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who beats who?

Question: who would you go for
Created by: daisyfiregirl at 11:32:19 AM, Tuesday, May 17, 2005 EDT


Hold me down??

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 7:41am

Yes, i can fix your arm with my hand. If i talk to you i stand next to you and you have to look up to me!

BiancaApr 08 2019 7:50am
What do you mean fix my arms

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 7:52am
Pin your arm or your whole body!

BiancaApr 08 2019 8:00am
Yes and I can't get free?!

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 8:03am
Sonu think if I'm your husband you would wear bigger size of clothing because of your musculature?

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 9:00am
Yes, i think so! But it depends of your favored size you wear.

BiancaApr 08 2019 1:19pm
Something between medium and large mostly medium amd anyways sleeves are always loose on my arms

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 1:59pm
I have one biceps some cm less than your husband I remember him telling me this

TopicmasterApr 08 2019 2:01pm
Medium or large would be a little tight on shoulders and the sleeves i will stretch for sure!

BiancaApr 08 2019 11:09pm
You wearing man XL?!

TopicmasterApr 09 2019 12:01am
Yes, mostly! This size does fit the best!

BiancaApr 09 2019 12:07am
Wow.... So what tease would piss you off? How you husband teased you

TopicmasterApr 09 2019 12:20am
I started to feel so small compre to you and Fatima

TopicmasterApr 09 2019 12:27am
Sometimes henni said the same! It‘s funny 😄!

Bianca Apr 09 2019 10:57am
He tease you being bigger? Ahahha what kind of teasing is it

TopicmasterApr 09 2019 1:05pm
Why do you think he tease me because I’m bigger? I love to be bigger than most men! He tease me if he do anything i don’t want that he do that!

BiancaApr 09 2019 2:47pm
What he does that you forbid... what are consequences

TopicmasterApr 09 2019 10:49pm
Sometimes if he was naughty he has to cleanup our home gym. Often he doesn’t work good enough and he doesn’t put away the wights. Or he should help me with my training but often he claims that the dumbells are to heavy and he can’t move it!

BiancaApr 10 2019 1:37am
Because they're heavy or because he is lazy? You have home.gym? That's why you grow bigger while was working?! Must have been shocking for him. And you like?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 2:43am
You just say to him go and clean and he does?!

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 2:45am
I think some dumbells are heavy but he is lazy too! Mostly we clean the home gym together but sometimes he has to it alone if i order him for punishment! Than he goes and clean the gym. If he doesn’t, i‘ll force him!

BiancaApr 10 2019 6:48am
Have you ever forced him?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 6:52am
How can he hope to reach your size and strength if he is lazy?!

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 6:57am
Just let me understand you were a normal housewife that started training with her husband weight and she becomes stronger?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 7:01am
Yes, sometimes i force him. He has not the same potential like me and because he is lazy he can’t reach my strength. He will stay a weakling. Do you go to gym regulary?

BiancaApr 10 2019 7:03am
I wish but I go maybe once a week. If you have 45 cm biceps is huge potential

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 7:04am
So you started taking over the relationship and you're the bpss because you are stronger now? You feel bit stronger or much stronger?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 7:05am
Yes, it was hard work to get big and strong muscles! I‘m much stronger! The first year of our relationship he was a little stronger but if i started my training i become qickly stronger than him. At the first months after henni noticed that i‘m stronger, was a hard time for him but he enjoys it too.

BiancaApr 10 2019 9:13am
What do you think can henni do with his small about 38cm biceps against my much bigger biceps? He‘s much weaker and you are even much more weaker like many other men i know. For us girls it‘s a great feeling to know that men are the weaker sex. I love this feeling to know i can dominate you if i want!

Bianca Apr 10 2019 9:54am
When you started to feel as housewife your increased strength in everyday chores?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 10:32am
Yes, during all actions i‘ve done everyday. Especially i could do things most of my male friends can’t do! Meanwhile some things i can do with ease who are very heavy or to much heavy for most men! Many of my female friends do the same sport and made the same experience that men mostly much weaker.

