Modern science is proving what men have always feared; that women are superior. When looked at from many different viewpoints one can quickly come to the realization that Females are indeed the superior gender. From the very outset of life to the very end of life there are many factors and evidence that shows just how superior Women are to men. Women carry two x chromosomes, whereas men typically carry one x (sometimes two) and a y chromosome. The y chromosome is smaller and carries less genetic information that the x chromosome does. This, in and of itself might not seem consequential in determining superiority; however it does show that Women's genetic make-up is more complex than men's. Also, the very y chromosome that makes men men also predisposes them to more diseases than Women; such as hemophilia. In fact; Women can be carriers of many things that only affect men such as the aforementioned hemophilia, certain colorblindness and male pattern baldness. From early on and until menopause Women's primary hormone estrogen protects them from many diseases that men's primary hormone testosterone does not. Men are much more prone to heart-disease and osteoporosis than Women. Although without supplemental hormones after menopause Women will begin to catch up with men in these areas. Men also die sooner and more often than Women in almost every major cause of death. Women also outlive men by an average of seven years. Women are also more prone to take better care of themselves than men. Women tend to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle than men. Women are on average more organized, and efficient than men. LizMar 19 2004 7:36pm Women are superior. JillMar 21 2004 5:22pm Its TRUE!!! Women can Multi-Task and males can't, new science studies are proving it true. A woman can do more things at the same time like talking on the phone, typing emails, reading a magazine on the side, and having a conversation with someone in the same room - all at the same time! The male brain just can't handle it or keep pace with a woman's mind. New studies prove that women think faster than males, on average three times quicker. The male brain can handle only one thing at a time, I'm not saying males are dumb -just more limited with cognitive abilities. If brains were like computers, women have a better processor and much higher RAM. PROUD to be FEMALE!Mar 22 2004 1:42pm Which gender is BEST? When it comes to intellegence, no doubt that "Women are BEST!" Many new studies are demonstrating that women have superior cognitive abilities. Women's brains are smaller, but packed more densely with neurons that allow better mental processing. A study that used CAT Scans on Women's brains showed that a they would light up like a Christmas tree when stimulated. The Cat Scans on the male brains was mostly dim when given the same stimulus. Women's brains always show more activity than the male brain; when at rest (sleeping) a woman's brain is more active than a fully active (awake) male brain! Many educators will privately confess that the female brain is much easier to teach, the male brain has a much harder time learing. When it comes to Multi-tasking "Women are BEST". The male brain can handle only one thing at a time, but a woman's brain is constantly bursting with multiple thoughts and ideas. The reason is that women have a much better wired brain than males have. The Corpus Collosum ( a bundle of nerves connecting both brain lobes) is larger and more developed in women. This gives women untold advantages in Multi-tasking, language, and intuition. Women's brains can transfer data more quickly and more efficiently between both right and left hemispheres. Recent studies have proved that on average women think three times quicker than males, and for some brain functions like memory and information processing, women can think up to twelve times faster than the male brain. When it comes to mental abilities, the male brain is vastly out classed by a Woman's superior cognitive skills. So there it is, just one of the many ways that "Women are BEST!!!" JMGMar 24 2004 3:39pm Its all so devastating to the FAGILE male ego when reading all this information. As a male I know its all true, and I see every day at my work place how women are better. Its true that women have superior mental abilities. Every time I look around my office I see women multi-tasking, and doing it all so easily; working on their computers, taking phone calls, listening to the radio, talking with to whom ever walks into their cubicle, typing reports, all at the same time. Its so impressive and it makes me envious that males can't handle as much as women are able to do; I look at my male peers and they are all like me - simple minded. Males can handle only single things mentally, when the phone rings I quit on the computer, when someone walks into my cubicle I stop everything to talk, forget about listening to the radio while typing...It just seems that women are so much more productive doing more and doing it all quicker and better. And the women in my office rarely make mistakes after all this multi-tasking is being done. Its typically a male that screws something up, and typically a woman that notices and makes the correction. Our boss has a banner in her office that reads, "Get the JOB done right the first time - HIRE a WOMAN!" Its all so true, women ARE the best. Its so depressing being male. J.R.Mar 24 2004 4:23pm "Get the JOB done right the first time, Hire a Woman!" Today its clear that the new symbol of competence, capability, endurance, confidence, and INTELLIGENCE is a young WOMAN! Competence because women learn faster and have superior memory. Capability because women are better educated than ever before in history. Endurance because women are proving they can do anything longer, harder, faster, and better than males ever could. Confidence because women openly know they are the SUPERIOR gender and aren't sorry to boast about it! Intelligence because science now proves that women have the better brain, something that women have always known! Also PROUD to be a FEMALE.Mar 24 2004 4:54pm Yes! Yes! Yes! The previous post says it so well. I'm so glad young women today can stand with so much confidence and make changes in the World. Women are the "New Heroes", making the World better for everyone. Oh yes, I agree with the question. Women do have better cognitive abilities, all the new studies prove it!!! ***Also PROUD to be FEMALE. AnonymousMar 24 2004 7:49pm Women have believed forever that men are brain damaged, and now it turns out that women are absolutely right! Research now shows all men are brain damaged even before they are born! Here is why: testosterone (the essence of maleness) is damaging to the nerve fibers in the corpus callosum in baby boys. The connecting link between both halves of the brain in baby girls remains perfectly fine. Boy babies have less connective nerve fibers between the two sides of the brain because of the damage testosterone does to the male brain as it developes. The fact that girls/women have no brain damage is what causes females to demonstrate superior mental abilities in research studies. It seems that the male brain is cleaved in half even before birth, both brain lobes unable to work in concert. I guess women can really say that men are "Half-wits". (Sorry, just joking.) I do find it amusing that what males highly prize "The Family Jewels" (their testicles)as the source of male power, is also what pumps out the testosterone that causes their brain damage! he he he... Just another "Proud to be a Female"Mar 24 2004 8:33pm I am a man who was raised with the once-traditional ideals that women were the weaker sex. The first time I heard the claim of female superiority was years ago, and I dismissed it as nonsense. But now I have to admit that it has become obvious that women are superior, and even those of us who still deny it actually know better. I have also noticed at work that women are clearly more competent and productive. They get things done with ease and have fun doing it, while men seem like they are struggling every step of the way. There is an anxiety and a fear of failure in men which doesn't seem to exist in the young women today. A man is no match for a woman when it comes to negotiation, as he is intimidated by the prospect of being beaten by a woman. Women don't have this kind of distraction, and are more clear-headed for the task at hand. BillMar 24 2004 9:45pm I agree with "also proud" too! You said it best. MarkMar 28 2004 12:09am In fact, the constant attacks on boys by the matriarchy of feminist ideologues is the root of the problem. The media (dominated by feminists), education (run mostly by females), government departments (dedicated to feminist ideals) and the legal profession (which assumes men are guilty) combine to punish men for being male. These factors combine to produce the declining numbers of male teachers and the relatively poor academic performance of boys. AnonymousMar 31 2004 7:44pm It figures a man would rather use the excuse "the big, bad women are running everything, and we can't compete with them because they are picking on us poor defenseless men", instead of just admitting women are superior. JaneMar 31 2004 8:36pm Women are smarter, stronger, and better than men. Every day we are proving it true. Women are not going to be held down anymore, or play DUMB to spare fragile male egos. If males can't keep pace with women today (and most can't) too bad!!! We are showing and proving our true potential and the male gender is finding himself outclassed. I know it sounds like I hate men, but I don't. I think men are important and valuable, its just that women aren't going to be put down anymore by those males that can't accept our participation in society. S. K.Apr 01 2004 1:01pm There seems to be alot of posts coming from women whose comments are so dumb that even the National Enquirer would have nothing to do with them. I've said it before and I'll say it again. A truly INFERIOR person is one who has to go around bragging about how superior they are. It seems that there are a lot of inferior human beings on this board (male and female). I'm glad that I am secure enough in myself not to have to try and point it out. I am one human being, and I have flaws and I have strengths. If that isn't good enough for all those "superior" women out there, then all I can say is, KISS MY ASS!! RandyApr 03 2004 6:10am Secure? You sound frightened and angry. AnonymousApr 03 2004 3:36pm One sex is not inferior to the other. wow! what an angry and frightened statement I just made, you girls have an answer for everything huh? Well it must really satisfy you to know you can have such an effect on a low budget website viewed mostly by 12 year-olds. you go girls. DaveApr 03 2004 4:35pm Whats up with Randy! Phallic Male Rage, or Fragile Male Ego Syndrome. Probably both, some males just can't accept the truth of Feminine superiority. Look at all the data, there is abundant evidence that proves females are better! Try reading Ashley Montagu's "The Natural Superiority of Women". S. K.Apr 04 2004 10:12am I've read numerous articles on women's ability at multi-tasking and it all true! I've always noticed since school years how females could do more things mentally at the same time. Women multi-task so easily they don't even know when they're doing it! It makes me so envious, the male brain is more primative. A woman's brain is better wired and more efficient, this is why women can think quicker and multi-task so easily. Women can run circles around the male brain and we don't even know when they're doing it, its so hard to keep pace with a woman mentally. The male brain moves along at a slower finger counting pace as compared to a