Abortion is totally wrong. Any woman who is sick enough to kill her OWN flesh and blood is just digusting. Abortion, no matter what the situation or excuse,is just WRONG. It is downright MURDER! There are no ifs or buts about it! Anti - MurderersJul 24 2000 7:20pm both of you, shut the f*ck up, what if they can tell that by giving birth, the woman will die, no questions asked, then under that circumstance abortion is justifiable. and if your saying that cuz your christians, even the catholic church says abortion is ok if childbirth will kill the mother so shut the f*ck up you little pussies. you say abortion is wrong but do you even do anything about it other then sit on your ass at a computer voting at polls? bcJul 24 2000 7:20pm Abortion is sometimes for the best like my case i was raped and beaten and the man impregnated me when i wae 14 i was not ready and i didnt want a child just because i got pregnt i didnt have a choice if i wanted to have sex with him or not so i think everyone has there own oppion and everyone has there right to have an aboration (if leagle in there state) But if you have an abortion because u wernt smart enuf to protect your self it is your faulr but if u get raped i think youshould be able to have an abortion cuz you didnt have a choice. Angel NikkiJul 24 2000 7:20pm damn right angel, you are sooo correct, i love you for it, and sorry about you getting raped bcJul 24 2000 7:20pm Angel, you have a point, but a majority of abortions are for the "mistake" people made by not protecting themselves againstabortionJul 24 2000 7:20pm although raped the flesh is still your own. I personally could not kill a baby, even if it meant taking my own life. I had a hard time getting pregnant and my baby is the best thing to ever happen to me. People that get abortions should also have to get all of their reproductive organs taken out. It is wrong on all levels. happy mommyJul 24 2000 7:20pm when i got pregnant with my son,i was told i had a heart conditions that could kill us both,i think the lord i didnt have to make that call,but i think it would been my call and no one else,so i'm for abortions. g.gJul 24 2000 7:20pm Angel Im sorry about your abuse. That man should be locked away forever. But just a note. Im a 15 yr old boy and I had a teacher in 7th grade who was a result of a rape. Although her mother gave her up for adoption she gave her baby the oppurtunity to live. Life is precious. Im glad that her mother made that decision also casue she is probally the best, caring teacher any kid could have. Who knows where alot of kids would be cause of her wonderful, sweet spirit. TommyJul 24 2000 7:20pm I had an abortion when I was 19. At the time, I didn't think about the choiced, I MADE myself get an abortion because of my own SELFISH reasons. Aside from the god awful pain of the procedure, I was tormented for over a year after because of the guilt. However, I put myself into that predicament, I'm the one who went through the procedure and I'm the one who suffered all consequences of the situation. What that means is, none of you out there who don't even know me or and other girl who gets an abortion, should have the right to automatically make accusations against us. Before my experience, I was pro choice. After the experience, I'm pro life. I had to decide for myself whether what I had done was right or wrong. No one else. I decided it was wrong, and mostly becuase I did it for selfish reasons like I said before. But I'll be damned before I try to tell someone else what they can and cannot do with their bodies. It's not my right because whatever they do with their bodies and the consequences they suffer from doing so will have absolutely no effect on my life. AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:20pm I have personally scarred by abortion, and it has left lasting effects on my emotions... So, for me I will always believe it's wrong. For that person above who was downright rude, please let people share their own opinions.. thank you... AnonymousJul 24 2000 7:20pm All of you for pro-life take this statement for an example....a young woman and man were trying for years to have a baby together but after being concieved and in the womb for 7 months it was found out that the baby's brain was growing outside of it's head and it couldn't be saved. After a long hard struggle to decide to have an abortion or not they decided it was best to give the baby back to god then instead of it suffering for two more months and then dying right after birth. So you think they were wrong for that?? bRIGHTS_68Jul 24 2000 7:20pm I saw a dead "unborn" baby on the side of road like it was roadkill. You people make me sick. caretakerJul 24 2000 7:20pm Going along with what Angel said, the only exception for abortion I could ever think of as "Ok", is getting pregnant after being raped. That would be terribly hard to go through with having a baby that was produced by a guy that you didn't even want to have sex with in the first place. And, if the baby ever found out that they were concieved after a rape..that would just be awful. Although, I am catholic, and I never actually thought about what dc said, about knowing it would kill the mother, I'm not sure what I would do in that situation...after having a baby growing inside you, you'd be pretty attached, and I could see some mothers taking the chance of death, but I'm not sure. StoneyBaby311Jul 24 2000 7:20pm this is for what brights said, yes I can definitely agree with having an abortion in that situation. Because, there is no point in going through with having it, if it would die soon after. And yes, I will say that there are reasons for having an abortion, Very FEW. But, when somebody asks me if I'm pro-life or pro-choice, I automatically say pro-life. But, when I say that, I'm talking like, mothers who just get pregnant because they weren't careful enough during sex that just don't want the baby because it would inconvenience their lives. And, there are a few people on the board talking about how people shouldn't judge you or make your decisions for you or whatever. Well, nobody IS!! If some one were making your decisions for you....abortion would most likely never happen. All anyone is doing is expressing their opinions. I just hate it when people cuss and flip out on each other on these things. Although some people on this board may not be in agreeance with me, I don't deny them the right to make a choice of their own. And by being ignorant to other people