BiancaApr 10 2019 10:42am
Can you make some examples?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 10:43am
Is useful for housewife to be strong! No more problems cleaning under coach! Ahha

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 10:47am
In the gym if i lift wights, mostly much heavier than most men can do. I‘m not a housewife! Henni is the housemen! But i help him.

BiancaApr 10 2019 11:01am
So you can't lift a sofa to clean under? There's something I can't do for example

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 11:08am
I mean on everyday life you must have noticed some differences from before to after weight training and your husband aswell. How clothes for. Who lift heavy thingsehome. Who take last decisions. Etc

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 11:17am
For example what was hard before and now is very easy and for your husband and me may still be hard?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 11:29am
I can lift a sofa alone on one site but it’s unwieldy. Henni has a problem to lift our sofa alone with one arm! Or he can’t lift the heavy shopping basked or something else if it is heavy! When we helped a friend couple to move to another flat, i lifted some heavy things alone and carry it. Henni needs help. And so on, and so on...

BiancaApr 10 2019 9:02pm
What do you mean sofa with one hand?! You can grab one side and oift it with one hand?!

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 9:31pm

BiancaApr 10 2019 10:42pm
You must be joking.... with two hands you can lift it with me watching TV on it!!?

TopicmasterApr 10 2019 11:00pm
It depends on... But with both hands i think yes! I can lift a sofa with both hands during you sit on it!

BiancaApr 11 2019 12:47am
I should say, i can lift the sofa on one side!

Bianca Apr 11 2019 12:48am
Are you serious?!

TopicmasterApr 11 2019 7:43am
Yes, why not? Can‘t you lift a sofa on one side?

BiancaApr 11 2019 10:43am
Not with one hand for sure.... maybe with two. Not so long and for sure not if someone is sitting that side!

TopicmasterApr 11 2019 10:44am
What changed in your everyday life during your chores? When you started taking oh wow I'm getting stronger/bigger

TopicmasterApr 11 2019 10:45am
When i has become stronger, i noted that many things feel light and my stamina has increased by a lot. At the beginning henni has helped me with heavy things, later he couldn‘t do it anymore until he must admit, that i could lift much heavyer wights. Or when he doesn‘t knew that i had become stronger he‘s gotten a big surprise when i overpower him without big effort. First only with legs, later with my upper body too. Sometime he realized that my muscles becomes more and more visible until they was bigger than his. My shoulders becomes wider and wider until i was bigger than he. It was very exciting for both of us. The first months were a hard time for henni to learn that his formerly weaker girlfriend become much stronger than him.

BiancaApr 11 2019 2:23pm
Its good that you both enjoyed! you become stronger so fast m are you still growing?

TopicmasterApr 11 2019 9:38pm
I hope so! But to become stronger take some time!

Bianca Apr 11 2019 10:42pm
Well to lift a sofa side with one hand you needed not much and your biceps put mine in shame already

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 1:42am
Your husband is happy about your size and new strength?

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 1:53am
He is excited about that! But sometimes he is scared! 😁

Bianca Apr 12 2019 5:15am
Scared of what?

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 5:25am
I would be just impressed watching my once weak wife lifting stuff around the house... heavier than I can manage

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 5:41am
The same like Henni! Sometimes henni is stuned about the strength difference. It scares him sometimes!

Bianca Apr 12 2019 9:28am
I imagine always being him. My weaker wife is on the living room cleaning up...than I see her lifting sofa with one hand and cleaning under it....the evening out of curiosity I go lifting same sofa and I can't!

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 9:56am
Why should your wife clean you flat? Why doesn’t do you it?

Bianca Apr 12 2019 11:16am
We help each other but was just an example of what a strong woman body could fo

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 11:23am
I bet you could do

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 11:23am
Any other examples of how your life as strong woman improve?

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 11:24am
in all kind of my daily life. I love to show my strength!

BiancaApr 12 2019 2:08pm
I wish to have a wife like you I would just be afraid to make you upset

TopicmasterApr 12 2019 7:14pm
Sure, henni enjoys it. But if you upset a stronger women can be bad for you weak guy.

BiancaApr 13 2019 1:21am
Why so ahhah

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 2:35am
Go to a stronger girl, tease her and wait what she will do with you...