woman's quicker mind. AnonymousApr 09 2004 6:20pm I think everyone is noticing the superior abilities of women, including those in the business world. I think women will dominate the administrative side of the work force in a very short time. Since women have overtaken men in college acheivement, the most qualified leaders will naturally be female. This has already started happening. DougApr 12 2004 10:09pm Women are superior, its a fact!!! A woman's mind/psychology is by far measure more complex that a males simple brain. Males are simple, simple, simple, simple-minded creatures. A woman's intelligence molds, shapes, and guides culture and society. Therefore, its quite obvious that women are intellectually superior, the male brain is rather primative in comparison. empress koiApr 22 2004 10:37pm Study after study, classroom results, surveys of educators, scientific reports, all come to the same conclusion -- girls/women have better intelligence. The feminine brain is better wired and more developed than the male brain, this is a scientific fact. The bundle of nerves connecting both brain hemispheres, the corpus callosum, is larger and more developed in women. Women have up tp 30% more cross connections between their brain lobes than do males, giving them far more cognitive advantages: quicker mental processing, superior memory, better language ability, intuition, by far superior multi-tasking skills, ect... Women just have better overall cognition than males because women have a better brain. The male brain is rather thick and slow, simple and single minded with cognition. Cleaved in half, males can only use one side of their brain at any time as they have far fewer connections between brain lobes. As a male its often hard to accept these facts, but its all true. The truth is that women have the better brain, and they prove it every day! JMGMay 02 2004 9:47am Empress Koi....Look up Ann Coulter..Your argument is simply drivel. Your MasterMay 05 2004 12:23pm I like how Doug is saying, "everyone is noticing". How dare you speak for everyone!!! You don't know what you are talking about. RandyMay 05 2004 12:24pm Hey Randy (Your Master).... look up Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Prez Bush, all examples of simple, simple, so very simple males. Hey Randy, lets get more extreme -- Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hilter, Gengis Khan.... The most simple inferior males (credits to your gender?) have caused so much damage in the world. Its far past time for FEMININE LEADERSHIP. Women create life with their bodies and have a deeper reguard for is essence. On its worst day Feminine Leadership would never come close to the damage males have caused in this world. Not all men are bad of course, but there are numerous examples of your genders destructiveness! Why are you so opposed to Feminine Leadership? Do you think women will dominate and destroy men? I loose patience with your stupity. Women do want and desire men. Men will have far better treatment and more fuller lives in a Woman's World. Men are created by women, and we have far better concern for your well being than you understand! empress koiMay 05 2004 8:12pm Hey Randy (Your Master).... look up Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Prez Bush, all examples of simple, simple, so very simple males. Hey Randy, lets get more extreme -- Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hilter, Gengis Khan.... The most simple inferior males (credits to your gender?) have caused so much damage in the world. Its far past time for FEMININE LEADERSHIP. Women create life with their bodies and have a deeper reguard for is essence. On its worst day Feminine Leadership would never come close to the damage males have caused in this world. Not all men are bad of course, but there are numerous examples of your genders destructiveness! Why are you so opposed to Feminine Leadership? Do you think women will dominate and destroy men? I loose patience with your stupity. Women do want and desire men. Men will have far better treatment and more fuller lives in a Woman's World. Men are created by women, and we have far better concern for your well being than you understand! empress koiMay 05 2004 8:23pm I believe women will dominate and enhance the quality of men's lives, if men are willing to evolve. AnonymousMay 07 2004 8:47pm Men are more intelligent than women.It cannot have escaped even the most ardant feminist's notice that it is men who are the focused, the possessed, and the obsessed. It is men who push forward the boundaries of science, music, technology, and art. It is men who build great cities and great religions. It is men who lead, explore, push forward and calculate. When it comes to intelligence men have got what it takes, they drive in sraight lines, they focus their attention, they do not multi-task, they obsess, and they do not spend so much time emotionalising. danMay 08 2004 9:23pm And what do copulins have to do with sheer intelligence? DanMay 10 2004 6:03pm Good question, Dan. Maybe copulins are real, but they have nothing to do with how smart a woman is. The stupidest woman could control the smartest man with her copulins, I guess. Roger DodgerMay 11 2004 8:21am You are right, men do not multi-task, they obsess. They obsess because they can't multi-task. Instead of performing several functions with ease, the male brain slowly struggles to labor over one thought at a time. Science, music, technology? Women are taking the lead in the school system, and will not be deprived of opportunities in the future. We'll see who makes up the majority of doctors and other professionals in a few years. It will be those who are going to college. And if you haven't noticed that women are domunating the music business, you have really fallen out of touch. SueMay 11 2004 10:57am "When it comes to intelligence men have got what it takes, they drive in sraight lines, they focus their attention, they do not multi-task, they obsess, and they do not spend so much time emotionalising." Sounds like perfect qualities for a hard worker, not a leader. Keep your focus on the work I gave you, boy. TammiMay 11 2004 11:24am Dig that ditch, boy, dig it straight. Focus on your shovel, obsess until that ditch is done. Do not look up, do not multi-task. DIG!!! Crack of the whip from the female foreman above his head. AnonymousMay 12 2004 7:28am I work in underground excavating, and I have had plenty of female supervisors. They stand there and watch me work, evaluating my efficiency. This scenario is not as rare as people might think. RobMay 13 2004 12:07am It is men who USED TO push forward the boundaries of science, music, technology, and art. It is men who USED TO build great cities and great religions. It is men who USED TO lead, explore, push forward and calculate. In short, the age of man is faltering, and women now rise to the forefront. You talkin' history, boy. Let's talk about NOW, and TOMORROW AnonymousMay 13 2004 10:17am Ok, lets talk about now, women are still vastly outnumbered in politics, science, and military, all jobs requiring intelligence. You cannot change or reword this simple fact. And you can't predict the future so saying something like "well women will take over science and politics." because doing so ruins all your credibility, you don't know anything about the future, for all you know troglodytes are really superior (chimpanzees), and they will rule the world in the future. And they will learn to fly too. DanMay 13 2004 9:07pm Look at performance and enrollment statistics on the college campus. Womem are seeking higher education more aggressively than men, and are scoring higher. It is understandable that men are reluctant to accept this premise, as it is difficult to let go of the ideas you grew up with. This is especially true when accepting the truth means realizing your idea of the world is being turned upside-down. AnonymousMay 14 2004 12:30am Just look at a graph and you will see a steep up line and steep down line. Men and Women are heading in different directions. Guess the directions. AnonymousMay 14 2004 1:43pm Graphs, pie charts, all meaningless talk in the bottom line. Women are excelling in areas which represent their strengths, but as I said men still outnumber and outperform women in math and science. No further meaningless babble required. DanMay 14 2004 8:30pm Graphs and chats are not meaningless. They are vital records of the results of studies and scientific research. They become meaningless to you only when the results prove you wrong. You have nothing to support your opinion, so you try to evade the subject by closing your eyes to the evidence. SueMay 14 2004 10:54pm Give it up, Dan. AnonymousMay 15 2004 11:00am the way you mention graphs and charts is meaningless because their are none to support a theory that women are taking over for men in math and science, none, ziltch. I will simply state this again to cover all tracks. Men still outnumber and outperform women in math and science. Thats a simple fact, with reasearch you love so much to back it up. So go ahead, make you next futile attempt to counteract this fact with non-related meaningless jargon. DanMay 15 2004 5:57pm If you have not seen any of the articles on this subject, you must not be a very avid reader. Learn how to use a search engine such as google or alta vista. Until you catch up on your reading, nothing you say is really of any consequence, because you are uninformed and are not prepared for any kind of serious discussion. AnonymousMay 15 2004 10:25pm Dan, it seems like you are the one trying to make claims without anything to back it up. You make a vague, generalized statement that men are on top at science & math, but I've never seen anything to coroborate your point of view. DellMay 15 2004 10:31pm I haven't heard anything from you to prove otherwise, either. And yes "anonymous" I use google probably more than you do. I have come across countless articles that prove men are still scoring higher than women at math and science. Your weak bashing and even more vauge comebacks have done nothing to prove your case you just come off as whiners who can't deal with the truth. So give up the ghost already because I'm going to start overflowing this board with certified context from national university studies on this subject. DanMay 16 2004 7:26pm After counting and reasearching for 10 years, a scientist has concluded that men have more brain cells than women."It doesn't neccessarily make them any smarter than females, but it might help explain why males, in general, are better in math." said Dr. Gabrielle M. de Courten-Myers, a University of Cincinnati researcher. DanMay 16 2004 7:33pm The average math score on the SAT's in the year 2000 was 533 for boys, 498 for girls. DanMay 16 2004 7:41pm These are simple facts and research people, I made a simple statement that is true at this point in time, you cannot accept it. That is pretty weak. I personally think girls have just as much potential as boys in any area including math and science, but I will not define myself or any other undeserving male as useless, inferior, or redundant as you want me to, I would not use that definition on any female either. We have been created by nature a for a purpose, I for one will not spit in nature's face by suggesting I actually know what its intentions are, but in the overall skeem of things, humans are an insignificant blip in the ripple of time, and we are all stupid for continuing this meaningless bickering about selfish insecurities. Any creature who must insist superiority over all others is truly weakest and most insecure of them all. DanMay 16 2004 7:51pm "Any creature who must insist superiority over all others is truly weakest and most insecure of them all." After