The future belongs to women. Why not turn the tables completely, and deprive men of the vote and ownership of property? As women continue to outnumber men in college enrollment, the female population will have superior earning power over time. Women will be more qualified for leadership and decision making positions, and will gain the upper hand economically. At that point the turning of the tables will naturally occour. In my opinion, it is already taking place. SueOct 05 2003 12:05pm It seems like everywhere you look taking charge of things. My last five bosses have all been female. They are being promoted faster and are proving themselves as better managers. We'd better get used to taking orders from women, because that is becoming the norm. GillOct 06 2003 5:52am It is happening gradually, there is no doubt women are becoming dominant in our society. Eventually, they will be totally in charge. The meek shall inherit the earth. kyleOct 09 2003 11:59pm IT'S becoming a woman's world as they overtake men in further education and qualifications. RCOct 10 2003 10:42am There is no doubt that female supremacy is evolving in our society as women gradually gain economic power. Because there is an increasing female majority in college enrollment, future generations will see the status of women elevated to a higher level as the female population emerges as better educated, more intellectually sophistocated gender, thus more qualified for positions of authority and decision making. At the same time, women will continue to earn more as this trend continues, eventually gaining economic supremacy, social power and status. There are many articles now which reveal that women make better bosses, that their management style inherantly makes them more suitable in decision making roles than men. Female supremacy in the future is inevitable, because it is already here. MarkOct 11 2003 10:39pm Get used to it guys, women are in charge and we're here to stay! GailOct 13 2003 2:06pm It seems the old school of male dominance has no place in today's society. Women definitely have the upper hand, and they're gaining momentum all the time. GregOct 17 2003 10:25am There is a lot of speculation that we are evolving in the direction of a matriarchy. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing, women could probably run things better than the way things are. mikeOct 24 2003 9:20am The natural progress of things in modern society is for women to gain power and for men to accept the leadership of female authority figures. This will be mutually beneficial for all. BarbNov 10 2003 10:30am It seems like everywhere you look women are taking charge of things. My last five bosses have all been female. They are being promoted faster and are proving themselves as better managers. We'd better get used to taking orders from women, because they are going to be in control in the future. ZackNov 10 2003 10:42am There can be little doubt left on the matter. Women are smarter, more insightful, better debaters and think faster. They comprise a majority now in higher education and are claiming more and more positions of authority and power. IvanhoeNov 12 2003 10:35pm It's becoming a woman's world as they overtake men in further education and qualifications. SylvesterNov 21 2003 11:28pm Women have been gradually taking control for a long time. Let's face it guys, they outlive and outnumber us. They are outperforming us intellectually and physically. They are surpassing us in the educational system. The future belongs to women, and we all are better off for it. WillNov 23 2003 12:23am It is about time us men wake up and admit that men we do a really terrible job in ruling our world and allow women to take over. After all it would be impossible to do a worse job in ruling our world than what men do. MelDec 07 2003 11:16pm What would our society look like if it were run by women? What will it mean for men? Perhaps someone could comment realistically on this. AnonymousDec 12 2003 2:08pm An opinion a Female-dominated society.I agree that we are heading in that direction,and it is the best thing that could happen,for all of us.Women have better insight,have a superior understanding of relationships,are more fair and compassionate,and are more gifted and natural leaders.Marriages would be stronger,we'd see less corruption in government,men's morals and behavior would improve dramatically,and women would bring a sense of order and purpose to a society currently wallowing in greed and violence.And although most men would deny it,I think most see women as superior leaders,and would welcome a Female-Dominated society if we could find the self-confidence to put our egos aside and accept that we'd be serving a far better purpose if we encouraged,supported,and assisted women in attaining their positions of authority, in the home and in society.We still live in a world where might makes right.We need a new direction and better leaders.I believe that women are those leaders and can take us in a better direction.Just one man's opinion. PatrickDec 13 2003 11:08pm Women are clearly becoming stronger all the time. No one questions Women's abilities anymore since they have demonstrated over and over that they are equal to or better than men at any task they choose to take on. One only needs to look at the success of Females in school to see they are naturally superior to males. The only way that males were able to maintain their superior position was to exclude Women from schools. Girls and Women now outperform boys and men in almost all subjects worldwide and are steadily improving at a rate that is beyond the reach of males. The future of civilization will be in Women's hands. TommyDec 21 2003 10:50pm After a lifetime of denial I've finally realized the futility of further resistance and have accepted the fact that women are superior to men. Robert B.Dec 25 2003 11:29pm I am nearly 60 years old. I am amazed at the changes that have taken place in society. There is no doubt that women are proving that they are superior to men. I believe in another 20 to 30 years women will take over completely every aspect of society, from the family to the highest echelons of government. Men will suddenly discover they have become what women used to be. And to be honest, mayby it's time women have complete control. AnonymousDec 27 2003 4:38am Within the next 25 years you guys wont be able to vote, hold office, or own property... the dick between your legs will be an undeniable sign of your inferiority. SaraDec 30 2003 3:26am Sara I'm a guy and I agree with you. With the way males behave nowdays, I believe it is truly time for females to take over. The values that were established when are country was founded need to be enforced except the shoes need to be on the other foot. Females are the ones who should have exclusive rights to vote, hold political office, and own property. Higher education (beyond high school) should be reserved for females as well as all skilled jobs. The time has come for females to rule. leeDec 30 2003 11:50am I think women should be in charge of everything. In fact I think all bosses and positions of authority should be occupied by women since they are without question clearly superior to men in every aspect. Men should be glad to freely serve women or forced to ,if they are unwilling to. Men should to do all the lowly chores both at home and in the work place. Mens whole purpose in life other than serving the LORD should be to make life easier for women and please them sexually (within the bonds of Holy matrimony) I for one can't wait until we live in a female dominated society. awakened ex marineJan 02 2004 12:40pm women are weak, men are strong. STrongPEnisJan 06 2004 1:28pm men are strong in one area...physical Women are stronger than men in virtually every other area...mental (intelligence), emotional, spiritual. Eventually you will have to admit the evidence supports the fact females are superior AnonymousJan 07 2004 3:36pm Jennifer and Sara yall are my heroes.You too Gail. wimpy hubbyJan 07 2004 4:01pm The FUTURE BELONGS TO WOMEN. This is true as Women are proving it every day. All the new studies demonstrate that Women are mostly superior to males in many ways: superior cognitive abilities, better memory, greater empathy, superior insight; better sense of smell, hearing, touch, and taste. One recent study proved that on average, a woman's brain works three times quicker than the male brain. And for some brain functions like memory and information processing, a woman's brain is up to twelve times faster! Everyone knows that Women outlive males due to superior genetics (X doesn't =y). Males are truly the weaker and FRAGLIE sex, and may be soon redundant. JMGJan 08 2004 1:37pm I recently got engaged and told my fiance that he would have to adopt my last name. He agreed completely, and said that he was looking forward to doing the housework as well! JanetJan 09 2004 7:21pm Janet, you are so cool.You go girl! I hope that all the women who read your comment will follow your lead and make the males in thier lives do the same thing.Your fiance is a lucky guy.You should make him wear a maid costume too.My wife makes me wear one. lucky guy tooJan 09 2004 8:17pm I'm doing a psychology project on how our society will be dominated by women, and I totally agree with everything that has been said about how women will become the more superior gender. Now I just have to get my classmates to agree with me too, especially the guys. KJan 12 2004 9:23pm K, that sounds like an interesting study, you should share some of your findings. The guys will be very reluctant to agree, even though deep inside they know it is the truth. Just within the past 20 years women have taken great strides, and continue to advance at an accelerating rate. BruceJan 13 2004 10:51pm It was men, in a male dominated world, that gave the right to vote to women. We are also told that women are immensely more compassionate and tolerant. Then why would Sara want to take those same rights we [men] gave them? Two wrongs do not make a right, but three lefts do. A guy who is sick to death of a female dominated worldJan 14 2004 10:15am women will never take over the world. They cannot stick together like men and if they tried to limit the rights of guys, they would come together and riot and destroy the female dominated system. Men and women both have strengths and weaknesses, but alot of educated men will still run this country if you like it or not. westsideJan 15 2004 7:36pm You need to open your eyes. Women ARE taking over the world. In another 100 years men will have become what women used to be socially and politically. This change is like the wind...you can feel it and see it's effect, but you can't stop it. Women will previal because they are superior. AnonymousJan 15 2004 7:56pm Everything is infront of your very own eyes. Men need to stop trying to protect their egos and just accept the truth and accept what they see and know is the truth. The truth is, women are becoming the more dominant gender and there are statistics, observations, and stories that back this up. Who says women can't stick together like men, where's the proof in that? Women in the past were the ones who created support groups for men in the war, of course they stuck together and they still do. As a woman, we know ourselves better than men know us, so don't make black and white statements. Here's something interesting to know: A professor in Princeton University conducted a research on Gender Studies who consluded that we are currently undergoing transformation of historic significance, beginning sometime around the turn of the millennium. Women will physically surpass men and so assume the rightful role as the dominant gender in our species. Although this may be something ridiculous to believe at present time, it just may happen and if it does, we'll all have to adapt to that in some ways. I don't believe women should limit the rights of men, that's like revenge, although many women do believe that men should suffer what we suffered. However, according to the saying: "Two wrongs don't make a right" may prevail in this instance. Some countries already live in a matriarchal society, Belgium is one of them along with others. Maybe it's time that women take control. The tables are definately turning KJan 16 2004 8:44pm One of the most signifigant signs of the emergance of female supremacy is the way women are overtaking men educationally. In the future, most college graduates will be female. This is the basic building block of power. Men will not be able to compete with women because they will outmatched intellectually. MarissaJan 18 2004 9:27pm I agree "K". Women can and do stick together. The evidence is right in front of our eyes each and every day. And women's ability to work and stick together will be what help propel them to become the dominant gender. AnonymousJan 19 2004 1:30am girls are smarter than boys, more confident and ambitious! they know already that the future belongs to them. i see a future where most professions, government, ect. are female dominated by about 2:1. too bad guys, we're just better! SabrinaJan 21 2004 8:16pm Females have just recently began to learn what males have known all along...that females are superior to males in everything except upper body strength. This is the reason males have deprived females equal access to knowledge throughout history. Now that females have equal access to knowledge they will far outperform males in every area imaginable. I believe in just another 20 years at the most, when it comes to employment, females will be hired first for the job, regardless of qualifications, since females will be considered the primary wage earner and the parent most likely to be responsible for the care of children and dependents. This in nothing different than why men were hired first 40+ years ago. Females will be paid more for the same work, since it will have been proven that females quality of work and performance are much greater than males. Also females will be paid more for the same work, since it is simply more expensive for a female to dress for work. Men can wear the same clothes everyday to the job...women must have different outfits for each day of the week. Also men do not have a need for makeup etc., which women do. This will be things that employers will take into consideration when hiring females, but will consider it worth the extra cost since females work performance is much greater. Males who do work will be taxed at a greater rate than females based upon the ratio of burden that each gender places upon society (much like insurance and other things are rated now). Since the greater prison population is male...males will be responsible for paying that portion of that burden...etc. It is very possible with the improving of cloning that females will demand that it be their right to choose if they wish to bring offspring into the world that are thier clone. It could very well be that in the not to distant future males will find that they are completly obsolete and no longer needed or desired. My only question....will we be able to blame women for feeling this way. Somehow, I don't think so. AnonymousJan 22 2004 1:49pm I don't think limiting the rights of men is necessarily just a way to get back at men for what has occurred in the past. Some limits on men's rights make sense. If women increasingly are the educated of our society, why should men be allowed to help make decisions as to who is best qualified to run our society via voting. Our present system is screwed up and it is because of men! Take men out of the picture and things will improve. Unfair? Some may think so, but if its for the benefit of society, so what. The biggest reason I think this is possible is because women not only stick together, but they are able to gain male support because of their superior power of persuasion. Look how many men on here agree with the women that this is how things should be. I don't think it will happen in 20-25 years like some suggest, but in the next century it probably will. The only thing we have over women still is physical strength and many people think that will diminish as women have more time to use the physical training techniques that men have employed for a long time. GregJan 29 2004 8:59am Ah, what a change...perhaps only the beginning of change. An improvement which will be embraced by all. GloriaFeb 06 2004 5:23pm In the future positions of authority and power will be held by women, who will also be in control of the monetary system. Since women will be in control of the money, they will have the means to enforce restrictions on the male population, who will be dependant on women to survive. Since most violent crimes are committed by men, women will be able to create a more peaceful and orderly society by putting restrictions on undesireable behavior. The result will be a safer, more productive, and wholesome society. K.T.Feb 06 2004 5:45pm If we honestly believed in the principle, "Hire the best person for the job," our federal, state, and local governments, our