guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 7:01amFLAGDo you play guitar or something? I do, and I have guitar rehearsal in an hour so if you wanna talk then talk if not well then I will be back around am, it's 9am here now.
babyNov 21 2013 7:03amFLAGWell first because I keep going back and forth to see if my bff msged me back, and your post is at the bottom, when more posts get added your will disappear.
babyNov 21 2013 7:05amFLAGAll the guys I talk to I make them post here.
babyNov 21 2013 7:08amFLAGOk I'm sorry, I feel like I'm being rude.
babyNov 21 2013 7:17amFLAG
Can we please start over. Hey, what are you up to?
babyNov 21 2013 7:28amFLAGHaha just in class learning about the crusades. Wbu?
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 8:22amFLAGJust got done with rehearsal omg my heart was beating fast. Because we my group is advanced guitar class, and one of our people didn't show up I mean there's only 5 of us but still. And all the people that do piano... I know them we just don't see eachother often and I was soooo nervous. there's going to be like 300 people there. OMG!! I don't do well with audience unless I am doing a fashion show, or has something to do with a camera.
joshNov 21 2013 9:53amFLAGGuitarguy talk to me please ;)
babyNov 21 2013 9:58amFLAGWow your kinda famous on here
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:01amFLAGThis would be easier elsewhere...
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:03amFLAGhaha I'm not famous most of the posts are from my bff and my ex, and other guys that want to talk to me like fire, and Sdrawkcab, and ppl I don't know.
babyNov 21 2013 11:10amFLAGLike a little fan club :)
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:15amFLAGhaha I guess I've been on here for 2 months and have only ed with 2 guys now it's 3 but still. And yeah I only talk to guys not girls.
babyNov 21 2013 11:18amFLAGNot even just generally ?
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:22amFLAGI'm not a slut, not a whore, not a h0e, I'm definitely not b!tchy. Just nice and sweet.
babyNov 21 2013 11:23amFLAGHa I have some friends that are girls, its just I used to be a lesbo soo I don't get along with girls.
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:39amFLAGWe always were fukin arguing,it was like fighting with yourself. Then we would kiss and make up then 5 min. later we were fighting again. It was worse when we were both on our period. I couldn't take it.
babyNov 21 2013 11:44amFLAGHaha that's pretty bad, I couldn't imagine
babyNov 21 2013 11:47amFLAGSo what do you like to do to entertain yourself?
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:50amFLAGHaha umm, well I play guitar, I'm a cheerleader, gymnast, I workout 4 times a week, I like hunting, fishing, I'm an equestrian...
babyNov 21 2013 11:56amFLAG
Ever been in the rodeo?
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 11:57amFLAGI used to do poles and barrels. I want to do team roping, and pining.
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 12:17pmFLAGNo my grandparents do, everyone on my moms side does.
babyNov 21 2013 12:26pmFLAGMy aunt barrel races to.
babyNov 21 2013 12:26pmFLAGWow your family sounds awesome
guitarguy48Nov 21 2013 12:43pmFLAGhaha. No there not I cant see them anymore because they are mad at my mom for dating another guy although its been 7 months since the divorce. And my dad said he doesn't want me.
babyNov 21 2013 12:55pmFLAGEverybody has issues but your still pretty awesome