reading all of your posts, it seems that you spend a lot of time and effort obsessively searching for evidence to support your belief in male superiority. The fact that this is so important to you kind of suggests a bit of an inferiority complex. Someone with confidence in their assertions is usually capable of moving on. SueMay 16 2004 10:02pm Give it up, Dan. The demographics at most universities (information easily available on line) show that women significantly outnumber men, even in fields like medicine and law (often 3 to 2), which you say women aren't as good at. Women also get better marks. AnonymousMay 17 2004 9:49am We obsess over what we fear. Good luck, Dan. AnonymousMay 17 2004 3:15pm You guys really miss the point, I never once stated men were better at anything than women, I stated they are currently outnumbering them, and achieving higher scores than them in a few areas. I don't think men are superior to women. read that again and let it sink in so you don't fire back at me with something completly retarded. I just do not believe females are "superior to men in every way" as all your polls suggest. DanMay 17 2004 8:01pm If anyone said women are superior to men in every way, they are wrong. Men are superior when it comes to performing hard physical labor. AnonymousMay 17 2004 9:08pm Men are also superior at peeing while standing. JobMay 18 2004 8:16am One day, military boot camps will be run by females. AnonymousMay 18 2004 12:17pm I can pee while standing on one leg! Could any woman do the same? See, thats why men are better (hey lads, when you pee standing on one foot be careful not to pee on the other foot!) so what do ya say that ladies!!? Wet Foot McGeeMay 18 2004 6:57pm Hello, hop-a-long. AnonymousMay 19 2004 10:20am If urinating is the best case you can argue, maybe it is time to turn things over to women after all. AnonymousMay 19 2004 10:35am I think that was the point being made. A different AnonymousMay 19 2004 11:44am ZeroWoman brings up an interesting topic: Women's untold mental abilities! Consider over time the superior female brain may be able to much much more than today. Moving objects perhaps, or even controlling the brain and body functions of the lesser male. This would be a new level of slavery for men because they would be completely overpowered by the superior female. Not a reality today but over time who knows. Can you say puppet? Jim the techy guyMay 25 2004 9:29am Pup.. pupp... puppy! Ahh, hell. How about lo... lov... wove! The male brain just can't handle it, women rule and males just drool. wuppet... luppet... puppit... CRAP!May 25 2004 5:54pm As a young woman, I laugh that the question there at all! Of course women are superior! I was always brought up that way, it just seemed the natural order of things. Even when I question my guy friends alone, so they can speak truthfully, they admit to the superiority of women. And most of these polls, because they are done anonymously, even males admit to women being superior. We women love you guys anyway. BuffgirlMay 26 2004 6:30am Not to mention copulins, which give women an unfair advantage, if they ever learn how to use them. Kevin Canadian BaconMay 26 2004 1:51pm Nothing is unfair in the Battle of the Sexes! Copulins are but one of many advantages that women bring to the battle, the most important is a woman's greater wisdom -- the male doesn't have a chance. Whatever the male tries to do, a woman is always three steps ahead. M. BrooksJun 04 2004 3:52pm When women finally decide to withhold sex from all males who fail to act submissively toward them then we will see some big changes. Big GirlJun 05 2004 11:40am Only women who label themselves BBW are interested in submissive men. It's the only way these lazy blimps can find a relationship with an attractive man. AnonymousJun 07 2004 8:35am Even if women did know about copulins, they wouldn't use them to control men. They're too timid to be in charge. ShockoJun 07 2004 8:36am By male design, a woman is always three steps ahead. Great Ass! AnonymousJun 07 2004 12:11pm What are copulins? AnonymousJun 07 2004 7:42pm What is BBW? AnonymousJun 07 2004 8:10pm Big. Beautiful. Woman. also known as fat. BillJun 08 2004 12:30am As for copulins, they are hormones secreted by a woman's vagina during intercourse that some ideaologists belive have a calming effect on the male for a small amount of time. Copulins have not managed to gain any scientific credibilty throughout its years of study. BillJun 08 2004 12:36am YEARS of study? They were only discovered in the 70s, and not in humans until the 80s. DISCOVERED, not studied. Heck, we've known about a lot of things for centuries and yet we're still studying them. Years of study...ha! The effects that copulins have on the male hypothalamus have only begun to be studied, like...well, the late 90s. Kevin Canadian BaconJun 08 2004 7:42am BBW = Fat. I love it. So sick of the political correctness these days. Just say what it is. Americans are FAT. I'll even go as far as OBESE. But BBW? Give me a break. ShockoJun 08 2004 7:45am Hmm, so even if we take your example and say study of copulins was started in the late 90's, That would still give us at least...yup you guessed it, 4 YEARS of study. Perhaps you would rather I said, throughout its at least 48 months of study... Now is that worded better for you jackass? BillJun 08 2004 11:50pm Oh Bill, relax. The guy has a point. You made it sound like you could compare couplin research with something Isaac Newton discovered. Four years ain't nothing in the world of research. AnonymousJun 09 2004 7:46am Copulins may or may not exist but the rules of the game of life are being tilted in favor of women. Men don't seem to care. I asked a friend of mine if she thought that women had superior problem solving skills than men and she said Yes in the social sense and No for technical problems. Success depends more and more on social skills and women are better at those things than men. Shocko's concern about how much women weigh has very little to do with how much weight they carry in society. AnonymousJun 09 2004 8:36pm Shocko is just trying to preserve his male ego. This is not an easy pill for some men to swallow. SarahJun 11 2004 11:42am The male ego is the problem and it should not be preserved. AnonymousJun 17 2004 10:57am Eh, you guys should quit worrying about who is the superior sex and become superior yourself. Man or woman, your destiny is in your own hands. AnonymousJun 18 2004 6:26pm After pondering both sides of the debate and trying to be objective, it seems to me that whether they are superior or not, women have a stronger and more credible argument, and trying to debate this issue from a male perspective is futile. I think the more men argue this point, they just bring it to the attention of women who never really paid it any mind before. It is pretty obvious the majority believe women to be superior. Men should leave it alone, before they alert the rest of the females of the concept of female superiority. ByronJun 18 2004 9:37pm Sorry Byron, it's too late. You see, most women have always known they are superior. Men can't prevent the truth from spreading. Between the increasing numbers of women who are sharing the facts with other women, and the males who are owning up to it, confessing to their female friends that they have realized their own natural inferiority, the numbers have reached critical mass. It's like the Titanic sinking. The ship of male superiority has hit an iceberg. The iceberg, in this case, is female. The torn wreckage of the xy chromosome is sinking slowly but surely and nothing can stop it. It's a natural part of our evolution. If it doesn't seem fair to men, consider that thousands of generations have lived with the lie. Now it's time to live with the truth. It won't be that bad. Women's superior cognitive abilities combined with their new superior societal status will lead to a better world for men too - once their bruised egos heal. AnonymousJun 19 2004 7:51pm One reason that Women have superior cognitive ability is due to the fact that the Female is the primary biological form. Since the male is a 'modified' version of the Female, his brain is really a 'dumbed down' version of the Female brain. The male's primary biological role is to produce sperm, so nature has not provided him with many of the mental skills needed by Women in their role as givers and sustainers of life. The two X chromosomes in Women's brains are partly responsible for their greater complexity. In fact the single X chromosome that males have is actually adversely affected by its pairing with the y chromosome. So the lesser genetic information that produces the male brain leaves men with duller senses and slower though processes than Women. Add to that the affects of testosterone, which causes the male brain to shrink as men age - something that doesn't happen to Women - and the result is that men have weaker brains than Women. Women see more colors, taste more flavors, smell more fragrances, hear more sounds, and are more sensitive to touch. And as the sexes age, men's senses fade more rapidly than Women's. Overall, Women experience a richer sensory world than men. common senseJun 23 2004 2:22am I wonder what percentage of the modern conveniences used today by women were invented by women.... Dumb people don't invent washing machines. HHJun 25 2004 9:49am Sour grapes dude! Sounds like you can't handle admitting women have the upper hand. You are fighting a losing battle. EricJun 25 2004 11:04pm Men take this way too personally. No one is trying to say there is anything bad about men, it is just that women are created with natural gifts. While it is true that women are superior, it is also true that both men and women are still human. We all should be on the same side. Men shouldn't be afraid of womens' superiority, they should embrace it, because it will benefit them as well. JulieJun 27 2004 9:40pm Eric, I only state facts, and it has nothing to do with sour grapes. I for one feel women would run this country. Don't get me wrong. My concern is that women won't take charge, don't want to take charge, and all of this hoopla about dominant women is the fantasy of men, not the dream of women. HHJun 28 2004 10:33am "I for one feel women would run this country." I too, believe women would run this country, and do a lot better job than anyone has ever dreamed of. You get no argument from me. EricJun 29 2004 5:05pm Thank you for sharing the link "women rule". I stand corrected. HHJun 30 2004 7:39am I wonder what sort of things women invent. High tech dusters? AnonymousJul 02 2004 7:52pm Maybe a drug which will disolve your testicles. AnonymousJul 03 2004 12:01am It has been my observation that in general women are endowed with superior intelligence. Men tend to display immature and childish behavior throughout their lives. Thrifty OneJul 18 2004 9:37pm Super intelligence? Now that's a stretch. Each person is different, and I've met some really stupid women, nothing close to "super intelligence". Yes, I agree with your second point, Thrifty One. HHJul 21 2004 8:31am This guy HH is everywhere in these polls, seems this guy doesn't have a life AnonymousJul 27 2004 9:18pm Seems to me that if your noticing he's everywhere, you have nothing better to do either. AnonymousJul 30 2004 7:52pm Julie was the voice of reason, I agree with her. Simply because women are superior it doesn't mean that men are defective. AnonymousAug 19 2004 8:00am Whatever happened to Empress Koi? I kinda have the hots for her a guyAug 19 2004 9:15am It is an election year in her country also. She is probably busy on the campaign trail. AnonymousAug 23 2004 6:48am "Science says women are superior" "Science says..." "Recent studies...". Wow, you can