business establishments, our churches, our schools, and our social organizations would be predominantly run by females. LacyFeb 07 2004 7:31pm First they got the right to vote. Then they became wage earners. Now they are taking over in the scholastic world and in the work force. They will soon control the economy. They will eventually gain the power of majority rule, and control of government institutions. They might have started out seeking equal rights, but the movement has snowballed. Women are definitely taking over, and there is nothing that will stop it at this point. It will not be long until it will seem normal for women to be in charge of things, and the male dominated system will seem like a distant memory. TataynaFeb 07 2004 9:28pm For some time now female dominance has become a fact of life in America. Increasingly more and more women are becoming better educated than men. On the university campus this disparity has now become only too obvious as women continue to out-number men. MorrisFeb 14 2004 6:43am Question: What would be so bad about living in a FEMALE-dominated society? It seems to me, You might well have a virtual utopia! At least, it would be far superior to today's society! KennethFeb 16 2004 10:52pm Women are no doubt smarter than men. Men should stay at home and care for children, clean, cook and be obedient to their wives. Female Supremacy will always exist, so males better start obeying women or they'll be in for a surprise LucyFeb 19 2004 1:59pm As stem cell research continues, males will no longer be needed. Obviously, only women will be made becuase we are superior to men in every way. Face it guys, you are useless and weak. AnonymousFeb 20 2004 5:26pm The things I am seeing from day to day have me convinced women have already taken over society. I think today's society promotes the concept of female superiority, and men have contributed greatly to this. CharlesFeb 20 2004 8:50pm I don't think we are going to "take away the rights of men" deliberately as some kind of punishment, as suggested in a previous comment. Things will just work out that way because women will have better opportunities to advance and will be more qualified to be in charge. Women will naturally assume superior status along with the authority and privledges which go along with it. JillianFeb 20 2004 9:06pm As a stay at home dad I tend to like the fact that women are becoming stronger. I do the housework, cooking, shoping, laundry, errands, and pay the bills. My wife wears a three piece pants suit to work while I stay at home. We've found the perfect arrangement. Oh, and yes, I wear an apron and her clothes (like women who stay at home and wear their husbands clothes) and we both like it. BillFeb 20 2004 9:54pm The unfinished business of the feminist movement is now in the hands of the generation of young women emerging today. They are smart, confident, competitive, and strong. They will have no competition from their male counterparts, as shown by school statistics. KristaFeb 20 2004 11:23pm Women are sexually and financially independent; they outstrip men in higher education and have made rapid headway in higher-paid, influential jobs. All sorts of biological and social factors favour the development of female status. Young women have learned to be confident, assertive, and in control. To be relevant to women, men are becoming more co-operative, compliant, or even submissive. The next generation or two will see women in charge of society, and probably also the dominant partner at home. AnonymousFeb 24 2004 12:02pm Ah, the feminist movement: The feminist movement is a politically correct hate group. Feminists, I want you to think about something. Are you happy? It seems like you can walk into any women's studies classroom and see a room full of angry people. How can you be happy when you are consumed by hate? Some of you are even attractive but run off quality men because of your attitude. Others need to hit the gym, but people of both sexes need to do that. Furthermore, you will never go anywhere in life being hateful twoards men. Go out, be successful, live. Find a passion and give it as much energy as you give your hatred. Let me finish by saying, you are not better than I am. I am smart, strong and capable. I love it when women wear skirts and I am not ashamed to admit it. I'm sorry you didn't get to vote for most of our history, but I owe you nothing. Maybe you will corrupt society, but you will not stop ME. corked bat 23Feb 24 2004 5:58pm Ah, the feminist movement: The feminist movement is a politically correct hate group. Feminists, I want you to think about something. Are you happy? It seems like you can walk into any women's studies classroom and see a room full of angry people. How can you be happy when you are consumed by hate? Some of you are even attractive but run off quality men because of your attitude. Others need to hit the gym, but people of both sexes need to do that. Furthermore, you will never go anywhere in life being hateful twoards men. Go out, be successful, live. Find a passion and give it as much energy as you give your hatred. Let me finish by saying, you are not better than I am. I am smart, strong and capable. I love it when women wear skirts and I am not ashamed to admit it. I'm sorry you didn't get to vote for most of our history, but I owe you nothing. Maybe you will corrupt society, but you will not stop ME. corked bat 23Feb 24 2004 6:00pm Women have developed the attitude of superiority. This includes cultural and moral superiority, along with other forms of perceived female superiority, and I believe it has had a very powerful impact on men. BarbFeb 24 2004 11:03pm I feel so inferior to my girlfriend and women in general. My girlfriend is smarter than me(more educated, college degree), makes almost twice as much money as me. This seems like it is becoming more and more common. Has anyone else noticed this trend? TimFeb 25 2004 10:45pm If you take a snap shot of our time in history and compare it to ten, twenty and a hundred years ago, you will see the obvious trend that women are gaining in power. Women use not to be able to vote but now 13 women are US Senators, 62 are US Congress Women, 2 are Supreme Court Justices, and women are top advisors to the President. There may only be a handful of female CEO's today but that is a handful more than there were twenty years ago. Many women have climbed the corporate ladder against tremendous opposition and are now poised to become CEO's in the future. Twenty years from now, women will be entrenched in even more power. Society is evolving and women will one day in the not too distant future wield the majority of power. EliseMar 03 2004 11:48am Face it guys-we are not in control anymore.Women are the ones in charge,and I think it's great.Here at my wifes house,things have changed alot since we got married ten years ago. I used to call most of the shots but even then,I would always ask for her opinion on most matters.Then she went back to college,pursued her career,started wearing leather alot,started making three times as much money as me and now things are different. These days I do all the housework,wait on her,ask permission before I go anywhere besides running her errands,and turn my paycheck over to her every payday.I am not involved in any decisions concerning her household and watch the kids when she goes out with her friends,who by the way rule their husband as well.I must admit I really like this lifestyle though.I love my wife and have the utmost respect for her,and if she ever wants me to change my last name to her maiden name,I'll do it Get used to it men we're already living in a female dominated world and I say you go girls!!! new schoolMar 04 2004 8:35am Well, consider that the most powerful country in the world (the US) has had the female vote for several decades, and, statistically, the female population outnumbers the male population (52% to 48%). Elected officials only exist for a four-year term without a mandate from the people. Under these circumnstances, it appears that women already rule. BrandonMar 07 2004 10:12pm Women are much more in control then we think and are quickly gaining futher control over the patriarchy. You can see this if you have the *eyes* to see beyond this illusion of male dominance. Total nonsense! Look around you...closely and you'll see it's happening all around you! Women are on the rise everywhere and are never going to let up. DianeMar 09 2004 10:58pm Male dominance and the patriarchy were born out of fear and ignorance of women. I applaud the liberated female for being able to overcome obstacles that were deliberately put in front of them and accomplish so much with the odds stacked against them from the start. One has to ask her or himself, if these same obstacles are put before men, how would they behave? My be- lief is that they would act in much the same way whenever they feel as though their "entitlements" are being threatened. Like whining little babies whose favorite motto is "if you aren't going to play by my rules, then I am taking my ball and going home!" Women can help this world, if men would step aside and watch as women accomplish great things. It's an exciting new world, and only the scared, frightened rabbits amongst us will be left behind. Steven LMar 10 2004 7:28pm Not only are women takin control of society,but homes as well.At our house my 17 year old daughter is second in command behind my wife.Women belong in charge though,and I think it's about time. realistMar 17 2004 6:00am I agree, women are taking over in the home and at the office. My wife controls the finances and pretty much calls the shots at home. At work, not only is my boss a woman, but so is the entire upper management staff. It seems to me we are living in a female dominated society already, and women are gaining power faster all the time. I don't think this will be a bad thing, unless men are not open minded enough to accept a change in status. DarylMar 19 2004 7:06pm I find it funny that some men are so stupid. Not all men, just some of them. You know, the ones that think women who fight for their rights arent happy and wont go anywhere because of their hate. Well, let me tell you something.... I am driven by my hate towards guys like you. It makes me stronger, and it makes me work harder to prove im better than you. You may be smart and strong, but I am too. We arent better than you, but you sure as heck arent better than us. Men didnt give us anything. Unlike men, we have to earn things. And let me finish by saying women are getting stronger, and you just need to accept that. Because you cant do anything about it. One angry womanMar 24 2004 9:35pm I am a male in my 40s and I'm excited to see the rise of women to positions of power in modern society. The social change that is taking place is deep, fast and silent. The balance of power has shifted and soon all men will have to watch their behaviour very carefully if they want to receive any favours from their female masters. I think there will be an enormous increase in men's desire to submit to strong and powerful women. With women's higher education and unstoppable take over of positions of authority in politics and business, the last nail in patriarchy will be driven home forever. happy submissive maleMar 24 2004 10:30pm "Get the JOB done right the first time, Hire a Woman!" Today its clear that the new symbol of competence, capability, endurance, confidence, and INTELLIGENCE is a young WOMAN! Competence because women learn faster and have superior memory. Capability because women are better educated than ever before in history. Endurance because women are proving they can do anything longer, harder, faster, and better than males ever could. Confidence because women openly know they are the SUPERIOR gender and aren't sorry to boast about it! Intelligence because science now proves that women have the better brain, something that women have always known! PROUD to be FEMALEMar 28 2004 10:58am Ha ha ha ha!! You people are too much! I could point out that your sons and brothers happen to be men as well, but I think that particular argument would not sway a bunch of fanatics. I agree there have been and will continue to be substantial changes in our society. I don't see how matriarchy is morally superior to patriarchy. The moral superiority of women in general is a myth. If you don't know that already from yourself and the actions of your fellow women, then just consider the evidence presented on this very web page. You talk about the big bloated male egos and then within same sitting talk about how women are going to "take over" and "deprive men of their rights", not to mention "female superiority". If a matriachy could be established, it would not be the utopia you envision. It would, over time, become just as wicked and decadent as any culture that has ever existed. It is human nature, a trait shared by men and women alike. If America really did end up as a matriarchy, it would overtaken by more effective, balanced societies. In addition, a true matriarchy would never arise here. Aside from the glaring fact that men can vote and make up half the population, the majority of women would not support this idea either, now or in the future. Additionally, there has been such a surge in the power of women in the last 50 years because woman used to have virtually no power at all. Most of the low hanging fruit has already been picked. Further gains will prove much more difficult. As a result of this new equilibrium, women will also lose some of their traditional priveldges: feminism will diminish, men's lib will gain in power, and most importantly, the illusion of female moral superiority will be consigned to the dust bin of "glaringly incorrect ideas that people of a bygone era used to believe in." The future does not belong to you. That is not angry fist shaking. That is not "a holdout who refuses to accept reality." That is just a fact. The Future Does Not Belong To YouMar 30 2004 9:31pm If girls continue to outshine boys, what will men do? This year, for the first time ever, more women than men got first-class degrees. Female educational achievements go from strength to strength, and, in a world where knowledge, analysis and interpretation are crucial for economic success, it seems likely that women will soon be running everything. The trend now seems unstoppable. Girls do better at GCSE, get more A grades at A level, enter university in larger numbers and come out with more Firsts and fewer Thirds. SkipMar 30 2004 10:45pm You house husbands that like your women to be in charge, you clean the house, let her make all the decisions, etc. You know your wife is banging other guys on the sly right? I mean, the handwriting is on the wall. Bill BradskiMar 31 2004 6:22pm One angry woman, get your ass in the kitchen and make me pie! yo daddyApr 11 2004 6:12pm I think it's a sad world overall, when two genders cannot seem to have anything better to do than to hold each other in a death vise while much of our existing and increasingly troubling social problems (caused by both genders) aren't being addressed fully because each generation of men and women are only interested in being in stiff competetion and being leery of the other. Mainly, with a lot of young women and men, it's all about me, and being catered about by popular culture, which I surely understand and dislike more and more, making women more like the insecure, supposedly strong and at the same time,holding the misguided ideas of what being a "real man" really is.Truly a sign of how much women have progressed. But then again, striving and survival are very much part of the human condition, even when it has to come down to lowering women's standards. sad. Veteran Against The WarApr 11 2004 6:48pm The women who allege all this superiority seem no better than the mythical oppressors they seek to overthrow. Some young men appear to be dropping out of our competitive society more than women. Is this due to the alleged male inferiority, or is it due to sheer boredom at the lack of adventure and physical challenge coupled with a dull tedium of modern life in the classroom and corporate cubicle? The younger women should thank their fathers, though, instead of ripping the male sex. Oppressive MaleApr 13 2004 2:32pm Excuses. Males are not dropping out of competitive society, they are just failing to compete. This is because females are better equipped for the type of challenges we face in a changing world. Nobody is ripping men, we are merely facing facts, and it is about time you did, too. SarahApr 13 2004 9:16pm Sarah is right! I once was the Sales Manager for a large company and there was nine men and two women in my department. Today the Sales Manager is a woman and I was the last male in that department. One by one the males were being outclassed and replaced by women. These young women could do the job better, quicker, had more productivity and creativity, were more co-operative and communicative, and were overall more educated and intelligent than their male coworkers. After I had been