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Women are Smarter, Stronger, & Better.

Question: Let's have some fun everyone! Vote for your favorite reason that women are better.
Created by: zerowoman at 01:16:10 PM, Saturday, June 05, 2004 EDT


Wow, women are obviously egotistical.

AnonymousJun 05 2004 7:42pm

I'd say it's more pride. Women have been put down for centuries and now the everythimg has swung back into their favor, they're just proudly boasting of their naturl superiority.

AnonymousJun 05 2004 9:51pm
Women are so COOL. Women got it MADE!

AnonymousJun 06 2004 7:45am
Back in the days when everyone believed men were the stronger sex, women were oppressed, but still handled the situation with dignity and confidence in themselves. But now that the tables have turned, it seems like men are whining, namecalling, and acting like equality is owed to them out of political correctness. On the whole men are demonstrating they are not equal to women, and never could be. At the core of their beings, women just have it together so much more than the male population.

RandyJun 06 2004 8:51am
Only a very few select women want to be in charge, or even know how to go about being in charge. Because women remain ignorant and leaderless about how to rule, men will always remain the bosses of society.

HHJun 07 2004 8:16am
The fact is that all the items in this poll are true. Women are better endowed genetically than men. Their two X chromosomes give them superior brains and longer lives. Sharper senses, greater endurance and more. For men, having a mismatched set of chromosomes means a greater chance for all kinds of defects and vulnerabilities - all as a trade off for having a penis and balls, the most vulnerable organs on the human body. Women are by far the superior organism. The only reason that Women have not yet fully realized their power is that the scientific proof of their superiority is a recent discovery. Before the discovery of the real differences between male and Female physiology and intelligence, men were able to keep Women down by means of physical brutality, the only real male advantage. Women do want to be in charge, but they've been afraid to act on their desire. More and more men are becoming aware of their own inferiority Women and are eager to support the superior sex in their rise to power. Only those men who deny the scientific facts are clinging to the old myths of male dominance. It's like believin that the Earth is flat. Knowledge is something that grows over time. Society gives up the erroneous notions of the past as it learns the truth......The Earth is not flat, and men are not superior to Women. The Earth is round, and Women are superior. I for one find it an exciting idea that we are living in a time when such an essential truth will become widely known......As a male it is very fulfilling to acknowledge the beauty, strength, intelligence and superiority of Women. It's foolish for men to argue. It only shows your masculine failings when you ignore Female power. But I suppose there will always be ignorant men. It's just another defect of the y chromosome.

ymJun 07 2004 11:23am
ym, are you talking about copulins when you state that women are superior physiologically? Do you believe there are superior men, superior women, inferior men and inferior women? Maybe you're trying to paint a black & white picture in a world of greys.....

HHJun 07 2004 12:01pm
When talking about moral character there can be superior men and women, or inferior men and women. What is being discussed here, HH, is superiority on a physical, biological, and mental state. Other than bodily strength, women are superior to males as living beings. All the qualities that women possess, as listed in this poll, give them the advantage in the modern world. Muscular strength is a "leftover" from the last Ice Age and is not an advantage now, or in future societies. Should a woman squander her natural advantages and become an immoral or ignorant person, she can be considered "inferior" as far as character is concerned. But she is still a biologically superior being when compared to a male. Likewise, a man can be of the best moral character, but is still biologically inferior when compared to a woman.

JMGJun 07 2004 1:05pm
HH, I don't know about 'copulins'....but it's relatively easy for Women to control men on a one-on-one basis when he is sexually attracted to Her. And there are Women who, as individuals, are not as smart as some men, and vice versa... but overall Women are superior. Men and Women have many similarities, so many characteristics overlap. Where there are differences, the sum total of those differences render Females superior to males. Because men are inferior to Women, it doesn't mean they are useless. Inferiority is a relative term. No individual should be judged solely based on their gender. But neither can gender be ignored on a societal scale.

ymJun 07 2004 3:24pm
I am a White Man!

White ManJun 08 2004 11:52am
Soon to be the most vulnerable demographic.

AnonymousJun 08 2004 10:27pm
I think we should kill all the white men in the world and start over, women can rule and black men can be sex toys. Death to all white men!

SusanJun 09 2004 12:18am
I AM a White Man! Is no one listening? Does no one care?

White ManJun 09 2004 7:26pm
Men may be inferior but they have their uses.

AnonymousJun 10 2004 11:45am
Males are good for Women to sit on and walk over.

AnonymousJun 10 2004 12:16pm
As long as Anonymous refuses to unmask his or herself, the opinions expressed really do not mean all that much.

RandyJun 11 2004 12:21pm
Oh Susan! Death to all white men? I think your estrogen level has just shot right through the roof!

SPLJun 11 2004 12:22pm
I am a bi-curious closet submissive, looking for adventure!

RandyJun 11 2004 9:37pm
Interesting that the submissive part is in the closet it is easier for a male to be bi-sexual than submissive.

In the submissive closetJun 13 2004 12:34pm
That is because they have been brainwashed with silly macho values. They are ashamed to admit women are superior, even when confronted by facts.

AnonymousJun 14 2004 8:48pm
My girlfriend used to get on my case about smoking pot. She kept trying to get me to quit, but I ignored her. Then I had to quit because of drug testing at work. In the long run, I had to give in to her because of society's demands. Another example of the fact that women are way smarter than us.

JeremyJun 14 2004 9:44pm
Of course women are smarter, stronger, and better! Why should that be news to anyone?

???Jun 15 2004 3:52pm
The drug testing is just the start of it. What are you going to do when science figures out how to test for other types of behavior that women do not approve of. The reason women are becoming more powerful is that they are being backed up by government, business and the courts. Men are in the process of being defined as inferior copies of women. Once that definition is complete there will be no stopping the matriarchy.