write "Science says..." and qoute some heresay opinion or just straight up bullpoo and it automatically becomes bullet proof. Amazing! Let me try... "Science says Santa Claus is real." Sweet, it works! Santa Claus is now officially real. AnonymousAug 26 2004 3:57pm Go Santa! AnonymousSep 14 2004 10:28pm I know for a fact that Santa Claus is real. I met him at a shopping mall once. AnonymousSep 18 2004 12:18am ABC News Healthwatch also ran a story a few years ago called "Females-The Stronger Sex". They showed several examples of areas where women are superior, such as longevity, reflexes, immunities, resistance to heart disease, brain function, stress management, physical endurance, pain tolerance, mental health, just to name a few. Our male egos won't let us own up to it, but I think we males are all aware that women are far superior. Women have always been the stronger sex. It is now becoming a well known fact. There is so much evidence we might as well face the truth. BruceSep 18 2004 11:09pm Feminists and female superiorists/supremacists always conflate the distinction between man and boy into one category namely, males. They do this simple so that they can attack boys. Men did not conflate the girl/woman distinction into females, and back when men were in control ALL children regardless of their sex were in the same category namely that of children, a group which had a right to protection. Feminists have removed boys from the protected status, and thus we now see t-shirts like 'boys are stupid - throw rocks at them' and many others. In other words, when women realized they could not win the ?battle of the sexes? against men they turned towards boys and abused them verbally and manipulated them. That is exactly why we see so many boys here seconding the women who support the idea of female superiority. They have been brainwashed and manipulated as kids, abused at the hands of adult women who should know better. Some, though, stand strong, and in spite of all the manipulation and brainwashing they still can see the truth, which off course is that it is impossible to be ?generally superior? this is simply an oxymoron. If you do not understand why this is so, forget it, I shall not waste my time. Women are not morally superior to men, quite on the contrary. This is becoming more evident day after day, and most off the comments here just testify to this trend. dfdsfSep 24 2004 12:41pm Yes that is correct. All children, regardless of their sex are exploited equally. Pedophiles don't really care much whether the Vietnamese 9 year old they're f*cking is a boy or a girl. It just so happens that they are girls virtually every time but never mind that irritating thought. In China when children were protected equally, girls had their feet bound because they were legally insane. I suppose 16C England was correct when they only hired boy actors to play female leads. Equality!!! All girls realized that they would not inherit as much as her brother and under Islamic law they still don't because they are equal. Somewhat equal. Sort of. Dfdsf, you are an idiot. AnonymousSep 25 2004 6:49am The question in this poll is about the simple biological differences between men and women. It's only natural for there to be some crossover in the responses, but to restate the specifics of the question; Do women have superior cognitive ability? The answer has been known for some time. Women are clearly superior in all cognitive abilities. This fact is not easy for men to take, but it is a fact. Women's sense of touch is so developed that tests show the least sensitive women equal the most sensitive men. In sense of smell, women can distinguish thousands of different smells better than men. Women are much more able to distinguish colors and subtle differences of tone, and men are far more frequently color blind. There are significant differences in these areas that have been proved time and again. Wymn ruleOct 07 2004 4:19pm "Wymn rule" is correct. And there's superior memory, endurance, and so on. Women are proving themselves to be better at everything, including controlling the lesser male. Time for men to bow down to the superior gender once and for all. Don't become a door mat, do the best you can men, but accept women are taking over and better equiped to rule. I know so many relationship now where the women is CLEARLY in charge. Time for men to accept this as the norm. STTGOct 29 2004 4:43pm go f*ck your self STTG,you are a f*cking pussy,if i ever met you i would stab you in the f*cking head feminist kikker(fucking whores)Dec 24 2004 3:42pm A response like that only re-affirms the intellectual superiority of the female. The poor thing can hardly even communicate. GloriaJan 01 2005 10:43pm but hes still right you whore klJan 03 2005 11:50am He's right because he wants to stab somebody in the head? AnonymousJan 14 2005 2:48pm It seems you have hit the nail on the head. I hate to admit it, but what you say is true. Women are kicking our asses these days and they know it. Apparently most men are to dense to even see what is going on around them. Women outlive us by 7 years due to their biological superiority. Women are 58% of college students for a reason. This advantage is still on the rise by the way. Study after study have proven females make much better managers than males do. The truth is, women are the stronger sex. It is just the way it is. It pisses me off, but short of denial, what can we do??? Nothing! average maleFeb 01 2005 8:58pm Just go with it mate,i have after a few years of thinking it would all go back to normal learnt to accept it.My male pride is always going to view it with a mix of horror and arousel.We men are programed to see are selfs as superior,but like your figures show we are losing badly.Once women are giving a chance on a level playing area against men,they always beat us.Then they always take it over.Just look at education,and medicine women are taking over these,as men pull out battered.Now the same can be said of law and the business world and man on the news this morning ,it went on for an hour and i only saw one male presenter,all the others were women,talking about politics,sports etc great to see.Also noticed the producer and directer were female.SO like i said you can ever get depressed about it,and miss out on life,or just accept that are place in the sun has been permently moved. Another average maleFeb 02 2005 4:54pm Good to see men on here being honest about the new ways on here.I am far from a wimp,or submissive as such,but i have learned to change and bend to womens ways.Act all hard and macho these days,and you will get no were.Gotta get into your female side,as they have proved to be the best at most things.My business just took on 10 new employees,and all came straight from uni and 9 are female.All are eager to learn very pretty,and a joy to work with.A couple are very pushy ane no doubt will become managers very quickly,as my boss and her boss are female.Guess we are birth to the new "old" boys club,except this time they will be female and a lot younger,and no doubt better at the jobs then some of the old duffers from the past.And by the way my g/f earns over ?19,000 more then me,so i have become used to the idea very quick,as she is going all the way to the top,and i just want to see her be succesful,we have already said if we get married and have kids,that i will stay at home and become the housewife so to speak.Any way stay lucky guys. frankFeb 02 2005 5:05pm Because the fact is that women are superior and are advancing at such a quick pace I am now optimistic of my future and the world as a whole. Women are much more qualified at managing everything from the world to the family then men. My wife now runs are family (she did before I just didn't realize it and so does every mans) I listen to her and do as she says, I submit to her daily and I am much more fulfilled then ever before. She calls the shots in and out of the bedroom, I am her knight and I bow to her. submissive husbandMay 09 2005 9:27am I'm a slave to my wife! subboyJun 19 2005 12:17pm Gloria he is sticking up for himself. He's defending men against bullpoo attacks by man-hating nazi women like you. It is amazing how you women can rationalize and justify in yourself what you condemn in men. Hypocrites! RandyJul 26 2005 9:49pm The first thing we need to do is manage and eliminate the testoserone-induced rage which reduces men to the level of animals. Animals need to be kept under control for their own good. SamanthaJul 31 2005 10:21pm Always blaming testosterone. Should we blame testosterone on the cold-blooded murder of two young children at the hands of Susan Smith? Before you make the claim that she is the exception and not the rule, there are more women killing their children everyday. What I don't see on a lot of these posts are the names of these studies that make these claims that women are superior to men simply because it happens to be all the rage these days. Anyone got any names of these studies? I would truly be interested in knowing what they may be. I'm not saying that they don't exist. I simply don't read many posts with the names of them. SteveAug 21 2005 9:36pm Subboy! If you are truly a slave to your wife, then more power to you and your female master. But, why not share the details or at least expand on your post as to why you think men should be subservient to women? SteveAug 21 2005 9:38pm Always blaming testosterone. Should we blame testosterone on the cold-blooded murder of two young children at the hands of Susan Smith? Before you make the claim that she is the exception and not the rule, there are more women killing their children everyday. What I don't see on a lot of these posts are the names of these studies that make these claims that women are superior to men simply because it happens to be all the rage these days. Anyone got any names of these studies? I would truly be interested in knowing what they may be. I'm not saying that they don't exist. I simply don't read many posts with the names of them. SteveAug 21 2005 9:38pm Susan Smith was probably sexually molested by her father or some other man. And the fact that the ratio of male to female criminals is so lopsided is quite revealing, it is no wonder you try to minimalize it. The male of the species is a more primitive being. Women are more advanced genetically. LaurieAug 23 2005 9:17am They multitask better than men and they have unbelievable memories. So my vote is yes but that doesn't mean I agree with the above justification. There are plenty of benevolent adults of both genders who experienced childhood abuse and as you yourself said Laurie, "probably sexually molested". You don't know so don't blame her father. AnonymousAug 25 2005 3:27pm In short, the answer is "YES" Female Supremacy and superiority is the Natural Order of Life! JRNNov 07 2005 1:16pm Women have long asserted that they are cleverer than men. Now Scientists claim to have proved that their intellectual superiority lasts a lifetime. Research on 600 85 year olds showed the women were much quicker and sharper than then men - despite the female candidates generally having a much lower standard of education. The results suggest the difference between the male and the female brains is biological, not social, say the researchers. Tests have already shown that girls do better at school than boys and continue to do so through university. The latest study theorises that women's brains simply carry on performing for longer because they live longer and so need to be mentally active at a greater age. JillNov 23 2005 2:14pm Maybe you're more mentally active at a younger age as well because you never rely on brute strength. AnonymousDec 03 2005 9:37am One thing is consistant; in every poll on every