BiancaApr 13 2019 6:20am
Spankeme at least and hit me...but in real fight? 🙄💪🧐

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 8:04am
I may expect you to grab the back of my shirt and the belt from behind and lift me up like boucer and throw me out on the garden. But is too heavy... probably fatima was able already eheh

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 9:54am
May i ask you again, how much do you weight?

BiancaApr 13 2019 1:18pm
80 kg.. why?

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 2:03pm
More or less of course not sure maybe 83

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 2:12pm
It will be hard but i could throw you if i want.

BiancaApr 13 2019 3:49pm
You mean you can actually lift me in that position?!

TopicmasterApr 13 2019 11:38pm
Yes, i think so...

Bianca Apr 14 2019 3:44am
Wow... that's would be a bit of threatening. You lifting me like this telling me: either you behave or I will walk in the garden with you lifted this way showing the neighborhood how strong your wife is

TopicmasterApr 14 2019 4:13am
I think if we both wear short sleeves everybody will see how have the bigger muscles!

BiancaApr 14 2019 6:14am
Yes of course but also seeing my wife lifting me that waois humiliating and unusual to see

TopicmasterApr 14 2019 7:32am
I believe it will become more and more common that girls can overpower guys. Today, since the socidity accept that girls involved in strength training, girls can take their potential and girls have much more potential than most guys. Girls can get more strength in a few month than guys in many years.

BiancaApr 14 2019 12:43pm
Well you seen like that! Its impressive

TopicmasterApr 14 2019 2:02pm
Well I can't get muscles to grow and for you seems so easy packing muscles and strength. You may be easily twice my strength already

TopicmasterApr 14 2019 2:30pm
Sorry for you small weak man!

BiancaApr 14 2019 10:47pm
Important thing is that you like have small boyfriend

TopicmasterApr 14 2019 11:06pm
What kind of lift you do with your husband

TopicmasterApr 15 2019 5:29am
Why do you think that? Henni is tall but thin!

BiancaApr 15 2019 5:56am
He is lighter than me?!

TopicmasterApr 15 2019 6:18am
Yes, he is a little lighter than you. I think between 76 and 78 kg.

BiancaApr 15 2019 11:36am
Poor guy

TopicmasterApr 15 2019 12:36pm
How Many kg of muscles you gained? You said you are about 88 kg now. How much before this transformation

TopicmasterApr 15 2019 1:11pm
Huh, i‘m not sore! Maybe 15 or 20 kg!?!

BiancaApr 15 2019 2:05pm
You're a strong beast!!!

TopicmasterApr 16 2019 12:07am
Thank you! What do you think about the fact that more and more women become stronger than men?

BiancaApr 16 2019 3:07am
Is scary

TopicmasterApr 16 2019 5:55am
Woman for ages were weaker sex and with training they're improving so much that they're getting stronger. Men always had strength to decide andnwoman were always smarter. Now if they have both what man should do

TopicmasterApr 16 2019 8:17am
Men can’t do anything because they are the weaker sex!

BiancaApr 18 2019 11:41pm
Well I don't know anymore. What your husband thinks

TopicmasterApr 19 2019 9:50am
Toyboy do you want to talk with henni? Maybe you two weaklings could talk about experiences with us strong girls...

BiancaApr 20 2019 2:30pm
Is cool to see different points of view. I'm curious also to talk with Fatima and her husband. I never met a woman so much stronger and bigger than me actually

TopicmasterApr 20 2019 9:01pm
Topicmaster, what do you want to know about my experiences with strong girls? In the last weeks i have created an overview about the female biceps size compared to males and it is shamming! What do you think is the average male bicep size?

HenniApr 22 2019 2:54pm
Mine is 13 now because I stop training. My max was 14.5 and max I ever lifted was 12 kg for reps. What about your wife? What about Fatima? What about you?

TopicmasterApr 23 2019 2:15am
Bianca lift more than 22kg per arm, when i was fit i lift 12kg too. Actually only 8 up to 10kg. My arms are 14.7“. Bianca has 17“. Compared to most girls in weight sport we men have very small muscles. On my sheet i wrote above ihave more than 300 female bodybuilders.

Henni Apr 23 2019 12:35pm
What sheet?

TopicmasterApr 23 2019 1:16pm
In the last weeks i have created an overview about the female biceps size compared to males.

