I'm glad I'm old enough to have completed university because if I was born today, I probably wouldn't qualify. I think women gain great satisfaction in knowing that they are marginalizing men but they don't want us to be monosyllabic idiots. It seems they want men to be second class citizens not out of disdain for men but because they regard us as defective and they honestly feel that society would be safer and more productive if we put more restrictions on men. They want us to understand why and support such decisions. It sounds like they find us a bit annoying to work with because we're slower thinkers. They'd be content to just delegate more menial tasks to us and have us report to them when our job is done. I could have used tedious instead of menial (MENial). Men do have better spacial reasoning and maybe there will always be room for a guy to crunch numbers or draw up blue prints all day long for great pay as long as the big decisions are made by women. This question seems more directed to women than men though so hopefully a lot of them will answer it and help us out. We can't really know how they feel unless they tell us. Let's hope they (women) fill out this poll in large numbers. anonNov 14 2004 4:25pm Well duh and double duh. A bunch of sub men are going to vote on it, and they're going to post messages with phony female names. HHNov 15 2004 12:27pm Phoney names like "HH". Don't be fooled by them. AnonymousNov 15 2004 11:47pm The main thing is that we've now achieved economic freedom from men. We have moved into every area of work and the professions and excel at them all. In competition with men in the workplace, we've already won or are winning. So we don't need to cater to men's old-fashioned, paternalistic needs anymore. They will have to cater to our needs from now on. To get our attention, they will have to listen to what we women want, the feminine agenda. Yes, it's right, we modern women want men to be submissive. KathDec 19 2004 3:27am There's nothing better than a strong man who knows his place; pleasuring the woman to whom he belongs. The primary function of the human male is to serve women. He should submit to her, but he must not be a wimp around other men. A truly strong man knows that women are stronger. AnonymousJan 03 2005 3:23am What do women really want? Our balls on a plate and our necks in a leash realityJan 31 2005 2:07am What do women want? To be even more selfish than they've always been? They want everything their way even though they are more often than not wrong. If women someday gain 99% of everything on earth, they still would not be statisfied. They would be very angry at the 1% that men have and wonder why we think we are entitled to even 1%. EdJun 09 2005 9:57pm They will no doubt end up having things their way in the long run. AnonymousJun 19 2005 12:40am Women are successfully gaining economic control through their educational advancements. They may not consciously want to seize power at the outset, but they may not mind being in charge once they develop a taste for the benefits of calling the shots. AnonymousJul 25 2005 12:54am men on a leash! man on a leashSep 24 2005 2:24pm Women already have what they want. They are in control without doing the heavy lifting. AnonymousSep 26 2005 2:20pm I think that a woman wants a man who worshops her, places her above himself, is always true to her, and understands that she is the real boss in thier relationship. MikeFeb 11 2006 11:31pm What Women want from males is their compliance with our wishes.If all men were obedient to Females the world would be without wars and famine.Violence would decrease drastically and males would benefit just a smuch from a Matriarchy. Big BrendaMay 28 2006 2:36pm Women love to be pampered and made to feel desirable and beautiful. They want their femininity to be appreciated and acknowledged. To be adored and respected by the man in her life. A strong and intelligent man knows that by focusing on making her happy and pleasing a woman he will himself find fulfillment. shedirectsOct 25 2006 11:23am Kathy, your insight on how society is changing is dead on. The impact that women are having in the workplace has to lead to changes in the power dynamics in relationships. Men will and are accepting the female agenda and this is a benefit to both sexes. I think the next step is the most difficult for women and that is taking the lead in a relationship and asserting themselves. This is culturally and I believe to some extent genetically ingrained in women to follow. Many women because of personality and disposition are not going to be fulfilled in a traditional relationship. They need to know themselves and seek out a man who wants to please them. A man who will not compete with them, but complement them. There are many men who crave this type of relationship and it's incumbent on women to investigate and look seriously into this lifestyle. It is one that offers the opportunity for true intimacy,romance and an erotic powerful bond between a man and a woman living authentically. shedirectsOct 25 2006 11:47am Kathy, your insight on how society is changing is dead on. The impact that women are having in the workplace has to lead to changes in the power dynamics in relationships. Men will and are accepting the female agenda and this is a benefit to both sexes. I think the next step is the most difficult for women and that is taking the lead in a relationship and asserting themselves. This is culturally and I believe to some extent genetically ingrained in women to follow. Many women because of personality and disposition are not going to be fulfilled in a traditional relationship. They need to know themselves and seek out a man who wants to please them. A man who will not compete with them, but complement them. There are many men who crave this type of relationship and it's incumbent on women to investigate and look seriously into this lifestyle. It is one that offers the opportunity for true intimacy,romance and an erotic powerful bond between a man and a woman living authentically. shedirectsOct 25 2006 11:48am Women love to be pampered and made to feel desirable and beautiful. They want their femininity to be appreciated and acknowledged. To be adored and respected by the man in her life. A strong and intelligent man knows that by focusing on making her happy and pleasing a woman he will himself find fulfillment. shedirectsOct 25 2006 11:48am Shedirects, I certainly hope you Women get your way. I for one am more than willing to serve a Women. And yes, I crave this kind of relationship. benNov 11 2006 4:36pm Thank you shedirects the secret of Female Supremacy is a secret no more. Lou RollsNov 20 2006 10:57pm #022 - 2/8/07 UpdateFeb 07 2007 11:26pm If you girls want to lead,try being responsible for a change rather than just making inflammatory statements.I thought you were the nurturing ones. mike sMar 14 2007 10:56am mike s, get it throught your thick head these women are "MALES" the really sick and wimpy kind. Anonymous 4-1-07 Sun.Apr 03 2007 12:12am #0025 - (Mon.) 4/9/07 UpdateApr 09 2007 11:11am Trouble is anonymous,that they (women that is) have already taken over,not due to having better leadership potential or superior reasoning but because a load of manginas in power in our society have given up all mens rights,thus you get a load of perverts on these blogs who haven't the courage to profess their true gender ,so what is the point of having these arguments at all?I only have a thick head sunday mornings anonymous and I used to work ,ie;get paid,for the league of freedom. mike sJul 25 2007 3:14pm The continued advancement of the Female agenda seems to be certain. We men are taking on all sorts of responsibilities and tasks we never had to deal with before. Thirty years ago it was unheard of for a man to help clean and cook and do laundry. Today, if we had honest information, many if not most men handle at least some of these responsibities. Women now work outside the home most of the time. They look to their husbands to handle the tasks that they cant. And Women like this and deserve this. As they gained more control because of their increased incomes, they started changing what they looked for and more docile, helpful men are more likely to catch a modern Woman's eye. So we men have been "forced" to ajust. This is the force that began the change, but the momentum continues because Women are outperforming men in the business world and we need them to be able to survive financially. The tables are turned and we are now just seeing the results. thomasDec 11 2007 2:09pm Women want to be treated like the superior creature They are. AnonymousDec 23 2007 3:02pm