on here, you aren't changing their minds, you're pissing them off. And, I'm not sure, but I think it's safe to say not a lot of people like to be pissed off. But..once again...you all have very good thoughts on this no matter what side you are on. AmyJul 24 2000 7:20pm I'm anti-abortion. My cousin has had about 3 just because she didnt want the baby. That's wrong. It was her damn fault she got the baby, she wasnt raped, and i think she should have the child because it isnt the childs fault its there, its hers. Yes, in cases of rape and where the mother is in danger, its okay. But do you realize how long the lines are for ADOPTION? And here are mothers, killing thier babies, when other people that cant have thier own children are going to wait another 10 years before they can raise one of thier own. I am pro-life, and no matter what anyone says that baby is alive from the moment it is concieved, it has a heart thats beating within a month. Abortion is murdering a living child. People get sued for hurting animals, but its perfectly legal to kill babies. Is that right? ItzJustMeJul 24 2000 7:20pm I agree. You don't kill anything. Itz just wrong. Adoption is awesome. It's one thing in rape, I can understand that, but at least go through with it cause you could find yourself loving the life inside of you. JulesJul 24 2000 7:20pm i feel that abortions are definitely WRONG in MOST situations now for the girl who said she was raped you are not wrong for your choice, now for the other girl who said that she said she didnt FEEL ready! you are a down right rude BITCH!!! you killed a living thing inside you because you put out! if you werent ready then you should have kept your damn legs CLOSED! or used protection! for the girl who said about the baby who would have died RIGHT after birth it wasnt wrong for those parents because the baby would have died regardless and it wasnt their fault! as for me it would NEVER EVER EVER EVER even cross my mind to get an abortion! EVER! i feel it is NOT the baby's fault and it should not have to pay because you did something YOU WERENT READY FOR! if you cant take the consequences for your mistakes then you should NOT do things that will cause you to! cjJul 24 2000 7:20pm I think Abortion is justifiable if... 1. the mother might die and / or the child might die or suffer horrifying pain as a result during their lifetime. 2.the woman was raped or a victim of incest. Other than these circumsatnces.. Abortion no matter what is still murder of an innnocent unborn Person - to - be.and is wrong. It is not a form of birth control as some might think .and should be the last resort only in circumstances that are to the extreme.OtheR than that KEEP YOUR FREAKING LEGS CLOSED AND BUYS SOME RUBBER FOR CHRIST SAKE AND FOR THAT POOR BABY'S SAKE... MONICA (KROQsBitch)Jul 24 2000 7:20pm ABORTION CLINICS SHOULD BE ON EVERY SINGLE CORNER IN THIS COUNTRY...AND THE PROCEDURE SHOULD BE FREE. MAYBE THEN THE ENDLESS CYCLE OF WELFARE MOTHERS AND POOR PEOPLE WHO CAN'T AFFORD TO BE PUMPING OUT BABIES WILL STOP. YOU PRO-LIFERS ARE A BUNCH OF f*ckING HYPPOCRITES. I GUESS IT'S OK TO MURDER AN ABORTION DOCTOR, BUT IF YOU DID IT TO HIM WHEN HE WAS IN THE SECOND TRIMESTER THEN I GUESS IT'S WRONG HUH? f*ckING HYPPOCRITES. FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN AFFORD TO HAVE BABIES BUT ARE JUST TOO YOUNG TO COPE WITH IT, I DISAGREE WITH USING IT AS A METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL; BUY A f*ckING CONDOM. BUT I DO THINK ABORTIONS ARE A NECCESSARY PART OF SOCIETY AND COULD CERTAINLY BE USEFUL IN THINNING OUT THE MISTAKES, I.E. BABIES WHO ARE GOING TO BE RAISED ON WELFARE AND BECOME DRUG DEALERS BOOM SHACKA LACKAJul 24 2000 7:20pm ok BOOM SHACKA LACKA you have a point...in a way, BUT if those people cant aford to have a kid and raise it they SHOULD like YOU SAID "BUY A f*ckIN CONDOM" cjJul 24 2000 7:20pm Okay. I'm prolly gonna hear alot about this... and yes... I am a woman. (Keep this in mind) Most women are to dumb to decide weather or not they want to have a child. (Not that there should be a choice) But... no matter what. There shouldn't be a choice. If God wanted the mother or the child to die. Then it will happen. I'm really sorry that you got raped so young, AngelNikki... but does a day go by when you don't think how diffrent the world could be if you'd let your child have a chance to live? I mean... alot of couples out there are just dying to have a child. And you could have made some nice couple so happy. But... oh well. If you don't want to have a child...don't have sex. Condoms break and girls forget to take the pill..it's as simple as that. G/L to everybody in the future... AnnonieJul 24 2000 7:20pm I think abortion is wrong in some cases because if you was not raped getting pregnant was your own damn fault not your child's I've been trying to have a baby had 2 miscarriages and you people don't know how lucky they are to even have a child so stop being so damn selfish because your baby should'nt suffer because mommy does'nt know how to protect herself so she won't get pregnant. AmberJul 24 2000 7:20pm Anyone who hasn't been in the position can't say what someone should or shouldn't do. My friends & I always said that that was something we would never do. Until my best friend thought she was pregnant. And it wasn't her fault, she used protection. But at the time we were all desperate to have things go back to the way they were before. It turned out she wasn't really pregnant but you don't know your true colors unless you've shown them to everyone. anon.Jul 24 2000 7:20pm Abortion is MURDER unless the baby is going to die anyways. I can also understand it if it will end up killing the mother. Even if you are raped, what about that life growing inside that doesn't have a choice? That baby could grow up to be the person who discovers the cure for AIDS and other rare deseases. It is possible that that baby could save lives in the future! If you don't want the baby, give it up for adoption! Then get back to your life! Okay? I hope no one tries to argue with me because that is what I did! I felt sorry for myself but I wasn't selfish! I considered the life of that baby too! And how can anyone say that abortion is different from murder? Yeah, that thing that people get the death penalty for! Itis the exact same thing except it's legal. That is flat out stupidity! someone who would knowJul 24 2000 7:20pm Did you ever think about? Thanks to abortion, there was a chance that YOU would've