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Should America declare a national holiday to honour the great world leader Yasser Arafat?

Question: As the world feels the pain of the passing of this beloved leader, should America declare a national holiday to honour his memory?
Created by: abdul at 12:13:39 AM, Friday, November 12, 2004 EST


I was brought up to consider him a terrorist, which I have come to learn he is not. Nevertheless, he's not an American so there is absolutely no reason to to declare a holiday in his honour. However, his death does put Bush in a bit of a jam doesn't it. Arafat was his excuse for not pursuing peace in the middle east. If he doesn't aggressively pursue it now then he really is a hate filled savage.

AnonymousNov 12 2004 9:16am

Nonesense. The American people are obligated to reach out tho the world community. If there is no holiday for Arafat, it proves all Americans are hate filled savages.

MehtaNov 12 2004 10:50am
There are far more constructive ways to reach out to the world community than giving holidays out to prominant international figures. To label all Americans hate filled because they don't honour a dead Egyptian indicates to me that you might be somewhat prejudice. What if Bush's plan of securing peace through sheer military might actually works? Should the Arab world take a day off every year in deference to him when he dies?

AnonymousNov 12 2004 11:30am
It is ironic that liberals worldwide blame the American president for a conflict which existed long before he ever came into the picture. What about leaders from other nations such as Russia, Germany, France, China, Japan, and others? They too have not come up with a remedy for world peace. Are they to be labeled as hate filled savages? George W. Bush may well be the only honest one amongst them. He is certainly the only one with the courage to enforce the policies of the United Nations. That is probably because he was the only one not on the take by participating in their corruption.

DonnaNov 13 2004 7:15am
I can't spot the irony Donna. I happen to disagree with your argument but that is beside the point. What, in your opinion is ironic? In the end, I suppose it is unimportant. I am not an American but there is no reason why the States should acquiesce to this potential terrorists' idea of naming a day off for Arafat. It's completely insane and my interpretation is that the question is nothing more than an excuse to hate Americans, which is wrong. You can hate the Bush administration all you want but don't hate Americans. They are just living their lives like the rest of us.

AnonymousNov 14 2004 12:05am
What is the irony? The irony is that most of the liberals who assign blame to President Bush are themselves anti-semites with agendas of their own which benefit from extending the conflict. You don't see it because you don't want to see it.

DonnaNov 17 2004 8:55pm
Irony is getting run over by an ambulance. Irony is not disagreeing with a president who continues an overly pro-Israeli foreign policy. What would be ironic is if the Bush administration followed through on Rumsfeld's threat and actually use WMD in Iraq in order to prevent them from using WMD. Besides, Bush's global unpopularity isn't because of his feeble Israeli-Palestinian conciliation efforts, it's because the conflict in Iraq is unjust. He told the world they have WMD and terrorist ties. His own administration has stopped looking for WMD and they admit there are no terrorist links. On top of that, you're castigating me for being an anti-semite based on my post "I can't spot the irony...". I assume the original poll question was asked by a Palestinian and call him a potential terrorist and you call me an anti-semite because I also said I don't like Bush. Re-read my post for god sakes!! Don't have a day off for Arafat! Don't hate Americans! Then you turn around and spit vitriolic hate in my direction. Go to hell!! I might as well have said "I don't like olives." because you would have drawn the same conclusion about me.

AnonymousNov 20 2004 4:33pm
Cool off HOTHEAD. (one above)

AnonymousMar 05 2007 10:20pm
We are in the last days of the financial con game. f*ck you fat greedy larry lacerte!You fat greedy A$$holes ruined this great country.Fuk you joyce and larry lacerte. You two fat texas pigs are nothing but greedy old washed up scumbags. Eat the rich larry lacerte 2013 John Portner SEO

John Portner SEO CastratrixJul 13 2013 7:48am
You turned out to be a piece of sh1t larry lacerte and I want to tell you off before you die and also that fat c0nt joyce lacerte. You ripped me and my brother jim portner off!How fat and greedy can you two dallas slobs get? Crooks like you are what ruined America and its time to Eat the rich!

Create a poll Your Ad Here Should America declare a nationalAug 25 2013 9:11am
You are a fat greedy scumbag scammer larry lacerte! You fat greedy pieces of $hit have ruined America! We need to start killing and eating the rich. Long Beach Murder is my new band.. Jim Portner Stay crazy!

Eat The Rich! Kill the scumbags~Sep 08 2014 11:23am
We need a revolt and to start killing all the rich greedy scumbags! Start with these two fat greedy pigs joyce and larry lacerte! These two greedy scammers ripped off me and my beloved brother John Portner RIP

Jim Portner Long Beach MurderSep 23 2014 9:53am
You are a fat greedy old washed up scumbag larry lacerte! You fat greedy douchebags have ruined America!