AnonymousJun 17 2004 11:14am
There are many biological, economic, and socialogical factors which will continue to empower women. This trend is accelerating all the time.

AronJun 17 2004 11:03pm
Women smoke pot, too. This drug testing example makes no sense.

HHJun 25 2004 10:57am
There will be no starting matriarchy; everything women have done has been watched and monitered by the males in power, sorry girls but we are very aware of what we're doing.

RickJun 25 2004 2:06pm
The fact that most men are unaware or in denial of the coming matriarchy will have an important impact, as women will encounter no resistance. In fact men will actually contribute to the matriarchy without even being aware of it.

SarahJun 27 2004 10:16pm
I disagree, Rick. Although I think the power shift is occurring slower than what some people claim or hope, all empires crumble. Holding back women will be like containing a swollen river with sandbags. Something's gotta give, and it will.

HHJun 30 2004 9:09am
There are no such things as Copulins

SusanJul 12 2004 12:57pm
Sarah you talk just like any ugly chick I've ever known.

Humps. Hermaphadites.Jul 13 2004 7:45pm
Dear Hump, it does not surprise me that you know ugly women. Run along, now.

SarahJul 15 2004 9:41pm
At least you know your place, sarah.

AnonymousJul 16 2004 8:43pm
In the form of a letter? Gee whiz Sarah how long did you stay up thinking about that response? Just because you are ugly doesn't mean you should take it out on all men.

HHJul 16 2004 8:48pm
Biological superiority. Superior longevity. Superior brain interaction. Genetic superiority. Intellectual superiority. Superior pain tolerance. The ability to give life. Superior physical endurance. Superior immune systems. Less mental illness. Less violent crime. It goes on and on. I've been hearing that women are our superiors all my life. As much as I hate it, I admit it might be true. Even if only 1/10 of what they claim is true, they are probably the stronger sex. I just can't believe that many people are all wrong.

TimothySep 08 2004 8:26pm
You're a smart boy, Timothy. The smartest men know that women are superior to them.

JaneSep 13 2004 9:19am
Then I am a smart man who knows that women are superior to men. As a man, I have just come to accept it.

MikeSep 14 2004 9:11am
Pretty obvious my now that women are superior to men.

Another smart manSep 15 2004 4:23am
It all begins with superior chromosomes, and the gift of biological superiority, along with all the advantages that go along with it. Like superior brain chemistry and higher intelligence. The longevity and superior endurance which leaves men in the dust after age 25. Multiple orgasms and higher sensitivities. And the advantage of being female in a society which is evolving in the direction of matriarchy. They envy us in so many ways it is funny.

AnonymousOct 03 2004 7:16pm
Susan, Sarah, and Jane all need good spankings. Men are their superiors in all facets of life except for hypocrisy. All women should have that as their middle names. It suits them all just fine.

Rick IOct 05 2004 3:42pm
So what id=f women learn faster or remeber longer, they all think theyre poo dont stink. she dosnt do what I say I'll show her whos boss.

AnonymousOct 08 2004 8:54pm
I was going to say because they are humble but I guess that option has been removed. Now I'm stumped.

AnonymousOct 12 2004 12:06pm
When you consider all the obsacles women have overcome to get where they are, I think they have earned some bragging rights. Perhaps it is men who must learn a little humility.

AnonymousNov 10 2004 11:33pm
Women are superior to men!

Inferior maleJul 04 2005 4:00pm
we are all equal in the big picture

ronSep 12 2005 4:06am
They are smarter, sexy, and they know it.

HERboySep 25 2005 8:14am
And it's so great that they are better than us. I mean,think of how crummy life would be for us guys without them. Geez, I love women!

TadOct 19 2005 12:31am
In general I don't think I can agree that women are smarter, stronger and better then men. I have a relationship with a woman that is older, bigger, stronger, better educated than me. It was kind of difficult from the start, I had difficulties to deal with these facts but so had many of our friends and relatives. Now, many years after we have married it's just natural for us. Since I am not a big strong man I have learned that plenty of women, both younger and older are physically stronger than me, I have experienced that more and more women have better educations and that many women can best me at games like chess, cards. So from my point of view I can agree that women are smarter, stronger and many times better - than me... I am still happy and love my strong wife.

Second BestJan 18 2006 8:48am
In my opinion, women tend to be better people than men. I spend more time with female friends than with male friends, and feel much more comfortable with them. As far as I can see, women are definately the better sex.

MikeFeb 11 2006 10:59pm
Female bosses are evil.

AnonymousApr 03 2006 10:53pm
Since women are so superior, let THEM fight the wars while us weak and stupid men stay home and enjoy life without women. Contrary to popular belief, us men can be very happy without sex. Being away from women helps us males to focus our minds and find true meaning. And save lots of money.

Kung Fu MasterApr 15 2006 10:14pm
I am making an open invitation to strong wives/girlfriends to tell their stories and for the husbands/boyfriends to respond. I am researching for a possible feature documentary on the way women are becoming physically stronger and fitter and being more the dominant partner. I need couples or singles to be honest and open about their relationships and possibly appear on film recounting their stories. Would be nice to hear from any interested parties. I and the film company are based in the UK but will look to source any stories or experiences in Europe, USA or elsewhere. My email address is - look forward to hearing from anyone with an interesting story. Thank you for your attention.

Daniel (21/04/06)Apr 22 2006 12:02am
Women should be wearing miniskirts as often as possible: At work, school, shopping, public events, etc. And get rid of those irritating SLEEVES! Women should be showing arms, shoulders and back. This business of women wearing sleeves and long pants that cover knees is GARBAGE !!