never made it here? How would you like that? someone who would know, againJul 24 2000 7:20pm I agree with someone who would know. think hard about it! you wouldn't be sitting on your computer today, reading this, you wouldn't have your friends, they would've never known you, they would never miss you! no one would miss you! You wouldn't get to do all those fun things you love to do! Think real hard! benobieJul 24 2000 7:20pm okay. so what if someone gets raped and they dont want to live with the product of it and have to say that the babies father is her rapist?? karenJul 25 2000 8:22pm i agree with karen in a way...i mean i would feel like i didnt belong here if my mom told me i was the product of rape i mean...she wasnt trying to have me!!!! cjJul 28 2000 8:46pm So you would rather not be here at all? Foeget about your life right now, it wouldn't matter? I agree with benobieAug 01 2000 12:23pm Adoption is an option! Adoption is an option! Adoption is an option! You people keep forgetting that! So there are no excuses! rrtAug 01 2000 12:27pm I think that every woman should have the right ot choose what she wants to do with her body. If you're against abortion, then don't have one, it's as simple as that. It's a good option for many women who, for many reasons, cannot or should not give birth to a child. It's easy for all of you to sit back and say that you can give the child up for adoption, but sometimes that causes more damage.....it's very hard to live your life knowing that you have a part of you out there. It sometimes causes more psychological damage to a woman who has just been raped. I know I wouldn't like to carry a child I know I didn't want. I would rather a FETUS be terminated than a child be brought into this world that was not wanted, and may be raised as such. gypsyqueenAug 02 2000 5:02pm you know what i hate seeing? f*cking 14 year old mexican girls walking down the street in 110 degree weather in houston pushing a stroller with a new born baby in it. as long as she has this baby she's gonna get welfare money so why give it up for adoption? it's worth more to her while it's suffering in her arms then by chance in someone else's where it'd be nurtured. and until stupid f*cking people stop breeding, abortion is necessary and should be FREE and READILY AVAILABLE fuck you pro-lifersAug 06 2000 11:20am .....I was just wondering about what would happen if abortion became illegal. I know for a fact that women will not stop having them, the methods will just become more secretive, and perhaps even more dangerous. A few desperate woman may even bring a coat hanger to themself. Also, more young girls may be forced to have a child that they didn't want, a child that we'll have to pay for through her welfare checks. There are already enough unwanted children in this world, let's not bring in any more. Condoms and birth control are not always 100% effective, and it's even possible for a man that has had a vasectomy to produce a child, because the procedure is not alway foolproof. Just something to think about. GYPSYAug 09 2000 9:44am i would rather not be here at all then to be here and know my mom didnt try to have and have her have to look at me every day and think of the horror she went through during her rape! cjAug 13 2000 10:40am I'm PRO-CHOICE - If I had a 12 y.o daughter and she was raped by some 50 y.o guy and got her pregnant, there's no way in HELL I'm letting her screw up her life by having that kid. It doesn't matter how old she is, as a matter of fact, it doesn't matter. I just don't believe in using abortion a form of birth control. I think that those ppl should rot in hell. StaindgirLAug 15 2000 8:09pm Anon it was her fault! Did she have sex willingly?Who cares if she had protection.If you are willing to lie down in a bed and have sex(with or without protection)you should be willing to take responsiblitly if you get pregnant. as for rape ,i was raped, ok at 13 and i got pregnant,i unfortunetly lost it. i say unfortunet because i was going to have it and give it up for adoption. but God had other plans. Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Rape i s wrong but having an abortion if you get pregnant from it doesn't mean it's right!!!!that poor baby can't help what happened and shouldn't pay for it! meAug 18 2000 7:53am hey f*ck you prolifers,abortion is legal,and she still had that baby. We aren't the reason she's on welfare.If abortion wasn't legal she would have had the baby anyways if she was doing it for welfare! f*ck all this LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS HAVING SEX AT A YOUNG AGE BEFORE GETTING MARRIED THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!!! MEAug 18 2000 7:56am I WASN'T SAYING "f*ck YOU PROLIFERS" i was talking to the person above who signed there statment as "f*ck YOU PROLIFERS" wanted to make that clear! i'm prolife myself! MEAug 18 2000 7:58am me, you're f*cking retarded fuck youAug 21 2000 4:31pm Im sorry Angel to hear about your experience. I think the only reason a person should have an abortion is if a baby is concieved from a rape, or if the baby or mothers life is at risk. I don't think its okay for anyone to have an abortion just because it was an "accident". A friend of mine had 3 abortions, because the father of the baby was married and didnt want it. She makes me sick, because she sees nothing wrong with it. Shes only 16 may I add. My boyfriend doesn't believe in Abortion, yet I do for justifiable reasons. He kinda does. I'm a virgin, and I don't plan on having sex for awhile. I'm afraid of getting pregnant. Even with all the "protection" there is still a chance. So, let me leave all the guys advice: WRAP YOUR STUMP, BEFORE YOU HUMP! MMGirlSep 03 2000 8:11pm I just had enough of these stereotypes... Just because some people think that abortion is wrong (or right), this doesn't mean that we must make a law of it! I think that everyone should have the right to decide for himself, without having to face stupid critics from some crazy narrow-minded people! Pain in the assSep 06 2000 7:21am I believe in murdering unborn children. I believe this partly because there are so many miscarriages that if I believed the same thing happens to those unborn miscarriages as the abortions then I would feel God was killing more unborn babies than we were. Also, I don't believe in doing anything to another person that I would not undergo myself in the same circumstance. If I were a threat to my mother's life I would sacrifice my life for