baby Dec 19 2013 11:08amFLAGThat's cool, I'm . Wat u look like?
¿Dec 19 2013 11:08amFLAG
No, she wanted me, we were just talking, get it right. @¿ Daddy. He is a pedo, you need to leave him. @baby
AnonymousDec 19 2013 11:09amFLAGDude I asked her to make a post wen we were in love, I was a different Ann, I just made a name, damb ur a stupid fuk, and y do u give a fuk who she is with, r u her dad no, her mom no, so leave her alone
¿Dec 19 2013 11:10amFLAGI'm saying its pedophillia. Get lost, dumbass.
AnonymousDec 19 2013 11:13amFLAGU get lost, I'm the one who asked her to make the post, and u don't know how old he is, and for all u know she could be lie in bout her age and cold be 40 u don't fukin no
¿Dec 19 2013 11:14amFLAGI'm talking about Daddy, "big boy." Get lost. I'm nit leaving, prick.
AnonymousDec 19 2013 11:15amFLAGAnon He was my first bf on here and then we broke up.... and he left and came back.. I know all about him...I love him with all my heart he's never cheated or done anything to hurt me.
baby Dec 19 2013 11:16amFLAGOkay @Anon the question mark guy is the one the post was made for... sorry.
baby Dec 19 2013 11:17amFLAGYou made this post for me. Or thats what Daddy said. -_-
AnonymousDec 19 2013 11:18amFLAGMy name was anon, I changed it if u read all the post on here, fuk. So anyways baby, don't
Listen to him, u be with who u like
baby Dec 19 2013 11:21amFLAGAnd thanks to anon my bf is leaving.
baby Dec 19 2013 11:22amFLAGAnon ty for leaving. ? Thank you, so whatcha wanna talk about?
baby Dec 19 2013 11:26amFLAGbaby u wanna be frenids !?x
baby Dec 19 2013 11:41amFLAGMe or the one starting stuff, I'm here or u
baby Dec 19 2013 11:48amFLAGI want u, but u have a bf and I'm not one for the threesomes and stuff. :/ and hey u don't listen to anyone who says u shouldn't be with who u love ok
AnonymousDec 19 2013 12:04pmFLAGok. And the 3sum was just for .
baby Dec 19 2013 12:08pmFLAGWhat do you want to talk about?
baby Dec 19 2013 12:14pmFLAGIt doesn't matter to me, and that's wat I mean, I don't even really
¿Dec 19 2013 12:15pmFLAGLOL so your like my bff. Don't haha its okay.
baby Dec 19 2013 12:19pmFLAGHey baby go to the same chat
baby Dec 19 2013 12:28pmFLAGSo I was inlove with another guy when me and Jeremy started talking again. And he loves me back so I have a bf, I love 2 guys that love me back. And I like my bff.
baby Dec 19 2013 12:32pmFLAGHe sort I was helping my mom, so I'm ur bff now?
Poloboy650Dec 19 2013 12:46pmFLAGIDK LOL I have to ask him.
baby Dec 19 2013 12:47pmFLAG
Well he answer the question "none"
baby Dec 19 2013 12:50pmFLAGWat that mean lol, u have the right to be friends with who u want.
¿Dec 19 2013 12:52pmFLAGHey, we can be friends and that's all lol.
baby Dec 19 2013 12:53pmFLAGWell that's all I wanna be is ur friend, I don't really have any friends:/ people make fun of me all the time
¿Dec 19 2013 12:54pmFLAGHe said You cant be my bff because he don't know you yet. I have a protective bff.. That's why I love him haha.
baby Dec 19 2013 12:57pmFLAGBut we can be friends for now lol.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:01pmFLAGOK, and u don't have to worry, I'm very respectful, I don't , and I really am the type who prefers people not to , I think if u wanna have sex let it be real and to do it with the person u love, I'm and still a virgin because of my beleifs
¿Dec 19 2013 1:04pmFLAGIm planning on having my first kiss and sex with Jeremy its been planned for like 3 or 4 months now.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:07pmFLAGWell that's good, as long as with who u love, now I have had my first kiss, but she passed away is y we went together. It would piss me off, she was bald because she had cancer and people would make fun of her, but I love her to death, she is the only girl I had ever truly loved
¿Dec 19 2013 1:11pmFLAGAWWWW im sooooo sorry. Yeah. I really love Jeremy and I don't want to loose him ever. OMG your making me cry. :'( I'm sorry.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:14pmFLAGDon't worry, it was like 3 years ago, but I'm the kind who will be there for others but for some reason when I need something I have no one there for me, there is one girl who is but her dad want let us hang out
baby Dec 19 2013 1:18pmFLAGThanks, omg I'm dreading monday
¿Dec 19 2013 1:21pmFLAGLol why? And its only Thursday haha.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:24pmFLAGBecause my best friends mom passed away one year ago on the 23
¿Dec 19 2013 1:26pmFLAGOh sorry My best friends mom passed away as well 6 years ago.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:27pmFLAGI'm sorry, heck I had a bad day Monday cause a man I knew was murdered 3 years ago
¿Dec 19 2013 1:28pmFLAGCan we stop talking about death please. 2 of my uncles passed away One in Feb. And one in July, and The lady that raised me my dad's grandma. Passed away recently from cancer, right after my dad said he don't want me, and my brother told me to kill myself. Sooo yeah. And I found out she died through facebook.
baby Dec 19 2013 1:30pmFLAGYea we can, and ik how u feel. Hugs u, ik exactly how u feel
¿Dec 19 2013 2:06pmFLAGhave been for a week. And never drink vodka and patron when your sick and tired...omg My head was hurting soo bad this morning.
baby Dec 19 2013 2:12pmFLAGHaha I have done way more than that baby
¿Dec 26 2013 6:44pmFLAGI am a Mistress seeking female slaves. You must be able to prove you are a real girl. All experience levels are accepted. I will teach you the ways of BDSM! Don't be shy ^.^ I am a loving caring Mistress and I want to start a community of girls who can be open with each other and have fun. We will establish a little family. Please message me on kik if interested! My kik is >>> Drawwithmee