He ManMay 01 2006 10:25pm
Women live longer, because they get free rides in life and never have any stress put on them. Men do all the real jobs in the world therefore the stress takes years off their lives. Also just about any great scientific achivement or discovery has been from a male. Women these days need to learn their place, men have become far too lenient in letting them run around.

AnonymousJun 01 2006 2:30pm
Womyns brains are built for control and males to submit.

Lou RollsJun 09 2006 12:21am
Explain then, why do men control society and have as far back as there is recorded history? Women have been controlled for so long before the 20th century, until men decided to allow them to have more choice.

AnonymousJun 14 2006 12:52pm
Man and woman have been created, that is to say, willed by God: on the one hand, in perfect equality as human persons; on the other, in their respective beings as man and woman. ?Being man? or ?being woman? is a reality which is good and willed by God: man and woman possess an inalienable dignity which comes to them immediately from God their creator. Man and woman are both with one and the same dignity ?in the image of God.? Man and woman were made ?for each other? ? not that God left them half-made and incomplete: he created them to be a communion of persons, in which each can be a ?helpmate? to the other, for they are equal as persons ? and complementary as masculine and feminine. Catechism of the Catholic Church, paras. 369 and 372.

AnonymousJul 07 2006 11:35am

AnonymousJul 16 2006 7:00pm
Police Hunt 4 Women In Beating Death Of Bingo Winner April 11, 2006 Police in Toronto are searching for four women suspected of beating a man to death over a $1,000 jackpot he had just won in a bingo hall, according to Local 6 News. Police said Yousif Youkhana, 58, was walking outside the Country Bingo Hall over the weekend with his $1,000 winnings when he was approached by the women. When Youkhana refused to hand over the jackpot, the women kicked and punched him, the report said. Witnesses said the man stumbled back into the bingo hall after the attack and later died from his injuries. The women fled on foot after the beating, according to witnesses.

curious1Jul 28 2006 11:58am
Women Charged With Killing Homeless for Insurance By Robert Jablon, The Associated Press and LAPD LOS ANGELES (August 1, 2006) Two women in their 70s were charged Monday with having homeless men killed in hit-and-run car crashes to collect more than $2 million in life insurance. Olga Rutterschmidt, 73, and Helen Golay, 75, were each charged with two counts of murder and two counts of conspiracy to commit murder for financial gain. The charges make the women eligible for the death penalty. Prosecutors will wait until the case moves closer to trial before deciding whether to seek executions, Deputy District Attorney Shellie Samuels said in a statement. The women are accused of arranging hit-and-run killings in alleys using drivers whose identities are unknown. Paul Vados, 73, was killed in November 1999 and Kenneth McDavid, 51, was killed in June 2005. The women were arrested in May and initially charged with federal mail fraud. They are awaiting an October trial on those charges, but in light of the murder allegations authorities are considering dropping the fraud counts for now, said U.S. attorney spokesman Thom Mrozek. He added that those charges could be refiled later. The women befriended the transients, paid for them to stay in apartments and obtained their signatures before taking out three dozen life insurance policies on them, authorities say. They had them killed and then collected while falsely claiming to be relatives, according to the complaint. Some insurers found the circumstances suspicious and refused to pay. An investigation began last year when police looking into McDavid's death found similarities to the Vados case, authorities said. Blood was found in a car Golay reportedly had towed from near where McDavid was killed. "I plan on handling the case and winning because there was no murder and there is no evidence of murder," Golay's attorney, Roger Jon Diamond, said Monday. Rutterschmidt had not immediately obtained an attorney for the state charges, officials said. The investigation was continuing. "Investigators are still looking into the possibility that other victims may also have fallen prey to these women," said Kevin Maiberger, a Los Angeles police spokesman. The women cannot be arraigned on the murder charges until they are transferred from federal to state custody.

AnonymousAug 01 2006 6:40pm
The only things women are superior to are children...and dogs. Yall still bow down to the MAN. Now wipe your mouth, get in the kitchen and fix me a ham egg and cheeze sammich!

TheChauvanistAug 07 2006 9:21pm
If there was a family where the two 90-year-old grandmothers looked prettier than their 18-year-old granddaughters, would that be normal? Would that be comparable to women who are stronger than their husbands, since both situations are reversals of normalcy? Would the granddaughters be humiliated if 18-year-old boys told them that their grandmothers are twice as pretty as they are? And would that humiliation be comparable to men who have half the strength of their wives?

Samurai PsychiatristAug 24 2006 6:47pm
Your comparison is ludicrous. By the typical standard of beauty, which values youth, it would be impossible for any 90 year old woman to match someone 50-60-70 years younger unless the girl was severely deformed, etc. On the other hand it is not that unusual for a healthy female to be or to become stronger than some males.

commonsenseAug 25 2006 9:20am
Susan, please let me live and I will be your sex toy.

white maleSep 04 2006 2:53pm
Many places in the USA have low or very low educational standards. Therefore, outperforming the average is easy, so females who outperform males have little to boast about. I fear that the low academic performance of boys is merely a symptom of a deeper psychological problem: It seems that American males are more depressed, discouraged, aimless and unmotivated than ever before. What is causing this mental fog, and how to escape it?

Samurai PsychiatristSep 10 2006 7:28pm

AnonymousSep 19 2006 6:00pm
Has anyone here read THE WAR AGAINST BOYS, by Christina Hoff Sommers? I just finished reading it, and it is excellent.