demoted from Sales Manager, I was given a project to work on with one of the female staff. She suggested splitting the work and we each started on our own sections of the project. I really wanted to show her up being the only male left, and decided to work through the lunch hour - she left during the hour. By 1:30 P.M. I decided to check on her status and boast a little on how far I was on the project, about 60% done on my half. I sarcastically said she couldn't have much done by taking lunch for so long. She looked me in the eyes and gave me that confident and winning stare that you see in young women everywhere today. This woman not only had her section of the project done, but my half she completed as well. She did the entire project before leaving for lunch! I was completely humiliated, and deep inside I felt emasculated. Now I understood how outclassed males are today. On my best day, with my best effort and all my male pride, I just couldn't keep pace with these women. Four days later this woman had my job. Once I was the department manager and the Alpha Male, three years later replaced by these superior women. In the business world now, the women win hands down! Today I pound concrete for a living and no brains needed for this job - all my co workers are males. Outclassed MaleApr 15 2004 12:20pm Sarah is a female chauvinist pig, oink, oink. It is amazing that you can say such drivel and expect anything except derisive laughter as a response. To say that all women are superior to all men is something you would find in a fetish magazine and not in real life. Men can compete with women on equal terms, if they simply just weren't big babies who have to have everything their way. That is man's problem and women are taking advantage of it. I am not ripping women, they should take advantage of what opportunities are now presenting themselves, but to say you are entitled to it because you are superior by nature is simply the same bunch of crap that men have been trying to sell since the beginning of time. And as far as the outclassed male is concerned, how can you expect anyone to believe your made up stories if you don't even have the courage to include your real name? RandyApr 15 2004 3:17pm I would not be too quick to dismiss Outclassed Male's story as made up. Some of my friends have had similar experiences. They had similar observations, the women were able to do better work with less effort in less time, and had fun doing it. I have noticed this in the office as well. As far as I am concerned the most intimidating opponent for a man in today's world is a woman in a business suit. I think those who deny the fact that females have the edge over males in modern society are the last few hold-outs, and they are only fooling themselves. RobApr 16 2004 9:36pm Female superiority is rising faster each year.Nothing can stop it now.We need to adjust our thinking if we expect to be treated with any kind of compassion in the future. BrianApr 16 2004 10:19pm Where I work all management and supervisory positions are held by women, the only male employees are in lower pay scale, blue collar positions. Naturally, the women enjoy the priveledges of superior status. I see this happening in many companies. I think they are definitely taking over. AnonymousApr 18 2004 9:44pm so great,it looks like we will see large groups of angry,and aggresvive males roaming the streets cut of from society causing mayhem.I agree that women are doing great and that many boys seem to have giving up,but god help us if the goverment fails to address this problem,because all this anger will most likely be turned on women chrisApr 21 2004 3:45pm No, males will gradually learn to accept and adjust to a changing world. This is already taking place, one day at a time. The traditional old school myth of male dominance is no longer being imprinted on future generations, in fact, just the opposite is happening. SarahApr 21 2004 8:35pm well tell the crazy maniacs who look like they may cause ww3 in the middle east that,there is no way these people would accept it.Tell me how a women would deal with these terrorists,and closer to home,what will the future police and army be like. will it be mainly male soldiers and officers,and female leaders,as i fail to see how a 5ft4 female could ever hope to deal with a gang of drunks. chrisApr 22 2004 4:20pm I would say that in 10-20 years time,women will be extremly able to handle anything that is thrown at them.There is no doubt in my mind,that the world will never be a peaceful place,but once women gain and grow with there power, we will see crime and the old male ways begin to die, i hope women get tough on criminals and punish them unlike what seems to happen in the uk today,as are male leaders seem to have lost complete control of how to protect the innocent.As for the above comment from chris, i would say give it time mate,and we will all see what will happen,should be some interesting times ahead,for those of us who go with the flow,as there is nothing that can stop it now. joesphApr 22 2004 4:28pm Just because women will be in charge doesn't mean males won't have a role to fulfill. The main difference is that authority will be administered by women. AnonymousApr 22 2004 8:32pm You are correct, it is only a matter of time before men inflict violence against women. In fact, if you check out crime statistics, one could argue that they already are doing it. This only supports and strengthens the position that men are not suited for leadership. Women have a responsibility to take control of the situation for this very reason. SarahApr 23 2004 9:55pm This webpage proves that there are more opinions than sense. Abstractions such as "taking over" "superior" etc. are illusions. They are similar to the myths made by ancient peoples. These are really expressions of a personal philosophy. Thus, Sarah and anon. etc. grasp at their thin straws to make conclusions about the relative mental and emotional strengths of the two genders of humanity. Well, idiocy surely wastes no time in declaring itself. If there were any doubt that young boys brought up in a school for excellence without any coddling due to public school pablum, political correctness and feminist man-hating teachers, would outperform all other products of contemporary American education, than such instituions would not be so marginalized as they are in contemporary politics. If you want to feed your fantasies, be my guest. I loved the one who said that around 2000, a great change occurred and females are slowly but surely heading in the direction of physical superiority over males! Dreams, Myths and Reality by M. Eliade would be a good text to start with a return to sanity--if same is desired. Otherwise, continued sweet dreams. PeterMay 02 2004 3:09pm Try The Natural Superiority Of Women by Montague. This will begin to bring you up to date. EricMay 02 2004 8:24pm Women have been getting opportunity for the first time in history. Naturally, with education available to women for the first time, the world will change in many ways. Our competence and smarts now pay off with rewards. Accordingly, women who succeed will slowly move away from the traditional feminine model. I believe I am a normal girl, but I do things routinely my mother's generation never even dared. Don't you think that in a few generations, women will regularly initiate the pursuit of the male. Correspondingly, men will not view women as feminine prey, but as equals or superiors depending on the women and the man. There will be a lot more mix of roles and activities, so the old forms will be less relevant. I think we should repair the education of males because the present imbalance favoring females is due to the overcompensation favoring girls in the schools. Women are mothers of sons too, and I know that we don't want our children to be disadvantaged in the way things currently are set up. Still, the world will be changing as women take a more actve part in the public sphere and interact with men in a more self-confident way. Much of the former models for gender specific behavior are based on the dependency of women upon me. When that melts away, the model for interactive behavior will also change. It is hard for me to imagine that we will have so much gender specific behavior patterns in the future. The genetic hardwiring, however, will persist and things won't change as radically as some say (or fantasize). The "take over" talk is not realistic. ValerieMay 03 2004 5:56am Amy...be careful about the copulins website. I think it is mostly nonsense. I say this as a man who acknowledges the superiority of women and supports female supremacy. admirer of womenMay 06 2004 1:11pm I don't know if it is because of copulins or superior chromosomes or some other factor, but one thing is for sure: Women are superior and they are taking over society. I think this is painfully obvious. BillMay 06 2004 9:40pm I agree that women are taking over,in the uk the signs are plain to see.Girls dominate education,from teachers to results,females are quietly gainging ground in all areas of bussiness,and there they seem to have massive advantages in dealing with customers,and clients.But the one thing i see time and time again,is that boys just cant take the competition from girls,there worst fears are to lose to girls,and our macho pride kicks in to make it hard to accept.I can imagine for women this must feel very good,and i am sure will only increase as women gain complete domination in what is very much becoming a female orientated landscape.To the men who go with it,it will great,and to those who dont, well they will soon be left in the dark as huge numbers of bright,educated gorgeous females move into areas of power and control. chrisMMay 07 2004 8:01am Amy, I didn't say that copulins are nonsense, but the website is. Claims are unsubstantiated, and some are pretty far-fetched. anonMay 08 2004 5:28pm Women are not taking over, Men have simply given them the opportunity to show what they can do. Don't worry girls, you have achieved a lot and we Men are very proud of you, But that doesn't mean our leadership, guidance, and stability will abandon you. DanMay 08 2004 9:33pm Anon, When making a statement such as yours, give us some facts to support your theory that the website is nonsense. Otherwise, you're just saying "This is wrong, but I can't prove I'm wrong about it being wrong." AmyMay 10 2004 12:01pm Amy, I have seen the site, and it all makes sense. Guys will try to discredit it's credibility because they don't want to accept the truth. SarahMay 10 2004 1:33pm Well Amy and Sarah I see you've been busy spreading the copulins dogma everywhere. OK...You prove the claims. Go to any of the links leading to so-called "research" and see where they take you. Nowhere near "copulins", I'm afraid. Anyways, it has nothing to do with "women taking over society". anonMay 10 2004 10:56pm Well Amy and Sarah I see you've been busy spreading the copulins dogma everywhere. OK...You prove the claims. Go to any of the links leading to so-called "research" and see where they take you. Nowhere near "copulins", I'm afraid. Anyways, it has nothing to do with "women taking over society". anonMay 10 2004 10:56pm Myself and three friends already know it works on our husbands. AnonymousMay 11 2004 7:07am I have done some reading, and compared what I've read to my personal experiences. It is very possible that we have all been effected by coulins at various times, and we just are not aware of it. Have you ever noticed that women always seem to have things their way in the long run? I'm not glad to hear about this, but I believe it could be a real thing. PhilMay 11 2004 10:42am B.S. AnonymousMay 11 2004 1:53pm I would like more specific information from anonymous. How do you and your three friends know it is working on your husbands? Do your husbands know? How do they know? PaulMay 11 2004 11:02pm Hell no our husbands don't know. Trust me, when we tell them to do something, they do it, no questions asked. That is, if copulins are involved. AnonymousMay 12 2004 8:50am How can you tell copulins are the reason they are so compliant? PaulMay 12 2004 2:08pm What else could it be? Before copulins are in their system, they're belching, farting and lounging in front of the football games. After copulins, they're not only dissinterested in anything they liked before, all they want to do is please us? Now, logically, we can look at "WHAT IS NEW TO CAUSE THE CHANGE?" and using scientific deduction, figure out that a chemical alteration has occurred. I'm open to your ideas on what might cause such a sudden change in three different men who have no idea about any of this, and who behave exactly the same way after the same "procedure". Let's talk. AnonymousMay 13 2004 12:05pm Wow. It sounds like you have a pretty solid case. I had never heard of this before seeing it on this site, and from a man's point of view this is very shocking. I think there are a lot of men who won't want to hear about this, and will try to dismiss it. PaulMay 14 2004 10:38pm I can't speak on copulins yet, but when one looks at the evidence of female superiority with an unbiased point of view, the results are undeniable: the female is stronger (pound for pound), has better communication skills, better memory, better senses (smell, taste, touch), better facial recognition, are better at management, better drivers (at least safer), they eat better, take care of themselves better, aren't afraid to ask questions (this is how one learns), and are less susceptible to certain diseases. How many times do you see a man get taken down with a cold while the woman keeps working or is away from work less time? So far the only places I've seen where men excel are upper body strength and ego. Men definately have superior egos.. but this will soon change as the absolute truth of female superiority is realized. While it may feel good to believe men and women are basically equal, there is no real scientific reason nor expectation that this has to be so... and as we are learning, it isn't so. Given that the women are truly superior, better learners, better thinkers, better stamina and have superior brains (they use both sides), who is better equiped to rule.. men or women? Clearly women are superior and its women who SHOULD rule. SamMay 16 2004 11:07am That site is for submissive men, dude. Find us something that's for the general public. The copulins website is real research, not some weird fetish crap. HHMay 18 2004 8:36am What is up with the surge in male submissiveness? In just the last decade, I see it more and more--men who want to be slaves to women. Is it due to some change in society? Is the because of stronger women now? Or are mothers raising their sons differently? Women aren't asking men to be their slaves, but more men are asking for that every day. Kevin Canadian BaconMay 18 2004 1:44pm Mr. K.C. Bacon, haven't you read or heard the latest? The male penis and testicles are degenerating and are about 1/3 size each generation. Soon the male will be nothing but a hop along penis and balls... Its so depressing, being male. Hop-Along PenisMay 18 2004 7:22pm The Elsie Sutton site is for submissive men, but the articles posted are from credible mainstream sources. Pretty bizzare. But true. AnonymousMay 19 2004 10:32am Why are men submissive like that? Kevin Canadian BaconMay 19 2004 11:43am Have any of you ever heard of the old saying "Don't believe everything you read!?" RandyMay 20 2004 3:01am Yes, I have read that saying, and I didn't believe it, Randy Just kidding. Kevin Canadian BaconMay 20 2004 12:00pm The Elise Sutton site (femalesuperiority.com) isn't only for submissive men. More and more women are realizing they are better (stronger, superior, more mature, etc) and the advantages of taking charge. Many marriages end in divorce but when there is a clear leader, and today that's usually the woman, marriages last longer. True this site features many things that I personally am not in to (sissifying males, women using strap-on devices, etc) but its clear many women are seeing they are stronger and can take charge if they so desire. You can be the toughest, strongest, super macho male you know but when confronted with a dominant agressive woman, you'd likely cower like a little puppy dog. As women realize the magnitute of both their power and superiorty, many are taking control whether the man wants it or not! - You may not consider yourself a submissive man, but most of you will admit your wife or girlfriend is the boss. The changes taking place in society contribute to men's submissive desires as they see how incredible women are. Even sexual fantasies of physically stronger women are becoming reality as more women work out and increase their strength. But women don't need physical strength to rule over their men and many wise women are clearly the boss at home as well as work. I believe more men fantasize about being a woman's slave because they know (not believe, but know) woman are superior and they have more power. They know woman are independant and many make more money. Deep