Henni Apr 23 2019 1:21pm

TopicmasterApr 23 2019 2:38pm
Different and multiple sources...

HenniApr 23 2019 4:09pm
Can you show me some? Btw she can lift twice as much as I do and has more than 4 inches on bicep no surprise she said she could beat me armwrestling Very easy

TopicmasterApr 24 2019 2:09am
You can find those information on some websites, instagram, facebook, bodybuilding magazines, personal contact etc. It‘s really amazing how big and strong girls can become today!

Henni Apr 24 2019 3:47am
I didn't know. But what surprise me.most is how your wife passed your strength and size easy and how she has fun lifting and comparing to you

TopicmasterApr 24 2019 4:22am
Why does it surprise you?

HenniApr 24 2019 9:20am
Because she's extremely strong never saw this in a woman i know

TopicmasterApr 24 2019 9:36am
In our friend circle many women train and they are all extremely strong.

Henni Apr 24 2019 10:53am
All of them able to lift a sifa side with me on it or lift me easily?

TopicmasterApr 24 2019 1:39pm
I don’t know but probably yes!

Henni Apr 24 2019 2:27pm
Tell me something about life with her how it changes how u feel how is to ask her to do hard lifts etc

TopicmasterApr 24 2019 11:30pm
Actualy our live is similar to most other couples exept she is stronger and bigger than me. Bianca has some friends in the gym who train together. If we meet us together mostly i‘m the weakest by far as man between the girls. It feels strange sometimes weaker than girls but you get used to it!

HenniApr 25 2019 12:42am
But you enjoy being weaker? She's not abusive? She enjoys showing her superior body? I wonder what Fatima husband said. Bianca said that when you tease her she reminds you how much stronger she is by Spanking or lifting you to humiliate you is true?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:22am
Mostly i enjoy it that Bianca is stronger than me but sometimes it’s hard to accept. If i tease her she shows her strength to me if i go to far. But we only wrestle a little bit. Sometimes it is humiliating too because i can‘t defense against Bianca if she use her strength and in this case it can be that she cause pain to me! She don’t repressed me really but she is the boss!

Henni Apr 25 2019 2:59am
Hey, guys I lost the poll and couldn’t find it anymore. Bianca, hope you’re doing well. How’s your training how’s your wrestling matches with your husband and his weak friends going on

Fatima Apr 25 2019 5:31am
Hey Fatima, nice that you‘re back! I have lots of fun with the weaklings! Most of them can’t stand against me. I don’t notice anything if anyone try to beat me during arm wrestling. They are much to weak!

BiancaApr 25 2019 6:07am
That’s great news. I’m happy that you’re having fun with weak men around you I bet your husband now fear you a lot and you’re the boss in the house. I think you’re getting bigger and muscular as well. I noticed that you were telling those two weakling that you’re using men size now L. Right?!

Fatima Apr 25 2019 6:19am
Mostly i wear men size XL. L is much to small for shoulder and arm. Most of the weaklings wear L. Henni is always submissive because he is scared to made me angry.

BiancaApr 25 2019 6:41am
Go girl, I wear XL or XXL most of the time. My husband wears Medium 😂. It’s great when your husband is submissive all the time isn’t it? Does he show you respect and serve you?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 6:56am
Fit XL for you or is it tight for you? If i wear XXL i have a little space between the sleeves and my arms. For henni it fits like a tent. He‘s mostly submissive but not always! If i give him an order he anwers mostly: yes ma‘am!

BiancaApr 25 2019 9:05am
Henni creates a list with the muscle size of muscular women. He don’t want believe that his muscles are very small compared to those womens! It‘s very funny 😂

Bianca Apr 25 2019 9:14am
XL for me is slightly small because of my shoulder and breasts size. So, I prefer XXL men size. For my arms nowadays I only wear sleeveless shirts. I don’t have anything with sleeves. OMG your husband is so funny 😂. What do you do if he won’t obey you? Does he call you ma’am infront his friends?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 9:21am
I would love to see this list. I wonder how many women have smaller muscles than this weak man? My husband either call me Ma’am or Boss

Fatima Apr 25 2019 9:23am
I have only shirts with short sleeves not with long sleeves. Yes he called me ma‘am in front of our friends when he becomes afraid that i will become mad! He knows i can do with him what i want when ever i want it. I‘m stronger! Girl power!