AnonymousSep 28 2006 11:57am
What is the earliest age at which athletically active girls can have beautiful muscular legs that men like: (1) Age 18 (2) Age 21 (3) Age 25 (4) Age 30.

MiniPollOct 29 2006 6:06pm
<< It's not just that boys are falling behind girls, it's that boys themselves are falling behind their own functioning and doing worse than they did before. >> ||| SOURCE: William S. Pollock, author of: Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood, and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, quoted in the article: Men Are In Trouble by Deborah Hornblow, 7/10/2003, The Hartford Courant,

AnonymousNov 28 2006 8:43pm
#075 Sun. 3/4/07

UpdateMar 04 2007 2:01pm
I watched a girl beat the boys at pull-ups at school this year.

SeanJun 04 2007 5:18pm
I have dated many women that were physically strong; there were several that were (much) stronger than me. As our respective relationships progressed, I became more open with these women, letting them know that I was especially attracted to physically strong women, "the stronger the better," I would tell them. Each one of these women welcomed the opportunity to explore her newfound position in our relationship, either subtly or overtly taking charge when she wanted. I was a willing mate, doing as I was told, acknowledging that I was weaker, and she could do with me as she pleased. It was enlightening to the women and a tremendous turn on for me (and them).

somethingaboutastrongwoman@yahoo.comJun 15 2007 9:10am
I am a strong woman and I love to show my strength to the man I love (my husband). He has always loved big and strong woman just like somethingaboutstrongwomen. What he doesn't like thoug is when I showing that I am physically stronger than him in public. I sometimes lift him in my arms, I have thrown him in the water at the beach. Perhaps it is not nice of me to do that but like I started this posting, I LOVE BEING STRONG AND STRONGER THAN MEN.

Amazon BarbroJun 17 2007 4:41am
I love your strength and the fact that you and your hubby like that you are the stronger one in the relationship. I would side with your husband as far as displaying your superior strength in public. His wishes should be respected.

somethingaboutastrongwoman@yahoo.comJun 29 2007 1:34pm
By the way, how big and strong are you Amazon Barbro? What are you and your husband's height and weight?

somethingaboutastrongwoman@yahoo.comJun 29 2007 1:37pm
Amazon Barbro, if You wish to physically dominate your husband in public that is Your choice and Your husband should be honored to serve you. Maybe You need to give his behind a firm beating every now and then to reinforce Your control.

obedient husbandJun 29 2007 7:38pm
#0082 - (Thu.) 7/19/07

UpdateJul 19 2007 11:35am
Amazon Barbro, have you ever used your superior strength on your husband in anger,to hurt or punish him for something you were mad at him about?

TadAug 03 2007 5:55am
I want to see all of permanently shut down and removed from the internet. If that is not possible, then I would like to see all polls on this web site erased and all new polls.

AnonymousOct 21 2007 2:58pm
Since the discussion of the reversal of roles for the genders is a hot topic of discussion, even erasing the polls will only result in more discussion. In fact, it might be helpful to get all those angry men who wank off thinking they are superior to Women to have to think again to write their nonsense. But no matter what we men do, we need to realize that Women are dominating in society and it will only continue as we fall farther and farther behind.

thomasJan 21 2008 9:24pm
<< Eight-grade boys are 50% more likely than girls to be held back a grade? In the United States, 133 girls getting bachelor degrees for every 100 boys. >> Chapter 5, page 50 of Why Boys Don?t Talk And Why It Matters by Susan Morris Shaffer and Linda Perlman Gordon, 2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-141787-7.

AnonymousMay 07 2008 9:05pm
In America, I've noticed that women are slowly feminizing men. In the 1970's it was considered "manly" or "macho" for men to have a hairy chest. Now a hairy chest seems to provoke snickers and sneers and comments like "he needs to get his chest waxed". Manicures, facials, waxing, dieting, all these things that only women used to do, men are now doing at the encouragement of women. The next step is for women to demand and only choose men who are softer and more slender than they are.

AnonymousMay 29 2008 7:09am
Athlete says sports steroids changed him from woman to man:

AnonymousAug 14 2008 7:57pm
#0090 - (Wed.) * 9/24/08

UpdateSep 24 2008 11:19am
All i can say to this that theres no way that woman brain is superiour to male brain,butstill i must admit that woman's body is a way stronger than men's as the woman's physicall endurance i a way greater than ours-men's,its fact that compare to us,woman can withstand extreme situations of pressure towards their body-they are x-times stronger!!!its a brutall fact.

edyJan 18 2009 7:07pm
Women smarter, in some ways yes, in some others no. Physically, however, (male size advantage not withstanding) women are considerably stronger. Consider the facts, they have 4X the stamina. And if that was'nt bad enough, 1/5 more of their muscle fibres contract under aload. If women were just shot of, let alone equal to or bigger than men, this would be a WOMAN'S world!

KatgotchertongApr 25 2009 1:41pm
I have a story in my head and I need you all to be free Technical Advisors to help me make it scientifically realistic. I dont want to resort to sci-fi or magic, I want this to be scientifically accurate. The premise is that a man wants to begin a program to get into better shape, but the person he asks for help wants to sabotage his efforts at getting stronger and more muscular. Im looking for diet/exercise/supplement advice that sounds good, but would actually have the opposite effect from that intended. It should sound like it might work, but wont. For example, is over-training real? If the man was encouraged to work the same muscles (biceps/arms) to exhaustion every day, or twice a day, that sounds like it should make one stronger, but would it? Or perhaps youve heard locker-room stories about how some guy psyched out some other guy and ruined his contest preparations. What are some training myths that would actually weaken someone?