Jim Portner Long Beach MurderSep 25 2014 11:26am
Fu-ck You Larry Lacerte you fat greedy scammer! We need to hang you greedy scammers by the balls on wall street! Eat the Rich!

Jim Portner Long Beach Murder INCOct 17 2014 1:03pm
You got too fat and greedy Larry Lacerte! Did too many drugs and ripped off too many people! Eat the rich!

Jim Portner SEO AttackNov 06 2014 6:14pm
Fat Greedy larry lacerte Fu-ck you larry lacerte! You are what is wrong with America! Too many fat greedy Anusholes. Take that larry lacerte you fat greedy pile of dog $hit!

EAT THE RICH 2015Jun 04 2015 12:17pm
Greedy poobags like joyce and larry lacerte is what is wrong with America. Greed is what killed you larry lacerte. I see those bloated eyes and realize you died a long time ago in that quest for money and drugs. Do society a favor and roll into the grave you fat greedy loser. I will piss on your grave!

fat greedy larry lacerteJun 04 2015 12:18pm This is the email of the scammer larry lacerte! This fat scumbag ripped off my family!Fat greedy scammers like you joyce and larry lacerte is what ruined America.You just could not have enough food or money. Greed is what killed you inside. Now you are just bloated old texas pigs waiting to be hauled off and put in the ground.

By Jim Portner Eat The RichJul 25 2015 4:31pm
You fat greedy scammers have ruined America and we are sick of you rich greedy self serving scumbags.Get off that lard A$$ larry lacerte and joyce lard bucket lacerte. You are fat greedy pieces of texas $hit that needs to be flushed! hahahah die fat greedy larry lacerte.

Jim PortnerSep 08 2015 8:45am
719 561 9441 Found another number for the fat greedy scammer Larry Lacerte. This fat piece of $hit scammed me and my beloved brother John Portner RIP and was a all around A$$hole to work for. Just a fat greedy piece of texas $hit that needs to be flushed. Eat $hit and die joyce and larry lacerte. You two fat pigs belong in jail after all the people you have ripped off.

Jim Portner Kill and Eat the RichFeb 03 2016 9:18am
Time to face the gallows fat greedy crooks.You got too fat and greedy larry and joyce lacerte. You two texas turds need to be flushed! You two fat pigs have been living high on the hog from ripping off and scamming anyone you can. Time to face the blade!

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.3Feb 28 2016 1:20pm
Fat greedy larry lacerte. You got too fat and greedy larry and joyce lacerte. You ripped off my brother John Portner You are a fat greedy old texas scumbag

Larry Lacerte jesus scammerMay 01 2016 9:03am
How fat and greedy can you get larry lacerte? Fat greedy and lazy scumbags like you larry lacerte is what has ruined this great country.Money is not going to save you from what is coming you fat greedy tub of $hit! Jim Portner © 2016 Exponent Technologies

Jim PortnerJun 28 2016 7:58am
You fat greedy scammers are going to pay! The people are mad as hell and want to hang all you greedy scumbags. So think about that fat greedy larry lacerte as you try to sleep tonight.

Jim Portner 2016 Exponent TechnologiesJun 29 2016 1:40pm
Fat greedy scumbags like larry lacerte is what ruined America. Out for all the money and drugs+ food they can get. F off and die fat greedy pig scammer larry lacerte.

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.7Jul 10 2016 8:52am
Here is the email of the fat greedy scammer larry lacerte. This fat texas turd ripped off me and my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.7Jul 21 2016 8:41am
Good to see people rising up and getting ready to deal with these crooked scumbags like fat greedy larry lacerte. These greedy $hitbags have ruined this great nation and we are not going to take it any more! Hang the scumbags high!

im Portner Data Trace Toxic v.7Jul 26 2016 7:49am
Larry lardass Lacerte! Thats what we call the old A$$hole. This fat greedy scumbag ripped me and my brother John Portner Long Beach off when we worked for him.How much money and drugs do you need to have to live joyce and larry lacerte? You two fat scammers should be in jail. Eat the rich 2013! Larry lardass Lacerte! FU-CK OFF and DIE!!!!!!!!!