Most people in this poll said women want to eliminate men. The way they always seem to treat each other, could this possibly be true? Wouldn't the world be boring with only one gender?? BKMar 16 2008 10:30pm #0030 - (Mon.) * 3/24/08 UpdateMar 24 2008 6:08pm Not really boring, it would be more like peaceful, you know? LizMar 24 2008 6:11pm To revive this branch, I'd like to ask our dear Ladies: What type of male to You prefer to dominate (to punish, to whip, to humiliate, etc) -- an emasculated/feminized one or a wholly masculine one? Nick NApr 02 2008 1:10am Sure "Liz". As if you're peaceful likely western society is a war torn totalitarian construction in which every single woman is a desperate female freedom fighters waging a courageous guerrilla war against the males who are seeking to destroy and rebuild their very souls as brainwashed slaves of the male new world order. Perhaps you're idea of peace is the genocide of all that isn't "right". Oh well, at least you will have "peace" at last. Ouch. FNOLApr 02 2008 1:45am Ms. Liz, would you not have a more peaceful life if you owned several male slaves who would be required to work their behinds off for you and submit to your slightest whims. obedient husbandApr 03 2008 6:24pm Women always say they want to eliminate men, or they want them to be more "in touch" with their emotions. What a bunch of BULL!!!! The worst thing a man who wants to attract a woman can possbily do is be more emotional or sensitive!! Women avoid men who act this way like the black plague. It would be nice if women could be a little more honest about what they really want!!!! AnonymousApr 05 2008 9:59pm I think women want traditional masculine character as long as they can influence his mind. Also, no matter what, the men must be able to stand against other women and men and show no signs of submissive behaviour to anyone else but his wife/girlfriend. I love my girlfriend and I am able to stand for her any time, I know she's superior to me and she knows it too, but she let me have my freedom and for that I love her even more. I don't think she would like me to be her slave or something.. Bob SalingerApr 06 2008 12:49am to Bob Salinger: Good that you are what your Gf wants you to be. Simply obey Her even if She will someday wish you to be more submissive and to have less freedom. But if somebody's Wife/Gf wants him to obey Her, I believe it's our males' debt to satisfy Her requirements and to be punished if we fail. But a good belting is usually a wonderful stimulus to do our best to avoid any failure in the future. Nick NApr 14 2008 10:39pm How Depressing: It's a Boy Study examines whether a child's gender factors into postpartum depression By Lisa Farino for MSN Health & Fitness Depression is one of the most common postpartum medical problems that new moms face. New research suggests that the risk is even higher for those who give birth to boys. Most moms will readily admit that rambunctious little boys are a bit more challenging to parent than little girls, who are generally quieter and less physically active. But the impacts of gender on parenting don?t necessarily start once the little ones start toddling. New research out of France found that women who gave birth to boys were significantly more likely to suffer from severe postpartum depression than women who gave birth to girls. The findings weren't limited to severe depression: Women who gave birth to boys were also much more likely to report a lower quality of life than women who gave birth to girls. This study, published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, is the first to examine the impact of infant gender on postpartum depression for women in a Western country. Previous studies in China, Turkey, and India, found that rates of postpartum depression were higher among women who had given birth to girls. Researchers suspect the findings reflect the strong cultural preference for boys over girls in these countries. Another good reason too dispose of men. AliceApr 20 2008 12:47pm Oh that was a very enlightening bid of info. THANKS Alice LizApr 20 2008 12:56pm #0040 - (Sun.) * 4/20/08 UpdateApr 20 2008 1:11pm Wow, Take it easy 'Alice' before you're head explodes. Anyway I have better 'evidence' that proves the infeority of men. Did you know that in naionwide testing using a state if the art 'evil-o-meter', the average man scored 20 out of 10. I guess this is yet another indisputable reason to dispose of men. FNOLApr 30 2008 2:58am Or let it be China, Turkey and India who will supply men for North America and West Europe! AnonymMay 06 2008 9:21am I estimate that over the past two years, 90% of the new polls on this web site, www.LikeLike.com, have been about women who are strong, muscular, dominant or superior. Also, this web site seems to be one of the biggest meccas on the internet for those topics. STNG FanAug 03 2008 8:00pm STNG Fan, hope you enjoys it too? :) Nick NDec 11 2008 11:03pm #0045 - (Fri.) 12/12/08 UpdateDec 12 2008 9:03pm really really very big rock hard dick,thats what they want! AnonymousJan 11 2009 5:36pm Anonymous, if you manage to have if after being harshly belted - my praise to you. Or maybe you must be whipped much tougher? :-) Nick NJan 23 2009 3:56am www.newamerica.net/publications/articles/2006/the_return_of_patriarchy AnonymousJan 24 2009 5:25pm Bang any woman senseless, especially with a good size c*ck, and she'll admit, or do anything. It is hard to be dominant when she's shaking, twiching, and sobbing through her 15th orgasm of the evening. johnMar 02 2009 5:54am I agree...a big c*ck, used properly, is the best truth serum. AnonymousMar 02 2009 7:14am What do women really want? They want a sugar daddy who will give them A LIFETIME OF FREE MONEY!!! A guy who DOES NOT give away free moneyMar 08 2009 1:02am Their beauty now fading, the COUGARS want that now-successful geek who they maliciously rejected in high school but that geek has long since moved on to younger, hotter babes, YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE THEIR DAUGHTERS!!!!!! AnonymousMar 08 2009 1:14am No Cougars ARE the successes. They want young male sex objects who they can dominate and discipline. That's what makes them Cougars. obedient husbandMar 10 2009 5:22pm What do women want they want to be dominant but not in a belligerent manner. They just want to turn men back into boys who they can boss and carry around. AnonymousApr 07 2009 1:35pm #0055 - (Fri.) * 4/10/09 UpdateApr 10 2009 9:45pm Orgasms. long and strongJul 21 2009 10:16am Ask Mel Gibson. an intelligent life formAug 06 2009 4:23pm Too many women don't know what they want and if they don't know what they want, how are they going to know what I want? A manSep 22 2009 2:55am To be f*cked to or near unconscious by a skilled possessor of a 9 inch long, rock hard, thick penis--namely...me! call me meSep 25 2009 10:05am Collectively, women want independence from oppression which they aspire to achieve by gradually passing men up on the ladder of success. Having successfully turned the tables in the educational system, women are in a position to dominate the workforce in years to come. As higher wage earners in control of the majority of the economy, they will be the decision makers of the future. It appears women are getting what they want, and more. StanSep 27 2009 9:28am #0061 - (Sat.) * 12/18/09 UpdateDec 18 2009 9:49pm Spoken like a true and most knowledgeable woman, Stan! So ImpressedDec 23 2009 1:52pm You go Stan, you p.u.s.s.y mined d.i.c.k Impressed is right (LOL)Jan 06 2010 10:22pm Looks like (call me me, #55) is looking for a job? guys AnonymousJan 06 2010 10:29pm #0065 - (Thu.) * 1/7/10 UpdateJan 06 2010 10:30pm You can call me names, but you can't logically contradict my point, because you know it is true. So you attempt to belittle me. In doing so, you have unwittingly illustrated that you are examples of men with limited intellect. You resent the fact that women are advancing in status while men are in decline. Understand this, you are the reason it is happening. StanFeb 17 2010 6:04am In response to the orginal question Wife/Mistress expects unconditional obedience at all times, an understanding that sex is when She wants it for Her pleasure, absolute control over any money or property that I can bring into the marriage and the acceptance of severe corporal discipline at Her whim. obedient husbandApr 06 2010 6:37pm ". It is hard to be dominant when she's shaking, twiching, and sobbing through her 15th orgasm of the evening." Most males are lucky to have just one and that lasts what a full moment of trumbing and pumping out a oz of fluid that makes a mess and can also be used to prove tha male