8:40am roger, was she wt. trained or are you just a wuss? paulJul 28 2006 8:43am Police Hunt 4 Women In Beating Death Of Bingo Winner April 11, 2006 www.local6.com/news/8608871/detail.html Police in Toronto are searching for four women suspected of beating a man to death over a $1,000 jackpot he had just won in a bingo hall, according to Local 6 News. Police said Yousif Youkhana, 58, was walking outside the Country Bingo Hall over the weekend with his $1,000 winnings when he was approached by the women. When Youkhana refused to hand over the jackpot, the women kicked and punched him, the report said. Witnesses said the man stumbled back into the bingo hall after the attack and later died from his injuries. The women fled on foot after the beating, according to witnesses. Curious1Jul 28 2006 11:52am It's not clear what this post about four women beating a man to death is supposed to illustrate. That it takes 4 women to beat one 58 year old man? How does that relate to the question of are there women who can beat their husbands by themselves? One on OneJul 28 2006 11:28pm its hard to picture a man being beat up by any woman or women. paulJul 29 2006 12:58pm Add a comment: Vote Results |