hers. If having me would have made my mother unable to have my little brother later, I would have sacrificed my life for his. This world is overpopulated as it is. If all the babies concieved were born we would all be living in unbearable conditions and starving to death. finderSep 06 2000 5:42pm Why isn't anyone thinking? There is NO RIGHT in abortion. It is cruel. You are saying people should have a choice so what about the babies? They are people too! They are innocent living people who deserve a chance. It should be God's decision whether or not a person should live. He is the one in control and I know that everyone who choices abortion will pay eventually. CrunchyOct 26 2000 5:02pm Hey 'Crunchy'... How do you know that someone infavour of abortion will pay? Are you maybe a magitian or something like that? How do you know that something is wrong or right? Have you really talked to god and asked him if it's a mistake when someone is having an abortion? And what about a poor family which has no money to live and which HAS to have the abortion or they will all suffer from hunger?????!!!!! and what about condoms? you should also be against them, 'cause by using condoms people "kill" their future kids? TRY thinking before saying anything... Pain in the assOct 28 2000 6:01pm To all of you who think abortion is justified-PLEASE READ THIS: I'm so sorry about all that you are going through, but abortion is WRONG. It not only kills a child, but it is extremely harmful for the mother, too. I should know-my aunt died from aborting her baby. In the instance that the mother's life is at risk, take this into consideration: there is always a chance that both mother and child will survive. the moral thing to do is treat the mother and do anything it takes to keep her alive. if the baby dies in the process IT ISN'T MURDER. In the instance that a woman is raped: adoption is always an option. life-loverJan 15 2001 8:01pm I'm prochoice, a woman's body's her own f*cking business. cwalkenFeb 04 2001 6:33am How about this for all you PRO-LIFERS. When I was 14 years old I was very brutally raped and had to be hospitalized for 6 months before I could even stand on my own again and by that time, I had lost about 75% of my muscle mass. Now I'm getting close to thirty and I still have to go through treatments every other month to correct my natural reproductive system. Three months into my recovery, the doctors realized I was pregnant, but I was, literally, too torn up to go through an aborthional procedure, and by the time I healed enough for that, it was way too late! My only other option was a partial birth abortion, which there truly is no justification for. But now there is a child out there who was conceived in anger, frustration, pain, sadness, and everyother bad thing that you can think of. I have always believed that whatever goes into the making of a child contributes to how that child will turn out. I'm sure all of you would agree, that in itself is too much torture for a living person to have to know about himself, but even not knowing is not fair at all for that person. Needless to say I gave the baby to a couple who were ready to handle a child rather than letting it grow up with me, it's ,by this time, 15 year old mother who's strongly Catholic family disowned her because of the pregnancy. Luckily I had a boyfriend who's family was more loving and supporting than my own family and took care of me after my parent basically abandoned me. Of coarse the mother should not think of just herself, but also consider what the child will have to grow up dealing with for the rest of it's life. I now still have to be haunted by the fact that I gave birth to a child who will be much better off not knowing what he should know. I won't say anymore except, I would've rather had an abortion. AnonymousFeb 23 2001 1:36pm The people writing in these comments above mine who are against abortion have probably never been in an abusive home, been raped or had a horrible childhood like most of the mothers who do get an abortion, things arent black and white these, its not like you think that its either right or wrong, there are exceptions to things and you goody christians should get that through your head. It's not your child and it's not your decision and until you get in that position, shut your damn mouth and let people go on with their business. Sure it's easy to say it's horrible to do that and thats because all of you are spoiled snobs. Plus, if we make abortions illegal the rate of welfare mothers and sick children will sky rocket so...keep to yourself and stay out of peoples business. someone against youMay 19 2001 8:55am Well, it's nice to see that the writer of this question's bias comes through so evidently. A few cells is not a human and a woman has the right to determine the future of her own life and her own body. The state should not enforce the religious doctrine of the dominant social group. Let it be a choice - or is religion that weak in the world? DanielJul 08 2001 5:10pm GO Kill Yourself GYPSYQUEEN, thtas an option too BIA BIAAug 01 2001 8:59am your polls confusin, your askin if its right on the title and if we have the right on the inside, but anyway, i think abotion isnt wrong- why should you give birth to a child when you know that you will not be able to give it a quality life? thats the unfair bit- most children in care are also unhappy. RobzAug 26 2001 10:09am Screw all of you people who think abortion is right. I think you people are sick. If your parents had an abortion, how would you have felt? It's not the baby's fault it's there! I agree with some of the other people. Abortion, one way or the other, is WRONG. So many people CAN NOT have children. People who agree with abortions make me sick. If the baby isn't alive for the first few months, why does it jerk when a needle is stuck in? If the mother might or will die as a result of giving birth, hey, at least she had a chance to live her life. Only one person has the right to decide to take the life of someone. JustinDec 28 2001 8:42pm I'm Pro Choice. A Womans body is her own f*cking business. Should a woman choose to have an abortion thats her decision, it's the doctors who are to blame if anyone at all. Pregnant Woman getting abortionMar 25 2002 3:45pm i really think that its the right thing to do if you know that the child would have a crappy life. i mean, if the father were gone, and you were in a bad home or something, the childs life would suck anyway. think about