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.7Jul 28 2016 8:01am email of the fat greedy scammer larry lacerte. This bloated piece of greedy $hit ripped off me and my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.9Aug 02 2016 9:00am
America has got down the $hitter thanks to all the greedy self serving $hitbags like larry and joyce lacerte. These two texas turds should be in jail for tax fraud and straight out theft. Going to write about my experiences working with this scumbag in long beach and dallas texas. Jim Portner

support@exponenthr.comAug 04 2016 9:10am
You got too fat and greedy larry lacerte! Did too many drugs and eat like a fat pig while scamming anyone you could! scammer fat greedy larry lacerte

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic V.9Aug 07 2016 9:20am
You should be sitting in prison for tax fraud fat greedy larry lacerte. How fat and greedy can you get? You were always a greedy fat moron that should have stayed in canada you fat dallas scammer larry lacerte. texas scumbag tax fraud

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.9Aug 07 2016 10:06pm
Fat greedy scumbags like you larry lacerte is what ruined this once great nation. We are left with greedy vulture scumbags out for all they can steal snort or consume. Well F you dead fat greedy larry lacerte F you dead!

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.9Aug 15 2016 8:17am
How fat and greedy can you get joyce and larry lacerte? You two fat pigs are a couple of spoiled fat texas turds that need to be flushed.

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.9Oct 06 2016 6:14pm
John Portner Long Beach RIP.

Jim Portner Data Trace Toxic v.9Dec 21 2016 8:48am
This fat greedy texas turd larry lacerte ripped off me and my beloved brother John Portner RIP Long Beach

Jim Portner Data TraceFeb 21 2017 8:21am
You greedy selfish clowns have ruined this great country. How much money do you need larry lacerte. Big fat greedy texas turd blossom. You scammed me and my beloved brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data Trace RapeMar 09 2017 2:47pm email of the fat greedy tax fraud scammer larry lacerte. This fat texas crook belongs in jail for tax fraud and ripping off my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data TraceMar 18 2017 9:29am
You got too fat and greedy larry lacerte. You got my brother John Portner long beach RIP into drugs and it ended up killing him.Not going to forgive you greedy fat pigs larry and joyce larcert

Jim Portner Data TraceApr 05 2017 7:21pm
You are just another greedy texas turd larry lacerte. You ripped off me and my brother in Long Beach so F you fat greedy Piece of $hit

Jim Portner Data TraceApr 05 2017 7:26pm
I hate you larry lacerte after you ripped off and scammed me and my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data TraceApr 19 2017 9:37am
Not going to let you get away with what you did fat greedy larry lacerte

Jim Portner Data TraceMay 04 2017 7:57am
You fat greedy tax scammer larry lacerte.You are going to pay for ripping off me and my brother! F you and that group UP THE IRS!

Jim Portner Data TraceMay 05 2017 10:29am
You fat greedy scumbags have ruined America. How much money and drugs do you really need fat pig larry lacerte? You will suck the lords c*ck in hell you fat greedy pile of dallas $hit!

Jim Portner Data Trace ToxicMay 09 2017 8:52am
You got too fat and greedy larry lacerte.Plus you scammed too many people and tried to cover up massive tax fraud. All because you are a fat greedy pig that is out for all the money you can steal. Go win that lottery and choke on a fat slab of lard you greedy fat pig larry lacerte.

Jim Portner Data Trace ToxicMay 10 2017 8:36am
You think you can get away with tax fraud and not paying the people that work for you? Fat greed larry lacerte. F you joyce and larry lacerte big fat greedy texas turds circling the bowl hah

Jim Portner Data Trace ToxicMay 11 2017 8:57am Fat greedy tax fraud scammer larry lacerte.This fat texas turd scammed me and my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data Trace ToxicMay 28 2017 7:54am
You fat greedy scumbags are not going to get away with the tax fraud.How fat and greedy can you be larry lacerte?You got my brother John Portner Long Beach RIP into drugs and it cost him is life. You don't care about anyone but fat greedy larry lacerte.

Jim Portner Data Trace ToxicJun 08 2017 8:53am
If the rich are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm arguing for eating the greedy rich in this new civil war

Jim Portner Long Beach MurderJun 17 2017 7:49am email for the fat greedy tax scammer larry lacerte.This fat pig scammed my family and lots of other people.F you fat greed larry lacerte. The IRS needs to go after you and put you prison you fat greedy texas turd.

Jim Portner Data TraceJul 01 2017 6:33am
You killed my brother fat greedy larry lacerte. You got him into drugs and it ended up costing him his life! How much money do you fat greedy pigs need? Fat scumbags like you are what ruined this great country F off and die fat greedy larry lacerte! If the rich are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm calling for killing and eating the greedy rich in this new civil war

Jim Portner Data TraceAug 26 2017 10:20am
Nobody with any good sense will feel sorry for the rich.Greedy lowlife scumbags like larry lacerte. Tax fraud scammers out for all they could steal. Fat greedy texas scumbags joyce and larry lacerte. They’ve enjoyed stealing the nation’s wealth for the past 35 years and now it’s time to claw it out of their hides.