BiancaApr 25 2019 9:27am
Hennis list it has now 306 entries and he is on position 234. Most women have bigger muscles. Compared with strength he is about on position 305. Only one women is not stronger like henni but she not really weaker too!

BiancaApr 25 2019 9:36am
Go girl that’s amazing. You achieved too much in a short period. What about other men do you wrestle any? Do they fear you? What do you mean short sleeves do they cover your biceps or not

Fatima Apr 25 2019 9:36am
IMG. Those men are just a joke he’s weaker than all women he knows that’s great women Power

Fatima Apr 25 2019 9:38am
So, Bianca do you work now while your husband is a househusband?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 12:05pm
He is simply a weakling! We work both but he has a job without any body effort.

BiancaApr 25 2019 12:49pm
Useless men. My husband is full time househusband

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:03pm
I don’t think that men useless but sometimes they do anything you think they’re stupid! This is funny if you notice that they don’t want to realize that they could be weaker than a girl!

Bianca Apr 25 2019 1:39pm
Yez, they don’t like to admit that they’re the weaker sex now

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:45pm
XXL shirt is tight for you? I wear m or l . And only m has sleeves ok for my arm m l is already too large

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:45pm
Apropos, with short sleeves i mean short! Some cover my biceps for a half, if they are to tight the sleeve slips up. Than my biceps look bigger in the tight shirt. It’s so funny if henni wear this shirt and he has lots of space for his arms in this shirt. If i wear a shirt from henni i should not flex my bicep otherwise i rip his sleeves! 😇

Bianca Apr 25 2019 1:47pm
My arm is smaller than your husband. You would both destroy my shirts and I would have your as a tent

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:49pm
Fatima now what's ypir normal weight training for biceps m

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:51pm
Yes i rip my husband shirt when I put it on. What about pants what’s your size?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:52pm
I don't know I know my ass around is about 90 cm

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:53pm
My normal biceps training weights are 35 each arm

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:53pm
I used to bench press same weight

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:54pm
This’s your max for bench!!

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:55pm
Is funny to watch your husbands with your shirt's on?

AnonymousApr 25 2019 1:55pm
My max is about 40

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:55pm
I was asking Bianca about her pants and thighs size

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:55pm
Bench you mean by your legs. Right??

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:56pm
No bench press like for chest.. for legs nowadays I lift 90 kg

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:57pm
Okay I got it. For chest my max about 130 for legs around 200

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:58pm
I remember you said legs more than 400 kg last time 🧐

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 1:59pm
Each I am talking now

Fatima Apr 25 2019 1:59pm
I asked already Bianca but I'll ask you aswell would you be able to grab someone my weight from belt behind trousers and from back side of shirt and lift them this way?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:00pm
Each arm 130 kg and each legs 200?!

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:00pm
I think you asked this question before like 50 times 😂, but will answer you again. YES

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:01pm

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:01pm
Because I feel like is hard and amazing strength display. But of course you are able to lift your husband over the head with a single arn soninshoudl be surprised

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:02pm
Yes I can also do this. You keep don’t believe how strong wives these days

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:04pm
Bianca said if husband misbehaving she would be able to carry him outside in the garden in that position and show neighborhood who's boss. And she said possibile she could do with me aswell

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:04pm
Sometimes I think is exciting and fun sometimes I think is humiliating this huge strength difference and size of muscles

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:05pm
Okay, and what’s wrong with what Bianca said!! This’s the new trend of how women should treat their husbands

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:05pm
Nothing wrong but soon I imagine wife's avoiding man using ladders tondo outside jobs but lifting them just to proof a point

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:07pm
You findfunny to watch your husbands with your shirt's on?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:08pm
Yes, maybe it’s normal the strong one will lift the weak one. Make sense

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:08pm
Weak one can still use ladder no need his wife to lift him

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:09pm
Yez, it’s funny too big for him. It’s like a dress for him 😂😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:09pm
Well if the wife wants to carry him weak one should shut up and obey