Anon 909Jun 01 2009 9:02am
Patriarchy is a virtue. The posts above are testament to the fact that women are amoral scum unfit to lead, who will only create a tyrannical psychotic society. No wars between borders, but hey, who needs that when interpersonal relations themselves are war? When there is nothing but control-freakery between men and women? Personally I don't see the problem with a bit of external conflict now and then if that's the alternative. Bottom line is though in order to avert the Matriarchal situation, women's rights need to be restricted. They need to have their right to vote removed, as well as property, marriage rights, etc. They will do the exact same to men, only worse. So which will it be? The lesser of two evils, obviously. The mores of our feminist society - quite mirroring the comments here - prove women to be morally, spiritually and mentally incapable.

Matriarchy FailsJul 23 2009 11:26am
Smarter? HELL no! Stronger? Yes, given half a chance. Better? No, we are equal, yet different.

a.i l.f.Nov 19 2009 12:05pm - Dick Masterson

AnonymousNov 25 2009 12:27am
What is with the world today? Every TV show now depicts an ultra sexy woman in tight fitting clothing that's a literal killing machine fully capable of taking out and destroying any army of highly trained and armored males with just her bare hands and a pair of sexy 6" stiletto high heels. Then she's either dating or married to a man who finds out she can kick his ass and any other man's ass (even at the same time) and he becomes a very insecure douche bag who practically lays on the bed in the fetal position sucking his thumb and begging for her to go easy on him when she is ready to take him sexually - like she's got a bigger penis than him too and she's going to be raping his tight virgin *sshole with it. I know without doubt that it's all this liberalized feminist bullpoo on the TV that is bringing us towards the downfall of the world. Males are now beginning to question what it means to be a man and women are just sitting back laughing at them for it. It's just feminism brainwashing society into believing that women are superior to men and that men are nothing more than useless sex toys for women to get off on. When enough people tell someone they are inferior they'll begin to believe it - even when it's not true. But is this a good thing for the world. Of course not. The world has become a place of what I like to call "fakeisms". We have to pretend these days that women are as capable as men at doing things because there are laws out there to protect "political correctness". A woman might get offended if she is told she is not going to be able to lift a 5 gallon can of paint. So we have to tell her that we know she can do it but we're still not sure if a man can do it. And then we go look for a man to lift the damn can of paint. It would be humiliating to her to make her do it and watch her struggle so she depends on her supervisor to get her off the hook but lead men to believe she is just as capable. Then the men wonder why she never lifts the paint. Once the complains against her get to be too much - she quits the job and looks for something else that she knows she can't do. Women are really good at two things I've noticed. Showing off their bodies to get male attention and manipulating attracted men into doing anything for them - including dismissing and labeling their own gender as being the inferior one. Come on guys - grow some balls and stop letting women walk all over you. It's really getting old now and I don't think you'd really enjoy living under a woman's rule anyhow. Once women have all the power and control over men (who no longer know what it means to be a man) then all the sex is going to stop. Women don't have respect for sissy men. They'd rather get involved in a lesbian relationship with a confident and financially secure woman in that case. Most women still want men to be men but they still have a habit of wanting to change them into girls once they've gotten them. So don't change yourself. Stay a man and she will stay with you. Once she changes you into a girl - she's gonna be done with you and she's going to go out looking for another man to ruin.

AnonymousNov 25 2009 12:59am
I have to take a poo

Gloria SteinamDec 14 2009 3:34pm
There is definately a changing energy in the world and the feminine energy is slowing coming to power in all ways. My husband has a college education and I have a GED, he will admit that I am the smarter of us. Sexually I am in control, i can use sex or lack of or tease and denial to get him to do as I please, and I do, hehehe.. Physically, i work out and take care of my body, he does not. he is 5'6, I am 5'4. He is about 30 - 40 lbs heavier than me. Well, we do enjoy wrestling together, I have yet to lose to him. I am faster, higher endurance, more stamina, and his larger but weaker muscles wear out while my smaller, stronger muscles are just getting warmed up. Plane and simple, he is no match for me, but I do enjoy letting him think he is and prolong the torture I can give out. hehehe.. Yes, i do make him tell me women are superior after I have defeated him. Yes we are superior.

ChristyFeb 12 2010 3:28pm
Zerowoman (or just plain Zero!) is obviously a homosexual (I'm not homophobic) if she believes that women are better looking than men.

an intelligent life formMar 28 2010 3:06pm
I lost yesterday an armwrestling match to my friends girlfriend. I saw them first time in almost two ears and when we were chatting it came up, that she joined to gym with her boyfriend over a year ago and was pretty serious for that. First I couldn?t believe that so small and cute girl could be lifting bigger weights than I do. She was about 5'1 and 110 lbs and never been really athletic but soft and feminine. The boyfriend provoked me to armwrestle against her and what a match that was. It lasted maybe 4 seconds and she slammed my arm in the table so easily that I couldn't believe. They both bursted to laugh and told me that I shouldn't worry, I wasn't the first one. She flexed for me a little bit and even she wore long-sleeved sheer silk shirt I saw how the bicep popped out of her arm. That was very sexy experience, I hope I can get girl like she one day.

naruApr 26 2010 1:43am
Christy, what you write is almost identical with what happens between me and my wife. She is older, 53 to my 49, she is taller, 5'9 to m y 5'8, she is heavier, 163 lbs to my 151, she makes more money and she is smarter. And stronger, she has just recently made that clear when we wrestled and armwrestled for the first time in ages. Her frequent visits to the gym has paid off and I never lift weights. When we wrestle she seems to love to drain all the power from my body by getting me in different holds, I have to fight with everything I have while she is using only a part of her strength. When i am totally spent she wants to have sex and even if I thought this was impossible since I was soo exhausted it actually was some kind of turn on even for me to be helpless. Having a stronger wife is not too bad.