is guilty of rape if the woman so chooses to do so. (that is power because the male will go to jail if he can not prove himself innocent but even if caught we get a slap on the hand so we win either way. Anyway, a males orgasm is like a small dried up steam and saying it is a water fall....ours is NIAGRA FALLS! It is so nice to be a woman and not a pitful male. KathyApr 13 2010 11:46am I want to share my take on this...my husband and I are married for 12 years. As soon as I met him, I laid the rules for our marriage. I AM THE BOSS, period. Though I allow him to say his peace, I make the decisions, particularly when it comes to money and sex. I have COMPLETE freedom to do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want. Men have, for all too long, told us women what we are permitted to have or do or say.Not any more. I have become a very independent and very liberated woman. My husband knows, understands, accepts and agrees with the fact that he is submissive to me. But trust me, if you start out your marriage letting your husband know that he is NOT in control, but rather, the wife is, your chances of problems for power control disappear. I have proven time and again, that I make very sound decisions, unlike him, and he has come to admit it. I understand that it is a hard thing for men to have to do, to admit that their woman is better than them, and that they are dominated by their woman. But that is reality. And with sex, well, I made that clear a long time ago as well...I need variety, and a feeble attempt at an orgasm or to try to pacify me isn't going to work. The sex HAS to be WHEN I want it. My sexual freedom is not an issue either, as I explained to him that for so many centuries, men have been the ones to have mistresses and lovers, outside their marriage. Well, in today's world, the tables have switched. It is the woman who now needs and should have, lovers outside her marriage. It boosts girl's self-esteem, and it really does help the marriage, where the husband learns quickly to satisfy the wife when she needs it, because her lovers already are, and he needs to keep up with them. Love has nothing to do with it. I love my husband, and would never want to lose him, but he also knows I love being a dominating, liberated and independent wife, and that control that comes with that role, is as important to me as my marriage. The total dominance over men has really only just begun. ttJun 02 2010 10:43am #0070 - (Sat.) * 6/5/10 UpdateJun 05 2010 11:52pm tt Ma'am, do You use corporal discipline on Your husband? obedient husbandJun 11 2010 7:04pm No, I knocked him out once in a nude boxing match, and since then, he knows I can kick his butt. But if deserves to be punished, I with hold sex, while I continue to sleep with my lovers. ttJun 21 2010 8:06am tt Ma'am, thank You for Your response. obedient husbandJun 21 2010 5:33pm You are welcome. It's a woman's world now, so just understand the female dominance over the husband is fast becoming the norm andmy husband has told me he enjoys his life better knowing I am his superior in EVERY way, and his boss as well. Long live women's lib... ttJun 22 2010 5:50am tt, does your husband have equal license to be unfaithful, or is that a privilage you only reserve for yourself? an intelligent life formJun 23 2010 3:32pm Dear ILF: No, he does not have the priviledge (proper spelling), of having lovers. And unfaihful is defined as having an affair without the knowledge of the spouse. He knows fully well and it is a result of what works for us. He is ok and happy, and so am I. (Not that we need to explain ourselves to you or anyone). ttJun 24 2010 12:42pm tt Ma'am, Wife expects my absolute obedience at all times and complete submission to Her physical whims. I have never been happier. obedient husbandJun 24 2010 6:10pm Interesting how you moralise that, tt, but what makes you so special that you may take lovers but not he. It's obvious to me that you are living by some 'Divine right of Monarchs' principle that patriarchal men tend to live by. Please don't misread me, I am truly pleased for you both that you are happy with your lot in life, and Im certainly not here to preach, but PLEASE be careful. Oh, by the way, thanks for the typo correction. an intelligent life formJun 25 2010 3:48pm I have known several Women who have multiple consorts and who take a position that They are permitted multiple partners. They often "lend out" Their husbands to other Women for use. This brings a certain equipoise into the marriage without violating the concept of Female control. The male is permitted outside sexual activity but only at the direction of the Female. Usually a Woman will not give Her male to someone that he is not interested in although it has been known to happen. A powerful Businesswoman once negotiated my use directly with my Wife. I had never seen this Woman before but I was instructed to be at a public establishment at a certain time and place to be picked up and used by this Woman. I followed orders and was well used. obedient husbandJun 27 2010 3:17pm Dear ILF: Thank you your concern. We are careful, but again, this is not a "Divine right of Monarchs" situation. It is simply a way of life for us, me the liberated and dominating woman, and he the submissive, happy man. He is a good man, a big heart, very open minded, and since our boxing match were I beat him soundly, he is understanding of the ways of the world and how it has changed for the betterment and advancement of women. And O.H., I don't lend him out because of one thing and one thing only: our understanding is that ONLY the woman is permitted to have lovers, and as his dominate figure in his life, that is how it is going to be. IF I decide in the future to "lend" him out, it would have to be ONLY to another dominating wife. ttJun 28 2010 5:55am I really cannot understand the sexes obsession with dominating each other. Would it not be better if they both worked together as equal partners for a common cause, that Heavenly cause that is Love? an intelligent life formJun 29 2010 4:26pm That is a Utopian thought, but a good one. However, female dominance MUST continue for now, until things even out. Men for so long have dominated us females, that now things are the other way, with females in control and getting more control. yes it would be great for their to be equality, but that is light years away. Until then, female dominance will increase more frequently. Without insulting my husband, he knows I make very sound decisions, financially, sexually, and in everyday life in general. He tries, but he knows and has come to appreciate the total dominance I have over him. It took a while for me to get him to see it, but now he does. Slowly, but surely, I have come to dominate him in EVERY way, and it works for us. Do I enjoy the total freedom I have, to do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whomever I want? Of course! He does not have that luxury, because, again, he is a dominated man, I a liberated woman, and it works well for us. ttJun 30 2010 5:13am If you look up the Are men redundant poll, and scroll down to the latest comment, you will find my treatise on the futility of monosexual dominance. an intelligent life formJul 01 2010 3:56pm Sorry, tt, I meant Are males redundant. an intelligent life formJul 01 2010 3:57pm Very interesting, indeed. Thank you. But as for us, even my husband admitted to our friends he is dominated, in every way, and that he is happy with that. Even in sex. He knows how open I am with men, willing to sleep with them when I choose to, and he does NOT have that option. And again, he is happy. I know how much love I have for him and our marriage and he the same. My friends have begun to dominate their husbands as well, and some are accepting it. Others more slowly. But in either case, my firends are copying me in doing what they want, including money and outside lovers, separate vacations, and in general, making our men know their place...behind us. ttJul 05 2010 4:50am Have you read The Dominant Sex by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting? It was their work that inspired my treatise on the futility of monosexual dominance, simply Google 'The Dominant Sex' and you will find it free to read on the first results page. I believe both you and your husband will find it intensely fascinating. an intelligent life formJul 06 2010 1:38pm So tt, what is it that drives you to have to keep your man...behind you? Does it give your otherwise pathetic self esteem a boost? It's sad that your whole life is based on keeping some weak little man, who probably has his own problems, "in his place". Your pretense at dominance