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:10pm
You ask him to flex in your sleeves? Ahha

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:10pm
No, because nothing will appear 😂😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:11pm
I bet you do it just to show off. You get behind him and say oh my love let me help you and you grab his belt and lift him up to ceiling tonchange a bulb

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:11pm
Haha 😂 you really have thing to the belt 🤔🤔

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:13pm
And if you flex same shirtsleeve are ripping?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:13pm
Of course are ripping. I’m more twice his strength and muscles and size

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:13pm
Because belt is strong enough to hold me nweight

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:13pm
Well your single arm Che press 130 kg so total 260 and I can 40 maybe 50 but not for Many repetition. So you have 3+ times the strength in one arm than me in 2

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:15pm
Ya maybe. I can beat three men like you in half my strength

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:17pm
Beat in what?

AnonymousApr 25 2019 2:18pm
Wrestling, fighting, any physical context

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:19pm
I would be so ashamed to wear your shirt

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:19pm
Why 😂😂. It will be a sexy dress on you

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:19pm
3 guys? So me alone I'm useless?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:20pm
Yes 3 men in the same time. Of course you’re useless like a baby

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:20pm
Because I would feel smaller than especially if I see how tight was on you

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:20pm
I may be read sweat and cry while you're not even trying

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:21pm
But you’re small and that’s the truth. Also, you will feel very small once I take it off because you will see my body 💪🏻💪🏻

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:22pm
Haha 😂 probably most of the time I don’t notice if men trying or not

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:23pm
What you mean you don't notice M

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:24pm
Ill pit my shirt back on to cover myself to avoid comparison

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:25pm
I meant I don’t feel anything if they’re trying or not. You can’t put it back. My rule in my house all men no clothes I need to see their bodies

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:26pm
There's no much muscles to see...

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:27pm
In what type of competition you don't feel if they are trying

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:28pm
That’s the point I love men weak slim soft body, while my body is muscular rough strong

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:28pm
Wrestling and arm wrestling

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:29pm
I remember you told that you’re not hairy. Right?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:29pm
You put arm up and I start pulling and you forget I'm there?

AnonymousApr 25 2019 2:30pm
I'm not hairy... what you like about this contrast between my soft body and your massive hard one

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:30pm
Yes, exactly sometimes i smoke my cigarette while they’re trying.

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:31pm
And after cigarette?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:32pm
Great. I don’t know I like to see and hug small soft men to my body and force them to worship and kiss my muscular tough body

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:32pm
I remember so i slam their hands to the table

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:33pm
How's the feeling of being hugged by you

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:35pm
Haha I don’t know you should ask one of the many men i do that to

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:35pm
I would loose confidence to try to win wthyone single hand watching the size of your arm

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:36pm
Bet I would feel protect like a kid

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:36pm
Men have no confidence around me. I rule they only fear me

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:37pm
Yes, many men feel like my kids. But of course with some pain since I’m much stronger than them 😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:38pm
Yes but let's say I don't know you and you strength and you challenge me.armwestleng I would say yes than loose hope as soon as I see uoir size

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:38pm
Pain just by being hugged?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:39pm
Yes, this what will happen when I show you my body

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:39pm
Yes, pain. But also mother and children relationship or this’s what many men told me

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:40pm
Exactly what mother son relationship

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:41pm
Well I will cheat and use both hands to won

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:41pm
They sit in my lap they call me mother. They go to bed with me etc

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:42pm
And you lik

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:42pm
Come on my one arm three times stronger than both arms just accept it

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:42pm
Ya at the beginning it was weird but now I kind like it

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:43pm
That's an huge gap I have hard time accept it

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:43pm
Mummy can you make big muscle for me?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:44pm
😂 usually they ask for hug and kisses so they feel protected. Are you one of them?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:45pm
I think so

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:46pm
Has mummy bigger muscles than daddy? Ahahh

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:47pm
One extra child 😂 no problem. You will be sitting on my lap wearing your underwear, I will be hugging and kissing you

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:47pm
You don't mind?