down men respect power and they see who has it and who is gaining it more and more. Final point to all the women out there: something I ask you please remember if you do take charge. Do it with love. Don't belittle your man, but show him how much you need him in your life (assuming you love each other). Understand men don't communicate as well but encourage open communication. Love each other and really get in each others minds to enjoy each other and be happy. wise and humble maleMay 22 2004 10:34am u r a dork AnonymousMay 22 2004 5:06pm Ladies, the only power you've ever held and will ever hold is sexual. The men's movement is coming. Mr Tambourine ManMay 23 2004 3:53pm Ladies, the only power you've ever held and will ever hold is sexual. The men's movement is coming. Mr Tambourine ManMay 23 2004 3:54pm Men are too lazy to ever have a movement outside the bathroom. Women's superior communications and networking skills are no match.. forget it, the battle of the sexes is over and we all know the superior female is taking her rightful place over the male. Women rule and men drool. JimMay 24 2004 9:48am The above post is correct! The Battle of the Sexes is nearing its close as women knock down and mop up the last few bastions of false male supremacy. There remains a few gender skirmishes here and there, but women seem to have things well in hand now. As a male I'm quite glad things are changing and support feminine leadership. Men have dominated the world the past three thousand years and have made an awful mess of things, its time for women to take charge. Whether or not women can be more successful than males can't be known for many generations, but I'm just glad things are changing and women have more power as individuals. Males I believe will have far better treatment in a female oriented world than women ever had when dominated by men. Mark J.May 24 2004 12:19pm What's been said here concerning the higher skills of women and the rise of women's domination is true only in Western countries. Many places in the world are strongly male dominated, misogynist. It will be a long time before that changes. anonMay 24 2004 8:37pm why would it take the "superior sex" 3,000 years to overcome a gender that is being accused of being weaker in all ways? 3,000 years is a long time. AnonymousMay 24 2004 11:23pm It took a long time for the dinasours to become extinct, but it happened just the same. AnonymousMay 25 2004 7:32am Societal and cultural values have had a huge impact on opportunities for women. We grow up believing or at least accepting many things as the norm. Many times questioning the status quo is dangerous or even life threatening. Personally I grew up at a time when most fathers were the breadwinner and the mother stayed at home baking, cleaning and caring for the kids. The world around us is very influental, and women were excluded from higher education so I doubt many aspired to be more than what their mother's were or did. This is just a fact of life. If the men of the world hadn't treated women as inferior for so long... if they had welcomed their input and valued their contributions, we would have seen women shine long before now. But this is history and the reality now is women are not only doing as well as men in every endevour but in most cases exceeding them. So yes, women are taking over society and ruling over men. Many women already control their boyfriend or husband and this trend will be the "norm" before long. Personally I believe men will be considered second class. They will be subordinate to women in business and general public and slaves to their woman at home. Its just a matter of time for some, a current day reality for others. Jim the techy guyMay 25 2004 9:18am I think men are already considered the second class. Women have cheaper insurance rates. In court, it is usually the woman who wins in divorce related cases. Affirmative action gives them the edge in areas such as education, business, and finance. You can get a grant to start a business if it is female-owned. In subtle ways, women already dominate society. MichaelMay 26 2004 9:45pm Yes, and women will be favored for more and more jobs! It's not only affirmative action, but true superiority. Women are better workers, have superior brains, memory, intelligence, maturity, communication skills, even better senses. DonMay 29 2004 8:20am Most men I know have female bosses at work. My boss is a woman also. Once they control the business world, they can pretty much call the shots. AnonymousMay 31 2004 9:42pm No woman, no time, no way tells me what to do, ever! I wear the pants in my Castle. (But my wife always tells me when to put my pants on and when to take them off.) Mark JeffriesJun 02 2004 3:26pm I believe now in todays world it is not who wears the pants, but who wears the SKIRT! AnonymousJun 03 2004 11:21am Women make up more than half of the students at Harvard Medical School. The same could be said for many other prestigious professional schools. The truth is that technology is changing our society in ways that tip the balance toward the skills women have the most of. The result will be a society that redefines masculinity in terms of submissiveness. (The courtly tradition of the knight errant did something similar centuries ago.) The problem, if you are a traditional male, is that women now have their hands on the levers of power and they will insist that "successful" men display submissive behaviors toward women in public and in private. This can be seen in the rash of movies that feature strong aggressive women who, literally, give aggressive men beatings in the course of the film. The other factor that is contributing to these chages is the sea of estrogen that men swim in these days. Studies of the environment make it clear that the food and water we take into our bodies contains increasing amounts of female sex hormones. Two pieces of evidence. 1) Puberty for young girls is beginning at ever earlier ages and the physical changes are more pronounced than in the past. 2) The sperm counts of male American college students is greatly reduced from even twenty years ago. There is also emerging evidence that the average size and weight of male genitalia is decreasing. That trend is likely to accelerate in the future. WOmen, on the other hand are larger and stronger, on the whole, with each passing generation. I would offer a couple of predictions about the future. First, men will increasingly be led to adopt fashion as an important part of their dress. Clothing is a powerful way of signalling submissiveness and a female dominated will lead more and more men to send such signals in the way they dress. Second, the only remaining tangible measureable superior factor for men is bondy strength. Sorry gentlemen but it is likely that women will increasingly insist that attractive men be dressed in clothing that is tight, constricting, limits range of motion, requires carefulness to ensure that it is not torn or soiled. In time, it may even include features that ensure that its wearers are physically unable to overpower women. Women, on the other hand, will insist on comfortable and functional clothing for themselves. A submissive manJun 04 2004 10:44am I supervise 8 men and 22 women at work. On the whole, the 8 men cause me more grief than the 22 women. I am married and I manage my husband as well. I make more money than he does and am better educated than he is. He understands that I make better decisions than he does. I love him very much but I could not imagine being in any way under his authority. Early in our marriage he overdrew the checking account and so I took over financial management. I give him a weekly allowance and he seems happy with that. When we were first married he wanted to have sex much more than I did. At first, I accepted the idea that something was wrong with my sex drive. As I took control of the household though, I started to see that it was his problem. We have now been married for ten years and my husband knows that, if he has been good to me, he will be able to have intercourse four times each year. That seems more than enough to me. My only wish is that I could find a way to stop him from "abusing" himself. Heather MorganJun 04 2004 11:00am Well done Ms. Morgan! A female who knows women are superior, controls the men in her life and isn't afraid to proclaim her position of authority. You are a model for the women of today! SamJun 05 2004 7:37am So true!!! It's great when women today show their confidence and proudly boast of their superiority over the inferior male gender. A woman shouldn't have to tip toe around fragile male egos as women once did in past generations. Today women move about and do what they are best at, and should a woman destroy some males ego because she "bested" him it's not her problem. L. TillmanJun 05 2004 9:32am I looked at the site and placed an order. I think it will do nicely. Heather MorganJun 06 2004 8:22am Are Women Taking Over Society? Looks like a done deal to me. I can't believe there are still people who have not figured this out. AnonymousJun 06 2004 8:55am The thing about skirts gets me. Not long ago the New York Times had a big feature on men's skirts. They had a man walk around New York wearing a skirt and made note of what people said. Many men mocked him and a surprising number of women gave him a thumbs up. That attitude of "way to go, nice skirt" is just the beginning. Someday, most men will wear skirts most of the time and most women will wear pants most of the time. The skirts will get shorter and the shoes will getter taller. Right now women wear high heels to create the optical illusion of a longer and therefore more attractive legs. Such shoes also, by the way, require a shorter stride and more deliberate movement. Place two people side by side. One is wearing a short skirt (that has to be worn carefully to avoid exposing oneself) and high heeled shoes, the other is wearing pants and flat shoes. Common sense would say that the one in the comfortable clothes has the most authority (this is why maids uniforms are made to be uncomfortable--the discomfort is meant to remind the wearer of a subordinate status. We are accustomed to seeing the male in pants and flat shoes but that could easily change when women control society even more fully than they do now. Our society now divides clothes by gender look for that to change in the years ahead. Well, men how do your legs look in a short skirt? Still Wears PantsJun 06 2004 9:32am I disagree, many women like to wear skirts, and they look good in them. Men do not look good in skirts, so why would society want to force an unpleasurable image on all of us? And skirts don't give up power, people do. If a woman is in a position of authority and has the personality to boot, she could wear a clown suit and still be powerful. If anything skirts create more power by showing men a little bit of what they can't have. AnonymousJun 06 2004 11:03am Cut the fetish crap. It's removed from the real world, just a fantasy "side life". What matters is what happens in the home, the community, and business. Women won't do what it takes to wrest power from men. The knowledge of copulins has been out for four years now and male-dominated society has successfully kept women from knowing about them. Good. ShockoJun 07 2004 8:25am Yeah, I agree, this "slaveboy" & "woman with a whip" nonsense is ridiculous--a fantasy created by men, with no basis in reality. Women want to wear comfortable clothing, just like you and me. Black leather and spiked heels are goofy, uncomfortable and expensive. If women DO act like this, then they are catering to a male's need, and are thus serving the male. Look at the logic. She has to squirm into some ridiculous outfit, waste her time whipping his butt, schedule time for the butt whoopin'...etc. This is a woman providing a service, no different than a shining shoes, cooking a meal, doing laundry, whatever. The man wants it, the woman gives. This is not female dominance. HHJun 07 2004 12:07pm A woman who is truly in charge doesn't need to use retarded devices like male chastity belts. AnonymousJun 07 2004 12:09pm Men in skirts Ugly Ugly Ugly AnonymousJun 07 2004 7:37pm The greatest advantage women have over men is the fact so many of them are in denial of female superiority. AnonymousJun 07 2004 8:49pm Why waste time denying something that doesn't exist? BillJun 08 2004 12:25am How would that be an advantage, anonymoous? Explain your point. Also, I don't think most women think they are superior, and secretly know that men still run the show. You are living in a fantasy world. HHJun 08 2004 7:37am When men ruled they used "retarded devices" like corsets to help maintain their control over women. Women no doubt will do what is necessary to protect themselves as well. FGJun 08 2004 7:54am I am a White Man! White ManJun 08 2004 11:37am Any women here want to slap a chastity device on their partner? Echo. Echo.... I think it's really just those submissive men who want the C-Belt, and they fantasize that women would want this. Wake up, see reality. HHJun 08 2004 2:17pm You are right HH. My wife doesn't like to put the C-Belt on me, it makes me impotent. Instead, she puts a constrictor strap around my penis and teasticles and I can wear it all day with no discomfort. It's the dog leash that my wife puts around my neck that is more uncomfortable. Joe McKenzieJun 08 2004 6:41pm "Teasticles?" Whats that Joe Mac? AnonymousJun 08 2004 9:59pm Joe thats more information than I ever wanted to know, thank you. BillJun 08 2004 11:42pm I am a White Man! Is no one listening? Does no one care? White ManJun 09 2004 8:47am C-belts are for women everybody knows that... AnonymousJun 09 2004 4:54pm C-belts are for white men. AnonymousJun 09 2004 10:00pm In our high school, the girls dominate everything! We are smarter and more disclipined. Girls win almost all the awards and the student government is all girls. We are superior, and the guys know it. They don't like to admit it, but when you talk to them away from other guys, they admit they are the weaker sex. We had a discussion in class about this, and a few guys tried to argue, but they lost big time. We girls just hammered em. On a show of hands, even the guys admitted the girls won. These polls are interesting, and I think that guys tend to answer them more truthfully since there are no other guys around. And the guys are admitting that women are superior. My boyfriend admits it, maybe because I beat him at everything. I love men, but I also love the power of being a girl. I just see women taking control everywhere, and maybe that is just the natural way! GIRL POWER! I think we will be in complete control in less than twenty years. LizJun 09 2004 10:56pm The voice of the future has spoken. AnonymousJun 10 2004 11:35am You should read the book Powerchicks:How Women Will Dominate America by Matt Towrey. It discusses how women are poised to become the dominant social, political, and economic forces of the next century. HannahJun 14 2004 8:18pm Next century? You mean the year 2101? It's a long time away.... AnonymousJun 14 2004 9:06pm I think the BOOK meant the next century, meaning NOW. JimJun 15 2004 5:18am I work for a powerchick. She knows that I have to make her happy or I am out of a job. I am very eager to please her and go out of my way to be nice to her. It is not so bad, she is a good boss, better than the last one-- who happened to be a man. Sooner or later she will be promoted up the ladder. GeorgeJun 18 2004 9:49am My boss is a young woman, and she makes a point of reminding me that I am her subordinate. In a subtle way, it is as if she is rubbing it that she has passed me up and become by boss, even though I am a man who is older and more experienced. I think women are taking over for sure. Seems to me they have come a long way already. StevenJun 18 2004 7:34pm Women get things done. I don't knoe any women who aren't able to succeed where men fail. I can't say that the opposite is true. It seems that women are just better able to complete several tasks at a time. Men are more focused on one job. As a result, women are moving up, because they are able to multitask. If a woman and a man can do a task equally well, the woman can do several tasks simultaneously and still do each one as good as a man working at one thing at a time. It is women's ability to multitask that has allowed them to replace men in any task they chose to do. The only areas that women aren't better than men is the things that they don't chose to do - or the things they are restricted from because of male stubbornness. antonJun 19 2004 11:14am I have the same situation as Steven, my boss is a woman who seems to get off on putting men in their places. She sits there like a queen bee and micromanages me constantly. Whenever she gives me instructions, she insists on a verbal response of "yes, I understand". It is humiliating to have a woman several years my junior talking down to me as if I were a child, knowing she has the authority to turn my life upside-down if I don't stand there and take it. She