Jim Portner Data Trace MurderAug 30 2017 8:19am
God Exists! He Drowned God Exists! He Drowned All The Neo-Nazis In Texas"The Neo-Nazis In Texas" Nazi scum like larry lacerte!

Jim Portner Data Trace MurderAug 31 2017 5:09pm Email for the fat greedy tax fraud scammer larry lacerte. This fat pig scammed me and my beloved brother John Portner Long Beach RIP

Jim Portner Data TraceOct 04 2017 12:43pm
Fat greedy scumbags like you larry lacerte is what ruined this great country. You can go choke on a fat wad of dollar bills and die for all I care fat greedy tax scammer larry lacerte Eat Sh!t and Die!

Jim Portner Data TraceOct 14 2017 12:21pm
FU-CK Israel, the jewish problem and infestation in America needs to be exterminated, everyone needs to wake the hell up.If the rich are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm calling for hanging and eating the rich in a new uncivil war. F you fat greedy larry lacerte These scumbags are going to hang, hear me now believe me later!

Jim Portner Data TraceNov 16 2017 8:56am
719 561 9441 Found another number for the fat greedy scammer Larry Lacerte. This fat piece of $hit scammed me and my beloved brother John Portner RIP and was a all around A$$hole to work for. Just a fat greedy piece of texas $hit that needs to be flushed. Eat $hit and die joyce and larry lacerte. You two fat pigs belong in jail after all the people you have ripped off.

Jim Portner Data TraceDec 04 2017 11:28am Fat greedy IRS scammer larry lacerte. This fat texas turd scammed me and my brother john portner. RIP. Nobody with any good sense will feel sorry for the rich.Greedy lowlife scumbags like larry lacerte. Tax fraud scammers out for all they could steal. Fat greedy texas scumbags joyce and larry lacerte. They’ve enjoyed stealing the nation’s wealth for the past 35 years and now it’s time to claw it out of their hides.

Jim Portner Data TraceDec 12 2017 1:42pm
You are total lowlife piece of $hit Larry Lacerte! You ripped off me and my beloved brother John Portner Long Beach RIP. We hated you after you ripped us off and I still hate you larry lacerte after you scammed so many people you greedy old lard bucket.

Jim Portner Data TraceJan 07 2018 9:53am
If the rich are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm calling for killing and eating the greedy rich in this new civil war

Jim Portner CloudvirgaJan 28 2018 9:03am
This number 866-612-3200 belongs to a drug abusing greedy fat scammer named Larry Lacerte. I worked for this fat slob in the past and he ripped me and my brother jim portner off. He is a real greedy fat POS that can not be trusted. Claims to be into Jesus Christ but is a lying sack of Sh!t Scammer that only wants money and drugs.

Jim Portner CloudvirgaFeb 03 2018 8:42am

Jim Portner CloudvirgaFeb 06 2018 8:53am
Death to fat greedy scumbag like you joyce and larry lacerte.You two fat greedy tax fraud scammers can eat $hit and die for all I care. fat greedy tax fraud scammer larry lacerte.

Jim Portner CloudvirgaFeb 09 2018 11:12am
This fat greedy tax scammer larry lacerte scammed me and my beloved brother John Portner Long Beach RIP.F you fat greedy tax scammer larry lacerte! You got too fat and greedy and now you are going to pay.....

Jim Portner CloudvirgaApr 18 2018 10:07am
If the rich are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm arguing for eating the greedy rich in this new civil war Fu-ck you joyce and larry lacerte! You are what is wrong with America! Too many fat greedy Anusholes. You screwed over too many people and got too greedy! Money is not going to save you from what is coming. You will s**k Satans C-ock in Hell you self serving fat piece of Texas $hit Jim the other guy you ***ed over. Caller: Larry lacerte lard INC Caller Type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Jim Portner CloudvirgaMay 02 2018 4:45pm
Greedy scammers like this tax cheat larry lacerte is what ruined America. 719 561 9441 this bloated IRS tax scammer should be in prison. If these greedy tax fraud scammers are determined to extract the last drop of blood, expect the victims to put up a fuss. And don't expect that fuss to be pretty. I'm not arguing for social war; I'm arguing for eating the greedy rich in this new civil war Christ is not planning to save you DIE PIGS joyce and larry lacerte

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