Kidnap me and ill serve you forever
The Problem: I want to be kidnapped used, abused and to be kept as a 24/7 slave and be treated as property to where whoever has me can sell me to whomever. And use me however they want. I never want to be found. I just want to be taken. Yes I know this is unusual request ant not many people think this is real but I assure you it is just email me at Mastersbabygirl0/2/1/5/1/3/8/5@gmail.com or kik me at Queen_Andaconda No/ in email or text me at no . and i will answer any questions you may have.i am from the Southern USA. And as i am serious i do hope u are to so please do not waste my time.
Asked by: Southernslave at
07:42:30 PM, Wednesday, June 19, 2019 EDT
Snapchat is t_bolin
Snapchat is t_bolin Jun 19 2019 5:24pm FLAG