is made possible because you have a compliant male. One last question - would it be morally acceptable for a man to treat a woman in the same way? I'm dying to hear your justification. PatJul 06 2010 5:35pm Than die you will...I make it a policy NOT to justify someone with arrogance and disrespect, a reply. Now, had you tried asking me in the same, educated and civil manner intelligent life form has, I would. ttJul 07 2010 7:14am Thanks tt, I got a laugh out of your response. Believe it or not, I am a submissive man. That's why I read these forums, because someone has to inject some sense into them, from the inside. I admit, my query to you was harsh and somewhat arrogant. I was angry but was it any more arrogant and disrespectful than what you have been preaching? I don't show respect blindly but maybe I could have been more courteous. Your response is typical of female supremacists, though. You don't have to justify yourself. You don't have to be morally accountable for your actions. You have the divine right to do whatever the hell you please, with impunity. Does that about cover it? You do realize that those are all classic signs of a sociopathic personality? What you describe is not a healthy femdom relationship. Ask yourself, if you found out you were going to die tomorrow, would you spend your last day on earth with your husband in the manner you just described? Don't answer me. Just chew on that and then think about who is being arrogant and disrespectful. PatJul 11 2010 11:18am Pat, as long Her husband accepts Her authority and is happy what is wrong with it. In my time in the fetish scene, I have seen Masters using the whip on their slavegirls. While it is not my thing that is their choice. I think these forums do cater to extreme fantasies because they are anonymous (even for people who do not sign their comments that way. Most long term relationships I have encountered are very loving. obedient husbandJul 11 2010 5:52pm Obedient Husband; thank you for the support. Please notice that again, as I stated previously, I WILL NOT JUSTIFY what's his name with an answer. But I will tell you that you are correct...my husband is very happy with our lifestyle, happy about being obedient and dominated, happy about being married to an independent and liberated woman, and has stated many times, that he would not change anything in our relationship and marriage. Guess you can say we win.. ttJul 13 2010 5:31am tt, I was wondering, have any of your friend's partners ever flat out refused to be dominated? I myself am single, at the moment, but when that changes, it's either OUR way, or no way. an intelligent life formJul 13 2010 3:37pm OH, people are free to live any way they choose. I really don't care. However, this is a discussion forum. I raised a question and someone got bent out of shape about it. Secondly, people agree to all kinds of things that are not in their best interests. They do so for lack of self worth or because they are disenfranchised in some way and other people take advantage of that. I was raising an ethical question, regardless of whether someone agrees with it or not. PatJul 13 2010 9:06pm tt Ma'am, it is an honor to be permitted to support You and an even greater honor to be acknowledged by You. Pat, I guess you will never serve tt. obedient husbandJul 14 2010 5:35pm Obedient Husband: As tt's husband, thank you for showing her the support. As she has stated previously, and correctly, I might add, I am VERY happy with her in total control, and being dominated by her. Life is good, and there are few worries for me, or her for that matter. I know my place, and I do support her total freedom to do whatever she wants, wherever and with whoever. Again, we are happy, and not all people can be happy with our lifestyle and marital arrangements...but we are. Good luck to you, sir. And yes, she really does sign our return addresses as "Ms. & Mr". One dominated husband to another, we got it made pal. jojoJul 15 2010 12:55pm LOL Obedient husband! What makes you think I want to serve her?! I'm not here looking for a date. PatJul 15 2010 8:15pm To jojo, there is no greater honor for a male than to be permitted to Love, Honor and Obey his Wife. To Pat, I do not think you want to serve Her, that is why I say you won't, but perhaps some Woman will come along, carry you off, and show you the error of your ways. obedient husbandJul 18 2010 5:58pm Thank u Obedient Husband. You are right. I am proud of the arrangement we have, her independence, her dominance over me. Some folks ask me why do I allow her to use "Ms." instead of "Mrs"., why I allow her to be dominate me. I don't "allow" her to do anything...she is a liberated woman, in EVERY way, and does as she wants. As a dominated husband, it's a real turn on to know your wife is so free and can do or have what she wants, yet controls you. When she goes out on dates, yes dates, for example, it's really a turn on to know that although I don't have permission to do that, she can and does. It's a turn on to have her sign return addresses as "Ms. & Mr.", or to follow her and when we disagree, to know that I MUST give in, and she then takes over whatever it is we were disagreeing about. I MUST rub her feet at least once a week, I must watch her receive a nude full body massage by one of her lovers, I must do the laundry...but it works for us. jojoJul 19 2010 8:02am Jojo it seems she treats her lovers better than she treats you. I've never tried to dominate a woman but I certainly wouldn't let her walk all over me either. If she loved you she would want to be out with YOU, not some other guy. So you do her housework while he gets to f*ck her? It seems he is the one that is really the dominant. You are doing the grunt work while he gets the rewards. Don't you have any self respect? PatJul 19 2010 4:04pm And, Obedient Husband, another thing: my wife and I have gotten so much closer to each other since she became a dominant wife. As you are aware, being a dominated husband yourself, there is a certain bond that develops when the woman becomes so dominant. There is, I am certain you know this, a certain sexual stimulation and arousal as well, knowing that the wife has such power and dominance, such independence, such freedom. JoJoJul 20 2010 5:13am To JoJo and obedient husband, I understand the sexual stimulus aspect of your wives dominance over you, but is it really worth the price you pay? an intelligent life formJul 21 2010 3:08pm Absolutely, being Her chattel gives meaning to my life. She put a hand on my bare behind 18 years ago and I have been Her slave ever since. obedient husbandJul 21 2010 5:28pm Obedient Husband: I'll bet you and me get more sex than a lot of other men. My wife finds, as do I, exciting to be the dominant one, and me being submissive. As a result, she is so much more willing to have sex as she knows she controls where, when and at times, WHO she will have sex with me..or her boyfriend. jojoJul 22 2010 5:28am I submit to sex and/or discipline when She orders me to do so. Over the years there have been weeks when She hasn't touched me and there have been weeks where I have been beaten and used everyday. It is at HER whim and I have been trained to have no expectations, simply to comply when ordered to do so. She has not had any other boyfriends to my knowledge for several years and She also has not loaned me to another Woman for a few years now but She certainly has the power to do so at any time. obedient husbandJul 28 2010 2:55pm Good for you, buddy. Isn't life grand? If you are like us, when my wife finally does give me permission to have sex with her, it's wonderful. And that is usually after she has returned from an overnight date with one of her lovers. The only discipline I get, if ever, though, is denial of release if we had a disagrrement or I failed to serve her in some way. jojoJul 29 2010 5:05am Wife will perodically bare my behind, bend me over and administer corporal discipline to my rear. It is a reminder that I am chattel. obedient husbandAug 01 2010 2:03pm Then she is no better than the Muslim swine who abuse their wives, obe. an intelligent life formAug 01 2010 3:57pm Many Women feel that Islam gives them protection. Admittedly there are some that are forced by families to embrace that or any other religion but this by no means applies to all. There are arguments that the Harem and the Burka help protect Women from male predators. Obviously Wife and I do not practice this religion but I respect the right of Women to embrace it. Also, last time I looked Catholic and Mormon women were still barred from the priesthood, and male orthodox Jews have a prayer where they thank God they were