it. imagine growing up knowing that you were born on accident, and that you ruined your mothers life because she couldnt stay in school and you would grow up hungry. humans are overpopulating ne way pro abortionJun 30 2002 3:57am yeah! i agree pro abortion! lalala landJul 18 2002 10:29am KILL your own unborn child? It's not KILLING. It's not even alive. Well, yeah it's alive, but so are little amoebas floating around the air. Do you feel bad "killing" them? Unborn "children" are parasites feeding off of a mother, much like a mosquito. they are depended on the mother, who had the right to choose not to keep the organism alive. AFTER the first trimester, the child is partially developed, and beyond that point, abortion is wrong. But those first three months are nothing. The problem I have is that PRO CHOICE people are just that. They're not saying they are FOR abortion. They just feel as tohugh people have the right to choose. I'd never get one,but I feel tohers have the right to make their OWN DECISIONS. PRO LIFE people are biased. They have an opinion and what they say goes, and that's wrong. We live in a democacy. People have the right to make their own decisions. And what the HELL is up with people bombing abortion clinics? Oh, don't kill the little cell creatures, but murder a building full of live human beings AND the creatures they're carrying!" UGH! Makes me want to rip my hair out strand by strand. And I love the answer that is two above mine. EXACTLY. The children are either stuck with a parent who doesn't want them, or they are adopted, and adopted cildren have the highest suicide rate. Now I KNOW that's not always the case, and many adopted children are happy, but that isn't the point. I'm done with this topic! Grrrr! LunacyOct 16 2002 10:15pm LMAO BOOM SHACKA LACKA!!! LunacyOct 16 2002 10:17pm This happens to be my debate topic right now, and thank you for the good arguments. I just think it's lame as hell that anti-abortionists are so in love with these little amoebas that havent even been born yet, but they're willing to kill doctors and nurses at abortion clinics, stalk their children, harm their pets, and even damage their property. 22% of abortion clinics have faced anti-abortion violence like murders and vandalism. explain that. anti abortion FonGMar 09 2003 7:56pm p.s. the question asks: "is abortion wrong?", but then the discription is: "do we have the right to kill our unborn children?". i just thought that might get confusing if your questions contradict each other joemarks FonG againMar 09 2003 9:28pm Abortion is wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. I don't care about the circumstances. Rape isn't right, but to kill a child isn't right either. The child is still the mother's. It is still a part of her. Under the circumstance of a mother dying of birth, is it right to choose one life over the other? How can you say that to kill a baby is right over a dying mother? Maybe her body type isn't right. So she should have a C-section. Maybe the baby will die anyway. Who is to say that an abortion won't cause it pain? Do you know what they do? Some times they poison it. Sometimes they chop it up into little pieces with a tool. Who says that's preferable to having a few moments with your mother before you die? I know that's what I'd want. People who see it as a source of birth control should be drug into the streets and ran over. You should have the baby and give it up for adoption. Nine months isn't much of a sacrafice. AnonymousMar 17 2003 11:39am Try Anal Sex.... and use a condom always when f*cking her pussy...or ass. smart manApr 04 2003 7:14am I am myself against abortion, I believe that itis wrong (hear me out). BUT!! I also believe that it is not up to me do decide what a woman does with her body it is her choice regardless of what anyone else says. Anyone who dissagrees is a selfish bastard CluckyxApr 07 2003 4:14am I am myself against abortion, I believe that itis wrong (hear me out). BUT!! I also believe that it is not up to me do decide what a woman does with her body it is her choice regardless of what anyone else says. Anyone who dissagrees is a selfish bastard CluckyxApr 07 2003 4:14am ok.... i am definitely against abortion in all cases.... it is wrong.. i dont look down on anyone for it but i dont think that abortions should be done, period... one of my favorite things to say is EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.. as much as i hate it sometimes, its true.. sure you may not know what that reason is at the time, but u will.. im not saying a girl deserves to get raped,because thats my biggest fear, but everyone grows as a person in many ways.. ya know for me i had my mom, dad, grandpa and best friend die on me within 2 years... i was depressed foreverand stopped eating.. but i grew as a person and became stronger. you always grow through the valleys.... there are so many women out there that cant have children.. and people are out there killing them... why? have the baby and give it up for adoption.. it is always an adoption.. how can you go to the doctor and look at pictures of your baby? sometimes it is so developed , you see head, hands, and feet.. and then you go and murder the poor thing.. it happened for a reason.. god is trying to bring a new life in this world, and well dont take that away.. let thins happen as they should... im not trying to offend anyone.. but i wish a lot of people would think about these things... i have had many friends and family members get an abortion.. i dont look down on any of them, i jsut think its wrong. ashleyanneApr 30 2003 4:47pm prolife or prochoice? yes a baby is concived at brith , and is a liveing child does someone really have the right to take there childs life away? the child still has rights. it is your child and you should be able to take actions if you think you are ready for sex. prochoice, for all the teens & women out there who have been raped i am sorry it is not you fault that you are pregrent and if your life is in danger than it's i think somewhat ok but all thoes prochoice remenber there is still the option of adoptions and your are taking the live of a liveing child. myself i am a prolife person. the plant mnMay 02 2003 7:32pm there are two sides to this argument if you just want to kill the unborn baby cos it would be an inconvinience to your life or you didn't use protection and it is your own dumb ass fault then it is wrong if it is going to kill the mother or the baby will be born with an