The Problem: i want to be a famous singer really bad but im olny .My voice already develuped and im verry perffeshinal.Whenever i sing on stage when i come off i cant turn all the way around without people telling me how good i was.Any advice
Asked by: i want shawn m. at
11:25:08 AM, Monday, January 03, 2011 EST
maybe you should post videos of your self singing on youtube maybe usher or someone famous will see it and like ur voice
thank you.i posted 1 video on youtube of me singing crazeir taylor swift but i might post some justin bieber, i cant post right now though because i just got over strep and my singing and even just tallking will crack
meJan 11 2011 4:45pmFLAGYou're ugly and i like potatoe's. I have big d*ck with a giant wart.
Safina Mariano.Jan 29 2011 3:58pmFLAG @ Safina Mariano: why would u put u have a giant wart thats disgusting. @i want shawn m.: Maybe you should get into some of those groups like ren singing groups and maybe some talent seeker will one day spot you :D
S and A: The PsychologistsMar 06 2011 11:42amFLAGhey! good singer dont mean age!!thats exuse!...try to open ur openining ur mouth as much & from deep abdomen....not from nose....i hope u understand!!!
abizaks!Apr 04 2011 2:24amFLAGNo one understands your ridiculous post abizaks, you ridiculous ! And don't think this is just aimed at little abizaks here. This is directed at all you foul smelling little s! THINK THERE'S A GIANT NUMBER 3! SHOUTIN AT KIDS!?! MAYBE YOUVE BEEN SMOKING TOO MUCH GUNGA MATE!
SIR SCROTUMApr 27 2011 12:06pmFLAG
If you need to get out there me and 3 of my buddies are in the forgotten and were lookin for a singer If tou live in oklahoma or utah