format the results are always the same, almost unanimously people are convinced that the female is superior. And I do not believe it is just submissive males influencing the results, because I have never seen a convincing argument to the contrary. Perhaps that many people can't be weong. KristieDec 08 2005 10:58pm I don't know if I'd say women are superior as such but they do seem to be more intelligent and are also more rational. As far as multitasking etc. is concerned there are no convincing arguments because every study and stat that is published has women outperforming men by an enormous margin. But that's balanced by men being physically stronger. Or muscularly stronger if you prefer it being expressed that way. maleDec 14 2005 3:16pm My boss and the majority of my coworkers are young women right out of school, and it is embarrassingly obvious how much being female gives them the total advantage. They can manage several things at once without even appearing to be busy. One woman can get more done before lunch than 3 men can do in a day. They are impossible to compete with for advancement and promotion. That is why we are seeing such an increase in female executives. JackJan 01 2006 10:14pm Let's face it, guys. We're being trampled by the superior sex. They've always been smarter than us, but they used to let us pretend to be in charge. Now they've decided to take charge of things themselves (since males have been making uch a mess of things) and they're not pulling any punches. The woman of today - and the future - gets her biggest thrill showing off her superiority every chance she gets. We mere males can only watch in awe as they pass us by on the way to power. mere maleJan 06 2006 3:10pm Women are good only as sex-slaves, we males should kill all women who are bitchy,ugly and rebellious(most of them), let only the beautiful,sweet and docile live as our sex-toys. And dumb men who protect women deserve to die with these bitches. A Smart GuyJan 20 2006 11:57am Intelligence is a hard thing to measure, but wherever it can be measured girls/women most always prove to be better at it. Throughout school years from primary to higher education, females are consistently more successful. It been reported over and over from many different sources that women have better cognitive abilities: intuition, memory, perception, mental quickness, multi-tasking, just a few of many. The reason women are more mentally acute is because they have a much larger corpus callosum. Its the connecting nerves between both brain hemispheres, and is I believe more than 30% larger in women. To put it simply, a male's corpus callosum is like a two lane country road, and a woman's is like a four lane super highway. So women have better wired brains. Did you know that women can and do use both sides of their brains at the same time. This is why women can multi-task so easily, and explains many others mental abilities unique to women. Males have less "wiring" between brain lobes and can't use both sides simultaneously. Males are more trapped in one side of the brain, with the other brain lobe less developed as it is in women. Does this mean women are naturally more intelligent? I don't know, but I do believe that women with their better wired brains have a greater potenial for intelligence. Again, wherever itelligence can be measured, women most always prove better at it. JMGJan 21 2006 12:53am OOOPs! Must make a revision: "This is why women can multi-task so easily, and explains many others mental abilities unique to women. Males have less "wiring" between brain lobes and can't use both sides simultaneously. Males are more trapped in one side of the brain, with the other brain lobe less developed as it is in women." ***Sentence there should read: Males are more trapped in one side of the brain, with the other brain lobe less developed *unlike* it is in women. (Both brain hemispheres are more equally developed in women.) Sorry for the error, I am male after all... JMGJan 21 2006 9:00am Men and Women are better in different areas. So they should be suited to whatever they're good at I suppose. We men are stronger than women, we can focus on one thing better, and we don't have to sit down to pee (it's better that way). Women are more intelligent. Can multi-task better, and are kinder. So whoes better? They're about even. Better at different stuff. MichaelFeb 03 2006 9:33pm Since women are so superior, let THEM fight the wars while us weak and stupid men stay home and enjoy life without women. Contrary to popular belief, us men can be very happy without sex. Being away from women helps us males to focus our minds and find true meaning. And save lots of money. Kung Fu MasterApr 15 2006 9:59pm I always dismissed the female superiority debate as a manifestation of the sex fantasies of submissive men. But now the subject is finding its way into a serious amount of mainstream news coverage due to the superior performance of female students and other things. They are making a pretty solid case and it is gaining credibility in the real world. This presents a great opportunity for those who are seriously advocating a female supremacist agenda. Stranger things have happened. 150 years ago no one would have imagined the power gained by today's female population. If the tables continue to turn for another century, nothing is impossible. PhillipApr 28 2006 4:25pm Women should be wearing miniskirts as often as possible: At work, school, shopping, public events, etc. And get rid of those irritating SLEEVES! Women should be showing arms, shoulders and back. This business of women wearing sleeves and long pants that cover knees is GARBAGE !! He ManMay 01 2006 10:17pm Yeah Phillip, as long as women continue to benefits from reverse descrimination (affirmative action), even though it has never been necessary, then the nation will turn to a feminazi scank society. DaveMay 03 2006 8:32pm Laurie, I knew that you would give Susan Smith an excuse. All you women do that. There is no accountability in women. You rationalize and justify in yourself what you find repulsive in us. If Susan Smith was molested that's no excuse for drowning her children, and watching them die, but I guess it is too cold blooded people like you. No one ever gives a man who was molested as a child that excuse. He's a monster no matter what, and women are not more genetically advanced then men. Its people like you who are standing in the way of true progress DaveMay 03 2006 8:36pm The men on this board who believe in female supremacy are spineless pussies. You are the real problem, but as far as Jill is concerned, WOMEN ARE NOT SUPERIOR TO MEN. GET THAT YOU YOUR THICK SKULL YOU SEXIST PIG!!! A Righteous Man (DAVE)May 03 2006 8:41pm Jane up yours. WOmen are not superior, they are just taking advantage of reverse descrimination, not achieving by merit. Today's woman is thoroughly unfeminine. DaveMay 03 2006 8:44pm Jill is on drugs PaulMay 03 2006 8:45pm Jane up yours. WOmen are not superior, they are just taking advantage of reverse descrimination, not achieving by merit. Today's woman is thoroughly unfeminine. DaveMay 03 2006 8:45pm The men on this board who believe in female supremacy are spineless pussies. You are the real problem, but as far as Jill is concerned, WOMEN ARE NOT SUPERIOR TO MEN. GET THAT YOU YOUR THICK SKULL YOU SEXIST PIG!!! A Righteous Man (DAVE)May 03 2006 8:45pm Laurie, I knew that you would give Susan Smith an excuse. All you women do that. There is no accountability in women. You rationalize and justify in yourself what you find repulsive in us. If Susan Smith was molested that's no excuse for drowning her children, and watching them die, but I guess it is too cold blooded people like you. No one ever gives a man who was molested as a child that excuse. He's a monster no matter what, and women are not more genetically advanced then men. Its people like you who are standing in the way of true progress DaveMay 03 2006 8:45pm Yeah Phillip, as long as women continue to benefits from reverse descrimination (affirmative action), even though it has never been necessary, then the nation will turn to a feminazi scank society. DaveMay 03 2006 8:45pm The O.T. (ONLY Testament) NEVER says that divorce is a sin !! Bible ExpertMay 24 2006 10:58pm Michael you qualify the assertion that males and females are equal because you have the ability to stand up when you go to the toilet.Beleive me ask the males I have peed on whilst standing up and they would refute the idea of equality.Women can hold thier pee for longer and men have bigger mouths.They should use those mouths for what they are fit for whilst I am standing. Lou RollsMay 28 2006 6:05am Jane: I'm very embarrased by some of the male comments made here. I am male and I fully acknowledge women are superior. Men like Dave (A Righteous Man) need to open their eyes. Even if he is blind to truth, he should at lease be respectful to you and all women. SamMay 29 2006 5:13pm www.likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2550 AnonymousJun 07 2006 12:51pm Are there two Lou Rolls here or is the Lou Rolls confused about his/her gender? The last post reads as if Lou is a woman but other posts of Lou's read as though he/she is a man. Typical. This entire like like thing has become a sham. It used to be fun but I can barely tolerate most of the posts anymore. AnonymousJun 09 2006 3:23pm You must be more than barely tolerating them since you continue to read them. If you really think this has become a sham, would you still come here? As for "Lou Rolls," it appears that Lou and Big Brenda are one and the same, and this time he forgot which persona he was writing under. No biggie, everyone uses one or more nom de plumes here, and those who don't are simply anonymous. Either way, no one uses their real identity, just their real thoughts and beliefs. Who Are YouJun 10 2006 1:42am The writing styles of Lou and Big Brenda are different but very English in my opinion I think they might be part of the same organisation putting their opinion across very forcefully.Elise Sutton the respected Female Supremacist has writings that are thought to be a collective effort with one woman identified as the leader.This woman fits the picture at the start of her website in that she is tall and red headed of medium build.She is now thought to be in her mid to late forties as she has been spotted at conventions and clubs. this worldJun 10 2006 7:26am But that doesn't explain why Lou has been a male untill that last post when he is writing as a female yet still using the male name. that oneJun 10 2006 4:01pm Hey Anonymous, about there being two Lou's... it's because he forgot to sign his name as Big Brenda when pretending to be a female :) Hidden KnowledgeJun 20 2006 1:29am Bah "Who Are You" beat me to it :( I should read the rest before I post. Hidden KnowledgeJun 20 2006 1:31am I guess now everyone knows the girls are really guys :) GOOOOOOOO... MALES! WOOT! Joe: "Kick my balls" Jill: "I would love to kick your balls, men are losers!" Joe: "Wow, just what I was thinking!" WisdomJun 20 2006 1:37am And yes I'm Hidden Knowledge :) WisdomJun 20 2006 1:39am And yes I'm Hidden Knowledge :) WisdomJun 20 2006 1:42am Hey Lou Rolls you ruined this website! I cant get a hard-on anymore! This is almost as bad as when I found out there was no Santa :[ AnonymousJun 20 2006 1:46am To answer a question; Barely tolerating most posts is not the same statement as not tolerating any of them. There used to be some female contributors but now it seems this site has run it's course. Does anybody know of a different poll site with femdom overtones? Some of the statements here are a ridiculously over the top like STTG's are but at least he's consistent. I just don't read his posts anymore. Anyway, it's