ChuckMay 06 2010 6:57am
All this talk makes my balls ache and the head of my wiener shrink into my foreskin - but boys, its true ! I was in a ten year Gender Study and our sisters are the stronger, smarter sex in almost every way including sexually where it really deflates the already flimsy male ego ! now pardon me while I go in search of my penis.

Mr. MikeMay 07 2010 8:15pm
Anonymous a few posts up has it right, in a sense. For quite a few years now, you could say that if men would just stand up for themselves then they wouldn't be seen as so inferior. The problem is, the meekness of the male, and modern man's timidity has had the effect of making him relinquish the "stronger sex" title without putting up much of a fight. (Oh men have WHINED a lot during this process, but all the WHINING and CRYING -- like what we see in many posts here -- isn't going to help them any!) And in the decades while this has gone on, while most men have been convinced not to act too strong, confident or "manly" lest they be called old-fashioned or sexist, in the meantime most women have been using advances in science, nutrition and technology to erase the strength-, size- and height-gap. And whether many of them realize it full well or not, women have also used the feminist media-spins to their advantage; it is second nature for many women to use subtle psychological hints to dominate her boyfriend's life. Some could say that "grrl-power" media indoctrination also has the decidedly unfeminine effect of causing some girls to become goofy airheads who are actually PROUD of their long as they are physically desirable. Some could say that this side of feminism is actually a return to the "1950s housewife" model, in that these sort of girls only want to appear very desirable in certain set styles of the time, while leaving all of their thinking to someone else. You might call the earlier model "Stepford Wife", whereas the newer version is "Stepford Slut". There might be some truth to this, but in the contemporary version the male is subservient to the female, even if she is one of the new Stepford Sluts. In the stereotypical "1950s" model, the housewife left all her thinking to her husband. Today, the equivalent female leaves all her thinking to the media. This is a good ally for her, because the power of the media is far greater and craftier than any man is, and it does a great job of supplying a female with surefire tools and techniques to dominate a man's. The point is, even though some females are debased today, their debasement only serves to subjugate their men even more, because the man cannot help but find the "Stepford Slut" so desirable that he will give up all his freedoms to her -- so women WIN over men, even when certain women are very lackadaisical, thoughtless and silly. Their blank eyes and frozen grins win out over male willpower, and even the smartest man is forced to treat the most airheaded girl as an "equal" -- which actually means that the girl will make all the decisions and the man will convince himself that he halfway wants to make the same decisions as well. Should he disagree, he knows that the female can withhold sex from him, or say a nasty word to him. Even beyond the "Stepford Slut" stereotype, the more educated females in society have the power in spades over the males. To put physical power aside for a moment, even the tiniest female in a society can easily subjugate the largest just by sheer force of feminine will, even if in every other respect the male "should" be superior. Since men have been conditioned to "get in touch with their emotional sides", they will take a nasty word to heart and will be hurt greatly. On the other hand, females have been conditioned by the media to say rude outlandish things and to say mean comments in order to "empower" themselves. It is clear to see what this combination of conditionings brings about: a state of affairs where a female can cause great psychological damage to a man with just a few choice words -- words that will also make her feel good and confident about herself. A man must therefore obey. I have two personal, true anecdotes, about who modern women who dominate their partners. Here is the first: I know one couple in their 20s who have recently gotten engaged. She is very very small for a female these days (about 5'3"), while he is tall (6'3" or so). They met in graduate school; he graduated in one year, while she now toils for her fourth year with no end in sight. He is a very hard worker, while she is lazy. He works all day, while she sits eating chocolate, ordering expensive clothes online, and talking on the phone to her friends -- when she is "supposed" to be working on her thesis. She has no money and has not worked even a part-time job in several years. By all of this information, you would think that her boyfriend would put his foot down -- but no. She is in charge of everything and deserves this life of luxury. Soon after she started living with him, she turned his house into her own and convinced him to pay for all of her food, her college tuition, and anything else she wants. He has a decent job, but nothing too high-paying. Nevertheless, she convinces him that she needs a vacation every few months, so either he must take time off from work and join her, or -- more likely -- he simply gives her the money she wants and she takes an airplane to some distant part of the globe herself. From personal experience, I know that she is not faithful, and that she sends pictures of herself stripping and playing with herself to prospective male friends of hers. She is always wearing and talking about the most expensive lingerie and swimwear that her fiance's credit card has bought her. She does not have a care in the world, whereas he is stressed out, overworked, and is effectively POOR since he has not been able to buy any new nice thing for himself in a few years now (since meeting her). He was a scholar of history, whereas she is the sort of adult female who still collects stuffed animals, (expensive) dolls, and ALL Disney merchandise. Usually she acts childish and silly -- yet SHE is in charge. Once I took a long road trip with them. It was late at night and I slept in the back seat. My two friends were in the front seats, of course -- she was sitting in the passenger's seat, because of course she had made him drive (even though the trip was something SHE wanted to do). It was very late at night and fog was all over the road. Apparently he had taken a few wrong turns and we were lost. I was awakened by the female's voice, upbraiding her fiance; she was not loud, probably because she did not want to wake me. I had never heard this threatening tone coming from her before. She was very displeased with her fiance's driving, and told him that he had five minutes to "get us UNlost" or else that night would be "another crybaby night" for him. At first he tried to put up a bit of resistance, and told her that it was the map's fault, not his. She wouldn't have any of it. Then he started apologizing to her, but she told him, "Don't apologize to me; apologize to your balls because they are going to be awfully sore after my boots are done with them tonight" (she makes a habit of wearing heeled knee-high leather boots). He seemed so very meek and started to sob softly from that point on, but she never broke her icy, determined nature. Again, remember that he is about a foot taller than her and by any reasonable measure he should be the one in charge; yet SHE is in charge simply because she is a woman, and in this society a confident woman's word rules over everything. Eventually we found our way back to their house. The next morning I arose from their guest room to find my female friend alone in their den. She told me that her fiance was sick in bed and could not join us that day, but that she had decided it was time for her to go on a shopping spree (with his credit card of course) and she would like me to accompany her. That day I watched her purchase many, many expensive items, and took great pleasure in helping her decide which outfits she looked best in (especially the lingerie and swimwear). Whenever she liked two articles of similar clothing equally, she ALWAYS opted to buy the most expensive item. To conclude, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I never had fullblown sexual intercourse with her. Perhaps I am too much of a coward, or perhaps I have too much reactionary, old-fashioned "honor" in me about having sex with another man's wife. Perhaps she never had any intention of tempting me into that; for all I know, she may have been content only to tease me as she has. A few times when I have stayed with them overnight on a visit, after her fiance went to bed, she would come to my room dressed only in her expensive lingerie, and she would sit and have long conversations with me. I know that, on the one hand, this young woman is a complete leech: she has taken many tens of thousands of dollars from her fiance, has no realistic intention of ever getting a job, and she demands complete submission of will from her partner. I am a smarter and I have to say a more "manly" man than her fiance, but nevertheless I have to admit that she is so desirable IN HER DOMINANCE that I'm not sure I could possibly deny her if she was to TELL me that she is leaving her fiance for me and that I am now to give her all my money and obey her without question. Such is the desirable woman of the modern age. I will write my second anecdote soon.

