AnonymousApr 19 2004 2:58pmFLAGHa! Sombody might be screwd!
JakeApr 19 2004 9:05pmFLAGhe might be on crack i mean he sells drugs (lol)
i wanna sum drugs can ya email em 2 me
white crakaApr 21 2004 5:39pmFLAGI know a craka! His name is sean.
X-stcyApr 21 2004 9:02pmFLAG
he's so ed he could get introuble by the police talkin like that..wut a freaker
AnonymousApr 21 2004 10:27pmFLAGum yea he wudnt advertise on the net no 1 no 2 weed wudnt b 4 free u losers
KnoxfoxApr 24 2004 4:13amFLAGman ur really stupid!!!
AnonymousApr 24 2004 3:56pmFLAGUmmm, here in BC we have all the weed we need, thanks thou!
~Justice~Apr 24 2004 6:29pmFLAGi think that ~Justice~ is smart haha dont ask weeds gay dont do it duh itll ruin ur life n make u wanna die
AnonymousApr 25 2004 1:47pmFLAG~Justice~ is a dumb slu t. She LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the c*ck! and everyone else are ing weiners. 'You cant say that, the police might catch you' LOL, you dumb cun ts make me laugh so much. How old are most of you little fa ggots anyway?
king richard the 184thApr 27 2004 1:27amFLAGI love the crack too!!! You guys should like send that weed on over to elementry schools across the country, My 9 year old sister is getting low and shes my dealer!! Hurry the hell ass up!!!
LauraJul 11 2004 8:16amFLAGPUt it in ablack and that a joint that is good
chica locaNov 07 2004 7:53pmFLAGHAHAHAH UR FREAKIN know the police can track you down right? hahaha watta dumbass
dianaNov 28 2004 2:59pmFLAGwhats wrong with smoking weed?
being kaned kicks ing ass!! i love weed!!
WeedLover xxDec 13 2004 5:13pmFLAGWhy would you do that stupid what is wrong with you do you know that the police can get on the web and check stuff like that. Maybe not because the weed ate all of your blood cells.
crazyjayzJan 05 2005 4:40pmFLAGmy sis smokes weed shes dead
your an idiotJan 20 2005 7:10amFLAGhey king what the fuch shut the hell up.
gangsterJan 20 2005 7:14amFLAGI pass on grass. HUGS NOT DRUGS!
like it i got it from a friend
the guy on ur phoneFeb 19 2005 7:45pmFLAGyou guys are so dumb. go up!!!! so im at job core stoned at a bitch!!!! does weed make you dumb??? j/w
roxy.k yo baby g!!!Feb 25 2005 12:19pmFLAGholla back at: tell me what cha know!!!
roxy.k yo baby g!!!Feb 25 2005 12:27pmFLAGholla back at: tell me what cha know!!!
roxy.k yo baby g!!!Feb 25 2005 12:32pmFLAGHey who said sean waz a crank what is his last name?
Dot DotMar 01 2005 7:06pmFLAGsure, let me buy my way to stupidity!! if u do weed urstupid..if u do weed and tell other people that u dont smoke weed then ur a hippocrit..either way, we all are stupid and hippocritical
dont have a name....Mar 13 2005 4:06pmFLAG
did u no that fag means pile of sticks?????
did u no that fag stick means cigeratte butt?????
jeloverMar 14 2005 7:36pmFLAGhey waz up who dose weed
barryApr 07 2005 9:28amFLAGU shouldnt do weed. My sis and dad died from it. I had to be put in a foster home b/c of them and I blame drugs 4 it. hink bout it.
log manApr 21 2005 3:44amFLAGi pooped on firday last sunday it was good
it was goodApr 21 2005 3:45amFLAGwell gess what iv just sold crack to school girls at hellens wood hastings uk ..we all have weekley skag ..and the crack is be like me move here ..its so fab ..iv got a 10 bag now come look at my bum a boffin i play world of warcraft.and then i saty up till 8 in the moring lookin at docter who ..i understand skunkweed,,he talks sence..
ivor the engineApr 21 2005 3:48amFLAGyea well if u carry on skunkweed .il have to give u a wank in your bed ..iv invited the police to look at my c*ck as it enters in to ur bum .,..they mite even vidoe it ..and put it on lets all get the coock out and want to vannsea on cosmetic surgary live.i love the programe last weed a tranzvestit had his c*ck cut off ..i have a c*ck too ..i think its small as a big c*ck ..iv have 3 spliffs and 2 vodka and cokes ..lovely wank fuel....i can com in 30 seconds...can u ..oh yea ,,MIKE CHEAKED IT OUT
the nice big boys in the hastings ploice wank me offApr 21 2005 3:53amFLAGthe police cant find me super man..
super manApr 21 2005 3:54amFLAGi just called popopopo, this bitch is like . she was confused like she didn't even know what weed was. i'm devastated, absolutely devastated. theres is no free weed guys..
the brave caller..Apr 23 2005 8:28amFLAGweed is O.K, its derived from the earth. mother nature blessed us with the stuff. (don't trace my computer number) bob marley is a legend and he smoked pot.. get high everyone (if anyone is taking my advice and gets happy from it.. good.. if you get depressed wasn't my fault and i do not indorce the product)
myth busterMay 09 2005 4:30amFLAGPunetzi fratilor programe pentru yahoo messenger care sa mearga si o sa intre multzi tare o aceasta pagina