uncurable awful disease than it is right but in the end we cannot make the disission for others just help them chose the right moral path the dodgy kid down the roadJun 03 2003 9:41am <<<>> Until judgment day.. then it's God's business too and anyone that's had an abortion will have to answer for it. I think morally.. everyone knows it's wrong! In this day and age.. there so are ways to prevent these things from happening. If you can't use protection.. take a cold shower! In a case where the baby will not survive outside the womb and is endangering the mothers life would should be the only exception. Abortion as a means of birth control is wrong!! think about itJul 14 2003 11:00pm I was quoting cwalken who said "I'm prochoice, a woman's body's her own f*cking business." cwalken think about itJul 14 2003 11:02pm if women don't have the right to chose, the little thing feeding off of them have more rights than they do. if someone has a viral infection on their toes, the viral infection doesnt have the right to consume the entire body and kill the damn person! welcome to the world ppl. wake up. this is a democracy, and a woman isnt totally free if she doesnt at least have the right to chose. FonGJul 21 2003 9:44pm Abortion is wrong just admit it. Stop being stubborn and accept the truth, ABORTION is wrong, and nothing is good about it. TRUEChristiangirlAug 07 2003 6:31pm I am not one to judege the people that ave abortions because any one can convince themselves that that is the right thing to do and once you have your opinion no one is goign to change it but you have to see thing how they really are. What is God going to say when you to heaven will you justify what you did there. If you area raped i understand teh turmoil you would go through but there is adoption, there are millions of women tah cant have babies and they would love to adopt. AS for knowing your baby is going to be termanily ill or have a terrifying disease you have to ask your self are you rescuing YOU or the BABY. of the emotional distress. There is a diffrence between being caring and selfish. crazy boboSep 14 2003 2:18am abortion is killing no matter what God gave you that child you have no right to go and kill it all these would be mothers who had abortions and their doctors who performed it will be very sorry for what they did when they die and have to go before God for their actions AnonymousSep 16 2003 12:29pm well im 18 and pregnant but i feel scared of what my mom would say or do anonymousSep 23 2003 11:05am I'm doing a project regarding against abortion. I feel that abortion is to brod of a topic to say yes or no. Our govt. has made it a easy way out for people to walk into a clinic and say take this out. So the rules and regulations need to be changed. Maybe if there were rules saying that you need to pass a guide line of why your having this abortion then maybe people would stop and think before they have sex. protect yourself because if you dont then you have no respect for yourself or what your creating. this is more of a issue about your choices and dealing with life then if its right or not. JaniceSep 27 2003 1:42pm I think that some of you people are being quite rude to peoples belifes, fair enough you have your own opinion but theres no need to be nastey. there are reasens for people to have abortions, some r right and some are wrong. i dont agree with abortions for no reasen but some like for instent angel, you dont want to be reminded of what happened every day. sorry to here some of thouse nastey stories some people should be locked up for life dorrisSep 29 2003 2:54am hi my name is zoe the sgag i think ur all right in some eay, shape or form sgag appleSep 29 2003 2:56am Abortion is against GOD. If you kill someone who has not even had a chance to breath the air wich GOD has provided then how much more should you kill those that have. I mean these days you kill a dog you go to jail but if you kill a child wich has not even been fully formed yet there is something scrued in your head and I hop GOD has mercey on your soul LaelSep 29 2003 12:54pm Abortion is against GOD. If you kill someone who has not even had a chance to breath the air wich GOD has provided then how much more should you kill those that have. I mean these days you kill a dog you go to jail but if you kill a child wich has not even been fully formed yet there is something scrued in your head and I hop GOD has mercey on your soul GODS CHILDSep 29 2003 12:56pm i'ts all about controlling women. we have a right to dicide what to do with our bodies. and i'm not just talking about if the birth would kill the mother, or if she is raped or the child is sick- i'm talking about always. the woman has the right to decide. she is the one that is supposed take care of the child (even if she has a boyfriend/husband the woman always has to take care of the child much more than the man, our world hasn't change at all) and if she can't do that she have the right ti say no. it's all about the facistlike oppression against us women. i don't give a f*ck about what a nonexisted god thinks. cause he is the same poo as you conservative anti-feminists. a punk from sweadenSep 30 2003 10:56am You f*cking liberals are f*cking stupid........ Think about it, you can do whatever you want to YOUR BODY, but you cannot MURDER a f*cking child living with a beating heart inside of you. you make me sick. Do you even know partial birth abortion is where you enduce labor, then CRACK THE CRANIUM of a baby as it comes out, afterwards placing it in a container until he/she completely whimpers out. f*cking sick murders. I hope every doctor who performs this is murdered.. it is a noble thing to do, the children have done nothing wrong, the doctors are getting away with murder. somebody should save these children from the wicked.. -SOMEONE WHO WAS BORN POOR, RAISED POOR, AND IS A BETTER PERSON BECAUSE OF IT!!! GO TELL EVERY POOR KID THEY ARE BETTER OFF DEAD YOU f*ckING WICKED PIECE OF SHIT alabamaOct 03 2003 10:37pm www.cme-games.tk AnonymousOct 26 2003 11:51am Anonymous, please don't feel scared of what your mother might say or do. Do what you believe is right for yourself and your child. read all you can on abortion and adoption, this may guide your decision, but let the choice be yours and no one elses. ValhallaNov 04 2003 4:40pm To the punk from sweaden. Your arguements are immaterial, If your old and mature enought,as you think yourself to be, to spread your legs, and have sex, fully knowing the consequenses