pretty obvious I'm not the only one who is bored with the female impersonators. Who knows? Maybe there always was just 5 different guys on this site and one girl who unlike me, finally had the sense not to drop in here anymore. It used to be a mildly entertaining way to spend 5 or 10 minutes every week or two. AnonymousJun 25 2006 10:12am And yet............you're here............are you not? I love reading posts from people who carry on about how they are above wasting their time on this site....yet they continue to post messages. DanJun 26 2006 1:48pm I have yet to find a poll site without femdom overtones anywhere. GordonJun 26 2006 1:50pm Thanks anyway Gordon. As for Dan, did I say anything about being above this site? I wouldn't be asking for any fresh alternatives to this site if I felt I was above this one. Very much to the contrary of feeling above this site, I said I used to enjoy it much more but it seems to be growing stale. Not the topics, the replies. I'd like to find MORE of this with more repondents not less of it. Perhaps you just skimmed through my post without understanding the intended meaning. No harm there, I've done the same thing myself countless times. Or maybe you're STTG and you were upset that I don't read your posts anymore. I have nothing against STTG, it's just that his femdom fantasies are so far beyond my own that they don't entertain me. Knowing this going in, I simply skip anything from STTG. you misunderstood meJun 27 2006 11:18am Or maybe you carelessly scrawlled out your post without really knowing what you mean. You deliberately indulge in things which annoy you so you have something to complain about. STTG is not here for the purpose of your entertainment, nor is anyone else. Now pull yourself together! DanJun 27 2006 3:42pm STTG speaks about what the reality of the future is that is Female Supremacy. Lou RollsJun 30 2006 4:20pm STTG is a freak. From Mr Know.Jul 02 2006 9:51pm STTG is a prophet. AnonymousJul 06 2006 11:07pm Man and woman have been created, that is to say, willed by God: on the one hand, in perfect equality as human persons; on the other, in their respective beings as man and woman. ?Being man? or ?being woman? is a reality which is good and willed by God: man and woman possess an inalienable dignity which comes to them immediately from God their creator. Man and woman are both with one and the same dignity ?in the image of God.? Man and woman were made ?for each other? ? not that God left them half-made and incomplete: he created them to be a communion of persons, in which each can be a ?helpmate? to the other, for they are equal as persons ? and complementary as masculine and feminine. Catechism of the Catholic Church, paras. 369 and 372. AnonymousJul 07 2006 11:33am The Catholic Church believes in "perfect equality" of the sexes? AnonymousJul 07 2006 10:47pm A few words from the "freak / prophet" STTG: Note: it honestly helps if you're open-minded! The basis for my contention that women should rule, train, and control men is two-fold: 1) As a hetro-sexual male, I am aware of and acknowledge the power women have over me. I accept it, I don't pretend to be macho or delude myself with trying to score with as many women as possible. Rather, I try to serve as many women as possible whilst maintaining a monogamous relationship. I also strive to educate as many men and especially women that women are indeed the ones who SHOULD control a relationship. And today, many women ARE doing just that. 2) As someone who has a basis in science, I follow the scientific method. This means accepting evidence even when it's not what I was looking for or originally thought. Originally, for some unknown reason, I assumed, as I think many do, that men and women are essentially equal, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. As I grew up I heard girls matured quicker than boys. I observed, (first hand) that the smartest in my classes were girls. I also observed that the remedial classes were 98% male. Later I heard that women had better languages skills than men but men were better in mathematics. I decide it was time to research the matter in more depth and for the most part used other researchers' data as there's a wealth of evidence showing woman have more advantages than men. (I don't need to list all the data here). So given the evidence that shows CLEARLY that women are superior, I asked the question: who should rule? Should the inferior male rule over the female, or should the superior female rule over the male? Remember, the female already has the sexual power advantage as well! So the conclusion was and is: the superior female should rule the inferior male. And to be blunt, any relationship where the man rules the woman is ass-backwards. Closing point. I'm sure someone will say the ideal relationship is one where there is no boss, each contributes and has their say. Fine. If it works for you, its not for me to say otherwise. But I see the divorce rate has risen substationally since men are no longer the masters of the household and this is primarily because there SHOULD be a leader for a relationship to work well. Its just that it makes more sense for the woman to lead, for the reasons aleady stated. STTGJul 11 2006 3:47pm Incomparabe logic STTG you really put things so well. Lou RollsJul 16 2006 1:01am female-led-relationships.com/forum/index.php AnonymousJul 16 2006 6:46pm Women are the stronger sex. German SchoolteacherJul 28 2006 10:59pm STTG seems to equate the lower divorce rate of the past with those marriages working well. Dependence of one person to another doesn't necessarily make for a healthy or well working union. People do change as do circumstances which alter the relationship. Sometimes the couple can work it out and other times they decide they would be happier to move on. AnonymousAug 02 2006 1:42pm Yes, there is a lower divorce rate when men are in control and there should be a master of the house. And that master, as STTG alludes to, has to be the man. As women gain domestic power, they ruin the sanctity of marriage which has led to a higher divorce rate. The origin of foot binding in China began when an Emperor declared women to be insane. Without binding their feet, they would abandon their families and run away from home. Foot binding might be a little extreme but essentially the Emperor had it right. Women are hysterical, irrational creatures who require the firm hand of a man to guide them. master of the houseAug 02 2006 7:03pm Master of the House, you speak an important truth that is not heard nearly often enough: Normal women both need and want the hand of a strong, wise, gentle man to guide them. PS: To Hell with Feminist-defined political correctness. Master and a HalfAug 03 2006 12:15pm You can do as you please STTG but don't pretend that just because you're on your soap box ranting about female superiority, you're accomplishing anything. Married African women run a greater risk of contracting AIDS than single African women. The reason is that in far too many African cultures, the woman becomes the mans chattel. She has no right to deny him sex, demand a condom or prevent him from whoring around. And worse is that the current Bush administration has alligned itself with Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan and other fundamentalist mid-east countries in the field of family planning because they equate family planning with abortion. In the last few years these countries have undermined every maternal health initiative brought forth to the international community in order to preserve their patriarchy. The US has supported this insanity in order to combat abortion (even though it is legal here, not to mention women's legal rights here surpass anything many women could even comprehend). If female empowerment is so important to you, perhaps you should focus less on your sexual fantasies and more on the reality of todays world. Women are not legally equal and they sure as hell are not legally superior. They are generally considered property. Whether you like it or not, that is fact. All you sound like to me is a selfish, mysoginistic pervert who cares more about gratifying your own sexual impulses than you do about female empowerment. Hey STTGAug 10 2006 1:05pm I WAS in favor of female empowerment, but not anymore! Now I realize that female empowerment is a disaster for men. Victim of FeminismAug 12 2006 8:03pm Interesting comment... a ton of assumptions on the author's part but with some reality thrown in. I have never said women hold their rightful place in the world and I am well aware of the current status, including the abhorrent number of women in forced sexual slavery. What I have said is, that women are better equipped to rule and as such, they should rule. Real change is a slow process and while many women in the western world are taking control, this is not globally true. But give it time.... STTGAug 18 2006 3:15pm "Remember, the woman already has a sexual power advantage". Is that the sort of assumption you're talking about? You've never made a woman blush or stammer? You've never had a woman virtually beg to go down on you she's so horny? Then you're a loser. And your empirical evidence is woefully inadequate as well. If you actually did have some scientific credentials you wouldn't be backing them up with such a miniscule sample base as your own classroom observations and nothing more. The smartest kids in your class were girls. That's fine but the top scholars in my classes from kindergarten through post graduate were always male. The top one or two students were always male and this is actually more consistent with stats collected globally than the tripe you you belch out. I don't know what sort of remedial classes you attended and I'm sorry that you were in a position to observe them so intimately but 98% male is not the international average. Males are over-represented at both ends of the spectrum but we are not that over-represented at either end. AnonymousAug 21 2006 6:33am In contradiction to the subject matter in this years 'A' levels girls beat boys at every subject except modern languages! Boys are better at languages and girls are better at everything else. 