not born a Woman. Indonesia and Pakistan have in recent history elected Women to be Chief Executive of their governments, something we have not managed to do yet. obedient husbandAug 03 2010 6:55pm As Islam forbids women from earning their own living, either as employer or employee, and girls to have any true education, is's little wonder that many females trapped in the patriarchal Islamic sociocultural framework have no choice but to accept said protection. As for the Catholics, Mormons and orthodox Jews, pity those poor, sad men. They will never understand women's true value. an intelligent life formAug 06 2010 3:39pm Your information is incorrect. Of the 5 main Muslim Jurist schools followed in the Islamic world ie Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, Hanbali, and Shia only the Hanbali comes close to inhibiting the rights of Women in this way. This was he school of Islam folowed by the Taliban and the current government of Saudi Arabia. Women hold many prominent positions in Muslim countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey etc. Please do a bit research! SocratesAug 08 2010 3:13pm Thanks for that, Socrates. I'll get right onto it! an intelligent life formAug 08 2010 3:45pm What about Sunni? an intelligent life formAug 08 2010 3:48pm Sunni Islam is not monolithic. As I pointed out there are 4 legal schools in Sunni Islam. They vary depending how much they rely on the Koran and Hadith in law making and how much they consider other factors. The most liberal school is Hanafi Sunni. SocratesAug 13 2010 10:22am You are indeed correct. Sunni Islam is not monolithic, because over time, other breakaway sects cropped up. For example, Shi'a Islam came about over disagreement as to who Muhammad's true heir was. The main sunni (derived from sunna, to follow)class the other non sunni sects as kuffar (infidel), or possibly murtads (apostates) to be killed by "true" Muslims. You see, my friend, Islam is like a street gang. Once you're in, there is no way out, and if you leave, they will kill you. Why? Because it is their "holy" duty to kill murtads who leave Islam and kuffars who refuse to convert to Islam (from the Arabian root word al-silm,meaning surrender). an intelligent life formAug 13 2010 4:10pm Good to see you have had time to catch up. I am no fan of Islam so I have no motivation to come to the defence of this oppressive ''faith''. If we look at conflict zones around the World today Islam is frequently the common denominator: Caucusus, Palestine/Israel, Sudan, Nigeria, Kasmir, Sinjiang, southern Thailand and Southern Philippines. SocratesAug 15 2010 6:22am A good Femdom fantasy would be to postulate Islam with the roles reversed, males are given in marriage to Older Women and are kept in a harem. obedient husbandAug 15 2010 2:47pm Correct me if I'm wrong, but I beleive the ancient Amazonians practiced a version of what you postulated before the Greeks and their allies did them in. an intelligent life formAug 15 2010 3:20pm The problen is obedient husband that Womyn are by nature very choosy. What makes you so confident you would make the cut for this Fem Dom harem? Lol SocratesAug 16 2010 11:32am In the past, women had to be choosy because men once monopolised posession of wealth and resources. Now that ever more women are acquiring, the imperative to select the best possible provider is somewhat lessened. an intelligent life formAug 16 2010 2:13pm Evolutionary selection criteria are more resistant than that. There is no reason for Womyn to seek men as 'protectors' nowadays. However, across the world women suveys show women much prefer tall much over those of average or smaller. Clearly, though as women equal or surpass men in the job market finding a wealthy provider is no longer a necessity. Still, women's aspirations dont seem to have caught up with this fundamental change though. SocratesAug 17 2010 1:43pm They will catch up, trust me on that! an intelligent life formAug 17 2010 3:23pm Well Wife initially took me into Her harem. She had about half a dozen slaves when I met Her who She used in varying ways and She has loaned me to Women from time to time. Traditionally there may have been problems actualizing the fantasy but the Cougar trend is catching on. Tonight an aggressive Woman in our complex introduced Her newest toy boy to my Wife proudly recounting he was younger than She was. The Priestess of my church keeps two full time husbands. As to the Amazons, some accounts have them keeping full time slaves. Others have them mating with the Hittites with the Amazons keeping the girl babies and the Hittites the males. I prefer the former and I sometimes think Wife was once an Amazon and I was Her slave, which is why I was drawn to Her again in this life. obedient husbandAug 20 2010 7:41pm What women want is so hard to gauge everything about them is so different to us, they are almost a different species. What matters is what we as men want and try to forget about them as much as possible. AnonymousAug 22 2010 8:01am Women want men for their tongues AnonymousSep 06 2010 1:37pm c'mon tt. make me your lover also. i will kick the poo out of you. i will tell you who the real daddy is. actually you are a male pretending to be a female on this form. boxerOct 02 2010 11:35am 126, 10/4/10 AnonymousOct 04 2010 5:50am most of these feminazis just want a big stiff prick up their asses jacobOct 05 2010 6:45pm It is normal for women to dominate men because they are superior to us. That's reality. A manOct 27 2010 3:19pm lol some guys should really learn how to take the dildos outa their mouths. before they start spewing bs... jacob..single mommy killahOct 30 2010 12:45am What do women really want? A dick in her vagina. What do men really want? Put his dick in so much as possible women. AnonymousNov 10 2010 8:42am Lot of postulating here about what women want. Is there a chance they want a variety if different things? Fir some women anything shirt of total female domination is a sellout. To others religiously schooled in fir instance a strict Baptist upbringing subservience might be there choice.. It appears most are across the spectrum. I can only speak for my wife and I. I dominate financial matters as she has no interest and I earned and manage a great deal of money. She dominates the bedroom as once I reach the bedroom door I pit on mu submissive hat. She likes it that way as do I. She needs her safe haven from stress levels in certain area (money matters) I need mu Sade haven also (physical matters) which include sex and foreplay. She makes this decisions. I am thrilled that the foreplay she chooses is submission wrestling. She is an athletic hard body and likes me to worship and submit to them. Not a real tough thing for me to do spending an hour or so wrapped up in her legs and arms. In the business world it can be extremely mentally tiring. It is so nice ti have our bedroom to give up all that control. We are a perfect match. AnonymousNov 19 2010 12:31am To all the male-hating bitches: Arabs will turn you in submissive women wearing head cloths. If else! EuropeHatesAmericaDec 01 2010 12:04pm A lot of Powerful Females [Politicos / Journos / Actresses / Executives ] are now happily free to discreetly explore their rather subversive fantasies about being kidnapped / raped / enslaved / whipped / spanked / sodomized which they would rather Feminist Central High Command Politburo & the Media knew nothing about ---so they anonymously surf the net on websites like "Dallas Spanks Hard " , Spanked over Skirts etc. . As more & more women graduates are assmbly produced by Universities & colleges & flood the market there will be an economically powerful Sub Femme lobby craving for Sexual Domination either from Strong Dominant Males or Lesbian Dominatrii ! the forbidden thrill of being powerless to resisit & giving up the suffocating decision making straitjacket even for 2 or 3 hours will make many liberated , emancipated Feminist Butts itch to be soundly spanked across "Daddy / Boss /Coach / Sir"'s hard macho knees !!! ashesh ghoseJan 16 2011 7:56am I don't care about any of this. AmericaHatesEuropeJan 17 2011 4:52am What a bunch of losers PaulJan 17 2011 4:54am yeah and you being the dumbets loser of all anonymousFeb 18 2011 10:29pm Woman don't want anything more than self - EGO They want to enjoy the moment they dominate over men.. besides lately men are quitters sissies and gays.. so .. o.O no one can blame them.. blame the sissies castration fantasising gays.. and faggots of males.. those are not MEN. Dinoraptor101Mar 24 2011 3:46am All tha bitchez in da house say I'M FAT! easter island heads conglomerateJun 12 2011 12:51pm Real women want only what