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All you rail thin weak men: what are your demographics?

Question: There is some unusually weak men here. 100-130 lb men...that incredible! Before I got my dream job, I used to be on the same boat because I was chronically very poor and never got enough to eat. None of you so called small weak guys sound like you are sailing on yachts. Therefore to all of you rail thin weak men, what are your demographics?
Created by: surveyer1 at 01:19:50 AM, Tuesday, December 15, 2009 EST


I am affluent, just choose to be small
I am affluent, just have a degenerative bone disease
I am affluent, just naturally small
I am average,just have a degenerative bone disease
I am poor and eat ok because of food stamps
I am very poor and never got enough to eat.
I do ok, just naturally thin and small

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