'A' girlAug 23 2006 4:44pm to the poster "Hey STTG".you bring up some very good points and I and STTG need tpo take them to heart.The empowerment of womyn should not primarily be about the sexual gratification of men through femdom fantasies.What i would like to think is that STTG and myself are more enlightened than many of our sex.it will be up to the likes of you to re-educate us.I want Womyn to increasingly take up the reins of society so that what they want can come to fruition.if i find the thought of a strong powerful in control Womyn sexually appealing than i will most assuredly try to promote Womyns empowerment.Is it so wrong to admit that human nature has a strong sexual component? Lou RollsAug 29 2006 4:20am Hey STTG has been drinking too much Michael Moore Koolaid. Another mind turned to mush by liberal propaganda. SkydawgAug 31 2006 4:06pm Skydawg, it's hardly propoganda. Some people might support it but anybody who rants about female superiority like STTG does shouldn't. If it's propoganda you're concerned about, how do you feel about such close alliances with Saudi Arabia despite knowing that they don't hold elections and Pakistan when you know that Musharef won power through a military coup. Yet Bush talks about spreading democracy. I know that an alliance with Pakistan is somewhat necessary but they give the same sort of support to the taliban that we gave to the Afghan rebels during the 80's. We wanted them to defeat the Soviets, Pakistan wants them to continue to destabilize India. If you're worried about progofanda, read a book you disagree with, then read a book you agree with. Listen to pundits both left and right with an open mind. If you can do that, you stand a very decent chance of developing your own opinion. It may be balanced or it may be extreme left or right but it won't be tainted by relying too heavily on one side or the other for your information. AnonymousSep 01 2006 12:51pm Incidentally, if Michael Moore is the best example you can come up with, I doubt you bother to inform yourself very richly. As far as I know, he's never sniffed a word on the topic I posted and he probably never will. AnonymousSep 01 2006 12:54pm The results of "scientific" studies are determined politically more often than people realize. If a "scientific" study concluded that women were somehow inferior to men, would those results be publicized in the pro-Feminist, male-bashing news media? No way!! That would be politically incorrect. Only "scientific" studies that conclude female superiority are good enough to be publicized in the pro-Feminist, male-bashing news media. Furthermore, any researcher who discovered any kind of female inferiority would probably be defunded and slandered. Only researchers who conclude female superiority get additional funding, so they can publish more male-bashing "research." Angry ManSep 06 2006 5:53pm Many places in the USA have low or very low educational standards. Therefore, outperforming the average is easy, so females who outperform males have little to boast about. I fear that the low academic performance of boys is merely a symptom of a deeper psychological problem: It seems that American males are more depressed, discouraged, aimless and unmotivated than ever before. What is causing this mental fog, and how to escape it? Samurai PsychiatristSep 10 2006 7:31pm New Poll: THE WAR AGAINST BOYS www.likelike.com/poll.php?poll_id=2603 AnonymousSep 19 2006 6:05pm Has anyone here read THE WAR AGAINST BOYS, by Christina Hoff Sommers? I just finished reading it, and it is excellent. AnonymousSep 28 2006 11:52am What is the earliest age at which athletically active girls can have beautiful muscular legs that men like: (1) Age 18 (2) Age 21 (3) Age 25 (4) Age 30. MiniPollOct 31 2006 8:34pm << It's not just that boys are falling behind girls, it's that boys themselves are falling behind their own functioning and doing worse than they did before. >> SOURCE: William S. Pollock, author of: Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood, and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, quoted in the article: Men Are In Trouble by Deborah Hornblow, 7/10/2003, The Hartford Courant, www.rense.com/general38/men.htm AnonymousNov 28 2006 8:49pm Yeah, women are superior. Einsten, Newton and Marks were female :p AnonymousJan 23 2007 3:14pm Yes, women are superior. Pelosi, Clinton, Rice, Boxer, to name a few. JohnnieJan 28 2007 12:54pm Sat. 2/3/07 Date UpdateFeb 03 2007 9:54pm #205 #Feb 06 2007 11:02pm I've never met any woman better than me at figuring out any logical function. I've never met a woman who could learn such a wide variety of things as fast as I can. I've never met a woman who was physically my equal or even close for that matter. I've never met a single woman who could improvise music! Strange. Many, many men can do this. I have met many women who talk more. I know women that are more organized. I know lots of women with better verbal skills than me. Many can focus longer on a subject than I can if I find it boring. But I bet the reverse can be said if I like the subject and they find it boring. Nearly all of them can spell better than I can. These are my observations. Only my observations. It is clear that men and women are different - but one isn't superior. Someone who shouldn't have wasted their time writing this, you pApr 03 2007 4:28pm #0207 - (Wed.) 4/4/07 UpdateApr 04 2007 5:27pm If women are superior cognitively, then they must be "brain lazy", because from time and memorium men have always accomplished more intellectually. FranklinJun 04 2007 1:27pm Franklin: Good point but flawed. I agree men have historically accomplished more. But it's because women have been held down for centuries, denied education, the vote, etc. It's only now that women have equal access to education they are showing their superiority. STTGSep 30 2007 10:34am If there was a web site with 50 polls about white people being superior to blacks, that web site would be quickly shut down. I want to see all of www.likelike.com permanently shut down and removed from the internet. If that is not possible, then I would like to see all polls on this web site erased and all new polls. AnonymousOct 21 2007 3:04pm "It's only now that women have equal access to education they are showing their superiority." STTG you do not do the female species credit. I know many highly intelligent women, and thank god I do . Cause, you are a poor example. It's a shame that idiot anti-feminists use you're type of stupidity as ammunition to degrade the rights of women. FNOLNov 06 2007 12:19am multi tasking?? just a polite term for adult attention disorder. AnonymousNov 29 2007 8:57am You're giving me a headache AnonymousDec 01 2007 10:03pm The real power of women, is that they can dominate men and get them to the dirty work for them. Plus live longer and happier to boot! TomasFeb 15 2008 2:51pm Women have believed forever that men are brain damaged, and now it turns out that women are absolutely right! Research now shows all men are brain damaged even before they are born! Here is why: testosterone (the essence of maleness) is damaging to the nerve fibers in the corpus callosum in baby boys. The connecting link between both halves of the brain in baby girls remains perfectly fine. Boy babies have less connective nerve fibers between the two sides of the brain because of the damage testosterone does to the male brain as it developes. The fact that girls/women have no brain damage is what causes females to demonstrate superior mental abilities in research studies. It seems that the male brain is cleaved in half even before birth, both brain lobes unable to work in concert. I guess women can really say that men are "Half-wits". (Sorry, just joking.) I do find it amusing that what males highly prize "The Family Jewels" (their testicles)as the source of male power, is also what pumps out the testosterone that causes their brain damage! he he he... Just another "Proud to be a Female" You forgot to mention that those balls or testicles, are a male weakness that men and boys always will have to live with. Leroy AnonymousMar 23 2008 1:40pm This is the truth. It is true that women have may more connections in their brains which gives advantages for multitasking small tasks. Unfortunately this advantage of the archetecture of for the female brain is also its limitation , because women are not evolved for deep single minded creativity and thought but rather they are designed to perform many menial simplistic tasks with maximum efficiency. Men on the other hand are designed for deep intelligent thought beyond the levels of the female brain. The proof of this is simple, men have always been the abstract thinkers the creators. Women can compete in areas of rote learning, such as in the job market where creativity is not requried, but when it comes to deep true intelligence , even in todays ridiculous level of political correctness where women are favored beyond belief ,men are still holding an incredible lead. English liberalMay 14 2008 11:12pm the female brain has a more efficient infrastructure, but the male brain posesses more raw computing power. imagine two architecturally dissimilar computers running the same operating system. The GuruFeb 06 2009 10:31am Tammi, to be a leader, one must be a hard worker. gender has little, if any bearing on this. The GuruFeb 06 2009 10:44am English liberal is absolutely right the female mind is orientated towards caring and benevolence. Which is fine but is also a limitation. Men on the other hand when they are not thinking about sport are the originators of ideas. They can be terribly destructive but exhilaratingly creative as well wwApr 15 2009 1:16pm Bill Clinton is a good man, what does it matter if he is simple? an intelligent life formJul 10 2009 12:04pm Adolph Hitler, Ghengis Khan et al, were evil genii, not really simple at all. Regardless of moral alignment, it's just as foolish of a woman to underestimate a man's intellect as it is for a man to underestimate a woman's strength. an intelligent life formJul 10 2009 12:11pm You CUNTS can watch us destroy feminism and everything that you f*cking bitches have worked so hard for in a short period of time. Get ready to suffer CUNTS!!! SwordAug 17 2009 4:00pm CUNTS! CUNTS! CUNTS! DESTRY ALL CUNTS! ONLY GOOD FOR f*ckING! SuperboyAug 17 2009 4:01pm Pass the swords Gentlemen lets line up these bitches and watch them beg! Jack-the-RipperAug 17 2009 4:02pm Lets start hunting bitches instead of innocent wildlife they are getting too over populated! Guns blazing exploding CUNTS! RedneckAug 17 2009 4:04pm MAKE THESE CUNTS AND BITCHes SUFFER FOREVER! RedneckAug 17 2009 4:06pm DESTROY ALL CUNTS! DESTROY ALL FEMINISTS! DESTROY ALL BITCHES! DESTROY ALL UNATURAL CUNT-BITCHES! RedneckAug 17 2009 4:08pm TEAR THEIR PUSSIES, RIP THEIR CUNTS, BURNS THEIR BREASTS! rEVENGE IS NOW! rEDNECK!Aug 17 2009 4:09pm Prehistorically, there was an epoch where women dominated for a long time. The question is, where did it all go wrong? Answer, they enslaved the men while they (the women) led a sedentary, inactive lifestyle. The long term results of the aforementioned paradigm were that men grew taller, (resulting in greater leverage and reach advantage) bigger and thicker boned (in response to ever greater demand upon the skeletal structure of their burgeoning muscle mass) and physically stronger. As soon as the men became of their new found strength, and how weak and decadent the women had become, they wasted no time in taking power, resulting in the destructive patriarchal system that persists to this day. If women truly did posess superior mentality functions, THEY would still be in charge, and the far smaller and considerably weaker sex would be MEN!!! an intelligent life formNov 09 2009 4:43pm "Aware of their newly found strength" I apologise for the error. an intelligent life formNov 09 2009 4:45pm Empress Koi, do not underestimate men (or anyone) like Hitler, he was far from simple. He was an evil genius! an intelligent life formNov 13 2009 11:49am sorry woman are soon going to have all the top jobs as its fact loads more woman are coming out of educational places than men through out the world and many men will be loosing there jobs to woman , like me and will be come housemaids and slaves within the next hundred years, as they will have the money and men wont , so they will call the shots. already a powerfull new order of woman like condelleza rice, hillary clinton, angela merkel , de dee meyers are just the beginning of what is to come brendJan 16 2010 2:13am BE SILENT, REDNECK!!! AN IDIOT HATING LIFE FORMMar 30 2010 3:45pm Whether female brains are bigger or not their butts & thighs sure are bigger ,sexier & also more powerful !!!Many males might fantasize about smacking a shapely female posterior but if/when trapped between the same muscular shapely thighs will struggle to free themselves but without success ! the same legs ,ass & glutes which entice males can crush & dominate them too as an effect of the Law of Unintended Causation !!! Ashesh GhoseFeb 09 2011 11:15am So you get a bunch of sexually submissive men and Female Supremacists ie Femi-Nazis together and Guess what? Women are superior! Who could have predicted that here eh? It would be nice to have a rational debate here for once but thats not what this