that there is no 100% protection,then suck it up and pay the piper if you get pregnant. And if you don't know the consequenses the I suggest that a little more stydying may be the thing for undereducated immature girls. It has nothing to do with God or antifeminism, its about being responsible for your actions and not projecting blame!!! ValhallaNov 04 2003 4:53pm God Has nothing to do with the freedom of choice, free will and a right to control one's own body are the law and the ONLY moral position. All others are you trying to impose your twisted feelings of guilt upon others to allow you to feel superior to them! BS! The hand of GODNov 05 2003 10:55am I think that abortion is wrong unless they have proof that the unborn child can't feel it or whatnot. If people have sex then they should be able to accept the responsibility of a young child. That's what I think. JustImagine1212Nov 21 2003 10:35pm Abortion is WRONG!!! It doesn't matter why someone has an abortion, it is still WRONG!! It is MURDER!! If you have been raped, give the baby up for adoption. It's not the woman's fault she was raped, but it's not the baby's fault either. Why should it get punished?? Abortion should be illegal. I am a woman, and it's not the woman who should get to choose if the baby should live or die. GOD chooses who should live and die. Abortion is MURDER!! PROLIFERNov 29 2003 9:13pm A Realtime ultrasound video tape and movie of a 12- week suction abortion is commercially available as, The Silent Scream, narrated by Dr. B. Nathanson, a former abortionist. It dramatically, but factually, shows the pre-born baby dodging the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate. When finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby?s mouth clearly opens wide ? hence, the title (available from Heritage House '76 at http:www.heritagehouse76.com). Proabortionists have attempted to discredit this film. A well documented paper refuting their charges is available from National Right to Life, 419 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004, $2.00 p.p. A short, 10-minute video showing the testimony of the doctor who did the abortion in Silent Scream definitely debunks any criticism of Silent Scream?s accuracy. The Answer, Bernadel, Inc., P.O. Box 1897, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY, 10011. A to ZDec 12 2003 3:47am abortion is wrong anyway you look at. think about it, what if YOU were aborted? but if it has to be done, like if you were raped or something that has to do with your health, let it be done. And to DC, whoever you are, theres not much people can do to stop abortions, so for people to take time out and vote on the internet and try to do what they can, it helps alot! im 15 years old and i do EVERYTHING i can do to prevent the number of abortions in my community, so speak for your damm self cause what have you done to prevent abortions? Baby FaceDec 13 2003 7:59pm I hate abortion but i have had it. I was 13 when i got pregnant and weighed to a mere 70 lbs... I had to get an abortion otherwise it would have killed me and the kid. I still am really upset and cry alot to this day because of it. I am only 15 and I am pregnant again but this time I had gone to the doctor to make sure my body would be able to handle a kid so I wouldnt have to go through even more pain. Anyone who has gone through the same thing and would like to try to help me calm down about it, plz email me @ verysexyarmychic@aol.com cuz i need some support. Thnx! ConilynJan 08 2004 9:37pm Abortionis wrong AnonymousJan 14 2004 12:05pm When the doctor walked into Exam room #3 and said "it's your life or the baby's" after only 23 weeks I had to make the most upsetting decision of my life. As you can guess, since I am alive to tell this story, that baby is not. I was diagnosed with cancer shortly after I found I was pregnant. Prognosis- With the added physical strains of pregnancy- 6 months. My baby would not even make it full term and I could not undergo Kimotherapy during gestation. I did follow through with the abortion. I was still a newlywed, then. I had just bought a house and a new car with my new husband and I was looking forward to having a family of my own. Unfortunatley, without the abortion- that wouldn't have been possible. Instead I now have 3 beautiful children and have a chance to make a difference in more women's lives involved in the same situation. I do not agree with partial-birth abortions unless it may result in the death of the mother. If the option was not available several years ago I would not be here today. If I had to do it over again...I would have to say I would. I would do it for my husband, my parents, my brothers and sisters and most importantly, for the 3 beautiful children I now have. I do regret the result of my first pregnancy and that wound will NEVER heal, but that unfortunate sacrifice resulted in the greatest gifts I could ever recieve- Bryce, Lindsey and Abby. Erinn OFeb 05 2004 8:29pm Are all you people who are against the pro lifers ok? You seem so angry, sounds like your going to have an anurism. We that believe in life, love, chance and God are solid rocks, you should come over to our side. You have the peace of knowing the King of Kings is fighting for you. You, someday, will know that killing an unborn child is murder, and of the most selfish of crimes, no mater what. Think about what mother Tharesa said when asked about abortions, "any one who doesen't want thier baby can give them to me." Now thats love and responsibility. Love yall AnonymousFeb 18 2004 9:57am I think abortion is wrong and gross. Bethoven's mom thought about getting an abortion. If she would have...she would have been killing one if the greatest composers and muscians ever known to man. If you are responsible to have sex and all that shyt...you should be responsible enough to either have the baby and take care of it...or have it and put it up for adoption to someone who will care for them. You are born for a purpose and you a not GOD...who are you to say whether someone should live or die. Anyone who thinks abortion is right makes me want to puke. Shame on you! Feelin 2 b SweetApr 14 2004 5:05am Im 15 and im in the 9th grade. and im typin a paper on abortion and i have studied alot about this subject and seen alot of pictures that just blew my mind and made me sit there and cry because that could have been me but my parents decided not to have an abortion they were not ready at the time but they ended up having me