The Problem: i lawyz go into and iterview and they ask me wat qoliforgations i have and i tell then i have got a c and a a and a b on my gcse but hey all wayz turn me down y is it plz give me any advise
Asked by: ink at
05:38:04 AM, Sunday, April 25, 2004 EDT
MoNkEy LoViNApr 25 2004 1:44pmFLAGtry applying at an institute for the mentally impaired you ing retarded or did your mother feed you too much co lustrum out of her 70 year old nipples this morning?
Here is my advice and make sure you take heed? that is if you even know what the word heed means you piece of sh*t?
1. Tell your mother to stop making you call her baby cakes and rubbing chicken livers all over her smelly twat
2. Insist that your father and grandfather stop playing who lost their digit finger up ink?s anus every weekend
3. See your doctor and ask about that rash on the place you used to have balls (before your sister castrated you? you know the spot mate)
4. stop licking your next door neighbours pet dogs ass
and finally if all this fails take advice from Sir Johnny ?The Great? McN*ggerLover and EAT SH*T & DIE MOTHER ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AnonymousApr 26 2004 4:08pmFLAGyou sound as retarded as cutiepie246. Yo, go back to school you country piging dead road kill. gonherrea is bad for you.
AnonymousApr 30 2004 12:34pmFLAGMiss piggy is one fine puppet, I am a girl and I even think so, man she makes me feel like less of a women! I love Miss Piggy more then anything, and I would die for her cuz my name is Katie Lee McGee, and I love puppets!!!
AnonymousApr 30 2004 12:34pmFLAGyup yup learn how to spell!! gosh...
hMay 03 2004 7:39pmFLAGgo bac to school or go to university to get better qualifications
LauraJul 11 2004 8:16amFLAGgo back 2 elementary school, and learn how to spell
mr.lemonAug 28 2004 1:29pmFLAGand it has 2 be atleast a 3.5 gpa
mr.lemonAug 28 2004 1:31pmFLAGthese people dont give a sheeit about ur advise go away
DWAYNENov 10 2004 3:06amFLAGOK.....learn how to spell you sound STUPID
dianaNov 28 2004 2:56pmFLAG
why was the 'dude' in red?
AnonymousDec 13 2004 3:47pmFLAGIf you think it funny spelling the way you do. It's not. You sound like a dumb ass that can't spell. if you have the mental capacity of a four year old then you need to go back to first grade and learn your how to make sentences again.
Dark Raven452Jan 30 2005 6:30amFLAGwhat???????????????????????????????????????????????????
hmmmm...?Feb 14 2005 5:01pmFLAGdress properly,act sufisticated try to bring your grades up and do your best and you might get a raise.
SquirrelFeb 21 2005 8:31pmFLAGit mite b ur spellin!
TigzFeb 27 2005 4:39amFLAGspell right for christs sakes
uMar 20 2005 6:49pmFLAGdon't make that the first thing u say!sound perfesional,ur experices,then lead up to the grades.or get the test,college retakin'!
lakayaMar 28 2005 8:18pmFLAGguys shut up bout' spellin',it's slange u top class losers,if u want to give advise do dat,not' b a**wipes!:(
lakayaMar 28 2005 8:19pmFLAGqoliforgations in your words is what your good at what did you take in high school? for starters. go to i think thats what it is
Shadow(chick)Apr 11 2005 7:55pmFLAGMaybe retake those classes again and then try the interview
AnonymousApr 17 2005 4:10amFLAGjust do ya best but spell better and go back to skool and just c if u can push ya grades up a little more unless u will b a dole dosser n av a sh*t life wiv NO MONEY so its ur choice
AnonymousApr 17 2005 4:11amFLAGpractice in front of the mirror, it will make you heaps more confident and will give you loads of ideas too