TO ALL THE GIRLS (: sexxxyskeez
The Problem: if your interested in talking, need any advice and want to keep it private between you and me, want help with sex of any kind, or anything else then join fetlife.com and add me as a friend there (: fetlife.com is a social network kinda like facebook but for kinky people (: its a place where you can learn new sexual things. its free and only takes about 3-5min to join (: the best part about it is there are no fakers, no anons and nobody can jump in your conversations. (: so please join and add me as a friend (: my name is sexxxyskeez there too (: hope to see you girls there soon (;
Asked by: sluttyskeez at
06:08:51 PM, Wednesday, February 13, 2013 EST
Nobody has given this poor rhinoceros beetle any advice yet.