knows it gets under my skin and there's nothing I can do about it. To me, this is more frustrating than a male boss who yells all the time. RobJun 19 2004 2:13pm If women aren't taking over society, they should. It's time that men be put in their proper place as women's inferiors. Men have made a mess of the world. Anyone can see that the biggest danger to the future of the world is the male hegemony. Those who argue that women will behave just like men if they take over are just plain stupid. Women and men are very different, and the way they use power reflects those differences. Women have proved to be more organized, more insightful, more accountable for their actions and better able to think long term than men. If you find it humiliating to work for a woman, you need to check your ego. Just because she may be younger doesn't mean she isn't superior to you. Women are getting smarter and stronger every year, so get used to being outclassed by them. And practice saying "yes, i understand" man-agerJun 21 2004 12:51pm Yes I understand... leads to Yes Mam and No Mam... which leads to the humiliation of being subordinate to younger women at work and in society. The New York Times had an article about how young married men are "treated by trainees" by their wives who "dress like eskimos" and although they did not put this way in the paper-- feel completely at ease denying sex to men who fail to satisfy their demands. Once you go over the ledge it is a long long way down. husbandJun 21 2004 1:42pm Better practice kneeling while you say Yes Mam, I understand.... Won't be long until that will be considered simple good manners. Woman-agerJun 21 2004 5:21pm Women are going to dress how they like and that DOES NOT include skimpy revealing outfits. Now, on the other hand, when do we get to see the male equivalent of the tutu? JMTJun 21 2004 5:23pm Make no mistake about it, Yes I understand is the same thing as Yes Ma'am. And you are right, you have to swallow your pride and take it because on a whim she could destroy your career. In today's workplace, one of the worst red flags to have on one's employment record is problems dealing with female autority figures. Even the allegation of discrimination or harrassment can be fatal to a man's reputation, especially with all the political correctness of the times. Women already have a grip on power, it is just going to intensify. Concerned maleJun 21 2004 11:31pm Feminism taught me 30 years ago that not only had women gotten a raw deal from men, we were morally superior to them. And all this time, men were fooled into thinking that feminism was about equality! JenniferJun 21 2004 11:53pm my friend was called into his office were he works,by the head of personal and his senior manager(both young but determined women by what he tells me),to be disiplined for to much time of work.half way into the telling of both women started to laugh,and make fun out of men in general,right in front of him,the manager saying how useless men are,and how she wished women were charge of all they did,of course my mate was shocked,and told me how he feels this is how women are going,and what the work place may well be like.I am very concerned,that women will want to really rub are noses into the ground,as they take power,and change laws to help there sisters,at the expense of men. paulJun 22 2004 7:45am But what can we as men do about it,check the internet,and witness the huge rise of femdom,type sites.We are i think in a complete world wide role reversal made by many different social and economical reasons.Women are now on the same level playing field as men,and are destoying us,this week i had to laugh,at a new claim that having degrees is not so important as before,of course the claim was made by a man.in todays daily mail,there was a story of how women are dominating in medical schools,and will soon be nearly all the doctors in the future,get ready men we are about to be go the way of the dodo,and as i am only 22 i will i believe witness the full impact of all this. FrankJun 22 2004 7:54am Keep your eyes open, because you are seeing it now, not later. The changes seem gradual and subtle, but the overall effect is sudden in the timeline of history. DellJun 22 2004 10:56pm Ice melts slowly but sooner or later it gets too thin to wlak on and then, wooosh through you go. It can be impossible to climb out again. AnonymousJun 23 2004 9:50am Men are going to have to master the behaviors that women used to use to signal submissiveness. I just finished a course on nonverbal commmunication and learned some interesting things. When the boss pats an employee on the back, the employee's toes will invariably pigeon-toe inward--a classic sign of submission--and the boss will toe out, a sign of dominance. By contrast, people in submissive roles will tend to crouch slightly and display self-protective stances. They may fold their arms or hug themselves, cross their legs or reach up and touch their throats. People with a more dominant attitude will use more-expansive gestures, spreading the arms and legs, creating an air of openness.Women are mastering these types of dominant gestures and, as they gain power they will begin to reward men who adopt submissive body gestures. XXJun 23 2004 9:58am If you watch how women walk you will see that more and more of them hold themselves with their buttocks tightnened and this tilts their pelvis down and forward. This results in the thrusting the genital area forward, a sign of dominance. I don't really see this yet but I predict that men will begin to do the opposite, drawing back the genital area, tilting the buttocks rearward. The first posture encourages a swagger (whcich we used to think of a a male trait), while the latter forces people to take mincing steps. AnonymousJun 23 2004 10:09am John Wayne would never put up with all this... A Real ManJun 23 2004 11:35am Girls' education gives them some undeniable advantages when competing in a dominantly male group or company: better communication skills, better empathy with colleagues and clients and most importantly, better cooperation and better understanding of work mates. Women also have a body, a way of expressing their femininity that when used effectively can bring out the submissiveness in men. AnonymousJun 23 2004 11:50am I think Anonymous is thinking way too much with his or her genital area and should probably get out more. RandyJun 23 2004 12:21pm Frank, just because you are ready for extinction and are not willing to stand up for yourself, don't lump us all in the same way. As far as the dodo being extinct, that is not true at all. By reading a lot of these posts, I believe the dodo is alive and well. RandyJun 23 2004 12:23pm The problem with that advice is that standing up for yourself is not going to prevent women from taking over, and in the long run will be harmful to the male population. One can't just decide he will suddenly prevent a widespread social revolution which is well under way and gaining momentum all the time. The idea that you can "stand up for yourself" to prevent women from gaining power is futile and pathetic, but cute. RhondaJun 23 2004 8:39pm Randy is not your real name....Reveal yourself, or be silent! Melanie JonesJun 23 2004 8:49pm We are taking over and a lot of males are enjoying the taste of liberty. I am boss at ome and work. My husband is my slave and has been involved in many areas under my supervision. I have taught him how to concentrate and he gets more done in less time, giving him time to be a better househusband / slave and father. Yes, sex has played a big part because I learned early on in our relationship that he adored cunnilingus. I used it to my benefit, but, I could have ruled him without the sex. He has always been eager to please. ChristianaJun 23 2004 10:38pm The thing that is frustrating for males in the modern world is that brute physical strength is no longer a symbol of power, as it has been replaced by feninine qualities. Today's world is designed in such a way that women are naturally better equipped to be in power. SalJun 24 2004 10:51am Liz, your boyfriend is so lucky, I hope he realizes it. AnonymousJun 26 2004 2:04pm What do you women and boys feel about the man taking hte woman's surname in marriage? It has begun to happen more and more. I even know several coupes that are Ms. and Mr. (Her First Name) (Her Last Name) in the most official way. It certainly helps identify who heads the household, who is subordinate in the relationship, and is a perfect example of things to come. Get used to it, boys! johnnyJun 26 2004 7:49pm I think it goes right along with changing the wedding vows to state that men should honor and obey their wife. AdamJun 26 2004 8:23pm Great idea. Why doesn't someone make up a new poll about this (taking her last name)? anonJun 27 2004 7:07pm Maternal names used in marriage makes sense. You always know who the mother is, but do you know who fathered the child really??? AnonymousJun 28 2004 10:28am I already know that the man I am going to marry will do what I say. He is neat, likes to cook and does not bother me about sex. He likes it when I boss him around in public and I like it because it makes my friends jealous. I cannot believe that I had never thought of making him take my name after we are married. I love it! Ms. MiddletonJun 29 2004 1:19pm In the future fellatio will be regarded as an ancient and disgusting practice while cunnilingus is promoted above intercourse. There once was an empress of ancient China who made visiting dignitaries perform this duty for her as a sign of respect and submissiveness. I think that she had something there. AnonymousJun 29 2004 1:27pm I prefer this bumper sticker: "Cowboy foreplay: Get in the truck bitch." A Real ManJun 29 2004 1:36pm Me Cowboy You Jane GeorgeJun 29 2004 2:02pm Women should be encouraged to take control of their personal relationships in some very practical ways starting with their speaking their minds and getting control of their family finances. From these foundations they can attain their rightful position as the head of their household or whatever objective she might have. One of the first issues we have to confront in our seminars is that so many women don't realize their own natural superiority. They have some innate desire to belittle themselves and to defer to men. Sometimes it is a real struggle to get them to think differently but I guess this is what your get when you've had thousands of years of patriarchy. Women love the idea of Matriarchy but have to realize that most men aren't going to just hand it to them; they have to work for it and `Take Control!'. Women have to realize that they are ALL beautiful and superior to men intellectually, morally, and in terms of their feminine values and demeanors. HannahJun 29 2004 8:09pm Hey Baby What's Your Sign? CowboyJun 30 2004 5:18am Dear Ms. Hannah - What are these conference you hold for women to explore matriarchy? You should include men who serve you women during hte meeting. It would prove to the women that many men are ready for their new and more servile role, and, would allow the women to explore being the boss and head. Please tell more. HouseboyJun 30 2004 6:09am Houseboy, you are pathetic. You can still promote matriarchy without sniveling and begging. I just can't fathom your behavior being attractive to any woman HHJun 30 2004 7:36am Of course, I am sorry that it displeases you that some men would choose to be servile. I thank the powerful women in my life who have demanded that I become a better person. I work a demanding job, do it well, and have learned to have extra energy to serve the women in my life. It is difficult at times, but, it must be done. I still think women need role models. There should be women in positions of authority over men, and women should witness the men in more servile positions. That does not mean that women have to be brutal and abusive towards men. In fact, that abhors most women who might choose to take a more dominant role in a relationship. If people have never seen a woman in control and a man who is subordinate, things will move slowly toward matriarchy. If a younjg boy and girl have only had a male principal at school, they expect all principals to be male. If they had grown up with a female principal for six years, they would think that only women could be principals because that wwas their experience. It seems to me that new have a new order, people need to work together. Sorry you do not concur. HouseboyJun 30 2004 8:14am People need to see men behaving submissively toward Women because it helps erase the terrible history of Women behaving submissively toward men. The men of today have a great challenge that the men of tomorrow will not have to face. They were in many ways raised in a patriarchal society and conditioned to expect male dominance. Now that matriarchy is becoming a reality, they will have to demonstrate their loyalty to the new order by giving up any idea of superiority over women. This will be difficult for many. Houseboy is more advanced than HH. HH wants to have his cake and eat it to. Guess what, the emerging matriarchy will make submissiveness, non-aggression, gentleness and devotion to the feminine the traits on which all men will be measured. In this way, Houseboy will be seen as a good man and role model. Recently there were a bunch of TV ads promoting a body hair removal device for men. At the end of every ad was a man (who had just removed his body hair) being looked at approvingly by a woman. DavidJun 30 2004 10:24am The topic is "are women taking over society" the answer is yes first because the woman is the complete (genetically speaking) version of the human. The male does not even have a complete set of chromosomes. Second, modern society places a premium on the skills that women have the most of. They will lead in politics, industry and society--- everything but Olympic weightlifting. Finally, everyday tons of estrogens and estrogen like compounds are dumped into the soil air and water. Men are already being affected by these compounds. The average middle aged male has nearly as much estrogen in the blood stream as a middle aged woman. AnonymousJun 30 2004 11:09am David, thank you for your kind support and for taking a positive stand about being subordinate and submissive to women. While I would not choose to judge any one, the relationships that i have had with powerful women have placed me in a submissive role that I have enjoyed. I have found them very nurturing. I have never been abused, beaten, or battered. I have been humbled by the power women have that has not been allowed to be used in society; I am glad to see women taking over, holding positions of power and having men work for them. While my wife and I practice great discretion, something we sometimes resent because we would like to proclaim her leadership more openly. However, some young men have seen my behavior around my wife. One young man stopped by my office to speak with me. We went for coffee. He is an English major in his second and final year of graduate school. His fiancee graduated this spring with an undergraduate degree and has landed a job that will pay more than he ever imagined. While he is not lazy, he sees himself taking care of the home as her househusband, supporting her career, and doing some creative writing. Both are happy with this idea. He has even thought that he should take her last name so her career is not compromised in any fashion. Except for greeting her at the door on his knees and kissing her feet in welcome, there is very little that is too kinky in their sex life, and, I told him I do the same for my wife. She deserves the respect and honor of seeing me grovel before her as i welcome her home. (The oral sex I get to perform on her is not bad either.) What can be kinky about that? HouseboyJul 01 2004 5:22am Don't get me wrong! I very much support female dominance, and agree that women are superior. I just don't approve of this slave/mistress thing that's so popular now. It turns the whole idea into a sicko show. HHJul 01 2004 11:04am How is it sick that a man shows respect for a Superior Woman by serving her, and giving her the greatest defference? As I said, my relationships have not had BDSM as a segment, but, that has not kept me from serving my wife and other selected women as their slave. While it is each to their own, I see nothing wrong in the servile treatemnt to women, and, that includes doing it Her way at all times so I can learn to be better. By the way, there is a new poll. Type in "Is it itme" into the serach. It is about the man taking the woman's surname in marriage. AnonymousJul 02 2004 7:09am If you choose to serve a woman, then you are not a slave. Slavery is not by your consent. You just like the word because it makes you hard. AnonymousJul 02 2004 10:10am If you are a prisoner of your own desires, you are a slave nonetheless. She is taking advantage of your weakness. PeterJul 02 2004 10:35am MANY women are taking advantage of male weaknesses as well as enjoying, even bragging about their gender superiority. The fact