poloboy650Nov 08 2013 12:36pmFLAG
Ok, so why are you saying don't break up with him?
babyNov 08 2013 12:42pmFLAGIf you wanting to know what's up with me and jawa just go to our conversations... he likes me alot alot a lot. Umm I love talking to him. And just go look if you need to, because I don't know what exactly your trying to say.
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 12:56pmFLAGim not sure... He said themoment your single let me know and your gunna be mine, I said not unless poloboy650 gets to me first he said I will fight him for you. I was joking though I know you don't like like me like he does.
babyNov 08 2013 1:29pmFLAGI already know who u are going to chose if ur single
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 1:31pmFLAGI know but we don't even talk a lot... I was just about to start a conversation last night bt you had to go to sleep, And sometimes when I do try to talk you just disappear.
babyNov 08 2013 1:39pmFLAGwhat WAS we going to talk about
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 1:43pmFLAGeach other, laugh, have some humor, joking around. I just wanted to talk to you.
babyNov 08 2013 1:47pmFLAGsorry and why u didn't want to talk to ur baba
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 1:49pmFLAGI didn't want to get in ur convo with ur friends
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 1:51pmFLAGYour my friend to.
babyNov 08 2013 1:53pmFLAGbut seem like yall do more stuff toghter
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 1:59pmFLAGOh im guessing you read that today. Uhm that was a one time thing, they are wanting to do it again but I already said I didn't like it, because I don't like 3 sums.
babyNov 08 2013 2:05pmFLAGnever did it in long time
poloboy650Nov 08 2013 2:07pmFLAGhuh? I don't get what you just said.
babyNov 08 2013 2:10pmFLAGHey I just wrote something in our thread baby, but I'll talk here if ya want.
babyNov 08 2013 2:47pmFLAGhey in 10 min. I gotta get dressed for the party but will use another device so around 5:30ish I will be back on, until then type faster.