JMarlMay 31 2010 8:02am
JMarl, please go on with your stories. They are fascinating- if disturbing.

steveJun 25 2010 2:27pm
7/11/10. Steve, only for those among us who are disturbingly fascinating.

Mr. MikeJul 11 2010 7:32pm
this SR chick sounds and looks HOTTT. only wish more girls were like her

gharrrrSep 14 2010 2:45pm
Seen one of the pics, she may be tall, but she's thin.

an intelligent life formNov 26 2010 4:00pm
lol, judging by your above account of how she basically psychologically abuses her fiance, i take it yer bein a lil sarcastic there, jmarls. but I agree that this chick is damn hot and wouldnt mind a future where we are surrounded by clones of her lol

puffinNov 28 2010 7:21am
Sarah -- there are trends in the U.S. and other industrialized nations that will lead to a matriarchy if they continue. I agree with you that most men seem to be unaware or in denial of this coming matriarchy. I also agree with you that this ignorance or denial will make it easier for women to achieve a matriarchy, because they will encounter little if any resistance. Being ignorant or in denial of the coming matriarchy, men will not organize to try to prevent it until too late. Women are organized to empower women more and more. The average woman in the U.S. is now more educated than the average man. The educational advantage to women will only increase. The advantages of superior education will go to the women ? higher pay and more responsible jobs including dominance of the professions and management. The women have organization and much superior education. What do the men have going for them? Sarah, I also agree with you that men will actually contribute to the matriarchy without even being aware of it. The women?s vote in elections is increasingly important and more and more they demand that politicians address issues of importance to women. If a male politician wants to be elected, he better please the women. Some male politicians may be aware that they are helping to make the matriarchy happen. However, I believe most are clueless. As a male, I am shocked at how much power women and gained in such a short time. I was born an acknowledged member of the superior sex and I am afraid I will die an acknowledged member of the inferior sex.

Aware MaleDec 25 2010 11:29am
The next to last sentence in the above post should be: As a male, I am shocked at how much power women HAVE gained in such a short time.

Aware MaleDec 25 2010 11:33am

anonymousMar 29 2011 1:41pm
Actually it's impossible to predict the future ---many women love male politicians but will NOT vote for a female candidate if there's so much sisterhood 'n matriarchy & empowerment or awareness why should this happen ??? go figure !!!

Ashesh GhoseApr 05 2011 11:25am
Jmarl, that first story is amazing. Though it is hard to really believe everything you read, i can see where a woman that has a mean streak like that could very easily have her husband cowering before her with his wife threatening his balls. I would be lieing if i said the woman described was not sexy to me. :). Though not as brutal as that, my wife has made small remarks here and there about events between us. its embarrassing but also exciting at the same time.

DaveApr 05 2011 12:44pm
What are you all going to do when the electricity fails and you can't talk to each other instantly anymore. The best laid plans of mice and men. FOOLS! History repeats

eApr 23 2011 9:13am
i liked the women rule one And yes, they are more atractive, duh... but just that

AnonymousAug 17 2011 7:11am
Of course, women are stronger pound for pound and use both side of their brains. I may be one of the inferior sex but i really have my uses.

AnonymousOct 28 2011 6:42am
Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger women etc. Think most are very bogus myself. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at and put likelike challenge in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 2500 dollars. Will make a nice Christmas if any really tough or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk.

sjsh99Dec 01 2011 7:31am

1Jan 25 2012 4:08pm

1Jan 25 2012 4:08pm

-1'Jan 25 2012 4:08pm
&men are taller , ,bigger , meaner &more Erect !!