this gets men hard just reinforces women's power. Better get used to it because I see a trend here and until a new word is formed, slavery is the best fit. The word "husband" will likely stay but slave will be implied and understood by all. JTTGJul 02 2004 10:56am If you want to find the new poll, you have to search for it just as it was given above, misspelled. Search for: "Is it itme" anonJul 02 2004 12:37pm The thing that excites men with submissive tendencies (I should know because I have such tendencies) is the idea that Women might sometime have authority over men that is so complete that it becomes a way of life. I am married and I am submissive to my wife. We hide her powr over me most of the time but both enjoy it when others get a peek into the nature of our relationship. Recently we were out to lunch and our table was being waited on by an attractive young woman. My wife ordered first for herself and then for me. The server started to ask what I wanted to drink and my wife jumped in and told her what to bring me. I said nothing. For the rest of the meal, the waitress was chatty and very pleasant to my wife and paid no attention to me. My wife said that in the past many women have been humiliated in just that way and that it was good for me to learn about how it felt. This exchange had nothing to do with sex or kinkiness. It involved a young woman seeing that it was possible for a mature married woman to have full control over a man. On the other hand, I knew that if I tried to assert classical male authority, my wife would have made things very unpleasant for me afterward. My point is that the closer the world comes to full time ordinary day to day female dominance the less opportunity submissive men will have to rebel. The less opporunity there is to rebel, the less guilty submissive men have to feel about wanting to live under the authority of a woman. The "slave" word is attractive because it implies a lack of choice and thus relieves men of guilt over not being macho. AnonymousJul 03 2004 8:19am Well put. KenJul 03 2004 11:07pm Women are certainly taking over society and demanding more of us men than ever before. Here is one example; this would not have happened ten years ago. My son is in high school and dates a young woman who turned "sweet 16" this year. For her party, she decided to have a very formal English Tea and asked my son, her father, and me to be the English butlers and serve her friends. She had about six close friends (classmates of my son also), their mothers and a couple of female relatives for the party. She wanted us to serve in our Fred Astaire outfits from a dance recital we had performed in to support the women's dance team at school. The day of the event, we went to the young woman's house to clean and prepare for the party. While some of the food was prepared by the bakery, we even had to assemble the finger sandwiches and bake the mini scones. When it came time to get dressed for the party, we were relegated to the basement "dorm" bedroom instead of the family bedroom on the second floor because the Mistress' and young woman's bedrooms were used for the guests to freshen up and the women wanted a true "upstairs - downstairs" feeling to the party. We showered and got dressed, noting that our outfits had been dry cleaned and set out for us. For underwear, we had "formal" g strings and string bikinis to wear. My son informed us that we might dance for them, do a strip tease when the other guests were gone and finish the experience as their nude butlers. My son answered the door for all the guests. If they were the young friends, he took them into the parlor and introduced them to the guest of honor. If they were the older relatives, the father escorted them into the parlorf and introdueced them. I only had to escort and introduece my wife. At 4:30, we escorted the women to the tea tables and began serving the tea. At first, it was very busy as we had to serve the tea plates with the tea, but, things settled down after that. We were instructed to stand off to the side of the room with our eyes cast down on the floor. The hostesses would ring a bell to summon us to their service and instruct us for the next course. The courses were the tea sandwiches, the fresh fruit with scones, and the third course was the birthday cake and cookies. ALL the women were as bossy as could be and it seemed that they downed their tea so they could order us to pour more for the, always remembering to say, "Thank you, Ma'am. It is a pleasure to serve you." By 5:50, the guests were on their way home and we men had to clean up. As we were washing the dishes int he kitchen, we heard the bells ring again. We took of our aprons, put on our coats again, and presented ourselves to our women int he living room. The only women were the birthday girl, her mother, and my wife. They wanted to have some more tea as they relaxed and wated a video of a male strip show the birthday girl had received from one of her aunts. We could serve the tea and prepare to do ur dance for the women afterwards. We did just that. We served the tea and did our little improvised strip tease for our women. When we were down to our formal g strings, the music stopped. I thought that would be the end, but, I was wrong. The women came up to us. The birthday girl removed my son's g string, grabbed him by his c*cka nd led him to be presented to my wife and her mother. Her mother did the same to her husband. Finally, my wife removed my g string, grabbed me by the c*cka dn led me to the birthday girl and her mother. "Can you bos say 'cunnilingus'?" We were led to separated rooms. I cannot speak for the others, but, I spent a good hour performing oral sex on my wife. My son said he did the same as a birthday gift to his girldfriend; it was the gift she asked for in addition to his serving as her butler. There are no more birthdays for a long time, but, the women have decided they enjoyed the tea party and want to repeat it quite often. My son tells me that he has gained quite a reputation on his campus as a butler / slave and expert in the art and science of cunnilingus. i DO NOT THINK WOMEN WOULD HAVE FELT SO EMPOWERED TEN YEARS AGO TO ASK FOR SUCH A PARTY. AM I WRONG? DO WOMEN REALLY SHARE THOSE MOST INTIMATE DETAILS BECAUSE THE PARTY WAS VERY CLASSY UNTIL THE STRIP TEASE AND ORAL SEX SESSION. WILL THIS BE AN EXPECTATION FROM WOMEN TO THEIR MEN IN THE FUTURE, REPLACING THE FOOTBALL PARTY FOR MEN, A THING I HAVENOT ATTENDED IN OVER THREE YEARS. Thom (writer), Theos (son), and Paul (birthday girl's father)Jul 06 2004 6:03am "The "slave" word is attractive because it implies a lack of choice and thus relieves men of guilt over not being macho." This is the smartest thing I've heard said from a submissive man here. Thanks. HHJul 06 2004 8:25am Thom, Theos and Paul: Of course women feel empowered when guys just give in to them like that. Women won't come to expect things like that if you remember your manhood and put them in their place! It should have been the other way around, slave girls serving their men. If you want a football party, go to one. There's no way a man has to let a mere female pull him around by his dick - show her what it's properly for! But if you want to just give in to what the girls want, then you're making a deliberate choice to give up your dignity and manhood. And then of course women feel confident and like they can tell you what to do. ChrisJul 08 2004 9:19pm It was our cice, and, I think we all loved it. Yes, I felt powerless and the women felt very empowered, but, that is becoming the new way of things! ThomJul 08 2004 10:55pm And, I really do not miss the football parties any longer. My son and I exist for the plelaure and advancement of our WOMEN. We are ready for our part in the coming matriarchy. Will you be ready? ThomJul 09 2004 6:12am This is truly a thought provoking question. I do think women are taking over society, but, I also feel there is room for us men if we share power. If we share now, we may get to share when the women are truly in control of every thing. But then again, is it truly coming. Both political parties will have a male president and vice president, and, fewer women are really in power. Then again, the wages women are earning keeps rising and many wives outearn their husbands. It is all too confusing. However, I welcome to coming matriarchy. Sgt. BluffJul 12 2004 4:37pm So Thom (Theo and Paul) your biologically adult son was grabbed by his dick and presented to his own mother was he? That's a pretty f*cked up fantasy. You should find a shrink. And FAST! iskoJul 14 2004 7:42pm It was not incestuous; it was a rite of passge. No harm was done to any ofus. What can be that wrong? All three of us enjoy being ruled by the women in our lives. Get over your hangups and get your mind out of the gutter. ThomJul 15 2004 11:00am Women are smarter and they need to be in control. It does not mean that men can do nothing; it means that we must be guided for our own good and the good of society. A lot of writers have been telling us about the superiority of women for centuries. We just chose to ignore it as long as possible. That is not an option any longer. MartinJul 19 2004 2:53pm So, it is not just me who worries that in our attempts to bring equality to all we may overdo it and create a female dominated society. BillAug 14 2004 10:59pm Women are more flexible in the workplace. Women are less inhibited about doing a man's job than a man is about doing a woman's job. This gives women a big advantage. PeterAug 15 2004 11:53am Creating a female dominated society is not overdoing it at all. They're more intelligent than we are in most areas so it is in everyones best interest that women be in control. I'm not talking about slavery and whips I'm just saying that guys should try to find a woman who can help guide them and we shouldn't try to compete with them in the work place. a guyAug 19 2004 9:10am "a guy" is very bright and has good insights. It is a male fantasy that we would turn our men into slaves. Although, I am beginning to find the idea very appealing because it would be great to return from work and be catered to in all areas of domestic servitude and sexual pleasure. If I have the greater ambition, is it wrong for a man to be submissive to me and serve me, letting me run things. I do not think it is wrong. It could be very right. Thank you, "a guy". What are you doing this evening? AnonymousAug 20 2004 12:14pm If any man talks that way about making women slaves, he'd be called a sexist bigot. So why is it right to talk about men that way? AnonymousAug 21 2004 9:45am If only meeting you was realistic but we probably live a 5 hour flight from one another and we'd probably realize we're not compatible in any event. I'd love to meet a woman confident enough to want her man to play a supporting role for her. It could be very right indeed! I'm tempted to toss out an email address fully expecting to get 500 from guys criticizing me and none from you. a guyAug 22 2004 9:50am I think people generally & fundamentally recognize that the human race is on the wrong course & dramatic change is called for...the strongest arguement for female dominace. I recognized years ago how right it feels to surrender to women. SteveAug 26 2004 7:06am To "guy" and Steve, Yousound like wonderful men and it would be a pleasure to meet you. I think society is going in the wrong direction. How wrong could it be for a woman to take the lead? I think things might improve. And, men could cater to us and relieve some of the stress they have had for centuries. A period of time where men took the servant role to women might not be bad at all for lots of reasons. AnonymousAug 27 2004 7:15am It's wrong for women to take the lead if it leads to the denigration of men and depriving them of dignity and freedoms. If it was wrong to treat women that way, it's wrong to treat men that way. AnonymousAug 27 2004 9:39am No, it is perectly fine for women to take the lead if everyone has a say. A weaker man might benefit from the leadership of a strong woman. And, a weaker woman might benefit from the direction of a strong man. Let it be as it should be. Do not hold women down because of prejudice. They could lead and direct, sometimes (probably more often) better than men. AnonymousSep 01 2004 9:33am My wife over the years has gradually transformed our domestic situation into a female dominate relationship. Yes it is a form of romantic play for me, but it can also be used to her advantage at her convenience. Sometimes I notice her attitude of dominance over me overlaps into other parts of our lives. I can't really bring myself to complain because it just adds to the excitement of our romantic play. So she just continues wearing me out until I'm exhausted. She encourages romance as a reward if she is pleased; at other times she reminds me I need to be lot more interested in pleasing her than in my having fun. This isn't the typical dominance/submissive relationship; rather, it is a display of love and trust. It is a much needed check and balance on a man's behavior within a committed marriage. Who know what kind of mess my life would be without her guidance?. TonySep 08 2004 9:42pm Tony, you sound like a gem. You understand so much; any woman would enjoy being with you, dominating you, and making life easier and more fun for both her and you. Female dominance does not have to mean being beaten and chatised. It can be making the man aware of his proper role in the family and with his wife. I love bossing my husband around; he is a big bruise who gladly accepts his pussywhipped status with me. It is a wonderful life, and, I have had the opportunity to explore so many more areas because he was submissive to me! I am sure your wife feels the same. And, the sex can be great for both of us! AnonymousSep 10 2004 3:36pm The fact is, women have better judgement because they are more mature and intelligent. Anything a man does in life which gets him in trouble would be eliminated if his spouse were shown the appropriate respect. Being married to an assertive woman is true freedom. TonySep 10 2004 10:38pm Tony, Thank you again for your posting on this site. From the very beginning of our relationship and eventual marriage, I outearned my husband, and the disparity between our incomes was great. I have been offered three career moves during my work life and have taken all three. Because my husband had no choice in the matter because of the economics involved, I was able to allow him to be a househusband, a position he gladly accepted. However, he was a true star athlete in college and could have gone professional if he had not been injured. Having him at home truly freed me up to pursue my career. During the time we have been married, I only do what little housework I choose to do to help my husband out; it is a way to have some quality time away from the job demands and the demands of the children. I love our children, but, they can be doing their homework while my husband and i do the dishes. We can talk. With my husband home, our sex life has never suffered, and, he is one of the most virile submissives ever. His oral sex on me is the most wonderful and lengthy, and, I love riding him when we have intercourse. If both of us worked, he might not have the stamina to keep me happy in bed. Because he was a star athlete, his friends tease him about being pussywhipped all the time. However, his response is wonderful. "Yes, I am very pussywhipped, but, my wife makes more than you!" Do you feel pussywhipped by your wife? Would you be willing to share a little of your experience? Men need to hear these stories. There are so many benefits for them and for the wife. I think the matriarchy is coming, and, as many men are in favor of it as women! AnonymousSep 11 2004 6:41am Early in our relationship we used to argue and fight frequently, but we had a great sex life. She found out I enjoyed being dominated durring romantic play, and it became a regular thing for me to be her slave in roleplaying. Yet we still had lots of fights. Then one day in the heat of an argument, she suddenly told me to be a good boy and show her some respect. This shocked me, because she never spoke to me like that except when we were in a romantic episode. As mad as I was because of our argument, I couldn't ignore the fact that this really turned me on. All of a sudden my anger was gone and I was focused on my desire to please her. She has learned that she can keep me wrapped around her little finger because there is a part of me that can't resist her dominance. We never fight anymore. TonySep 12 2004 12:07am As a male, I have fought against it for years, but have come to accept the superiority of women. My wife earns more than me, is better educated, and pretty much does everything better. I am still stronger, but even there it is not by much. The thing is, I see this over and over again. At my work, the women are taking over. The colleges have far more females than males. Men will be around for a long time, but the women are taking over because they are just naturally superior. MikeSep 