suits them male perversations do not actually interest them in the least. So why do men who have these fantasies about females being superiour attempt to justify them by projecting them onto women who just don't care, it's irrelevant to them. wwJun 24 2011 5:29am ww, Things written on this site is nothing more than masturbation material for submissive males. In the real world there are very few men who want to submit to a women and even fewer women who want a man they can dominate. That's why submissive males have to come on here and vent their fantasies. AKJul 08 2011 5:49pm What planet are you living on AK? If submissive men are so rare why are thousands of domintrixes making a good living across the USA , Canada, Europe or Australia/NZ?You dont need to turn to pure fetish. Look at TV...Xena Warrior Princess, Seven of Nine in Star Trek, Catwoman. All were major factors in boosting viewing figures. I accept female dominants are rarer. Genuine dominants of both gender are a minority. MariskaAug 02 2011 11:38am Submissive males are a lot more common than you would think. As Mariska says, popular culture is full of dominant Women. And Dominatrixes are quite successful finding clients. It's not just the stereotype of the male executive who needs to relieve his terrible burdens of responsibility by being whipped by a Dom in a leather catsuit, but average guys who get a thrill from Female power. It's actually a healthy form of worship of the Female. yboySep 29 2011 3:57pm Aside from the sexual fantasy here I think western society is gradually moving in a more matriarchal direction. Its a slow process but I think 50 years from now Women will completely dominate nearly all the professions. That will include politics too although that will probably take the longest. I estimate them making up 66-70% of professional posts. Of course the delining male graduation rates could be cumulative with men setting their expectations lower and lower. Some might argue we already live in a matriarchy with the media and TV so female focused. Males are represented as immature and less intelligent and needing the guidance of more sensible women. ProphetMar 04 2012 8:13am If a hard wired masochist man reads this board he can jerk off for infinity but for the majority of male sub missives to politically succeed they have to be counter-balanced a by a huge number of women who are hard-wired into dominant sex fantasies , which is as yet Not obvious from the large vanilla majority of females in the global population !?! Ash-XMar 11 2012 1:10pm Nowadays with televised Women'wrestling , Madonna , Cameron Diaz , Serena Williams' muscles publicly on display feminine muscularity is a socially acceptable feminist goal & physical superiority over the much hated/adored male sex has become an obsession with lots of girls who are hitting the gyms with a vengeance ! Also unconsciously the women are having a Reverse Odeipal Syndrome where they want to dominate & force sex upon a weaker man who represents their own vulnerable male child or son in their sexually repressed dark fantasies which they are loath to admit ! However the antakaran or inner meb Natal apparatus of the Body-mind-Soul complex is like an empty glass , as experiences keep flooding in the novelty wears out the elasticity of demand comes into play & the Body-Mind-Intellect keeps on harping "same old !same old ! Deja vu , deja vu ! Boring , stupid , stupid , boring ". Thus when the novelty of chicks kicking butt will wear off the wife -defeating -hubby mixed wrestling fad may just be dumped by votaries of both sexes into the dust-bin of history ;except for a few feminazi Serial Sex Offenders &Paedofiles !!! Ash-GXMar 11 2012 11:32pm I don't think so. I think a closer parallel is to the gay movement where a subculture will gradually gain acceptance and we will begin to see more married couples calling themselves Ms. and Mr. Jane Smith, both in real life and on television as we are now seeing with gay couples. obedient husbandMar 12 2012 4:44pm OH definitely multiple sub cults will burst forth , bloom &explode onto the consciousness &Media of the world . But just as "ms. &mr. Jane smiths " to oppose them authentic "retro couple cults " will mushroom where women will put on frilly pink aprons &cook dinners &aggressively market themselves as Revival al of the '50 s cult !! Ash-9Mar 25 2012 11:31am OH I was looking for you for last few days .....I thought you had disappeared ! Good to see you around this board Ash-9Mar 25 2012 11:32am Oh that's happening too. Look at all the attention to this Mad Men show on American TV set in the early to mid sixties (I have never watched it but it is quite the rage with the critics. As for me being around, I am around when Wife Mistress permits me to use the computer. obedient husbandMar 27 2012 3:38pm Look, I'm all for serving my future woman, but why would you actually want to make the laws/society unequal? Men have been the ones to help women achieve this much by supporting laws to allow women to do more. Why not just let some men be submissive and some be dominant? It should be a choice, not mandatory. Weak boy.May 11 2012 6:34pm The question asked in this poll can only be answered by a woman. Women know what they want in a man, not men. So we men must listen to the women. I think that Kathy, early on in the comments, said it. Women are now or will be soon in control. What they seem to want is for men to cater to the needs of women and submit to the feminine agenda. A manJun 06 2012 8:22pm this is site is full of bullpoo Someone who isn't a fake posterJul 10 2012 5:06am Many women are too tired with winnin' in the professional world to actually bother about bein' sexually dominant too in the Bed !?!? AGAug 20 2012 7:40am Maybe if they had male slaves to do their housework and run their errands they wouldn't be so tired. obedient husbandAug 20 2012 6:48pm They may be sexually bored of the male slaves submissive sameness to keep on smackin' their butts mechanically 24/7 year after year , month after month , week after week , day after day .......nite after deja vu nite !?? What then OH ?? AGSep 05 2012 7:26pm Women want men to get out of the way so They can get on with running the world. Women can please each other more than any male can. Women are better workers, thinkers, creators. Once Women are able to see Their own full potential, they will leave men in the dust! WmnpwrSep 06 2012 3:01pm Wife generally applies a firm hand to my behind at least once a day and She hasn't tired of it yet. obedient husbandSep 08 2012 8:43pm As a man I would love women to have the Right to put a man in stocks whenever she feels like it ,it would consist of a large room with rows of stocks,there would be no need for air conditioning or heating, in the summer the man would sweat and swelter, in the winter he would freeze, there would be no time limit ,he would be at her mercy when he is released so she can do things at a leisurely pace ,it could be a hot sunny day in summer she can go for a swim to keep cool ,leaving him sweating in the stocks ,wherever this happens would be a trouble free zone as the woman would be keeping him in line while enjoying the benefits of a man free area,they would all be securely locked in stocks under the womans complete and total control BogeyOct 16 2012 9:47am As men have been completely and soundly defeated in he battle of the sexes ,women are our supreme ,glorious and well deserved victors ,I suspect they could have done it much sooner had they chosen ,men should be fat on their backs with a womans foot on his chest in a victory pose ,we are now their court jesters fools for their amusement at last the superior sex are in charge BogeyOct 18 2012 1:42am Or flat on their stomachs with naked butt cheeks on display vulnerable to a Woman's whip or strap on. When Wife says "take off your pants and lie on the bed I know I will be well used, disciplined or both. obedient husbandOct 28 2012 2:11pm There is no question that women are superior in literally any disciple we can measure, however their agenda is still unclear. Here in University of Ljubljana we have on-going extensive study on this matter. I'm glad we can use some of this poll's findings. Please contact me: h.vanderbilt@uni-lj.si Phone: 00386 1 2418 691 Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Igor P. Vanderbilt Professor VanderbiltNov 11 2012 4:22pm I agree with Wmnpwr. Once we reach a critical mass of women in powerful positions, all men will able to do is get out of the way. Our culture will be completely reshaped to the female agenda. It's time to be humble, keep our mouth shut and ears open. The women are speaking now. I think