Fake Meat Question: What's the best kind of fake meat? Created by: excelon at 04:30:00 AM, Saturday, April 01, 2000 EST Choices: ,koko A Poll gone AMUCK Bean Burgers Boca Burgers Boy George britney spears Crumbles Dirty Gay Faggots Eva Mendes Pussy fake bugars Fake Chicken Patties Fakin Bacon gag me Garden Burgers kfc McDonalds meatloaf Mock Duck morningstar chik patties morningstar soy and vegi burgers most of these options are not legitemite MY PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing quorn Shiit slim jim Slimy Hetero Cunt Smart Dogs soy taco Soysages spam taco bell taco bell does NOT use fake meat! TEMPEH!! Teriyaki Flavored Soy Jerky to fu tofu burgers tofurcky up yours meat, realy good. lol yo mama you suck Yves Links Other: Results | Read/Post Comments (2225) | Home Results Comments
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