anyways ... i beleive if you are mature enough to have sex willingly you should be mature enough to have a baby... i believe abortion is very wrong in all situations ... even if you are raped ... God obviously had a plan for that baby and for you even if you werent ready... im sorry i dont want to be rude to angel and i respect her decisions but if God wanted you to kill the baby he wouldnt have try to put it on our precious Earth... a baby thats not born yet is still human and IS considered murder. i dont want to offend anyone with what i say but i express my oppinion freely like everyone else ... i know i didnt have to go through rape and pregnancy yet but i know if i ever did i wouldnt get an abortion because if i did that baby i killed could have been someone very important in our life. and if i was a to die and have a baby or kill the baby and live ... id rather die because if its God willing and i know my place then id rather be in heaven and watch my child live life .... now am i right? So to some everything up i believ abortion is totally wrong God's ChildApr 20 2004 4:55pm Annonie, that's bs! She would've had to have been out of SCHOOL for a while, and it wasn't even angels fault! You damn hypicrate! AnonymousMay 13 2004 9:26pm 1,300,000 abortions a year divided by 365 days = 3,562 a day 45,000,000 abortions post Rowe vs Wade 45,000,000 imigrants entering america post Rowe vrs Wade = Population replacement..... 75 percent abortions performed worldwide for gender selection "BOYS" =womans right is to stop womans right to exsist..... Earth ViewerJun 17 2004 10:43pm 1,300,000 abortions a year divided by 365 days = 3,562 a day 45,000,000 abortions post Rowe vs Wade 45,000,000 imigrants entering america post Rowe vrs Wade = Population replacement..... 75 percent abortions performed worldwide for gender selection "BOYS" =womans right is to stop womans right to exsist..... Earth ViewerJun 17 2004 10:52pm Abortion has always existed and always will so it is more important that women have access to sanitary and professional clinics than it is to subject her to a litany of ethical arguments. If a 12 year old girl is impregnated by her father, I have no problem with abortion at all. I think it would be terribly wrong to make her feel guilty about having an abortion. On the contrary, I think she should not only get an abortion but that she also deserves compassionate and able medical attention. As far as god is concerned that argument bewilders me. Your so called god also created predators that eat eggs and snatch up freshly hatched sea turtles on their way across the beach etc. God has no problem with the death of innocent's; be they unborn, newborn feeble, aged...so I doubt any god is offended by abortion. iskoJul 14 2004 5:36pm No matter what reason is given as justification for abortion, it is still wrong. Having an abortion is killing another human being. On September 11, 2001, near two- thousand and eight hundred people were killed as a result of terrorist attacks. Many people were devastated by these events. Most Americans were deeply angered by the attacks on our nation. Every day near four-thousand people are aborted. Over one million babies are aborted each year, while America sits back and does nothing about it. If America was so disgruntled by the near two-thousand and eight hundred deaths on September 11th then why do some still believe that four-thousand daily murders should be protected by the law? If a woman could not afford to take care of her three year old son, would it be ok for her to kill him? If not, then why would it be okay for that woman to kill the child before it has left her womb? Many people say that a fetus is just tissue. Any one with a bit of intellectual honesty can clearly see that a fetus is a human being. The human fetus has a brain, hands, legs, feet, and a heartbeat. I do however, believe that if both the woman and child would die as a result of going through with the birth, then it is okay. One life is better than none. JordanNov 17 2004 10:21pm killing an unborn baby is better than killing a devolped human also the baby may come out deformed or dead AnonymousApr 25 2008 11:06am If you don't want it i'll have it! Baron KarenJun 13 2009 8:41am Uncivilized people only doing this kind killings. Better cut their own genitals. UAESep 18 2010 5:05am yes i think its wrong SvetlanaDec 01 2011 7:43pm The MAIN REASON abortion is right is so women/teens who make a mistake and get pregnant don't have to let their one bad choice ruin their lifes! As for the unborn child growing inside the mom, and therefore a living child, she can't live without moms assistance, anyway. And, if mom opts not to keep that child alive, that's the choice SHE gets to make -- though her record of doing such ain't a strong one. Why should she be forced to go through the hassle of pregnancy? What's next -- forcing poor moms to have to buy food and clothes for their kids? Maybe they need the little money they get, for themselves! adopted annie -- thanks, momApr 05 2012 7:17am It's only wrong if you abort a girl. Aborting boys should be encouraged. ChristineApr 08 2012 10:14am Christine is a little bitch. GuyJul 20 2013 5:53pm This poll is completely screwed up. First there is a question "Is abortion wrong?" immediately followed by "Do we have the right to kill our unborn children?" Those questions are opposite of each other, thus the poll result is confused and invalid. Don't you know how to conduct a poll?Aug 17 2013 2:56pm Well if it's rape or the kid wanted to have sex but was too young (like under 6 or 18) and didn't use protection, then I think abortion is okay. If you don't want kids then there's this thing called adoption. But it doesn't effect anyone's life except a baby who is barely or not aware of anything and the 'mother' herself. lizzzNov 24 2013 10:56pm @caretaker umm you sure it was unborn? Or was it dead? Either way that's sick. lizzzNov 24 2013 10:58pm abortion will never be right in Almighty Gods eyes it is destroying a life the preacherSep 27 2014 1:02am yzoqDw http://www.QS3PE5ZGdxC9IoVKTAPT2DBYpPkMKqfz.com pkaEDHxLrQHfOct 17 2014 1:01am How many more years do you have to go? http://newenglandallergy.com/pollen buy diflucan online canada "It's not enough for me as president to have confidence in these programs. The American people need to have confidence in them, as well," Obama said, adding that he was confident the programs were not being abused. 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