it will be better for everyone though. Ironically, most men will be better off under female rule than the rule of powerful males. accepting_female_supremacyJan 06 2013 10:36pm Men have no choice in the matter. Women have already taken over, and it we are just solidifying our position of power. There is nothing males can do because they are inferior to us in every way. Not only that, but they can't resist our dominance because they are naturally hardwired to become helplessly aroused when near a dominant superior woman. A man may speak against female superiority but when confronted by a superior female his brain will turn to mush as all his blood rushes to his leaky erect symbol of submission! Dr. SusanApr 17 2013 3:41pm You people are ridiculous. Men will not submit to absolute female control. We are better spatial thinkers and have better physical capabilites than women (On average). If you wish to enslave men, you'll have uprisings on your hands. Did you think that slaves bowed down to their masters because they loved them? They didn't they hated them, some ran away themselves, and the charismatic ones... They helped to collapse their oppressors. My favorite example is Spartacus, who built an army and battled the romans. Men are also more likely to kill a woman than a woman is to kill a man. Why? Empathy, us males have less of it. We aren't as good at socialising, however when you want something unethical, then get a man rather than a woman. Most of you are strange males, with twisted minds (but you could say the same for me). This is bigotry and sexism of the highest agenda , you people make me sick. I believe one thing will happen: The world will run out of fossil fuels and a world-wide turf war will begin. The governments will fall, North Korea, being unhinged, will fire some nuclear missiles. America will strike back and doom the world to a nuclear winter. The human race is on its last legs. Stop getting your hopes up with fetishistic fantisies and prepare for the world to go to hell. Kittenpillar the opiniated gay liberalApr 25 2013 3:30pm I agree with Dr. Susan. I know what you speak of Ma'am because I am one who has often spoken against female superiority, but deep down I know its truth, and feel the ache to give in. I see what is happening in the world and it is clear that women are starting to leave men in the dust. As a man, that's both scary and exciting to me. Women will not "enslave" men - it will just happen gradually that women end up with majority of power because they earned it. What choice will men have but to accept where they fit in? Mr. InferiorMay 15 2013 6:03am Men are annoying but if controlled are useful for the things women don't want to do. Men be trained from birth to please women to be submissive, excluded from education and politically disenfranchised and enslaved. Men should be owned, unless inconvenient to their assigned tasks of the moment kept on tethered and led from place to place on leashes. As property they should be registered and taxed, and when no longer needed for reproductive purposes, altered. SarahJun 03 2013 3:11pm Poll: Do you think matriarchy is evolving--women holding the majority of position of power and influence SarahJun 04 2013 4:06am Once women take control of politics and business, most men will gradually fall into line—and the number of troublesome males will decline but remain menacing. Men will be socialized differently—successful women will look for younger, virile mates—that are pleasant to look at. Increasingly, and then completely, men will be discouraged from attending universities, etc. and start competing for high earning wives Eventually, their opportunities will be as limited as those of women in another era, and men will fall dependent on and subject to the authority of women at work and in the home. It will be easy. Boys are interested in physical things, and girls in learning and building. Males to please females will increasingly emphasize body building and cultivating pleasing appearances for somewhat older females who will make the rules in relationships—all makes sense, as women live longer than men, are more inclined to multitask, and whereas men are focused on sex in relationships, women value and better manage the entire arrangment. With men better socialized, fewer men will be troublesome and resist all these necessary societal changes. Disenfranchising men, limiting their education to their natural inclinations, etc will just tumble into place. Limiting the mobility of men to keep them out of mischief will follow, and after a generation males raised in such an environment will offer little resistance. SarahJun 05 2013 3:53am This sexist outlook on life isn't helping anyone. To be honest, I dislike humanity as a whole: We are a a violent, sadistic and stupid race. Both males and females. Earth would be better if life was kept in a feral state, with only animals and natural selection. Intelligence is an evil thing to have, better to stick with instincts and more animalistic tendencies. Humans are worthless in biological terms anyway, just compare us to a horse, a monkey, a mantis shrimp. They all surpass us biologically. Earth deserves better than humanity. KittenpillarJun 08 2013 5:21pm You may resign from the human race. I prefer to place responsibility where empirical and scientific evidence suggest it belongs--males and their inferiority to women. Society should be governed by women, and men controlled by women. SarahJun 09 2013 6:32pm Hah, society should be governed by a race of dinosaur people, but unfortunately a catastrophic disaster resulted in such a future being non-existant. Also, if women are so superior to men, why didn't woman surpass men long ago? I would be happy to resign from the human race. There are so many better, less utterly sadistic, fetishistic, monstorous beings around. Unfortunately, my flawed HUMAN (not male, human) brain is illogical and doesn't want me to kill myself, despite the godness it could cause. The perfect human would suffocate themselves at birth, and slowly remove our worthless population into extinction. KittenpillarJun 10 2013 4:03pm In the meantime lets improve things by putting the women in charge SarahJun 14 2013 2:42am Male enslavement would help AnneJun 14 2013 4:47am Male enslavement would help ALOT! SarahJun 14 2013 10:34am You know what would also help? Enslaving gay people, black people, anyone who isn't white, anyone who is shorter than four foot, anyone who is taller than 6 foot five... Oh wait, thats unethical! Ah, screw it, they probably want to be enslaved anyway. Freedom of speech is fine by me, as long as long as people are allowed to puch people who's views they don't like in the face (or genitals, whichever they prefer). Now, I may try debating this topic with you... But, can you envision anything that will change your mind on this topic? Kittenpillar the communistJun 14 2013 7:44pm No just enslaving males--males are inferior. AnneJun 22 2013 5:37am The exact words of just about every slave trader ever. They replaced the word male with blacks though. Also, what are your reasons? Males have dominated the scientific world throughout history and brought forth a new semi-utopian age of technology. Kittenpillar the communistJun 23 2013 7:31pm Wanna find out? Kik me. It's cjbcats CjbcatsJun 25 2013 12:07am Buddy, I don't have a Kik, nor do I want one. A socialist form of government would be much better for people in general than these insane musings of Matriarchy. Of course, capitalist propoganda has probbably drilled into your head the 'horrors of communism', when instead they are talking about Maoism or Stalinism. I really see no point in making an account on this 'Kik' so that someone can drone onto me about the 'brilliance' or 'utter superiority' of females. Both genders of human are good at doing stuff, were basically equal. The more you think like that, the better the world will be. Either that, or I'm a crazy communist rambling. I suspect its both. Kittenpillar the communistJun 25 2013 3:39pm Kik me? Lexyrox132 lexy♥Jul 02 2013 2:05pm I agree with Kittenpillar AGJul 28 2013 7:10am You kaffir perverts are going to hell unless you repent and submit to Allah! In Allah's law women accept their subordinate status as laid out by the holy prophet (PBUH) in the Koran and Hadith. Insha'Allah all women and men will accept their natural roles when sharaiah law is accepted in your dacadent cultures. The day draws nearer every day my friends. Repent and submit to the will of Allah while you still have time. Muslim MasterAug 11 2013 8:43am A men as slave is the future,if men were controlled by women the world should be a lot more peaceful. There