board is about is it? I wouldn't like to rock the boat and bring you guys back to some kind of reality RealistMar 04 2011 10:32am Historically, men are superior by far, they almost did everything from science to philosophy, engineering, art, way of life and more. If women are that smart, where they were? Women can be very smart, or stupid, the multitasking thing don't make you superior, only sick submissive men will say that. AnonymousMar 07 2011 5:23pm why did it take men to build civilization including the scientific means to make these studies that prove they are less scientific? You phony women and sissy men that side with them are pathetic. You deluded women are being hyped up so much because you're being used. Why can't your "intuition" show you that? Now try to do anything, including your big deal multi-tasking without everything the inferior men created. Pathetic Edward Karlson, superior maleMay 07 2011 9:21pm Because sick, patriarchal males not unlike you denied them the opportunity to amount to anything besides "ordering in restaurants and spending a man's money". an intelligent life formMay 16 2011 2:15pm I am afraid (as a male who has seen a lot in 50+ years) that Also Proud to be a Female has pretty much nailed it with regard to the prevailing "common sense" regarding the relative competency of females vs. males. The greater degree of self-confidence in their own superiority and the knowledge that they are better educated has helped many young women to speed past their male counterparts like they were standing still in the corporate rat race. While my own career has stagnated somewhat at a mid-level manager job, I've seen young women that I hired no more than 9-10 years ago pass me by - in fact, one of the best is now my boss! And she is so good at her job, that I have really come to a resigned sense of this was pre-ordained (I've always had a very high IQ, but this young women seems to know how to pull many things together at one time, make sense of them, and create something of value - frankly, I can see what did when she explains it to me, but I don't think with all my smarts that I could ever have seen the bigger picture like she does. She's extremely technically competent, and she is an excellent bridge-builder with other parts of the organization and so gets things done much better than I would have. Everyone wants to work for her - she gets the best out of them, including me - and I'd much rather have her as my boss than the grumpy "old boy network" manager that she replaced. I'm not sure if she is the exception, but she is exceptional. David2Jun 02 2011 11:59am If God does in fact exist, then God sure does not love the male gender. Any man who worships God and believes that God really loves him, is a complete fool. Angry ManFeb 08 2012 9:41pm Even if a woman is superior if she is romantically submissive to her man , she will not rock the boat , proffer her ass for sex-spankings , boost his ego but men have to stop drinking , drinking &drinking until they &their intelligence get blunted vide alcohol ! Also if they stop humping after 2 kids & perform sex control yoga their testosterone stored in their bodies , sharpe intellects etc. Will again help them not leadership roles !! Ash-x9Mar 24 2012 2:53pm In cricket England &West Indies were slowly pushed back from dominance into submission but today suddenly it's reversed they have staged a comeback ! There is no monolithic Matriarchial Movrment as moment women compete against each other in the Free Market that great Brothel cat fights are bound to puncture the Sisterhood ! Lust for power , greed for wealth will bring the female sex down to the level of male depravity &male alcoholism easily :just give it time like the Russians gave Napolean time to get f*cked by the Great Russian Winter !! Ash-X9Mar 24 2012 3:01pm True, Common Sense, but only in the red/orange range. an intelligent life formMar 27 2012 3:13pm Over the past few decades, the advances in technology have allowed us to take a closer look at what is happening within both the female and male brain. Male brains are larger than female brains, yet females can think and calculate faster than men can. Magnetic resonance imaging and other brain imaging techniques have shown that most female brains are more active than most male brains. Even when the female brain is resting it has been shown to be as active as an activated male brain. Considering such information, it appears that many girls will have an intelligence advantage over boys by being consistently engaged, even when they aren’t trying as hard as a boy. As a further result of MRI scans we are able to see and view the ways in which some boys and girls process information. Generally speaking, the female brain processes more responding stimulants, through more senses, and more completely than the male brain. When information content comes into the female brain it travels in through the limbic system up to the top four lobes of the brain where thinking occurs. On the other hand, many males seem to move this content through the limbic system down to the brain stem. Basically, this means that females are more likely to process the information faster and reach a conclusion, as more of the activity moves into the hemispheres that handle thinking. Comparatively, men take longer to process information than women because their brains have less neurons available for activity and the connections between those neurons are fewer in number than those found in women’s brains. It is hypothesized that because of this, women constantly operate on a superior level of awareness than men, as their brains are always taking in more sensory information. Because of the limited processing in male brains, they are more likely to need a rest period than in females. The study proved that many male brains frequently enter a reboot phase as they become overloaded easier than female brains, which aren’t as limited in terms of calculation. This phenomenon is similar to the fact that a computer with less RAM and a slower processing speed is more likely to lock up than one which is more powerful. In addition to processing speed and greater sensory intake, females also have a larger corpus callosum, which connects both brain hemispheres. Because the female brain can use both sides more efficiently and more effectively than the male brain, it is able to carry more information throughout more connections, increasing its speed and giving the female greater resources for thought. The differences between intelligence between the genders can be explained through biology. At conception, all life begins as female, marked by the XX chromosome. To roughly half of these embryos, a Y chromosome is introduced, turning the original female embryo into a male. Testosterone surges throughout the growth of the baby while in the womb at a much higher rate than in the female. This chemical transforms the original female brain, enlarging the sex and aggression centers. Testosterone also has been shown to kill off brain cells and damage connections within the brain, as while as put the male at a much higher risk for diseases and brain related disorders. To compensate for this, nature has made 105 males be conceived to every 100 females. Because males are more likely not to survive birth or to die at a younger age, their higher numbers shrink quickly, as females become roughly 52% of the population. These biological differences not only explain the limited cognitive abilities of the male brain in relation to the female, but also explain why females outlive males in humans as well as in the all animal kingdoms. These advantages of the female brain go even beyond intelligence. There are many different chemicals in the brain that affect the ways in which we act, feel, and respond in different situations. The feelings experienced as a result of these chemicals are caused by receptors in the brain which produce the effect of the chemical when activated. Because girls have more brain activity and more neurons in their brains than boys, they also have more receptors. A perfect example of a chemical reaction in the brain is orgasm. We feel orgasms as pleasurable because of the chemicals serotonin and oxytocin are released in our brain during climax. Because receptors are greater in number in the female brain then in men, orgasm will feel much better for a girl than it does for a boy. Brain scans show that during orgasm the female brain experiences 10 times the amount of pleasurable chemicals than in the male brain. In addition, the chemicals stick around in women’s brains longer than in the male brain, so the pleasurable experience lasts longer. Girls are also capable of multiple orgasms, so their brain remains ready to experience the pleasure over and over again for as long as she desires. Because of the refractory period men experience after they have an orgasm, they remain unable to have another orgasm for a period of time. This results in girls being capable of more powerful and longer lasting orgasms then in men, where orgasms are shorter, weaker, and fewer in number. In scientific studies, the equivalent of the male orgasm was played through the brains of volunteering women. Their experiences were recorded in written testimonies. Common remarks was that the intensity of the male orgasm was much weaker than what they normally experienced from orgasm and that the orgasm ended much quicker than they anticipated. When these women had female orgasms in the lab, they were much more vocal and their bodies contorted as their muscles contracted in response to the orgasm. When the same women experienced the male-style orgasm, they remained mostly quiet and stood almost completely still. They were actually quieter and moved less during the male orgasm then men who had their orgasms studied in the lab. Scientists hypothesized this was due to the females being used to experiencing a more powerful orgasm than the male-style orgasm that they experienced in the lab, while men experiencing the orgasm saw it as normal and had never felt anything better. Scientists were unable to allow the male volunteers of the study to experience the female orgasm, as the male brain is unable to handle the abundance of chemicals and activity the female orgasm provides. There was a theory that if the intensity of a girl’s orgasm was played through a boy’s brain, the shock to his system would kill him. It appears the female orgasm remains a treat which can only be enjoyed by women. "I definitely feel very blessed that I was born female" study coordinator Sheryl Task joked. "If I was a man, I'd definitely be really jealous." from a recent scientific articleJun 03 2013 8:12am The study above is 100% true so I hope men just own up to the facts and don't resort to denial. Here is a picture of the brain scan technology that proved the female brain is smarter than the male brain: http://ldc.upenn.edu/myl/llog/GurianBrains.jpg from a recent scientific articleJun 03 2013 5:08pm yep,i could never beat my sister in fast thinking games...bitchs gott a hell of a memory too A manJun 11 2013 11:56am @a man, i to always lost to my sister at fast thinking games. she got much better grades then me in school to was always able to manipulate me into doing what she wanted and i could never figure out why. seems the posts above yours about the study proving the female brain is smarter explain why our sisters were able to do this. as a man i have to admit i found that image of the brain scan comparison pretty hard to look at, but oh well thats just the way it is. TomJun 14 2013 9:59am women are smarter now too? well...that suck's sucks to be maleJun 30 2013 3:03pm 9sIknh I value the article post.Much thanks again. 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