AnonymousApr 25 2019 2:47pm
Of course. I don’t think you can have a daddy my husband is so small 😂😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:48pm
No, I don’t. Why would I?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:48pm
Can I compare my muscles with my.mum

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:49pm
Because you have a weaker soft not muscular guy on your lap

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:49pm
Of course you can. But mummy is much bigger as you know baby

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:50pm

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:50pm
I only put on my lap soft weak men. I only like them

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:51pm
Of course much I just told you my weights!!

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:51pm
And y flex for them?

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:51pm
They like it. Also, I love to scare them 😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:52pm
Your 21 inch bicep close to my 13 ish is embarrassing

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:52pm
Scare them? How

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:52pm
Also, my babies have to kiss and worship their mumy

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:53pm
I think my biceps now are 23. This’s how i scare them 😂

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:53pm
Every cm of my mummy will be worshipped

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:54pm
Good baby. You know your mummy likes her feet to be worshipped are you ready?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:55pm
Yea so huge omg o didn't think was possible to have so big

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:55pm
Whatever you like just don't spank me like a child

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:55pm
Thanks baby mum like me have too many adult babies should be that big

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:56pm

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:56pm
Good baby keep my feet 🦶 happy and will not spank you. You should watch videos about foot worship

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:57pm
To protect all of you my baby 👶

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:57pm
Protected from who....

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:58pm
I would need to learn massag??? I can't imagine how hard you can spank

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 2:59pm
Anyone you should feel when we hug and sleep right?

Fatima Apr 25 2019 2:59pm
Feel what

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 3:00pm
Of course you should become a master in foot massage and kissing feet and worshiping my feet. My feet will be like your goddess

Fatima Apr 25 2019 3:00pm
Feel safe. By the way I can slap really hard. All men cry

Fatima Apr 25 2019 3:01pm
I can't immagine how hard you can spank

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 3:01pm
I should go now

Fatima Apr 25 2019 3:02pm
Of course between those muscles around me I would feel safe

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 3:02pm
Text me tomorrow mum

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 3:02pm
Wow, Fatima you can easy control 4 men at the same time but Bianca is even similar strong. She can control 3 men at the same time. I think if Topicmaster an me have a fight together, no one of us can control the other. This means we men are much weaker than the girls!

Henni Apr 25 2019 11:22pm
In a previous poll Fatima wrote, that the weakest women can lift easily 15kg. She easily copes with one of us men! This corresponds with my own experinces. The weakest girl in our gym can lift wights, i‘m can‘t handle it because they are so extrem heavy. I can only admit it here in front of everyone, sometimes i wish i could be a girl with really big muscles and become equal strong like so many other girls too. What must it a feeling to be so much stronger then the formerly stronger sex.

Henni Apr 25 2019 11:38pm
For them is fun. I don't know if they enjoy more size comparison of strength comparison

TopicmasterApr 25 2019 11:41pm
Bianca seems bit more understanding than fatima. You can try to sort things out speaking. Fatima seems more strict and whatever she sais goes. No space for different opinions

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 1:07am
Hi you two weaklings. Henni you wish to become a woman!! Sorry that’s not an option you will still part of the weaker sex and your wife will keep controlling your life. Has Bianca ever wrestled three men at the same time? You and two of your friends? Toyboy I don’t think Bianca is less strict just give her extra time

Fatima Apr 26 2019 1:59am
Fatima I'm sure after one single spank with your hand my ass would be so red and in pain

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 2:02am
What would amaze me is not your strength show but every day life when you do something normal for you which you don't even notice would be very hard for men

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 2:04am
Fatima, it is only a wish from a weakling. Bianca is strict but she leaves me my liberties if i obey her. Bianca had wrestled me and two friends of me at the same time. She struggled but men doesn’t had any chance because she is to strong for us!

HenniApr 26 2019 2:20am
Toyboy, you’re looking forward for me to spank you like a baby 😂😂. Bianca wrestled three of you WOW I’ Really impressed. She’s becoming a beast. Tell me more about this wrestling how did you feel? What do you think about it? How she beated all of you? What holds techenic etc.. what your friends said after the wrestling??

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:26am
It was unbelievable fur us that we three men couldn’t do anything against Biancas strength! First it looks that we three men together could overpower her but then she catched one of us between her legs and squeezed him badly. Then she could hold us others with each hand and give us pain until we gave up. After this fight we men had to worship her big and superior muscles and we had to call her ma‘am or godess for the whole day. If we talked together we had to highlight always that we men are much weaker and she is very much stronger then we are!