is no way we shouldn't go around castration why a man without is more calm,obedient and can't be a danger for women anymore. slaveSep 16 2013 3:19pm Sadly, it seems women get increasingly unhappy in society. It seems they realize their true place is under a loving man, instead they are told to be strong and independent - and they hate it. Combined with the majority of women having rape fantasies, it seems society is actually getting more and more hostile for women, in a way nobody would've ever thought possible. Poor little girls, oh well, let's let them suffer for some more, they are beautiful when they cry. And after that, we will give them what they really want. Friendly neighbourhood rapistSep 23 2013 5:31pm Surely,as a male I'd rather cease to exsist then share the same oxygen with "females" like this.statistics seem to indicate out of the two genders,females are proven to be irrational compared to their male counterparts.This is mainly because of their emotional circuitry,women tend to merely judge most if not all situations emotionally,superficially, which breeds irrationality therefore leads to a higher chance their decisions will lead to illogical outcomes. Take away firearms,and just place the female gender in a scenario where they our left to fend for themselves.a chromozome specific plague wipes all living male,now they're left to fend for themselves...will MANkind survive this said event,highly unlikely.I ask you WHO will bare your children?MANkind ends with a whimper in the end.UNLESS we learn how give birth artificially and create humans.Fact is though Science is dominated by there male counterparts,all the ones who matter anyways.More Male scientist have made plethorea more contributions to humanity then female scientist ahem...just a fun fact.SOOOOO ladies ,you better hope to your imaginary friend we males figure out how to recreat oursheveles first so the females can benefit from our contributions to humanity much like they benefit from the internet,long distant communications,the i phone,ect.I really could go on...but i won't as it's an extremely long list lol.If only feMales our left,the harsh cycle of natural selection would deem them useless and they would cease to exsist.What a pathetic ending not fitting for a species with so much potential to understand,explore,the cosmos and our origin and perhaps even claim our real potential stake in the vast universe we live in.We are a way for the cosmos to understand itself.We need usefull intelligent people in this world to make more brilliant contributions,not useless- delusional-stupid people.people with low intelligence should not be allowed to breed and that is on both sides of the fence. HI TECH DEATHOct 13 2013 5:45pm *ourselfs HI TECH DEATHOct 13 2013 5:50pm *are HI TECH DEATHOct 13 2013 5:59pm Sarah & Anne = I think I'm in love. Please be gentle Mistresses. SubbyOct 16 2013 10:40pm America needs a president like Stalin lol. HI TECH DEATHOct 17 2013 3:32pm Religious peoples are a blight on humanity.They stunt the growth of society and science for that matter.They also dominate the majority of the whitehouse.These religious wack-jobs have access to a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons...that just doesn't sit well with me.No wonder why The world is so f*cked up,all authoritative positions are predominantly held by these irrational beings.Religion should be outlawed,transgression penalty:Death. HI TECH DEATHOct 17 2013 3:50pm Hi Tech Death - Judge not lest ye be judged. I read Ayn Rand too. She was right about a great many things, but God was not one of them. People of faith can be and often are rational. Athiests can and often are rational. You can be rational and mistaken all at the same time. Let's fight the religious wack-jobs and the irreligious wack-jobs together starting with the man in your mirror. SolomanOct 17 2013 10:35pm God Allah or other, no one can rule the world better as a women so most of us men must be locked in a device and as time comes neutered. I think we need a new Hitler but as a women to redress the world. gmddOct 20 2013 11:17am Sarah and Anne probably need to be firm handed, loving yes, but also strict. lawslaveOct 22 2013 4:45pm Can you prove he is real?Faith:A belief in something you know not to be true. HI TECH DEATHOct 25 2013 9:31am Faith does not equal fact,the reason you have faith in a supernatural being is because of your psychological need to feel important,or to give your life meaning.I give myself my own meaning in life based on facts and knowledge of myself ,this is where we differ Soloman.I'm my own god and I have control,I'm not bound to the teachings (or indoctrination) of pre-scientific, superstitious, primitive beings. HI TECH DEATHOct 25 2013 9:48am Also can the people of a pious mindset stop trying to indoctrinate children with creationism...it's utterly laughable.Let the children think for themselves please. HI TECH DEATHOct 25 2013 10:02am "Brothers and sisters!Free your bodies from the contempt of a soul.Let it die with archaic ideals.The only heaven and hell are the ones you create for yourself here and now.Accept Science into your life!" -The Faceless- Hymn of Sanity HI TECH DEATHOct 25 2013 4:18pm Women rool, men drool platoDec 08 2013 2:52am I've had it with men! I swear, all my relationships, since highschool, were terrible. Back then, I dated this jerk, who only wanted to have sex. I said no, but he kept nagging on and on about his needs as a man and that I had to do it, since I was his girlfriend. After a number of arguments, we finally broke up. Back then, I was naive and thought to myself that it was just one guy and that I could have done better. I started dating again. My new boyfriend wanted sex, but was a bit more patient. I thought he was the one and I finally decided to go and do it. However, just when I was driving on, I found him cheating on me with another girl. I instantly broke up with him. We lasted for a few years, yet he didn't show a single sign of regret or depression when I asked to break up! I've tried dating others, but they all turned out to be insensitive pricks who just wanted sex. I finally gave up on men and decided to be single. However, I found my true match with, surprise surprise, another woman. She listened to me, she was patient, caring, etc. We did have arguments every now and then, but we always managed to talk and patch things up. The more I look at it, lesbian relationships last longer than men's and at least the other partner is more sensible. I f*cking hate men and their patriarch views of "A man's world". I've recently read that the men's Y chromosome is actually a mistake and is slowly disappearing. Also that women are capable of giving birth, without sperm. You know what? Good! A world without men is a utopia if you ask me! Elise Apr 25 2014 12:23am Very good Ma'am but don't you and your partner need a male slave to do the menial chores that would be beneath you? lawslaveApr 28 2014 6:05pm As interesting as that may sound, no. I don't support slavery, as it is a sign of sloth. How are we women supposed to show ourselves capable, if we even need a man to do something so simple? EliseApr 30 2014 7:30am ^ A little proud, aren't we? LiamMay 01 2014 7:55am Is that a problem? We women should be proud. EliseMay 02 2014 1:24am Most respectfully Elise, Ma'am, Women who keep male slaves for menial chores have the time to concentrate on things more worthy of their superior intellects. lawslaveMay 09 2014 2:15pm sup brahs and brahettes bystanderMay 11 2014 3:50pm Err... are you one of those persons that get turned on as slaves? EliseMay 12 2014 3:48am Err... for me, I was a nice attractive guy. Has good looks and a decent body. Of course, he also has to be smart and kind. Not looking for Mr Perfect, but someone in this criteria would be nice. GinaMay 12 2014 5:18am I want a guy like Edward Cullen. Cool, good-looking, smart and mysterious. No, I don't need a vampire, or one that sparkles. Just a really cool guy. Err, minus the abusive nature and the "I must leave you to keep you safe" nonsense. TwilightFan42May 12 2014 5:23am TwilightFan42, do you really want an emo boyfriend? WhatdoesfoxsayMay 12 2014 5:30am Ms.Elise, to serve the Superior Female sex is always a thrill. When I married I took a vow to "love, honor, and obey" and I work for a firm with an all Female management team. lawslaveMay 19 2014 3:24pm Elise, I have sometimes wondered what it would be like for me, a man, to be part of a threesome with two lesbians, not as a slave but as the junior in the looving relationship, acknowledging the inherent superiority of the female. 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