14 2004 9:03am Mike and Tony - You both sound wonderful. It is good to hear that some men know their proper place. If you take the time to actively support your wife, she may truly succeed. Tell more. If your wife earns more than you do, could you quit work and support her career. She might be able to go even further. And yes, I am also seeing more women in college, taking their studies far more seriously. We may raise a generation of men who truly know how to be truly submissive. On your knees and worship us. Get good at oral sx. Have anyof you read SHE COMES FIRST? You better obtain a copy and learn! AnonymousSep 14 2004 6:57pm You women are kicking our asses in the battle of the sexes these day's. It seems to me that women are the better, smarter and stronger sex. To tell you the truth, I find it very frustating. I do not mind you being superior, I just wish us men were not so inferior. Would you women still accept equality? We will sign on the dotted line. You win ok? dennisSep 15 2004 7:27pm I wish a document was ready to be signed. Actually, have never felt that men were equal to me; I am superior. While I would enjoy have the slave services of a lot of males, I also love men. As long as you know your place, I would love to work next to you and experience you. Just remember that I am the boss!!! AnonymousSep 16 2004 7:23pm I wish a document was ready to be signed. Actually, have never felt that men were equal to me; I am superior. While I would enjoy have the slave services of a lot of males, I also love men. As long as you know your place, I would love to work next to you and experience you. Just remember that I am the boss!!! AnonymousSep 16 2004 7:24pm Well boys, it seems like the WOMEN are truly taking over. We better prepare for a new life since i am not sure the women will treat us too kindly since there have been generations of wrongs done to them. We may have to find contentment in having HER dinner ready and warm when SHE walks throught eh door after a hard day at the office where SHE makes all the decisions. AnonymousSep 19 2004 7:53pm Who are the people posting here, mostly kids it seems, certainly not thinkers. On top of falling into the usual group thinking fallacy (groupism), the idea that women should rule the world holds no water. Not even if we accept the very uncertain premise that women in general are intellectually superior to men. Here is a cuople of reasons why: 1) democracy 2) the fallacy of group thinking 3) and most importantly, even if women are superior on *average*, this does not mean women that as a group they can better provide the few individuals it takes to lead the world. This is true because the distribution of men is more extreme than the distribution of women; we have more stupid men than stupid women, but also more men in the very small fraction/fractile of extremely intelligent people. It is from this category we would want to recruit our leaders. Thank you very much and goodbye, ThinkerSep 23 2004 5:59am Hey Thinker, on top of those reasons, and I think more importantly you could put 'the naturalistic fallacy' that you cannot derive morals from the way the world is gfdgfdSep 24 2004 12:07pm Hey Thinker - We will take over and make you our slaveboy! Be careful! You mistreat us and we can react. It is time for women to take their rightful place as rulers for a time. On your knees, boy! AnonymousSep 24 2004 4:40pm Thinker didn't finish his extreme thought. It is possible he doesn't know the entire statistic or it is also possible that Thinker didn't think. Math geniuses Thinker, male math geniuses outnumber female math geniuses about 7:1. Beyond numbered equations however, females produce a far higher ratio of brilliance than do males. I can't argue that we produce a higher percentage of stupid males than females. On that point nobody disagrees. I might add that 'group thinking' is what legislates the western world. You seem to argue that one brain reigns supreme. It doesn't. One smart man will never outwit 2 or more intelligent women. Women are almost always right. You must be young if you don't know that. Women are almost always right and even when they concede a point to us men, they still make sure we recognize that we weren't completely correct. You'll learn and if you don't a female lawyer will put you in jail. a manSep 25 2004 6:34am And probably sentenced by a female judge. AnonymousSep 28 2004 5:39am Its true though is it not.Women have made such strides in the workplace.Already in 2004 they are a majority,in universitys and higher education,in terms of numbers and exam results.what will it be like in 10-20 years down the line.As people have already said,they are dominating medical,law and teaching schools.So i believe we will see a majority of females in these jobs,i fail to see how this can be denied.I myself do not care who leads or is in what job,as long as they are good at it.So if women are ,and i guess they will be in charge then what will be wrong with that.After centuarys of being denied any form of real power,i hope they will learn to enjoy it.By the way,my wife earns around ?19,000 more then me,and we have already said if we have kids i will be the one to stay at home,while she gets on with her carear. malSep 29 2004 3:50pm mal - Good for you. You should stay at home and be the househusband to your wife when you have children. Let her be the head of the family. You should consider it even if she does not make more money. It is the age of women, and, it is our turn to rule the roost. AnonymousSep 29 2004 8:09pm The point i am making though anonymous, is i would have little choice if it came to who was making the better living.I know plenty of my male friends who have wifes with better jobs,and who earn more then them.And add the fact that females are dominating education,and the types of jobs now seem better suited to women,then i believe we will see a massive rise in these types of marriages in the future, with women in control. malOct 01 2004 3:58pm mal -I am so glad that you are seeing these types of relationships where the WOMAN is in charge and the male is simply the servile spouse. I hope it happens more and more often. You may help set the standard. I am also interested in men who take their wife's surname in marriage. This is a great thing beause it shows the coming matriarchy for all its power. Go to: Is it itme for the man... and vote. There are some very interesting posts there also. AnonymousOct 05 2004 5:27pm Can you offer the proper address for is it time for the man site please. I'm being directed to something without polls or posts. AnonymousOct 08 2004 6:47am You can find the poll by going to the top of this page. Write in: "Is it itme for the man..." That should take you to the poll. Please misspell the word incorrectly so you arrive at the poll. Good luck! AnonymousOct 08 2004 1:31pm I didn't mispell time but now I did and still no luck. Nevertheless, I try again. Thanks. Maybe, since you can get there, you can print out the entire proper URL or whatever they're called. Anyway, I'm glad you answered. Thank you. AnonymousOct 08 2004 8:44pm Nope. Can't find it. AnonymousOct 08 2004 8:47pm Go to the top of these postings. There is another "white" area. Write in: Is it itme for the man... That should take you there. I hope you are a man who will gladly take the woman's surname in marriage. It is time for this to happen. Now vote for it!!!I am going to try to get there so I can make sure I have not led you astray! AnonymousOct 09 2004 2:07pm I was just at the question. Go to the top where it says search. Write: Is it itme for the man to take the woman's surname in marriage GOOD LUCK! AnonymousOct 09 2004 2:10pm O.K. people! I just attempted to get here by a google search and I had a lot of luck. Go to www.google.com and write in "Is it itme for the man to take the woman's surname in marriage" It worked for me. However, I did get a list of polls to choose from, this being one of them. Again, good luck and remember to vote in favor of women's rights to power. AnonymousOct 09 2004 2:14pm I don't see how any person on this planet could not see how women are taking over. I graduated from college three years ago, and am employed by that college as an admissions recruiter. There are five guys and seven women in our office and all the men report to female bosses. Only the music, art, drama, history, and sciences have male division heads. When the division heads meet with the woman academic dean, there are far more women heads, even though there are more male faculty members. We have a female athletic director and the male coaches fear her because she makes them toe the line better than any male athletic director ever did. You won't see us in any scandals. When my day at work is over, I report to my other female boss. My wife is a lawyer and she rules the roost. I LOVE IT!!! It is the way things should be! AnonymousOct 23 2004 8:47am It used to be that a gentleman would open a door for a lady to extend courtesy to the fairer sex. Now when he extends that courtesy, it is to stay on her good side because she is probably his boss. DaveNov 07 2004 9:42pm Dave That is a wonderful observation. I would love to be your boss, but, you would have to do a lot of extra things to keep me happy. Understand?- AnonymousNov 09 2004 12:56pm I think women have been slowly gaining control for a long time. The thing is, it didn't used to be as obvious as it is now. Women have a different attitude these days. They are more aggressive and confident. They are motivated to become educated and worldly. There are even groups of radical feminists who openly promote female supremacy. These kind of things were not very common 25 years ago. BrianNov 10 2004 11:04pm And, some of us do not hate men; we just want them servile and obedient. Your observations are very astute for a male. Would you like to be my slaveboy? AnonymousNov 12 2004 5:04pm Something else that wasn't common 25 years ago was a compliment that reads "...astute for a male." Women have moved so far ahead of men that they can get away with statements like that now. AnonymousNov 12 2004 8:54pm They not only get away with it, they are applauded and rewarded for it. AnonymousNov 13 2004 8:53pm All you boys deserve to work for a demanding woman boss because you have already accepted your proper place! I need some men like you! AnonymousNov 15 2004 4:34pm I think a lot of high school aged boys are very comfortable with women being in charge of almost every thing. That is why we will see a woman president soon. I hope she creates a slave class for young men who wish to serve women and a woman's career. It is about time the tables were turned! AnonymousNov 20 2004 4:54pm How do you guys greet the Breadwinner when she comes home at night? I would hope that you are completely naked and ready to serve her every need and desire. It is about time we had a Total Man. AnonymousNov 24 2004 5:01pm Why do you think high school boys would be comfortable with women in charge of things? When I was that age, that would have been considered a nightmare. RandyNov 24 2004 10:27pm The average grade 8 girl is academically equal to the average grade 11 male. It is not a nightmare Randy. Males never competed against females and now we are finding out why. The smart male will prove himself worthy to obey a smarter female. That's the future, that is, in fact, the present 1 smart maleNov 28 2004 2:05am Where is the evidence? RandyNov 29 2004 7:50pm Go to any high school and see who is in charge. There are more young women taking over the activities of school. He is still working on making it to state finals. Who will get the bigger By the way, she is also book smarter than he is. Perhaps he should begin to take cooking and domestic science classes so he can be her houseboy and make her career the most important in the family SHE will head. AnonymousDec 14 2004 1:05pm you are so right man, girls have won the education war,and with that will soon win the jobs war,give it another 10-20 years and we will see more women in areas of control and power then men.A degree is still the way to the top jobs,no matter what these so called experts say.And girls are getting them faster then boys. bobDec 14 2004 5:04pm God if randy wants evidence,then just check the internet,do a goggle search,and you will see.And i am not talking about fetish crap either.I have found dozens of storys of how girls have taking over in exam results,numbers at collage and universitys,even male teachers are becoming less each year.My kids infant school,has in fact 2 men working there,and the jnnior school next door has just 3 out of around 20.The head at both are female.And has any one seen just how many female doctors,tv reporters/presenters there seems to be now.Hell the western world is going female big big time. frankDec 14 2004 5:11pm I to agree with frank,and bob.I work in a office in a lower level role and having just come through higher education,i feel i can rightly comment on some things.Many of the men who disagree and will not have it what ever is pointed out to them,are i would say of the older generation.I will not try to change there minds,and they are obviously entitled to there opinions.But i still say they are very wrong in there comments. There is a huge change in the sexs occuring right now,and once the dust settles so to speak,i believe women will come out on top and as are next gens leaders.All my time spent in eucation changed my mind on just how better girls are now then boys.I done ok at school,but all the top marks and results went to girls.Like frank said,male teachers are becoming very rare,and some female teachers were so openly feminist it was quite a shock at first.Guess they cannot help to encourage girls to do better,but when all the boys are failing it must not be that hard.Boys of my age group 20s, have or are growing up,with girls thrashing us at school,and this is becoming the norm now.Also with the lack of male role models in there lifes,is it any wonder as to why girls are growing stronger now.No one can see into the future,but i just fail to see how highly confident,highly educated women will not take all the top jobs and power in the future,because believe me they are doing just that in education in every country in the world today. mikeDec 14 2004 5:28pm Mike is very correct. I can give another view from a 20 year old guy. At my high school, the girls won just about every academic award there was. Girls had ALL the top grades. Girls ran the student government. I am in college now, and there are so many more girls here than guys. And they are still getting much better grades. I don't know if they are just born smarter or what, but ever since I have been in school, the girls have kicked our butts. Most guys my age think girls are smarter than boys. And relationships? The girls dominate there too. My girlfriend is clearly the one who controls our relationship. Some guys call it PW, but there is no question she has that sexual power over me. To sum it up, I do feel inferior to girls. And everywhere I look, I see them taking over. I am not depressed about it, just telling it like it is. GuyJan 17 2005 5:33am Nice one guy.Glad to see a few men here that have seen just how it is going to go.How the hell could you fail to see it.Women have taking over education,and will get the better exam results,and this is likley to increase over time,till they are the clear majority,and us poor down trodden men will be were women once were say 30 years ago.They will then get all the top jobs,and will be the ones making all the laws and decisions.I am sure a few men will always get good jobs,but they will be massivly out numbered by a new female elite who will see most men as failures and useless.God knows what will happen then.We may see some of these femdom fantasys becoming real,or just a switch of today,should be a hell of a ride.But what ever happens now,women will rule,there are to many of them doing well at school,while boys are failing to hold back this rising and a bit frightening new power. deadlydougFeb 02 2005 4:17pm I agree to all the above.I am a law student at a uni in london,and out of the 40 students there are only 8 men.The teacher is also female,so who do you all think will be the new lawyers of tomorrow.And i tell you people one of the top students,a 18 yr old blonde who dresses to slay in designer suits,and her little group of friends,are so foward and confident of themselves it is scary sometimes.Also checking out a lot of data we recieve,it seems women are now the majority in law schools,and medical schools all over the uk.To late to change it now,better just try and ride it out,and do your best guys. jackFeb 02 2005 4:22pm What is also amazing, is just how sexy a female in power can be.We all know the female body,could stop a man in his tracks and when they dress well like above,then that is one hell of a combo.I to work in london,in a office and some of the women there are stunners,In the summer when they wear lighr skirts,and trousers,tops etc it is so hard to concentrate.I dont think the male body has the same effect