HenniApr 26 2019 2:43am
Wow, this sounds amazing. How do you feel when your wife beats you and your friends together? Were you the guy between her legs or this was one of your friends?

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:49am
How Bianca order men to worship her? What do men have to do when she asks them for worshiping?

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:50am
That's a joke or what? I think you two weaklings should have to the stronger sex more respect. Fatima what do you think how should they weaklings call us? Ma‘am, Goddess or whats your idea?

Bianca Apr 26 2019 2:50am
Good point Bianca. Usually men call me Goddess or Boss. And when I enter my flat they kneel for me kiss my feet take off my shoes and bring my slippers. What about you? Congratulations on beating three weakling by the way 👍

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:54am
Thank you Fatima, i like they have to call us Goddess Fatima and Goddess Bianca what do you think?

Bianca Apr 26 2019 2:56am
Yes, Goddess sounds nice. We’re at least Goddess comparing to those weaklings

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:57am
So, how did you order your husband and his friends to worship you after you kicked their asses easily?

Fatima Apr 26 2019 2:58am
Fatima, Bianca catched one of my friends between her legs. It was really humiliating. We don’t talked about it in reason of the disgrace for us men!

HenniApr 26 2019 2:59am
😂 you men are jooke. You’re lucky that she didn’t catch you between her thighs I am sure the friend who ended up between her thighs paid the highest price

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:01am
What was Bianca wearing? Hope she makes very clear how big and muscular she is comparing to useless men

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:02am
Fatima, i gave them the order or i‘ll force them. Because they had feel my strength in the previous match they was scared that i could beat up them!

Bianca Apr 26 2019 3:03am
Good job Bianca. My question is how do they worship you? Where exactly? Do they massage kiss talk?

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:04am
They massaged and kiss my muscles, they compared theirs laughable tiny muscles with my superior muscles. Again and again they had to lift wights, a little to heavy for them and if i could show them how easy it is for me and some other funny strength tests... it was funny and i enjoyed it!

BiancaApr 26 2019 3:14am
Bianca wore a bikini and before and after the wrestle match high heels! In this she was taller than we men. We feels short, small and weak compared to her!

Henni Apr 26 2019 3:18am
Henni, i will give you the hint only one time that you should call Fatima Goddess Fatima and me Goddess Bianca! Have you understand or does you need a clearer hint if we see us in the evening? From now you call us Goddess, all right?

Bianca Apr 26 2019 3:26am
Yes, Ma‘am, Goddess Bianca! Apologies to you Goddess Fatima!

Henni Apr 26 2019 3:28am
Very good Bianca you should be strict with these weakling. I am amazed by your strength. Your worship is amazing I love it when 3 men kissing my body at the same time don’t you agree

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:36am
So you don't mind us sitting on your laps and kissing you biceps

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 3:39am
Yes, it‘s a great feeling! But only with henni i have more fun!

Bianca Apr 26 2019 3:40am
So, Henni how you and your friends felt when seeing your wife coming in Bikini with heels towards you, towering you and out muscles you. Were you excited or scared?

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:42am
Toyboy, the same for you. Call us Goddess Fatima and Goddess Bianca!

Bianca Apr 26 2019 3:44am
Or what?

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 3:44am
So, Bianca are you saying the other two guys didn’t kiss you? Or you like it more with Henni

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:47am
You have luck, but maybe we don’t answer to you if don’t do that what i told you!

Bianca Apr 26 2019 3:48am
Toyboy I don’t mind it’s only a biceps why any women would mind. My advice don’t upset Bianca she kicked ass three men bigger than you

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:48am
What's the feeling when you see your compared size. Are people ever shocked when you perform some feats of strength that for you are easy?

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 3:49am
Were they bigger than me? U sure actually they were trying?

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 3:50am
Toyboy you should say Goddess Fatima and Goddess Bianca to get an answer

Fatima Apr 26 2019 3:51am
Ok goddess bosses sorry

TopicmasterApr 26 2019 3:51am
This poll will be closed shortly, please switch to this one:

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