Ash-X 9Mar 24 2012 1:05pm
I am totally attracted to stronger women. If you are a single woman who is physically stronger than some men and would like a guy who is smart, professionaly and a really nice guy, then email me

Chris PMay 04 2012 8:13pm
I will admit that women are superior in probally everything, except in strength, but they probably will be some day; they past us in everything else. Actually , in today,s world, you don,t have to bo as strong. You got machines and technology to do your pysical work. As far as self defence, technique is more important than strength. Actually women probably have the advantage there also, because of their better balance, flexibility, multitasking, endurance pain tulerance,etc. Do women like it when we admit we are beat (inferior), and will they take of us in the future, or are they just going to get rid of us men as being useles(Like that one woman pointed out "kill all the white men and keep the black men for sex toys"). Will there be a complete reveval in roles where the man stays home and takes of the house and kids. That is something else that women do better than us.Women have better morals than we do. I think the world would be better off then. They will find the right place for us. I guess the sooner everyone realizes this the better. What baffles my mind is why don,t all women realize their superiority, or are they just beening humble. If man let GOD be in control we would not have any problems.

gregMay 07 2012 8:53am

1Jul 07 2012 9:52pm

1Jul 07 2012 9:52pm

-1'Jul 07 2012 9:52pm

1Jul 11 2012 5:57pm

1Jul 11 2012 5:57pm

-1'Jul 11 2012 5:58pm

1Jul 11 2012 10:54pm

1Jul 11 2012 10:54pm

-1'Jul 11 2012 10:55pm

1Jul 18 2012 5:29pm

1Jul 18 2012 5:29pm

-1'Jul 18 2012 5:29pm
Women are smarter, stronger and better. Zerowoman is a bit joking.

AnonymousOct 13 2012 6:08am
I don't believe women or men are superior, I think Both genders are equal. Each gender has their own strengths and weaknesses

JrJohnJun 12 2013 5:54pm
Lxuvrd Great blog article. Will read on...

gHQUhXGjWLBTouHgTmySep 06 2013 2:30am
yIAluF Major thanks for the blog article.Thanks Again. Want more.

HpejArVESep 07 2013 3:59pm
dx5HgY A big thank you for your blog.Thanks Again. Much obliged.

vihvmNqGUnWQdwSep 12 2013 1:57pm
QPZ9WX I think this is a real great blog post.Much thanks again. Cool.

WCVfrSCcKZaSep 12 2013 3:21pm
2qRrAr Say, you got a nice blog article. Will read on...

ZcktlFrRjUdrUDrkhVUSep 24 2013 12:49pm
kzCzNh Thank you for your article.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

VgaDZNEaNHsqbNPOct 15 2013 11:21am
eCkrDu Say, you got a nice article post. Will read on...

PAwOqPdHOct 15 2013 10:59pm
R there women here who would like to meet a guy who likes a stronger woman, who is professional and together Any race. Contact me at my email about 20 messages back

Chris POct 23 2013 6:32am
KUXydD Thanks so much for the blog article.Much thanks again. Fantastic.

NaoBJyqYkbDYXZvJOct 23 2013 8:57pm
XGYNQL I really enjoy the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

qtAIVZIiYGqnaKpMzxCOct 25 2013 3:42am
6zyNkO Thanks for the article.Really thank you! Keep writing.

cTtbwcdOQLTJan 07 2014 8:05pm
nPYSP1 Very neat post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

NjoNzBbtBvVpljJan 15 2014 7:12pm
NLXrF9 Really enjoyed this article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.

MHbYeQWjCFxPhOFeb 28 2014 4:57am
My girlfriend is much stronger, taller, and smarter than me by far. She also is richer than me and continues to get even richer and if I agree to it will not only be my superior in our relationship but my boss at work. The crazy part is that she continues to develop her body even more to the point in which she is beyond tone. She is becoming completely ripped and cut and very chiseled while still being feminine. She is the sexiest amazon you will ever see. She towers over me and actually asked me would it be alright if she started wearing high heels with me as she loves her height and loves the fact that she towers over everyone and wants to stand out even more! She is ultra confident about her body as she knows damn well she is built like a goddess! When we were both younger her intelligence soared over me by her skipping two grades ahead of me and then I failed once so then she was three grades ahead of me but almost two years younger! She never looked to take over or be in charge, but our roles reversed when she would tutor me, teach me, and her maturity rate sky rocketed to the point in which our parents put her in charge over me when they would go out. She made them say it in front of my face that she was now my babysitter! She was a natural at everything! It drove me nuts! She was so much smarter than me, but scary was she continued to pass me by even more. She came from a wealthy family but when her dad promised to have her take over his massive company someday soon her level of dominance over me took off. She naturally was the dominant one between us. She got to college quicker than me being three grades ahead of me.

amazing girlfriendMar 05 2014 7:58pm
and she had her bachelors degree practically while I was just starting out. We still were boyfriend and girlfriend, but she clearly was the extreme superior one between us in every way. I barely broke above 5' tall and she in high school was tall, but a second late growth spurt put her to the point in which the top of my head was level with the bottom side of her huge breasts and then when she started adding heels I was clearly standing down by her washboard ripped stomach! The first time she put on the high heels. She told me to take my shoes off and only stand there in my underwear. She then went to the bathroom, shut the door and told me to close my eyes. She came back out and had me open my eyes and that is when I was staring at a wall or muscular flesh eye level that was her abs!!! I looked way up peering between her massive boobs in a bikini top was her face so far above me now! I was stunned. She looked way down at me and told me how cute I look so little to her now. She asked me did I like the view from down there? I nodded my head yes.

amazing girlfriendMar 05 2014 8:16pm
A female police force cannot physically control men! Males have the upper hand physically and with strength

Robert Mar 16 2014 8:57pm
hIpNp4 A round of applause for your blog article.Really thank you! Really Great.

tONravAYMar 22 2014 11:40am
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yJgifGycFJun 04 2014 6:18am

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