on women,well at least not one they show any way.As the younger women take over the reigns of power,they will no doubt flaunt there bodys of,and we will view the powerful female form as one to really worship and see as superior. lee22Feb 02 2005 4:28pm Some comments seem a bit over the top, but in general I agree. The same phenomenon is taking place in corporate America. BarryFeb 03 2005 8:37pm You are quite right barry,i think some of the guys on this board think that this will all happen by this time next week.Dont get me wrong though i do believe it will occur,but not like some kind of dom fem and sub male fantasy world.It will just be because women in the west will and are getting better educated then men.Sure there will be some men who will do well always,and plenty of guys who set up there own businesses and become rich,but for the general mass of poorly educated males life will be very hard to take for them,if they hold out with the outdated view of the male as the superior sex.Young boys today might be ok though,as they come through a female dominated school system,to them growing up with female teachers with feminist views,and succesful girls beating them at school will be no doubt the norm.My sisters young kids go to a school,with get this NOT one male teacher out of about 15 staff.Only in the secondry school close by,are there a number of male teachers.So plenty of boys grow up with no fathers,and no male role model at school,not really suprised there heros are all football players.While the girls are encouraged to do well,and get the jobs,a complete change around from the old days.Would not be suprised if in say another 10-20 years the trend continues,and men fade from education,that the powers that be will,give up with effects to try and remedy the situation,and train boys for the skills that would be useful for society.Be this building work,or house work.May seem a bit extreme,but why pretend any more,that with changing the system that boys will catch up,it will not happen,as year after year the gap gets wider.Would it not be better for all,to instead of giving false hopes to these men,to just give them some kind of real use and value.For i see plenty of boys round my area,who dont go to school,and have become a kind of underclass,with no future and very little self respect,in my opinion a female dominated goverment would not stand for this. chrisFeb 07 2005 2:12pm Educational trends are simply the ebb and flow of time. In Medieval France more women than men could read and more of them could figure in math. Afterall, they did the shopping. The miller, the cobbler, he continued his trade when a customer came by while his wife took care of the transaction. Even though women had no real political voice (only those who bore arms did and women didn't bear arms), it wasn't at all uncommon for a wife to represent her husband as his attorney. Women weren't entitled to enter university but really who was? Only those who wanted to enter the clergy, study law or medicine which amounted to about 1% of the male population, probably quite a bit less. If you weren't gentry, you had no hope of a higher education. Nevertheless, women of that era were slightly oppressed, not nearly as severely as they would be by 1850 but they certainly weren't the dominant sex despite their superior education. Also, one of the ironies of life under the Taliban was been that their girls were better educated than their boys who were being brainwashed in Madrassas while the girls hid behind closed doors and learned something of value. However clandestinely they had to be. Obviously, it was less desirable to be a female than a male in Afghanistan during the 7 or so years of Taliban rule. In the end, formal education is a reasonable barometer of how people are fairing but it isn't the only criteria in determining how well balanced a society is. a guyFeb 07 2005 3:22pm how very true frankFeb 07 2005 3:45pm Well I say, "the cream shall rise to the top" whether male or female. True that we're seeing more women climbing the ladder of societal power and maybe they'll become the pre-eminent gender but there will still be males who will excel in life as well. Even in a female dominated society, there will be men who'll become physicians, engineers, lawyers, business executives, business owners, etc. A Woman Loving MaleFeb 07 2005 11:22pm Yeah i agree with you about the cream rising to the top.And who knows but exam results are not every thing.I know a few Alevel students,who are so thick about real life its quite funny.They cant hold a decent conversation to save there lifes.While i know plenty of people who left school early,and worked hard at there job of choice and through hard work,have done really well.We shall i guess see what happens. billFeb 08 2005 9:56am We are already seeing women at the highest levels of government office except President & VP, and that is right around the corner. There will be a female president soon. Things will continue to evolve in this direction. Within a few generations, the myth of male power will be a museum exhibit. GailFeb 11 2005 11:19pm And the great thing is it is to late now to change it,men best get ready for female leaders,the macho guys will just have to learn to accept it. samFeb 12 2005 6:54pm 20 years ago there was a chance a female might conduct a realistic run for president or VP (see Barb Fararro or whatever the hell her name was) and 20 years from now one hopes the United States will once again be progressive and open minded enough to accept a female candidate. But for the time being, we are a backward country. A nation that is afraid of teenagers showing off an inch or 2 of their underwear. Anything that isn't exactly normal is now considered a threat, thus, don't hold your breath for a female presidential candidate. India has had a female leader. So has Pakistan, Israel, Canada, England, the Phillipines...the list goes on and on but the United States of America? No. Not us and I'm afraid we'll remain among the backward countries in that regard for some time to come. AnonymousFeb 14 2005 4:28am Women are certainly taking over society and demanding more of us men than ever before. Here is one example; this would not have happened ten years ago. My son is in high school and dates a young woman who turned "sweet 16" this year. For her party, she decided to have a very formal English Tea and asked my son, her father, and me to be the English butlers and serve her friends. She had about six close friends... I call Bull$hit!! No KiddingFeb 14 2005 7:36pm There's no doubt that was a bullpoo post not to mention somewhat insestuous. If it actually happened they should have been arrested but again, it never did occur. It was some *ssholes idea of a fun fantasy. AnonymousFeb 19 2005 10:24am I agree women and girl's are superior to men in everyway i can't wait for female dominated planet.University and management(anything with power)men should not be allowed.Society and earth will be more at peace with women in charge. Women power DarrenFeb 20 2005 7:26am Yeah nice one darren hope you live to 400 yrs old,cuse thats how long it will take if ever. AnonymousFeb 21 2005 1:40pm 70% of my law school class is female and the ratio seems to be increasing every year. the same trend is also seen in medicine. men don't seem to be able to compete with this generation of bright, confident women. the problem now is that there are not enough successful young professional men out there. society, and men especially will have a hard time dealing with the fact that women will soon be running most of society and making most of the money. i kinda feel sorry for the guys - there're definitely being left behind in this fast-paced information based society. andreaFeb 25 2005 11:28pm what country you from andrea? jayFeb 28 2005 4:34pm She's from a country where law students don't know how to spell 'they're'. Perhaps she was going to take her last thought in a different direction and didn't bother to proof read it. Let's hope so... AnonymousMar 05 2005 10:47am Andrea, women have illegally seized power through this crap called affirmative action. Put it on a level playing field where they aren't handed everything and 70% would shrink to 30%. JasonMar 18 2005 12:25pm I wonder what color Darren's bra and panties are. JasonMar 18 2005 12:25pm I also believe what is being said. As women take over law and medical schools, we will gain power. There is nothing wrong with that. I hope there are enough men who want to be househusbands and support the career choices of dynamic women. Our power is too strong to turn back. There will be justice. Now boys, grovel and kiss my feet and tell me how wonderful I am. I may allow you to clean my house and serve my meals. AnonymousMar 18 2005 2:47pm The two most popular candidates in the federal election in Chile are both women, so in that country (with a very macho tradition), a woman will inevitably occupy the top political position. anonMar 18 2005 3:25pm PUSSY POWER AnonymousMar 19 2005 4:37pm For those interested in a study of relationships in which the male partner voluntarily and happily takes the supportive and subordinate position, I would recommend the new book, "Venus on Top: women who are born to lead and the men who love them," by Barbara Wright Abernathy. She is an advocate of what she calls "The women-led marriage." These quotes from the introduction may indicate if it's of interest to you: "There are women equipped by temperment and accomplishments to take the leadership role. And they need to find male partners who will give up the helm without feeling compromised." "Men and women are forging a new kind of partnership where both partners make a conscious choice for the woman to be the leader of the household. This is the wave of the future." "A quiet revolution has been brewing on the homefront in America over the past decade. Women are taking their place as head of the household. And, yes, there are plenty of good men out there who want a powerful woman to respect and love - stay at home dads are just the tip of the iceberg." "You deserve to have a man whose greatest pleasure and main goal in life is pleasing you." "If You hate housework as much as I do, you may decide to go for the gold, the ultimate acheivement in domestic management for women. That's when "his share" means he's doing it ALL." Comet ManMar 22 2005 10:55am i'm amazed how many brainwashed generalizations about one gender's superiority over another have been posted here. people are people, and everything is based on individual cases. eventually, neither gender will "control" or "run" the world, as much as "controlling" the world is an illusion anyways. splorky fishMar 22 2005 10:49pm It's not brainwashing. There is no scientic reason to expect that two genders of the same species must be equal. Women are vastly superior plain and simple. Accepting may be difficult, but its undeniable. STTGMar 27 2005 10:41am STTG, you are s right. In most animals the female is larger and stronger than the male. It may be true that mammals usually have larger males, but not always. The female whale is much larger than the male. Also females outlive males in almost all species. There are examples throughout nature of species where the males are so much smaller than the females that they are often mistaken for different species. This is particularly true among insects. And of course, some animals naturally exixt without males at all. fempowerMar 27 2005 6:41pm hello, i am male,some what heavy built,i want to thank becouse u have saved me from commiting suicide. when i was married before that i was not that much submissive. i was introduce to one girl who was younger than me.she was slim trim and very beautiful.i liked her and we got married.at that time she told me that she would preffer independent life. she was indian but staying in U.S for long time so for better prospects we moved to america .we hadnt have sex with each other for six months becouse i was superstitious that we should live for one year after marriage without sex life.and after that we can have.she also agreed.when we moved to america ,i was new to this country but she was familiar.she was also owning her own business which she never told me.i was happy but i want to do some thing my own. she was infant ,no parents.she estblished her bussiness my her own.i was finding new jobs.but i know that i could not able make more money.even if i do job she would earn more than 20 times than me. so i want to joined her bussiness so i told her.she insisted me to do house work. and she play the role of breadwinner.i was ready to do but i was feeling uncomfortable.i refuse her to do house work and be a househusband.she again insisted me but i refuse so she started beating me.even i beat her.and then there was fight between us. and then i realise that she was lot stronger than me.she started beating me and she raped me.i was trying to escape but iwas the helpless husband. i was so much frustrated.being beatten and rape by my own wife. then next day she odered me to do household work.and as i refuse she stareted beating.so i started doing what she odered .now every day i was beaten by her. i could not tell any one becouse i feel shy to say that i was beatten by my own wife.i found that she was quite muscular. very strong thighs and calves and biceps and still very slim. i was totally dominated by my wife,emotionally,financially, and physically.i started feeling afraid of her when she arrive home and i obeys her tottally.she aso smoke and drink. and wheneever when she is drunk its sure that i will be beatten that night. and then once i found your site .i was totally frustrated how to get rid of such life.but when i visit your site i started enjoying my life. i started enjoying her dominance over me. if ever i was not introduced to your site than i might have committed suicide. i have never seen such type of relation ship before . now my wife is also aware of this site ,she has changed now. previously she was beating me to hurt me,but now she is beating me to feel me good and submissive.i am very thank ful to u. now i could feel her strength and power and enjoy.she is just amazing.i could now feel her biceps and strong thighs .they are amazing. michael michaelApr 03 2005 10:25pm hello, i am male,some what heavy built,i want to thank becouse u have saved me from commiting suicide. when i was married before that i was not that much submissive. i was introduce to one girl who was younger than me.she was slim trim and very beautiful.i liked her and we got married.at that time she told me that she would preffer independent life. she was indian but staying in U.S for long time so for better prospects we moved to america .we hadnt have sex with each other for six months becouse i was superstitious that we should live for one year after marriage without sex life.and after that we can have.she also agreed.when we moved to america ,i was new to this country but she was familiar.she was also owning her own business which she never told me.i was happy but i want to do some thing my own. she was infant ,no parents.she estblished her bussiness my her own.i was finding new jobs.but i know that i could not able make more money.even if i do job she would earn more than 20 times than me. so i want to joined her bussiness so i told her.she insisted me to do house work. and she play the role of breadwinner.i was ready to do but i was feeling uncomfortable.i refuse her to do house work and be a househusband.she again insisted me but i refuse so she started beating me.even i beat her.and then there was fight between us. and then i realise that she was lot stronger than me.she started beating me and she raped me.i was trying to escape but iwas the helpless husband. i was so much frustrated.being beatten and rape by my own wife. then next day she odered me to do household work.and as i refuse she stareted beating.so i started doing what she odered .now every day i was beaten by her. i could not tell any one becouse i feel shy to say that i was beatten by my own wife.i found that she was quite muscular. very strong thighs and calves and biceps and still very slim. i was totally dominated by my wife,emotionally,financially, and physically.i started feeling afraid of her when she arrive home and i obeys her tottally.she aso smoke and drink. and wheneever when she is drunk its sure that i will be beatten that night. and then once i found your site .i was totally frustrated how to get rid of such life.but when i visit your site i started enjoying my life. i started enjoying her dominance over me. if ever i was not introduced to your site than i might have committed suicide. i have never seen such type of relation ship before . now my wife is also aware of this site ,she has changed now. previously she was beating me to hurt me,but now she is beating me to feel me good and submissive.i am very thank ful to u. now i could feel her strength and power and enjoy.she is just amazing.i could now feel her biceps and strong thighs .they are amazing. michael michaelApr 03 2005 10:51pm Add a comment: Vote Results |